Reviewing YOUR Mod Applications... (Many Regrets)

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hello everyone this is sound route and in this video I'm gonna be checking out the moderator applications okay so I've recently opened these up on my server and we have had 176 people apply so I did make that ban appeals video lots of people loved it so hey here we are again but on a different application alright so by the time you're actually watching this video I'm guessing that the trial moderators or trainees were announced this is just for fun you know I'm obviously gonna make sure nobody knows who these people are unless you're the person that applied I'm gonna be showing you some of their four really funny ones why am I doing this yeah I'm sick by the way yeah you're welcome let's do this okay so there's a bunch of different sections and the first one is the personal section information about you this information will not be sold on the dark web so that's a rest assured for those that applied don't worry about it what is your age 455 what is your time zone KK what times can you usually moderate from KK now this is exactly what I want to see in an application okay this is like the best application I've ever seen actually I'm gonna have to accept this guy right now okay then we got the moderation section which is like why you want to become a mod and stuff okay let's read this why are you interested in becoming a moderator mmm that's a good question okay let's see what this guy said dfz view you good good good and so on and so forth okay you know I don't think that's such a bad answer you know it's actually pretty good it could use a little bit more detail and maybe add some more depth to it but other than that it's a pretty it's a pretty good application what is a moderators responsibility it's literally the same thing and then here they would this sexy thing oh my god dude well I mean alright there's also a situation section which is where you like complete the situations would you do as a moderator and let's let's see what this guy put for some of them a person has posted an image depicting gore in general chat what do you do warn the person and delete the images if it's depicting Gore okay that's gonna be a bad another warned you know hey at least they didn't select this one okay that would be much worse someone has said hey you dude in general what do you do bad the person okay yeah that's not a good decision my dude okay the thing is normally we warn them rather than ban them okay just you know ban them straight up no that's that's not a good idea dude everyone's gonna leave the server if you do that alright I'm just looking at this guy's other answers and they're like literally the same thing over and over so I'm just gonna go ahead and check out the next person let's see what else there is in the store for us what is your age five okay if you're applying for moderate now I understand I'm not even gonna explain it doesn't matter okay what is your time zone no clue I live in Europe though what times can you usually moderate from all the time nice dude that's really good that's great finally what level are you on the server zero well you know the minimum to apply is actually level twenty so I don't think that's gonna cut it sorry dude okay why are you interested in becoming a moderator now this looks like a lot of text okay let's see what this is norm if some is simply dummy text of the printing and type number I'm not gonna read this okay this is just like the Latin thing for like websites and stuff in a placeholder like who cares dude you just put some random text in order to like fill out the application it's literally the same thing for everything oh I like this one okay do you have any previous staff experience in a discord server what was the server how many members how long did you moderate etc his answer yes okay these situations that sections are actually really good like all of these are correct or rather the good thing to do I think that this guy is actually pretty good with situational things okay let's look at a brand new user okay so discord username now I might actually show this one because it's actually kind of funny here it's obviously not their real name sound droughts why why why would you put my name you know actually I'm pretty sure there's like six applications with my name it it's so funny like bruh what is your age 14 what is your time zone 14 what times can you usually moderate from 14 what level are you on the server guys can you guess what it is try and guess 40 why are you interested in becoming a moderator hmm let's see I am NOT and now I need to type more or I am NOT able to go on to the next page and now I need to type more or I'm not able to go on the next page etc okay so they just copy and pasted stuff so that they could fill in the form why should we choose you to become moderator hmm good question let's see what they said cuz I'm cool sure cool nice do you have any previous why do they put yes why like late you could put the server and the member count how long you moderate no just put yes in there that's fine that's that's all you need okay alright this person is not as adept at the situation section a person is spamming in general for the first time what you do banned the person ban the purse what okay we're on a new user now new person let's see what they said what is your age one no if you're okay I'm not even gonna go into this there's no point what is your time zone I don't know okay cool thank you what times can you usually moderate from you can include a range such as 3 p.m. to 10 100 p.m. yeah nice time what level are you on the server 6 you need to be level 20 or higher to apply why would you apply if you're under that level why are you interested in becoming a moderator because I don't have P P and I like to eat that's all but I have to write more so yeah ha ha ha what do you like to eat I like bana yi really every choking noises ok nice application I'm gonna give this guy admin real quick hang on alright there we go I've just given this person admin congratulations dude alright this one is pretty good situation 14 a member is unhappy with their punishment and they proceed to argue with you and dance what do you do hmm hey guys what do you think you should do time's up okay let's see what this person said okay that's it they speak the language of the gods they just said okay that's it it's all you need it's all you need and you get admin okay good job okay this person literally just put their discord user names my name again are you kidding me what is your age 1074 what level are you on the server negative 11 yeah that's not possible dude I'm sorry this is a pretty good one guys why are you interested in becoming a moderator d D D D D D etc it just goes on and on and then it has random words at the end nice do you have any previous a staff experience in a discord server yeah I'm a discord admin now I have several questions here all right this one is really good situations 17a moderator has started to insult you and rudely comment on your moderation quality what do you do pull out an ood Oh reverse you've got a okay after reading these I can say that actually you know most of them are really good and I really appreciate all the time that you guys have spent making these applications like it's a pretty long application usually it takes like an hour to finish so good job guys like seriously most of these are awesome alright and as I say that we get this okay do you have any previous staff experience in a discord server I am the owner of the universe I'm moderate 24/7 because of humans this guy says he's Jesus guys I can't believe Jesus just applied for mod I need to make this guy mod no I need to make him owner imagine if I had Jesus as the owner of my discord server oh my god guys they'll be so insane Wow all right boys I'm gonna end it off there thank you so much for watching I'm sorry if it wasn't that long because I'm feeling really sick and if I do any more I'm probably gonna die now I'll survive I'll be fine but most of these apps actually were really good I'm not gonna lie like the majority of them were amazing so once again thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed you could hit the like button if you didn't you could hit the dislike button the choice is yours choose wisely so I'll see you all in the next video bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SoundDrout
Views: 830,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord roleplaying, discord dating server, discord furry roleplaying, discord servers, furry discord, funny discord, funny discord server, discord application, discord staff application, the worst discord staff applications, mod, discord trolling, the funniest discord staff applications, bad staff application, staff application discord, discord dating, the worst staff applications, discord floating
Id: soW_04HGDxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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