I Spent 24 Hours with a Billionaire ...

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hello hello hello hi brother and Alex : thank you good morning stop we have stray cats you kill them good welcome back to another vlog today we're starting on the blog with your man Saiga Delta today is gonna be really nice we're gonna do it real star you know like authentic go on once in the supermarket and buy some meat anyway so today we're gonna go to supermarket buy some meat have a nice barbecue beautiful weather I don't know what's the weather like in your country hey welcome back to another beautiful day in - bye guys I know how much you guys are miss Saiga but today the boys are back we're about to a barbecue and it's about to be fun what do you think about my car I wouldn't drive around like this bro as beer just too catchy you know I like it subtle like I already know here welcome to Dubai welcome to my house so today mold is my guest and guess what my neighbors actually feel their cars here oh yeah guys check this out cycads neighbors are doing their petrol at home so a car literally came to his neighbor's house with fuel that's awesome yo that's amazing you don't even have to drive to the gas station bro why does this not happen in my area I think you're in it your areas a bit you know bit richer guys that is so cool so we just made it to science house his neighbor has a beautiful Ferrari and they legit come to your house and fill up the gas alright let's go we're going to the food market today is an awesome day hi guys let's go supermarket here we come I feel like we're in a movie bro how far is the supermarket it's like five minutes drive five minutes that's far all right let's go I said today we actually have a really fun day ahead of ourselves you actually have a barbecue and everybody is coming to Simon's house and we have a surprise that's gonna be fun so we have been buzzed coming you said yes Moe's here and some other people so let's have some what a few moments later keeping up is so hard I have a vlog camera in my hand but where are you coming but I'm pretty sure this is not where the super marquees do you see the supermarket this is a bad idea I just dropped my wallet like I'm about to lose my entire life ah all right good bikes are parks it's time to go to the supermarket somehow we finally made it to the supermarket so much fun right bro I don't think anybody here knows how we go here it's time for a barbecue oh boy I think there's one thing we didn't think about how are we gonna carry you back the groceries and quad bikes you know it tastes better tastes better if you worked for it guys you got caught bikes on the other side of the road oh my god slowly we made it yes so we just laid it back in science house right now you don't even want to know how he brought all of the groceries okay just that's not a question you want to ask guys lower back in science house and I know this sounds weird but guys I was walking on the sand right here and the sound it makes is oddly very satisfying this is this guy's this is so satisfying we're back in science house and I wanted a thumbnail shot this is what we have to do psych it's got a disco light in his house no comment down below science car or my car god this is so nice and all guys first time I made it to a sigan BBQ the famous one and now I'm getting to like a good level of experts oh my god welcome to the barbecue hello hi guys so we're just eating food right now I've been bath showed up I love women huh husband Maseo stray cat came into our house and forth with Pablo and chuckle guess who wise outside because he got bitten three months of Tiger training this guy lost how do you lose gross oh hi so we're treating a science house right now but I thought I'd show you this sigan has literally got every old school game that exists so if you're somebody who's ever played a game in your life I can console he probably has it all right I'm gonna I'm going to show you yeah but bass is recording me talking to myself yo I'm trying to make a blog can you leave me alone I'm talking over here you want to come join me by the advances joining us hello hi you Betty's my batteries diagnose that sigan has a lot of games guys check this out what mitten do Nintendo your Seiken is old this is like an old offender but these are Nintendo's that didn't even exist yo you what are we gonna hide in this house and then freeway I'm gonna hide you the pool oh I'm gonna die we're at Simon's house it's only like five people here only five people it's all good it's it's cyan yah-tchi oh my god Junior mother is it actually legally allowed to have a dinosaur I thought yes what is the most asked question yet on social media is it can I have money I just wanna say so anybody that wants money from sigan I do not have his money I promised you that question guys everybody I know always askin sigan invest in my business I do and I can't yet go to you and say that I don't I don't care oh my god guys but vas just got a new car look at this hi guys so listen we finished that Simon's house we just had a barbecue the whole gang pulled up we got my boy don't cast in over a year he pulled up in the drop head the Ferrari you already know what it is the Mads you like the car alright okay Simon's house was a very cool way to start the day honestly I ate so much food where like I just don't want to eat any more food for a week guys but here's the man bin bass have actually come over to the mall because you guys remember from my birthday I got like a ton of gifts and today I need to go and change the size on my shoes because I think they're a bit too big for me doesn't Balenciaga shout out to my boy Bao but yeah guys we're gonna go to the mall we're gonna check out the size I actually haven't even tried on the shoe but I just think they're big so we're here the moon I'm beating my family let's go inside guys this is really awkward no blogging in public it's not easy yo hello I'm back and we're doing some shopping today with my brother something really cool look at that there is a spaceship in the mall yeah let's go check it out what is going on over here this is a whole nother level of buying shoes it looks like a spaceship oh my god what is this guy so I don't know what this store is I feel like they're selling like limited shoes I don't know what's happening like how do you pick the shoes you want these look fire Lana what do you think yo yeah she does match my car how much are these guys these would actually match the Ferrari and they look really really nice so I'm teaching my boy pin guys how to get a girlfriend okay so I can't to change the size of my Balenciaga this is how you flex okay are you done sometimes in life you just have to flex every every time and I know sometimes every time why we are here again which I just came here to flex and the morphism one right here hasn't even tried the shoes that he got as a kid he thought it was not inside and he hadn't tried it on so listen my boy Bao got me Balenciaga as they looked big what did not even try them and you came to the store they said first what you couldn't change it because it was another store and then we try it off it fits it fit like yeah you know it's my thing I mean that he sat there in the store trying it on and he said fit anymore guys I just came here to flex ow he always around the morning I'm suing you bro we were done for today at the mall so [Music]
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 1,482,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mo vlogs, dubai, saygin, billionaire, saygin yalcin, dubai vlogging, dubai vlogger
Id: gmLNrhYf9tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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