REUPLOAD - We Have To Stop People Filming! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐ŸŽฅ๐Ÿ›ธโŒ

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should you be really telling people that we have to stop people filming yeah you can't stop me like what do you mean I can't stop [Music] you so welcome back to the channel guys wow remember us stff leaving sight there in a rush welcome back to the channel guys today we're here in Newport South Wales taking a look at n assist now nist powering the future everywhere for everyone as the global leader in stored energy solutions we are redefining technology empowering our customers and meeting the needs of a changing World from satellites to submarines semi- trucks to substations forklift to 5G networks we are driven by Passion to keep the world working so big big batteries n Cy so they have an entrance and an exit both with Gate House security we have a forlift moving around at the back Waste Management Area WMA office an extension there some sort of temporary structure that's what the front of the building looks like a little bit of extraction up there and a Fagan and Wally trailer with Allan R Jones and Sons tractor unit just leaving sight now it's going slow it looks full some weight on that so you'll notice the security barrier in the upright position I wonder how long that is going to remain in the upright position down at the back big red sign no pedestrian access forlift trucks only now on the roof you'll notice they have got spikes so they don't want the birds sitting up there do they hey all right hi taking photographs in the place have you have permission to take photographs in the place I'm not no no why are you taking photographs the place I just wanted to make a little video about enesis you work for Enis or you doing project no affiliation at all but you might need to phone up to get permission to photographs of the property uh that is kind of you might want to give her give her a ring and find out about that give her a ring sorry yeah phone up benesis and speak to somebody plan manager or something to see if you it's okay to take photographs on Place well come in no no just take photograph I mean takeing photographs of it you still need to take you know it's still like permission for for somebody taking photographs of Bas it never heard of that before no no I I don't think I would need permission cuz I'm just outside all right okay all right if I'm wrong then yeah I'll make some quaries now and I'll find out but I I'll let you know that's okay that's all right I mean if we compare it to you know the street car the Google yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I do it's the same as what that could see so I didn't think there was any problem with it okay I've obviously got a question you're walking up here and you just take your photog just start photograph in the front of the thing I mean I don't know who you are interest cuz they make batteries here don't they they do is it lithium batteries uh not aware of that I don't know what is it like lead acid nothing to do nothing to do with me I'm just Security on there but I I don't know what they I know they make batteries I don't know the process who for though oh people car manufacturers uh there's some for it's a Ministry defense contracted site as well you see is why I've come over to ask okay cuz it is cuz they do have a contract with the ministry of Defense so that's why you know to challenge you and ask you why you take photographs of the place cuz it goes all the way back doesn't it around the corner so I can't see around the corner so I was going to take no because no because there a there a a pallet Factory at the back of there so you can't get to the back I was going to take the drone over and just see what's around the back you probably definitely will need p take drone over I I would I would say you I'll make inquiries myself but you're going to have to if you want to fly a drone over the over their space over their property to take photographs then they are going to want to give you you are going to need permission off for it what if I um flew over with an helicopter or a hot air balloon listen you're trying to I'm just expl I don't know all I'm saying is if I see somebody as it is a Ministry defense contracted site if I see somebody photograph from outside I have to challenge them asking if they have permission to do that I remember when there was a a time there was a spell here when a lot of people got laid off and the Press came here and took photograph of the front and there was a big stink kicked up about that they contacted the Press saying they were they didn't ask permission to take photograph and there was so that's why what happened then did the Press had to leave I don't know well they had already been done it was put into the paper and they already had had permission to come and take photograph the site and so they they put a formal complaint in so all I'm saying is complained about the newspaper taking photos was a photograph there was a photograph taking the thing without their permission so they so I might get in trouble saying but I'm not saying all I'm saying is give it if I could get you a phone number and you can phone up there and you can ask ask them if to take photographs of it that's fine but that's between you and them but I have to challenge if anybody's out here taking photographs yeah honestly I do well because as I've said it's a Ministry of Defense contracted site I wouldn't have known that yeah I mean people can't come on site unless they've got permission to come on it is one of those does the security barrier work uh right now no right see the mod are not going to like that are they that's fine but I'm not going to go to thingies all that all I'm saying is yeah yeah you all I can do my friend I'll make my video I'm an innocent member of the public just making a video of enesis I'm not even attempted to come on and I'm not going to just for your piece of mind I'm not going to I'm going to do my video from the outside once I've done both entrances or entrance and exit I'm going to fly the drone over and just get a full aerial shot I'm going to go make you I'm just being open honest with you letting you know my intentions so I'm not coming on I'm doing all my filming from the outside and and I'm just yeah about 20 minutes and I'll be gone what is the purpose of your filming well a place that makes batteries especially if it's lithium it's a future in my opinion we're all going to be forced to use electric vehicles and if you're in that market it's a typical place we don't know where they're made or where sells them it's something new for me I just want to make a video cuz you know there's a lot of money to be made putting content online nowadays okay so if I put something online and people want to watch it I'll get paid yes so it's a financial incentive for me but it's a risk cuz people might not want to watch it I don't know again I mean if you're looking to make Financial gains from a photograph from a video and using their property there may be a consumer that so that's why I'm making qu there a lot of maze AR there well yeah well I say cuz I don't know myself but I will check I am I am there may be a problem filming from the outside there may be a problem with a drone and there may be be a problem making money from it well it may no no that's I'm not saying about you making money if you want to make money you make money doing what you do just from the video this place just I've got to make inquiries I've got to come challenge like I said it is a Ministry of Defense conf so I do have to come and challenge that I have no idea it was Yeah Yeah by all means mate so an mod contractor we had no idea of that did we so supplying batteries to well the website mentioned satellites so I don't know I don't know but now he's Consulting with his colleagues let's just continue our video and not focus on them at all so down at the back they've got this sort of raise platform it's unusual is it there doesn't seem to be anything underneath it so I'm not quite sure what that might be we'll try and get a better look at that with the Drone and then just down the left I've got some pallets an unusual green colored palette is it plastic uh I don't know if it's plastic or wood I can't really tell from here but we' got all the colors up very neatly stacked and there's something on the ground there but I can't really see anything else from this gate so let's move on to gate number two the exit see what we can see from there property is marked with Smart Water right and that's the only Glimpse we get to see inside through that window there I think it's just wiring can't really see anything at all for them ones and then down at the exit a much more industrial smell some different pallet boxes over there [Music] sorry government right no filming you sure I have permission to film on this site you sure I'm sure even from the outside even from the outside these photos could be sent to Russia all we know it's an AM B site I didn't know that well your colleagues has told me that for the first time but yeah should you be really telling people that we have to stop people filming yeah you can't stop me like what do you mean I can't stop you look how you going to stop me from filming you can't you can ask I get a manag you can ask but I can just explain that uh I get you have no powers my friend get those sorry I'm going to get those from don't have to I've seen people like you on video on [ย __ย ] YouTube you should know better shouldn't you what are you talking about why you you can't [ย __ย ] you keep saying I can't do it of course I can I'm outside get it shouldn't be telling people that well can't I go over here and film you can't be telling people what to do like that stay by here you having a laugh or what they seem to think they have authority of members of the public outside he's on his walkie-talkies now so we see if our walkie-talkies can get onto their frequency that'll be a good little experiment being an mod contractor they shouldn't be using the public frequencies that's for sure so hopefully we don't hear anything and we have we've got it we can hear what they're saying the manager coming over to talk to [Music] [Music] you [Music] no hi no it's just I'm making a video about the company from the outside who's the company for who's the video for anybody that wants to watch it I'll just make videos on Industrial Estates that's all he's seen the videos before and he still tries to say it I've seen people like you before not the video yeah you know the thing is we um the government beer safe the government it makes no difference if that makes a difference to you but not to me what what what um where did you post them to YouTube he seen them where did you see it YouTube or I've seen people like you in places you can't put can't stop me you can't stop me you're definitely not out on I've seen people like you that come out onto the public footpath and try to tell photographers what to do you think you are excuse me hang a minute now you're being okay he's not I've seen people before he SEC yeah it's not very professional is it please it's not very professional you really representing and and he's he's going to protect people you shouldn't have just random people videoing in you anyway so you feel by stopping a photographer outside that's protecting people I'm not protect people but I'm asking why you think you need to film it film the company cuz I'm going to make some money from this video cuz I'm going to film enesis take the drone over get some good aial shots tell people what you do you're not allowed to take a drone over the top they say you keep saying this just leave him there come in that's it just leave me alone and then I'll be gone in 20 minutes no you're not allowed to put a drone on the site it's a government site you keep saying this but you're walking away before I can show you the law government site or not it makes no difference don't wave your around at me like that mister how rude are [Music] you I mean a photographer outside would have no idea it's a uh mod contractor they're going crazy aren't there look at them I've never seen anything like it so that the uniform that the guys wear n assis ah so yes as we were saying from this exit all we can see really are different types of pallets we've got the boxes there we got some Goods being loaded onto a trailer just there very small pallets but when they're that heavy they can't be very tall can they so that'll be the batteries we're not sure whether it's lithium or not and really from this point there isn't really anything else that you can [Music] see and then we'll get down to the main reception and that does look nice doesn't it all the flowers on either side looks very welcoming looks very welcoming doesn't it you okay what's uh the issue I've not got an issue security have that's all and probably you might have as well well I don't know I don't know what uh no a member of the public on the outside on the public foot path making a video about an interesting place that all the website says is that you make batteries for satellites and 5G whatever it just says there it's quite a bit of information but there's nothing to tell me that you do anything sort of for the government or like that so I was I was not to know right satellite submarines substation forless 5G networks and then as soon as I start filming security like contract you understand well sure how was I supposed to know right that you was mod and because of their attitude I don't feel like I want to work with you and stop I want to continue cuz lawfully I'm allowed to right if they came out a bit more professionally my stance on the matter might be different but it's not so we' got to work with what we've got here if they want to waste the police time and call the police the police will also tell you guys that there's nothing illegal from filming from the public footpath regardless of what you do inside so that's where I am with it and when you see the video you might understand why I'm taking this stance cuz you don't know what's just happen to me I don't I'm not sure what you're here for okay I'll tell you once more but I do not want to be repeating it lots of times I find your company interested and the website is vague I want to make a video about the business take the drone over and find out more about your company so that I can show my viewers what I've found today I look at interesting places on Industrial Estates and find out more that's all and obviously there's a financial incentive for me to do so cuz I get paid more people that watch it the more I get paid so I've got to make it as interesting as possible and your place makes that job easy for me cuz you make a you make batteries right over to you oh we Doo but then lots of people make lots of things so I don't how are you better than everyone else yeah you're international company so this Isis an international company so look at the website the it's very bague and it certainly doesn't mention government contract so what you're you're blatantly telling me now you do work for the government what' you do are you body come my perception right okay I will uh I'll talk to we'll we'll we'll talk to the But ultimately we would prefer it if you didn't if you didn't film a fact but if I politely decline your request surely surely you wouldn't go wasting the police time just cuz you're not happy with somebody's they're not complying with your I don't know you I don't know anything of you you haven't made a request you haven't done it in a reasonable normal way but most people would ring up the company and say I want to do XYZ you haven't done any of that and if I did come up to you just come up to the fence and you started filming into the factory I have a right to do that you a right or not it's not normal is it it's not noral for someone well it's not normal for someone to come up to our fence and start filming our factories it's normal for me to do that okay that's that's your normal that's your normal some gentlemen they wear high heels don't they it's not normal but who cares leave them to it leave me to it there's nothing illegal about what I'm doing and for you to then the walk away now after I've gave you that explanation and still go consult with the police what what's wrong what am I doing wrong there I hope so hope we do leave it there are you taking from a fire hydrant yeah why that's what we've been told to do by who what you mean by who you're not supposed to be taking from fire hydrant wash outs where's a wash out around there look on your map I haven't got a map oh read plant on I should just give you a map told fire hyr it's F by you by the people I work for give me a name why cuz it's not right you're taking pressure from the the network that's used for the fire service but they pay for it so no they don't they do no not they do so you're telling me then this this meter here yeah although you're taking from a fire hydrant you're still going to you're still paying for it so who cares what you take off whether it's a wash out or a fire hydrant they still pay yeah you shouldn't be taken from the fire hydrant it's it's hydrant misuse I've been told it's fine so yeah just tell me who buy then and I'll pass the book it doesn't matter buy who does it yes it does why who's your manager what's your manager's name it doesn't matter well the book's going to stop with you then that's fine I'll just take you details you've not even got your license displayed on the front I don't need it oh my God 587 606 yeah that's what it says are you taking from fire adant on a daily basis no why now because there's not a wash out around there have you looked yeah it's all fire hyds around there reason where I'm doing it I've noticed but the lack of wash outs don't mean that you use fire hydrants really in my opinion if you've got permission it should be on the dash well who are you it's irrelevant you don't you don't break the law and then start passing on to the person who's caught you I'm not passing it on I want to know who you are you're recording things why I'm what recording things I want to know why it's evidence of course I've got to record it for what to take the matter further right okay fire service are down the road dealing with a IND industrial fire right they need as much pressure as possible you're taking it here they can't put out the fire if they were having a fire I wouldn't have taken the water you don't know what's going on down the road it would have been on the new of fire you can't trust that you know about everything that's going on around here it could be happening right now you can't either can you do not use fire hydrons simple as that because the fire service need them don't you agree yeah I understand where you're coming from I do but I've got a job to do as well if you tell me who's told you to do it they're they're at fault not you I'm passing it on because you're going to take it then drop it from there you're going to take it on this occasion that's fine I don't want to ruin your day my friend but I've got to protect the local community who need the pressure that's all no OD feelings okay do what you got do and I will because it should should be in your interest as well what my goal should be your goal I'm new to the job I'm just doing as I'm told well why don't you turn this off now ring your boss and say boss are you sure 100% sure I should be taken from a fire hydrant if he says yes carry on you you should not be taken from a fire hyr excuse me I'm a what I'm a what Nutter how dare he you I'm asking you please could you please go away from fact no you're antagonizing this nut says no you are antagonizing people trying to go about I've got something for you i' got I've got something it for you you don't want one I've got pink white and blue might make it better for you do you want one you it what one what's all of him dummies D what you got them for people like him crying you're been all right you've took it like a man you know you're in the wrong but you boss has told you to do it so hopefully you pass the fine on to him right but this guy he thinks he can tell me what to do or because he's hiding something as well what he hiding ah well right let's put the dumers away so it's getting a little bit crazy here at enesis got all sorts going on so let's bring this back down to Earth get some normality back into the video and let's get David up and see what this place looks like from above a YouTube channel come over [Music] me [Music] I think he's just been called back he wanted to come over but he wasn't allowed so enesis let's have a look at you then shall we that's a YouTube channel big whilst you're inside I can't really talk to you but if you want to come here I can't work all right mate no problem maybe when you finish yeah can't tell them too much at the moment of all this going on so we got the forlift driver he just wants to know what channel it's on so that he can watch it but everybody else is simply trying to stop us from doing AO and that's certainly not going to happen is it so how big is this place then the guy the other gate mentioned there's a Pallet Company behind and you can't see them so we'll bear that in mind down here we have a tanker and some of those boxes thank you it does look like there's product in there thank you but I can't quite make out what it [Music] is the temporary structure that we you saw directly underneath and then another building at the back with this large Warehouse here as well so oh the pallet place is much further back so all this is enesis down in that corner have more pallets of the product [Music] up and down you get back to work back to work all go back to work go back to work he says did you hear him said go back to work he a Nutter it tell him I can hear everything he saying he says he's a [Music] [Music] Nutter don't realize here I think they're saying play just over here getting some aerial shots to the P place I don't know mod contractor using the PMR frequencer that any member of the public can tune into not very secure is it [Music] so there we are at 100 m High the whole site in one shot right next to the river here in Newport nestled amongst all this industry and the old steel works that we saw on a previous [Music] video so let's do a 360ยฐ photo for Google Maps and wrap this one up come back around what's your name going bu Gaz Gaz nice to meet you people to come down here yeah yeah done a few now yeah these have gone crazy are they yeah yeah they they make batteries so you can understand it but I had no idea there was an mod contractor as well the corner no these make batteries for the mod run around the corner I have throw gas all right what lime are shall I pay him a visit yeah come come down red turn we both opposite Flor gas okay mate I have a look come down nice one nice to meet you watch yourself yeah traffic I know I know it up take care mate thank you and that is the best shot we're going to get of the batteries so they're still muttering on on their radio about us so the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is across the road under that had to be very very discreet putting that there cuz there are so many people still looking out the windows if you are one of the first people to watch the video you do want a key ring we good luck with that come on man don't you want to be filmed this is rolling same thing this is still rolling don't worry can't come in this this is filming all the time so don't worry about this one one second I'm making a video about nesis and your transport of bringing raw material in or finish Goods out yeah what's inside inside yeah so what I'm doing is private so I try to talk to you then man to man but you mentioned the word private so I'm going to throw it back at you so now what I'm doing is private okay yeah one moment one moment so there Rings transport limited thought he was entitled to know what we're doing we tried to show him a little bit of respect but then he says it's private so there you go what I'm doing is private you mentioned DJ aits didn't you yeah I watch you yeah I watch all your videos so can I give you a key ring oh yeah why not man it's nice to meet you nice to see you in newp anyway yeah did you want to say your name yeah I don't care Ben Ben nice to meet you Ben and won ask you about your company because you're a viewer and I don't want to get you in trouble so don't say anything at all thank you Ben thank you I really don't want to get anyone in trouble you shouldn't be penalized just for watching me yeah so although although I've showed you respect I've given you a key ring hopefully they don't hold that against you when you go back in because your bosses have not been nice to me are they not no so and you know what happens when come out and seen you sorry do you know their name we come out and seen you um I've got his name but I can't remember both of the security guards as well says because you do work now do not comment because you do work for the mod they're saying that prevents me from filming just that one fact that you do work for mod now I had no idea that you did work for the mod so they volunteered that information to me you're outside I'm outside yeah but they couldn't grasp that yeah yeah yeah they can't stop you filming in there from but they have calmed down now so I think they've made a call to the police the police have told him what you've just said yeah leave him alone is's outside get back to work but what's been funny is they've all been talking on the radio about me that's your frequency there yeah yeah that's your frequency so I've been listening to what they've been saying and yeah it's been a funny one I think the viewers will enjoy watching this but we've also learned that batteries are made in the UK which is great yeah yeah we don't want to be importing everything you know we want to try and keep some industry in the UK and batteries are the future yeah yeah like it or not they're the future well lead acid we not doing light RS on nothing are we we're always going to need lead acid we for for trucks and cars and that and for satellites yeah yeah for phone masks you know open literally watch your break my break I always watch your video CL really I've SE loads of them awesome you on your break now are you no I'm going all right finished I'm on early so I'm stopping you from getting home no I'm we for LIF oh are you okay good yeah yeah so where else then would you recommend me visit in this area oh actually you might not want to say because if if it goes wrong you'll be to blame thank you Ben thank you so at least we ended the video here at enesis on a positive note lead acid batteries for the mod let's just say we don't know who else they make them for but obviously they've got more customers but what an interesting video if you have enjoyed that one do give it a thumbs up for me and I'll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for [Music] now
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 87,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auditing britain, pj audits, uk audit, pinac, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, cyclingmikey, photography is not a crime, english auditor, citizen journalism, Audit the Audit, uk audits, british audits, filming in public, auditing, Photography Audit, dji mini 3, drone audit, industrial estate auditor, industrial estate youtuber, djimini3pro, djaudits, outside the factory, nosey around industrial estate, industrial areas uk, business park videos, industrial estate videos
Id: yOO7BQIwn20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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