Mercy Conference 2020 - Day 3 | Bishop Francis Wale Oke

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[Music] a lot of people that I've been making time for yes life is on hold I also happened to Joseph a bond is his fetters of iron and put him in dungeon until his ward when Joseph's ward came oh my god the ward shuddered the prison gates shut the fetters that bound him the word translated him from the dungeon and put him on the throne he became the prime minister of the day most important nation on earth Egypt everything that was working against him didn't matter anymore didn't yourself was a Jew was a slave a slave in those days was considered a commodity by game balls if you beat your sleep to death you have no kids once you have only disposed of your property there was the status of just a slave don't forget a Jew is committed again it's like a commodity and was a prisoner boy opens it now if you are in felon you lose so many right you can be booted into certain offices each of this way strong enough to keep him on hold in the don't a slave in prison Oh the day is what came nothing mattered anymore where God is not allowed to rule over rules is God by himself and he does it by his word he didn't matter when I was a Jew okay the word has come it didn't matter when I was a prisoner who cared he didn't matter whether he was asleep it didn't matter all the three issues combined together each of which was strong enough to stop any strongest in his or attract when the war came the war broke all the barriers and put him on the throne no electioneering campaign no billboard no flyer no television who needs it when God is moving people use those things God uses his word tonight in this house your would become your wonderful library work on your situation must change positive change will come to you by the word of the Lord by the word of the Lord by the word of the Lord by the word of the Lord whatever it is that the enemy has used to tie you down but his Saint is word and he healed them and delivered them from the destruction whatever the enemy has used to tie you down as a servant of the Lord who has received grace and mercy to decrease the work that thing that is holy you're like them I destroy it it is destroyed whether it is your past that is home to you messy lift it off in the name of Jesus you are going forward you are going forward you are going forward you are going forward [Music] lost tonight recover or recover or jeweled chapter 2 verse 25 and I will restore the years that the locusts are the caterpillar DePalma 1 I will restore I will restore I will stop there are people here you also have been married 12 years ago 15 years ago 10 years ago the enemy stole the years of your life there are people here who ought to build their own houses living in there many years ago the enemies to the years of your life whatever it is every year of your life that the enemy are stolen or right now reco buys let them hear your MA let him hear your MA let them hear your Amen that's right my friend because fate Horner's God God honors faith when the word of the Lord comes to you and from your heart we said Amen let's say God let it be macayepo CUDA right now receive multiple restoration multiple reservation multiple resolution I'm speaking to you now I command sickness is to punish from your body I'm aware dr. George adequate was here yesterday is an iconic man I won't talk about that today I'll do a crusade glory 1985 was involved in the crusade pre-shooting machine go like an encyclopedia repented don't tell him myself today I pretty by the glorious name of Jesus Christ a woman stood before me with a with that hand one hand was okay the other was with that night say the five in the morning now look at him upon me as a woman stretch watch your hand stretch it for she look at me dr. George was in living witness the hopeless when we join the enemies to the years of a life there are people that you are here enemy has afflicted you with sickness is your body any part of your body the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me to move the mountain who down oh great Monday before zerubabbel I command you move move move move from my guru beaucoup de Baca Baca Yakubu kanava may be as tiny as a pea not maybe as big as anything maybe it is inside you or outside any protrusion that is not a regular part of the human anatomy if you have that your body lay your hand on your head as I speak I command you growth disappear vanish vanish vanish vanish and never return in the name of Jesus thank you for let's meet your people at the point of their names give your word in like Britain effects any full width of your word come upon this communication tonight confirm your word with signs and wonders following you will give you all the glory Jesus mighty name we pray clap for these beautiful angels as they go back to the sleepless God blessed go with the blessing with flavor or a prophetic word we happen in your life not for restoration in the name of Jesus don't stop clapping for them [Music] is it because you can sing like them that you are not clapping sigh jell-o's clap for them thank you thank you you may be seated everybody thank you especially a very very dear wife I'm blessed to be with you again it's my privilege standing on this water is not my right nobody has the right to be the spokesperson for the Almighty nobody no man takes this on himself is it cold I'm so blessed to be privileged by God to come on Seth on this order I celebrate you please give them all a big hand bless celebrate the past celebrity okay okay okay okay okay okay look wait a minute I mean I don't want to intimidate you he's my 45th year reaching the Guru's gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ no no don't clap that's only if like me of nineteen seventy five seventy five and when I get to a place I get to a church pastor bad it sort of 2020 I know what the man had gone through to research or twenty I see a church of fifty then I must pay the price do you know how much of fasting I'm gonna pray much of weeping in the night produce this great congregation Selva this wonderful couple celebrate them do it very well do it their work thank you for listening to the Lord thank you for being obedient more grace to you you haven't seen anything yet a diamond is coming I will preach for you and I will not be able to see the end of the crowd let the Lord bring is water pass listen thank you I celebrate all the men of God in the house particularly past only wash my kidney please everything thank you sir for coming to stand by your brother a lot will stand by you in the mighty name of Jesus my daughter Victoria arrange a please cell with her you are beginning to break for the world we sing your song Lord we amplify your voice globally they were wanna hear the bringing music into the house of God you will not like music in your life in the name of Jesus praise the Lord I know you are being having a really great time fabulous time and I can be very intimidating happen you're the great great man of God Baskin boy can anybody become anything and you are talking about a very very serious subject messy oh one of the very sensitive attributes of God we'll get at it and that's good none of us can do without but for the messy Oh God will be lost forever what for the bone in here forever but for the messy of God the devil we dominate our lives a mess or so everything the enemy wanted to say messy said no that's where we are to celebrate his message open your bibles let's do a little bit into the word of the Lord tonight I chose the Lord to anoint my lips of clay and less his work Mac chapter 10 I see the several classical example or the operation of the Messiah was 46 I start reading and they came to Jericho and I went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people blind but vimeos someone's a blind bat Amir's let me hear you now blind was not his first name no it was the condition of his life why he had lived with it for so long that most people that knew him negative condition and it uses the calling and became part of his identity you are nobody call you whatever negative Liberty they have given you see we're easy today oh boy I didn't hear your email Jimmy rose so if you want to put his name in America is party miss simians but the world I did another one using this condition parents a lot or kind of negatively when you are that it was Jesus of Nazareth a Jesus of Nazareth don't be ashamed say it we can do cry out was in silent for me silent tonight because messy we look at you and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me ooh somebody lives operator say Jesus that's another video I'm assuming anything can happen because messy settles all accounts with God there is no account the Mexicano said there's it doesn't matter how terribly sinful an individual is if you cry for mercy at an instant all your passes will be wiped away you'll be forgiven it will not be remembered against you anymore and your life will become brand-new lift you and say Jesus now so no TV hot Masumi you are before the throne of grace tonight let us come to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find this we have in the time of need I don't care what they need you have in your life when messy look at you they need is me please leave too and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me when when I preached a minister don't wait until we begin to pray before you receive the word I speak unto you they are spirit and their life the water the Lord is a non tech I was preaching for effort in love with FM or blessed memory 1990 October at his church in town and which but I agree I was preaching but from Isaiah it 18 and the children had given me a sense of oneness and I began to talk of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the most glorious one the sweetest name the one who died who rose again the victor of Calvary the conch Ross Singh the conqueror of death the Conqueror of the grave the one who rules never to die again the one would live forever the Redeemer of almond cream ah I began to lift him up because he said and I if I be lifted up from the earth and will draw all men unto myself when I was lifting him up that he died rose again in the life and he appeared to me the previous week in Israel I got into a revolution that changed my life one woman in the congregation I'm talking of victory cousins and I know Joe you can go and check it she screamed I'm healed this woman was carrying cancer in her breast one of our breasts the left one she was already going through medical treatment at Luther so if you care I mention any places you can go and check it check the record up they gave an appointment for a surgery so they will remove that breast cancer research are so advanced as much as this now even though they are more funny care and then somebody said one crazy profits is coming from anybody just wait the day outstanding on the author of the Messiah God speaking it was ten days to the appointment for surgery they already Tritton ax and then I told her there is nothing you cannot do he broke the gates of hell he conquered conquered same he brought to life is so loaded in the train there is nothing to do they are not came of them on the woman and the growth in a place disappear the left breast became like the right Swan Norma victory Crescenta pass of Francis look I had a wife of the bishop it's like furniture I didn't know the man for me that I didn't know even know a condition but the one who sent me whom I'm lifting standing by me like a mighty terrible warrior stretch foot so that instrument of death that the devil sent WA was destroyed and he has not changed what it did that time it would do today Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever whatever affliction is in your body through the name of Jesus receive healing instant healing total healing complete healing and afflictions are not arise a second time if you are receiving shuttle Aloha [Applause] sorry I didn't come to preaching there great features and I only know this better than I do but I've been saying - bless you - bless you whether the devil likes it or not receive your blessing whether you believe it or not receive your blessing receive it receive it you are going home with laughter today eat that is for you shout Alleluia all right citizeness Allah all right this man had that Jesus was going and began to cry Jesus doesn't have mercy on me do it again do it again in faith and expectation of faith because faith Horner's God God honors faith when faith is at work all things are possible lift your hands ago say Jesus ah son of David have mercy on me somebody say Amen listen to this it's something very very remarkable about this okay look at this but I mainly charged him that issue hood is easy ah hold your peace the devil is afflicting you you are keeping quiet you can't shout for missing your finances are in trouble you can shout your marriage is going to the dogs you can shout you two have been married and had all the children you ought to have if you wanted four children your to have had people that are younger than you are I married and if I know they're children and you are in this institution and you are keeping quiet and somebody is making you to keep keep quiet on the day of visitation when Jesus Christ is moving up and down across the room across the eyes blessing people come on lift you and say Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me let me hear your email [Applause] they told him too bad only stop him is don't looking for biggest like a come on get out of it around smelly you dirty you beg I you blaming Jiro but of your name is blind you are beyond the same spot vegetating for so long and you alone Jesus shut him out don't let anything distract you don't let anything stop you each person to his own destiny he the person sitting beside you doesn't want to receive anything living or hello but you make up your mind today is the man made of his fine it doesn't matter who is asking me to keep quiet how we shout it doesn't matter who's asking me not to speak I will speak out alright but he cried the more a great deal the more you are trying to stop him he was so confident in the message of God of all the attributes of God it is his messy that never fails every other female is messy and yours forever is messy never fear the man was very confident the mud was a shut him out is something the more you don't qualify messy you don't need to qualify for missing otherwise there's no missing if tried them all oh you are dirty and smelly crying say what you want to say now when he has shown me Messi you will come and celebrate me somebody here the same people that I'd really called you they will come and celebrate you [Applause] they will come and bow before you they will see the glory of God or pour your life upon your life upon your life upon your life every ridiculing your life is terminated today today today today today in the name of Jesus look at this look at what happened to this man praise God the more the awesome to keep quiet the more this doesn't even come assuming a great deal for tonight and Jesus stood still but socially there is a time read description I don't tremble except you don't know who Jesus is the very heart of course agenda for Humanity is Jesus every other things they are rappers are the heart of salvation Jesus at the heart of heaven Jesus at the heart of eternity Jesus had a heart a breakthrough summer say Jesus say Saint the center of the universe stood still for one beggar because he had a cry for mercy check this scripture very well when they say generally cried to God for mercy God never Ignasi never never you're touching is soft spot is plenteous in mercy is gracious when you say I miss you mean you emo standstill and pay attention that is nature is to see to listen to somebody the world considered unworthy is to see grace we look at you today your life which into them your di shall be what we were to them your sorrow shall turn to joy you will break forth you will prefer to ridicule is over poverty is over wilderness experience dominated messy will change your life let me look at somebody beside with professor I said tonight Messi will change your life look at somebody and say tonight God's messing with change your life finally third person every tell him said tonight they Messi of God which in your life now say it about yourself loud at an audit three time put together say tonight the mercy of God which in my life my life my life my life I'm less than 0 and I need missing more than all of you put together I need Messi to be able to bless you tonight because what you need I cannot give it I can't that's why the delay when I go for my crusade particularly for the first day I am and I spend the whole at the first day in the presence of God nobody cause disturb me a coup City and they pick the what at it when I consider to be a no come near when I by 1986 we packed the stadium in a bar and we somebody that was headed the first day I was in friends ago just be cool it leads to Shambala here Shambhala day I was in prison I named my dog was knocking my papa and be capacity now open I do I saw Joseph my crusade director etiology say daddy we have your problem I said just a problem have a problem thousands of people tonight and I don't have our such their problems that's my problem just go solve your problem I shut it down I went back on my face Makai ibaka beaucoup de Lord I cannot say we fly safe soon I can't heal people tonight what I cannot do tonight what no man can do because I can't do it I can't if any preacher tells who is a healer is a liar only God heals but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us so when I saw the theme I said God missing God missing coming expecting I cannot me see let your message flow may see we taught you to them is it good to be honest is it good to be honest I can't talk the glory that belong to God he will show you his message today Jesus Stood Still oh boy stood still and commanded silence the opposition when God commands a blessing nothing can stop it nothing the command a blessing he told him in Leviticus 25 another one is it I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year you bring forth brothers for three years I will command command command what didn't happen the fossa Secunia todya 50 said that particular because especially a common man please look at me very well this year is not an ordinary yeah is it very special yeah it should be special for you of this decade twenty twenties literally ten years inside one year the DNA of the whole of this decade is coded inside 2020 don't don't mess with this year don't mess with this year I stand on the sacred altar as a servant of the Lord I command the blessing upon you receive the blessing I will command my blessing upon you in the sixty I what didn't happen the previous year and he shall bring forth fruit for three years the fruit of three years away what you struggle to get we sweat in three years a negative away so he can give multiple Havas Oh George male and female receive multiple Havas this year this year this year much brothers multiple habits multiple ways through the mercy of God receive multiple others through the mercy of God receive multiple what are you receiving look at me your finances you will not increase your finances we jump you didn't hear me you didn't hear me what do I put your finances here me many of you here before this time tomorrow you will receive heavy bank alerts every bank alerts multiple hovers in the name of Jesus sit down one minute let me don't be done on this and I go back to my story now it can give multiple advice please tell your neighbor say you can give multiple events now telly Mohan say expects multiple Havas in your life this year through the missile guard with the sect in it okay there's nobody can do God can give you one intellectual property one idea one ideas now for the next 1000 years it should be reference point and it should be bringing you income even your children after you scripture with God is like it yes okay okay I mean in this did you take debit to kick goal ahead 10 days 7 days I mean this talk to me talk to me over 3,000 years it is gone we are Serie family to the achievement of one day this year we come for many years [Applause] in your life you will be extraordinary productive extra-ordinary successful extraordinarily blessed a certainly prosperous receive multiple others in the name of Jesus shaken with three people say receive multiple others receive multiple receive much blood receive multiple of us okay now see that I see a one scripture on this and I go back to my story he been doing him before in doing it before if you read Genesis chapter 26 from Aswan there was family in the land and Isaac wanted to leave the land to go to Egypt it was the America of deuces don't if there is no money your pocket let us know so we can pray for you it's so much money in Nigeria pass this toll and stone and stone and estable so how do you be poor in the midst of Plenty you will blossom in this land you will prosper in design you will flourish in Islam the milk and honey of this land will flow to you it should begin today today today today when will you begin when you walk out of this sanctuary tonight you are walking into multiple habits is that don't go don't go don't go to a pear tree and say go not down to eat it don't go that if you go to eat if you go down I'm going to eat you dwell in the land which has at led off with free look at it so joining this land this land stay here and I will be with you if you can underline that phrase I will be with you that's the key to harvest prosperity is not a primary factor of geography you can be an American you are broke pastor shilada told us there's no money in butter and I'm proving them wrong a universe is running second academia we have not borrowed one dime we are not owing anybody know the management professors know the lecturers know this stuff not own capital project we just dedicated a 250 host L may lose anybody because the Lord is with me I carried blessing I carry the blessing I I go to America and I see a lot of people in CS and in pains I'm blessing God I was a big artist and I don't I don't live in America I live in God is that I will be with that's icky and I will bless thee oh now look up John tubas that because agile is a diversion must 12 please look at what happened God promise I'll be with you I'll bless you then Isaac soared in the land I'm received in the semi here I'm received in the same here lift your two hands receive a receive and receive receive receive this year you will receive now sit up maybe you don't understand what I'm talking about let me illustrate assume I host said I'd be shocked dancing in a HOSA for the first time in a convention holy ghost convention we are holding the taxi it's an edition design in September I will set him in 1988 Holocaust imagine a better first time Rajinikanth since that time until pastor pastor which glory he will come tries a beer money meeting was to do monitor chip and even DJ it came in the fanfare they really guns man he came and he said doctor okay that's how you refer to me not only okay you have the gift of giving you have been given and given and given God has sent me to give you the gift of receiving what what let me finish let me I produce a serial a command authority I was hearing the gift of receiver for the first time many years a bridge in Gaza ladies handsome you've reached I can't forget from Greenglass and it took an offer and our ministry changed forever with the meaning before they and for the next three four five months were pain depth one day with the impartation of receiving depth wiped off bill of the meeting fully paid him to furnish my office philately 2:10 my car Philippe to us up wait a minute to us to a surplus in our account money was there through the give the recipe and from then till now we have been depth free lift you to the gift of receiving that God gave to me through his seven at Bishop dancing yowsa receive your Porsche [Applause] with city givers reciprocity this year you will receive you will receive I receive and receive and receive from the east you will receive from the West you will receive from the not you receive from the south you receive from every corner of Nigeria you receive from all of Africa you will receive from Europe you will receive from America you receive from Asia you receive from Australia you receive receive receive receive receive receive in the name of Jesus if you are receiving shuttle a new year now this year into overflow no deficits no depth overflow or favor overflow of help overflow of finances overflow a breakthrough overflow of money many of you that's who I hearing me today this year you will be paid nights in millions my breath poor needy caliber cannot Aruba implicit occupiable now hear this war this year 2020 God we multiply multiple own years here some of you you will end with billions [Music] receive in the name of Jesus I'm not done yet receive the same yeah I wonder for what did he receive sit down sit up what did he received and the Lord bless him how wonderful the judge asked misinterpreted scripture the church had equated ayuna fold with ion represent how not resent is a wonderful wonderful harvest is twofold founded on the present of habit it's twofold I wonder present of 10 is 10 if if 10 questions were set for you in exams and you score wounded this ain't any question did you pass talk to me we're very intelligent people so if your heart entertain you look at 20 I now got to fold a hundredfold means the stuff that stuff multiplied hundred times mathematicians I did a little bit of mathematician mathematics opportunist a represent he received a wonderful in this same year pastor listen to me only the blessing of God can do this do you know what that means see the limiter you see them see them liqueurs it means diligently bow and toilet and toilet and is getting ava's each year Havas each year harvest for wounded yes what was not technibond that he has got give him in here mo yeah it's only the blessing of God they can do it and I have seen people who used to struggle finances and all of a sudden heaven open and God hit them back and life changed this year the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we visit you receive a wonderful wonderful through the Messi of God your harvest is multiplied play that play that keyboard from me son don't worry you will partake of it though I know you want to now here you is believe the Lord your God so shall ye be established believe is profit so shall prosper look look at me look at me the man became very great is that if you read the scripture now he became very great I wonder piecing cannot make you very great I think now you are unwound and $25,000 every month and you get your pleasure what he said yeah Adam represents your salary 250 you be a little more comfortable than before but if you have been living 125 250 can become very great cut but supposing said something has happened we are moving you to Canada as your base and you will not be earning your salary you know really your pay in IRA it's in dollars and the calculated and at the end of the day what you are what you are going to be Annie is 100 times 125 thousand hour if you are getting a will be heard at me listen to me I mean if you know with that kind of experience it's possible to become great if you know how to handle it lift to an suka through multiple habits your struggles are over insufficiency is over your greatness begins today you will become very great very great very great very great in the name of Jesus somebody shout hallelujah this man okay and Jesus to steal and commanded him to be cold verse 49 and they call the blind man the same people are saying shut up the bikini is a run boys those that ability could they wish of you this year 2020 is especially special somebody confessed said this year 2020 he's especially for me this year for me say you will look for me where you used to find me you won't find me there I've moved on who is moving on shuttle alluvium okay we simply put the why is opening the became his errand boys beaucoup de Kotoko back I can tell you stories let me trip this in high pretty be able to get this zone quickly now when a minister was celebrated in 25th anniversary Sunday we decided to visit some media houses to create awareness and was the particular medium of our we said anybody that have been there for a long time they have change their names and other and the board and the management came to welcome a distinguished man of God released for me but here we're gonna know the world I don't let those kind of thing get inside me because I know pride belongs the devil he gives God gives grace to the humble and I need His grace so I don't so we got sat down I couldn't believe my eyes so a gentleman was a chairman on the board leading the team of bottom management to receive a distinguished man Oh God I sucked as a houseboy in his house in 1968 and who were paying me 50 shillings every month I look at him he had aged a bit but then when the unknown system I felt like chromatogram it was sudden like this exist was a graduate he was in the groceries master and he will come back it was a weekend husband I was happy dy first not with any Wavelab recognize me I carried his two children on my back our curry I kept my back I would you McKay take them to school pay he was in legacy will just come on a weekend so he didn't you cognize me I was his houseboy Aeneid already prepared a written address to a decent man Oh God when I heard his voice I remember Frances what I in the bathroom yes sir Frances my part to school bus yes sir city boys but like Joseph's brother he didn't recognize me and then when infinity presented in and said I want to request on behalf of the body management that our Father in the Lord lay hands on us and prayed for us when he finishes his address I was already wiping my eyes I didn't reveal my identity I've made my presentation and laid hands on all of them and he let it seem to walk me to my car so the table turned where I was a houseboy I became our Father in the Lord and they knelt down and tell you my life story they left knelt down and I laid hands on them where you were once oppressed you will dominate do we dominate should we dominate the devil is done in your favor against your enemies this year multiple harvests multiple lifting multiple lifting [Music] [Music] I want to educate my grade look at this was 52 and Jesus receive my say and just good and we and I fit as media and immediately somebody immediately you get Brixham oh you get your pinnacle I'll get your blessing tomorrow next tomorrow is a blessing for each day I know you are blessed yesterday while you are going on with a package today you will celebrate and immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus in the way of them they want to follow Jesus I said no go to your household tell them what God has done for you he didn't qualify to follow him this case was different some mercy my case is different if America's in Scripture their names wanna mention is certain woman in certain we do some blind men but three mortal eyes this man because he cried for me see God put his name in the book was he going to read this book in heaven because forever Oh Lord that what is said to God immortal Missy changed everything about him now we are celebrating a brain man a poor beggar smelly who was not qualified to approach to Jesus message changed everything play that clip before me get ready when when Missy look at you your case becomes different let me run you through and then we'll pray the man we celebrate today Abraham a many children of Abraham Rizwan if you a child of Abraham shot Olivia according to delimit and signified it was a Syrian ready to perish a Syrian ready to perish was my father was from an idolatrous background it was bad decorum died try--try he was going the way of his our systems and a messy prickly became global celebrity keyboard for me somebody this year we announced you to the world [Music] the world we know you dizzy you become a global celebrated people you know in Nigeria today take for example ease excellency you know I mean a memory buddy there are some years nobody knew him but a particular year and knows them if you mention names there are times they were known owned by a particular year threw them on a medium become global celebrity lived show to her this year we'll announce it this year will promote it this year will show Keshe positively gloriously in the name of Jesus somebody say Amen just just remain standing most close now the children of Abraham Ishmael correct Isaac correct what the difference between this melon Isaac Missy is it I will establish back and we bless each man by way establish my covenant nobody gets to heaven through the generation of this man if you are going to make it to heaven you must come through the lineage of Isaac through Jesus I am the way the truth the life messy messy messy when Isaac and his children was Jacob I was Issa what made a difference Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated by way of Monsieur knew my worth missing and before they did anything at all from the woman Nessa fell upon Jacob and in spite of all the thought of his life God became the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob the God of Jay what Jacob that's messy messy me the difference are you with me okay from the Bible who was the first king of Israel tell me louder louder I possibly land so in 1990 and we were going down and we go to the tomb of dbt the crown that the one at what they see exhibited a it is purple to cover the tomb and we're talking Kim Debbie Bulova can they be taken aback I stopped at so kind excuse me was not saw the first king of Israel the first King is historical as a way the tomb or so is that nobody known [Music] and God said to David I will not take my messy from you I said took it from your predecessor so what made difference between so and don't tell me one thing you know that didn't say go you say so you like Debbie sing through us or messy prevail in your life messy would prevail if there is a sin in your life don't run away from God to him wrong to him ah merci method difference in the life of baby okay one more and then I ran it Oh what's the difference between Peter and Judas Iscariot you want what I mean you want to tell me one same dear that it is insane read your Bible very well in fact the sin of the same of pita violated a key scripture the if any man denies me in this present world I will deny him before God and His angels and the man tonight returns with a curse wait a minute if you put this sin of the children side by side one even not with the other but if you read a scripture Judas Iscariot and going to I wish when Judas Iscariot recognized that he had betrayed innocent blood I wish you went to Jesus Christ and flung himself at his feet I messed up I missed it I betrayed you oh where can I go have mercy on me I'm know if you knew it will have been saved he went to hang himself Pepita when remember word of the Lord he cried bitterly prevail lift your two hands occur in your life mess will prevail [Applause] through the mercy of God you will succeed you will prosper you applause all in the name of Jesus to repeat this problem is the father in the name of Jesus let your messy prevail in every area of my life can you create a prayer one minute pray pray pray pray pray in every area of my life in every area of my life in every area of my life in every area of my life bring your plans to a close in Jesus mighty name we pray live to answer father make this year 2020 very special in my life by your message give me their habits of many years in this one year can you pray the prayer pray the prayer the habits of many many many years in this one year o Lord my God through your message through your message through your message through your message give me the address of many years it is one here for the Guru of any thank you for bring your prayers to a close in Jesus mighty name we pray live to answer father I cry to you like Bohemians through your messy take away every sickness every affliction every pain from my body can you pray the prayer they can wear every pain take away every affliction you did it for Patty Mills do it for me have mercy upon me O Lord my God heal me through your missing thank you no bring your prayers to a close in Jesus mighty name we pray now I pray for you literacy father through your message by the blood of Jesus forgive all my sins or my iniquity make me clean by your message make me clean by your message make me clean by your mercy can you pray the prayer pray the prayer make me clean by your mercy wipe away every sin every iniquity every uncleanness every unrighteousness every evil every wickedness whatever the enemy has against me make me clean by your missile allegedly be glorified bring your players too close in Jesus mighty name we pray somebody say Amen I want all eyes closed I pray to your prayers I want all eyes closed the Lord instructed me give me three instructions as we pray you won't got to forgive all your sins you want to receive a brand new life through the messenger you want to become genuinely born-again you want to become a bona fide child of God you want to make it to heaven you don't want to go to hell you want your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life the blood of Jesus Christ cambree message your life may become a new creature the Lord a Smith has asked me to pray for you if you want your saints forgiving you don't be ashamed if you want to become a new creature Commission if you want to make it to heaven don't be a sheep you want to become truly born again a true child of God raise your right hand up I'm gonna prefer young old male feeling the loss soon as you prefer wherever you are don't say raising high up thank you thank you thank you thank you don't look at the person next to you he that person wants to go to hell leave him letting go every man every woman to his own destiny I want to be saved how would you become a new creature I'm to become born again I'm gonna make it happen I want to become a true child of God I see the hands at the back if you are the extension outside razor want to okay all of you to raise your hand please take your bags your Bible your iPod your phone whatever you brought to church and come in front here on the periphery just walk to me in front that just come young old male female from the back from everywhere even from outside from outside just come just come I want my sins forgiven me I want a brand new life come come come come come I want to be safe - come come come I want to make it to heaven come come come I don't want to be lost there is no scene that God cannot forgive Messi was said to every account but God every account if you are outside come Messi will make a live news Messi will make a different come closer come many people say come come come come come this is your day compressor to the other come closer here come come come come and see waiting for you this is your day these don't stay back don't stay back as you walk to the front here you are working out on the devil you're walking to Jesus don't do what you does is carry OD don't wanna hang yourself go through yourself a defeat of Jesus Christ and you will miss your you anybody comes on come fast come fast I'm still waiting for some people here I'm waiting for you come fast baby come come fast I'm waiting for you this is your day this is already thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I'm still waiting for five of you five of you hear the voice of the Lord and calm God on to change your life god bless you for we are driven in form come on you come quickly come quickly quickly if you come in contrast baby we are the other three where are you I'm waiting here for you God said I should pray for you your life will change three of you where are you even if you're sad come come inside come inside easily thank you thank you thank you yes god bless you come two more two more two more god bless you Jumma where did you come come come come fast fast I'm standing here waiting for you cause good loss go one more come fast come fast one more one more person you are worth waiting for I'm waiting for you these are they god bless you publish the fiber complete any other person all of you in front you lay your hands on your heart repeat after me say Lord Jesus come into my heart be my Savior and My Lord forgive myself today I give my life to you totally from today jesus is my lord jesus is my Lord Jesus is my lover amen receive eternal life in the name of Jesus we Sigma C in the name of Jesus receive forgiveness receive a new life father I pray you make each one of them to be born again the whole scene of your life is broken the hold of your life is destroyed further commitment to you that you will make them to become peanuts in your house you keep them to you eater I cannot thank you Father none of you will be lost all of you will make it whoever Jesus mighty name we pray amen just wait finally everybody's time everybody please I know you have spent some time I want you to hear this and I speak as a prophet if you believe this year would be very special for you reason shut Illyria if you believe the Lord will give you multiple harvests vision prison shuttle Elohim the Lord is to tell you prophets work by instruction to sow a seed to connect your multiple harvest this year I want you to hear me I'm not rushing you know shout these churches or Portage's blessed if you don't look at the other you know where place you know it so you don't have we need money I'm not a fund raiser I'm not a prophet and the Lord asked me to ask him find a seat of 20,000 Nara everybody find it the next 20,000 are you can lay your hands upon belongs on this whole time put Genesis 26 verse 12 on the screen for me you are connecting truly measure of God or God deed Weissach you are sowing in the same year receiving Genesis 26 was written solely find it no seed no harvest is our fundraising and I will bless you any of you young old men women now I want ever now closer eyes - I pray if you would pick of that seed you don't have to have it here now or within the next five days when Pastor comes up I will tell you are you getting across can put the address account of the church on the screen if fine 20,000 my 2020 seed for multiple harvests somebody repeated them is a Maitre D' city for multiple others but also need your money he doesn't and you need to sow the seed for the harvest to come to you idea Tremaine cinema novice can you see while all eyes are closed if you will partake of that prophetic instruction within the next five days you're transferring me check my 2020 multiple have a seat if you will pass the coffee Joey fully raised your item present nobody is on any force you are known any dress if it does not come from your heart it is no acceptable it must be done in faith you are not any pressure at all or believe is profit and you will prosper so if your particular fear is why not let heaven see you Father look at each designs young male female they have had this worked and they have decided to work in it from tonight surprise them surprising surprise them I declared heaven open upon you harvest so you know come from every dimension in every dimension from every direction addition to you receive it it's said Jesus mighty name somebody say Amen where the a console overhead console please you look at this people of God listen all of you I like it too hey son don't put one down yet then follow you following following fooling all of you follow me give them other hand for them please follow me just for follow follow follow what they harvest or clap let every joy what they harvest now some of our products were brought just go out you'll get it visit packing of the past only good convention I talk about I'd be show benzino's buddy boy and all the others was poking for me because convention you get so dead tips it is a book Holy Spirit spoke to me too particularly right for this year I shall not be ashamed somebody declare shadow be a shame get the copy straight and keep you not make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the word of the Lord you have had they be fulfilled in your life go into the blessing going to much promise Jesus mighty name okay pastor thank you thank you give it all hello thank you for being a part of 20 trains in Mexican francs thank you so much for watching we can check our social media channels a lot of us
Channel: Household of David
Views: 9,813
Rating: 4.9006209 out of 5
Keywords: Mercy Conference, Rev. George Adegboye, HOD Church, Household of David, Sola Osunmakinde, Christianity, Gospel, Music, Worship, Pastor Poju Oyemade, Nathaniel Bassey, Victoria Orenze, Apostle Joshua Selman, Joshua Selman, household of david, apostle joshua selman messages, healing, apostle joshua selman videos, joshua selman, Rev George Adegboye, Dunsin Oyekan, Olowogbogboro, Mercy, 2020 Annual Conference, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, Mercy Conference 2020
Id: ermqgv8L28c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 38sec (5078 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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