Return to Pendor: The ULTIMATE Warband Mod Experience

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hello and welcome to prophecy of pandor if you would like to check out the mod there is a link in the description this is for war Band by the way so this is not a bannerlord mod I am very much hoping that they're going to be you know possibly porting it but let's just wait and see what happens with that because this is an absolutely amazing experience it really is if you would like to check out some of the previous series of pendor I'd highly recommend it I had a lot more experience back then in the world of pendor and it is it is amazing we've done some really really crazy cool Series in the past and I highly recommend that if you don't want to wait for you know episodes to come out for this one um I'm not even entirely sure if I'm even going to do particularly well here I really have no idea we're going to see we're going to see all right anyway I have no idea about pendor any further the only thing that I know is things that I'm kind of remembering as I look at it if you know what I mean anyway rough and mysterious figure is what we're going to go for here fend for ourselves we're going to go for uh Huntsman hopefully that will give me some bow skill we can only hope that that's going to give me some bow skill oh wow there were too many enemies no uh A Series of Unfortunate Events and now allow me to quit without saving so that I can potentially avoid save game corruption we have a bunch of crossbow skill throwing skill and I'm going be calling myself what am I going to call myself actually just going to call myself Barney That's a classic name right classic classic name um otherwise what we're going to do is we're actually going to be specking into looting skill as much as I can looting skill I remember is an extremely extremely effective thing for us to go for so what we're going to do is we're going to take 18 agility um wait a minute looting is agility right yeah it is there we go so yeah we're just going to go for six in looting straight away it's absolutely super super powerful and then I'm thinking we'll probably go for one more point in intelligence as well I do want to get some more athletic skill I do want to get some more riding skill too cuz we want to be as fast as possible as much as we can be leadership is obviously going to make a huge difference too cuz that's going to enable us to uh you know field more troops and this is a leader skill so it's going to be very important for us to potentially level that up oh yeah by the way in later versions of pendor this is actually new to me as far as I remember at least anyway basically what this does is as you can see tracks become more informative obviously we already know that however each three points reduces food consumption by 15% which is actually really really useful but unfortunately for me at the moment it's not really going to be because it is very early on in the game so it's not going to make too much difference so what we're going to do going to go for some power strike here going to go for some iron flesh going to go for some weapon Master cuz let's face it we do want to go for some weapon Master not not sure if I'm going to be going for shield yet I think Shield is probably going to be really really useful for us um and you do need Shield skill to be able to actually use Shields so I'm going to go for that at least some of the higher tier Shields at least um yeah otherwise apart from that we're just going to be specking into archery as much as we can here and then we're just going to see what we can do so I'm just going to randomize him a little bit oh the war band the war band character creation is always super super funny it really is okay oh there we go absolutely perfect wow look at that that that worked out really nicely so here we go I am now going to probably be I'm not entirely sure where to start that's the problem I'm thinking we'll probably start in salion but we're not actually going to be joining them in the end I have played a series in the past where we joined the kingdom of salion um but let's just wait and see I'm going to keep that as a surprise you know to see where we actually end up joining anyway here we go let's do this okay so first of all we've got to be very very careful here yeah so obviously as you can see here yeah our skills will be tested thank you so much it's going to be very very difficult for me um because I I as I say I have not played this in a very very long amount of time H look at that we can actually sell some Furs almost instantly for massive massive gains right here which is actually quite nice and um let me just see what else can I sell here yeah this dried meat should probably sell I should probably sell this dried meat right away shouldn't I I mean literally it literally gives me 80 89 which is significant so I'm actually just going to sell that're just going to buy some grain instead buy some fruit buy some cabbages and so on and so forth unfortunately I cannot use this bow which is now making me incred infinitely sad infinitely sad and let's go into the tavern real fast so there we go we already gained 722 din which is actually very nice let's speak to the merchant what do you need sir Heretics kidnapping girls okay um I'll rescue your sister not sure if I'm actually going to be able to do that oh well maybe I will be able to yeah there we go yes so this this is a fellow that we obviously really want to speak to we basically want to speak to people every single time we are in a Tavern it is extremely important there is serin serin is obviously a companion that we probably want to get I am now not really remembering which companions get on with which but I'm sure there's going to be a well I'm sure there's going to be some some this kind of informational thing that I can find that will probably provide me with the necessary you know input so I know what is actually going on there because you know you really want to make sure that you recruit um recruit companions that get along anyway here we go uh we're going to be doing some tournaments as well and let's actually have a look okay Laria sender for and singal okay that's actually not even bad that's pretty good let me actually see if I can actually buy a bow I can buy a bow but these are going to be rather expensive it's so sad that I can't actually use this one yet I am going to be specking into bows by the way just cuz we want to try to be as effective as possible okay so let's just move on out of here I don't know what I don't really want I don't really want San troops if I'm if I'm honest I don't really want San troops how how much um I don't even know how much pathf finding skill I have I have three that's actually not too bad that is actually pretty good okay yeah so we're just going to actually make our way over to Laria here and we'll try to participate I'm not sure if this is going to work I'm sorry I really don't know if this is going to work but we'll see ah well that obviously is going to put a bit of a a bit of a spoke in the works isn't it look at that you don't have enough for a noun so yeah I don't have enough to enough Renown to actually join a tournament very I'm actually quite surprised that they've done that but I guess it is because it is very very lucrative to um to do tournaments oh well never mind that's absolutely fine what is it you do sir yes okay yeah so we we can actually learn about a variety of different ladies here so as you can see can you tell me anything about the eligible maidens in this realm can you teach me any poems and so on and so forth not sure if we're going to be doing anything in regards to that these adventurers we can actually get two adventurers for a th000 dinas that is going to be all of our money though unfortunately certainly something that we may want to go for but probably not just yet this fellow has nothing here uh have you heard of anyone that king or is looking for Mercenaries M that might actually be a relatively good idea for us but yeah unfortunately I won't be able to participate in this tournament so well what is the next best thing for me to do well the next best thing is probably for me to go over to sendall I seem to to recall there is a wonderful trade route that is going to be happening there and hopefully maybe we can make that work or maybe what I should do first is get some horses cuz some horses are really going to make a huge difference for us in the uh oh wow okay I don't even have I don't even have enough do I yeah 341 341 for a lame saddle horse yeah okay I don't have enough for that so we're going to go over to sendall I'm not going to recruit any troops either by the way mostly because we want to remain as fast as possible on the world map because at our current speed I will basically be able to just run however far I want and I don't have to worry about anyone actually attacking us these guys are obviously going to be able to but we just need to stay cautious that's the thing pendor is a very monstrous beast at times and it will will absolutely murder you if you are not careful and I'm obviously I'm being quite careful here myself obviously we don't have any wages either we don't have to pay any wages right now cuz I don't have any troops so this is pretty fantastic anyway we can go into the tavern once again I'm just going to make sure that I continue to speak to people so that I can get some rumors here yeah unfortunate that we're not getting anything from these guys um yeah so there's a bunch of companions here as well what are people talking about town okay nothing much any news about invading armies I don't have enough gold to be able to buy that this fellow oh wait a minute hello yeah so this guy a couple of bounty hunters that won't be necessary but yeah I'm I'm going to just ask him for some for some rumors as you can see he's not actually um telling us anything here which is somewhat unfortunate I actually would have liked that I am looking for someone very specific as well by the way there is a companion who is very specific to my success here that I would love to be able to get but but at the moment he doesn't appear to be available for some reason don't know why stubborn saddle horse I yeah these are these are cheap that's the funny thing these horses are cheap but I just don't have enough as it is right now to be able to afford that anyway iron is what we're going to be doing iron yes we are going to be purchasing iron so let's just assess the local prices real fast I don't think I have that much trade skill unfortunately so I'm probably not going to have a great time here but buying iron here and selling it at poins Brook so poins Brook is actually not particularly bad but you can see that basically I can get money for iron anywhere I like so that's pretty good however there is another place where is it now is it a aen do I do I remember a place called aenor where's aenor ah there it is aenor is over there there we go yeah so basically what we can do is we can now go over to rain and we could literally just sell it you know we can literally just sell the iron for a very very small profit which is not great I got to say not great but maybe we can maybe we can do something else as well cuz obviously what we want to do is we want to try and join these really large battles we want to try to get into large battles as much as we can um but just to remain quick on our feet as well that's obviously the main deal here so yeah as you can see we can now sell that we gain to about 200 which is really obviously not very good but it will have to do for now okay so let's have a look Cava is here I was actually thinking of maybe getting Cava at one point yes there we go uh thank you very much okay so any rumors no you don't have any rumors for me you absolute imbecile yeah basically if we ask him for rumors there's going to be something very important for us um that we really want to know um unfortunately he is not providing us with that information I'm going to have to go into the streets here as well I believe if I turn left I think this is the way I'm not entir I I don't know whether I remember this obviously I've played this a huge amount and I should know yes indeed there it is there is the Kus gem that is exactly what we wanted to get so Kus gem very very important for a variety of reasons but now this actually paints much more of a large Target on my back than we otherwise would have had beforehand so yeah that's a little bit little bit problematic you know a little bit problem cuz what's going to happen now is that if I do end up getting into a battle with these mountain men for example I'm going to have some big problems aren't I yes I'm going to have some huge huge issues so that might be um a bit of an issue here possibly but I guess we'll just see what happens because I am moving very fast as long as I don't make a mistake and run into a large party where we're just going to get absolutely murdered we should be fine going to go into the tavern here ooh so alist love to be able to get him there's the farmer yeah the farmer would be really really good um yeah but basically what we also need to do is we need to get a uh I think a bag of diamonds a bag of diamonds is going to be extremely useful for us as well not entirely sure how much Renown do I actually need by the way because that's the thing I don't actually know how much Renown we're going to need for um entering tournaments I'm going to assume about 20 or something like that maybe 20 maybe 50 I don't know so we'll see all right so this is the other trade route that I remember and it is to do with avenor like I said to you before basically I didn't really remember what was currently going on with it but I took a look at avenor and you can see here that you can't really purchase anything for a particularly cheap price maybe some wool maybe hides not entirely sure about that I haven't run through the trade screen um little analysis thing just yet but what I did remember is that yav ex's home actually has a connection with avenor where you can purchase Flags I actually purchased flax for around 60 to 80 dinas every single one and as you can see right here they sell for 195 so I'm going to be gaining 1,400 dasas from this which is actually a significant benefit Leslie is also particularly um a particularly good medicine um medicine person so it may very well be that we want to go for her instead of the other guy that I was thinking of I'm not entirely sure maybe we should let me just think on this for a real quick second because we got to as I say we got to be kind of careful about which companions we get cuz otherwise we're going to get them consistently complaining with each other you know what from my perspective as far as I remember she is an extremely low level I believe she starts at a at a level like three or two or maybe even one and that makes her into an extremely good companion to pick up early on so I'm thinking we'll probably go for it and then we'll we'll start to get some um she joins for free as well by the way yeah we'll try we'll probably try to get some some recruits now and then we'll see what happens with her because obviously here's the thing if she has oh she has five in trade wow that's actually really really good okay so her having five in trade is really going to make our job just that much easier so that's great in itself okay so first of all what we want to do do I want to recruit some people that's the question I'm not entirely sure if I do want to recruit some more people because if I do that we are going to be fundamentally slowing ourselves down which is going to make a pretty big difference overall thinking I might I don't know I I mean I would have recruited some people here but no one wants to join us which is sad but oh well never mind okay yeah so we we're just going to go back to yavi home here and I'm just going to go and see if I can maybe buy some flag ooh hello really really cheap actually super super cheap just going to buy some more flax real fast and then we'll just go into the tavern once again basically I want to continue going into taverns as fast as possible trying to ask for rumors as much as I can trying to ask for rumors from The Traveler asking for rumors from the inkeeper basically every single time you can you definitely want to try to do that um at least if you're playing alongside me here I I've given I I think as far as I remember I've given all these tips before anyway most mostly in my Iron Man Challenge Series uh because that was where I was you know really try Harding a bunch because I didn't want to die cuz the Iron Man challenge is basically all about having one life and if you get eliminated well then that's that's basically game over you know so yeah that's the reason but um yeah I think I do remember something about that anyway we are back here let's try and sell can I sell here yeah I can sell here look at that so we're just going to be selling this for look at that another 1.4 very very nice indeed and we are probably going to start recruiting some people now I think that's probably going to be a pretty decent idea actually wait a minute there is something that I remember in Valen bra okay I'm going to recruit some fears vean units okay we're going to take some fears vean units I I remember them being really really strong at least initially and I think they remain strong throughout the game um but I'm probably not going to be playing with FEDS vean in general um I think we'll probably be playing with a different faction because there was a time I think this was actually the very first series that I created in pendor where I actually joined the feeds vein amusingly enough I think I did join the fears vein and um yeah so obviously in this particular series we're probably not going to be doing that but uh it's it's always an option you know it's always an option at some point but I don't think so this time around hello there sir okay do you have any rumors no wow these guys literally don't have anything to tell me unfortunately I am looking very specifically for something and I would love to be able to find that out but it doesn't seem as though we're getting particularly lucky with that at all all right so there is something in the streets in Val spray that I really want to find hopefully I'm not going to get um hopefully I'm not going to get ambushed or anything like that I as far as I aware it is H where is it going to be that's the question that is the question let's see I think it's probably going to be somewhere around here I I don't really remember actually this might be a new thing that I've heard about H well I'm going to have a look around and see I'll see if I can find it ah is this it ah yes this is it fantastic yeah this is exactly what I wanted to get so you obviously have various loot here from this hidden chest and you also have these bullets so this is obviously a new thing I do remember the chest um but this is this is actually a good point for us right here basically if you can remember where hidden chests are you're going to get a really great sense of well you know everything because then you're going to be able to sell the various loot for 1,300 I'm going to sell it cuz there's no other purpose for it but I'm not going to be selling the bullets the bullets are going to be extremely important for us cuz there is a um I think there is a there's a gun or a firearm or something like that that I can actually get I'm not entirely sure where we get it I think it might be from just a random Marketplace somewhere don't quote me on that or it might very well be from someone else so we're going to see what happens with that but I am very intrigued about it okay so I have 34 spaces okay so we have 34 spaces in our party so I should probably try to recruit as many of those guys as I can I kind of wish we could recruit from towns but we can't do that h ah hello hello yes here we go hello there what do we have it's a piece of information from a person who is best left in Shadows about the KN of event tide when he was taking a stroll about three nights ago he said a poor peasant told him of the destruction wrought on this Village by a band of knights of evti oh okay well that's not really going to help me too much unfortunately ah there is yeah I always annoy people when I call this guy lethal Duren that is not actually how you're supposed to say his name but I annoy people with that um completely by mistake mind you that was not that was not my intention but way back when we first found him I called him lethal Duren because literally you know come on it's me you know I'm going to say those kinds of things just randomly for no reason um but yes um he's definitely going to be someone that will try to get later on he's way too expensive for us at the moment of course so we won't be able to do anything with him right now however what I would love to do is I would love to go into a battle let's see if I can actually do that we're just going to stick around fears V territory for the Moment Like I said ah we've got some VC Raiders do you think we can actually kill these guys I have double the oh no no I have double the numbers are they faster than I am I'm moving at uh no I'm moving I'm moving much faster than they are okay so that's really good oh no oh no are you serious I don't have a are you joking right now these guys really uhoh this is bad oh this is real bad six damage are you joking Barney Are you seriously joking right now sir this is this this has to be a joke he has to be joking me right now wow this is absolutely just terrible okay I'm just going to have to do this then oh wow yeah this is bad okay um I have a bad feel no no no no come on come on come back back back back back back oh yeah oh oh he was trying to draw me in do you see that what a sneaky son so yep never mind there's nothing I can do about These Guys these guys are way too highly armored for me and yeah sure okay fine they you know stole 216 dins that's not really going to do much for me but as you can tell Pandora doesn't pull any punches we can just be thankful that they were the only thing that they stole you know cuz let's face it if they stole my qualus gem or if they stole my bullets I'd be in a really bad situation so we kind of don't want that to happen actually I'm going to give Leslie the bullets hilariously enough I'm probably going to be doing that cuz then she won't get that stolen or hopefully she won't get that stolen um but yeah these throwing knives are just absolutely terrible where where's the uh where are thean cre Raiders by the way where did they go we have massive spotting skill oh there they are okay let's try and try and uh uh oh I'm at 22% HP cuz of that oh no that's absolutely terrible isn't it okay well let's go in and see what happens this is oh we've got a renowned value we've got a battle advantage to we have a renowned value of 11 really okay I'm actually super surprised about that I would have actually expected us to have a um minus battle Advantage basically the only thing we got to do with these guys is just be careful of their Throne weapons so I'm just going to try to be a little bit more of a just be a bit of a distraction here just try to get the enemy to focus on me a little bit and then just oh yeah that is not what I wanted that is not what I wanted at all my forces are just going to get absolutely wrecked they really need to charge them that's the that's the thing they need to do they really need to charge in right now and they need to murder them that is what they need to do if they don't do that uh you know what should I just Retreat I think I'm just going to retreat and just get out of here I think that's oh we oh we actually got some level UPS oh hello okay yeah but as you can quite clearly tell it's hard right it's hard and oh hello are you serious right now can you actually beat us oh unable to win a decisive what no we won no no I'm going to continue telling my forces to charge in order your soldiers to continue the attack no no we're winning this are you serious that was hilarious did you see that they literally attacked me and they were like oh yes we're going to win this 100% And then we just literally Auto resolved against them and that was it that was all that needed to be done that was very very funny what a what a classic classic Mountain blade um Mountain blade AI Mo maneuver right there that was great okay wonderful so there's a spear here I'm actually not entirely sure if I can use this appropriately these throwing knives can go away cuz they absolutely suck I really hate using throwing knives um but yeah anyway this is great this is one okay so we actually managed to achieve Victory here and gain a couple of level UPS that's always nice isn't it you know always being able to gain some level UPS is always good did I do I still have some flax with me no no I already sold the flax okay so first of all what we want to do is we want to sell the bow do we no no I have to keep it don't know I have to keep it did I actually level up at all no I don't think so right all right well we don't have to worry about that so uh yeah what we should also do is we should keep an eye out for gear that Leslie can actually wear cuz bear in mind mind that as long as we actually equip her with some stuff she will become a relatively good and um you know somewhat uh contributing member of our team and so that's kind of what we want to do here so let's just give her a couple of pieces of gear and then we'll just sell the remaining stuff we don't really have to worry too much about her at the moment of course cuz we don't really have the ability to give her anything particularly amazing but it's always good to do so so just in case okay so we're just going to buy a couple of pieces of flax just go into the tavern here got some cell swords that we could potentially recruit want to sell my prisoners there sir thank you very much and let's do this no we don't get anything okay no rumors no no nothing all right what about these ah hello perhaps what is it aha information regarding hidden chest in Valen for 200 dinas I can give you the location yes there we are okay this is absolutely fantastic the reason why you want to always ask for rumors even if you already know where the chest is is because it will refresh the items within the chest you see so what I can do now is I can theoretically go down to Valen bra and you guessed it I can go and loot the chest again and it will have um as far as I'm aware it will have various Goods or whatever it is you know random Goods or sorted Goods or something like that inside and that will give me some additional cash which is actually fantastic yeah uh let's try to avoid the three sear patrol please don't get killed by this they're actually faster than I am are you joking uh oh we made it that was close that was way too close for my liking but yeah you can see just how much we're actually going to be getting from this it's absolutely insane uh let's go into the tavern here as well just in case you never know whether there's going to be someone I mean there's seems to be a a ransom broker in every single one which is absolutely amazing um but yeah unfortunately still not able to get this uh there's another traveler unfortunately still not getting anything there and what are people talking about mhm okay King ori's looking for mercenary still so it may very well be that we want to do something like that and the guy actually also told us about a bunch of companions as well don't think I'm going to be doing anything in regards to that but uh yeah maybe at some point maybe at some point anyway I think that's probably going to be it for this episode if you like the return to pendor to continue then by all means let me know down in the comments I'm going to be attempting to um do quite a little bit uh just a little bit of offscreen stuff in between episodes as well just to make sure that we have a a decent progression because here's the thing with pendor and warband in general and indeed with Banner Lord now as well uh the progression is quite slow and you're going to have to be quite quite careful about how you progress especially in pendor anyway I thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: ReformistTM
Views: 73,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warband, mount and blade warband, prophesy of pendor, warband mod experience, return to pendor, ultimate, Commentary, Mount & Blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, prophesy of pendor warband mod, mount and blade, playthrough, Gameplay, warband mods, bannerlord, Video Game, Warband Mod, Mount and Blade Warband Mod, Walkthrough, prophesy of pendor gameplay, mount and blade 2, terry duke, Lets Play, prophecy of pendor
Id: OeVrBZQbjns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 25sec (1765 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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