Faith & Sexuality - Becket Cook

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worldwide studies show that the number of people who identify as lgbtq plus is rising specifically among Generation Z and for most of his life successful production designer Becca cook identified as gay but left the lifestyle when he became a Christian he has an encouraging word for those going through similar life situations take a look it's very difficult when when kids come out to their parents especially if the parents are Christians the kids often times have been wrestling with this issue internally for years and so they expect their parents to be on board immediately which is unfair to the parents because the parents need time to grieve and to mourn and to kind of adjust to this news and also the parents need to give the child Grace too because a lot of times parents when they hear the news they react really badly and so both parties just just need to have a lot of Grace on each other everyone needs to just be patient with each other and parents just need to love their child unconditionally and love them well through this process and and pray for them before I was a Christian thoughts about sexuality dominated my my life my sister-in-law she was a Christian and she knew that I knew that what she believed about homosexuality she believed it was a sin but for for 20 years we would get together have coffee have fun she would talk about God I would talk about guys and she never once condemned me or judged me she never once brought up a Bible verse she just loved me really well and prayed for me for 20 years and it worked after that day of salvation when when I met encountered God that God had so much Grace on me and that kind of Desire diminished so dramatically and so I don't miss relationships with guys I finally found who I really am and it's it's far more satisfying than that life ever was my hope is that people will realize how much more amazing it is to deny yourself and follow Christ rather than to just give in to sin now just to satisfy some IM immediate need or urge I'm happy to be single and celibate because I I have this incredible relationship with Jesus and I don't ever feel alone I don't ever feel like I'm being cheated out of something or that I'm missing out on something because I have the best relationship in the universe period I love Becket cook I'm such a fan of his I love listening to his podcast cast and he just gives such wisdom and I love his testimony because it's not just a gay to straight thing it's a lost to found thing it's a Once I was blind and now I see and we are called as Believers to show all different people whether they believe the same thing as you or not show them Grace and show them love well recently John Jessup and Charlene Aon sat down with Becca cook to have a powerful conversation about the younger generation and sexual ID identity take a look because it's powerful Studies have shown that 22% of young adults identify their sexuality as not straight now that's three times the amount of adults who identify as lgbtq plus and that number seems to be doubling every single year author and podcaster Becca cook knows this all too well after coming out of the lifestyle he now shares his testimony and how we as Christians can reach those in the lgbtq community that's right A Creative more be cook was living what many would consider the dream life he was a successful set designer in the fashion world and mingling with Hollywood's Elite he was also openly gay yet it still wasn't enough was at Fashion Week and I went to all the part I went to all the shows to a bunch of the parties and I was at a party one night and I just I just kind of looked over the crowd and I just thought I can't do this anymore like this isn't going to cut it anymore when Becket gave his life to Christ he was radically transformed today he's one of the leading voices speaking the truth and challenging the lgbtq community on his podcast the Becket cook show and we are happy to have Becka joining us now thank you so much for being here today Becka so good to be here so we're now seeing in our culture so many people identifying right now as lgbtq I mean more than ever before what's going on on why are we seeing this I know it's it's crazy uh all of my friends in Los Angeles back in the day went to Brown University uh on the east coast and um apparently at Brown 40% of the student body identifies as lgbtq 40% that is huge when I was in college it was like 3% yeah so I think um there's so many factors but I think it's a social Contagion and I think it's the the the gay movement or the lgbtq movement has been going on for decades and I think it's finally coming to this place of of it's just absolutely all over ubiquitous and it's all over the culture and I think people are you know in in in in this age where young people are trying to find kind of their way in Life or their identity they now identifying as lgbtq because it gives them automatic status it gives them you know popularity if you if you say you're trans you're suddenly you know accepted by everyone everyone loves you so it's it's like back in my day if you wanted to Rebel it was like you get a tattoo or or you whatever you smoke cigarette but now it's like you become lgbtq like that's your way of rebelling and and it's so accepted in culture that they get they get praised for it so um that I think that's why and a lot of it is spiritual I mean it's a lot of spiritual attack oh yeah so Beck it's a societal shift but it's also generational and we see Generation Z being more open to talk about mental health issues and sexuality why do you think that is I don't know I mean I think a lot of I think of what we're seeing in culture now is the break it's the result of the breakdown of the family over the last 50 years or 60 years uh since the sexual Revolution um since the gay movement the feminist movement there's been an attack um consistently on the family and when you when you attack the family it leads to all manner of societal ills it leads to divorce it leads to broken families it leads to mental health issues it leads to um homelessness all kinds of stuff and so we're seeing we're seeing because in 1979 in California it was actually Ronald Reagan signed the no fa divorce into law and that that single moment has led to such a breakdown of the family and when you break down Cicero said you know the family is the first Bond of society so when you break that when you kind of break that Bond everything else kind of starts to shatter and that's why there's so many mental health issues and with young with jenz and with kids you know you talk about young people and them you know being more open to the lgbtq lifestyle the pressures upon them to do so how can we help you know them to resist these pressures because it's everywhere it's in the school books it's in music it's on TV and movies everywhere I think one of the things I try to do when I when I speak at places is I try to take young people through history because they don't know where they don't know that they're just a product of the time they're living in and if you show them like okay if we go back to Jean jaac rouso in the 18th century and we we take you through all the philosophers and scientists and Darwin and Freud until now you and and through um the feminist movement the gay movement from the 70s 60s and 70s until now you can see how this unfolded and you can see that and I think I think when you expose this to young people when you expose that they're um they have a blind spot they're they're they don't like to have a blind spot so when you show them like look you're you're you're not living in a vacuum you're living in a very specific time and place in history and you are have been affected by all the stuff that has led up to this so you need to be aware of that and you need to ask yourself why you're buying into this ideology because it's uh this is something new this ideology is new and and why are you what why what's what's the reason behind this and why do you think you are non-binary pansexual whatever you are why do you believe that so I think young people need to be challenged on that you know what you're hitting on really is identity issues and and I I firmly believe the spiritual battle that we're facing today is all about identity if we know who we are in Christ then a lot of these other issues tend to kind of Fall by the wayside because you see what's priority but you know many times when it comes to sexuality people just link their identity and base it solely on that what can you share coming out of that lifestyle about finding your true identity in Christ yeah I mean when I when I was gay when I identified as gay I mean it felt like such a part of me it felt like who I was and I thought you know when I was living that life I thought that it was immutable I thought this is just the way I am this is who I am and I was happy with it um but when you meet Christ everything changes and when you when your identity is in Christ it's it's so much more everything is more joyful and amazing and secure there's such a security in your identity in Christ because in that life there's no security it was always all of my relationships were quidd proquo it was always like okay as as long as you have good abs and I'm you have a great job like we're good to go but so there was always like I remember just with all of my ex-boyfriends walking on eggshells all the time because you never knew like are they going to leave me are they going to cheat on me but you don't have to worry about that with Christ because he'll never leave or forsake you and he's always faithful so amen like good riddens to those old those old guys yeah praise God and and Becca you know the fact that you hear Christians who say I'm I used to be gay I'm now Christian or maybe they're saying they're still gay but they're a Christian can you be a Christian and still identify as being gay I so so there are some people there's a whole kind of group of people called re revoice or side B Christianity um is what it's called who have been you know saved out of that life and who are genuinely Christian but they still call themselves gay Christians or queer Christians they also use the term terms like I'm a sexual minority which the Bible knows nothing of sexual minorities it only talks about sexual immorality or sexual sin so it's all Freudian language um and so I I think it's really dangerous to use those terms to identify yourself as like a I'm a gay Christian because number one it's misleading to the world around you it's a bad witness to Christ number two you're cutting off when you're holding on to your that old identity so tightly when you're carrying around that corpse that died when you got saved the Holy Spirit can't sanctify that part of you that needs to be Sanctified if you're holding on to this identity and if you're calling yourself I mean it's so bizarre to me I know genuine Christians who call themselves queer Christians I'm like what in the world why would you say like and it's also comparing the profane and the sacred together so Christian and queer or gay you're you're putting that together it's like that doesn't make any sense why would you do that yeah so yeah I I I don't think U I don't think people should use those terms it just remind reminds me of 2 Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ he's a new creation he's a new creation old things have passed away right all things are new before we started the interview we talked a lot about your mother and how she was praying for you can you give us practical steps how we as Christians whether we're peers parents grandparents friends how we can practically love and show both the truth and the grace of Jesus ministering to people who are in this lifestyle who are maybe contemplating this is how I identify I mean there's no kind of one- siiz fits-all answer to that because it just depends on the person and how young you know if they're if they're part of the social contagion if they're young and they need to be kind of challenged on this or there's you know in my case for example with my mother um she my mother when I came when I came out to her she cried she had her moment and then that was it and for 15 plus years she never mentioned it again we never had a conversation about it again and she would visit me in La uh we would talk on the phone all the time I was very close with her and she never once quoted bible verses to me or sent me you know nothing and what and then I discovered a few months ago I discovered that she typed a letter to God years ago and it was this it the title of the letter is a prayer for Becket and it was just like two dozen prayer points um and it was so amazing to me that she was praying and I didn't even know she was praying for for this stuff she even said she even prayed one of the prayer points was protect him from AIDS wow now this is an interesting point because because first of all my life was crazy in LA and and I wasn't terribly careful and one of my boyfriends whom I lived with came home after a year of being in a relationship with him he came home and he said he told me that he had just got tested for HIV and was positive I'm like oh my gosh and I thought I was 100% I thought for sure I was and I just was balling and balling was crying I'm like how am I going to tell my mother I get tested the next day and it's negative and and so for a long time I thought I must have some sort of natural immunity to HIV but it wasn't natural it was Supernatural because my mother was praying for me yes she pray for God God protected me years and years before yes yeah that's amazing what a powerful testimony powerful testimony and a lot of the things that we're talking about today you touch on quite a bit on your podcast the Becket cook show yes tell us about it yeah so during during the pandemic I you know had a lot of time on my hands and um I started a YouTube show which is also a podcast called and I called it the Becka cook show just because I didn't want the legal stuff I did I just wanted to use a name that no one else had yeah so check to make sure there was no yes cuz I did I've had this trouble before with another thing I did and it had the same name as something else and it was a big like $110,000 thing um but I so on my show I decided to do it because and I felt and people were kept telling me like you should start a YouTube show and I'm like what I don't even know how to do that but I I decided to do it because I lived in that world for so many years I lived the lies I believed all the lies so my show is all about exposing the lies of the culture and bringing the biblical truth to bear on those lies and and so looking at looking at the world through a Biblical lens and exposing all that stuff that I used to I 100% believed all of the lies 100% And so that's why I do the show well Becka was so appreciate your perspective your testimony your story thank you so much for being with us and you can hear more from Becket by listening to his show the Becca cook show it's available through your favorite podcast service hey everyone I'm Ashley key thank you so much for watching this video be sure to like subscribe and hit the notification Bell so we can reach more people with encouraging content like you just watched and so you never miss a beat see you next time and God [Music] bless
Channel: 700 Club Interactive
Views: 6,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Becket Cook, sexuality, gay, hope, jesus, god, faith, christ, parenting
Id: bho9FxhqGR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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