I Ranked All WARBAND MODS I've Played... AGAIN

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but warband was specifically made with modding in mind and the community is still making mods for it to this day and it's such an entire topic on its own that it would need an entire video just to talk about it which is what I'm going to do seeing how many people love Orbin and its mods I've decided to make another video this time playing the mods recommended to me in the comments of my previous video at this point made two videos showcasing my favorite mods and after getting several more suggestions here we are again for part three but even then the suggestions did not stop so basically I went through all of my videos comment sections and finally I have enough recommendations to do a favorite mod videos part four today I'm going back on over a dozen videos made on warband mods all of my attempts to clear the spreadsheet of all the warband mods you've been recommending have failed and when I tried to make a final video on the best warband mods you still gave me more there are so many mods on warband that I've made videos after videos covering all of these mods every time I thought I was done people just kept recommending more mods for me to play I even tried to make a ranking I ranked 42 mods for warband and people still kept recommending them at this point I must be close to like 70 mods the mods never end they never stop there they're so many of them they are so good whatever you like there's a mod for you so here we are again this is my Christmas gift to you guys to hand the year 2023 on a high note if you're watching this in 2024 well take it as a new year gift and if you're watching this in 2025 and Beyond well it's never too late to watch the video it's never too late to discover some new mods and it's never too late to subscribe either so here we go this is a ranking of all the warbin mods I've played so far since the last time I did that in the previous ranking video I took a moment to explain how I was ranking the mods so that you would get my reasoning and I think it's worth going over that again because I'm doing the same as before I'm ranking the mods based on key categories but these have changed a bit so here they are at first we'll have the dumb mods mods for which it does not matter how good or well done they are they just make for a silly short experience we then have cool on the surface months that have a certain appeal mostly visual but don't bring many changes to the core of the game we then have good not my taste which is just that months that are of good quality but don't really appeal to me personally after that good but redundant this category is highly subjective obviously I've played so many mods at this point that a lot of them appear similar to one another that does not mean they are bad mods it just means I experienced them in some capacity before I even tried them out we then have pretty good you know good mods just not my favorites followed by honorable mentions and finally my top picks that's what we're working with so let's do this okay so here we go at number 38 this is csgo but War band because you know if you did not feel like playing the free version of Cs goo which is already pretty old then will most definitely run run on your machine then you can always play this version on warband where basically all you'll be doing is just fighting in a Battle Royale with bunch of random in PCS and that's all there is this is basically the cheapest version of csgo you could possibly find though again it is still pretty well made there's just really not much to it similarly at number 37 this is Warcraft 3 but Mountain blade so if you did not feel like playing Warcraft 3 instead wanted to play an objectively worse version on Mountain blade well this is the place to go to be honest it looks pretty good but a lot of it is largely unfinished the map is pretty blend there's just not much going on the scenery is pretty good but most of the time that you're playing in third person you have the massive HUD that you would also find in Warcraft 3 and because of that how the bottom including your character is barely visible Theon could be pretty good but it's also very buggy and very wacky overall so you know at number 36 this is King of Fighters This is another mod that went with a very strange experiment the idea of of making the character in 2D while keeping the rest of the world in 3D like honestly it's pretty funny and it works about as well as you'd expect but again why would anyone ever play a mod like this it's an interesting experiment for sure but it's just really weird in case it wasn't obvious already these three mods were all made by the same modder and I made one video covering all of his mods which are all as wacky as it gets these three mods are just bad in my opinion but you can't deny that there was a lot of effort and Ingenuity that went into them however we'll see the other two later down and with that we move on to the next category cool on the surface starting with number 35 the eagle and the radiant cross this mod is basically Mountain blade in the Renaissance period but besides the guns and the new armors the mod doesn't bring much else in fact it tends to be extremely buggy and feels very incomplete so as far as Renaissance mod goes it's not the best at number 34 we have independence of Chile this mod is a gun mod similar to leg in that it's musquet all around but besides the very immersive setting there's really no changes to the gameplay with this mod so it's a pretty good gun mod but the experience has been offered by so many different mods that at this point this one is kind of redundant at number 33 we have Calia Border Lands if you feel like playing caladia but it's actually a much bigger map with more factions then this mod is pretty much for you but overall it's just native War band that feels a lot bigger with a few extra features on the side but nothing that really stands out in my opinion and number 2 we have wind of the war which is yet another Renaissance mod though this one is set in the entirety of Europe this could be a pretty good equivalent to mods like 1257 ad however wind of the war is both old and largely incomplete with some settlements not having their full names and most of the Lords still being the ones from native it's basically the agle and the radian cross with a bit more polishing but again in terms of gameplay it doesn't offer much else at number 31 I never know how to say this one this is isod which is yet again another mod set in caladia so this one gives you a few more options you can start as the ruler and you can also customize your own troop trees so it can be interested in that sense but unfortunately for me at this point playing mods that are still set in Native you really have to do a lot more to stand out and this mod while it offers a few features it's mostly features you can find in other mods that themselves bring more so Isa mod in that case it's all right but it's not amazing at number 30 we have golden Earth this mod gives us a very interesting setting which covers the period when the Vikings first landed in North America and came in contact with the native it's largely fictional obviously but it's not a setting I've seen in any other mods and as such that makes it pretty unique you get to play as the native which is pretty cool however the map is also very huge and also very sparse there's very few Bandits and in terms of gameplay there's basically no changes from native so it's a beautiful mod visually but there's not much else to it at number 29 we have the Reckoning the new beginning I've covered the Reckoning mods in their own separate video and they're pretty cool as far as zombie mods goes but the new beginning set the bar much higher and failed to meet it basically in this mod it's much further in the future the zombies have been turned into mutants that are practically impossible to kill and that can make for some pretty badass moments in the mod assuming you cheat because otherwise the mod doesn't really offer much in the way of new features there's really not much to do in this mod in fact you can recruit troops but even these troops will have a really hard time killing the zombies it's an interesting mod it's very interesting visually but it's largely incomplete and as such there's just not much else to it at number 28 this is snow in the East snow in the East covers World War II in the Eastern Europe front you can play as the Soviet Union or even the Nazi regime in terms of gun mods it's pretty good but as with any mods that go past muskets battles can become very unbalanced as guns are so accurate you can just have prolonged shootouts from across the map sieges are basically impossible without a lot of Cannon f overall snow in the East is pretty immersive for the time period however the gameplay is limited and there's just not that many options in terms of Gameplay at number 27 this is the Reckoning the very first Reckoning and this one was actually pretty ambitious this is the modern introduced zombies and they Tred to introduce new mechanics such as Scavenging so in the mod there's a lot of different settlements that can just be explored for Loot and they are festered with zombies and basically a good chunk of the game is just going in these abandoned areas to get supplies that you can then trade for guns and ammo overall the mod is pretty good for what it intended to do but it also shows the limitations of warband itself as such it's a pretty good fun mod to play around with but once you get into it the Reckoning also gets boring pretty quickly the zombies are actually the weakest part of the game though the NPCs are pretty dangerous and number 26 this is New World 1521 of all the mons that are cool on the surface this is the one that grabbed my attention the most simply because of how beautiful it is new or 1521 is set in Central America just that the Conquistadors are coming into contact with the Aztec as such the mon covers the natives from the time period and their flamboyant weapons and costumes are simply Mesmerizing the mod is gorgeous in every sense of the word the only problem is it's extremely buggy so you could play it and really enjoy it but as soon as a battle gets too big it's going to crash and because of that there's just not much replay value moving on to the next category which is cool but not my taste we have at number 25 12th century 12th century is one of the only mods I play that is mostly focused on Asia though this one stretches all the way to the Middle East in terms of Asian medieval mods this one is pretty good the scenery the items the music it's all pretty good however the mod is still a diamond in the rough in my opinion Shields are practically non-existent the markets are very limited and the Middle East is basically useless if you have a mods set in Asia no one is going to bother playing in the Middle East as such 12th century can be a pretty good mod especially if you want to build your your own Mongolian horde however the mod feels very unbalanced and there's still a lot more that needs to be done before I consider it like really solid and number 24 this is legacy of the Dragon in terms of fantasy mods this one checks a lot of the marks there's a few spells there's a bunch of fantasy species however I did not find the lore to be all that interesting the dragons themselves are not particularly impressive I'm sorry to say and so in terms of fantasy mods it's overall pretty complete but there's just not that much that I find unique about it at number 23 we have Russ 13th century way of the warrior this mod takes us to the Middle Ages in Eastern Europe just as the Mongols are about to invade and in terms of mods it's actually pretty solid it's immersive it's got cool items and music however the mod was designed to be extremely hard making it basically impossible to level up true fighting making looting after a battle extremely risky for no reason everything is super expensive everything is just overall more dangerous and so it's a pretty good mod but you'll only really enjoy it if you're into the hardcore mods and in this case I'm not so let's move on at number 22 in the new category good but redundant we have a new dawn in terms of revamp native it's got a few interesting settings like the ability for small factions to create their own factions by taking over settlements which in itself is pretty interesting however this is just another mod where more features are added to Native and I'm just so done playing those mods to be honest so it's a good mod but again there's others that are similar and you can easily avoid this one at number 21 this is sense of Faith sense of faith is just one of the many crusades mods you can have out there and in terms of actual quality it's pretty good but again there are many different Crusade mods that you can pick from and sense of faith in that context doesn't really distinguish itself in any meaningful ways except maybe the fact that you can place as historical ruler which is cool but if that's all it adds you could play this one or in the name of Jerusalem or Crusades and Jihad and you won't really see much difference at number 20 we have catar catar is a story-driven mod in which the goal is to make yourself the Emperor of Calia at which point all of Calia will turn against you while it is a pretty good concept and I did initially enjoy the mod in hindsight I found the central quest to be fairly grindy and the rest of the mod itself does not bring much else it's basically native with a few extra features and a central Quest that is original but also grindy so in terms of story mods this one tends to be a little redundant at number 19 this is Medieval Conquest this is another really good mod but in reality it's just a sub mod of 1257 ad so if you enjoy 1257 ad that is the most ambitious medieval mod set in Europe medieval Conquest is the same mod just with a few extra layers of Kingdom Management on top of it which can be pretty cool for some people but to me playing this mod it just felt like playing 1257 ad again so it's redundant at number 18 this is Deeds of arms and chivalry this one is set during the 100 Years War between France and England in terms of ambitious mods this one is as polished and as immersive as it gets it's actually really hardcore for some of you that enjoy more challenge however the mod is based off another mod that I will mention later on and as such because they feel very similar it's a good mod but it did not bring anything really unique to me so let's just move on at number 17 we have Bellum imp Perry This mod is a perfect example of good but redundant in that as far as Roman mod goes it's a very good one wellmade all around but it's also one of many Roman mods so if you're looking for a good Roman mod BM imper will do the trick for sure but I can't think of any ways in which this mod distinguishes itself from other Roman mods I've played it's pretty good but it's not unique and now we're moving on to pretty good not my top piics but pretty good at number 16 we have honor and glory honor and glory is another mod set in Eastern Europe during the late medieval period SL Renaissance and in a lot of ways it's very similar to the Standalone expansion with fire and sword so if you don't have with fire and sword but you still want to experience it honor and glory is a pretty good mod that will give you a very similar experience though it doesn't have a central story it does allow you to start as a ruler and overall the world is pretty immersive so overall honor and glory is a pretty solid mod and number 15 this is Renaissance this mod is as Italian Renaissance as Italian Renaissance can get yet I mean it's in the time period it covers Italy at the time with all the historical rulers and factions and all the historical items and the music overall it's a very immersive mod for what it aimed to do and if you wanted to experience the Italian Renaissance in war band this mod is just the go-to it's really good and I just don't have much to add similarly at number 14 we have Sparta which if you enjoy ancient Greece this is the mod you should go to the items the music everything is super immersive it even replicated the Greek falling which looks pretty awesome in my opinion the only issue with the mod is that it's a bit buggy and it's also designed to be extremely hardcore not an issue if like me you cheat a lot but overall it's a very solid mod much like Renaissance if you just want to experience ancient gree Sparta is a must try at number 13 we have 1429 the 100 Years War which is the mod that Deeds of arms and chivalry was originally based on so this mod was made by a single guy as far as I know and he did a terrific job the world is immersive there's a few unique quests there's a bunch of different things you can do overall for the 100 Years War you could go either with this one or these of arms and chivalry both are really good but I do appreciate 1429 for being the more authentic one being the first one that was made and as such I think it's a pretty good mod it was the first experience I had with the 100 Years War very good all around at number 12 we have American Civil War revived in terms of gun mods I would put this one in between Empires as my top two American Civil War revived is just that it brings us to the American Civil War we've got muskets but the items the music everything is meant to be very immersive but the m is also centered around the commander you are supposed to play this game as the commander of a large army leading your Army in battle and as such it makes for very hardcore battles just make sure you're not in the front line because you'll die instantly and at number 11 we have Chronicles of Might and Magic Chronicles of Might and Magic takes us to a fictional world that is filled with fantasy creatures and had lots of different spells so in terms of actual fantasy mods it's a really fun one to play there's different things to do there's different species that you can experiment with overall it was a pretty solid mod and before we get into the topics we have to talk about the honorable Mansions mods that I do recognize as being pretty good but have few issues of their own so they don't really belong anywhere and at number 10 we start with Dragon Ball Z vegetta this is the same M that did the first three mods I mentioned Dragon Ball Z is ridiculous the fact that you could push Mountain blade so hard to get to Dragon Ball Z is just insane in my opinion and to be honest it looks really good and the commands work relatively well however I mean it's still confusing as hell so I got to put it at number 10 if only for the fact that it's ridiculously ambitious and achieves a good chunk of it surprisingly well at number nine we have the Reckoning third stage you still have the zombies with third stage but the mon also brought the addition of helicopters and tanks and motorbikes and trucks and cars and because of that the mod is extremely ambitious but it actually works really well like seriously having tanks in battle is just a lot of fun however the mod is very buggy and prone to crashes which is why it's not in my top picks and finally of all the 38 mods that I've played since making my last ranking here are my topics at number eight violence basket Ball but M and blade I mean I'm sorry this is another mod made by that same Creator but this one as ridiculous as it is it's also very fun to play honestly I'm not really sure how to describe it whether you're playing soccer or tennis or basketball you could play as American soldiers or Transformers or characters from nuto it doesn't really seem to matter everything works surprisingly well you just go anywhere and a match will start it gives you all your team players that you need it's just funny honestly I got much else to say for what it intended to do Violence basketball is an amazing mod I recommend everyone to at least give it a try cuz you will laugh your ass off at number seven a little more serious this time we have Rome at War of all the Roman mods I've played I do find this one stood out in a lot of really interesting ways first of all it's about the Roman in their early period so they're not conquerors of the world the typical legionary doesn't exist yet but also what I really like about the mod is that it basically lets you not just start at as a ruler or as a lord it lets you pick your starting Renown as well as your starting wealth so in terms of all the mods out there romat war is the only one I've played that really does everything to make sure you can just get right into it as such as far as Roman mod goes it's a pretty good one it's very immersive but also the mod doesn't waste time just letting you enjoy all of its features which is something I really like at number six this is also a very ambitious one this is Star Wars Conquest the fact that someone could Port Star Wars into warband and make it work is amazing to me honestly it's extremely immersive the force Powers the lightsabers The Blasters honestly everything works incredibly well for this mod so you can just choose the Empire or choose the rebels and you can just have some Star Wars fun it's not going to be the best Star Wars game out there but as far as mod goes for warband it's surprisingly good and number five we have Blood and Steel this is actually a fairly old mod but it only had one purpose and it's to give the players the most ridiculous and hardcore battles possible you have massive party sizes massive banded groups and so you can just go from Tavern to Tavern hire massive amounts of mercenaries and then just lose half of them in the next battle but it doesn't matter the mud has fantasy the mud has guns the man has bombs overall it works really well but it's impossible to play without cheating honestly Blood and Steel is just a ridiculous mod but for as hardcore battles as warband battles can get Blood and Steel is the mod you should try out at number four we have Rising Sun in my previous ranking one of my top picks was kokujo which was set in feudal Japan and so Rising Sun is basically the sequel to gekokujo it's still in Japan it still retains a lot of the scenery but it's set a few centuries later so you have the addition of guns and gun tactics and overall Rising Sun is just as good as gekokujo it just happens to be set later so it was an instant favorite for me at number three we have two who and so Warfare this one I played in my latest video and I was genuinely surprised it's one thing to play a mod based on an anime but to have a mod that looks like an anime that has a very deep well-written story and overall is very immersive that's pretty impressive and I've actually played it a bit more since doing my last review and I still really enjoy it it looks a bit weird and if you're not already into too like I'm not uh I'm sure some of the charm is lost on you however too genuki Warfare is just a really solid mod all around similarly at number two we have revenge of the berserk which I've already ranked fairly highly in different mod videos before revenge of the berserk is based on the berserk manga you play as the main character guts and it's a very story-driven mod as guts you have this massive sword you have this crossbow on your hand and you just follow through the story you fight demons they're just a whole bunch of things going on but overall in terms of mods it's a very fun fighting mod because you're just massive brute with giant swords but the story is also very deep you can actually get invested into it and it actually keeps you busy for quite some time so because of that revenge of the berserk is one of my favorite story-driven mods and in terms of gameplay while it relies a lot on the story it's still very good on its own at number one this is 457 ad fall of the Western Roman Empire this one I've played several months ago and as the title suggests It Centers on the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in terms of historical it's probably one of the most immersive there is I mean the modding team behind it are really fixated on historical accuracy they do a lot of research on the items but the mod also offers a lot of very unique quests some of them that can keep you busy for quite some time and they're still working on the mod so it's likely we'll see more features in the future overall 457 ad is one of the best mods I've ever played on warband and it mostly has to do with a team behind it that just works their ass off to make it so and and that's pretty much it for today so thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed the content as always you can support me with a like And subscribe that's a wrap for videos on this channel in 2023 is it also a WAP for war and mod videos is this the grand finale I don't know man I can only milk so much stuff out of it you guys don't even watch my other stuff so I'm basically stuck anyway I wish you all some happy holidays and a happy New Year 2024 and Beyond if you're watching later thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time [Music] fore
Channel: Terry Duke
Views: 27,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terry duke, terry duke warband, warband, warband mods
Id: 8cXq-RwYg_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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