Driveway Repairs & Resurfacing call 8003019317

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all right home maintenance masonry repairs for your home comm we're getting ready we're gonna do a recession on this driveway we're repairing the cracks today we'll come back later to do the resurfacing because this driveway right here what I'm about to show you you're about to see the most crack I've been working on repairing cracks and driveway concrete driveway since 99 and this is the worst driveway I've seen in my life of course right I mean they're everywhere also here tiny ones that this camera is not even seeing and then all these big ones that you're picking up on I'm coming through here and you know this is just five percent what we're looking at right now this whole area through here all this stuff up here all this here it gets real bad we're fixing to walk on it but what we're gonna do we're gonna make this thing look like a brand new driveway but you can see all this right here coming up through here and then this is the this is the worst part of the driveway up and through here we're gonna make this all look good and fix it today we're just working on the cracks and then we'll come back and do for resurfacing on it later and you'll be able to see what that looks like but just stepping back you can't even hardly see them all over the camera but you can kind of get an idea what we've got going on here just by looking at this and and they go the whole way over in this area here you see it got what we call spider webbing looks like a spider web it's cracks everywhere but this is what we do every day so we're going to take care of this one today and you'll see a major improvement when we come back and do the resurfacing over the top and you will love it because it will look good so we thank you for watching this video and we'll come back and kind of show you how we've covered over the cracks at the end of the day and if you got cracks in your driveway if you got a situation like this let us know because we love a challenge and this we always appreciate you watching the videos that repairs to your home calm alright home maintenance missionary repairs for your home calm we're done with this crack repair for today we're going to be coming back and resurfacing this thing in the next couple of days walking you up through here showing you some of the cracks we did on this one now this job right here is gonna be the prime example of what a resurfacing can do for you because this thing has more cracks than I've ever seen on a driveway and I've been doing this for a long long time you can see coming up through here this thing was riddled with cracks I'm talking about cracks everywhere you're probably wondering in your mind right now how did we get all this done well we got a few guys out here that's how we got it done everybody has been working hard out here today to get this all done you can see coming up through here and once we get to the end of this last slab you can see right there is expansion joint special joint their expansion joint they're a couple more down through that way but when you get up here to the big pad no more expansion joints and you could tell but it is rough coming through here you could just see I mean I just had to step back and show you what this thing looks like now that was hard to do but we worked hard and we got it done you come walking up through here you can just see this thing has cracks everywhere I mean it had more cracks than any driveway I've ever seen but when we come over this with the resurfacer you're gonna say wow when you see the resurfacing videos when we come back you will literally say that's some good stuff that's a good product right there and there to take care of the situation another little thing we did for him up here was right across here we he had a little bad hump right there we kind of made a little ramp right there so he didn't feel no hump above when he pulls his vehicles out of the garage here but we filled that hand that little crack right there these cracks through here we're gonna do a little cleanup before we leave but we always appreciate you watching the videos that repairs for your home com if you got a situation like this at your house so you just got a few cracks in your driveway or maybe you got some cracks in the bricks on your house sir maybe you have a stucco home and you got some cracks in it or maybe you just got a brick retaining wall with crack so maybe your stone patios got some cracks in it we repair all masonry stone stucco concrete bricks blocks whatever you got we could take care of it give Steve a call watch the videos on repairs for your home calm and hopefully we'll be making a video at your home soon we appreciate you watching all the videos at repairs for your home com home maintenance masonry repairs for your home com if you've been watching this video you know we were here a couple of days beforehand we filled in these cracks due here coming up to here today we're here to pressure wash it and resurface it so I just wanted to show you what it well these cracks look like after they've dried some have gotten wet this morning before you see the little bit of darker see this is fully dried you know you see stuff fully dried into here or so we're going to get this thing pressure washed and we're going to come over the top of it with the resurfacing material make it look like a brand-new driveway and we always appreciate you watching all the videos at repairs for your home com to show you the difference in between that's a clean see a big different day pressure-washing not clean of course after we run the big machine over it will spray everything off get all the dirt off you guys watching all the videos that repairs bigger home calm all right home maintenance base nail repairs for your home comm we're in the process of resurfacing now you can see Scott's spreading it out here this is the assistant driveway this is if you're from the south you've probably heard somebody say looky there looky there that's what I wanna say when I see this it looks real good just want to show you what it looks like during the process and if you got cracks in your driveway or won't me get a resurfacing done just give Steve a call and he'll come out look at your job for you and we always appreciate you looking at the videos on repairs for your home calm all right home maintenance masonry repairs for your home come back with the final video for today I really I don't like making the final first finish because I mean this thing has a fully Drive set or cured yet we just got done this is what it looks like when we first pour it we just poured this section we see outcomes downhill this way we did this last that's the last that we did there we started on the slab up there earlier today but after we did it we came and started here went that way this is going to be besides the first slab some of the dries that we've got here it's starting to get close to sitting but not cured but if you remember what this driveway looked like we first started you are seeing a huge difference right now I know in your mind you're saying if you had cracks in your driveway this is what I want to get on my driveway because this thing looks good and I'll tell you what tomorrow next three days next week let's take a look even better the more it cures the better it looks and you would just simply be amazed I wish I could come back and make a video a week later right up here is the very first slab we poured it's about set not not nowhere near cured but man you can remember it had a crack coming down the center crack going across the center this way like a cross and then little cracks here and little cracks there I bet you don't see a single crack right now on that thing it looks real good so if you got cracks in your driveway give Steve a call check out our videos on repairs for your home com you'll see we we can repair just the cracks we can do resurfacing we offer several different solutions we also handle cracks in your concrete patio maybe concrete on your front porch or your concrete sidewalk as well as the stone patios brick patios the bricks on your house stucco anything masonry we can handle it just give Steve a call and I'm sure there's a video or a hundred videos that you can check out on repairs for your home calm and we appreciate the business we appreciate you looking our videos watching our videos and hopefully will be making a video at your house soon we appreciate you repairs for your home calm
Channel: repairsforyourhome
Views: 190,030
Rating: 4.1421447 out of 5
Id: cTYty3QG83M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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