Revival on the Threshing Floor | Jeremiah Johnson

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[Music] [Music] [Music] you are born again there is imperishable seed that's on the inside of you and he has marked us for eternity and there is an eternal cry locked up on the inside of you and here it is come lord jesus if you're one of our partners would you just wave at me can we just welcome some of these guys they've come in from all over the united states many of them have flown and driven to be here this weekend and we just had a really fruitful time of relationship and encouragement hearing from the lord so thank you we are in a new season of what we're calling the altar global which is a movement of christians who share a common urgency and desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride unto that glorious day i've been in a season where i feel like god has taken me out of one room and i believe part of that room had to do with sharing the gospel and proclaiming his mysteries but also commenting quite frequently on political and current events and one of the things that god has asked me to do in this new season is to get out of that room and get into another room primarily the throne room so i believe god is asking me to stop commenting on the next latest greatest and to just focus on christ and him crucified to focus on what he might be saying in particularly to churches where i'm traveling i was in ohio last month and this month i'm here with you all and i was awakened last night at about three in the morning with a prophetic message for you all and so i honestly have no clue how this is going to go today if i look lost i am this is totally unrehearsed i've never preached this or said this anywhere i'm a little nervous you would think prophetic people are just used to kind of jumping out in faith one of the reoccurring nightmare dreams that i have is i show up to a place and i don't have notes and so whatever i chicken scratched last night hurriedly in the hotel room is what you're going to get this morning so if you don't like it too bad sorry all right shall we begin we should probably start with prayer should probably pray for me like oh god i was reading the word just briefly during worship which our brother said what are you reading and i was reading first thessalonians 5 19 through 21 do not quench the spirit do not despise prophetic utterance examine or test everything and hold on to that which is good and it's important for me just as a traveling minister coming in just to let you know that what i believe i heard last night in this encounter really is being placed before you to for you to examine what i'm going to say and for you to hold fast to that which is good so you have a role to play this morning as well to examine and test and judge for yourself if what i'm saying might be from the lord i don't believe it's the role of traveling ministers to travel and speak authoritatively into atmospheres where there's no accountability so i just want to honor this house uh honor chad and wendy the elders here and of course you sitting here uh i invite you to just journey with me on what god might be saying with us today i believe primarily this word is for bridgeway church but if you're here in attendance and you're from out of town or you fellowship somewhere else i believe that there's something in here for you as well so let's pray father thank you for your timing thank you that this meeting was on your calendar and we just simply wrote it down in our time and space lord thank you that there's no one here by mistake or coincidence lord you made an appointment for every person to be in this room and father i just pray for grace to deliver your word with your heart lord i pray that i would not go beyond anything that you've said lord we ask that you would open up our hearts lord let us not quench your spirit lord let us not despise prophetic utterance lord let us examine everything all things and lord let us hold fast to that which is good and fruitful in jesus name amen amen if you would call bridgeway church home could i ask you to stand so i'm going to start this morning out by releasing a prophetic word which i don't know that i've ever done before so i'm going to give this word and if you want to close your eyes stretch out your hands just stand there it's all good but i was awakened last night at 3 00 am and this is what i heard for the enemy has intended this house to become a showroom floor but know this day that this house has become a threshing floor for my winnowing fork has been moving throughout this house and i have been removing the chaff from the wheat for this shall not be a house where gifted individuals and people with money are put on display like cars on a showroom floor no in this house every knee will be bowed and every head will be turned to the majesty on high for there shall be no competition in this house no longer any rivalries or positioning for a space and a place i seek a people who will posture themselves before me in great anticipation of future glory for there shall be a glory that will rest on this house that will come but it has not come without a price for there has been many casualties yes even needless casualties of war yet you must trust me in these days that less is much much more finally out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks be careful and listen to the words that are uttered in this house for i will hold accountable those who have spoken idle words and i will deal swiftly to expose many hearts just as the coals of cleansing and forgiveness touch the lips of isaiah my servant so i will rain down cleansing coals on this threshing floor this house bridgeway church you can be seated so i want to take a few minutes this morning and talk about threshing floors as i inquired of the lord last night about this house being a threshing floor rather than a showroom floor the lord led me to three specific passages of scripture that talk about threshing floors the threshing floor is a significant symbol in the bible which is mentioned both in the old and new testament the old testament the threshing floor is used in the daily agriculture of men it is a flat surface usually smooth which is used during the harvest of grains this space was used before equipment and machinery was invented it was used to separate the grains from the chaff by manual separation you might be familiar in matthew chapter 3 where john the baptist says i come baptizing with water but one will come after me he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire and he says in verse 12 his winnowing fork is in his hand and he will clear his threshing floor gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire but apparently hell's not real it's a joke we find in first samuel chapter 23 that thrashing floors are in danger of being robbed for this reason in the old testament someone would always sleep on the floor there until the grain was removed so imagine in a culture where obviously the grain the barley uh the the the food that fed them was their life source so when it came time for harvesting when it came time for the threshing floor there was great significance there i believe that there's great significance for bridgeway church that this place is a threshing floor not only for this house but for a region there are certain things that god has been doing here that he's not been doing other places and it's important that we recognize threshing floors are in danger of being robbed it's almost like you have to protect them the philistines would often times raid the israelite camps in the time of harvest because they knew they would be at the threshing floor separating the wheat from the chaff a threshing floor is a place almost like a threshold where oftentimes you can go so far but when you cross the threshold or you cross the threshing floor what you came in with you can't go out with it's a place of separation it's a place of division it's a place of god separating that which is holy and that which is unholy so especially for those who attend here if you walked in the front doors and recognized that this is a threshing floor more than just a church what happens here shouldn't surprise you and i could have got up here tonight this morning and said the lord says bridgeway church is a theme park so whoever comes in here should just expect a grand time a lot of ups and downs and a lot of cotton candy and popcorn and feel good messages that's not what the lord said to me at all last night he said to me that this place is a threshing floor it's it's going to be a place of exposure it's going to be a place of separation it's going to be a place of his holiness of his habitation of his glory there's going to be a mighty harvest here there's obviously something very valuable that god is after here if he's going to call this place a threshing floor so if there's anyone in here you might have a calling to guard the threshing floor you might need to be alerted as a watchman on the wall in this house be careful of the robbers there's going to be robbers that enter into this house that are going to try to divert and steal away the grain the wheat the barley the harvest that god wants to produce in this house if you have in your bibles would you turn to ruth chapter 3. the first thing that the lord said to me was the threshing floor is a place of number one revelation and bridal identity the threshing floor is a place of revelation and bridal identity ruth chapter 3. i hate to say it i've never preached out of the book of ruth there goes a coin then naomi her mother-in-law said to her my daughter shall i not seek security for you that it may be well with you and now is it not boaz your our kinsmen with whose maids you were behold he winnows barley at the threshing floor tonight wash yourself therefore and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes and go down to the threshing floor but do not make yourself known to the man until he is finished eating and drinking no i wanted to tell such a good joke right there but i cannot i'm referring to that as that other room i'm no longer in that room man that that is so funny but i'm gonna i'm gonna keep going verse 4 and it shall be when he lies down that you shall notice the place where he lies and you shall go in and cover his feet and lie down then he will tell you what you shall do and she said to her all that you say i will do so she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her when boaz had eaten and drunk and his heart was mary he went to lie down at the end of the heap of grain and she came secretly and uncovered his feet and lay down and it happened in the middle of the night that the man was startled and bent forward and behold a woman was lying at his feet he said who are you and she said i am ruth your maid so spread your covering over your maid for you are a close relative then he said may you be blessed of the lord my daughter you have shown your last kindness to be better than the first by not going after young men whether poor or rich and now my daughter do not fear i will do for you whatever you ask for all my people in this city know that you are a woman of excellence ruth goes down to meet boaz in the time of harvest she meets him on his threshing floor i believe that the lord wants us to take notice of the posture of ruth on the threshing floor she is not walking up in there arrogant prideful exalting her beauty what she has to bring to the table no at the threshing floor she's laying prostrate down at the feet of her kinsmen redeemer the threshing floor is a place of revelation of bridal identity on the threshing floor we recognize that he's god and we're not i don't know that i could have orchestrated a better worship set this morning where there almost seemed to be some awe and some wonder some trembling some humility it was almost like this was god's service it was almost like this is his house and he can do whatever he wants we're just here to participate with him but i believe for this house god is going to mantle you with revelation specifically concerning your identity as the bride for those of you who know and love the story of ruth it's obviously incredible just over in the last chapter we know that boaz ends up taking ruth as his wife in verse 16 and chapter 4 then naomi took the child and laid him in her lap and became his nurse meaning that when boaz ruth and ruth got married they had a child and the neighbor went women gave him a name saying a son has been born to naomi so they named him obed he is the father of jesse the father of david who we eventually know is the lineage of jesus christ himself we cannot underestimate the fruit that will come in the years ahead as we posture and prostrate ourselves on the threshing floor now we cannot underestimate ruth going and laying down at the feet of her kinsmen redeemer we can't underestimate our acts of humility and worship and bowing down before him who knows what will come through your lineage in your family and in your grandchildren and in your grandchildren's children who knows what one act of sacrifice and breaking an alabaster box just almost would like to preach this to the whole world what if every house became a threshing floor because we're under a new covenant what if you and i are the house of god what if we became a threshing floor what if by hosting his presence we allowed him to separate the wheat from the chaff in our own lives what if your physical home became a threshing floor a dwelling place of the glory of god what if we erected family altars all over america just wipes out the desire for fame and fortune and just all these inferior pursuits that are plaguing the american church that i've confessed i was caught up in lord i just want to be a threshing floor i just want to be a place a dwelling place a house where we just lay before you i want to encourage you one more time do not underestimate that by posturing and humbling yourself now jesus christ the son of god came through this lineage is an awe and a wonder thank you god the threshing floor is a place of revelation and bridal identity number two the threshing floor is where the fear of the lord manifests if you have in your bibles turn to second samuel 6. the threshing floor is a place of revelation and bridal identity the threshing floor is a place where the fear of the lord manifests i don't know if you've noticed in your life but a lot of folks would rather hear messages on the goodness of god rather than the fear of the lord kind of created these strange gatherings of believers where we like to pick and choose the parts of god that we like and the parts of god that we don't i call it a highlighter god right you just highlight acts 2 because that's awesome pentecost and you just black out acts 5 where god strikes down ananias and sapphira i was reading this scripture this morning acts 9 31 we're going to get to 2nd samuel this is interesting acts 9 31 new covenant jesus has already died all of that then the churches throughout all judea galilee and samaria had peace and were edified and walking in the fear of the lord and the comfort of the holy spirit they were multiplied and i thought to myself what if this is the biblical church growth method they were multiplied how was the church multiplied the fear of the lord and the comfort of the holy spirit what if god wants to multiply the fruit in our lives personally by walking in the fear of the lord and knowing the comfort of the holy spirit so in second samuel chapter 6 here i preach from this text many times we are in a place now where david he ascends the throne and he thinks it's a great idea which it is to bring the ark of the covenant back into israel and in verse 1 2nd samuel 6 he gathers the chosen men of israel 30 000 and david arose and went with all the people who were with him to bring up from there the ark of god which is called by the name the very name of the lord of hosts who is enthroned above the cherubim in verse 3 and they place the ark of god on a new cart that they might bring in from the house of abinadab which was on the hill and yusuf and ahayo the son of abinadab and were leading the new cart so they brought it with the ark of god from the house of abinadab which was on the hill in a higher was walking ahead of the ark meanwhile david and all the house of israel were celebrating before the lord with all the kinds of instruments made of fur wood and with liars harps tambourines castanets and symbols verse 6 but when they came to the threshing floor again i want to emphasize to you the threshing floor is a different kind of floor than any other floor think about it like carpet like wood it's when you get on the threshing floor listen what happens yusa reached out toward the ark of god and took hold of it for the oxen nearly upset it and the anger of the lord burned against yusuf and god struck him dead there for his irreverence the threshing floor is a place of the fear of the lord oftentimes good intentions do not translate into god obedience there was absolutely nothing wrong in fact this is what god desired his ark the ark of his presence to dwell in israel david had a sense of knowing i need to be obedient he he had the right intention but the law was very clear the ark of the covenant must be brought in on the shoulders of men and rather than bring the ark back into israel on the shoulders of men he decides to put it on a new cart there is a glory that god wants to bring to your life into your marriage and to your family into whatever fellowship of believers you gather there there is a glory but it's going to be stewarded on the shoulders of men and not lights and fog machines and the latest greatest gimmicks i believe that we have erected new carts and we are hitching them to the presence of god and we are doing everything that we can to entertain people but there comes a point in time where the way that we've been doing things if we want to truly go deeper in god we have to leave them behind believe one of the number one needs in the house of god in our lives in this generation is a restoration of the fear of the lord if i could just define the fear of the lord for you it's the gift that empowers us to see the difference between the lord's assessment of us and our opinion of ourselves the fear of the lord is a gift that empowers us to see the difference between god's assessment of us and our opinion of ourselves so if we would think about the holiness of god which basically means there's no one like him he has no equal he's totally other than he's more than your homeboy see these two men that carried the ark they grew up with it in their house they became too familiar they had become desensitized they heard all the songs they knew all the language they'd heard the bible stories and over time rather than walking in the fear of the lord and being obedient to the law they came up with a good idea how many of us are great bargainers with god where he absolutely tells you to do something and then we begin the negotiations and the bargaining of why our way is better lord are you sure it wasn't a hundred bucks and the offering and not ten 000. was that you where he asks you to do something hey stop eating pizza every night and get on a diet we're like we bind you satan in the name of i'm the type of person people have commented hey jeremiah i like about you that when you hear god's voice you just literally flip on the you you just do it like immediately and i take no credit for it honestly it's a defense against disobedience because i know if i do not act in that moment i don't know how many of you have been in those services i a lot for for us is finances just being conduit conduits of finances in the kingdom i mean you know if he tells you some crazy number in a meeting you better write the check then because the moment you walk out of the meeting logic and reason kick in you're you check your bank you're like oh you know all of these things you know so david again he has this intention he wants to bring but again good intentions don't always translate into obedience i'm certain that most of us in here intend to follow god the best that we can but if we evaluate our weeks oftentimes it says different honey i intend to treat you better and she's saying you're a liar because you did this on monday you did this on wednesday in other words we get called to the carpet so the threshing floor is a place of the fear of the lord where if this house bridgeway becomes a threshing floor there's going to be a collision of how people think about themselves versus being exposed to the holiness and the awe of the lord let me give you just a couple of verses psalm 33 8 let all the earth fear the lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him a.w tozer in his book whatever happened to worship what a title he says when we come into relationship with jesus we start to learn astonished reverence breathless adoration awesome fascination lofty admiration of who god is i believe that the reverential fear of god mixed with love and fascination and astonishment and admiration and devotion is the most enjoyable state and the most purifying emotion the human soul might know they could take that ark only so far but when they crossed the threshing floor i wonder what god could be saying to this church or for individuals here you can keep carrying some form of sin you can keep having your little pets but when you cross the threshing floor i'm not saying he's going to strike you dead but there's that conviction there's that i i when the lord told us to shut down jeremiah johnson ministries i started bargaining and negotiating with the lord i thought to myself about the hundreds of thousands of followers that we had online i thought about the financial support that we had and i'm honestly i'm not going to lie to you my my intention here is is for i hope you think i'm less holy after what i'm about to say i was literally hysterical in our garage i was literally crying my eyes out wrestling with the lord over we have spent a decade building this platform blah we're financially we have staff members we and i'm just beside myself i'm like i was at my threshing floor moment and i called a mother in the faith and i i told her i i can't do this we'll just change the name and keep the following we'll just keep things and again that negotiation little this little that you know i called her and i'm crying i'm like i can't she starts laughing she's laughing hysterically and i'm getting angry i said what could be so funny about this and she says son this is the way of the cross it's time for you to die it's time for your name to die it's time for people being addicted to your popularity and your fame it's time she told it straight it's time for you to get delivered to you she said while you're at it why don't you just get offline altogether and in that moment it was like a seed of joy it's planted in my heart tears just streaming down my face yes lord increase the fear of who you are in my life lord if i'm going outside of the boundaries if i'm drifting again maybe even well intending lord let the fear of who you are keep me i don't want a new cart i don't want to substitute i don't i don't want to hit i just i want you i want the real i want the raw if i have to be on the threshing floor and i have to experience a fresh take of who you are lord do it lastly the last thing that the lord gave me i have to keep looking at my phone because i just wrote it all down at 3 am it's a place of revelation and bridal identity it's a place of the fear of the lord being manifested and then finally number three the threshing floor is the place of sacrifice and glory for what it's worth there are numerous other references i'm sure the threshing floors but these are the three that the lord gave me it's a place of sacrifice and glory just real quickly flip over just a couple of chapters second samuel 24. verse 15 so the lord sent a pestilence upon israel from the morning until the appointed time seventy thousand men of the people from dan to beersheba died this is where david took a census among the people and was disciplined by the lord can you imagine if a pastor took church attendance and bam when the angel stretched out his hand toward jerusalem to destroy it the lord relented from the calamity and said to the angel who destroyed the people it is enough now relax your hand the angel of the lord was by the threshing floor of aarona the jebusite then david spoke to the lord when he saw the angel who was striking down the people and said behold it is i who have sinned it is i who have done wrong but these sheep what have they done please let thy hand be against me and against my father's house so god became came to david that day and said to him go up and erect an altar to the lord on the threshing floor of aeronaut the jebusite and david went up according to the word of god just as the lord had commanded and aaron looked down and saw the king and his servants crossing over toward him and aaron went down and bowed his face to the ground before the king why has my lord the king come to his servant and david said to buy the threshing floor from you in order to build an altar to the lord that the plague may be held back from the people aaronos said to david let my lord the king take and offer up what is good in the sight look the oxen the threshing sledges the yokes everything o king aeronaut gives to the king and aaron said to the king may the lord your god accept you however the king said to aeronaut no i will surely buy it from you for a price for i will not offer burnt offerings from the lord my god which costs me nothing there's a cost to worship and build an altar from the threshing floor it's obedience moving from well intentions to just being radical lord i'll do anything a song says put your glory in me we know that where david builds this altar on the threshing floor a commentary i read said that this later became the site of the temple again what really struck me will close is ruth's obedience to go and lay at the feet of boaz the positioning there on the threshing floor allows her in her lineage to come the root of david the son of jesse jesus christ she could have never known her act of humility and posturing before the lord what it unlocked generations later and again david he could have just taken the free stuff i sensed in my heart around 4am that some of you are here this morning and rather than take the easy way rather than just choose the career path that road to success that you know what if you turned away from that path and said i'm not going to take the free handout i know i could be successful and get a step up there no i'm i'm actually going to sacrifice and i refuse to give to the lord won't won't cost me anything david's desire to sacrifice on that mountain would one day become the temple where they worshipped an act of obedience and the present unlocked glory for generations to come if you would bow your heads with me today uh just going to wait on god just a few moments oh yeah yeah yeah father we will do whatever that you're asking of us father we thank you for the choices that we make now have an impact in the years to come father i lift up grandparents here i lift up moms and dads here father whatever decisions whatever sacrifices whatever posture of humility whatever bowing of our knee before you releasing whatever it is that you're asking father god i pray that you would remind us today that our decisions matter god i pray for the gift of the fear of the lord to be manifested in this house and in all of us as spiritual houses underneath the new covenant god i ask lord that you would enlighten us to the difference between our opinion of ourselves and your assessment of us finally father lord let us not be a people who are looking for free handouts for the easy way out how much of hell can we have on earth and still make it to heaven god i ask lord that you would release a spirit in this room that would not settle lord for anything less anything less lord god forgive us for negotiating forgive us for trying to bargain with you lord let this house be the threshing floor that you want it to be and god let each one of us be the threshing floor that you've called us to be in the name of jesus christ i pray amen thank you hey it's jeremiah johnson i want to thank you so much for joining us at the altar global a growing movement of christians who have a burden a desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride for that glorious day i want to pray for you today i know that you have needs desires things in your life that you're hoping believing that god would answer but before we do that i want to just extend an opportunity to you to partner with the altar global in your prayers your financial support god is gathering a remnant of folks who just have a desire to partner with us on a monthly basis or maybe you're even watching today and you just want to sow a one-time seed i want to let you know as the founder of this movement we're going to take the money the prayers that you sow today and sow them right back into the kingdom of god we're seeing souls save the church come alive like never before missionaries church planners being revived because of what god is doing you're going to see a number pop on your screen you can text to give you can even click on the link in the comment section and there'll be an opportunity for you to give there so let's pray today father thank you for those watching today lord thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit that is participating even with the bride saying come lord jesus but i ask that you would meet every need today lord i pray for breakthrough i pray for salvation for lost loved ones god we believe that we are living in the greatest days that we have ever known in the name of jesus amen thank you so much for joining us today stay tuned for another episode bye bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 3,309
Rating: 4.7894735 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 43sec (3343 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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