Rev. (Mrs) Adelaide Heward-Mills shares her powerful story

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now it's time for this is my story now we look at the lady behind the man that is the founder of the lighthouse chapel international we had a talk with lady Reverend idolater what no she shared some fascinating insights with us and it's time we go find out what her story is all about it's this is my story the grace of God found me from the age of nine through my Sunday school teacher commander yang Hwa he shared with me the love of Jesus and he virtually pushed me into ministry at a very tender age I'm lady Reverend Adelaide he would mills and that's where my story begins this is my story what I was born to a businessman father and a teacher mother and in a godly and religious home in Tecate many years ago I come from a family of thirteen nine boys and four girls and I am the last girl I went to school in chaplain over poetry school in Turkey and from there I was privileged to enter Wesley girl's high school which in my view is the greatest school on the planet and then the grace of God carried me to University of Ghana Lagaan where I read the law as a first degree and then went on to do a postgraduate go into the university revolutionized and changed my life drastically and God did that through Bishop dad he taught me principles I'd never known and finish in law school I practiced a bit as a lawyer and still supporting and working with my beloved who was not done my husband who was also in medical school and started lighthouse chapel international as a medical student and then when I graduated and I was doing my national service we got married and it's been a journey of 25 years I have been privileged to do so many aspects of ministry from sweeping the floors to tidying up which I still do I knew by the grace of God I've been called by God but I didn't have all the answers as to how why when when the time came I believe the Holy Spirit gave me a strong conviction that it was time and so in 1998 I left legal practice and came into full-time ministry but we still do have some legal practice in our church here because there about six lawyers and we put our heads together as and when but even when we do that it's still about Jesus it wasn't very easy especially when I was in private practice the demands of the work leaving late at night and at the same time being involved in ministry was not easy and then also going even into government work it still wasn't easy but I don't think anything in life is easy coming into a full-time ministry has not become any easier because ministry involves the lives of people and when tragedies happen to people or things happen to people is not timed and it's not scheduled it just happens so sometimes you get a call at 3 a.m. somebody's in crisis and you need to get up either to pray go to the place and counsel the person whatever so it says challenging but for me ministry has been more rewarding the fear of man is a snare and the fear of man will not help us to go forward their fear of sudden destruction proverbs chapter 3 some of the low points have been in ministry when I have felt that I have poured out my life for people when I felt that I've given my all or done the best I know how to do and rather I have been rewarded with a short end of a stick sometimes and often does book in my heart and at times when I've been tempted to turn off this lovely road I walk on you know but the fact that it's God who called me and not any man keeps me going and I now understand more than ever why the Bible says in his message I renewed every morning was every morning I need his message and every morning I need his grace and I thank God that Jesus said we should ask our daily bread I needed daily I usually relaxed with my husband usually on our days off that's on Monday he usually would make tea for me or toast or whatever and then you would relax and chat a lot would also watch something on the screen either documentary I like to watch real-life things I don't like too many imaginary things I also don't like a lot of action movies but he does I don't like Rambo and then the shooting and the blood but I'm learning to appreciate some of it and then also I love reading but I think that these days I don't do as much as I would have liked to do and then I also love window shopping and every time I go with my husband he's like why are you looking I know going to pass no I don't feel like having it but seeing it is enough so that's another creation every young lady designs come into ministry must be personally convinced by the Holy Spirit you shouldn't come because you had daddy what Mills is wife or because you are the potentate niece should come because you have head goat for yourself and have a personal conviction of your own because there will be times when you may feel like staying away from this road are your personal conviction will keep you you have to remain humble and never think that anything God asks you to do is menial or below you or that is for you you are called just to international ministry there's nothing like that it is from lowly things that God lifts you up by doesn't mean when you are lifted up that you still won't walk in places of humility and then the key is to stay close to God we get close through prayer through reading of his word through listening to messages because faith comes by hearing God commanded his love toward them so the while we were yet sinners Christ died for us is the greatest love the greatest sacrifice and the greatest invitation that God makes is that I stand at the door of your heart and I'm knocking if you hear my voice respond and when you say yes to Jesus you have said no to a lot of foolish things a lot of unnecessary had ache a lot of betrayal or fans these seeds so why wouldn't you say yes to Jesus why would you postpone it why would you be deceived to think that the world has anything to offer jesus said I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly abundant life is in Jesus and nowhere else
Channel: Best Trends gh
Views: 53,782
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Id: dahD29naQ1c
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Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2013
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