Reviewing Monthly Food Subscriptions

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- [Mike] We are Sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles, to gadget reviews- - Ben, it's not worth it! - [Mike] and cookbook challenges to a midweek meal Packs app. - [Jamie] Crack your eggs and bake. - [Mike] We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. - Hello, everyone I'm Mike. This is Baz, welcome to Fridge Cam. - Today we're reviewing the gifts that just keep on giving. - Quite literally, every month until you cancel. (doorbell chiming) - This week we have selected some edible subscription services. So the gift that keeps on giving. There are going to be a number of them under the cloche and our two normals will pass comment on them, simple. Lift the cloche on your first. - Come on, let's do this together. Worth it. - Cake Tasting Club. (both laughing) What? - This is already excellent! - This is the Classic box and in the Classic box you get a mixture of sponge cake, brownies, bars, cookies or biscuits, always four portions of baked loveliness. - [Mike] And the packaging's made from plants not plastic, we like that. - Nice touch, the only thing I find troubles me a little bit is I can't think of the last time I had cake on my own. - Does that trouble you? I mean out of all the things to be troubled by in the world, that troubles you? - Mate, honestly, it's top- - You've got a lovely life. - I have. - You've got a lovely life. Two days. See, I mean you've gotta be eating all this cake in a week. - Straight away, yeah. - Baking cakes and other delightful treats is what we're best at. We eat, sleep and live cake and the core recipes are traditional ones passed down from their Nannas. - That's nice, and that's nice. It's really moist, nice cake. - Eggs are all free range. And the bakes are always 100% vegetarian. - [Mike] Banana bread. - I wasn't expecting that level of quality. - That's really nice. So fruit and nut cookie bars. - Probably worth saying they do use seasonal fruits and flavors throughout the year and every month is obviously different stuff. - Least favorite. - It's still good though, isn't it? I mean if you're into that, they're really good quality. - Marbled brownie. - The brownie's fantastic. I don't think you can question the quality of any of those. That is an amazing gift to be able to give someone, isn't it? - Yeah. - Because it's something that you'd never buy yourself. - No, definitely, I think buying it for yourself feels like a strange thing to do, I don't know why. - That's interesting 'cause you've both said that yet I've presumed this is something that I would treat myself with. Maybe I just live alone (Barry and Mike laugh) and quite like the idea of someone bringing me cake. (all laughing) The price per month including postage to the UK, what do you reckon? - If I was in a coffee shop. Each one of those slices would be, what? - 3 pound? - Yeah, 3, 2.50ish. - 3, 6, 9, 12. - Phwoar! Paying 10 pounds for that, feels like a lot of money. - About 15, 20. - 15 pounds a month. So for 15 pounds you'd get your four pieces of cake, or biscuit, or cookie, or brownie and one tea or coffee selection. And they mix and match each month. - I like that. - Is this a superscription or a subscription? - What, but they're both, no no but? - [Both] It is a subscription. - Sub, as in, subpar. - For me, it's a superscription. - Yeah, I'm gonna agree (laughs) it's a superscription. - Cake in the post, every month, how can it not be? (doorbell chiming) - [Mike] Condiment boys assemble, three- - [Both] Two, one. - I was too slow, sorry. - Here we go. - [Ben] Your next monthly subscription- - Does it come opened? (Barry laughs) Do we get an open box discount? - I wanted to have a peek. - It's a monthly cheese club. Yay. - So this is gonna arrive every four weeks. A new line up of cheeses each month and yes it does come with ice blocks so that if it arrives while you're at work s'not a problem. So in summary, four cheeses, couple of them are award winning at the Artisan Cheese Awards. These are all from The Ethical Dairy and they are each 150 grams. - Okay, what have we got here? - This is the- - Semi-hard farmstead cheese. - A sharp tasting, hard cheese, that's tangy on the tongue and crumbly to the touch. - [Barry] Nice. - That's nice, it's mild. What's this, the Alpine. This is the Rainton Tomme. - So this you should be - [Barry] Oh! - getting a semi-soft - Yeah, I love it. - sweet grassy nutty flavor, fresh with a creamy finish. - Oh I love that. - [Mike] What have we got there, Carrick. - Carrick is a classic farmhouse cheese carrying a deep nutty earthy flavor with an aroma to match and took silver award at the 2018's Artisan Cheese Awards. - That's really nice. - See. - I like cheese. I'm just gonna (sniffs). - Right, this is where a cheese club for me is a struggle. - Oh, it's on me. - Because three out of four times, I love my cheeses, there's always a blue cheese there to ruin it. - I'm gonna try and get some non-veinyness. Once I ordered a, is it Roshford? - [Ben And Barry] Roquefort. - Yeah, I thought that sounds like a posh pizza. Didn't know it was blue cheese. Pretty much had to go to hospital. (sniffs) Okay. (beep) - [Ben] Not for you, and I think that's fine not everyone likes every cheese (laughs). - How? How? - Can I tell you something else about this box? - Yeah, who are The Ethical Dairy? - That's exactly what I wanted to tell you (laughs). All of these cheeses this month come from The Ethical Dairy who are the first to practice, and prove that it's sustainable, and viable, they practice the keeping of the calf with the dairy cow in the herd. - I like that, so does the dairy change each month? - Yeah, on this month you have four cheeses from the same dairy. And that's what I like about, and I haven't tasted the cheeses yet which I'm excited for. - Well you can have the lot. For me I think this is brilliant, sub out the cheese for something that I'd enjoy. But I like the fact that you're exposed to a new farm. - Yep. - A new way of animal husbandry and new sustainable methods. But experiencing a new version of the food as well each time. And also cheese is a treat for people, isn't it. Like, you're a proper cheese eater. - Especially those cheeses, that is a Friday night right there. - Is it! - With a nice bottle of full bodied red, yeah. Okay then, how much for the monthly cheese club? Four award winning artisanal cheeses, 600 grams in total. - It's quite a lot of cheese. - Yeah it is a lot of cheese. - [Barry] 25 pounds. Which feels a lot of money. - Yeah, I have to agree maybe. But I'm gonna low ball it and go 20. - It's 15 pounds 50 a month. For four cheeses delivered to you every four weeks. - Okay, have you got a cheesey question to ask us? - Keep or a-whey? (music stops) Spelt W-H-E-Y. Again, one I had to explain. - [Mike] A-whey. - A-whey, oh your breath stinks! (laughs) - I know, I can smell it. - The monthly cheese club, or cheesey club? - Monthly cheese club. - It's not for me but it's fantastic. Take it a-whey! That would have been good. Sign me up, or take it a-whey! (doorbell chiming) - I think you're gonna love this one. - Do it. - This is a monthly subscription. The one we've chosen is the World Kitchen Spice subscription. Each month we produce recipes in our development kitchen then grind and blend the spice mixes freshly, measure them out into individual portions and each month you'll receive all the fresh spices and recipe cards you need to cook an incredible world food feast for four people. - I'm excited by this. - These are dishes I've never heard of- - [Mike] Yeah this is awesome. - That's why it's quite cool. - You are just paying for the spices, right? - You're paying for the recipe, the development and the spice blends that you use. Then you go and buy all the fresh stuff and should create a feast for four. You're gonna cook up a feast for us all. - [Barry] Are they cooked for us? - [Ben] And I've done most of the work. - Okay, pre-heat the grill now. - Grilling. - That's the oven. For the spinach, cook the spinach with a splash of water, half of the reserved softened onion and pepper, big pinch of salt, the spinach stew blend in a covered pan for 15 minutes until the spinach is soft and silky. - [Barry] Ooh. - Chicken suya. Grill the chicken skewers for 10 minutes turning frequently to prevent them from burning or until the crust begins to char on the outside and the chicken is cooked through. - That looks great. - I should point out that chicken's already had a nice herb oil marinade and then the suya spices with peanut and breadcrumb coating. - Wow, I'm excited. Jollof rice, stir the rice, tomato puree, jollof spices. Smell that. - Whoah! - That's amazing, isn't it? Salt and 500 mills of water into the pan. Cover and cook for 15 minutes or until the liquid has been absorbed. Right, we got some fresh prawns there as well so they go into the spinach for five minutes give them a stir and then lid on. Do you wanna make some dessert? Shall we make some- - [Barry] Yes! - [Mike] hibiscus puff-puffs? - The yeasted batter I've already made for you and left for an hour in a warm place. - Oh Ebbers, you're such a wonderful Ebbers. - Ah, carefully heat three centimeters of oil for frying in deep pan. Yes, over a medium heat. - [Mike] Puff-puffs can be sweet or savory with flavors ranging from chocolate to corned beef and are often served as small chops, finger food at weddings. - [Barry] Mm. - Wow, we're cooking up a Nigerian wedding feast. And it gives you the spice blend. - Ah so you haven't got to, ah. - [Mike] So they're not keeping it to themselves. - Never in a million years I'd have thought of making this. - Right, what are we trying first? Dessert? - Dessert, of course. It's there, it's hot. (Ben laughing) - [Both] Cheers. - Are you doing it backwards? - [Barry And Mike] Yes. - We're in charge. - I thought they'd be hollow, but they're not they're obviously they're donuts. Oh hibiscus and sugar. Ebbers are you done? - Yep, I'm happy now. - Good. Would you like a skewer? - Please. - This is so good. - [Both] Cheers! - [Mike] This is excellent. - [Ben] While you're having a little nibble on it all. - Oh yeah, I forgot we were doing this. - How much? - You're paying for an activity but you do need to buy- - Everything else. - A lot of ingredients yourself. I'm okay with that, depending on how much this costs. - 10 pounds? It's a lot of money for spices. - I'm gonna go with 15 pounds. - It's a three month subscription. For 26 pounds. Which makes it 8 pound 33? - As much as I loved the other two and I thought they were a good idea here I feel it's better value because you're learning, it's an experience, and you're able to take all of that knowledge and experience new things. - Mm. - But is this the monthly subscription that keeps on giving, or a present that isn't worth living? - That's really lame, isn't it? - It's not great. - [Mike] Keeps giving. - It keeps giving. - This is the best one so far. - I tell you what, that pepper sauce keeps giving. (doorbell chiming) - We're due a dud aren't we now? - (laughs) It's true, actually. - No, save the best 'till last. - [Both] Honeywell Biscuit Company. Jammie Dodger Freakshake. - This is the Freakshake subscription. Each month a kit will arrive to make a delicious, decadent, fully loaded freakshake so you can be the envy of all your friends. A perfect interactive teen gift with no screens in sight. Packaging is recycled, compostable or recyclable, wherever possible. Each month they arrive and it includes all the dry ingredients, piping bags, piping templates and recipe cards that you may or may not need for each month's freakshake. And they have a shelf life of six months. - So you just need to add milk, strawberry ice cream, squirty cream and your freaky side. - I didn't like the squirty cream but I did make you homemade strawberry ice cream. - [Mike] Okay, shall we do it? Snip off the corner and drizzle the chocolate round the edge of the glass. (laughs) - [Barry] Yeah? - [Mike] Oh, Baz. That is shocking! - Yeah, I'm actually quite annoyed at myself. - And we make the shake by putting the strawberry shake powder, a glass of milk and a scoop of strawberry ice cream into a blender. Mix until smooth. (blending) Smooth. Pour into a glass. Oh, hello. Top with a scoop of ice cream and squirty cream. So do you wanna go squirty cream all over that. Yeah, there you go, there you go, there you go. (both laughing) I mean, we've been- (both laughing) I mean this, I am so freaky right now. - We're exposing ourselves now Mike. - There you go, oh yeah. And then finish with a drizzle of strawberry syrup. - [Barry] Ooh. - Oh my goodness, look at it. It's definitely a freakshake. - Yep. - [Mike] Go on mate. - Be honest, you don't really expect anything from a freakshake. You're expecting a monstrosity. And that's what you get. - Yeah. - It's a bit of fun. - How much for the three months, or you can do it per month if you want, I've done the maths. - Off the shelf, there is the value is no more than a pound. - But you do get the glass and straw. - [Ben] On your first one. - Two pounds. Nine pounds. - [Mike] For three months. - For three months? - 15 pounds for the three months. - Yeah, maximum. - Comes in at 40 pounds for three months that's 13 pounds 33 a month. For the first month you get your mason glass, the rest of the time you just get the recipe and the dry ingredients. - 13 pounds 33 per month. - Is this freakshake subscription or weakshake subscription? - It's a weakshake, I mean come on. - I like what they're trying to do. I think the company offer far better services so for me this is a weakshake. - Now, speaking off subscriptions- - If you're interested in joining the Sorted Book subscription which gets you three brand new recipe books delivered straight to your door every year as well as access to the Sorted Club. - It's the most cost effective way of getting a book to your door. - Yes. If you'd like to learn more, click the link in the description box below. But for now, see you at 4 pm on Sunday. - Make sure you like, subscribe and all that jazz, bye! - [Mike] The Packs app is just one of the tools being used as part of the Sorted Club. Members are also discovering and sharing restaurant recommendations using the Eat app, listening and contributing to our Feast Your Ears podcast and giving us inspiration for new cookbooks received throughout the year. It's all included, so check out Sorted membership by heading to And now a blooper. (beep) Open wide. (crean squirting) 4 pm on our YouTube channel. (Barry choking) (Mike laughing) - Nyah. The worst one it was all air at the start like (chokes).
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 775,277
Rating: 4.9592743 out of 5
Keywords: gift giving, sortedfood, subscription box, foodie gift, subscription box unboxing, subscription box unboxing food, subscription box reviews, gift giving ideas, foodie gift guide, normal vs normal, sortedfood review, sorted food review, sortedfood mike, sortedfood ben, sortedfood barry, cake subscription, cheese subscription, spice subscription, world kitchen spice, freakshake, freakshake subscription, nigerian food, recipe subscription, jammy dodger, sorted club
Id: vEAihLQgQeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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