Reviving a DESTROYED Jeep that BURNT DOWN in a FIRE

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[Music] this thing looks absolutely trash because it is [Music] welcome to our new wicked 1947-ish willy's jeep this thing looks absolutely trash because it is this thing was sitting in someone's garage and it ran and drove at the time and then about six years ago the entire house burnt down and unfortunately the jeep went with it it seems to me that the fire was a lot hotter on this side than the other side because the tires are completely melted off over here whereas on the other side not so much the problem with the fire burn jeep is that they're just not structurally sound anymore or anything that's vibrant for that matter once metal heats up to a certain temperature it loses its strength and it's just no longer safe to operate something like that on the road now a 4x4 a little bit different store if you strictly just off-road but you never want to get in a lamborghini that burned to the ground and try to go 200 miles an hour in it what's sad is this thing looked like it was a pretty decent jeep before it burned to the ground i mean there's a little bit of patchwork but overall the body's not terrible my windshield is a favorite part this sucker just sloping down because the fire got it so hot they just melted it even the glass melted on this thing and uh reformed itself to interesting shapes of course as with any other jeep purchase they seem to think on the trash man and just chuck everything in here as possible to get off their property with the steering wheel still steers the axles actually rolled when we put up on the trailer and get this transmission shifts transfer case shifts so really i think the guts of this thing are pretty decent until you get under the hood it's still got a flathead engine in it and i will admit that i cheated for it during the video that i was sanded off the serial number of the block and it says 4t on it which means four wheel drive willy's truck so it's not the original engine and the engine heads actually have a ford gpw look at that carburetor melted onto the intake manifold now unfortunately the radiator took one for the team as well she's all melted and definitely not usable my favorite part i will have to say is this radiator hose how it's melted halfway open you can kind of see the ridges from the other side so no nothing in the engine bay is good at all but who can forget the battery look at that sucker it looks radioactive the cool thing is that the frame looks relatively decent on this it's definitely not one i would ever want to use in a restoration because it's been heated up so bad but the frame horns look pretty straight the bumper is pretty straight i did notice that the leaf springs got so hot that they have arched upside down normally leaf spring goes this way but this one's going that way i kept watching this thing on marketplace i'm like no you don't need any more projects let it go don't need a burnt down vehicle i'm like you know i do need a burnt down vehicle so i went scoop drop i left up there for two weeks nobody else wanted it so we're gonna see what we can't do with this sucker the coolest thing about this vehicle is that it's a hundred percent guilt free there's absolutely nothing of value on this thing for a nicer jeep that you use in restoration start looking for an engine order brake parts for it and then we can get it running driving stopping whatever happens after that is anyone's guess so took the training cover off the bolts around the training we're gonna go and pop off the shift cover i've got it neutral and it's ready to go quite a bit what we're gonna see had a little bit of water because this was sitting outside water runs right down the shift tower right there but there's a lot of mud and paint around here so i don't think i got super hot see what we find wow it's actually not bad now normal person would be like oh there's a lot of rust in there i wouldn't run that sucker but you know what i've seen much much worse transmissions than this and they all ran so i have all the hope in the world that this thing's actually pretty good and the fact that we still have liquid in here means that the seals aren't so destroyed that all the water you know leaked out or oil or whatever is left in here so i'm thinking we're gonna go clean that sucker up just uh spray a little brake clean on there scrub it a little bit yeah you know the bearings aren't gonna last super long because all that rust and crap in there but you know what for what we're working with this is one of those cases where a clean workspace is a safe workspace because i found screws and glass you know the glass from the windshield and the glass from all these gauges laying around lift her up clean her up and then we'll start checking out this end i'm going to pull the wheel off hub off and then i'm going to check the wheel bearings inside of here all right pulling out the first bearing all right see what she looks like a little bit of water thought out of the bottom here yeah let's not want to come out i see the brake shoes are dragging a little bit but enough to hinder us all right check that out that bearing is not bad i mean it's not even it's not even pitted these are better bearings than what i took off the submarine that's a good hug we we might be in luck i cannot believe it absolutely amazing let's see if i hold the background on the camera can focus the the seal on the back of this is actually in good shape too let's feel what this bearing is like and that bearing might be a little we need to repack them for sure well it might be a look it might be in luck i'm going to turn the steering wheel see how hard it is not the greatest with the condition of the hub on the end of the axle i'm like you know what we need to check and see what's inside the differential cover so we're going to pop it off quick and look inside that is pure water coming out no oil just water it might be screwed oh let's see huh where's the inside the differential there is the cover which is holy that's a lot of metallic come up has a lot of metallic in there so what this tells me is this axle is probably bad before it burnt down there's a lot of chunks of grease and it's all very very shiny and it smells horrendous yeah lucky you can't smell on youtube because this is the worst smell i've ever smelled that is pure shiny out of the differential i have removed the passenger side wheel hub and what i found is that the wheel bearing is excellent on here i'm kind of leaning towards just cleaning the thing out sending it front axle went so well quite unquote we're gonna go and try the rear axle alrighty here we go oh we got a little bit of water but we got a lot of gear oil here oh yeah that's what i'm talking about that's interesting this axle didn't have much water in it but you can see on the top there's like a lot of dirt around the uh pinion right there which is really odd to me a lot of pitting i'm sure the bearings are pitted on this rear end what i'm gonna do is take off the hubs on both sides because this axle turns over pretty hard i think the brakes are dragging on it and uh once we get the brakes off we'll turn it over by hand and see what she does but at this point it's making the front axle look uh like an angel the current problem i have with the rune is that it's not turning over i put a breaker bar right on the hub and i cannot get it to move pushing pretty good bending the bar and the axle is not spinning over on either side so i'm gonna pull these hubs off i think the brakes might be adjusted so far out that they're catching the drum and uh we're gonna hope that's the case holy moly look at that that brake shoe is all messed up the axle shaft itself looks pretty decent but this stuff is definitely trashed that was way too easy to take off considering how hard the axle is to spin over so like i was saying that hub came off super super easy normally what happens is these brake shoes are adjusted so far outwards this way that it catches the drum and it keeps that axle from spinning but those drums popped right off which means there wasn't any drag on this so i thought okay you know it seems a little odd i went underneath there with the pry bar and i stuck it right between the drive shaft around the yoke right there and just pushed as hard as i could and i got the axle to spin just a little bit and that's about all she had we could probably run the axle for a very short time the problem we're going to run into is that it's going to take so much power from the jeep it's going to create so much heat i mean it's not even last long enough to have fun with it so we absolutely need to swap out this rear axle and i think it's because the differential is just filled with dirt and i'm sure the carrier bearings are just rotted in place the front axle is a different story we're going to think about that as we continue on very few days i walk over and i move the steering wheel back and forth a little bit i'm gonna start spraying some pb blaster down here some grease some grease along the joints i think that's gonna free up a lot better and we gotta keep the fire steering wheel that's two gangster here's a rear axle for the jeep of course we've got the almighty lincoln locker look at that that's a pretty good weld in there i didn't make any plate to connect all the gears together i just welded them because i was like you know i'm too lazy for a plate and really once again nothing of value really lost now if you can see there's a lot of crud down in this axle i'm sure has been eating away inside the bearings over here and i can only imagine how they look on the inside and then every time i dump this axle back and forth on the forklift a lot of water's coming out of this bearing so who knows what she looks like but it'll be good enough for who it's for decided to lube up the axle before we popped on the differential cover i thought you know what let's try to turn it over by hand and it is crunchy and right there we got a dead stop it's hard to power through so she's gonna be an excellent axel debary in the mud this is a gpw head which is the only reason why we're going through the effort because this thing's probably worth a hundred bucks and we can reset to buy other parts i removed all the head studs now we just gotta pry it off so you have to pull it straight up in the air and what do we have it's really not that bad i mean the cylinder walls aren't all rusted i mean the valves obviously this engine was never going to run you can see a lot of rust build up on here i'm assuming because of the fire and same thing a lot of rust on these but overall i mean it's not as bad as i thought it was gonna be truthfully i think this block is probably savable the junk engine is finally out of the jeep and i've got to say the clutch doesn't look so bad in this thing if you look at the flywheel it's got you know grease on it instead of pure rust all the way around which is pretty good there's a lot of oil down here which tells me the rear main was probably leaking right into the clutch and bell housing area so that would have just slipped had the engine ever ran in the first place which obviously she was not going to i mean look at that coil absolutely blown apart overall the engine is a lot better than i expected it to be as for the chassis she's looking extremely bare i mean not much left up here the next step is to work on the front end what i need to do is get all the brakes done the new rear axle installed and the front leaf springs now that our pedals and braking systems all on the open we need to go through and figure out why these pedals are moving together instead of independently because we can't have our clutch pedal moving the brake pedal once this thing's all said and going we finally had the leaf springs off the jeep this has been the most miserable part of the process thus far for some reason the shackles were extremely stuck inside of the little shackle mounts right here on the frame you see this half is still slopping around inside that i need to knock out with an air hammer but uh they do not want to come out and you can see i've been sweeping underneath this jeep every time i work on it and just more and more dust keeps falling underneath here i actually had to end up cutting out the little bushing on the shackle right here because it would absolutely not come out i see it's tweaked a little bit but no problems for what we're doing with it and we've got brand new front leg springs i've been keeping these around in the shop just in case i ever needed them this tells you how old they are they have a jc whitney sticker on them i mean these things are super super old i'm in here working on the jeep doing the front axle and i see all this water just start pouring onto the ground i'm like where in the world's that coming from i look up and it's coming out of the front of the transfer case where the front drive shaft comes out so i'm assuming the output seal just let go and all that water is just ripping right out of there which definitely sucks because that means the transfer case is not going to last that long with the seal leaking that bad but uh unless we continue on i completely forgot to film it yesterday but i've got the rear axle in the jeep this is the replacement axle i've started on the front brakes here and uh the inside of the knuckle is not very promising when i popped the bolts out these lower bolts a bunch of water came out of the axle and there's a lot of crud and rust in there and the balls feel decently tight there are five balls that hold the ends of the axle shaft onto the main section and if these things are worn out you can actually pop all those balls out and they fall on the floor then you gotta try to reassemble thing just now we're doing so that's what the inside of that looks like that spindle is absolutely rusted on the driver's side you can tell that the bearings probably weren't very happy sitting on there and i've got the backing plate off the axle as you can see and i'm soaking the bolts in pb blaster because they're kind of cruddy and i don't want to ruin the threads taking these nuts off so i got pb blaster going on those lower bolts and these two are lobes that are adjusters for the brake shoes i've gone over brakes plenty of times on my channel so if you want to see a video about that there's one of my blue jeep that i do we've got the front brakes on the jeep really parts that are way too nice for this chassis i've got the front passenger and the front driver on those are ready to rock we've got the new leaf springs on we got some shackles that at least hold up on the front end what i've got to do now is get the rear brakes on and then repack the wheel bearings and the hubs slide those back over pretty boring probably not going to film that i am super super proud check this out the pedals move independently of each other once again right pedal moves clutch pedal moves i just been soaking that sucker in pb blaster and it's only take me about two days i've got to say it's working really really well i'm just coming down here and soaking the bottom of the shaft that the pedal is right on then i've also been soaking the steering box and all the little steering linkages i've been letting the pb blaster pull up inside of all these little sections and what you could see is the steering yeah it's not the greatest by any means but it is moving a lot better than what it was and i think this is going to plenty good enough to ride around in i just got done picking up a hobart welder found this pretty local to me and the reason why i got this is because it has a willy's jeep engine and i must say it matches the patina of the jeep perfectly there are some differences with the generator engines i mean you see the thermostat housing kind of points upwards a little bit the carburetors are flipped around on these just subtle little things like that we officially have our generator engine ready to go into the jeep really all i had to do was unbolt the large legs that bolted the generator engine up here and then i took off the generator bell housing and i installed a willy's jeep uh bell housing backing plate i don't know exactly what that would be called so put that on we needed a jeep flywheel with an accompanying bell housing i used the flywheel off the engine that was originally in the jeep that way now the belt housing the flywheel all match up together and the starter got a new clutch and pressure plate on there i flopped the carburetor a 180 on a generator these come facing the opposite direction and then they connect to linkage on the governor system up here i removed the governor system got a new fuel pump on there and then there's a lot of gunk in the spark plug holes so i went through soaked them all in pb blaster got the gunk loosened up clean out the screwdriver backing it out pulled out the plugs clean them up put them back in on the jeep side of things i installed a new throttle bearing cleaned up the clutch fork and got a new throw bearing spring back here as well greased everything got it all one hundred percent ready to go [Music] we are finally getting so close to driving this thing it's felt like so much more work than i anticipated but then again aren't all projects i've got the engine installed all bolted up to the belt housing i was messing with starters seeing which one would work and i had to use one of my rebuilt ones i had stashed around got the new coil on there i've got a brand new thermostat inside the thermostat housing and now the only thing i'm not super proud of is the radiator setup you can see i've got welded brackets right here and then i got some brackets over there well this is a cj2a frame this is a cj 3a radiator you know that because camera focuses here that the radiator bolts up on the front section right there which should bolt to the back with cj3a grille a cj2a radiator has tabs that go underneath the frame and it bolts onto those tabs i didn't have any 2a radiators laying around i had a couple 3a's and this one has been botched a little bit someone's definitely done some repair job right here i haven't welded in a long time but you know what that ain't bad at all is it i've also got the fuel lines run on the jeep the one coming from the tank and then the one going to the carburetor got the carburetor all bolted up i've got our choke cable on i've got a return spring for the throttle i've got the pedal installed there are some structural integrity issues going on here we might have to adjust later maybe but we do have the brakes all the way installed they are bled and i've got to say the copper lines are sweet just gotta get those clamped down right here i have a can of rust-oleum multi-colored texture what i did is went to the store and i grabbed a piece of rust off the jeep held up to all the spray cans and that was about the closest i can find i found these tires and wheels on facebook marketplace for i think i paid 300 bucks for them then i have 50 bucks in gas going to get them obviously they're not the greatest tires in the world the front two are just about one step above from being bald but i did put the good ones on the rear these have a decent amount of tread left and whilst i put these on the rear because the differential is welded we got a little bit of a lincoln locker back there and according to this tire you can't slip so that means when we're out in the mud pure traction baby pure traction so we're going to make everything match the wheels here or should i say the rest of the jeep a little bit of advice on an old radiator like this is you always want to check the overflow tubes on these they're actually a hard line that comes right underneath the fill cap and they run all the way down the radiator and they just drop down to the ground a lot of times these things are smashed like this one is smashed off right about here which is no good at all if you don't really care about how the jeep looks too much like i'm in this situation i'm actually going to cut this off of the grinder then i'm going to take a rubber hose and run it down and if you want to get really crazy you can mount like a ketchup bottle over here put the hose from here into the ketchup bottle and then you have a little overflow tank we are finally at the end of the jeep build i've got everything ready to rock the jeep runs drives and stops so this thing is obviously ready to go to off-road park with zero testing ahead of time we've got two sponsors in today's video and the first one i like to introduce is aux beam there is aux beam so oxman sent us a free light bar to put on the jeep i was really concerned about ruining the aesthetic of the jeep i didn't want to put headlights in the thing because i feel like those big googly eyed headlights would just ruin the look of the thing and aux being reached out to me and they're like hey we love your videos we want to give you some sponsorship check out our website and see what you want so i measured the width of the jeep bumper right here and i found a light bar that matched a perfect description that sits in between the frame rails but i've got it mounted just before the bumper so it doesn't look goofy sitting on the front end or anywhere else or up on the windshield anything like that not only did we get the wicked little light bar we've got another setup here from aux beam and check this thing out this is a switch panel i did not have time to install this into the jeep we're probably going to play with this in a later video but this is a two four six eight game panel from aux beam so you could run the entire jeep off of the system which was my original plan i just did not have time i'm leaving for an off-road trip tomorrow and the jeep just got done they've got decals that you can put whatever you want on the buttons put power headlights fuel etc stick them on there so when you hook up to the jeep you press power button the jeep would turn on maybe a horn maybe headlights start button etc it's got all the control boxes it's got a resettable fuse i mean you couldn't ask for a better little setup i really gotta give a big thanks to auxbeam for sending us this stuff this would look great on the jeep now your boys got a second sponsor for the video not one but two so this is gulu this is a battery jumper pack now when i'm messing with all these old jeeps as you can see they're not much to look at so most of the time you don't put a ton of work into them and 99 time i don't add charging systems to them because i buy them get them running and then resell them now this jeep actually did wire charging system but i just did it tonight meanwhile i've been driving the jeep off of this battery which is just about dead and it barely cranks the jeep engine over so golu has sent me a battery jumper pack which i'm really really excited this is probably my most needed object on the whole channel because the battery jumper pack i've been using has been going dead so what we do is we turn it on here i'm at 97 because i charged it earlier so i'm gonna hook up the battery jumper back to the jeep so there's our positive then we've got our negative terminal right here and it's also got a light right here super cool feature now once you gotta connect to your battery you press boost button it says ready right on it now we're gonna go ahead to the jeep and see if she cranks over oh look at that the battery jumper pack is the bomb i've gotta say i absolutely love it again i want to give a big thanks to golu and aux beam a big shout out for sponsoring the video you can see on the golu battery jumper pack look how small that is compared to how big the one i've been using for about a decade i mean we're talking a third of the size and this aux beam setup i mean this thing is perfect for setting up willy's jeep for getting the bear functions on a switch panel testing out a wiring system and this thing is just excellent let alone the light bar which we're gonna put this jeep in the test we're gonna do the first test drive of the jeep at night because i'm loading this sucker on the trailer and we're taking our wheeling tomorrow and it's obviously dark outside because as always i'm far behind schedule so we're going to see what this light bar really does really can't deny how bright this light bar is i mean i love my original headlights and all my other jeeps so man it's so nice to be able to see out here i can change the colors of the led light depending what i picked on my phone look at that we got purple we got a little bit of orangish got some blue going on i mean this thing is just awesome [Music] oh you
Channel: Turn N Burn
Views: 439,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bogging, trail, ride, woods, stuck, winch, atv, floating, water, willys, jeep, cj2a, cj3a, cj3b, cj5, cj6, cj7, scrambler, barn find, barn, hidden, history, apu, army jeep, military jeep, ultimate adventure, madram11, hill climb, roadkill, dirt every day, dirt everyday, snow, ndt, sunk, parade, veteran, jk, tj, yj, jl, lj, crawler, rock bouncer, mud, muck, ford gpw, m151, mutt, mb
Id: Igi-64TUoXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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