Revelation Now: Episode 15 "Marked for Death" with Doug Batchelor

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hi friends you want to hear an amazing fact china has the most sophisticated facial recognition software in the world using just their faces the people can buy their groceries withdraw cash check in at the airport in fact china has over 200 million cameras scattered around the country watching its citizens with plans of putting up 400 million cameras soon with super computers they're going to have the technology to monitor all of their citizens follow their finances and even check their emotions sounds like science fiction but it's happening now we're going to talk more about the mark of the beast tonight stay with us in this presentation of revelation now [Music] good evening friends we'd like to welcome you all once again to revelation now coming to you live from the amazing facts studio in granite bay california we'd like to welcome those joining us across the country and around the world we've been going through some of the most important prophecies of the bible and tonight is no exception a very important prophecy talking about the mark of the beast so we are glad you are tuning in for this we'd like to remind you that we do have live spanish translation at the amazing facts latino facebook page and also the youtube channel as well as the revelation now spanish website and then also sign language for the deaf that's also available at the revelation now website don't forget at the end of the presentation this evening we'll be taking your bible questions always fun to look forward to seeing what questions come in so you probably will have several questions at the end of this presentation so feel free to type it there on facebook in the comment section and pastor doug will try to answer as many of those questions as possible as time will allow we'd like to greet our viewers who are watching from some of the countries that we haven't recognized yet we got some communication from saudi arabia folks who are watching there angola solomon islands and egypt so we'd like to welcome all of those who are watching from those countries alexander in serbia says we are streaming these programs in our own language on facebook and youtube and we are very blessed so greetings to alexander and those in serbia we have gravis who is watching from the solomon islands and he says we are tuning into all of your revelation meetings pastor doug and god god bless you and then susan from queensland australia she says i have enjoyed these programs and have learned so much thank you and then finally we got cody who is watching from belize and there they say three to four families are meeting regularly to hear these presentations we are so encouraged and you can see the little group meeting there in belize they gather together faithfully and they participating in the revelation now series so greetings to all of those who are joining us across the country whether you're by yourself watching in front of your computer or on your television screen or if you gathered with the group or your family a very warm welcome to all of you we'd like to remind you that we do have a lesson that goes along with the presentation tonight you'll find this on the revelation now website it's entitled mark for death it's got the same title as today's presentation and then we also have a free gift it's one of the amazing facts study guides and it's simply entitled the mark of the beast and if you'd like to receive a digital copy of this study guide text the word marked to the number four zero 40544 and you'll get a digital copy of that study guide if you're outside of north america just go to the revelation now website and you'll be able to download that study guide under the section that says resources well we have a very important program tonight we want to give pastor doug as much time as we can so i'd like to invite pastor doug to please come forward good evening pastor ross good evening pastor doug and as we said an important program tonight so those who are watching we'll encourage you grab your bibles there's a lot of bible verses so take advantage of that let's start with prayer dear lord once again we are thankful to be able to open up your word and study these very important um relevant time prophecies relating to our time and so we pray for your special blessing be with those who are watching and we pray for pastor doug as he opens the word in jesus name amen amen thank you pastor ross and don't forget in just a few minutes we're going to be meeting again with pastor ross and dealing with your bible questions and we anticipate hope that you're going to have plenty of questions on tonight's subject dealing with the subject of the mark of the beast and you know as always we like to kind of go out on the street and find out what some of the citizens have to say we took our camera crews to several major cities in north america just grabbed people on the street and started asking them bible questions and this time we asked them what they thought or knew about the mark of the beast so here you have it the mark of the beast i've never even heard of that i've never heard of mark of the beast so i have to be honest and say i'm not sure what the mark of the beast really represents it's something that will mark you as a person who belongs to this world you will not be able to buy or sell or trade or do anything without it there will be a requirement that everybody have this mark of the beast and if they don't they will not be able to buy things it was supposed to be some futuristic thing like this chip that we're supposed to all get soon i was growing up i was told that that is going to happen and that's going to be the mark of the beast and if you get that then you're definitely going to hell i've heard that it's tattoos i've heard that it's uh you know a 666 somewhere on your body i've heard that it's a freckle or a mole you know one of the blocks of the beast is like the three sixes which is 666. the devil's numbers so i actually refrain from saying six six six every time i see them i look away six six six for me has to do like with the devil and hell uh obviously easy one here i think that just means evil devil anything surrounding that it's the devil's number um everything's bad so usually when there's like a you know horror movie 666 is involved or you know a pentagram and other stuff all right there you have it friends everything from never heard of it before to some very concise and intuitive responses we're going to go to the bible and find out what the word of god has to say now in part one of this presentation this morning we read to you from revelation chapter 13 up until verse 10 we're going to pick it up now with verse 11. we've described and identified that first beast in revelation chapter 13 but then it tells us about another beast so there are really two beasts when we're talking about the mark of the beast it's really a confederacy of these two beasts working together verse 11 revelation 13 then i saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb lamb is a good thing but he spoke like a dragon and he exercised all the authority of the first beast in his presence and caused the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he performs great signs so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived and he was granted to give power and to give breath to the image of the beast that the image of the beasts should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed and he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on the right hand or on the foreheads and that none might buy or sell except the one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it's the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six or six six six all right with that uh little backdrop we're going to go into our study remember we always need to use the bible stories to understand these bible teachings we're going to go back to the beginning and in the beginning in the book of genesis it tells us adam and eve initially had two sons later they had many sons and daughters you can read about that in genesis 5 but it tracks the genealogy through the first two sons and their names were cain and abel but it tells us they're very different like jacob and esau were different cain and abel were different a cain he loved to work with the soil he liked to farm but abel was a keeper of sheep and it tells us that he seemed to have a little more of a tender uh sympathy than cain but in the process of time they both brought offerings to the lord now the lord had set up the sacrificial system when adam and eve left the garden you remember they tried to cover their nakedness with fig leaves and god said that will not do and he gave them robes of skin and obviously something had to die to cover their nakedness and this is when the lord established the sacrificial system revelation talks about the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so they knew that whenever they offered a lamb it symbolized the day when god's son the lamb of god jesus would come and die for our sins and the sins of the world so as painful as that was abel obeyed and it says that he brought the first lien of his flock and he laid it on the altar and cain he decided that was maybe a messy business he said well you're a shepherd so you bring your sheep but i'm a farmer i'm going to bring some fruit so they both build altars and they both made an offering to god and abel said you really ought to do what god told us to do cain so it doesn't matter and fire came down from god and accepted the offering of abel but nothing happened to the offering of fruit or vegetables that cain had except fruit flies and cain became angry with his brother and the bible tells us that they must have had some serious discussions he resented it abel tried to remonstrate with him and say you know we really you should obey god god even said to cain sin lies at your door but he hardened his heart and finally at one point they were discussing these issues and you read in genesis 4 verse 8 cain talked with abel his brother and cain rose up against abel his brother and slew him killed his brother and then god said to cain the voice of your brother's blood cries to me from the ground and the lord set a mark upon cain lest any finding him should kill him so right here in the beginning you notice true worship false worship god's way of worshiping man's way of worshiping man made worship the one who is worshiping wrong persecutes the one who is worshiping right and finally kills him there's a death decree and then he gets a mark so with that background you can see echoes of that all the way back in the book of revelation in the end of the bible and that should probably set the stage for us to go to our first question now we've got several questions got a lot of material and um you pray for me as i preach and uh i'll try and be as clear as i can with what can be a simple subject but there's a lot to uh a lot to take in all right first question who will be protected through the seven last plagues now we don't have a specific lesson that talks about revelation 15 and 16 and the seven last plagues but the bible tells us there is a time of trouble coming in the future unlike anything that has ever happened jesus says this in matthew 24 luke 21 mark chapter 13 in daniel chapter 12 talks about a great time of trouble and but god's people are protected through these plagues just like god protected his people through the plagues that fell on the egyptians it says in revelation chapter 7 and matter of fact i'd like to open that and read it to you from the bible if you have your bibles you can join me go to revelation chapter seven verse one after these things i saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth that simply they didn't think the earth was square that meant the four directions north south east west holy in the four winds of the earth that the winds should not blow these are the winds of tribulation and trial the winds should not blow on the earth or the sea or any tree and i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth see they're holding back this tribulation that's the harm of the earth saying do not harm the earth the sea or the trees until we have sealed the servants of our god and the foreheads and i heard the number of those who were sealed 144 000 of all the tribes of the children of israel we'll talk more about who they are a little later so there's this group that is protected and it says seal them and a seal is placed in the forehead and right away people are thinking whoa seal on the forehead that's the bad guys no the bible is telling us that the seal in the forehead is actually going to be dealing with the ones who are saved and so you can read here in revelation 7 verse 3 till we have sealed the servants of our god in their foreheads and so there's a group that is supposed to be having the seal of god in their foreheads and they're the ones that are saying let me read something to you from ezekiel chapter nine and everyone automatically thinks the ones who are sealed are the ones who are going to be suffering look at this go to ezekiel 9 it describes the six destroying angels that are going to go through the land of israel and in 9 3 it says now the glory of the god of israel had gone up from the cherub where it had been to the threshold of the temple and he called to the man who was clothed with linen who had a writer's ink horn by his side and the lord said to him go through the midst of the city through the midst of jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of all the men who sigh and cry over the abominations that are done in it to the others he said in my hearing go after him through the city and kill do not let your eye spare or have any pity utterly slay old and young men and maidens and little children and women but do not come near anybody upon whom is the mark so here's this group in ezekiel and it's going to get a mark and the ones who are marked are actually the ones who are saved oh you wanna they're trying to give me signals here friends i i i can't concentrate when the directors give me something he said my microphone's too close pull it slightly off my cheek it's bumpy all right i'm glad he's telling me that they're they're using pantomime i'm going i don't know what that is all right back to our study now i can figure out what's going on so we just read here in ezekiel that it's telling us that there's a group that's marked but they're the good guys they're saved everyone automatically thinks if there's a mark that means oh don't don't want to get the mark in the last days but everybody's going to be marked in revelation you will either have the seal of god in the last days or you have the mark of the beast so back to our study so we want the good seal what is the seal that the righteous have in their foreheads you can read the answer in isaiah chapter 8 verse 16 bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples it's telling us that the disciples of the lord have the seal seal the law so there's something in the law that contains a seal also let's find out what is a seal tells us a god seal contains three things and what i did is i put a seal up here on the screen i just captured this off the internet it's the seal of british columbia and they're under the british empire of course and it says elizabeth ii by the way the longest reigning monarch in england's history elizabeth ii queen canada all seals contain three components it'll have the territory it'll have the name and it will have the title and uh you have several seals in the bible there was a seal that was placed on the tomb of jesus by pontius pilate it said pontius pilate governor judea there was a seal that was placed on the lion's den when daniel was dropped in there and it said darius king mido persia and so all seals will contain those three components so where it says bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples where do we find the seal of god in the law of god you know you can look here actually i've got it on the screen which of the ten commandments contains all of the elements or components that you would find in a seal for in six days the lord made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them now there you have it the lord that's his name jehovah made he's the creator and the sustainer the heavens and the earth the whole cosmos the universe his name his title his territory is in the middle of god's law now before we go any farther i i can try and anticipate some of what some of you may be thinking out there isn't the seal of god the holy spirit yes it says grieve not the holy spirit wherewith we are sealed unto the day of redemption in the book of ephesians i think there's two places it talks about being sealed with the holy spirit and i think everybody out there knows that whoever has the mark of the beast whose spirit do they have the devil whoever has the seal of god whose spirit do they have god's spirit so those things are obvious so we're looking for something that is even deeper than that that is going to be evident in the life there's a distinguishing difference the sabbath commandment longest of the ten commandments in the middle of god's law the only commandment that begins with the word remember and it's the only commandment that wait i'm going to set this up i shared with you a while ago on the planet you've got the holy land and in the holy land you've got the holy city jerusalem israel is the holy land and in the holy city you've got the holy mountain mount zion on which you have the holy temple and in the holy temple there's the holy place and beside the holy place you've got the inner saint and the holy of holies and in the holy of holies you've got the holy ark and in the holy ark you've got the holy law are you beginning to get the picture in the holy law you have the word holy one time it's in the middle of the law and it is in the sabbath commandment it says you're to keep it holy and why is this such a big deal you're alive right now and you're alive because of time if you have no time you don't live we exist in time god created a day of time to worship him and to dedicate to him some people it's easier for them to give a donation to church than to give god their time and god is saying if you love me then show me dedicate time to me if someone always says to a person oh i love you i love you and they spend no time with them you begin to wonder do they love them if you love someone you're going to want to spend time with them god says this is a sign of that love and this is the seal of god in the law of god bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples it's in the sabbath commandment now god says this several times through the scriptures and we'll look at a few of these we identified question 4 we identified the beast in lesson 13 what is its mark of authority all right we talked about the seal of god now remember what we said about the beast and i i hope you get your seatbelt on friends i'm just going to read you a couple of uh quotes that identify the church see if i can quietly do this the church um went through a time of great apostasy paul said that that would happen there'd be a falling away from the scriptures the protestant reformers believed that this first beast in revelation 13 was the roman catholic church and it includes some of the orthodox churches also in eastern europe as well but let me just give you an example of some things where there's been a drift from the scriptures and this is not something i dreamed up this is what the protestant position has been do we go by the bible sola scriptura or do we go by tradition the bible teaches that we're not to bow down to statues it's one of the ten commandments but the roman catholic church says that you can and should bow down to statues the bible teaches that all have sinned except jesus catholic churches teaches that mary was sinless the bible says that jesus is the only mediator between man and god the roman church says that mary is a co-mediator with christ not to mention some of the saints that they pray to the bible teaches that christ is offered his sacrifice on the cross once and for all catholic church teaches that the priest sacrifices christ on the altar at mass this is a big debate in the reformation about transubstantiation the bible teaches that all christians are saints and priests the roman catholic church says that the saints and priests are special cast within the christian community the bible teaches that all christians should know that they have eternal life first john 5 13 the roman catholic church teaches that all christians cannot and should not know that they have eternal life the bible teaches that we should call no religious leader father jesus said that in matthew 23 the roman catholic church teaches that we may call priests the pope or the father the bible teaches not to pray in vain repetition jesus said matthew 6 7 the catholic church teaches people to say the lord's prayer or hail mary in a repetitive form the bible teaches to confess your sins to god because only god can forgive sin isaiah 43 luke 5 24 the roman catholic church says you must confess your sins to the priests for forgiveness the teachings of purgatory limbo prayers for the dead are nowhere found in the scriptures but they're relics of paganism so this is just some high points the church and i want to reiterate what i said if you didn't hear it this morning they're going to be a whole lot of roman catholic people in heaven and church membership by itself is not what saves a person and there are a lot of godly dedicated people in many different christian persuasions i want to make that very clear but there's only one bible there's only one truth the bible says the truth will set you free so every divergence from the truth enslaves people in part or in whole so we need to know what the bible teaches on this so we identified what the beast was in our presentation this morning now let's find out what they claim is their mark of authority these are from their writings now if i used to go to catholic school and i never was confirmed as a catholic i just went because they had good education and if you go to a catholic church and you want to get catechized they take you through the catechism and that's a question answer format good teaching method we use it here jesus used it and this is from their catechism when they answer questions about their faith all right first of all question which day is the sabbath day answer saturday is the sabbath day why do they go sunday why do we observe sunday instead of saturday answer we observe sunday instead of saturday because the catholic church transferred the solemnity from saturday to sunday have you any other way of proving that the church's power to institute festivals of precept answer had she not such power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her it's technically not all we don't she could not have substituted the observance of sunday the first day of the week for the observance of saturday the seventh day of the week a change for which there is no scriptural authority they freely admit that they actually say this is a mark of our ecclesiastical power what is the second beast of revelation 13 4 now we already told you first beast in revelation 13 we believe is the roman catholic church we believe it meets all the criteria we went through about 11 or 12 different points this morning then we said the second beast we believe is talking about the united states which used to be a a beach head of protestants for the world and but it's been going through a real change america used to subsidize and send out missionaries all over the planet but gradually america is becoming less and less of a christian nation and it tells us that something is going to happen starts out like a lamb ends up speaking like a dragon he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads now does anyone have the mark of the beast now no and i know we'll get some questions on this what what's the transition point when does someone actually receive the mark of the beast when there is a law that compels them to worship a certain way or their penalties if they don't if we choose to obey the laws of a religious power instead of the laws of god well peter said should you obey god or man he said we ought to obey god rather than man now follow me for a moment friends for me it's so clear i hope i can make it clear for you you go to daniel chapter um go to daniel chapter three the government makes a religious law that everybody needs to break the second commandment about idolatry they don't if they don't bow down and worship that golden image they're going to die but god's people say shadrach meshach and abednego cannot do it because we would rather obey god and so they're persecuted the death penalty they go to the fiery furnace but jesus delivers them daniel chapter six veto persian king makes the law that everybody must break the first commandment worship only him as king for thirty days notice the devil sneaky don't do it forever just thirty days just break god's come on for a little while so he can get along with everybody daniel will not do it he goes to the lion's den god delivers him you look in the book of esther mordecai will not bow down to haman haman gets the persian king to make a law that all the jews should be annihilated death decree on a certain date but god stands up for his people and they survive the bible is telling us in the last days there is going to be a combination of a political religious power two powers are gonna unite you can have the the religion of the east and the west and the politics of the east and the west and they're gonna unite and they're gonna compel people to worship a certain way and probably the point this time is not going to be the first commandment or the second commandment it's going to be the fourth commandment this is what we're sharing here and i hope we can make a good case for it but no one has it yet because it's not compelled yet revelation 13 12 and he causes the earth and them that dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed we discovered that in 1798 the roman church received a deadly wound but once again they've become a worldwide power you know what an image to the beast is what's an image it's a facsimile it's a similarity and isn't it interesting i always thought that if you go to the headquarters of the vatican you look at the capital they both got that kind of romanesque design and in front of the vatican you've got a big sundial in front of the capitol you get the biggest sundial in the world it's the washington monument and there are several things that are very interesting i've got more on this later so keep coming is the mark of the beast uh or the seal of god a visible mark now a lot of people think don't worry no one's going to give me the mark of the beast because as soon as they pull out that tattoo gun and try and tap 266 on my forehead i'm gonna run and folks figure as long as i don't let anybody tat 266 in my hand or my forehead i'm okay but as time's gone by folks realize that's probably not very likely i mean who would get in line if the government said everybody lined up so we can tattoo 666 on your forehead it's not what it's talking about and yet even some bad bible paraphrases some people have created their own bible paraphrase when it talks about the mark of the beast it says a tattoo in the right hand of the forehead that's unfortunate that's not what it's talking about the mark of cain doesn't say god put a tattoo on him we're not exactly sure what that was but if we let the bible explain itself it becomes very clear let's look here in oh the other thing i've heard is you know recently now they've started improving the rfid technology and a growing number of companies they got some in europe and scandinavia they're tech companies they put this little rice sized rfd thing between the thumb and the forefinger and you don't feel it and they don't have to carry a card with them anymore nobody can steal their card they walk to work they swipe their hand it opens the door we've got cards here to open the door in our office they swipe their hand and checks them in their hours they leave the building they swipe out they know who it is when they came and it's becoming very convenient and they're doing it now for medical devices they've been doing it for dogs for a while at least in north america you have your dog registered they put a chip in it in case it runs away they scan your dog they find the owner there's a lot of good arguments for this but that is not the mark of the beast but it is creepy either way so what is it hebrews 10 verse 16 saith the lord i will put talking about the new covenant i will put my law in their hearts and in their minds i will write them is that literally god opening up the chest and putting the law inside or is it talking about symbolically it's talking about putting the law of god in our our hearts and our minds and our hands whatever your hand finds to do do with all your might it's a figure of speech if you say someone can you please lend me a hand they don't toss you their hand it means can you give me some action some work isaiah 59 6 the works their works are works of iniquity and the act of violence is in their hands again the hand is talking about action and so it's a sign for thee exodus 13 9 on thy hand and a memorial between thine eyes god's seal god's law in the forehead says i'll put my laws in their minds and i'll write them in their hearts now let me let me read well i can quote you in deuteronomy chapter 6 and it tells us there these words that i command you today shall be in your heart you'll teach them diligently to your children when you lay down when you rise up when you go in when you come out you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and they will be frontlets between your eyes see that's very simple friends if you do not have the law of god written in your forehead or in your hand let me give you some more verses you know a lot of people get mixed up on this but there's so many verses on it look in exodus chapter 13 verse 9 and it shall be a sign for you on your hand and a memorial between your eyes now in hebrew between the eyes men forehead in the greek new testament it says forehead people are not making the connection it's the same language in the hand in the forehead the law of god should be in our actions and it should be in our worship in the two let me take you to verse 16 exodus 13 16 it shall be a sign for you in your hand as frontlets between your eyes by strength of the hand the lord brought you out of egypt matter of fact i think there's four times there in the writings of moses it says in the hand in the forehead in the hand in the forehead none of those times is it literally some people have taken it that way that's why some of my jewish orthodox friends they actually take pieces of the law and they tie it on their hand they hang it from their phylacteries in the between their forehead and they'll literally staple pieces of the law of god on the door and that's a beautiful ceremony but what does god want does he want it on your forehead or in your forehead does he want the law of god on your hand or in your actions and this is really what it's talking about so it's going to be a battle about who we obey will we obey the laws of the beast or are we going to obey the laws of god that determines and you'll have to have the spirit of god to obey the law of god that determines what's the difference between the mark of the beast and the seal of god it's god says and i will be their god and they will be my people question 8 the beast has a mark to represent its power and authority does god also have a sign of his power you can read in ezekiel 20 verse 12 i gave them my sabbaths to be a sign between me and them that they might know that i am the lord that sanctifies them it's a sign that god sanctifies us do we still need sanctification and that sign is still there hallow my sabbath it'll be a sign between you and me that you might know that i am the lord your god and you know the truth be known much of christianity north america and around the world they don't even keep sunday as the sabbath anymore i used to preach in baptist churches on sunday and i remember people meeting me before the service i said pastor you better be done by noon because the football game starts and so the idea of people really keeping sunday is a holy day i remember years ago some of my christian friends say you know we grew up baptist methodists and there was no television in the home we only wore certain clothes we were not allowed to go out and play sunday was a special day americans aren't really keeping any day holy anymore and so we've drifted away from what god's original plan was verily my sabbath you will keep for it as a sign there you got it again a sign symbol between me and you throughout your generations that you might know that i am the lord that sanctifies you so we've seen the sabbath is a sign that he sanctifies us and he made the day holy he could make us holy it's a sign that he created the world for in six days the lord created do we still need god to create us or recreate us we do we still need the sabbath as well what did the antichrist power attempt to change it says in daniel 7 25 he will think to change times and laws okay i'll ask our studio audience when you look at the ten commandments which one of the ten commandments is both a law and a time just the sabbath there's only one so that ought to narrow it down pretty quick it says the beast power would act like he's got this authority now this is from the catholic church's own writings and i'm not really good at latin it's the scrattle day translate episcopa the pope has power to change times to abrogate laws and to dispense with all things even the precepts of christ now think about that they say the pope has the power to even dispense with the teachings of christ you know anyone can believe what they want in the way i understand freedom i think jesus respects people's freedom when christ invited people to follow him if they said no and they walked away he didn't wrestle him to the ground and beat him up when the disciples were upset because a town did not welcome jesus they wanted to call fire down jesus said you don't know what spirit you're of let people have freedom and i respect the freedom for people to believe whatever they want but i respectfully disagree i do not think the pope has the authority biblically to change the teachings of christ and i don't know if people are all aware of what the official teachings are they admit and this is a 1895 letter from c.f thomas of course the catholic church claims that the change was her act notice this and the act of changing the sabbath is a mark there's that word mark interesting the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters i've got a lot of statements that say pretty much the same thing here's a more recent quote this is from saint catherine's a catholic church sentinel may 21st 1995 perhaps the boldest most revolutionary change the church ever did happened in the first century i actually think it was later the holy day the sabbath was changed from saturday to sunday notice not from any direction noted in the scriptures but from the church's sense of her own power people who think the scriptures should be the sole authority should logically become seventh-day adventists and keep saturday holy and i'd like to thank them for that endorsement but that's actually true they if you're going to go by the bible it sort of narrows it down you know i've just got you can just go online and you can look at the quotes from different religious leaders i can't read them all i've got pages and pages of quotes from honest theologians that will admit this baptist methodist catholic church of christ presbyterian here's an anglican and this is from isaac williams in his sermon on the catechism we're told in the scripture that we're to keep the first day are we at all no we're commanded to keep the seventh but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day the reason why we keep the first day holy instead of the seventh is the same reason we observe many other things not because the bible but because the church has enjoined it in the baptist manual written by edward hiscox dr edward t hiscock we believe that the law of god is the eternal imperishable rule of his moral government there was and is a commandment to keep holy the sabbath day but the sabbath day was not sunday it'll be said and with some show of triumph that the sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week where can the record of such a transaction be found not in the new testament absolutely not there is no scriptural evidence for the change of the sabbath institution from the seventh to the first day of the week and i'll go on here i'm just skipping to save some time of course i quite well know sunday did come into use early in christian history as a religious day as we learn it from christian fathers and other sources but what a pity it comes branded with the mark of paganism christened with the name of the sun god when we adopted and sanctioned the people apostasy and it was bequeathed as a sacred legislative legacy to protestantism they admitted church of christ this is alexander campbell i think the founder of the church of christ i do not believe the lord's day came in the room or place of the jewish sabbath or that the sabbath was changed from the seventh to the first day for this plain reason where is where there is no testimony there can be no faith now there is no testimony in all of the oracles that the sabbath was changed or that the lord's day came in room or place of it i've just got to pick through a few here here's sermon john wesley founder of the methodist church this handwriting of ordinances our lord did blot out and take away talking about the ceremonial laws and nailed to his cross but the moral law contained in the ten commandments and enforced by the prophets he did not take away the moral law it stands on entirely a different foundation from the ceremonial or ritual law every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind in all ages dwight moody wrote in his book weight and bounce the sabbath was binding in eden and it has been in force ever since the fourth commandment begins with the word remember showing that the sabbath already existed when god wrote the law on the tables of stone at sinai how can mere men claim that this one commandment has been done away with when they'll admit the other nine are still binding you know i might pause there and just mention that i've had the privilege and again i want to reiterate i know there are good christians in many different churches of preaching in baptist churches methodist church church of christ pentecostal foursquare nazarene i've i know there's lovely christian people in these churches and i know i can go to virtually all of these churches and i can preach on any of the commandments i can preach honor your father and mother and they'll say amen i can preach don't steal and they'll say amen i can say you should only serve the god only and they'll say amen should not commit adultery they'll get a little nervous but they'll say amen i go through all the commandments and they'll agree and then i'll say and remember the sabbath day and they said we're not under the law it's been changed and people i just it's amazing to me how nervous people get because it boils down to doing something that's different from what they've heard it's hard to change and it means their time and people there is a sacrifice when you learn the truth and uh but the blessings outweigh the sacrifice the bible says he blessed today he did not curse it he wants it to be a blessing peter answered the other with the other apostles and they said we ought to obey god rather than men now just to give you an example of how the catholic church has drifted from the scriptures i thought i'd throw this in washington post october 28 2014 pope francis says evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because evolution requires a creation of beings that evolve so i guess he's agreeing that you know if a being evolved into a man did they think that being was an amoeba which being evolved into a man but they they accept they embrace that you don't take genesis literally that we've evolved this is from the catholic encyclopedia 1991 we should not interpret genesis literally so the story is about noah and the ark and adam and eve and the creation and marriage and abraham and the tower of babel they say these are all fables don't take it literally well friends that's where i say you know there's just got to be a party in the way if you're going to be a bible christian if the bible is a source of truth then how can we scuttle and jettison all of the bible truth and say well we'll just find out what the culture believes that's very dangerous question 10 what was god's criticism of his ancient priests or pastors malachi 2 verse 8 and 9 says you've caused many to stumble at the law you've not kept my ways but you've been partial in the law so they said well we'll keep some of the law but we're partial about it and he told the priests you're causing them to stumble you know what god says in deuteronomy chapter 5 verse 29 oh that there was such a heart in them that would they would keep all of my commandments always that it might be well with them and their children forever god's not offering us a 10 discount god doesn't call them the 10 suggestions of the 10 recommendations this is god he writes it in stone with his finger you can't man can't change the law of god and he wants us to keep it and whenever we disobey any law of god we're going to suffer in some capacity god said they have forgotten the law of thy god hosea 4 6 it says my people are destroyed for knowledge what kind of knowledge how are they being destroyed for not knowing he says because you've rejected knowledge i'll also reject thee because you've forgotten the law of your god hosea 8 12 i've written to him the great things of my law but they were counted as a strange thing and i'm amazed sometimes i'll preach this and and i'll even have pastors say pastor they get very nervous about the law i said is it in the bible are you a bible preacher isn't this important for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not burdensome god is telling us that he wants us to keep his law so that we can have that blessing it's not to be a burden including the sabbath commandment and yet a lot of the world they're putting blinders on money of the world they don't look at the commandment about idolatry and it's interesting a lot of people bow down to statues and you say you know doesn't the bible say you're not supposed to do that are you aware that the catholic church has rearranged the ten commandments the catholic church in the regular jewish tradition protestant tradition the fourth commandment is the sabbath the catholic church has taken the part of the ten commandments that deal with idolatry and they sort of merged that with the first commandment and so just says don't have other gods before me don't take the name of the lord in vain third commandment remember the sabbath day and he said well how do they end up with ten they divide the tenth commandment in two don't covet your neighbor's house and don't cover your neighbor's wife and his house and things and they're trying to get around that idolatry one man if you ask them about idolatry they'll say well when we bow before mary or one of the other saints we know it's not really them but that's what any buddhist around the world would say when they're bowing before a buddha you say you know that's not buddha oh now we know it's not buddha but it helps us to visualize buddha but it's idolatry because it lowers your conception of god when you do that he says do not do it and one of the principal things we're learning as we study the subject of revelation this beast power is making an image the bible is so clear do not get involved in idolatry john says my little children keep yourself from idols the king of babylon he dreamed of this big idol but it was all crushed and the rock of god's word fills the whole earth by the way how does daniel bring down i'm sorry how does david bring down goliath what does he use oh that's a couple of kids we have here what is it a stone where's the stone hit goliath ah they get to mark the beast in the forehead that's how they bring them down the word of god what specific solemn rebuke does god give to religious leaders regarding his holy sabbath thou hast despised my holy things and has profaned my sabbaths her priests have violated my laws and have profaned my holy things they put no difference between the holy and the profane this is not just in the catholic church but in many religious institutions they've taken what god has called to be holy and they've made it common you know the bible tells us that the purpose of the plan of salvation is not to just make us happy it's first and foremost to make us holy and it's not until we're holy we will be happy the bible tells us without holiness no man will see the lord and if he's got a commandment that he says we should keep holy then we ought to realize it's important to god it's a day he blessed it's called the lord's day it's not the sabbath of the jews he calls it the sabbath of the lord your god in isaiah 58 he calls it my holy day and they've hid their eyes from my sabbaths and i am profaned among them how can it be more clear i mean boy that just underscores what's happening in many christian churches today they've hid their eyes from my sabbaths and our prophets have dobbed them with untempered mortar this is ezekiel 22 verse 28 it's another passage how it's talking about making a wall and forgetting to put in the concrete and the mortar and how do they do that seeing vanity and divining lies unto them saying thus says the lord when the lord has not spoken and telling people that they can ignore the sabbath commandment what specific sin does god command his leaders to denounce cry aloud lift up your voice it says spare not cry aloud spare not lift up your voice like a trumpet show my people their transgression now i know preaching this message sometimes i've made some enemies i've got friends that are leaders in christian churches all around the country i can name their names and some of them are friends some of them when they see me they won't even shake my hand they know me they've seen our programs it's created some problems in their churches and i'm sorry for that but i cannot hide the truth and and then i've got friends in other churches and they said doug i disagree with you but i respect that you are boldly standing up for what you believe you know the bottom line is i'm like everyone else you know i'd like to be liked i would prefer people like me than dislike me but ultimately in the judgment i've got to answer to god and i don't want the lord to be displeased with me john the baptist jesus said was one of the greatest prophets because he was not ashamed to tell it like it is he called the religious leaders in his day he said you are brutal vipers he's warned you to flee from the wrath to come because you are you're teaching lies to the people he said to king herod it is against the law of god for you to have your brother's wife well that takes a lot of audacity and courage for him to say that it cost him his head ultimately but you know what jesus said he was the greatest of the prophets because he had that courage that boldness like elijah to say how long will we halt between two opinions if baal is god then serve baal if god is god then follow the word of god amen and so it's not going to make you popular but god wants this message it's like a loud voice that's supposed to go out in the world in the last days isaiah 58 verse 1 13-14 if you turn away your foot here's a message that is to be going if you turn away your foot from the sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call the sabbath a delight it's not a burden it's a delight the holy of the lord not holy of the jews and will and it's honorable then what will happen if we do that then you will delight yourself in the lord and i'll cause you to ride upon the high places of the earth and feed you with the heritage of jacob your father for the mouth of the lord has spoken and i'm just finishing out the verse because i had memorized that particular one these are the three angels messages that are to go to the world just before jesus comes calling people to return to the word of god babylon has fallen come out of her my people lest you partake of her sins and receive of her plagues this is the message that's to go the message that fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgments come and worship him that made the creator the heavens and the earth and the sea that's an excerpt from the sabbath commandment there's a message to call people to right now what's happening is everybody in the world through media like this the internet all over the world we've got people watching this program and we're only one of many and people are hearing and you're seeing a shaking in the world and you're going to see a lot more shaking going on pretty soon and what's happening there's going to be natural disasters i believe there'll be political problems i think there's going to be some financial problems and distress of nations with perplexity the sea and the waves roaring jesus said people are going to start turning to religion from fear some are going to turn to the word of god some are going to turn to religious institutions and leaders and people are going to begin to gravitate to one of two polls the word of god or the traditions of men friends i'm hoping that you are building on the rock jesus said there's a storm coming the wise man builds his house on the rock what is the rock he that hears these words of mine and does them it's not just hearing the word of god it's doing the word of god but the foolish man he hears my words but he builds on the sand because he listens to popular opinions popular preachers and when the storm comes you notice the storm comes to the wise man and the storm comes to the full friends a storm is coming and we need to be building on the word of god number 14 when you decide to accept jesus and to fully follow him what happens jesus says take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest unto your souls friends the lord wants you to have that rest the sabbath is all about that rest now every commandment of god there is the letter of the law and there's the spirit of the law let me illustrate the letter of the law says do not murder thou shall not kill is actually do not murder jesus said the spirit of the law is do not be angry with your brother without a cause or you're guilty of murder the letter of the law says do not bear false witness the spirit of the law jesus said let your yes be yes and you know be no be honest and transparent in your communications do not swear falsely so it's not just an action it's an attitude the letter of the law says thou shalt not commit adultery jesus said the spirit of the law is if you look on a woman it would work both ways if a woman looks on a man to lust in your heart you're guilty of adultery that's the spirit of the law the letter of the law says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you'll labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord god the spirit of the law is we come to jesus and we find rest we rest in the lord so when we keep the spirit of the law will we also keep the letter sure if a person says i'm keeping the spirit of the law i'm not thinking murderous thoughts yeah i'm killing people i'm breaking the letter but i'm just keeping the spirit of it no you can't do that if you're keeping the spirit you're going to keep the letter so a lot of people say i don't need the sabbath anymore because i've got the spirit of the law i've got rest in jesus well you're lying the bible says if any man says i know him and keeps not his commandments he is a liar and the truth is not in him if you really are resting in jesus if he is your lord then the law that he gave us people that's the old that's moses law i keep jesus law oh no it's not moses law jesus made the ten commandments all things that were made were made by him he was up there on the mountain with his own finger writing those laws down if you say you love him jesus said if you love me keep my commandments it's one thing to say lord lord he said don't say lord lord not everyone that says lord lord will enter the kingdom but he that does the will of my father in heaven christ said in that day many will come and they'll say lord lord went to church cast out devils did a lot of wonderful works he'll say depart from me you workers of iniquity you know what that word is lawlessness a lot of people they're living lawless lives jesus said that the way we show our love for him is by keeping his commandments he wants you to have that rest and that peace that comes only from surrendering and doing his will what is his will yea i love to do thy will psalm 40 verse 8 thy law is within my heart that's the new covenant the law in the heart and it's not 90 of the law it's a hundred percent it means you're surrendering to jesus in his will you can read in revelation 15 verse 2 and i saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire and those who had gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name standing on that sea of glass having harps of god friends the lord wants you to have that experience of being on that sea being having the victory over the beast in his image there is going to be a very powerful very convincing religious coalition in the last days satan is going to empower it maybe even with his own impersonation of christ and there'll be signs and wonders and miracles most of the world is going to be deceived but i think that god has you tuning into this program because he does not want you to be deceived you don't have to be if you go by a thus saith the lord and before we close this part of our program we want to have a special prayer with you and ask this question before you can say no to the mark of the beast you need to say yes to the seal of god jesus wants to give you that rest he's waiting for your answer he's knocking on the door of your heart you know christ is coming soon there's only two groups saved and lost and i understand that police and rescue agencies have helicopters that are equipped with infrared technology and if a child gets lost out in a blizzard or in the woods they can fly over and if that child's alive they'll see their heat signature with this equipment and you know if you have the holy spirit in you when jesus comes he's going to know the ones who have his seal who have his spirit who are surrendered to him and obeying him and we need to make that decision now if we want to be ready when he comes no man knows the day or the hour you don't know if he might come for you in 24 hours if you die your next thought is the resurrection don't hesitate friends if god spoke to your heart i pray you'll make a decision now and say lord i surrender i don't want to be here i want to be a doer of the word i'd like to pray with you father in heaven lord we believe that jesus is coming soon we see and the world is coming apart at the seams we can see that society globally is becoming polarized and we want to make sure that we are moving towards you and surrender to your your will that we surrender our hearts to jesus accept him as our savior thank you for the sacrifice you made for our sins lord i pray that you'll be with each person watching and listening now your spirit will move into their hearts and they'll make a full commitment to be willing to do your will if they're not sure how they're going to do it tomorrow i pray they'll make a decision right now to take the first step by faith trusting that you'll continue to lead them invite you to be the lord of their hearts so please lord i i pray that they'll choose that now and i pray you continue to bless these programs we've got a lot of important information still keep them coming lord and that their lives might be transformed for the better we thank you and ask in jesus name amen now don't go away friends we're going to have bible questions in a moment and keep in mind what you've heard just now is really only part two in a four-part presentation keep listening and coming this week [Music] have you ever worried that you don't have enough time in your days or you can add another day to your life well perhaps there is a way for you to add a whole other day to your existence watch how easy it is i just stepped into yesterday no i'm not talking about going back to the future or back in history i happen to be standing here in tava uni fiji one of the only places in the world where the international meridian date line runs through a piece of land people have not always been able to play with time this way back in 1878 sir sanford fleming a canadian he recommended to the science community of the world that the globe be divided in 24 even segments each separated by 15 degrees of longitude that would establish the international time system in 1884 there is a prime meridian conference held in washington dc to standardize time and select the point for the prime meridian which would be zero degrees on the globe it ended up being greenwich england but that's not where we are we are on the polar opposite side of the planet right now but we're going to step into the future you want to come and look at that the lord is still with us even here he'll continue to take care of you friends wherever you go friends you sometimes worry about the future what will you eat will you have a home are you going to still have your job what will you wear jesus tells us in matthew chapter 6 verse 25 through 34 don't take thought for tomorrow for tomorrow we'll take thought for the things of itself he tells us that he feeds the birds and he clothes the flowers he'll take care of us we know that god will watch over us he forgives the past he promises to be with us in the present and he will continue to lead us in the future but you've just got to give yourself to him i invite you to do that right now hello friends we'd like to welcome you back to revelation now and it's time for your bible questions so we want to thank you for all of the great questions that have been sent in very important topic that we looked at this evening and you'll find out that a number of the questions are related to the study that we did in revelation our pastor doug before we get to the questions of folks of saint in we have some questions we'll put up on the screen so if you're ready we'll take our first question it says do people who are worshiping on sunday as a holy day have the mark of the beast now no uh there's a lot of you know dear christian people that have maybe worshipped on the wrong day that are going to be in heaven and the bible tells us that sin is knowing to do good and not doing it and there's no law right now that's compelling worship and so it doesn't really become the mark of the beast issue until there's this movement to compel it now that doesn't mean it's not sin if a person knows what the truth is not just in the area of the sabbath but if a person knows the truth in any area of their life and they're in and they're rebelling against it or ignoring it that's a dangerous uh direction so when we know god's will we want to do god's will absolutely all right the next question that we have it's uh does god count people guilty for disobeying the bible truth that has never been made clear to them yeah this is actually similar to what i was just saying but let me give you another example i expect to see king david in heaven david had at least a dozen wives he didn't know that had the time of the ignorance god winked at if i took extra wives i'm not going to make it to heaven because i know matter of fact my lake of fire would begin in this life for me so and you know that's the way it's that way with many different areas of truth you know there were there were times when um in the old testament times you know god basically he judges people according to what they knew and there was a certain amount of ignorance and they practiced polygamy and slavery and things that you know god never wanted and jesus said even divorce he said god our moses gave you a law regarding divorce because of the hardness of your hearts but christ came and he raised the standard so we know better see so the standards higher now when we know truth christ said to the religious leaders he said if you did not know you would have no sin but now that you see your sin remains i think that's john chapter 9 when he healed the blind man so what you know makes a big difference i'm reminded of the verse where jesus says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free yeah so sometimes people might think well pastor doug don't don't tell me anything more i don't want to be responsible but we need to realize that truth is a liberating thing it sets us free there's a peace there's a joy knowing that we are doing those things pleasing to god i had a person come to some meetings like this that i did and he said i wish i never came he said because now i know too much and i said well i'll pray you're miserable until you surrender then you'll be happy but yeah you don't want a person to be comfortable uh in their slavery right yeah so you want people to be saved we have another question we'll put up on the screen it says shouldn't we worship god every day of the week absolutely and we should worship god you know in our lives many hours through the day every day sabbath commandment is not just about worship it's about he says keeping it as a holy day now i know some people say well pastor doug you keep the seventh day sabbath you keep one day a week i worship god seven days a week and i say well if you're keeping the sabbath seven days a week you're not holy you're lazy and god tells us that the sabbath is a day to lay aside from our regular secular employment to worship god and but it's not you know you can worship god every morning i have family worship or i we worship on our knees karen and i knelt and prayed together tonight so you can worship god seven days a week but keeping the sabbath is different it's special time it's quality worship time you're coming together bible says it's a holy convocation that means a time of holy convening assembly where we congregate and we worship god uh hebrews new testament tells us in chapter 10 forsake not the assembling of yourselves together and all the more as you see the day approaching and i know it's tough right now people say oh this covet and so you've got to be careful as you assemble but i think there's something that should be said about when people of god come together and worship and sap it's part of that absolutely all right well we're going to take a look at some of the questions the first one that we have is what are the ten diadems or crowns on the heads of the beast i think it's referring to the first beast of revelation 13. yes these are the 10 divisions and they're not only the 10 the 10 crowns that are on the the horns but you can look at daniel chapter 2 and it tells us that that image has got 10 toes so it's the same thing it's talking about the 10 divisions of the roman empire and i think we gave them to you it was now the old names were the hairy lie vandals the ostrogoths those three were kind of later destroyed you've got the the franks the anglo-saxons the alamani the sweevey the the lombards the the spanish and those are some of the more modern names the italians the spanish the germans the english and so it's the ten divisions now those nations have kind of shifted and carved it's always been about ten that were in western europe there that's where the the it's the financial juggernaut of the european union is in those nations the very 10 kingdoms they had kings for a while and now they've you know turned largely into democracies because of the influence interesting you had the the french revolution and then the american revolution and they all kind of they got rid of their monarchies england still has one but it's pretty much a what do you call it it's a position that doesn't have any clout with it there's a word for that i can't think of right now well you know what's also interesting path the first piece of revelation 13 talks about having these crowns upon its horns yeah but you get to the second beast in revelation 13 the lamb-like beast that has two horns but there's no crowns yeah now i think we're going to be talking about that second beast coming up in a later presentation because well i don't mind you're sharing it now because i think repetition sometimes is helpful so those two horns represents well that lamb-like beast that comes up from the earth is the united states of bible prophecy and i think you'll be getting into the details there uh there's no crowns on the horn so this new power that came up around 1798 shortly before um doesn't have a monarchy so it's a unique form of government new at least at that time in the world of course there's a number of other identifying marks of the second beast the lamb-like beast or the us so the yeah the two horns would then be that it's got a church or it's got religion without a pope and it's got a government without a king right so freedom of religion freedom of government it's just very unique when that happened and that's one reason the country exploded so it's you know a world power today yep all right next question that we have is um does china appear in the prophecies of revelation well you know that's a great question and um you know some people wonder where it says in revelation it says that uh make way for the kings of the east and they thought well maybe that's you know china and korea and these asian kingdoms are going to come i don't think that's what it's talking about i think that china is going to go through a revolution eventually where christianity is spreading even in spite of increased persecution lately in china and i believe that china eventually the people are going to say we need religious freedom and you're going to see the church just explode and i think it's going to happen also in the middle eastern countries a lot of people there are going to hear about jesus and it's happening actually now well you know pastor the first angel's message says to every nation kindred tongue and people and even in these countries where christianity is not legal it's amazing through the internet through satellite television people are still receiving the gospel we get testimonies of people in countries where their life could be on the line if they are found to be worshipping you know being a christian or worshiping christ and yet they still participating yeah we even have people watching now that are in some places where christianity is illegal so that's exciting they've got sort of uh anonymous names yeah you know if anyone finds out if my family finds out they could be in big trouble and so want to pray god but the gospel is taking off that's right just by the way side note we have an amazing facts chinese website and that is the most second or the second most viewed website that amazing fax has next to the amazing facts english website then we have the chinese website so there's a lot of people that are tuning in and watching these programs and we tell you what it was but we can't speak the language but if you type in amazing facts china we also have amazing facts indonesia but if you type in amazing effects indonesia it'll take you to the bahasa indonesia site i wonder if our chinese site will do that if you just google amazing facts chinese yeah it's a long word queen chung dong jin i can't say sorry okay all right well another question we have what time does the bible refer to when it says the earth will deny its fruit what verse are they referring to when the earth will deny its fruit talking about a drought during a time of uh disaster well you know there's uh several examples of that happening of course the book of joel talks about uh a famine that comes because of this plague of locusts and jesus talks about that there's going to be pestilence in divers places and there were several famines that were foretold there's even a famine during the new testament times that hit jerusalem foretold by agabus the prophet and later came in the time of paul so you know several times there were famines i don't know the verse that they're specifically taught i think they're talking to talking about a time when the plagues begin to fall and one of the plays is water turning red like like blood beginning with the sea and then eventually going into fresh water well that's going to affect irrigation it talks about the sun with an intense heat yeah terrible drought so yes during the civilized place there will be a show okay they're referring to the time of the place yeah yeah time of trouble storing food won't help you though if that's what you're thinking someone's gonna steal it so yeah your your god will miraculously feed his people during the great tribulation i believe that did he miraculously feed elijah during that three and a half years in the wilderness did he miraculously feed the children of israel going through the wilderness i think he's going to miraculously provide where is it isaiah it says their bread and their water will be sure he'll take care of us during that time so don't worry about the famine that's caused by the plagues okay another question that we have uh did adam and eve speak hebrew people tell me they spoke spanish those are usually spanish-speaking people that tell me that romantic language uh you know they spoke the language of canaan and i suppose when we get to heaven we'll find out more about what that is what i'm going to find interesting i'm always fascinated by languages i've learned how to say hello or good evening everybody in lots of different languages because as i travel and i see you see little words that are similar between languages and i want to find out what the language of canaan was or eden and find out were there any words in these world languages what language was the most similar to the language that was spoken before the tower of babel so i don't know what that was now but you know probably all languages over time have changed even english yeah early english can barely understand yeah i can barely understand you and your speech all right another question that we have who are the two witnesses i think we might have mentioned this before but i think they're asking in the context of end time events this is found and it is a definitely a revelation question it's found in revelation chapter 11. and some people think these two witnesses are moses and elijah and the reason they think that is because they end up doing many things like moses and elijah and they figure well moses and elijah are in heaven the bible tells us they appeared to jesus on the mount of transfiguration moses and elijah represent the law and the prophets moses is the great lawgiver elijah was the greatest of the prophets that's the word of god i held up my ipad but i got the bible on here now so you have the word of god last prophecy in the old testament it says remember the law of moses malachi chapter 4 behold i send you elijah the prophet the law and the prophets that's talking about the word of god jesus expounded unto them when he rose from the dead from the law and the prophets and so these two witnesses are the word of god the word of god says these two witnesses have the power to shut up heaven says they get the power to call plagues upon men and they're going to be attacked this is describing a an all-out attack on the word of god that happened with the birth of atheism in europe principally in france it says their bodies will lie in the street for three and a half days for three and a half years bibles were outlawed but at the end of the time they were caught up to heaven they began to print bibles again and and the word of god was exalted and so uh we've got a booklet on that they can read for free yeah if you'd like to go to the amazing facts website you type in ask for the book the two witnesses and we have all book dealing with that prophecy and the word of god it's a great study all right pastor doug the next question that we have um in matthew 24 15 it says when will this happen and when should we flee from the cities and i'll just read it matthew 24 15 it says therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet standing in the holy place whoever reads let him understand then let those who be in judea flee to the mountains and let him use on his housetop not go down to get anything out of his house okay jesus is speaking about a dual prophecy here because the disciples ask him two questions one question he said he tells them there won't be one stone left upon another in jerusalem in the temple and then he also talked about the end and so they said when will these things be the destruction of jerusalem what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world he commingles his answer because the answers are similar for the jews the christians that were living in jerusalem when he said when you see jerusalem encompassed with armies now is that i think that's the way it's worded in luke then let's let those be in judea flee into the mountains in the last days it's not going to be pagan rome surrounding jerusalem it's going to be papal rome surrounding god's new jerusalem the bride his church with laws and so it's going to be this religious movement this coalition of religions protestantism and catholicism and these orthodox churches are going to come together and make religious laws and if you do not keep those religious laws you won't be able to buy or sell and ultimately there'll be a death decree that'll be a signal for god's people to get out of dodge as they say and because there'll be a great time of trouble that will follow okay the next question that we have is in revelation chapter 13 verse 17 talks about no man be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast so people are wondering if the mark is not physical how are they going to enforce buying and selling well i think that the the beast power is going to use technology to enforce it there's no question about that for one thing isn't it interesting we talk about they cannot buy or sell unless they cooperate with this peace power you know the united nations which is in the united states is foremost in uh and the u.s in in legislating economic sanctions what's the sanction another country cannot buy or sell unless they cooperate so they'll do it on an international level they'll do it on an individual level i remember once going to the bank and also my credit card was frozen and i thought what happened well i had to have a little talk with the irs irs it was a misunderstanding but just like that they locked up all of the finances and i thought wow that is frightening and by the way we pay our taxes everything was okay it was a misunderstanding and that was frightening and i thought how easy would it be now this is years ago how easy would it be now with all the technology i mean every i rarely use cash anymore almost you know internationally now it's it's easy just use a credit card india all these countries in the world you swipe your credit card and you can buy stuff and yeah it seems like every little store now has access to a card machine and yeah the thing now is the euro and the american dollar euro based in europe and we've been saying this in the american dollar base in the u.s that's a currency accepted almost anywhere in the world right now and digital money and they're pushing now for uh what they call digital currency it's coming up more and more so it'll be easy to enforce that so let's just suppose you do not sign on with these religious laws you don't show up at this uh whatever they call this place of worship at the prescribed time you don't swipe your card um you don't bow down at the right time then it's going to register and you go to buy something and say cannot buy cannot sell and it's going to be pretty scary okay we have another question if you have no religion are you serving satan yeah jesus said if you're not with me you're against me and if you're not with christ there's only one other leader left that's the devil so um if a person says well i just don't believe anything well you're rejecting your creator and his plan for your life and the only other option christ said if you're not with me you are against me so there's no switzerland when it comes to great controversy no neutral territory right on one side or the other yeah all right another question will the seven last place be literal yes um and people say well but you know so much of revelation is spiritual what makes you think it's literal well because it's so vivid in its description and the fallout of that and the plagues that fell back in bible times were very literal and it talks about the plagues that fall in babylon and if you read in psalm 91 it talks about god's people being protected from the plagues that come in the last days jesus said there's going to be a great time of trouble why would we doubt that there's going to be these plagues now there are some symbolic applications to the plagues yeah i'm thinking of the one where it talks about the drying up of the river euphrates yeah making way for the kings of the earth but yeah they're very real yeah in their application all right another question that we have it says are we expecting a falling away within christian churches before the last days it's already happened you know when it tells us in uh ii thessalonians is that it pastor ii thessalonians chapter 2 that day will not come unless there comes a falling away first and paul said after my departure wasn't long after paul's departure in the second century the churches began to compromise and it just went from bad to worse until you got to 538 and pretty soon the church became a political organization that actually punished people who didn't believe jesus would never do that yeah the verse you're referring to there is second thessalonians chapter two and verse three yeah it's about a falling away so that falling away has already begun but i think it's going to be i think it's going to be pretty severe in the days ahead we see even in north america that used to be a a real beachhead of christianity in the world like i said there's a real drift from christianity that's been happening now still the majority of people in the country claim christianity but it's gone from 90 to 80 to 70 percent and so we can see that people are becoming more and more secular all right another question that we have is what does a mean pass the deck to be unequally yoked well a yoke was an instrument where you would get the added strength of two or three or four animals that you could link up together with a harness and they would pull as you plow and the bible says you don't yoke an oxen with a donkey they walk different their gait is different they'll chafe they'll they'll each get sore trying to compensate for the others it's like rowing with one or that's short and one that's long and you're just going to go in circles so for a person to be unequally yoked means a believer marrying an unbeliever or when a believer gets into a partnership business deal with an unbeliever if your values and morals are different you can end up having problems and so it says we should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers especially in something like a marriage covenant and i know a lot of people say well i know that he or she doesn't believe but they're so beautiful and they're so nice and they're so christ-like i'm going to study with them i'll change them after we get married and there may be occasions that works out but so often the believer ends up being changed and it causes all kinds of heartache and it's difficult for the children so you want to marry someone that has the same values you have in the big issues of life like your religion would be number one issue okay another question that we have is there anything wrong in going to church on saturday and sunday well technically there's nothing wrong with going to church any day this is saturday night right now and we're having a religious program we're going to have another one tomorrow night we'll have one on tuesday night and wednesday night we have a prayer meeting at our church every tuesday i think we're moving it to wednesday soon but so you know you can gather together to worship god the bible tells us the new testament believers gathered from house to house on all through the week but that's separate from the formal gathering together of holy time and worship when everybody puts it aside and they all come together i know when i first learned the sabbath truth all of my friends went to church on sunday and so i went to church on sunday but i went to a sabbath-keeping church on saturday for a while until i kind of got to know people and made some new friends because i didn't want to lose all my friends and you know after a while the bible says it's hard to serve two masters and you'll find that it's going to become difficult because you're going to have one group that's going to start disagreeing with your theology and you'll usually run into friction and you'll end up giving one you'll give up one faith or the other after a while so people might do that for a while but it's hard to maintain that okay all right another question that we have how could david in psalms meditate upon the law day and night was this literal well it didn't mean all day and all night when david said that he's saying that during the day and during the night i meditate on your law and the word law and you're reading that in psalm 119 i believe the word law did not always mean the ten commandments the word law was sometimes used for just the word of god comprehensively or at least the pentateuch the writings of moses and i think we should meditate on the word of god on an ongoing basis and store the word of god in our hearts that we might not sin and we ought to have our kids memory memorizing the law especially when they're young moses said when you rise up when you lie down as you go out as you come in it will guide them later in their lives the the great principles of his word not just the ten commandments but every christian kid ought to know the ten commandments by heart i do i hope every believer knows that okay well i think that's it for all of our questions tonight and again we want to thank those who sent in their questions we'll try and take more tomorrow evening we have another program uh sort of part three passage of this series so we're getting into some yeah the bride of christ and and people are always asking how do you find it i interrupted you i'm sorry no i do that a lot you forgive me that it's about the bride of christ and uh we're gonna everyone's always saying how do you pick a church how do you know what church is the true church there's so many different churches it doesn't matter and it's going to be a great study and we're going to use revelation to explain this subject i know if you have given some homework revelation 12 you might want to read that chapter because i think you're going to be looking at some prophecies found in revelation 12. so also like to remind everyone about our free offer for today it is our study guide entitled the mark of the beast if you'd like to receive this all you need to do is text the word marked to the number 40544 you'll get a digital download if you're outside of north america again we remind you to go to our website and you can download the study guide the mark of the beast and uh take time to read through it all the bible verses pastor david you mentioned this evening they're all there in the study guide so if somebody wants to share with somebody else you want to make sure you get that study guide all right we saved the best for last friends remember if you're going to miss something you should have missed what we had before got five more presentations sunday night tuesday wednesday friday sabbath morning god bless you we hope you tune in and tell your friends also [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AmazingFacts
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Id: rASAu4YlZlc
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Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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