Revival in California: Ross Johnston Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 150

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[Music] hey guys welcome to the show today I have a very special guest Ross Johnston Ross Johnston is a revivalist who is the leader a leader and a co-founder of California will be saved and we're going to get into what that is it's really great and Ross also was born by artificial insemination and grew up in a lesbian household with two moms we're going to get into that as well uh so please welcome Ross Johnston hey what's up guys Becka so excited to be here today and just excited to chat and chat through our stories it's gonna be a great time yeah and I I want to get into California will be saved but and and what that's all about but before we do that let's start with your childhood so tell what was it like growing up with two moms yeah you know the best way I like to explain it is you really don't know what you don't know and so what I mean by that is for me it was normal you know from the moment I could remember my earliest memory you know until 16 years old you know having two moms was just the normal life you know getting picked up from school going to baseball practice you know living life and so for me I didn't know anything outside of that now I think one thing that I will mention as we you know start with the story is I like to explain it like this that you know there is a design in mankind right and when you don't walk in that design unfortunately There's issues or there's trauma or there's pain that comes which I know we'll get more into but just to start from the beginning for me it was all I knew it was my earliest memory till my latest memory and that's all I knew in the first half of my life and so what did did kids at school treat you differently because you had two moms you know what was really interesting Becket is I think you know and I'm still kind of hashing this out even in my own heart and in my own walk with God but I believe when it comes to the lgbtq community so much has changed in 10 20 30 years and so you know growing up I was born in 1994 so you know I was in school in the early 2000s late late mid 2000s and you know I never really got any push back I I never remember being made fun of at all for it and my friends knew I mean it's you can't you know you can't not know you know I'm always getting picked up by either one two my moms but nobody ever made fun of me nobody ever called it out I I don't even recall really even having many conversations in middle school or high school at all about it so I know that might not be everybody's experience but in regards to mine there wasn't really any bullying or any conversation really at all that's good and so um when did you realize that your s what how old were you when when you realized your situation was different from most people's yeah I don't remember the specific age that I had this conversation but my mom sat me down at some point and she kind of shared a little bit of her personal story which is OB really is unique as I think about it more and more but she shared her personal story with me you know how she began living a lesbian lifestyle and then she just explained to me how I was born through artificial insemination now obviously I was you know 13 14 15 didn't fully understand or fully grasp it but I did know obviously that it was different and unique and so that's kind of the beginning uh phase or the beginning part of the story where I began to understand okay the way I I made it to this world um was a little bit different than probably everybody else around me and I kind of started leaning into it asking questions and then just processing that in my own heart was it um was it kind of a when your mother explained that to you was it a traumatic experience for you or was it just kind of you know easy to digest that yeah I mean I don't remember having very strong emotions now granted a lot changed in that in that next year or two after that conversation because I wasn't a Christian yet you know I didn't know Jesus um I didn't have any experience with the Holy Spirit or the Bible it was just simply my mom sting me down and explaining hey son this is how you were born you know this is my life this is how you know what your story looks like up until this point so I didn't really have any trauma necessarily associated with that specific moment but once again as you get older as I came to the Lord and I started processing different memories or different moments or thoughts or belief systems in my life that's when I started to begin to see different seeds in my life that I knew were not healthy and were trauma and pain based and when you were hanging out with your friends or when you met their families what and and saw that they had fathers was that were you kind of wondering why you know you didn't have a father or was that was there kind of like what about me why didn't I get get a dad yeah totally and I love that I love this question because one thing that I do remember you know pretty clearly growing up and let me say like this I always make this clear when I when I talk about my story and my mom like my mom has been such a phenomenal mom to me you know she loved me she took care of me she provided for me even till this day she's one of my monthly Financial donors you know and and she'll text me from time to time when she sees what I do and she's like go get them son you know but the reason why I make that point is because you know growing up I remember when I would go to my friends houses and I would see them have you know their fathers or family I actually spent so much time with my friends and their families maybe almost the same if not more than my own household and it wasn't because there was anything in my household that was so dire or you know we were there was such a a pain and a trauma it was more so I long for that father figure I long for that connection into the fullness of family and what that looks like having brothers and sisters the mom and dad Etc and so I remember having that feeling in me like okay I really like being here with my friends you know I really I desire a father I desire to have maybe more of an extended family but I didn't obviously know how to get there and I didn't really know what the root of that was but I I clearly remember that 100% And were you exposed to any kind of religion as a kid you know I I can't remember ever hearing a a worship song I definitely never went to a church service my mom says I went to one when I was like well but I I don't remember it so either I did either I didn't or there clearly was not much of of the Holy Spirit there one of the two um but I don't remember ever going to church service ever hearing a worship song you know nobody had ever shared the gospel with me you know I remember my my so not my biological mom but her partner at the time her mom which we would call my grandma she was a Believer to some aspect now I was really young so I don't know the fullness of that relationship with the Lord but she would say the name of Jesus or talk about you know like let's pray or let's bless the food things of that nature but there was never any direct like what I would say like direct encounter with the presence of God there was no revelation of Jesus there was no um maybe there was some sort of knowledge but definitely no heart connection or heart Revelation and so this raises the big question how did you come to faith in Christ yeah I remember you know I was 15 years old it was the summer going into my junior year of high school and you know just like most kids at that age we're just trying to figure like who am I you know you're you're figuring out identity for the first time you know you're kind of understanding the world and how things work and college is on your mind I was a big Sports kid growing up so I played baseball full-time and I just remember in that season a really good friend of mine it was her and her grandma they would go to this Sunday morning service and so I just remember uh I don't remember if it was text or in person but I somehow got an invite um to this church service and I said sure like why not I'll go you know my mom wasn't you know our family wasn't anti-god or or anti-religion it just wasn't a conversation in our household and so I said sure I'll go my friend picks me up I go to the Sunday morning service you know I don't remember any uh any crazy dream or prophetic Vision happening I just remember sitting in that service and for the first time in my life I felt the presence of God and for me what that tangibly felt like was like oh my gosh like I have value I am I actually was created with a purpose there is actually you know a God who cares for me and I believe he's real and so here I am in this church service feeling all these things feeling love feeling peace feeling Joy feeling Destiny and I remember going home that night and just in my room you know I didn't really know what it meant to have a conversation or communion with God but that's what I was doing and in my heart I was crying out saying God I believe but I don't even know what I believe you know I believe because I felt your presence and I know you're real but what does this look like for my life and so sure enough after a few nights of doing that in my room and just encountering the tangible presence of God the next time I went to church I just remember remember kind of raising my hand when they said you know does does anybody want to give their life to Jesus I ra raised my hand I prayed a confession of faith and then from that moment on I was like I'm a Christian and so that's kind of how that experience took place praise God I don't know if you know much of my story but that this similar thing happened to me the very I was invited to an Evangelical Church in Hollywood um in 2009 and you know I just kind of was like why not you know and I so I went and the very first time at this at church God re you know after the sermon during the worship time God revealed himself to me and it was like oh my gosh it was like a road to Damascus like like the Holy Spirit just flooded me and and I was balling and balling and balling and and then it happened again when I got home uh after the service I got into bed because I was so just freaked out by it all and God's like here's some more of my glory and I just was like b i burst into tears and jumped out of bed and I was like God you have my whole life I'm done I'm Yours Like that's it so I love I just I so love that God does that when you know when you step out like that in faith like he he meets you there and like that and just the fact that he did it on the first time like I went to and you went to the service like is amazing yeah I'm so grateful I mean you know it just proves that you know truly he has chosen us and it's just a matter of time until we choose back you know yeah exactly I think that's what really stands out about the story is it was the first time One Touch One Moment one ounce of his love or of his glory that becomes tangible to the human heart and all of a sudden we're awakened and and we can see Jesus to some capacity that we've never seen before I always say that everyone's an atheist until they meet Christ so good so good so wait how did you so after this experience and after you you know gave your life to Christ how did you what was the conversation like with your mom your mom's um how did you tell them what was their reaction well I mean a few things that I remember really vividly is first off I was 15 at at the time so guess what I couldn't drive so my mom would actually take me from our house drive me to church it's about 30 minute drive was it wasn't super local super close she' come back home then come pick me back up and take me back home so you know first off my mom was definitely like you know maybe in her own personal heart she wouldn't say I'm surrendered to Jesus and and want to pursue Jesus but she loved me so much that she was like this is my son this is what he wants to do like I'm going to support him in that you know I mean second thing I remember is you know granted I just gotten saved I had no clue what it mean to you know what it meant to defend the faith or to even like really share the fullness of the Gospel I was still like in my own heart trying to figure that out you know and I don't really remember having too many conversations with my mom it was kind of one of those things where it was like Hey I support you in this but like this isn't for me this isn't you know I don't pursue Jesus I don't profess Jesus but I I love you as a son so I'm gonna you know if you want to go to church camp boom you can go you know if you want me to take you to service you know I'll take you to service now at the same time you know that's just the natural right I think so many times we also need to we need to consider the fact that as a natural things are happening there's things happening in the spiritual realm too you know so for me it was like I was going to church I was in enounter the presence of God for the first time in my life then all of a sudden as soon as that service ends and I'm in the car and then I'm back home now my life and my body and my and my spirit is awakened to the reality of the spiritual realm and so it was like these two worlds like during the week it just felt like heavy and like man I'm I'm in such a I'm in such a struggle and I'm in a family who doesn't know the Lord and then I'm at church and it's like fire of God you know presence of God is his love his Joy his peace and so it was such a interesting uh divide so to speak in the spirit because everything in the natural nothing really changed outside of me going to a church service and becoming a Christian which obviously is a massive step but in the spirit all of the sudden I started I could just sense and pick up on things and God was refining my heart and speaking to me so that that week was so incredible last thing I'll share too Becket about that week that I got saved is that week my mom and her partner who had been together for about you know 13 14 years at that time they actually split up that week and so it was just a it was just a crazy time you know I'm getting saved I'm encountering God for the first time you know my mom and her partner are having issues you know I have a younger brother who's uh three years younger than me and so it was it was just a mixture of things happening in that week and in that moment wow wow and so how long did it take you I mean obviously you probably started reading the Bible right away I'm assuming and then how long did it take you to understand biblical sexuality and marriage you know and I always want to be so careful with language right language matters so much right the power of life or death in the tongue but one thing that I that I'll share is you know God's sovereignty upon my life was just so unique and what I mean by that is obviously God is Sovereign over every person's life he desires none would perish and he wants all to know him and his son however for me it almost was like before that church service it's like I kind of already beli these things though I didn't ever think about him or talk about him or have anybody tell me about him so it's like as soon as I got saved I was just like yeah like this is sexuality you know like this is marriage you know this is the design of God this isn't you know this is G like it was kind of like I felt like I already knew it though I had never read it or ever had a revelation on it it it was so unique and so for me I didn't really have this process of like okay God I need you to sit me down and I need to understand why homosexuality is not your design okay God I need you to sit me down and explain why marriages between a man and woman like I never really had those thoughts it was just like yeah this is truth this is reality here's my experience and and but at the same time I know that my experience wasn't the truth it wasn't the design so I know that doesn't really give like a full context of an answer but that's kind of like the what was happening in my heart and in my mind in that moment it was just like this is the truth like amen it just felt so simple to me the same thing happened to me so when I had the second encounter with God in my bedroom and I you know I was like God you have my whole life I knew immediately that um because I you know was living as a gay man for 20 years and or whatever I don't know how long since high school and uh and I just knew immediately I knew that that was not God's design that was no longer a part of my future that but I didn't care I was just like I just met Jesus like I'm gonna go with him forget that old life so um it's the same thing like I just I just knew immediately it was like Crystal Clear there was no kind of process there was no like you know researching it it just I just knew so the Holy Spirit I mean God had so much grace on both of us yeah amen and I'm just so grateful for that because I'm not saying the process is wrong but it's like it allowed me to just kind of pick up from zero and go to 100 you know real quick and I'm so grateful for that and just so grateful for his grace and the spirit and I mean how what does your mom think about your beliefs now with in terms in terms of sexuality yeah I mean you know I've had in the last year or two I've had you know some great conversation with her and just to give some quick context you know I think it's important I I come to the Lord right at 15 you know I'm in that I start serving in the high school Ministry you know and then I graduate high school and I go to college and I was only a Believer for about a year and a half and I go all the way you know it wasn't super far but from Los Angeles where I grew up to school in San Diego I kind of just uprooted from that because I still didn't really understand how to fully hear the voice of God and discern where he's taking me so I I graduate from college with a business degree I start running some some businesses I was in the fitness space and in that time I actually walked away from God Becket like I actually chose because I didn't have the money I wanted I didn't have the girlfriend I wanted I didn't have the house I wanted it didn't look like how I wanted it to look I didn't renounce my faith but I just said you know what we're going to put this on pause I'm just going to try to make money you know try to build a business so that I can have a secure future and then God I'll kind of add you back in at some point you know so the reason why I bring that point up is because then it comes to 2020 I've been living disconnected from intimacy with God for about 3 four years years and with all the tension happening in 2020 I remember the Holy Spirit spoke to me and he said Ross if you don't stand now you never will and I knew in that moment that this was not for lack of better language this was not like a daddy God type of moment this was like a Stern father saying son I have your best interest in mind it is time for you to be a man and understand what that means and to step up to the plate of who I've called you to be and so I come back to the Lord in 2020 now granted my mom she sees me get saved she sees me go to college and now she sees me after college and you know you can tell when somebody isn't walking in intimacy with God their language changes you know their demeanor changes the things they pursue and talk about change so my mom knew there was something going on though we never talked about it and then all of a sudden I come back to the Lord and now here I am traveling America you know and the nations of the earth preaching the gospel and so I I share all that context because the the story Line's a little bit different than what most people might even know or see just from watching social media and so here we come into 2023 I'm having these conversations with my mom and she's just like what happened you know or like where are where are you at and I just share what I just shared with you and I just kept it real with her I mean you know during the time of since I've gotten saved till now she's had multiple different people that she's been in relationship with you know none of them have worked out and I just I just keep it honest with her I'm like Mom like you know why what's holding you back from coming to Jesus and she simply told me that she she enjoys the lifestyle that she lives not just homosexuality but the things outside of that and so that's kind of the the main you know point I think to answer your question of course if you want to go deeper we can but that's kind of the context and where the conversation is kind of left off at this moment so when when God told you to you know what were the words he said what was it yeah the holy spirit said if you don't stand now you never will and was that so were was that scary a scary thing for you to kind of step out and and quit your your job or quit your jobs or whatever businesses and and was that scary for you it wasn't scary because I knew that that was what I was created for and that the past four years of my life I was simply running away from it like I knew when God spoke that to me it was his you know I want to be careful with language but it felt like a final invitation to the call of God on my life now I know that might break some people's theology boxes the point I'm trying to make with it is this there's certain moments and seasons in our lives where God speaks to us and gives us an invitation and an opportunity and because he's so good and he can't break his nature it's a the choice that we have and we can choose no and we can say you know what I don't want that so in that moment I knew that was an invitation for me I had no clue what was going to happen I had no clue that the pandemic was going to get as crazy it was going to get I had no clue that you know I would preach one day like I was just in my room simply saying my life is not right I am not living for God I'm stuck in sin I'm in darkness I'm in bondage I'm all about myself and your presence God that I've tasted and encountered in the past I don't have that in my life and I want that back and that's simply what happened in that moment wow yeah I mean in 2013 God it was so it was such a strong U kind of pull on my heart God was calling me to Seminary wow and I was a production designer at the time and I I just was like God how am I gonna do how am I gonna work and go to Seminary full-time and um and I got you know one of my pastors prayed with me uh at this prayer meeting and he said after he prayed for me he said Becka I I think that God's gonna pay for your Seminary and that's going to be confirmation you're supposed to go and I'm like what I'm like How's that gonna happen but to four years later you know God paid for everything and S I didn't pay any tuition or any like for books anything and um so yeah when God calls you to do something he and you walk in obedience he he provides for you like He blesses you He he'll he'll provide whenever you you know follow his whenever you're obedient to him 100% so let's talk about uh California will be saved what is it how did it start where did you get the idea obviously from God but what how did this all come about and what is it you know when it comes to what is it I think I'm still trying to figure that out right you know me me and my friend Joel who co-lead the ministry we call it the great experiment like seriously you know and I I'll explain some context on that so 2020 I come back to the Lord you know I'm living in San Diego and I'm just start I start to burn again for God I'm just like God I want your presence I'm in the word but my next thought was and this is a thought that I've had ever since I could remember especially because of my family Dynamic God I need a people I need a community in my life who I'm relationally connected to who is pursuing you and burning for you the same way that I am and so I remember you know in 2020 in Cali I think a lot of people forget it was crazy here know crazy it was a wild place you know almost every church was shut down almost every Ministry was shut down but there was a few who stood in that in that moment of time and I remember at the time there was these tent revivals happening in Orange County and so I said you know what I'm gonna go so I showed up at this tent in December of 2020 it's LED they're now my good friends Jesse and Parker green and I remember I shut up to this tent they're talking about Revival in California now remember I just come back to the Lord my heart's burning I'm like Revival Revival Revival they're talking about Revival in California I'm like this is where I'm supposed to be and that night the person leading worship on the stage was a guy by the name of Joel Joel M and I remember I had just connected with him on Instagram we had never met him person we were never you know not didn't really have any communication and that night the Holy Spirit just said like you need to connect with him so sure enough that night the leader of the ministry Jesse Jesse Green she brings this guy Joel on stage I promise there's a point to this story that connects with me he brings Joel onto the stage and she says the Lord spoke to me about Revival in California and what it's going to take and he told me it's like Mary in the alabaster jar that we have to be willing to give everything that we possibly can to the Lord and so she said Joel the Lord told me to give you my brand new Jeep car brand new Jeep car she brings the keys out she puts them in his hand everybody's weeping in the tent Joel's weeping I mean it was just a such a surreal and holy moment she says Joel you have a sound of Revival that needs to be released across California and you're going to need this car to travel up and down the coast that same night yeah that same night is my first time back in any sort of Revival service before that happens the Lord tells me I need to connect with this guy then I see this moment play out after the event him and I just chat we connect we start texting start talking and we're just like bro I'm burning for California you're burning for California like we got to do something so we said you you know what let's do a worship night we do a small little worship night in San Diego at the small little chapel the presence of God comes so tangibly that like we we didn't even know what to do we weren't planning on doing multiple events we're like we just got to do something and then after that first night we're like we can't stop this you know and so sure enough back it after about six months of these once a month worship nights we get a dream that comes to us and you know the DNA of our ministry is is Lou Ango if you're not familiar with Papa L angle he's just somebody who's you know been praying and fasting for America the ending of abortion and and all these different things and so his DNA just kind of kicks in and we get a dream and a vision that comes to us and if there's anything we've learned it's like if the dream is from God you have to do the dream you know and so in this dream we were at Huntington Beach and we were worshiping the ground began to shake you know Jesus just casually appears in this dream and and he speaks to us and he said he speaks to our friend he says do you hear the sound and do you see what is coming he says the ground in California has been prepared the battle has already been won now is the time for the Reigns of my spirit and this massive tsunami wave tsunami wave crashes on the coast symbolizing the presence of God so we get this dream and we're like oh my gosh this I mean this has to be God we show up at Huntington Beach in August of 2021 now keep in mind Becky we had no Ministry no Instagram page I never preached a day in my life we were just a a ragtag group of young adults just saying we're going to do something for Jesus because our state our world is chaos and intention and we just believe worship and the gospel is the solution and so we show up at Huntington Beach all of a sudden I look up there's three to 400 people there I'm like grabbing people like are you real like are these angels like like how did you hear about this how did you get here and so from that moment on you know after that night it was just incredible the presence of God was so tangible you know people walking on the boardwalk are getting saved and delivered and baptized in the ocean people were coming up to me they're like Ross how long have you been a pastor I said 30 minutes like I don't know what to tell you you know what church is this I'm like I don't know what church this is this is just multiple churches this is just the body of Christ and so long story short after that we decided to name it California will be saved and so what we do is we go to major cities of influence or anywhere the Lord tells us to go we set up a sound system we do live worship uh we share the gospel we pray for the sick and then we baptize people in the ocean and plug them into local churches and so our mandate is to take worship and the proclamation of the Gospel outside the four walls of the church that we may see people saved healed and delivered and plugged back into the body of Christ do you ever get push back from from people at these or you know like hecklers or anything at these events yeah definitely had definitely had my fair share of of you know people um you'll probably enjoy this one we were on Hollywood Boulevard not the main big event we did this year but we actually did a smaller little pop-up event where we actually just showed up on Hollywood Boulevard right there on the Walk of Fame and we just set up like two sound speakers and we're worshiping and praying and preaching this guy is literally driving on Hollywood Boulevard he stops his car I kid you not he hears the worship he stops his car he gets out he doesn't come near us but he just kind of starts mocking us he's like throwing up hand signs he goes back to his car he puts on a tank top that literally says 666 Satan first off who has that just chilling in the car 666 tank top but he he gets out he just starts ping us we we just pray and and we just go for it then we see another guy pull up like five minutes after him he's literally doing witchcraft in the middle of the street burning sage and wearing this like this cape and it was just a whole thing so we've had our fair share of people but you know the holy spirit's with us God's got our back we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit but those are just some few examples of some fun things we've encountered and what do when when you go to these places do you need to get like permission from the city or do you just go and do it yeah yeah I mean I'll say two things number one we we have the permission of heaven we have the Great you know we also have the amazing US Constitution which backs up you know religious freedom and expression in America like praise God for that but at the same time we do try our best we want to honor local officials and cities we bless the police we bless our government and so in the beginning though I'll be honest we were just showing up you know keep in mind in that time it was so crazy it's like they weren't even giving out permits they weren't the city wasn't even communicating really with people so we just showed up we'd bring four to eight speakers and we're like we're here to prophesy to this land that Jesus Jesus Loves You Jesus is King you know um now when we do our bigger events we we 100% get permits but if it actually came down to it I mean I'm just being really raw and honest like we're not going to stop like we bless the city we're going to try our best to honor our government officials but at the end of the day it's like Daniel you know we don't bow to the kings of this world we bow to the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and so we're going to honor people we're going to love them we understand their position but when it comes to Worship in the gospel one we have the US Constitution and then two we have the heavly Constitution yeah and the the Apostle like Peter and and Paul like the apostles that like get beaten and tortured and thrown in prison and then they're they're told not to you know talk about this Jesus guy and then they immediately get out and start talking about him again so it's like exactly exactly so okay so before we close give us a couple of interesting stories of you know Salvation or whatever from these events I mean man there's obviously so many but there's a few that stand out out to me I mean number one I remember we were uh doing an event in Santa Monica right there on the grassy area close to the pier and uh so the worship starts we're about five minutes into the Gathering all of a sudden I see this guy like full Sprint like kind of near the stage so I'm kind of thinking like is this dude about to like take out one of our band members you know but he he's in a full Sprint and I see him he ends up talking to one of our leaders um that's a part of our our ministry and a part of our team so I'm thinking okay like oh they're fine no worries then I look over again and guy's getting baptized and it's like 10 minutes into the Gathering and so in that moment first off like you know there's usually a flow in services or a flow in Gatherings I'm like okay God you're clearly doing something this guy the music Started five minutes ago and he's already getting baptized like this is incredible so I go over to our leader at the end of the at the end of The Gather I'm like hey like what what was that and apparently you know we can't fully confirm that he was a Satanist but he had some shirts and some and some things on that were pretty satanic and so what happens is apparently he full Sprints to this team member he didn't know this person was a team member he just starts talking to our team member about just X Y and Z going on and on our team member shares the gospel he says yes he gets into the baptismal tank that we have he takes off his demonic emblems and t-shirts and everything gets baptized and then joins the Gathering and he's in the front row the rest of the night worshiping going crazy clearly you know he's so brand new he doesn't fully know what's going on but the joy of the Lord is on him he's saved he's delivered he's healed so that's the first story that stands out whether he was a full on Satanist or just really heavy into demonic oppression he got saved baptized and delivered in the first 10 minutes of the Gathering and then he starts worshiping with us right there on the spot wow you know um another story that stands out it isn't a specific story it's kind of just a corporate story but we we shut down Hollywood Boulevard which was a whole testimony in itself and we preached the gospel we had 115 documented salvations on Hollywood Boulevard in front of the Chinese Theater in front of the Walk of Fame we have 35 baptisms and over 10 to 20 churches repres presented close to 2,000 people came out for that Gathering I mean that's just a testimony of the unity and the power of the church and Becket I'd like to say it like this because are are you still in California Becka yeah I'm in I'm in West Hollywood perfect so I like to say it like this the Church of California sure is not dead but surely alive and so that was a testimony in the moment right there where people you know right off California right off Los Angeles say it's so dark it's so this and I'm like no like the church is alive here um and I think the last story I share you know that kind of resonates with me is I'll never forget this that our first Gathering ever at Huntington Beach I we do the altar call we preach the gospel I look to my left and I see this guy I could tell he wasn't with us I walk up to him and I'm like hey what's going on he looks at me with tears in his eyes he goes I was walking on the boardwalk I'm drug addicted I'm alcohol addicted my wife and I are struggling in our marriage I heard what you guys were said like what do I do to get saved it was like a a chap you know Acts chapter three or four that's at it's like what must I do to be saved you know and so he gets saved he stands up he looks at his wife face face to face and repents for everything he had done wrong in their marriage and then gets baptized that night you know there's so many more stories I can go on with but those are just a few that uh really resonate and stand out to me that's awesome that's so cool um so okay so how can people uh get in touch with you yeah great question you know social media is like the language of our generation one of the languages of Our Generation and so if you go like on Instagram Facebook YouTube and you just type in Ross Johnston or you type in California will be saved you'll see our ministry page you know send me an in send me a DM uh send me an email that's typically the best way to get in contact I'm I'm really heavy on social media so you'll see all our events coming up and everything else and so that's the best way to connect awesome well thank you Ross for coming on the show God bless your ministry and uh yeah it's awesome thank you thanks so much for having me Becket appreciate it all right thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: Becket Cook
Views: 33,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chynna Phillips Baldwin, Matt Walsh, Dave Rubin, Andrew Klavan, Lila Rose, Allie Beth Stuckey, Candace Owens, The Remnant Radio, PragerU, Daily Wire, Stand to Reason, Michael Knowles, Fleccas Talks, Glenn Beck, R.C. Sproul, Jordan Peterson, John MacArthur, Mike Winger, Daystar, Joni Lamb, Joni Table Talk, 700 Club, Alisa Childers, Ligonier, Ben Shapiro, Alistair Begg, Isaiah Saldivar, Elijah Scaffer, Jack Hibbs, Ruslan, PBD, Melissa Dougherty, Living Waters, Allen Parr
Id: 3v9Lunm3_bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 12sec (2052 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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