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this videos about sidewalks and usually see me pageant use some cement aisle and then I paint it with Portland well this is a Portland based product and I guess it got some polymer and then it's very glue ish and this sidewalk had ice damage and winter damage the true salt on it you can't do that in Pennsylvania usually anything concrete deteriorate about 160 40 years so in 64 years you got an inch of sidewalk done but what we did was we did it put a coat on it and my cousin tells me wait a minute the sidewalk sunk a half-inch so we raised the sidewalk up and there was a little chip on that we submit that it would cement on then we redid four of the pads of the sidewalk so just going to show you how I did it I'm happy with the product I've been using it and this video goes out to Matt Virginia now this is typical cold concrete in Pennsylvania it it flakes away you get the ice to snow the rain the tow-rax a lot and to kill it now we're gonna do is put a surface over it and if it's bad next year we do it again so that's what we're doing we're at my cousin's house right here and he wants to resurface these sidewalks so we bought her a sidewalk or a concrete resurfacer and the power washer don't work so what we're doing to get a wire brush we're going to let it down with the hose anomaly cousin is washing it all off and we're gonna keep it wet alright I'm using this commercial grade concrete resurfacer here's the directions for the concrete resurfacer I've used it before it worked out good on porches now we're going to give it a little shot on the sidewalk I'm gonna mix it with my trawl I don't like in the bends on what you're doing but just gonna make it so that's just about where I want it I'm gonna take it over here like this and just gonna take it work right on just take that get links blood flow right around with it like that fill in everything fills in all the holes a little bit it looks good if it goes bad just do it again in a year two years of don't matter you can just keep going over it so I'm using on a regular sponge flow you know it's got sponge on the bottom and there's two ways to think about this you know wintertime neutral rock salt on this can't roll rock solid on concrete especially Pennsylvania so we're just put a light coat on and if it's bad next year we're just gonna do it again all right we're back up my cousin's the next day and right here he says Mike what to do about this see the sidewalk is uh it's really only about the half-inch level you know what we're not gonna build it up we're gonna lift the sidewalk up I'm going to show you how we do it we just want to get a pry bar like this lift the sidewalk up a little more more MORE we've hit the block of wood we just bang the wood and that'll settle it down take the gravel right here we pack it under here yes so now we raised our sidewalk see it right here it's now it's completely even with the other sidewalk so anytime you're doing a sidewalk project lift your sidewalks up there son right here we got a niche taken off the sidewalk so all we're gonna do when you get a deep hole or niche we've gotta win it first and it's gonna use this - that's my form if you have to get some get a rubber glove and some cement though just like that that's gonna fix that little bit of a crack and with this stuff you got to kind of wait until it kind of hardens up and you got a four of it now here's what I'm doing to put the patch on the sidewalk I'm using this stuff Samantha rapidset so we let it let this cement I'll dry for a while we shaped it's this sidewalk we want right there you just get a sponge little sponge rinse it out and just go over it so it matches the sidewalk that's all so we're gonna put our I gotta win it down punch it in again put the second coat on same thing that toothpick just enough well as it will go right over the top of it and yeah it looks like was there forever
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 168,122
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Keywords: Quikrete concrete resurfacer, reacabador de concreto, How to refinish a sidewalk, sidewalk repair, How to fix sidewalks, How to patch a sidewalk, sidewalk patches, concrete sidewalks, how to repair concrete, Mike Haduck, Quikrete, Home Depot, Lowes, concrete resurfacer, sidewalk covering, concrete repair, diy sidewalk repair, how to resurface a sidewalk, spallding, spalled concrete, how to repair spallding, spallding concrete repair, mike haduck masonry, resurface sidewalks
Id: pXPyULfQhYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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