Reverse Racism on a Plane - Dave Chappelle - Killing them Softly

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foreign works out and black people's favor yeah it doesn't happen often it happens very rarely but when it happens it is [ __ ] sweet I'm serious it's one time racism saved my life man I was I was on a plane I was coming I was coming from overseas and uh I don't know how this guy got a machine gun on the plane but he stood up man he said everybody grown [Music] I started freaking out because he was Chinese I was like why is he talking like that [Applause] screaming and crying I was the only brother on the plane well I thought I was young brother I looked over there was one of the black dude he was from Nigeria I looked over them he was looking right in my face man he didn't say two words to me just looked at me he was like foreign [Applause] [Applause] that we understood the situation we were both seeing the same thing what we understood was simple terrorists don't take black hostages that's the truth I have yet to see one of us on the news reading the hostage letter um they is treating us good uh we all chilling and [ __ ] I like to give a shout out to Ray Ray and big Steve and um so you're not gonna see it and terrorists are smart they know what they're doing there you know they terrorists they know black people's bad bargaining chips they called the White House hello we have got five block hello you'd be back in DC you know anybody was thinking man this is this is an election year I'm asking you you know why God you know who you're voting for yet don't know do you now you see that you see what just happened here let me tell you something that is a cultural thing he knows who he's gonna vote for he's just not gonna tell me I've noticed that that is a cultural thing white people do not like to talk about their political affiliations it's a secret
Channel: Clip Clipperson
Views: 94,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xjEZfSZ8pDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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