Review: How To Use Your UPGRADED Instant Pot Duo Plus

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[Music] hey guys it's jeff from pressure luck and today i am thrilled to announce that instant brands once again gave us the gift of a new instant pot well actually this is an upgraded version of an existing model the dual plus now when i wrote both my cookbooks and when i shot these cookbooks i used the duo plus for about 95 of the recipes so i'm very attached to that specific model so when i heard that when they were going to be coming out with an upgraded version they sent me one i was really really excited about it but also a little nervous because i found the other one so great can they make it better well this video is going to explain yes yes they did and the best part is there's like no learning curve to it so let's check out the brand new instant pot duo plus and explain the benefits of the new upgraded version i can tell you i've already used the new duo plus about five times and every single time the results have been nothing less than perfect it is so easy to use it's sexy and i just love it so let's go and i'm going to show you the differences between your existing duo plus and the upgraded version right here let's do it okay so now here are the duo pluses this on the right is the original and on the left is the updated model and i'll show you the differences between the two on the original model we have a blue display which every so often if you're not doing anything and you're in the off position it's going to just turn itself off and sit cancel to wake it back up um also when it says off on the screen the pot is indeed off even though it appears that it's on because there's power going into it to obviously illuminate the displays it's actually off no heating elements are on that being said i always unplug my instant pots when i'm not using them i just it's habit and i would suggest you do the same you also don't want to have this display get burned in with in terms of it constantly being on now what i like about the updated duo plus is the updated display i like that it has this black background and with the white for the for the font for the display for the time for the numbers it looks really sleek and really nice um the blue is nice too but you know this one is actually easier to read and nicer on the eyes and it just looks sexier i think in my opinion the biggest key change between these two on all honesty are the button situations it's not a huge difference but there is indeed a difference for instance the pressure cook button on the original model has taken a trip and gone all the way up here now instead now we also have a bunch of presets which i never use we have vernon soup and broth things like that which they've changed what they are on each one at this point like this one doesn't have any more a meat and stew option and it also doesn't have a multi-grain option like the original has but i'll tell you something i don't mind that at all because i never use these presets they're simply presets what you get instead is you have a sous-vide button which is a really nice touch and if you don't know what sous vide is it's essentially just cooking uh you could use a really even cheap cut of roast to a really fancy one and you put it in water in a plastic bag submerge it at a very low temperature at about 135 degrees for up to about 24 hours even and you can have the most unbelievable tender prime rib style type of meat it's fantastic it's a nice thing that they have on the new duo plus for sure the other big change in the control panel is the addition of a start button you see in the original one we don't have a start button so if i want to hit the saute button and i would adjust the temperature i have to hit the saute button again to change it less is low normal is medium and more is high and you'll see after a few moments of doing nothing i'll go into the function i don't have to do anything it'll start after about five seconds there we go it's on and you have a little icon up here showing a flame under a pot meaning it's heating up right now okay changing to the new updated duo plus when i hit the saute button i don't hit the saute button again if i want to change the temperature i now have these arrows over here saying temperature and pressure and i can change it that way that's the only way to do it here so i would go down if i want to go on low which is by the way the same as less when that's displayed medium which is the same as normal or high which is the same as more but when i want to begin i have to hit the start button we have a start button on this model unlike this one where i did nothing after five seconds and it started on its own this one you have to hit start for it to begin and instead of having a little pot with a flame underneath it showing that it's warming up it says that it's preheating it states it right on here on this little grid up here so that's the difference between the two that's really the main difference there the soviet function alone is worth the upgrade and it's also a lot sleeker okay so now let's explain how we cancel things out and get back to the home screen if you will you hit the cancel button on each and we've just turned our parts off now the off button think of it as the home screen to ever change functions on these pots you always have to hit the cancel button in my cookbooks i write the keep warm slash cancel button because on some original models keep warm and cancel shared the same button so let's talk about pressure cooking on the original model i hit the pressure cook button down here and on the new model i'd hit it up here let's go back to the original model what i don't like about this that always confused me was that there was also in addition to the pressure level you had this less normal and more which i think found to be always confusing frankly and i always just left it on normal always because i didn't understand why that needed to be there when i already have a pressure level which you would change by the way by hitting pressure level i always leave it on high and again after a few moments it's going to start itself there we go and then you see the p means we're building pressure and now going to the updated model if i wanted to adjust the pressure level i could either be low or high but what i enjoy about that is i don't have this less normal or more setting to worry about because again it's confusing i think they understood that no one really knew why that was there with the pressure cooking that's more of a saute thing right so they got rid of it completely it makes it easier and there's no guesswork or confusion anymore so again adjust with either of these buttons to go low or high i always cook at high pressure so to me that's kind of irrelevant but some people might like to cook at low pressure and then again because you have a start button you have to hit that button in there and then we're gonna hit start and it's going to show you the process just like this one here it's showing p for building pressure here it's preheating once we've hit pressure we'll start to go to the cooking grid and we'll move on and we'll go along for how long we set the time for and then when it's done it'll move to the keep warm area of the grid and i hit the cancel button again to go back to where i am speaking of keep warm i want to talk about this really quickly because i get this question a lot whenever i hit the pressure cook button like i'm about to begin the keep warm setting should light up if it doesn't make sure that it is the reason we want that lit up is because once we're done pressure cooking it'll switch the function to keep warm and it will keep your food warm after it's done cooking so i strongly suggest this light is lit up at all times when you hit the pressure cook button it will be by default okay now there is two physical differences in the pots that i want to talk about and they're all for the better with the updated duo plus all right so one of the most popular things i hear about is the liner pot situation now whenever you have an instant pot that looks like this regardless of the model it'll look like that with the heating element on the bottom that's the heating element right there always make sure the stainless steel liner pot that came with your instant pot is in there before cooking to that point you see what i just did this is the original duo plus the liner pot spins around kind of freely in there almost like as if you're spinning a salad or something like a fancy steakhouse not everyone likes that some people wish it was stationary and to do that they take a binder clip and they clip it to the side of the pot so it doesn't move when they're stirring in there it's actually a decent solution and even though it doesn't bother me 100 you know it would be nice if i wanted to keep it stationary and not have to have a binder clip to do so well guess what that's all been solved with the updated duo plus which by the way i clearly just used and didn't give it a super thorough cleaning yet but you know what it's really easy to do that some ball keeper's friend throw it to the dishwasher if you want just like new what you're gonna see here is that inside of the instant pot there are these little pads four of them to be exact right near the heating element of the pot you see that that little nub right there there's four of those in there and what that does is you take the liner pot you press it in and it keeps it completely stationary within the instant pot itself so to recap the original duo plus i'm holding the liner pot it's spinning freely with the updated dual plus i'm holding only the liner pot again and look at that stays exactly where it should go that to me is a game changer and it's really great because clearly instant brands has listened to everybody and given us what we wanted for that that's really really nice all right now let's talk the other big change which is the lids on the original duo plus we have the same type of lid on our duo models we have the nozzle here and we can just release the steam and seal it by doing this and i think it works just fine it's great and i'm used to that however to get things a little bit better of course they've improved with the new duo plus the updated model we have a lid now where instead of having the release on the nozzle itself the little way to do it there some people like to take the spoon and do it because they don't want to get too close to it you get used to it after one or two tries you can now just do it right over here so you don't have to actually touch it okay so also let's say i'm in the venting position and i take my lid off when i put it into place it automatically you see that locks into the ceiling position i'll show you again so it's inventing and watch as i slowly turn it it pops itself into ceiling so you'll never have to remind yourself to seal the pot it automatically does that and then again you just vent it like this so those are the two big differences in the pot lids is the nozzle situation now what you're going to get in the box with this instant pot besides the instant pot and the stainless steel liner pot itself that comes standard with all instant pots so you get the trivet which also comes with most instant pots and they're going to give you an extra ceiling ring and if you don't know what that is you see this little like silicone gasket here it's the same thing we'll call it a gasket or a ceiling ring you have an extra one in case this one either wears out which it might after about six months or so of taking it in and out if you want to clean it or if you want to switch them out if you're gonna do seafood for one and you wanna do like savory types of foods or sweets for the other you can also get other ones as well on amazon they're pretty cheap to get replacements and they're fantastic so i like that it comes with an extra ceiling ring that's nice all right now i wasn't gonna do a demo originally with this video but i think you all want to see how this thing works in action right from the saute function to the pressure cooking function i'm going to give you a quick rundown on how easy this is and how great it works with my famous mac and cheese let's just do that right away all right let's go so when i normally make my mac and cheese i don't use the saute function at all it's truly like a dump and go recipe but because most recipes do use the saute function and because i want to guide you through a whole recipe using this pot which would involve the saute function followed by the pressure cook function we're going to do that so i'm going to add in 1 tablespoon of butter to the pot now all right so now let's melt that butter and we do that by giving it some heat i want to hit the saute button and now i want to make sure that i'm on the high temperature setting if i want to go lower let's say it was on medium i would just go down to medium which is also known as the normal setting on older pots or low which is the less setting on other pots but i want to go for high which is also known as the more setting on other pots for the time flashing you're going to see 30 minutes you can go up to an hour if you want to on this one but to tell you the truth it doesn't make a difference because if the time runs out you just hit saute again always just leave it at 30 minutes you're never going to really saute ever more than about 10 to 15 minutes for most dishes anyway and again remember on the upgraded model we have to hit start to begin and once the butter is all melted and bubbling in the pot i'm gonna add in some bacon this time which i normally don't do with my mac and cheese but why not let's add some bacon now this is actually some pre-cooked bacon but why not let's get it a little crispier add it to the pot and now i'm going to saute my bacon in the butter for about two minutes until it crisps up just a little bit if i was doing this in the older duo plus or most other instant pot models as i'm stirring the liner pot will be stirring with it but not anymore all right we're looking good here now i'm gonna add in four cups of a broth of your choice one pound or one box of any kind of short form pasta you can use macaroni you can use cavatappi celentani which is like little pigtails this is something called pipette it's kind of like almost a mix of a macaroni and a shell combined i like that and i'm just going to smooth it out with a spatula to make sure it's mostly submerged in the broth and there we go once we look like this we are good to go with that perfect it's okay if something peeks up a little bit and we're going to add in our remaining three tablespoons of butter here and if i was doing this the way i do it in my cookbook as written i would just be adding four tablespoons of butter now because i don't have a saute function on this normally but whatever we're showing you how to do this from start to finish in the instant pot using both functions so i wanted to get that in there now we're gonna secure the lid and you're gonna see automatically in the ceiling position now we'll come back down to the control panel we're gonna hit the cancel button here remember hitting cancel and when it says off is like going to the home screen that's how we switch gears then we hit the pressure cook button for six minutes at high pressure and then just hit start that is it while it says on it's building the pressure right now okay so once our pin pops up which i'm going to show you in a second when that happens it's going to begin to count down for the six minutes we set it for and remember when we hit the pressure cook button make sure the keep warm light is lit because it'll keep the food warm when it's done pressure cooking simple as pie is pie simple well actually pies aren't that simple to make simple as mac and cheese in an instant pot let's say that instead and you'll see once the pots about to come to pressure this pin over here is going to start to steam out a little bit like almost like a tea kettle about to whistle and then it's gonna pop up and when that happens the lid becomes locked in and secure see the steam coming out of there a little bit any second now that pin is going to pop up just like in the movie the money pit where the turkey has a little timer and it goes boop the turkey's done see that we have ignition now that the pin has popped up in just a moment it's going to go from saying on on the display to the time we set it for to count down from because it's now built the pressure in this case that's six minutes and also one thing to note on the newer dual plus model is that once the pin does pop up this one really within just a matter of moments begins to count down for the time we set it for other models sometimes take between like one to like up to even sometimes four to five minutes for that to happen this one almost immediately which i really enjoy and you see in the little grid on top we're now in the cooking process here we're in the preheating process during the saute mode and when it's coming up to build pressure and once it's reached pressure it's in the cooking mode and how far along it is is going to be based upon how long you set the time for it'll equally divide that up amongst the time set so because this is six minutes it's gonna be like every minute and a half or so then it's gonna hit a new notch if it was eight minutes it would be every two minutes and now that we're done pressure cooking we're gonna perform a quick release and you see we're also in the keep warm setting now in terms of the graph on top and that's because we have this always lit whenever we pressure cook it'll always stay on the keep warm setting afterwards if you're doing a natural release what happens is the clock then begins to count up from the amount of time elapse since the pressure cooking has been completed so let's say this is a five minute natural release i'll wait till this reads five and then i'll finish with a quick release regardless if the keep warm light is lit it's not gonna affect the fact that you're having a natural release it's not gonna make it take longer it just keeps things warm and my talking has already given me a one minute natural release so i'm gonna release this right away and whether it's a quick release or a natural release that we follow by a quick release the way we release the steam on the new instant pot duo plus is to put our finger here and switch it from seal to vent and you see the pin just dropped that means now that our pressure is all released and now our lid will unlock and we can take it off watch this and you see when i opened it it went right back to the ceiling position i'm gonna take the lid off and there's my pasta i'm gonna take a little stirring spoon or spatula and just stir it around you're gonna see it will have cooked absolutely perfectly with all that liquid basically being absorbed by the pasta we have some of the bacon in there of course and now it's time to add in the cheese i'm gonna add in a quarter of a cup of grated parmesan cheese as well as you guessed it four cups you got that right four cups or a pound worth that's two eight ounce bags of shredded cheddar cheese or you could really use any melty cheese of your choice and this is where the fun comes in we just stir and stir and the magic happens all this cheese is going to meld into our pasta forming the most amazing mac and cheese now on my cookbook i give you other options on how to make this even cheesier by adding in some cream cheese if you want but for the sake of this demo i'm going to keep it a little lighter and just use you know a pound of cheese that's enough and i don't need this part on saute by the way the heat of the pasta and the pot itself the stainless steel is melting the cheese directly into the pipette and there it is guys talk about a mac and cheese that everyone's gonna love next time you see the box stuff skip it and just do this it's so much better and if you want to make your own mac and cheese this is better for you than the other stuff trust me all right let's put some in a bowl and try it out all right and there it is now let's try it out all right folks let's try out the mac and cheese and see how the new duo plus did look at how creamy and cheesy this is it's just heaven it's heaven it's heaven i tell ya it's your perfection it gets my approval fantastic if i could do the mac and cheese it could do anything oh fabulous oh i'm gonna eat this entire thing i gotta it's dangerous i gotta keep it away i'm trying to slim down a bit but you know for the sake of showing you guys how easy something is to make i you know i gotta take one for the team what can i tell you it was just an excuse to make mac and cheese this whole video really so there you have it guys all in all the original duo plus and the upgraded bottle are very very similar however if you're looking to upgrade and you want a little bit of a bang for your buck you're going to get a sous-vide function in there which the original does not have you're also going to have that fantastic new lid and the new pot situation with a liner pot will not spin around it'll stay stationary i also like the darker display it's easier on the eyes it's sexier it looks nicer in the kitchen and that adjust button with the up and down arrows for temperature it makes it a lot more easy to figure out how to do that instead of you know having to maybe consult my book to tell you how to do it so it's all very very easy and spelled out perfectly for you if you're looking for a new instant pot to add to your collection a hundred percent go for the upgraded duo plus which by the way if you're ordering on amazon or anywhere online right now well it's going to pretty much be the only that pot available because i'm pretty certain the original one won't be available anymore anyway but that's okay i won't miss it with this new model also this pots available in the six and eight quart size in the upgraded version currently when i checked online the three quart seems to still be the older dual plus model but who knows they might upgrade that one as well but the six and eight cord currently when you buy a duo plus you're gonna get the upgraded version and if you have an instant pot and you're just so looking to upgrade and maybe you've had it for two years or three years and been using it continuously might not be a bad idea to check out the new duo plus i love the pot it's fully jeffrey and pressure luck approved and that's what i got to tell you so in the meantime check out for some great recipes to go into that fantastic upgraded duo plus as well as pressure log cooking like the page make sure you see it as a favorite of course to not miss any updates and follow me at pressure cooking on youtube twitter pinterest instagram and maybe even tick tock and of course don't forget about the books to go with them happy cooking guys it couldn't be easier and it couldn't be more delicious and convenient in the instant pot duo plus the upgraded version of course enjoy [Music]
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 169,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Pressure Luck, Ninja Foodi, Best Recipes, Recipes, Best Instant Pot Recipes, Instant Pot Recipes, Pressure Cooker Recipes, Instant Pot Duo Plus, Upgraded Duo Plus, Duo Plus 2.0, Review, Instant Pot Review
Id: yTGpN1_N6b0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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