Retargeting UE5 Mannequin Animations to Metahumans in Unreal Engine 5.2 (Updated: August 2023)

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foreign [Music] hey how's it going and I'm excited to bring in this tutorial today on retargeting a ue5 animation to a meta human and in other tutorials I've shown you how to get a ue4 to a ue5 and now I'm showing you how to get a ue5 to a meta human and so this is the final step in the chain so what we're going to do first is get a meta human in here and this might take a little bit of finagling but we're going to go to the quixel bridge and I have some meta-humans here and you go to my metahumans and I have this one right here and I noticed this sometimes you click on it and it's been downloaded so all I have to do here is click to add it to the project and that's all I got to do so then I can jump back in here and unreal and there's my meta human and there's some lag time we'll probably have to enable some plugins I hope that that'll be fixed in some future versions so we don't see anything here yet but I'm going to go ahead and drag it it's like a ghost drag because I don't see anything happen but it realizes I just dragged it on there and now it's realizing it needs its plugins so we just have to wait for a minute here and this is constantly changing so now we got to do the enable missing plugins this is just standard procedure and then we're gonna have to do a restart so we'll do a restart we'll go ahead and Save and there it's going to come around again for the second time and we're in Unreal Engine 5.21 the most current version and I'm using the meta human 5.2 as well so the other meta humans I guess are considered Legacy now so that's not without its issues so I just did a tutorial about your meta human maybe missing hair so let's play my system is kind of sluggish I think it has to do with the OneDrive so you see how the metahuman has no it has that LOD issue see as I get closer it should the hair should pop in but it's not even popping in so let's fix that real super quick I'm sorry to have to do that but that I don't like seeing that so let me just Escape out of this and we'll just jump into the metahuman blueprint real fast and we'll go ahead and dock this we're just going to come up here to LOD sync and I don't know why it says negative one there that's the problem so you can just put a zero in there and then just recompile and save that and that fixes the that should fix the hair issue the alopecia keep my mannequin's name out of your mouth okay here we go and there you go it takes care of that problem there okay so now we're good to go and we're going to try to do the retargeting so to do that this is not too complicated now we're going to go into a mannequin animation Quinn and we're going to go to the idol and there is our ue5 animation right there and if I hit play it takes everything takes a while my system I think this has to do with one drive on my computer OneDrive is storing stuff I think on the cloud and there's like a delay so we can see the animation we can see the animation on the ue5 mannequin the subtle idle but not on our meta-humans so that's what we're going to take care of right now and they have fixed a lot of issues so it's really not that much to do we're just going to go into mannequins here and we're going to go into Rigs and they have the retargeter right here and they couldn't have made it more simple honestly this part is not too bad so we're going to double click that and then the rig comes in it's comes in you don't have to make any other adjustments here we just need to pick the rig that we're targeting too so this is going to come off that's all set we can leave that set we're going to just pick our meta human here oh and one other thing is we need to check the body type that we're using here on our so we click on body and we're you see that we're using the the female tall narrow the female tall narrow so check and see what body type your meta human is and then if we come back into retargeting oops I lost my place up here hold on come back into retargeting we need to set it to that to that female tall narrow this female tall narrow not the shorts so that's what we want to retarget to and we don't need to do anything else and then we just need to find the animation that we are going to Target and that is if we come over here and go back into our animations here and go to Quinn that is the MF Idol that we're trying to retarget so we'll come back in here and we just need to find that MF it's in the asset browser MF we can search for just idle here it should pop up this one MF Idol and that's all we need to do so set your rig to the metahuman female tall narrow body check your body type on your metahuman and then simply go export and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna export it into the main content level you could put it in your own folder which you can do and then it it Imports it just like that this is where I was getting tripped up we have to select our meta human here this is now an asset so just think of it as an asset it's a it looks headless and torsoless but it's an asset so then we come in here and select on the body and you'll see where it says animation mode we want to switch this to use animation asset and then we just search for that MF this MF Idol MF idle right here and then you select that and then we hit play and it should all be lined up I apologize for how laggy my system is I'm gonna have to fix that I'm gonna have to put this onto a different hard drive but you can see that our animations are now in idle and that's all there is to it so take care have a great day and I'll talk to you next time
Channel: hawaiifilmschool
Views: 12,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE5 Mannequin to Metahumans, Mannequin to MetaHuman Unreal 5.2, manakin to meta unreal, unreal engine 5 animations to metahumans, retarget mannequin to metahuman, retargeting metahumans 5.2
Id: TG-6dQFtOZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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