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good morning yo what is up everyone welcome back to another vlog so I am starting out today's video at my boy Simon's house aka the big I have a name I'm sorry today's vlog here now if you guys haven't seen it a few days ago was my birthday my boy sigan decides to bring a like in a Hypersport to my house we have to do it better every year next year tell me what we should do next year we're planning on landing a helicopter in my house and and flooding money out of it no no the thing is today we're gonna do a ton of things and later today I actually haven't told you this I'm gonna do something what I'm gonna reveal your net worth yeah google it oh so the first place me in Saigon are actually heading to today is we're actually going to go check out the lichen again so today I'm gonna go see my birthday gift again oh my god hi guys so right now we are heading out its sigan we're taking the roast race race out bro do you ever drive this car guys look at my boy sigan he's letting his rolls-royce dust in the garage bro we can't do that as I said the first place we're going to is to the lichen showroom and then we need to take the rolls-royce for a wash cuz this thing he's just left me here who who treats a rolls-royce like this I guess I can put it okay come back come back Saigon got sigh guns being annoying today bro but I don't want to sweat no working out [Applause] [Music] all right guys you might be wondering why are we going to do showroom it's because these cars have to be prepared before they can be delivered to and I believe in a few days you'll have the chance to drive it Oh the faster furious check it out I got that car in the Fast and Furious you know the one that like flew I just got a flying car for my birthday wait what it's temporary closed for maintenance work where's my car guys my car look at the logo on the car the car is right there it's right there and you can even see fast and furious 7 the CEO is actually out of the country so we have to wait until thing Monday or Tuesday oh well that's a slight little fell guys yeah the showroom is closed right now so I guess we're just gonna have to wait until the car is officially ready and then you're gonna see your boy skirt skirt and a lichen that is beautiful though that is hands-down beautiful then these are what's driving this car how is this kind this condition if you jump from one skyscraper are pretty sure that was a replica car they destroyed it the real one this is the red one from the movie and the one sigan brought to my house is that exact one over there the silver one so there's only 7 of these in the entire world all right Carl Schurz raised we should race you think I'll let us like not both but one of them like inverses like him hmm I pronounce time to go get Simon's car washed no I've said this many times on the blog before but I don't know what it is about car washes which just is so satisfying to me like washing your car get washed it's just so relaxing oh my god this looks so satisfying damn bro look out sexy that looks I know bro [Music] this is literally the definition of satisfaction right now damn Oh guys look at it the car is dripping right now after it solid but I don't feel good I don't shower for three days Wow worst friend ever there you go guys the car is officially washed you know what we never try it see it's cooling and heating at the same time that is the dumbest idea pretty well have you ever thought about this digan just turned on the cooler and they're here at the same time how does it feel it's a new seat only it doesn't feel like anything car wash is officially over and it is time for what you guys have been waiting for it is time to reveal science net worst that's the click that you're doing today bro it's no I'm gonna tell them well you're not worthless I'll tell you something really nice I'm gonna give you $1 for help ok ok and I'm gonna add the zero for everything which is important to the house a car what I don't know Gucci shoes I'd imagine after nine items you have like what billion or something but imagine if you remove hell you dead just one everything else becomes zero ah so back to the question what's your net worth the drumroll please so right now it is the moment of truth this is what you have all been waiting for so pretty much about a week ago I saw a video on YouTube and it showed all of our net worths me sigan Raschid and Lana so right now I'm gonna show a sighting in the video and we're gonna see if it's correct all right top 5 UAE youtubers okay so first person is me guys mold blogs okay that's me with the pink Lamborghini yep still correct you see everything's correct on this video net worth 2.5 million okay you know what um like I'm ok with that all right Lana Rose Lana Lana Rose Oh net worth beat you Brooke I don't even know she probably is what Oh cider yo German hi this is the juicy part guys founder and CEO of middle-east first and largest car buying service correct sell any cars oh here we go here we go net worth 4 billion dollars or billion dot okay one I'm done I have done present what you said how Q like somebody's with that that's attack service coming to collect the money for oh my god that's definitely the tax service coming and oh my god I already know we just found out Simon's net worth oh my god you don't know how much there's there's actual amount of it oh four billion dollars four billion dollars yeah alright alright no how do you guys know how do they calculate like logging I don't know man that is 4 billion like I wouldn't be surprised but why am I only 2.5 million that means only grow appreciated a thousand miles long who ever made there you go Simon's net worth as of YouTube is four billion dollars guys of YouTube but YouTube is owned by Google and if google says it that's legit Donald Trump net worth sigan is nine hundred million dollars richer than dollar shop America we're coming to buy you let's go if you weigh 100 kilos right yeah and you eat one kilo ravioli you will one percent ravioli what does that have to do with anything did you know that you're avoiding the topic yeah hi guys I'm out peace I love you guys hey oh are we so we are finally back home right now now sure love you might be wondering why I'm whispering right now another thing is whenever I vlog I don't tell you guys like how late I'm awake unto but it's currently 3 a.m. and I just made it back home and when I get home everybody is sleeping like if you could see my mum is Dennis sleep right now so I tried to wake her up ok now that I'm back home on my end of today's vlog here but before I do you just give me 20 more seconds before you close the video guys I just want to say one thing and I feel like this is important to tell you guys a lot of times you guys see me joke around my friends like sigan talking about their net worth and how much they're worth etc etc and I feel like people take the joke the wrong way now although my friends are fairly rich to be honest let's just be honest guys like sigan and rosh and I just feel like that is not important when it comes to friendship guys and if you want to find friends that are gonna lost you just need to have like the same interests so for me it's important that my friends understand that I talk to a camera all day long like it's weird so I feel like it's important to have friends that understand what you do because otherwise they're gonna think that you're psycho yeah anyways I love you guys so I'm gonna end of today's vlog here and yeah don't forget there's still three more phones in my giveaway so if you guys want to win a free phone subscribe and comment down below I love Yazoo and as always jolly oh no oh
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 2,442,819
Rating: 4.8314886 out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, net worth, billionaire, saygin yalcin net worth
Id: zFOcJscIWLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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