Broken Vessels Made Whole

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team of Jesus we ask that you would help us Lord to - to receive what he's about to say would you uses his mouth God as your mouthpiece would you speak to us as of a word from the Lord we pray that you would help us to receive it God we ask that you would reveal to us help us increase our faith lord help us to be used of you would you mold and shape us into a vessel that can receive more and more and more of God I pray for that Lord and we give you permission Lord to do and say whatever it is that you want to do in our life would you bring understanding in the name of Jesus everyone say god bless brother pol thank you for allowing me to be here I'm glad I'm here on the day that we a lot of nations are represented apparently I represent the nation of Texas a man I didn't bring food just proud to be here glad to be here thank you for the invitation what tremendous services we've had so far and pray that God will continue to help us this morning and maybe you pray might want to pray for me going home I'm flying United again somebody pray that I've become the second person that becomes a millionaire hallelujah just just need God to bless me any man I'm told my wife just last night I said if I'd have known that that man was gonna get drugged off I'd have been hollering no years ago what was really funny is United oversold the flight that I was coming in and I was like oh this it takes to get real good because I'm going to be screaming no I can't go coming brother come brother better and tell them God has just blessed me I'll never see you again hallelujah praise the Lord glad you're here glad you're here this could be the last service you ever attend the Lord could come back at any time we don't know we do know that he's coming you can tell by the book of Revelation you can tell by the prophecies things are quickly ripening ramping up and so we're thankful for another opportunity to stand in the pulpit I want to read this morning from the Book of Jeremiah the 18th chapter and let's read starting with verse number 1 the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying arise and go down to the potter's house and there I will cause thee to hear my words then I went down to the potter's house and behold he wrought of work on the wheels the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hands of the Potter so he made it again another vessel as it seemed good to the Potter to make then the word of the Lord came to me saying o house of Israel can I not or can I not do with you as this Potter can I or can I not do with you as this Potter you may be seated thank you for standing and thank you for the praise worship and years ago I became fascinated with antiques I am a person that's I don't know this is against the law or not if there's any police in here you know but if I see an old house as dilapidated I'm probably going to stop and go in it I've always done that many many years and my wife scared of that she says you know you're when you bring something out that house you're stealing I said no you can't steal something to somebody else left so that's the theory in my mind I don't know what the law says about it but if you're in here don't tell me because I've enjoyed doing it for a long time but I mesmerised I have a lot of antiques I have a silver War Fork once you ever owned one you'll realize why people in those days didn't have many teeth it will literally damage your mouth if you miss and poke it's like a knife it'll just stab you got that I've got the first wind window defroster ever made I found that in a burnt building and I didn't even know what it was and just wrapped in a magazine or an actual newspaper in the 1930s or 40s and so took it and finally had it appraised and actually was just trying to find out what it was and piece of glass and a few wires attached to it and when the man told me what it was I said oh was it worth anything he said whether I'll give you and he told me what he'd give me and I said oh no I wasn't expecting that much I say you watch if you're saying that that's probably somebody's they'll say more so I'm just gonna take it and so I still have it and I've collected all kinds of stuff I stopped one time just driving through the woods and saw something out of my peripheral vision and stopped the truck my wife said what do you think sure do also be right back just keep the gun keep your gun you that haven't been here you can ask those that are and when I went into the woods I found an old coke box the old kind that you opened up the lids they had to put ice in and when I carried it out of the woods as all cans and everything else it was a dump and I carried this thing out of the woods my wife is going you've got to be kidding me and so I took it home we restored it and and you know it's just so I'll just go around collecting stuff if I think something has value or it tracks my attention and so one of the things that I'd collected was beanie babies I made a lot of money on beanie babies man and it was in the 90s before they changed that name there the tag on the ear and to you that don't know what that means it's irrelevant because you don't have anything and but they changed the tag and the value went down because they had beanie babies you could bought the so beanie babies on the side of the road and over the Internet and I could buy them for like seven or eight dollars and sell them for 60 and 70 and a hundred I had the first princess die beanie baby she and she's made out of PC pellets so it's a lot different than just a normal beanie baby I have them enclosed right now some of them they've never been touched by the human hand after I touched them heavier tags on them their tags are all perfect they're stored away and I have 467 and my wife thought I was absolutely crazy and because she goes you know your those rough East Texas redneck you're looking for dolls I said no I'm looking for money through the dolls team build drugs anymore so in doing that our I'd go to the hospitals and buy all their beanie babies you had to find places where nobody else thought they were and it dawned on me one day just driving around hey man I need to stop that Hospital see if they have beanie babies Sherry's supposed to buy our hospital I said the suckers are sick they can't go down and buy them and so I walked in sure enough I said hey you gonna need beanie babies and lady goes oh yeah we have a lot that's great how many's a lot she goes we've got these on the and so I bought the duck and I have the deer I have all of them and and I said you got in the back she says well we have a box I said I'll take the whole box and she said all of them what about the patients I said they should have got out of bed and come down I'm house all I know okay I don't know I you know that's not my business they want to set up their own morphine fine I'm buying beating things and so I made it a regular stop and she called hey Murph oh how you doing I didn't tell her there's no furniture here hey mr. Bowman how you doing great I got a case okay you know you should be hey Gordon how you doing - got a kilo so I thought that was pretty good what I'm trying to say I've changed a lot you know and so I've got beanie babies my wife she made fun of me of course when the value collapsed then she said you better get rid of all those she literally wanted me to give them to kids at church ain't givin no kid no beanie baby what if I gave me one at the sucker wound up being worth a half a million dollars and then she came up with this idea because we got so many - you know how they now have a little doll little bear or whatever on the pacifiers you know the little kid takes pacifier so there's a little doll there it might be a bear dog she says let's sew all these I said naw you ain't doing that I'm not doing that she goes well Gordon you're never going to get rid of said let me tell you what's going to happen when these days a prize so these beanie babies going to escalate because I said they were built in the 90s God's gonna bless me I'm going to become very wealthy and driving Mercedes and you're still going to be driving your Ford Explorer because you did not believe that and so I've collected things all through the years my home is a collection of what she will allow me to display I'm the boss but on this let her think she is seems to work out better and so years before I met her I was collecting I got a chance to buy some vases they were very rare and when I got this chance opportunity I decided to take it the vases were very expensive but as a single guy and had my own home and all that I thought well that's going to be something that will increase in value so I did instead of them delivering these vases at the same time they were protected and so they would only deliver one at a time and so I knew that my home was safe I had four Dobermans I had Shogun - he was outside he was trained if you came through the yard with anything and her hand like this to attack that was a usually a shotgun I wouldn't a drug dealer that just dealt drugs I was protected by my dogs you know saying and then Chester was a bad dog I bought from Germany $3,000 he would answer the door for me and when I opened the door and stepped back he would always go and go no matter who and usually if that was any kind of person that wasn't really supposed to be there like you know selling magazines they were just people gone and then I had Annabel Lee she was the to guard the inside Chester was not to let you in but if you got in then Annabel wouldn't let you out and then Blade Runner he was a dog for the outside and he was just crazy he would just bite anything he'd kill a squirrel you know he's living and so I knew my home was safe first vase came is beautiful it's pure white and immediately I realized that my house wasn't really equipped to display it correctly so I had this big armoire built and velvet crushed velvet material put in lights and put that vase there and it was beautiful this absolute beautiful the next one came and that was the dynasty of meaning Dynasty vase and it came and it had a little bit more to it it was blue and white people had learned how to incorporate color into the vases so I just played it with a light same display and after I acquired several more I was so thankful and proud of them that I threw a party and people came over to see but they didn't really come over to see they came over to party and so here I was trying to get them to see this beauty stuff and they all make it was just like Jimi Hendrix it was just a purple haze they didn't see any of that and and so I kind of just you know forgot about showing them to anybody if anybody came in and asked I had authentication papers and I would show them the papers show them which vase it was to tell him the story but now it became kind of a personal deal with me because nobody really cared it was like do you have any dope or you pick to have a party things like that and but over the years I moved and I packed those up gingerly and I would never allow a moving van to carry them they could carry the guns but my dogs and those vases always went with me and so through the years I kept them very safe and then I got married and when that happens to any man things change the forks are not where they're supposed to be because all those years I had them in the wrong place some you guys are afraid to smile right now you're just like oh god now why he don't want a medal in the house yeah and so it's quite experienced to me because I'd go over to where I thought the forks had been for all these years open it up and be something else ongoing so I really thought all these drugs are just there getting my minds messed up because I really have been reaching for towels but my brain always said it was Forks things disappeared I had 101 softball trophies and suddenly my mother-in-law's picture went up it was just that was a shocker he's like dude I got to go get some drug now I'm Jay and I told my mother-in-law one that she didn't like me I didn't like her and she likes me now but you know your mother-in-law don't like it when for Christmas she gives you hot sauce some you could have hoped for a dollar and but I told my mother-in-law I told my wife I said well one good thing about mother-in-law's picture being up it has less than to financial burden of the house she said well what do you mean I said we have not called Terminix sent your mother-in-law's picture went up as it goes wet night time when the roaches are trying to come out it's like what never mind go next door I don't know why my mother-in-law didn't like me but but then I got called to preach and you have to understand one time I had leaven a KERS with an oil well on it wouldn't mind but it was on the lock so I'd get in little residual income there and going through our family have barn had boat had stalls for horses three-car Garage had the big driveway wound through pine trees I had a beautiful little home sitting up there nobody's up on the hill so I was kind of isolated pine trees all around me and but then the Lord called me to preach and systematically I begin to have to find ways to fund the ministry you people that think you can just start preaching to make a lot of money I don't know I didn't happen to me I had to sell my gsm-850 Suzuki I sold a 69 Ford truck with a blueprinted engine I sold a 70 model Roadrunner I've sold my boat I sold every dog I had which at that time I had now acquired six and a Rottweiler and so I was just stead seeing my stuff disappeared finally we got down we had to move we moved into an apartment my little wife went to work and we were just struggling but I always kept those bases I'd always kept those bases and sherry would say you know if you just turn loose those bases and I'd go no I'm not there's a point where I'm not going to go past that's that's it I'm not going to those vases are not on the table the dogs the boat the cars not those vases and so we went into this apartment and the Lord began to bless us a little bit more and and my wife is always somebody that helps people always it always has been and show now the finances are getting a little better and wife's gotten a raise and I'm working a little bit more and getting paid my first week of preaching for five nights was thirty bucks it cost me 70 to get there that's it man that's how we just lay up and you know eat chicken to lunch then we roll over and twist the leg put it on the other side and eat chicken soup and that's what some people think we do and so my wife says there's a little poor couple in the church I've got children I want to help them I said the poor couple in the church is is in wall right here we ain't got no kids you know we can't even she said with Gordon they they can't pay their bills and and I've heard about it and could we allow her to come in and clean the apartment I mean that's three three three kitchen living room dining room combo in a bedroom I mean how much does it take I mean you can accidentally vacuum that much just and so I said okay and this lady thinks this and comes over does a real good job and Sherry's happy the little girls happy husband's happy everything is getting better and so I had put all my vases out just to look at him again and I had built this because we didn't have the armoire or anything now and I'd built this big ledge up there and my wife thought it did not go too good in the living room it just didn't go with the beanie bag we had a bean bag for a chair with duct tape and it's bad man and so she took those vases and a few of them and put them down a little bit on a rack and and made it look real pretty and she said it just looks better there and it did and I thought well you know that's a good reason to get married they can take something from over here make it look better that's good y'all understand anyway you got to understand I'm going through shock because the bread can't be on top of the refrigerator anymore that's where bread is supposed to be it keeps it you know the refrigerator vibrating it keeps the things apart they don't mold but don't know when I was hurt it's got to go in the pantry she's one of these people like I appreciate it but she's got all the corn lined up all the green beans lined up all that you mean you can be never go to my house and I can tell you hey man get a good deal of corn in the pantry and it's like true Oh ABC corn that's crazy and so this girl come home one day and and there's a shoe box on the on the little table that we had and I'm thinking well that's nice little handwritten note look talking I picked it up and here's what it said brother pol inside the box or the remaining pieces of those vases I am so sorry well I was wet I was so shocked because the only vases that I had ever remembered was that those and immediately I looked and there were no vases on this rack so I opened up that box and I stared at these broken pieces just absolutely destroyed pieces and I realized that the girl did not understand the value of those vases and she had allowed her child to come in and be playing and not watching and the child had picked him up thinking they were toys and apparently began to bang them together and immediately they began to crack being thus fragile and now I'm reading a note that says I'm sorry but what was so shocking to me is that to the young lady they were just vases that could be replaced they were vases that she probably was sorry but she had never known the value or the worth of those vases I had never taken time to explain to her the history I'd never taken time to explain how different they were and so to the eye of the beholder it was just broken pieces that could be put away into a trash can I immediately begin to weep because for years I had protected those with my life I had made sure that remove that those vases were protected packaged rights they were traveled in the car with me protected my dogs I handled them I put them in cases but I had gotten careless and exposed them to people that did not understand the value and so I went and took a toothpick and glue and I for memory begin to divide the pieces and I thought I'm going to put these broken pieces back together and so I heard the door open and sherry walks in and she says what happened and I told her she gasped she was so shocked that she just left the room and left me with these broken pieces she understood that because of the lack of education because she had not been in the process that slowly but surely the vases had gone from an extremely protected area and then because of financial difficulties those had been now and displayed in open areas and then now they're displayed down where anybody could touch them and so therefore she walked into the bedroom and closed the door and I set there at that table and took that tube of glue and that toothpick and I began to put them back together the white one and I begin to glue them and hold them and try to visualize in my mind from memory bring it back up exactly where this thing looked like and then the blue and when the white vine that went through it and I begin to put it back together and slowly but surely over a period of 3 to 6 days I put these vases back together to the best of my ability but there were chips that were gone there are pieces that were chipped off and edges gone and so when I looked at what I had made it was not what I had purchased and I realized that if I ever put those pieces back in front of any public eye that they would wonder why are you collecting broken vases these have cracks these have issues these look like they've been destroyed and tried somebody to put them the story now is useless because nobody wants to know about where they came from now they want to know who broke them and I realized as I set two of them the black one I couldn't put back together the there would never be anybody in my life that would be able to look at those vases and picture a perfect vase although they were seeing a cracked broken piece that literally I was the only one that could see the beauty in that vessel through those cracked pieces and therefore it was more wise to me and so I put them back in the box strike them all back together close the lid to the box I walked down the stairs of this apartment walk out to the dumpster I begin to weep now open the door to the dumpster and with one motion all of my dreams we're gone now walk back upstairs and my wife knew how I had become so emotionally attached she would say Gordon and I just say listen I don't want to talk about it I don't want to talk about it she didn't mean that I don't want to talk about it because now in my mind I have a picture of that beautiful vase the white one the white one with the blue vines the black one with the fish in bloom but now I don't have anything else to compare them to because they're just a memory there's nothing real they're gone I begin to think about how that here we are as a child and we're born then we are so perfect so pure there's no curse words in our mind there's no violence in our mind there's no hatred in our mind there is just pure innocence as a child and we begin to grow and we begin to to taste and see the world and suddenly the devil realizes that the perfection that we were created in he has to destroy that vessel because we are created in the image of God we are created in a perfect environment we are created by the master of everything and the devil knows that I when I look at them I see the creative power of the Almighty God that I used to serve and so now his mission is to destroy every vessel that he can he doesn't care how he does it he knows that I have methods he knows that he has many outlets to choose from but he's going to crack every vessel there is never a vessel that has been made unless it died in its perfection that hasn't been cracked there is not one person here this morning that has not gone through something that cracked that perfect environment I later in life had some bases that were not displayed and so we bought a home and and now I feel more secure and so I took the remaining vases vases I built another cabinet and put them in there and in our bedroom and so every time I'm looking at the ones that are still perfect I'm thinking about the ones that now they're so far removed from life they're gone and and so my wife wanted to display them in another place and we moved them from one side of the room the left side of the room the bedroom to the right side and so what it was everything's coordinated in my home so if you when you walk in you see the bed you see the books but when you walked out you saw these beautiful vases so a person walks in you know she's one of these interior decorators that doesn't get paid and she can decorate anything and so and I went yes well I had children and one day Gentry's running through the house and his little room was on the other side of that wall and I'm at the edge of the bed and I hear him running and I'm laughing because I loves my children and I love to see them happy but he slammed his door and immediately my eyes went up and the bases were rocking and somehow I leaped over the edge of the bed crashed into this um wha and held out both hands and caught both of those bases sherry comes in scold and Gentry and I walked into the room and I said the sherry look at these vases because there will never be another human ever see these vases never they will be put away in a safety deposit box because I could have lost these well she said well accidents I said no I'm tired of accidents I'm tired of trying to protect the perfection of the vases by displaying them in places where others don't respect it and so I did I took them and since that day in the 90s nobody including my wife has ever seen those vases but me I go into the vault when I desire pull out the boxes and look at those vases the reason is because I want to protect those vases but when I look at those I always remember the other ones that are broken I remember the pain felt I remember how I tried desperately to put them back together I remember trying everything humanly possible in my mind to make it better but it was never going to be better because I was not the Potter I was a person that did not mold that vessel I did not have the skills to make it again I begin to think again about teenage years how that now held stands up and rears its head and now teenagers are exposed to wickedness not just sin but evil how the devil begins to entice young people into pornography by simply a thing called the Internet how that teenagers you begin to become fractured vessels how that they're living in houses with fractured parents how they're living in an environment in school that is torn apart broken in pieces how that these kids that were perfected by God are now being crushed and crumbled how that my own life was such a pattern of that vessel as a young lad a young baby happy but at 14 ran away at 15 stealing motorcycles and taken them into Florida at 16 I'm bootlegging whiskey at 17 I've got a record I begin to think how that the enemy was like that door it just kept jarring and jarring and jarring and I began to get broken and broken and broken and nothing I did could put me back together because I was not the maker of myself that no matter where I went no matter how many tears I shed no how many how many times I stayed awake at night there was always this threat of suicide just hanging right over my shoulder today if you look at my left wrist you will see 13 scars where I decided one night in a bit of drunkenness and drugs that I'd had enough and I began to hack my left arm blood spewing all over the car suddenly in the voice in my mind I'd realize I really don't want to die I just want to be put back together I don't want to die broken I don't want to die bust apart I don't want to die fractured and just be put into the ground and somebody goes hey he was a good guy certain times I did not want to end it that way but I had come to a spot in my life that I did not know how to put me back together again I talked to you this morning and tell you that oh yes Gordon pol has got some great stories funny stories but Gordon Poe has got some miserable stories about being broken about being beaten about being shot and stabbed and hurt and wounded emotionally and I'm here to talk to you this morning you cannot make it through life unless you get back in an alter and let the Lord Jesus Christ puts you back together again there's only one option for you you cannot do it nobody ever has nobody can do it because see you can go to the doctor and sit and talk they can listen but they can't fix that's why you have to go back over and over and over and over that's why you young people need to listen to people that have survived let me tell you what the graveyards full of young girls the graveyard is full of girls that said it won't happen to me young men the graveyards are full of men that said I'm just going to try it but I'll never be addicted they all become dead addicted people because that's the way sin is that's the way life is that's the way the Satan set it up to where when he sees you in a vulnerable state you'll push you towards the edge knowing if I can push them far enough then they will break and when they're broken and they're sitting in their living rooms crying they're sitting in their cars crying they're sitting in the darkness of night bawling and crying that they cannot put themselves back together hell knows that the hill also knows that if that same individual remembers that Jesus the Potter the Lord I know that the men of me will tell you the enemy will tell you in your mind I don't I don't want to do this I don't want to live us separated and consecrated life but yet my friend you tell yourself you don't like the life you're living you just survived it my question is if you're here this morning and you're broken why haven't you allowed God to heal mend cease I stand here today not condemned of my past delivered of my past I stand here today not embarrassed because it's my past I'm not a broken person I was I was truly suicidal I was truly an angry person I would never say the words I love you to any girl none zero because I was so broken that our checked in me by not allowing anybody to see how broken I was they just saw the guy in the clubs they saw the guy on the rock-and-roll stage they saw the guy that was tripping out on coke and crystal meth they they saw they didn't see me in the night with alone and and in the dark and sitting there going why am i addicted to this why am I doing this while how can I stop doing this there's people that have been married and you've been abused and and you've asked yourself why in the world did this happen to me I don't think I deserved it why does it happen to me it's because hell has seen that you have potential and he'll say if I can break her if I can break him if I will destroy that person they the human race cannot put themselves back together again so we live like broken and chipped and struggling and walking and we're looking because sooner or later you might survive one crack you might survive two cracks but every one of you have been created different every one of us have an emotional point there's some that are extremely strong and there's some that we would say is very weak and the enemy has to plot and figure out who you are how tough and what causes you to stress out and become an emotional wreck and then he floods your life there's only one way this morning you have to come to the altar with the intent of I don't want to do this anymore I ask you young ladies and I'm just going to close here in a minute it was a young lady that I was brought into counsel I don't counsel very good I'm you know I don't want to make a living doing that you know I just I'm just not a very good counselor spirits lakhs is not that hard we just try to look for difficult answers because if we do the easy way then it's like oh well this is so easy this can't be right I was brought into a situation where the pastor couldn't get it through to this girl and and I'm not belittling any pastor the way they counseled I don't know I've never been counseled by a pastor and so I don't have a clue what they say I tried it out in the world one time and and they talked to me for about an hour and then told me to come back and in the 70s a girl charged me 6555 bucks Alice point-blank told her now I got to go sell some more dope just to come back and so it's like I'm paying you by selling my dough and so this girl had a problem with guys and the pastor said would you come help us so I went in and helped them and I'm sitting there and here comes a beautiful girl walking in sit down immediately copped a bad attitude and I'm staring at her and she's looking at me slanted odd you know like Hey and looking to her mom and dad and the pastor said brother pose what was to talk to you and she kind of okay and I just said simply look girl I don't have a lot of time to do this you're not that special there's a lot of girls there everywhere all on the internet everywhere how old are you she said sixteen and I thought there I was at sixteen probably with the same attitude and I said well pastor says you have a boy problem she looked at him kind of like what I said so let me just tell you how it is because you don't have a clue I said let me just tell you this I count so a lot different I canceled and counseled people in truth pure truth so here's the way life is for you if you have a boy problem you have two choices in life you either go get you a red dress high heels short mini low top no back start walking the streets and make $1,000 a night or you can continue what you're doing for a cheeseburger pretty blunt hallelujah your decision either go make a bunch of money or you're still always going to be a cheap date the pastor looked at me he was like mouth open and I said all right that's it and the title daddy looked at me and said will wonderful what are you telling her to do I said I ain't telling her do nothing she don't do anything anybody tells her to do but that's her choices she can either make five dollars and 37 cents because of a mac donnell cheeseburger or she can make a thousand dollars a night I know where both places are and I said girl let me tell you something girls like you men like me used to chew you up spit you out and we never cared what happened to you not one night that I care and so I just got up and she said well brother polar I said don't brother poll me there's no need for me and you to talk I can't put your life back together if you want to quit you need to go in the office go through that big door and go right back into that sanctuary put it's up to you and so I got up and pastor still looking at me funny in I said manifest go eat he said it's over done I cancelled one guy there was an alcoholic they flew me all the way to another state the pastor said we just can't get it through to him I walked in the room he said I'm an alcoholic that's a great I used to be one too he said well I won't help I said no you don't or you'd quit he goes well pastors been counseling me for and it said so however many months and I said I ain't gonna do all that I said I am NOT been sent to this world to counsel people I got a golf game in about two hours and I will not miss the tee time and he stared at me he said I'm not important to you and I said no you aren't important to you he said well what do I do I said I'm going to show you real quick how never to drink again how to get off of it he said all I want to know I said never buy it number one number two never run around with anybody that is buying it and number three don't ever drink it if you find it i scooted my chair back and pastor looked at me he said I said all right that's it he said I flew you all the way over here for that I said and paid me and the guy said well wait a minute how many steps is that I said I don't care if you tell them steps reasons there's three don't buy it don't run with people to do and don't drink it if you ever find it I said now faster let's go get changed and get our golf clothes on we're out of here because that person's broken I can't put them back together if I could I would but the only thing I can do is direct them to the god that is over everything that was the potter the creator of all things he can put you back together again he can put you back together again see there's all kinds of people that get broken in different ways and I'm just being very vulnerable and open this morning I went to another place they flew me in and this marriage had gotten so distraught that the man was literally outside the house with a gun and fixing to kill the wife and both our boys the cops come they take him to jail post the bond the pastor calls me in he goes man this showed you I don't know anything about guns I don't know anything about that world and I walked in and looked at this man and he was such an angry man I knew that if I ever started trying to put him back together they're just going to make him worse and showing my little each takes his way I pulled out a legal pad and I said well I was told that she's going to kill your wife he's I'm gonna kill her I said good so I'm going to share with you where to shoot her and they know they don't wiggle much and he stared at me and I said Ben and before I give you the information I heard she has two boys he said I'm gonna kill them too that's it okay you made up your mind I have okay said well I heard you're also a multi-millionaire I am it's good good I said brother so-and-so get me a legal pad and a piece of paper and a pen and the pastor got up walked out brought me back a yellow pad and I said I what's your full name he told me and I wrote it do hereby bequeath Gordon pol all of my worldly possessions all of my assets seen or unseen all of my safety deposit boxes all of my CDs all stock any value that I have in life of my home my cars and any and other things that he may deem valuable I said sir if you would just sign that right there and I will get her notarized he said well I'm not going to sign that and I said yeah you are you can't have that you want to kill somebody I hold it I'm going to help you out and I pulled it back around I said I Gordon pol do hereby swear before God that I will send the sentence of the subjects $25 a month to the State Penitentiary that he may be able to have cigarettes drinks candy I said I'll sign my name now you sign yours see he was a broken man but broken people sometimes don't realize how broken they are when you begin to read how broken he was I brought her in and I said well I hear that your husband was going to kill you yes sir she said I hate him I said oh that's good that's the way you really want to have a good marriage if you just tell the other one I hate you that's that works over time I said it's always worked really good and I said sure let me ask you this before you married him wasn't it right you married another but yes he was married before he is I said okay and what kind of car did you drive before you married this man she said I drove a Ford Taurus and I went Taurus okay I remember those and what kind of house did you live in she said well we had a home over there we were renting we didn't know I also owe you as Renton's because yes ago and since you've been here with him isn't it true that y'all have a mansion that's over a million dollars you're driving Mercedes and your boys that aren't even his kids are driving both Mercedes yes it is I said you hate that you hate the fact that you now have been married to a millionaire where you don't have to work and you can drive a nice car your kids and live and love you're in and you hate it so much that you destroyed yourself you've allowed Satan to find a weakness instead of doing what the Bible said and singing Psalms to the Lord singing songs of praise and thanksgiving the enemy has come in and figured out how to break you and now your life is twisted so far down that you're willing to get shot to be right because people get broken and they cannot think when they're broken they can only think to the break they can only think to the crack and then their lives are revolving around that crevice in there life they can't fix it they can't go for beyond it and they live in a broken state of mind there's only one place you will ever be totally well and that's when you walk down to an altar and you get on your knees and you decide that I want to be fixed I want to be well I want to be made whole and you tell God whatever it takes to make Gordon pull over make him over again when I raised my hands that night and received the Holy Ghost on this side what there was was a broken man that had been shot and stabbed incarcerated for over all a multitude of years just nasty life in the gutters but when I stepped away there was a man that I did not even know that had actually said the words to Jesus I love you and when I said those words I love you tears ran down my eyes I hadn't cried in years but all of a sudden I felt the warmth of this Holy Spirit come upon me and I realize the broken man that it came to that altar now God had replaced me with something brand-new it was totally different it was totally well I was being brand new I was made over again this morning I'm going to give and musicians I would like to maybe you to come this morning because there's somebody here that is walked in and life has not been kind the devil has watched and listened now those pieces of your life that you're trying to put back together yourself you're starting to recognize those cracks those are pieces and there's parts of me that aren't even visible to the human eye they're gone and unless I can be restored and put back together unless I can be healed then my only promise in life is to continue to be cracked here's one a vase is extremely strong when it's whole but one hairline crack causes the entire vase to begin to relax because it's structured to wear as long as its whole all parts are equal but a hairline fracture in that base now particles begin to relax and begin to move and it's very easy for to be cracked again that's the reason your windshield can three we receive a small little baby chip and in three or four weeks it looks like it's grown and it's grown and it's grown and all of a sudden it's all the way across because as a whole the windshield is very strong but once it ever receives the little tiniest crack then all of those particles begin to relax and it begins to go to the weakest point it just travels and today there's people in this house that your life has begun to crack and you've gone through these series of fractured places as we stand this morning I want you to understand that now is a day that you could be made whole today is a day that you could be made whole I know we're calling this day Pentecost Sunday and it may be that you've come because it's a friend's Sunday but could it be without you understanding and knowing that God began to plan decades ago when you started being cracked that there was a plan put in place he saw the enemy destroying your life somewhere in this plan he looked through the world and he sees a preacher a pastor in the church and he says what I'm going to do is eventually get them here on this Sunday I'm going to give them an opportunity receive the Holy Ghost I'm going to give them an opportunity to be well but to do that they've got to come back and get on the wheel I didn't make them fracture I made them perfect I made them in my image I made them whole but the enemy has come in and the Satan has come in and his sins and is evil it's coming in and now that little lady is almost destroyed but if she'll just come get on the wheel and let me begin a new work they begin to sing is there somebody here today that is so broken that you would allow yourself the privilege to come and just say god I'm in a broken place I am those broken pieces and I did try to put it back together again and it did not work but today Lord I want to be able to say I'm coming to get back up on the wheel I'm coming to get back in the altar God today I wanted to be made over I want to be put back on this wheel if there's somebody like that this morning why don't you come to this halter why don't you step out right now why don't you just say God to Desmet a god today's Monday today's Monday once you find you a place to pray once you find you a place to talk to God once you find your place thank God my life is so torn and tattered and bruised and hurting Lord I've got to have some relief this morning I've got to have some help this morning I've got to have some help this morning I come and put my myself on the altar I come and put myself on this altar I'm asking you God to help me to help me help me this morning come on let it go out let those tears flow let those tears flow let those tears flow God this morning us walk down here and I'm asking you Lord is there a way that you can start a new work in me sir way God that I can just get back up on that old potter's wheel and you can put your hands on my life God in this way that you could help me God and that even this day that I would walk out of here breathing vessel God is there a way for me to step back up on the wheel is Lord and let this circle let this life God bended broken and all these broken pieces [Music] come on God's gonna do it this morning he sent me a long ways to help some people he sends me a long ways to help you this morning I don't believe this services by accident I don't believe that this message is by accident I believe that God was saying crawl back up on the wheel crawl back up on this wheel I'll just let him work on you right now let him work on you right now can it be the distance today that you'll walk away [Music] going to walk away perfect at home better walk away perfect at home walk away perfect at home Richard he would help me write for these precious people god on help me help me God helping a healthy god I'm crawling back up on that wheel and imperfect this crawling back up on that potter's wheel I don't perfect that's Oh God the hold on deed says he'll need your help I need your help god I don't want to end up in the potter's field I don't want to end up broken and destroyed I don't want to end up in misery God I'm asking you Lord come on let's pray can't you I help you God's gonna help you God's gonna help you this morning God's gonna help you this sport let that father do it there Jesus 13 hygiene you're the one father you're the one that made you're the one that knows how to put the pieces back together hi [Music] come on that's right come on that's right break soon our today's Monday the days where they come Oh sir I know it hurt I know it was desperate I saw was bad so um knock you'd put it back together again [Music] Lord my life he can't [Music] that's right that's right Jesus my life is broken my life is it pieces upon the days or days the danger days today your day crawled out filling out to him Jesus see me in this broken state God put my cell my spirit back up on this grill I surrender [Music] somebody next to you why don't you reach over and forth or reach over 4400 we get we gotta be in some parts this morning on we gotta mend some lives boy you get a walk
Channel: Bartlett UPC
Views: 3,008
Rating: 4.7391305 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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