Revelation Lesson 4 - The Rapture - Charles Cooper

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[Music] are you good morning welcome to those of either here we're glad you're joining us today for those of you that are watching us anyway you found us which is online women's Bible study comm acts Roku YouTube however you're watching us we're glad you're with us today we are working our way through the book of Revelation we've taken kind of a little stop along the way and what we're doing is we're doing this is going to be really weird for most people but we're doing a three-part series on the rapture it's called rethinking the rapture so it will be in its own little series but these three lessons will also be in Revelation so it'll be rethinking lessons 1 2 3 and revelation verse or lessons 2 3 4 so it's kind of gonna be really weird and it's gonna be all over the place but this was such a important topic for us to get out that we're putting it in two different places so if someone doesn't want to listen to revelation they at least will get this particular part hopefully that's kind of the plan so I want to start here and then I'll introduce you to Charles in just a second let's put up our first screen so that if you're new and you have no idea what we're talking about this is what we're talking about many people believe that that there's going to be the 7-year period of time which of course the Bible says it so we do believe it the problem becomes when most of us in the United States have been raised with this first thing it's called the pre-trib rapture which says that Iraq's you're out of here God's going to come get me take me out before this the whole craziness of the seven years of tribulation starts then there's people who believe mid-trib there's people believe post-trib which means you have to go through the seven years and there is what we believe here is the pre wrath which says there's a distinction between the seven the seven years of partial part of it is the wrath of Satan and the other is the wrath of God and and we will have to go through three and a half plus years of the tribulation before the wrath of God comes and then that's when we'll be raptured out so if you want to know a timeline of this we did this last week I've never talked so fast in all my life for those of you that were here you were just like if you could just dial it down just a couple like speeds but we had a lot of information to go through so you'll have to go back and listen to that but today we wanted to bring in somebody who was really really smart and could completely fill in the gaps for us so I wanted to bring in a Charles Cooper he's an expert on this I wanted to tell you a little bit about him he was a pastor for 23 years he taught homiletics and hermeneutics at MU B Moody Bible Institute for college institute six years a my hopefully I'm getting this all right okay the master of theology degree at Dallas Theological Seminary the reason why I'm telling you all this is because he's not just some guy that just came up with this weird theory and he's just out there trying to you know tell everyone about it and make money he's smart in fact this is house party is we were robbing they were with it yesterday for for lunch after we picked him up in the airport and he starts talking and I finally just said could you please talk to me like I'm a 7th grader I'm just not that smart so you need to dumb it down so I can understand why you're even talking about so anyway love him he's awesome he's the founder of pre-wrath Resource Institute in Orlando Florida and for the past 13 years he's written taught did does conferences on this pre-wrath position because it's a really really important thing that we need to get out so we asked last week for questions a lot of you sent questions some of them were really difficult questions I passed him on to him so he'll be able to do that and so we're gonna start here but first I want you to we're just glad you're here so thank you thank you thank you and if you just joined us for the revelation don't forget to put lots of money in the donation boxes because we have to pay for him okay cuz he's really awesome and we want him to take care of him because he flew all the way from Florida yesterday just so he could spend an hour to an hour and a half of us so that's kind of big deal so thank you I'm very glad to be here I bought an extra shirt because I noticed my dear my Florida dieldrin doesn't work out here that no different that kind of have to work things out here but maybe we fight a man thing going yeah he gets loud yeah there we go yeah don't you hearing aid up oh I'm excited about being here I got into in times not by accident that was not my first love it's cool I was a pastor preacher teacher and I told homiletics is teaching people outreach and that's what I loved and I by having to do something else I decided that I wanted to study this topic cause I didn't have time when I was in seminary and as the result of little process came to have view that's now called pre-wrath and travel all over the world teaching it I did I stress you out when I did acts so he was here when I did acts okay try teaching and for him he got the Ironside award for like the best preacher and Dallas Theological so I'm over there and he's over there and I'm trying to pretend like he's not there and I'm thinking he said probably just died I'd probably do everything wrong no it was wonderful I was very surprised yesterday when you tell me that you were doing acts and revelation together because most people wouldn't do that yeah most people are not that stupid no no no no it they didn't understand well they don't see the connection between those two but if you've got a study to work you you should study acts in Revelation because acts introduces and revelations concludes and the book of Acts starts with Pentecost and Pentecost as you know is the harvest going out to get the harvest it's time to bring the harvest in and so from Pentecost all the way to Revelation you actually bring it in the harvest so let's see Pentecost for the church and never stop we're still harvesting and the concluding harvest is actually detailed in Revelation 19 so actually you you buy cause doing the right thing I I would say like yamas all planned it wasn't I'm proud of you okay so let's do our first question up here and then you can kind of tell us a little more about about you did you ever believe in the pre-trib and what changed your mind yeah back up to that slide that you had first the first one you had now this the charts like this chart charts can be very deceptive okay because we tend to be very literal in our thinking and it doesn't mean we're stupid it doesn't mean that we're unlearned just mean that as people we tend to be simplistic okay and so you look at a chart like this and you see pre-trib it says okay the rapture happens at the beginning of seven years and so most people will always think is gonna be the first day of the seven years we're out we're gone then that's gonna happen well you need to know among pre-trip people some people think that that could happen six months two years maybe five years before the seven-year start so you don't be to wooden in your thinking okay for instant pre-wrath has the are right in the middle of the black and the red arrow and it looks like you're saying in the middle of that three and a half years the rapids gonna curve well that's not true see that but when you put something like this one dimension it actually it's gonna move we don't know we have no idea we're in that process that's gonna have so you can't be too little in your thinking because it'll always get you in trouble it'll lead you to error if you become too wooden and and we like to be that way cuz we want everything black and white give it to me straight how much is it cause and we don't like to barter I'd rather barter so don't put the price on it negotiate okay I was pre-trib in the sense of that I needed to be pre-trib to get along with people because I've been in conservative churches now you need to understand the overwhelming majority of people who call themselves Christians are not pre-trib and Men fact they don't we believe it as a rapture the for we who leave that's gonna be a rapture those people represented by that chart is kind of a smaller part of the whole of the Christian community are you yeah we're why okay and in America we among conservative Christian churches Bible churches Baptist churches the more conservative we tend to be pre-trib but you know the Lutheran Church the the overwhelming of the churches they're not they don't even believe that's gonna be a rapture so you have to kind of give people some room there okay but growing up in my house I grew up a Methodist a AME admitted it's African Methodist Episcopal method okay they don't they don't know what they believe so they're not gonna fight us about it they just want to know if it's time for the the offering time really concerned about so I grew up pre-tribulational you know just gonna get along with people but I was never comfortable if there was some problem that even as a youngster I had with reading just reading the Bible not not knowing how Greek or Hebrew just reading good old King James Bible if you don't mind excuse me with these in doubt which made it better but after I got to school and then I really started looking at this thing I had to come to some pretty tough situation I had to deal with some passages that because I now know Greek and Hebrew and I can work with the text it forced me to have to say okay wait we got some problems and we got to answer those and if we answer them seemingly biblically then it's going to require some massaging of what it is that we believe so I changed after I got to moody and had time to study it in great detail yeah a lot of people you just go along with it because your church has always believed it and they taught it and you don't want to make waves and so that's kind of where this why here's our next question why does it matter like what why does it really matter what view we take well it doesn't matter if you did [Laughter] won't matter if you die in the next year to it what you've begun it matters in the sense that as believers we want to know the Word of God that's why you hear I was just wonderfully impressed with Lisa and and Rob and I mean you need to know that we've just we've just met we haven't been with I feel like we've been friends what kind of best friends but I just met them and I just kind of get to know them right off the bat Lisa I knew was a great person Rob still working out [Laughter] good people and they introduced me to what she was doing in his Bible study and the fact that you hear and you should got a weekly and she's been doing this with you just phenomenally excited about that so when you say well what difference does it make it makes the difference in that as an intelligent capable committed follower of Jesus Christ we want to know his word every page of it no I just want to do we don't know everything about it and so this is just like knowing salvation and understanding Grayson and all the other doctrines of the faith no one comes to me yeah you know grace that's the big deal there's not it's foolish we want to know because it's in the word and if it's in the word we want to know the truth that's why it's important thank you yay okay here's our next question and here's what we talked about a couple weeks ago we've got brilliant men like John MacArthur and Hank Koenig Robson Chuck Swindoll and John Piper and all these guys and here is our question how is it that so many brilliant Bible scholars have missed us well now I see here's the problem and I told you see you tend to think too wooden so you get something in your mind and you like a dog after a good bone once you once you snap on you don't start loose okay Swindall is pre-trib John Piper is post-trib and Hank Hannah grafters the preterist now each one of those men are intelligent capable men okay now how can those three if you've heard teach and you've been to the Bible and you read their books and all then how can those three men be have different opinions on the okay so it has nothing do with intelligence obviously it can't because all these a minute tell us they have the same Bible same Holy Spirit reading the same products so how can they come to a different conclusion well background commitment tradition that a lot of things that go into why you hold the view that you have and has a lot less to do with the fact that you already committed by Bambara has more to do with the fact that you were raised a certain way and certain people talk to you and you have faith in certain people and your boy so you don't want to get too caught in that what you want to do is recognize he listened in the body of Christ there are different views on this topic and it's not because they just want to be obstinate and mean-spirited that is we still work in this one out okay and we're trying to figure out my mind works like this I go to my doctor and he says to me you've got this well immediately I say write that down and then I go home and then I start working on trying to understand it the ins and out the pluses and the minuses what's it gonna do them is gonna kill me how soon can I get rid of it how much it gonna cost me look that's the way my mind works and I would hope that that's the same way you are on this question the fact that it has not settled in chrisandem means that we should be still trying to figure it out we should be still researching we should be still trying to understand the truth okay now pre-wrath is a synthesis that's all it is okay I meant to be honest now I just want to be on which I'm gonna read the light to you it's not gonna achieve anything for me lightly it's a synthesis so what's the senton is a synthesis it takes the strength of the pre-trib mid-trib post-trib there's something right about each one of them otherwise people wouldn't believe them okay there's got to be something right about it they're not stupid if you take what everybody agrees is right about each one of the positions and you put them together you get pre-wrath that that's all it is it is not brilliant it is not some new secret that somebody discovered it's not it is the fact that we believe that God has said people are not going to be believed are not going to experience his wrath that is the fundamental hard driving principle of pre-tribulation loser the Bible teaches that something dramatic is going to happen after the seventh week starts that's mid-trib they believe it happens in the middle because there's some passages that seem to indicate something dramatic and significant is gonna happen post-trib believe the Bible says they listen he is God the Bible seemed to be very clear that Jesus is gonna do something real dramatic once it's over now everybody wants to assign significant to the dramatic I said when I listen each one of them has some truth about it if you put those crews together synthesis then you come up with what we now call pre-wrath that that's all it is down at the nothing simple if I had time to go through it with you I think I could convince most of you of that oh then the fact of you who simply just don't like to be convinced on truth a lot of people like that no don't start trying to confuse me with the truth because I know what I believe I know what I want to believe and if we voted it we voted on it we voted on it heaven God we're going with that one and if I could vote on it I would I'm not stupid God put it up for a vote instead you want to go out before that's backed out I don't mind leaving on a day of work that way okay so it it's a study it's a journey for you and I understand some are scared of a journey you just don't like it but it is a journey it was a journey for me the Gentiles it's gonna be a journey for anybody who really gets in and start digging and looking around you're gonna start seeing that there is a need for some redevelopment I mean it we were we were selfish you're stupid doesn't mean that works we were talking last night and I don't know if you want to just point to that that holding hold hold it up or whatever but we were talking about that really everything here everything here is all about the day of the Lord explain that to me yeah because if you're a pre-trib person you believe the day of the Lord means what yeah the day of the Lord is the most significant topic in the Bible as far as I'm concerned when it comes to Christ in his return there's no other topic more important than a deal Lord it is the key to everything don't study nothing else until you have totally consumed all you can get out of the old New Testament about the day of the Lord because once you come to understand the day of the Lord the rest this stuff becomes academic because it is the most significant biblically articulated thing yet on God's calendar Jesus tied to it god of course typed in Spirit God's tied to a churches tied to it Israel is tied to it all of the major players in biblical tradition tied to the day of the Lord the day God finally speaks for all of humanity to listen and happen it has not happened but once the first time it happened was called a flood everybody got it nobody what right then I don't know what all this water is about they got it the next one that's like that is the day of the Lord when God finally has his day BC right now people all over the world cursed God taking the name in vain they tell God what he can do what he can't do they tell you what they believe about God what they don't believe and they make God that just man I tell you the world does treat God like he's got my slapping boy but that's gonna come a day when God speaks it every mouth will be put quiet and it's the day of the Lord that becomes the most significant event in the future it is not the rapture is we don't have a call with selfish it's about us we make the raft about us it's not about us it's about God it's what is God doing and how do we get to share in that and when comes and stands up on the world stage and everybody knows iam nobody got me what brown one yeah Wow you think God's a man no no no ma'am it's not gonna be that way you believe me everybody's gonna know who is doing what and they will know why and there will not be anything they can do about it because God will be taken total absolute unambiguous manifested glory for the whole world to see okay that's what's important so this all of this stuff is just a part of God's grand finale that he has planned for Humanity when once finally God Almighty steps on the stage of human history and it'll be undeniable that it's him no one's gonna be confused no one's gonna be wondering what's happening what they should do it shouldn't do it'll be too late because he will be in control so the day of the Lord is God's day in the Old Testament they used the metaphor of God today in court it's the day that God finally has his day in court when he gets to speak for himself it won't be prophets telling you what God said it won't be you reading a book it won't be you reading the Bible even it's gonna be God himself telling all humanity this is what I'm gonna do this is why I'm going to do it and you have no record none whatsoever day of the Lord well people can people become Christians after the stay of the Lord starts sure you can always be sure you wouldn't have a see me that would be no need for a sheep and go judgment if no one was gonna get saved after the rapture why I'm a sheep and goat they all go you take all the righteous out then why why but you read Matthew 25 you see after sheep and go judgment there are sheep and there are gold so people must get saved after the ref see this is one of those things somebody came up with this idea once the rapture is no more gay say yeah what what why would you believe that of course Israel has to be saved so how can you say there's not gonna be anymore salvations after the rapture Israel hasn't been saved for the ramp you what you can sew and see you get into these things that don't make any sense your logical but we like them and so we hold onto them don't we do we hold onto absolutely don't do it yeah we don't want to hold onto them I think that's the thing we got it for me my main thing was we have to tell people this so that they're prepared because the church in the United States it's a joke like nobody's gonna be prepared something like the starts and the Antichrist comes on the scene that wasn't a clue what and they're not gonna know what to do they can't even handle a presidential ection let alone talk about it really really give me a break all right the next question I which Bible teachers and authors teach pre-wrath and is it being taught in seminaries and if so where okay Bible teachers and the pre-wrath position is 20 over 25 years old Bank came on the scene articulated by first Marv Rosenthal Jew a Jewish committed fellow Zions hope and it was originally talked to him by a man by named Bob van kampen who was not a scholar not a Bible he was not a scholar he was not a seminary teacher he was not someone trained in the dynamics he just had a good mind and was frustrated because he couldn't get an answer to some very simple questions when when a layman a layperson starts something academics alas to get on board because in their mind you can't be smart enough to figure something out that they didn't know are you kidding who are you well just a committed follower of Christ well that's all I need to know for that I can't believe nothing use that it was articulated by a layperson who tried to present it so in terms if you're saying okay what school has adopted it and made it the platform of its world none okay none and it probably won't be for another 25 or 30 years just like when three trips start it was almost 35 40 years later before school started adopting it and started using it as a family now is it taught in seminaries there's not a school in this country that's not teaching it but they teach it like they teach all the others they teach wait what is the preacher position what is mid-trip what is posted reported three wrath and then if they're really good they'll leave it to you to make up your mind which one you think it's right now some schools say you gotta believe this one this one only and no other and if you don't we won't graduate you life stuff that's the weight thing is it's taught in schools that have a very open view to help and their students try to understand this issue gordon-conwell has a great guy on staff who is teaching it Masters seminary in Canada has a PhD trained thinker there who is adamantly pre-wrath but of course when you're when you've been pre-trib and when you're at a pre-trib school and when your salary depended on that you're not gonna really want to go public and cut your own throat and for a lot of people pre-trib is if you know if you pre-trib you stop being pre-trib they just won't speak to you they won't be nice to you you're having friends until you are I went through that I mean for me to not support their position man let me tell you I called hell out of out of a bag but I didn't care because I was young enough then to do anything I wanted now that I'm older I'd probably be a little wiser like some of these guys who are probably just not willing and I'm have good friends and I have guys teaching seminary gordon-conwell masters I mean I have friends because I've done things in the circles a lot of people just they just don't want to take this fight it's an important question don't get me wrong but they really want to sacrifice their career especially if they taught it for twenty years and someone else tried some of the little arrogance but really quick get down to it is it's a fight it is gonna be probably eventually figured out am i I need to lose my job and not be able take care of my family and do the things that I want to do no no I don't blame them for that you shouldn't be too too hard on people because they're not willing to the wall on this one issue I mean you got 36 doctrines of the faith that I consider you sent you and you say this one I'm not going through the wall for one and I hope we're all 36 come on people a little more credit than that do you believe in a virgin birth to deal to Christ in Scripture do you believe in it is salvation by faith too great too long I mean if you believe these doctrines of the faith and then there's disagreement in the body on this one and I think we ought to be able to fear work together on that I still think we're right though go to war for what I believe but I want to make anyone else do that right yeah we'll let you come back to Bible sit next week even if you don't take this it's fine whatever next question Daniel talks about these seventy weeks of which 69 have been fulfilled why is there this big gap there didn't seem to be a gap and then suddenly there's this huge gap there is a gap because of you if there was no gap you wouldn't be sitting here this morning because there would not have been an extension of eternal salvation to Gentiles if there was no gap the fact that God in his sovereign design chose to graft in a new vine to the root Romans 9 through 11 that new vine allows the salvation of Gentiles of which you are one God worked with Israel three exclusively for almost two thousand years salvation was trimmin entities they had it they enjoyed it it wasn't very faithful into sharing it with others and then God said okay I'm gonna give it to Gentile for about 2,000 it's been about 2,000 years which is why people getting it kind of excited that this thing might be ready to get to a conclusion so there's a gap in in the 70th week in order for God to extend salvation to Gentiles to bring in a new tree producing life fruit we call them the church that in that gap now when the gap is done and God has brought in though that he chose in salvation through Christ then the two will conclude together in the final week which we now call the seven as week of Daniel the final week the gap is there for salvation to the Gentile why did God do that way no idea I don't argue with what's good to me yeah that's a great answer all right what's our next question will the Antichrist be a black but if a man who comes out of the Middle East or Europe the Bible in in Bible in the prophetic books of the Bible primary the Old Testament and particularly Daniel chapter 11 the person that we typically call Antichrist the beast the the varmint of despicable is said to come from the north okay now in the Bible Israel is the center and everything works off of Israel so if something comes from the north to Israel then in the Bible it was generally talking about Assyria maybe somewhat today Turkey Asia Minor and then some of the stuff that kind of goes East how far north we don't know I just doesn't get into that kind of detail it simply says from the north that could be some part of Europe some part of Asia we really just don't know and that that unnecessary needless speculation that we just love the right book about just it just causes so much problem why are you speculating about something Bible didn't need didn't find it necessary to specify for us if you can't go to a book chapter in verses it doesn't say explicitly then it probably means that God has left that undefined for a reason and at some point you give it to it why are you gonna spend all your time worrying about what what the undefined isn't all this defined stuff that we got you seem to ignore it have no commitment of love 3e is it gonna be your PIN who knows is it Middle East somewhere around there you'll come from right now but when God's ready you're gonna know you won't have any doubt you're not gonna be walk around staying and what if it ya know well that's my question how ok well how do we know like what's the first thing that we're gonna know the first thing that you're going by the way they the most if you if you if you're trying to say ok I want to be ready and I want to be able to have a watch clock ok what should I be looking for well you should be looking at eschatological geography you know what in the world is there so glad you asked eschatology the word for in times okay in time geography that is the most important thing that you can really look at is geography because there are for example if you believe in the Bible okay you had to believe if you were Bible believers you had to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that somehow Israel was gonna be back in that land somewhere sometime in the future maybe you know where now but you knew in order for Daniel 9 Daniel 11 Matthew 24 and revelation SiC in order for those passages to be fulfilled some number of Jewish people had to be back in that land as there's that for you you may not have known how you may not have known when but you believe that if some day it was gonna happen so when it happened you you weren't surprised you shouldn't have been because it says when you see the abomination standing in the place where it shouldn't be in the temple sleep well that means you're gonna have to have a temple in there it's gonna have to be some Jews in that or look at it and see it happen and there's gonna be somebody that runs out don't that's what it says see so geography you are paying attention to geography okay biblical names geography is very important for example in for Biblical prophecy to be fulfilled concerning the return of Christ as Syria is gonna have to be as Syria well you know the other day as Syria part of Assyria is Iraq and part of it is Syria but did you know that there are hundreds of thousands of s Syrians living in those land people who are DNA as Syrians now they don't have a country right now they've been dispersed Dhruva now they've been killed most people don't know that this last thing that went on with Isis did you know that was about killing Assyrians did you know that the most people who were killed were as Syrians why why why more sudden why all of a sudden of this if people weren't kept up a serious because the evil one knows that when the Bible says something is going to happen it is going to happen now today there's a country called Jordan Saudi Arabia and in those three cut two countries or three countries Ammon Moab and Edom those three countries have to exist by name in their geographical destinations before eschatology ends now that means that somewhere somehow sometime Jordan is going to return some of that land that it's got that belongs to as Syria and some of that land that they belong to what was called Amand it was called Amman in the Bible a little piece of Moab and Edom which is northern Saudi Arabia those countries are critical to the fulfillment of Daniel 11 so if you want to start watching something watch geography because it's far more important than you worrying about who the Antichrist here then well he got six horns or not and whether he's Prince Charles you know or or Donald Trump all the good job gotta be it's gotta be dropping no candidate is everybody's bad enough it look at the geography because the geography is the key when when people start moving and things start shaping and forming you know God is more likely getting ready to do something major that is happening otherwise you're just gonna spend a lot of time asking a lot of questions like now everybody just convinced it's gonna be Arabs the Arabs are gonna be here too my just gonna be there no no did you know that Iran is imploding did you know that the Iranians have less than 0.5% birth ever less than 5% birth rate less than 0.5 you ready the country is imploding same thing happen in Turkey same thing is happening in the doc same thing is happening in Egypt the countries are dying because they are not having babies they you it's it's worse than you know because they don't talk about it they don't talk about it in the media either and we worried about these countries like these countries at oh listen some of these countries are gonna be in in about thirty five years these people will be starving to death they'll have no food they have no way to make food they have no way to produce they have no children to take care of that old people people will be starving if you're worried about all my goodness knees that listen don't pay attention to these people talking all this stuff all they go by is watching them in the press and whatever is latest and greatest in the press is what they automatically gotta be fulfilled by no it doesn't four years ago I was the Nazis it was Hitler he yeah that's it it can be and well not what happened that what do think about Russia uh yeah then had been Russians all you've got to be right there GOG Magog you know may god Moscow so who should we read like you have a bunch of stuff on your but are your pre-wrath read your Bible I know that's what you read let's read your Bible let's read your book hold to the Word of God that's what you understand if you don't understand it to God eh you're not gonna talk about that in eternity for right now this is clear I mean it's so confusing and they're just so mommy now Lisa she's like me I mean we all want we are two of the luckiest people in the world right there yeah you know why because we get to spend full five hours a day studying the Word of God most of y'all can't do that we get to do that I get that I get I spent about ten hours a day this is all I do it's one of the greatest blessings I've could ever have been given in life I read everything but you can't read all that stuff you don't need me to okay I have a few newspapers I read and one of the key newspaper that I read every day is hot or it's har eat easy how orit's is published in Israel it means the earth higher it's it's pretty it's the newspaper published in in Israel it's online you should read every day now most of it is liberal left-wing nutty nonsense but they always have these marvelous jewels and as a Christian you'll know them for example they they had an article in there about the the temple being rebuilt in Israel recently it was a fabulous article and you wouldn't know that there's this movement and that these people are trying to get in the Knesset because they want to rebuild a temple in Israel a lot of this you know would know because you don't read see you got to read something like that you're listening to the BBC now the BBC is left-wing liberal as all get-out but you get good information from the BBC cuz they many times they don't know that giving good stuff they really don't but I don't pay much India because it's in the news anything in the news you automatic articulate a grain of salt big grand song you got time and you want kind of fuss around when you do but otherwise just yes stay in the word it's somebody I think it's just harder be there's so many names of geographical places that we that most people don't have a clue where it's not so it doesn't make sense and that's why it's easy to pick out you know and it'll confuse you just keep you confused yeah that works okay go the next question do you think the Antichrist will be an Arab or Jew I think he just pretty much said whatever it may be from the drive of tribe of Dan that wasn't mentioned revelation there was actually two tribes not mentioned in Revelation not only what the Danites not mentioned but if you notice you read ephraim is not mentioned as well and yeah how many tribes of Israel are there no try again how many out there no try again for a thief just keep going up you get it they're 14 what did the extra to come from Joseph Joseph two sons was first born he got a double portion inheritance so they adopted his two sons it became fourteen boys and now when you read a list of the Old Testament you got to pay attention to the context because the list of the tribes always limited to 12 but you the the list that you're reading will tell you what the emphasis is by which tribes are mentioned because you read list sometime in the Nova Levites and there's no Joseph or you really sometime Ephraim is and Manasseh is not sometimes a nasa no Ephraim so the list is always determined by what the author is emphasizing which is why in Revelation 7 you've got 12 tribes with two missing everybody want to make it a big deal alright the Danites are not there it's gotta be the reading it Dan is where they're crazy but that's not why by the way we gotta go quick time's right but I went to yeah I got I got an email from someone northeast India among the cookie people they're actually all cookie people that there were Jews living among those people and they were very peculiar people and they were Jewish they had the Jewish dress Jewish traditions custom and so I flew over there went up in the Northeast in India and went into the community of these people and they were Jewish people in fact some of them have gone to Israel and by DNA they are denied we haven't we haven't heard from den nights and almost three thousand years thank God knows where these people are friend on people are they are no more denied that humbug there are day nights am i northeast India okay so one the coolest thing is you go to Israel most of all good Israel we won't go to all this it places and we don't see all that and that's fine but what you really want to do if you go is really is to get among the people and start finding out where all these people come from and you start seeing the Jews from every nation here are here black Jews there are ETOP enjou there you get the Brazilian Jews I mean all these you all the nations of the world have Jews in them and when you go to Israel you see all these people from all over the world in their own juice but God told Abraham I will make a view many nation he was not joking and they're all in Israel not all of them but a lot of them I mean God's words always true you can put your money on it you may not see it you may not live to see the fulfillment but if he said you're gonna do it he's gonna do it exactly it's a beautiful thing we don't know whether you go Arab no probably not Jew probably not we don't know if I wouldn't tell us what his nationality is we just say he hates God that's all I need to know my god I don't like you all right next question how do you how do you see the difference between the second coming of Christ and I click on my screen and the rap descriptive verses the rapture is only known by Saints the second coming is known by the whole world know I'd love to ask who asked that question but I'm not gonna I won't bear I don't know who wrote any of the question we don't want to know is it not born but listen if the plain sense makes sense then it's probably the right sense okay there are some people who wanted to advance this argument that the rapture and the second coming of two distinct different things and then they took these passages they said okay now this is a rapture passage this is a Second Coming passage they're not the same and therefore don't confuse the two you only probably made the Bible forgot to follow their instruct the word you for example would eat with somebody right now in your Bible turn and show me the verse that said there's gonna be a second coming second coming you do that boom right quick not in there huh so why you building this big argument on something that even Bible yeah yeah well ya know cause Bible don't use that language the term that is used for Christ's return is parasya pa ro o us I a we would not have a lot of the flus that we have if the translators had done like they did and so many other things and just transliterated it what does that mean like the word baptize the Baptizer did you know baptize is a transliterated word they took the greek word and just transfer it into the english letters bob kids o is the greek word so they put a b and an a and it was an r but they put a PE because we work so they popped in so we get baptism and then the greek is bop bip baptized oh well in the greek the word parasya is the word that is used to describe Christ's return and they should have transliterated it they should have just changed the Greek letters into English medals pa Rous ia not translated because by translating it it allows people do this way the second coming in the rap you're not the to this damn well look in the passenger tell me which one of the words for the coming of Christ there because they're three Kirk oh my peruzzo or weekly PI Rusia in Burma so but you don't regroup you don't need to know Greek but if you were looking at it in the Greek you would see that there's a totally different way that the scripture deal with it then the way we deal with it because it's been translated in English and off the time we translate two or three Greek words by one English word and then we start using that one word not knowing that behind it is a whole lot more information that we can get because we just don't know the language okay so parasya one of the best things the bible did let me tell you god so wonderful so magnificent snow glorious so why's that when Matthew wrote his gospel he put the word PA ro USIA in Matthew 24 brilliant because it settled all the arguments but see when you read it you just see coming and so you know you just you see it's just and the coming of Christ and you don't see what word behind it is PA are we recite so when I did Jesus use that word no he did not so why did math use the word that Jesus didn't you because he tied the coming of Christ together with Matthew Paul Luke and John today is what makes me mad it makes me real mad see when people do stuff like this because it's very deceptive and it's very misleading the people and people get the wrong understanding not because they don't they're not trying to find the truth but because people who should know better do sneaky stuff like that the New Testament talks about the return of Christ as a parasya which has a beginning goes over a period of time and then a conclusion a parasya was a word to describe the coming of a king whenever keen was gonna visit some place in his kingdom it was announced as a parasya king is coming it started usually people would go out lay down wreath red carpet band would play big moaning when he comes to the town then he was spent two or three days there then there would be ascending all ceremony so the word parent CEO described for Christ's return because there's gonna be a beginning of it there's gonna be a period over time and then there's gonna be a conclusion of it it's all one thing but it's more than one day it's more than one hour so we've been fighting all this time about well the Second Coming is different from the rapture they're part of them one thing the coming of Christ it's a big event huge listen nothing makes me nothing makes me madder than the idea that God gonna sneak in here grab let's run out nobody's gonna know you know people gonna be wondering what happened play dragon well know what happened on him baby really friend come on when God's day of the Lord comes everybody's gonna know is God they're gonna know what's happening and why and there's not gonna be any confusion about it and he doesn't sneak in here and get you and sneak out of here he comes in the air everybody's gonna see it the wicked are running and the writers are running to him if they've been faithful ain't nothing like mama showing up and you wasn't expecting her not a good day tell me you are coming so it's not your fault you listen it's not your fault I understand that it's my fault and people like us who went to school and study the Scriptures learn the languages and didn't come back and help you to better understand the scripture in terms of what it's doing it's treating like you're dumb and you're not you're intelligent you're capable all we really need to do for you really is to take out time to show you in the Word of God how this works all we need to do you're not stupid you are very intelligent capable people and so it's our fault and I apologize for because it's not right he's not lying so when you learn that when this question came in it seems like you know I'm assuming they think the rapture happens first and then the coming of the Lord but then then you have when Jesus comes back you know and rights on the horse out of heaven and blah blah blah so it seems like there's I think people think there's three different right it makes it look like it's all three different pieces thing it's one it's one it's all one event the Bible looks like that one's over three years or so how much less than that it we have no idea we don't know it's gonna be at least five months okay we know it's going to be at that the Paris see of Christ will last at least five months that we know and the reason we know that is because of the trumpets and you know if you have not been coming to the Bible study Felicia you've been kind of slacking off you know I having a lot day you gotta want to be here for her series on Revelation cuz it's going to be so good now how do I know because I'm gonna get my information from you yes I this the book is so magnificent it is so marvelous how God did the book Christian running around fraid to read it oh it is the best method God gave us but he wrote in a way so that everybody who's not with him won't understand it that's why he wanted to he wrote it so that people who are not with him don't understand and think it's the work thing it's their this is child book but those of us who know that's why I wrote it your monsters big seven headed monster with crown they be there this is the biggest bunch of nonsense in the world well once you get the key it becomes fantastic because every page says victory every page victory victory not only do we know we're gonna win we know how deep so you so we know the the fifth trumpet last five months by itself so we know it's gonna be more than five months but we don't know how long we have no idea and so don't be speculating about how many months now me not matter it really doesn't if it's Daniels 70th week it's got to be at least well the whole week is seven when God intervened with and starts the day of the Lord is the critical question and the sixth seal tells us that when the day of the Lord comes the sixth seal now what got a food now figure out okay we're in that three and a half years that six seal occurs and we don't know and it's for a reason we don't know because God said no man knows the day or the hour and it's not because we're caught God knows but but when you understand his calendar then you'll understand why God said that no man knows that they are the hour why would God say that because on three different calendars that day is gonna be different on three different calendars and all three of them are in play there's a lunar calendar which is what every Jewish person today is following a lunar calendar there is an Egyptian calendar 30 day months twelve thirty day months and then of course the western calendar which we have 365 and a half days a year there are three different calendars at play and if you say it's gonna be on a Tuesday well according to which calendar so that says no man knows the day or the hour you wouldn't is when saying when you're stupid you just never get it yeah that's not what you were saying okay it's it's when the Bible says something there's a reason why it says it there's a reason why God does it that way he just may not tell us the court should makes us mad so the whole 70th week is going to be fulfilled just like he said three to three-and-a-half year periods of 30 day months 360 days just like he said but how it intersects with the divine recall and the ethereal reunion of Christ there's going to be an ethereal reunion when will caught up in the end we will meet him in the air and there's gonna be a hallelujah ceremony going on up there for a little bit and then things will really get poppin here on earth and we're just gonna be in the grandstand that's beautiful god oh man that's good all right the next one was like like it was a long one so I put on two different things so we'll read this and you can't see where they're going in Scripture interpretation we look at the book and any of all types and customs that would have taken place in Revelation God refers to the church as the bride in ancient Jewish weddings after the husband and wife said their vows the husband would carries bride to their tents and they would have made them tent for seven days and come out as a couple father-in-law to the bride would then announce them in front of the relatives if we are called the Bride of Christ it makes sense that we too would be carried away with our husband Christ and be with him for seven years and then return with him and the second coming of Jesus since God always used as a picture of something before shadow your thoughts on that okay now this is one of those that just drives me nuts it's a good question well you know you're you asking a question according to what you've been taught and how bad I tried to make it so that you can understand it and it makes it exciting and listen first of all can you hear them okay out there it is critically important that you never press a metaphor a figure of speech too much don't don't press it you must always determine what was the intent of that figure of speech in order for you to know what meaning and significance you're supposed to get from it in the passage where it's being used because if you don't you're going to always make mistakes always I guarantee you and this is a good example of it right here so now if somebody said okay wedding there's gonna be a you know great wedding you know we're gonna get married to Jesus and therefore this is a Jewish custom and you know just like in the Jewish custom that was seven days and they didn't come out seven days and we'd be gone for seven years and in you comes out and everybody says okay now y'all married and y'all look so good together blah blah blah no the first thing you gotta do okay now what was the intent of the figure of speech what part of it was the Bible using because if it clearly is not using every part of it the difference between a metaphor and a simile read quickly assembly says John is like his daddy that's a that's a simile metaphor says John is his daddy now both of those have to be defined because without defining them you don't know what they mean so you don't know John and you're annoyed daddy so if you say John is like his daddy a simile must always tell you what attribute or characteristic he is like because it if you don't define it then you don't know the boy he's just like his daddy well in what way annoying well yeah oh yeah yeah yeah he's like that he's definitely knowing but is he is he the same height as daddy no does he have the same hair like know that they have the same no no that fact there's always been some doubt as to what he really is John see a similar you have to say what the like is because if you don't you know you'll never know now a metaphor is different a metaphor says Jesus is the door okay so you have to ask okay now that's a metaphor and if the Jesus's the door says in every way that a door does something Jesus does it cuz the metaphor is the whole thing okay now adore has really many different attributes to it okay so you have to say Jesus is the door what component of quality of the door are you focusing on well a door isn't is an entrance it either keeps things out or it lets things in okay but there are all kinds of doors there's old doors Pandora's metal would mean so which but you kind of do is you talked about we talk about kinds of domes tell him from the south thumb I kinds of dough's he's talking about entrance and exit that's what a door is for see so you have to define what the figure of speech is intending because that is that limited so wedding the wedding metaphor okay what is the point that the text is intending you got to be careful because if you try to press it too much you're gonna get too ridiculous those are Jewish wedding say okay they they get married then they go in this tent they stay in there seven days no they didn't maybe some a few rich enough and wealthy enough could afford that but most people weren't wealthy enough to go on a tent stay for a whole week seven days and never come out I love my wife I know I love my wife but I'm gonna be an old ten seven days oh never never come out are you kidding give me a break well yeah that's not true and the stepfather calmed and it blada blada brother if they're gonna be a real literal ceremony our christian is the church really gonna marry jesus in a literal ceremony of course not is he gonna kiss the church see you get up you get start getting absurd because you start trying to press it too much to try to make it one for one in every way that is conceivable is there going to be a time when the bride and the groom ought to present it together before the father yes yes a number that no man can number a believers from all the ages will be standing there as christ is there and for the first time all of us together will be seen in front of the throne of the Father what a great picture that is it's like a wedding but then you start pressing it he gets into the absurd so to be careful of this kind of stuff don't see visit they try to make this happen with Joseph well Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt and there was seven bad years and then there was seven good years and Jesus is gonna come get the church and take him away for seven but the bad years and then we're gonna come back well then I'm gonna come back and be here only for seven good ones well you know the seven bad year that's the tribulation when we are taken out of here well what about the seven good one oh we only gonna be with Jesus seven years at all yeah well no I didn't mean that well then why do we have to start saying it's gonna be seven bad well we like that and it proves out theology no it doesn't do that see that leads to error and it's easier to show people how it's an error and then it looks like you hold your whole position is long because you use the bad illustration to do that and this is one of them that's a bad illustration you don't want to use that don't do that your teacher teaches you better don't do that okay I won't promise the next one is about Enochs Transfiguration but I think you just made that same thing he was translated so does it mean he didn't die because he did was he taking off the earth alive yet that means he didn't but he didn't die Oh what you mean Enoch has been living for 6,000 years in heaven you prayed you start pressing stuff and then you stop doing stupid conclusion because you're drawing a wrong inference from what isn't theirs like Moses Moses not that well of course he did his body he was fighting over his body so you can't fight on my body if he ain't dead say he lied to you didn't die he was caught up in a chair and went up to heaven alive so he's up there alive right now right no see this is what we we start taking things and we try to make something out of it that it's never intended oh not my point which by the way I can do but that's the point we have to be able to know the Bible so well that when we hear pastors talk or or anyone that we can say wait a minute that's not right and the only way that's going to happen is if people are opening the word and study for themselves in all sit and love and kindness because here's your pastor embarrass him don't ever welcome to minute bath you I do bow can't believe still wrong no I'll do that see fit better can I see you sometime just I'd like to ask you about some cuz I'm looking we always be nice oh yeah okay I don't know where we are next because we got a high up yeah revelation 12:12 said therefore rejoice o heavens that you dwell in them you who dwell all the saints that have always been that she when she get here she will show you how this is not this is not right you dwell in heaven refers to angels that doesn't refer to men in that passage in Revelation 12 12 it does not refer to men it refers to angels okay next next one revelation 1 through 3 are all about the churches and before the Great Tribulation the churches will not be here your thoughts on these first so if there's a chapter in the Bible hidden revelation if there's a chapter in Revelation and the word church is not used and that means the church is somewhere else right by this definition that's what pre-trib believes because they always say the churches in Revelation 1 2 and 3 and then after 1 2 or 3 we never see it ever again it's not mentioned anymore so where is it isn't it this note has never said the church arrived in heaven never says that did you know the word church is not used in Revelation 20 did you know was not in Revelation 20 at all so where is it so well it didn't come back to earth with Jesus and then on 12th on well it did why didn't why did he use the word Church so actually I have two chapter three churches never heard of ever again seems to exist just when I would be just well Stan we don't ever read it no ever see it you can't Beth not that is not good Bible study absence does not prove nothing I'm Marcus all that perfectly good English in Arkansas so don't yeah that this was a whole argument they tried to build that the church is raptured beginning of chapter four because John was caught up into heaven and John is a symbol of the church being caught up at me Wow if you base your theology on that one I just wished I could get with you about giving to this new thing I got you are gullible what's the next one up there revelation 17 therefore they were before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in his temple and he sits on the throne will dwell among them if the rapture Souls served before the throne why do they become the right of Christ when did the Bride of Christ a servant years ago taking its metaphor and trying to press it into something that it wasn't intended okay this passage is much easier to understand and you will when you get there I'm just not going to take the time to go through that now but the term Bride of Christ was use for a very specific reason to give a description to something that is very precious okay very precious but it was not intended to be a whole catch-all phrase that covered everything about what Christ's relationship is to believers so don't press it beyond what it intent because if you do then you're always gonna get the error and you'll see that later you come come to the bhava state the next couple questions I laughed because I I went through it so fast last week that it made perfect sense why no one had a clue what I was talking about so well you have that little poster thing over a human so this is the next question up here after that is the beginning of Sorrows - the day of the Lord a total of seven years know by the way in Matthew 24 the Olivet discourse there is the illustration that Jesus is using as the backdrop to the 70th week of Daniel beginning of sorrow is actually beginning birth pain which is better because that's exactly what it may every woman that's ever had a child know what that means beginning birth pains and then it's the illustration that is used as the backdrop for the seven-year Daniel tribulation is the metaphor of giving birth beginning sorrows hard labor delivery okay a woman first has beginning birth pain it's time the baby is coming let's get to the hospital I hate you what you done to me after water break and we get to then it comes hard labor really hate you now I can't stand why you haven't given me that shot epidural called business gonna be able to then eventually baby comes deliver okay so you have beginning birth pains hard labor deliver that is the backdrop of Matthew 24 so when it says beginning sorrows no woman as a baby for seven years I don't take you seven years deliver that baby it did that wouldn't be any okay yeah we did it it's the beginning of Sorrows simply means at the beginning of the period that will bring in the new birth has begun okay beginning Sorrows three and a half years then he goes into hard labor and then delivery and by the way those words are used ellipsis the Greek word ellipsis is the word that was actually used to describe a woman getting ready to bring forth her baby she's into Lipsett tribulation hard labor it was actually the word that was used in the Bible for woman getting ready to deliver two lips Asst birthday beginning birth pain Call the Midwife baby's coming actually the word you that people say she's in hard labor she's in birth pains beginning so this image is beautiful in Matthew 24 because when the baby comes out of the womb what does the babies well what does it see light cuz it's been in darkness and out of darkness comes what light life so when the Sun goes dark and the moon doesn't shine and the stars fall from the sky which is a metaphor then the whole universe is shrouded in what darkness there's no light if the Sun goes dark then that means the moon will not be reflecting light because the moon reflects light that's how it is light moon has no light is alone and the stars shine because of the reflection of the light of the Sun so if the Sun Goes dark the moon goes dark look like the stars fear from scattering what happened to the universe is in total darkness out of that darkness comes what the light of Christ who gives what life to the new dimension and when we break out of that light caught up in the air the fire is glory it's a beautiful thing which I don't have time to do every day but just know that the beginning of Sorrows is three and a half years not seven ok next question how many years of the seven years will we be here I I don't know how many years will be here but it certainly will be more than three ok are we possibly in seal 1 through 4 now no because the Antichrist has to come on the scene first right I mean if we're doing that with you no I don't get it that's a tough one cause it seemed like he would have to be on him before it started in order to get himself organized and get everything in place so that then once he initiates that that's why I don't talk much about that I talked about eschatological geography once the geography is right events can go forward but we possibly instill wonderful now no no no every generation feels like it's in a seal gotta be nobody could have been this bad okay next question do the seals begin prior to the seven years of tribulation the first seal there is some debate okay when what that's what I meant when I said he obviously has to be only earth and he has he obviously has to be organizing himself and getting him in place so that when he begins this journey the the seven is we start he's got to be in place ready to go so in a sense yeah in that he has to be on the earth and he has to be in a position where he could start making the things happen but it's the it's his christ authorization that starts the seals the seals cannot begin without christ authorization which is what breaking the seal mean that that christ is given the authority for that to occur and by the way the restrainer right now is making sure that don't that does not happen he is making sure that satan cannot go forward before god is ready because satan is he's not in he's not in agreement with god he's not on the same page like he's not telling god i got i know that you're only gonna give me seven years and i know i'm not gonna win and you know I understand that and I'm just gonna kind of going holiday and when you ready for it to have a call man I'll be over know he has a totally different commitment next one is the Great Tribulation I make sure these are doubled I was the Great Tribulation the second during the second three and a half years there will be great tribulation but don't identify it as the Great Tribulation because it's not okay there will be Great Tribulation during the second half but calling it the Great Tribulation leads to problems it just leads to problems and it creates all kinds of unnecessary outcomes that are not true so don't call it that because the Bible doesn't it said that will be Great Tribulation but then the turnaround and label at that yeah a mistake okay next one Matthew 24 16 let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains is this referring to the Jews who are being converted to Christ I was taught that there will be a huge conversion of Jews during the two witnesses who will be killed and rise up to three days now why is that not why can that not be true just think about it now so the 70th week is the last week of how many weeks seventy there were seventy weeks and the 70s the last of the 7d now how long was were the Jews under these weeks all of them where they were they promised only 69 no 69 a half 69 three-quarter 69 70 so the salvation of Israel cannot occur before the end of the 70th week its latest day it's all said it's gonna be this huge salvation of Jews no no in fact I can show you very easy to show you won't pay attention to take 144,000 are sealed with the seal of God but are they sealed of salvation no they're sealed to protection so that the trumpet don't hurt the 144,000 what about all the rest of the Jews on earth you own your own I'm gonna see this when you get in Revelation nobody so much you're just gonna be shocked and how easy it is to understand once you get right here on tindr book yeah he's gonna give me that key I miss all this all these years two witnesses who will be killed and right after three days in Jerusalem yeah it's gotta be Moses meaning right it can't be more than a decade no it doesn't just your fancy stuff two witnesses that God can raise up tomorrow and we'll buy the butter by the way okay uh the next one does the great falling away occur prior to the rapture do you think the following way is due to believers who think they will not suffer and persecution begins and they have been lied to by their pastors and then turn to the Antichrist I think it brought great falling away will be a lot of people who call themselves Christians have done so for years but have never been tested you remember Jesus gave us this parable of the soil which one fell away of the four he said there were four which one fell away he said one one fell on the path one fell on stony ground one fell and didn't have any root and when persecution it did what fell away see a lot a lot of people who called himself Chris you've never been tested first good test there go and there's a couple of church of ho domination whole denomination who will be gone so with the falling away Christians no I don't believe so can Christians fall away yes a lot of them do doesn't mean Christ fell away no Christ doesn't follow away he holds you even when you don't know you're being held thank God that's the next question during parts of the tribulation if Christians walk away from their faith is I mean they really were never saved Indiana if the devil knew that all you had to do was get you confused in a lot of pain they get you to abandon Christ he'd have a field day with you he's already having a pretty good day with you but he'd have a field day with you you know you don't know sir I mean I went to I was in Georgia the former Soviet Georgia and I went into this Orthodox Church and down in the basement they had they had taken bricks out of the wall where these monks had wanted to be so close to Christ a wall themselves up and there just a little hole left for them to pass their refuse out and to get food in and when they died they would just put up the last brick in and they would be buried in this wall and so they had taken some bricks out so that we could see that and I just happened to be there today and I saw these this man who a monk who wanted to be so close to God had to separate himself from the world that he was willing to be walled up behind a wall no contact with the rest of the world because he wanted to be holy and people are whining and complaining because I read in the paper the other day that the Chinese now begin to persecute the church in China and that they're going to just wipe the church out oh man if you see the president of China would you tell him for me that if he really wants to kill the church in China leave it alone if you persecute it it will grow but if you leave it alone it'll become secular and soon blend in with the culture just like in America steak our founding father will breed I said well we make no law against the church we don't lead the church along mistake you should have said every 50 year there's gonna be a great purging of it then it would grow but now people we've had no persecution we need some cleans out the church yeah next one I explained to the elect are now in the Bible there are three kinds of elect people okay you can be elect a service you can be elect to salvation and you can be elected aged put a special calling so in every time you see the word elect you have to look in the context to see what's got timeout every Jew is elect to service but only some Jews were elected salvation not every Jew is elected salvation that you take much to prove that but they all like to service they were all elect to be the poster child for Christ for God in the Old Testament of which they failed miserably but only some of them were elect to salvation this is Romans 9 10 and 11 where Paul is talking about some are like to salvation all elect to service and some were elect to a special calling Abraham Abraham had a special election in life he couldn't have gotten rid of if you wanted to because God said this is going to happen so you have to check the contact and people said well you know they elect refers to the church they don't refer so as you say the elect is anyone who is a follower of Christ no I mean as far as like when when Jesus wouldn't anyone who is truly connected to Christ is elected salvation right a lot of people run around the church claiming to be a link right they're not saved but they think they are you know well this is one of the words you gotta be careful with and define it according the context of where it's being used but you will make an illegitimate totality Trenton you'll make a mistake if you try to say everywhere it appears it means the same thing no it doesn't it has to be defined according to context I'm sorry it's that way I wish it was much simpler for you it'd make you so much happier but it's not okay that's our last question we're gonna go all the way to the end melody okay what is the best way to get Christians who believe in pre-trib to wake up and realize it isn't true and what are the keys we can what can we say to plant a seed to be like most of you come to a position on something because you just were reading and studying meditating Scripture and all of a sudden that was a that was the issue in the Spirit of God just begin to unravel it for you the best thing you can do is to get people in Scripture don't try to don't tell them that well you know what I believe don't so and if you read your Bible you would do know just try to get them in the scripture because if you if you attack people they become defensive and we don't want that we just like you did Lisa was studying God's Word pouring through Scripture and just start seeing theme that's not saying well God okay how does this work and and that's how I did that's how most people do you but you were in Scripture you were reading every day meditating on God's Word wrestling with it and that's what got you to that journey that started and so by what you're doing here coming to Bible studies reading your Bible being challenged being willing to entertain that's that's that's what's so important now let me let me do some read quick coffee coming to the in here everyone you got a packet okay in this packet there's some things that I want to make sure that you have for your benefit and I gave you all this this is important okay first of all that's a book in there called final question okay if you have somebody that you really want to talk to about Christ in the end time then you ought to give them this book because it answers the final questions of what we considered the most significant questions everybody oughta want an answer to okay that's what this is about so this is really about evangelism it's about getting people into thinking about endtime who probably wouldn't do it any other way I just gave you one as an example you could go to a drafter calm they're getting okay say that again so your website is pre-wrath rapture calm and he has tons of stuff on their understanding script at face value the rapture question is a Bible study question you're only going to understand the answer the correct answer if you have the right Bible study method it's not a secret it's taking scripture at face value if you take it just as you get the best translation that you really trust and you just take it for what it says you about 90% of time you're gonna come to the right answer and I talked about face value method which is how to study your Bible correctly to try to get to the best understanding of what the Scriptures teaching the Bible wasn't written to be confusing it was written for you to help so this is what this is for I gave you one called emergency defense phantom Doctrine I caught a lot of flack for this one because the the bedrock of the pre-trib position is imminency they think boy if you take away imminency then why there's no use of believing in the Bible you it's a family just the pre-tribulation or imminency is a phantom it is not there okay I just think it now there's one other thing and I gave you what I probably should know yeah revelation 3:10 a bombshell I was doing research on this because I thought - is important issue and I found all these guys who said that if if pre-trib is true there's only really one verse in the Bible that proves it call a proof text and the one verse in the Bible that you know John MacArthur you know like Pentecost you know all the all the big boys David Jeremiah they all believed that if there is a verse if there's one first that really proved pre-trib is revelation 3:10 in fact they say that Remington is a proof text which means it proves the position which of course they regret saying now because you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that is not okay and what's really sad about it is that it was a pre-tribulation list who did it he proved that revelation 3:10 can't be a proof text for pre-trip if that's the only verse that you've got to say it is that you're in trouble because that means if it's not a proof text and there is no verse not one which is about calling a bombshell because they had all been baking on revelation 3:10 everybody's very rich now you're gonna read this and you probably gonna think yeah yeah but how could you be so smart and everybody else was dumb um just read it and then write me and tell me how dumb I am now the last thing I put in there is this brochure and this brochure the thing that I'm spending most of my time working on is a prophecy Study Bible there has never been one produced this tells you how it will actually work what we're gonna do is that we're going to label every prophecy in the Bible every one of them in every book we started with Genesis we identify is it a prophecy okay then the next thing we do is is it fulfilled or unfulfilled if it's fulfilled when what is fulfilled how would just fulfill how do we know and then if it's unfulfilled what kind of fulfillment will it have because there are different kinds of fulfillment friends for instance there is a pattern fulfillment now when the Bible says when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the in the holy place on standing word should not be fleeting now that is a pattern fulfillment it can happen more than in fact it's already happened twice some prophecies a pattern fulfillment some prophecies are fulfilled in pieces you need to know which one is working in order to really appreciate the text a lot of the questions that were asked today would have been answered for you already if you had a good Study Bible that was committed just to Bible prophecy not the shenanigans just keep it simple keep it straight and let you wrestle with it and that's what we're working on this this is gonna take me probably 15 years I've been in the Book of Isaiah almost two and a half years just Isaiah tough but we always are we always in need of money always in need of resources to do this stuff we have we have about a $1,700 actually seventeen hundred five dollar much deficit that we got to make up so if there's anybody in here who would like to support us which six dollars a month that would put us under seventeen and be great my trip would be a total sense if I got six dollars so here we go six dollars a month for that so these there are lots of resources on the pre-wrath rapture comm there are lots of articles every article that I write I write at a seventh grade level okay I have understand I have editors and their job is to take whatever I say if it's not seventh grade level and reduce it to seven good up not because I think people are stupid that's not these are tough topics and if you write them to it too much jargon and a highfalutin Greek people getting lost in that nonsense you don't need it you don't have to try to prove you smart you should give the people information let them be smart so if you go on my website you're gonna see most of stuff on there is written in a way that it can be very easily understood I have a whole commentary on the book of Revelation that's on there I went through the whole book I reduced it down to so that you can understand it their resources they're there for you you could take it use it any way you want I have no I'm not into that kind of stuff it's the Word of God it belongs to all of us and I don't attend people charge of you but what God gave them that didn't make any sense to me so anyway they go on your website can they donate their like if everyone could go and donate money to donate don't ask questions on there if somebody comes up with something that you don't know write me and I will return your email it may take me two days it took you like two weeks to get back to yeah yeah why I unfortunately it's not that I'm bitter about it or anything I understand it just takes a lot of time and lots of I have lots of question you beat you'd be amazed how many question I get a lot of might have all the same and I can just post and paste the answer and they're good to go but I'm so excited about you study the word I'm so excited what Lisa is doing for you she's challenging you she is not saying to you you must believe what I believe she's saying okay have you considered this this is important and should be taken into consideration as you formulate your conclusion or belief on this issue that's a good teacher okay that is a good teacher if they tell you what you must believe in you can't believe nothing else that I don't believe that's a good teacher now the only person the only teacher that I know that has the right to do that is the Lord Jesus and since he's not here at the moment you'll have to settle for us wait a bit will you pray for us yeah is it well thank you so much for this day and for the privilege we have to live in America together in this place and so your word without any fear of governmental authorities we could come here as believers from all different backgrounds and all different beliefs and faith structures and just gather around the golden honey of your word and so I pray for for Lisa and Robin as they lead and as all of the of those who come together with them to help and for everyone that's here and I pray father that we would be good stewards of the word that we have been given that we will be diligent to show ourselves approved workmen who rightly divide your word thank you for the privilege thank you for the honor and father we look forward to the glory that you'll get when we stand before you as one huge body in Christ we bless your name [Music]
Channel: Women's Bible Study
Views: 16,180
Rating: 4.5015974 out of 5
Keywords: Revelation, End Times, Charles Cooper, Prophecy, Last Days, Rapture, Pre tribulation Rapture, Post Tribulation Rapture, Pre Wrath, Women’s bible study, Womens bible study, Lisa Laizure, Bible study for women, Women’s faith, Christian women, Christian woman, women’s study bible, Best women bible study, Best women’s bible study, Lifeway, Beth moore, Joyce meyer, Bible study, Learning about Jesus, Online bible study, Rethinking the Rapture, revelations, tribulation, end times, God
Id: eokoUWO7Sdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 40sec (5620 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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