Restore Me | Pastor Sam Emory | WinterFire 2020

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do you know he's able do you know he's able with man it may be impossible but with god all things are possible somebody give us [Music] is everything we see [Music] because they always [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] because you know [Music] tell everyone [Music] [Music] you believe [Music] because you know [Music] [Music] is he's still working here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that feels good in the house shout again [Applause] nothing's impossible with god [Music] you're still working on me every day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right here right now right here right [Music] [Music] right now right now right now right now you want to high five somebody and tell them don't wait it's happening right now [Music] oh praise the lord everybody everybody glad to be in the house of the lord today i don't know about sister showstream the woman ain't white [Music] she needs to look up in that tree so well man what an incredible word amen i mean they're glad to be here today well i'm from the projects and i'm used to leftovers as a matter of fact leftovers are good you see the the the seasoning settle down in the leftovers we can look through the bible and see that what people do with just the leftovers this chick named ruth went into a field start picking up left in the corners of the field and she was so thankful for the leftovers that the cat that owned the field married her and she winding up owning the field i'm good with leftovers there was this other chick she was siphonisionist we didn't have those in the projects but a baby needed a miracle and the master says i cooked dinner girl well i ain't got nothing for you she said it's all right let all the children eat i'll take them you're not i'm already pregnant it's not convenient for me to give the bread of the children to the dogs they ain't mastered but but the dogs eat the leftovers that fall from the master's table because if the loaf got power the crumbs got power i was somebody shouting the guy with the loaf got power the crimes got power if the loaf got healing the crimes got healing everybody said i'm okay with leftovers psalms 51 and 10. i'm not preaching on leftovers by the way [Music] i may it sounds like a good sermon [Music] doug doesn't steal it away from me without himself [Music] created me a clean heart oh god and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from me restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with my free spirit i simply want to preach for you to you for a moment or two on this subject restore me it's not going to be mind-blowing it's going gonna be very simple enjoy so much the ministers come um in front of me it's a rare occasion i get a close out of i just kind of love to be a part of it this makes me real nervous butterflies all in the stomach and everything but i appreciate winter fire and what it does and what it has done and what it will be and i know the petoskeys and the board back then and all the motions was it was a big leap of faith to come over here but we've seen this place just grow grow grow grow grow amen and we're so we're so glad that god has put his approval on winter fire amen so for this last session would you raise your hands and open your mouth and would you cry out unto the lord today tell god what you need hallelujah father in the name of the lord it's not thy might nor is it by power but it's by your spirit of god loose your word in the house [Music] let us minister as it becomes the the spirit of the lord all over the place so god touch each one we pray somebody shout in jesus name you may be seated thank you for standing why don't we give the music people are great hands amen awesome and also we don't realize there's a lot of people running around let's give the staff a hand all the ushers and the greeters amen and give yourself a hand while you're at that amen so glad you're here this is uh february 2020 a few months ago we turned the calendar one tick of the clock and we entered a brand new decade not just a brand new year but a brand new decades of year that will lead us from here to 2030 if we survive at all this decade brings with this many spiritual possibilities if that is true my friend we we have to actually have no time to waste time is running out and never on our side however there is time for revival now listen very carefully i'm going to take my time i don't know what time it is i don't have a watch i i intend to so time is ticking and running out however we still have time for revival now revival is not for sinners revival is not in gathering revival is for the church if the church does not get revived harvest is a moot point because if the church is not revived we're going to bring new converse into a dull and sipid environment and unfortunately they will become like us you can't expect new congress to come in praising if you're not praising they will acclimate and they will start acting just like you so we need revive i'm not getting too many emails it's all right it doesn't matter i preached in funeral homes before not only do i need revival we need refeeling god never meant for me to get the holy ghost one time the bible says it's washing and renewings of the holy ghost that he has shared abroad upon us abundantly you will never run dry so if you figure out i don't want to drink too much hey that stream never runs dry and if you've been in the church over five years you need another touch of the holy ghost if you've been in the church ten years you haven't prayed through since the first year you in desperate need of revival revival means to be resuscitated it means mouth to mouth oh okay you see i need the lord to lay his lips on my lips and breathe somebody ought to jump up right now say breathe into me holy ghost [Applause] breathe on me not just on me but breathe into me something fresh something new something greater than what i've had i'm not satisfied with where i am now i need to be restored [Applause] once the church is revived harvest will come it's time to regroup figure out what have i lost if i've lost then it's time to be restored i'm not willing to be lost of anything that god wants me to have restoration is the act of the process of being restored the process of reinstatement the process of restitution the process of re-establishing to a former state or place or mind of being of heart and there's a word there called desire when we're in new converts we have a lot of that heart desire we have a lot of fire in our bones but we're not careful we'll let situations and circumstances that life brings to cool that fire down and now i was running on smoke and fumes that is never the will of god for me you'll have to make that decision for yourself that's never the will of god for me i'm supposed to be having the holy ghost and it's not enough to have the just the holy ghost i got to have the holy ghost and and so we used to sing that song with somebody's soul would catch on because fire is contagious when you catch on fire it'll jump on somebody else you can't sit down if you on fire you looking for somebody to put you out but i got news for you nobody can put this fire out you ought to jump and say burn in me holy i need the holy ghost to burn in me until all the impurities are burnt out of me i need a renewing and a refreshing i need something good something new something revelatory and i can't handle a stale incipit world i refuse to go down i refuse to die i refuse to be casticide god restore me time we all lose some things but it's time to get it back i come to proclaim and declare that god is still in the rest of restoration business i want is there anybody really here ready to be refilled i'm talking about a fresh a a fresh breath a a a fresh fire a winter fire because y'all don't show i don't know why y'all live up here the devil is oh no sugar i had on three pair of socks at the thermostat up to 80. all the extra blankets i was still shivering seasons brings times where things die god sent canker worms and caterpillars and farmer worms to eat up everything but after a while god looks at us and says well let's see if that's enough and i want you to know that god doesn't send these things to cause us to lose heart he's trying to remind us that you cannot do this on your own no matter how much strength you have no matter how talented you are no matter how how many brain cells you got in your head you cannot do this by yourself we cannot do this by ourselves we need god in the midst [Applause] when you're living for god there will always be times of famine and adverse situation of despair there will be valleys of the shadow of death and we're seeing that god has forsaken us there will be days when prayers are not answered when everything that can go wrong will go wrong there'll be times when it's dangerous to leave the house of god if you're not careful you'll get angry and you'll get bitter and bitterness and anger does nothing but kill your prayer life it terminates your blessing it dries up your spirit it hinders your relationship and it stops your restoration process but god told israel i will restore all the years i don't know how long you've been in the wilderness some trials last for a week some trans trials last four years sometimes trials last for a block of time i don't know how long you've been there but you need to catch a hold of this god says whatever season you're in i will restore i thought i have somebody helping me here today i will restore whatever the cake and worm ate up our story whatever the caterpillars of life ate up i'll restore it whatever death took away from you i'll restore it nobody's happy today but i'm glad that i know that i serve a god of restoration and no matter what i lose here restore what i need some things will not come back because god doesn't want them in my life anymore but he'll bring something new he'll bring something more powerful he'll bring oh i didn't come to preach you out of your seat i came to preach you to another level where you were not sitting there like what god god hasn't did anything to you but put you in a place where he can turn your life around you're going to have time when prayers are not answered when everything that can go wrong will go wrong what do we do you keep the faith you keep praying well he's not answering prayers are not about answering it's about hearing oh thou that heareth prayer unto thee shall all flesh come prayer is not always about answering but it is always about him hearing me and if god can hear me he can answer me but most of y'all don't even believe that god is hearing you so get it in your head he hears my every prayer since the show starts already your prayers are underneath the altar coming up before god day and night and day and night that prayers are as eternal as the god that you pray through today so never stop praying [Applause] god decrees he declares and then he demonstrates we need to act a little bit more like god decree is what happens in my head but unfortunately for some of y'all it doesn't get out of there if you don't speak it nothing will happen the power of life and death is in your tongue what are you saying out of your mouth because what you say is what you get i don't know about you but i'm not depressed i'm blessed and the devil can't stop me i shall live and not die i shall overcome i'm more than a conqueror you say what you want to say i'm speaking out of my mouth i speak life not death i speak healing not pain i speak deliverance not what are you speaking you ought to turn somebody say i speak blessings on you right now i speak some of you sitting there like mannequins and masons you won't even speak nothing out of your mouth and you wonder why you ain't got no set there and die but i refuse to die the devil doesn't told you keep your mouth closed because god doesn't hear you why are you listening to a a brain dead devil that couldn't even serve god when there wasn't a devil you better speak something out of your mouth i said you better speak something out of your mouth because if it doesn't come out of your mouth you won't get it you can't think it into existence you got this i wish i had a winter fire up in here you got to speak this save up the world [Applause] the centurion understood he said say say but the word that's how that syphonationist got her miracle cause she said it out of my mouth yay lord but the dogs eat the leftovers you're not helping me pray the woman with the issue of blood 15 years of failed doctors 15 years of remedies that didn't work but she said but i said unto myself self and myself said huh if i touch it i wish somebody helped me she spoke it out of her mouth if i touch him what's up i know not i think but get it out of your head put it in your mouth speaking into the atmosphere somebody else said i will live and not die and say it again i will live [Applause] i am an overcomer say it out of your mouth i am an overcomer i don't care what it feels like i don't care what it looks like i don't care what it sounds like i don't care what the devil's telling you until you speak it out of your mouth it ain't going whoa somebody ought to speak a word [Music] i've been down but i'm coming up again i was somebody help me now i've been down but i'm not staying down i've been messed up but now i'm getting fixed up come on somebody i've been pushed back but i feel comeback spirit on me somehow it's late in the fourth quarter but it ain't over yet i wish somebody helped me preach out look at your neighbor say it ain't over yet it ain't over until god says it's over rejoice not against me or my enemy when i fall i shall [Applause] he said ice he didn't say i may arise he said put an enemy on notice go ahead and plan the party call yourself a band get confetti and throw it up in the air but i come to declare to you when he didn't say if i fall he said even when i fall don't look for me to be down there too long for i shall i shall i shall [Applause] if i don't have any help i'll get up on my own but i'm a child of god and you can't keep me down i shall live and not die i shall rise up you can't stop me you can't block me you can't fool me you can't use me something inside of me i shall survive i will survive i will get up i will be your worst nightmare i'm gonna make you wish you never even knowed my name i'm gonna beat you like a bass drum i'm gonna beat you like you stole the lord's shepherd i shall arise i'm setting myself up i will be restored i will be renewed i will be replied somebody shout amen [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] job said [Music] is there hope for a tree [Music] job said if for there is hope for a tree if it be cut down it will sprout again the tender branches therefore will not cease though the root thereof wax old in the earth the stock thereof die in the ground yet though the scent of water through the scent of water it will bud and bring forth ross like a plan he didn't say anything about rain he said a scent of water some of y'all waiting for a storm you better learn how to jump when the scent comes [Applause] i was somebody help me now all elijah saw evangelist told us last night was a cloud about the size of a man's hand he said all right time to shout now but it ain't raining it don't have to rain i can i can smell it in the air i i want somebody help me go ahead take a sniff tell me i smell rain if you can smell it you can hear it if you can smell it and hear it you'll see it if you can smell here and see it won't be long but you gotta put it out of your mouth while you can smell the scent of rain and if i could smell the scent of rain if i got some roots my roots are gonna start growing again water with somebody help me preach it's time to restore them and renewed in the power of the holy [Applause] [Music] ghost no matter the circumstances my friend any ain't over certain times of seasons listen very carefully there are certain times and seasons solomon said that are under the heaven unfortunately it's where most of you live i'm just saying there's nothing new that's where most of you live i don't live there i'm not the jeffersons i'm moving on up because jesus said i understand what solomon said about nothing new under the sun but i'm not from under the sun i'm from i'm from i came down from above the sun i ain't living on stuff under the sun i'm coming from stuff that's up down there gonna help me preach this don't matter you stay down there with earthly rhythm i want some wisdom from above you stay down there oh come on and help me now i'm not living under the sun i'm living above the sun why because jesus christ has been highly exalted above all you're not helping me priests principalities and powers rules and thrones and dominions he's over every name that is named not only in this time but every time and every dimension and every reality that it is i wish somebody helped me and all things are under his feet you stay under the sun i'm going the bible says and and he has caused us to sit in heavenly places so everything that's under his feet is un ain't got nobody you don't want you just sit there don't get up don't move sit there i'm gonna leave you under the sun but honey i'm not under the sun i'm above the sun [Applause] if it's under his feet brother doug it's under my feet sickness is under his feet it's under my feet life and death is under his foot i wish somebody ought to step on the devil's head you're under my feet you're under my feet you're under my feet stay down now don't try to get up don't try to move around i got you where i want you somebody say yeah say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so job said that tree may be cut down we're far above numbers talks about an olive branch number 17 and seven disconnected from its root system no water no sunlight no roots but they put it in the ark of the covenant one day and came back to get it in a 24 hour period when they opened the ark aaron's rod had butted now hold on sports fans that's enough to shout about right there but but hold hold it don't put the education out yet don't put it out yet cause then at the end of the story not only had it butted but it had budded and brought forth fruit now to y'all out here in conetta cut that means absolutely nothing but where i'm from where almond trees is everywhere that means something because an almond tree will take five to seven years to bud and bring for fruit but god is far [Applause] the god i serve he's far above all the laws of nature does not apply [Music] i don't care what season you're in you know god can turn your winter in the summer and 24 uh y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think fred hammer said i think frank hammer said late in the midnight hour god's going to turn you don't believe that i don't have to wait for 24 years he'll turn around [Music] [Applause] late in the midnight hour i don't need i don't need a year i don't need a monk time i don't need a tail just give god 24 hours the laws of nature the laws of seasons does not apply to him if god says it's over [Applause] it's over somebody say yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] oh you ought to whisper it's over now i feel like i can make it storm is over now no more cloudy days there are gone away i feel like i can do it the storm is over now how can you do that because he's the master of the wind he's the master of the wave he's the master of thunder not i'm gonna mess with some of y'all minds listen here thor is not the god of thunder jesus is the god of thunder thor may have a hammer but jesus said i am [Applause] i don't need iron man i don't need superman i don't need batman i don't need spider-man i got jesus and that's [Applause] [Music] raise your hands and say god if you did it for him you can do it for me turn it around you ought to say turn it around turn it around turn it around say yeah [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] this is a new tie i wore it for y'all i want to wear it a couple more times before i get all sweaty all right david inquired of the lord samuel first samuel 38 30 and eight after the antichrist had come and took everything he said shall i pursue this troop shall i over overtake them and he answered pursue for thou shall surely overtake them and without fail this is so we stop about you shall overt but the shouting part says and without fail you will recover recover recover they say that david and the men had cried until they couldn't cry anymore that doesn't mean that their tear ducts were evacuated that means they fear they figured out you know crying ain't really helping this we we need to we need to do something else because crying and getting my stuff back y'all don't help me crying is not getting my stuff back sitting here having a pity party ain't getting much i ain't gonna get my joy back by crying and having a pity party i ain't gonna get my faith back by crying and having the pity part we need to do something else so david said i know what to do he got grabbed him at ephod went into the house of the lord and said jesus oh actually he said jehovah jehovah look at here man these cats out here they're ready to you know they're about ready to knock me out man they're trying to take me out they're about ready to storm and so what do i do in this particular situation is everybody they thought that everybody was dead listen very carefully they thought there was nothing to recover because when they got to the site this dust ashes and flames everything and everybody gone they figure they're captive or they're dead along the way that's why everybody's is distraught because hell wants you to think you lost it all [Music] ain't no use and you thinking you gonna get it back you remember that mistake you made oh god is done with you oh and the devil is alive god has done with him but he ain't done with me [Music] i'm a fan of you i'm on the spot you need to tell yourself the devil is done but god's just getting started [Applause] i'm going to the enemies camp [Music] [Applause] i'm going to take what's mine [Applause] and if i see what you have i'll take what's yours [Music] they thought it's over and so he says what's the question shall i he's looking for hope now shall i pursue this troop what the question was like in other words restructured is everything lost why go after them is everything is lost it is everything lost and the law says no god always says the best things you can rebuild your house if you lose your house don't worry about you get another house but i'm worried about can i get my anointing back [Applause] i don't know who i'm talking to can i get my ministry back can i get my prayer life back the stuff that matters to me the most can i get my wife back can i get my son back can i get my daughter back oh what's up you got shot who am i talking to up in the house the devil got you thinking it's dead i said it's still alive i can hear it i get the enemy said don't worry about dogs all over don't worry about it just keep on crying it's all low ain't nothing left all you got is dust and ashes man i often thought what drove david into the house of love with the ephod on and there this little i know it's a prepositional phrase that says what says now and david encouraged himself in the lord pastor ford what does that mean because i'm i am i'm a little deficient in specificity okay i want to know what he did just in case i get in a situation like his so i i began to ask the scripture what do you mean by that how did he in fact encourage himself in the lord pastor potowski because i would want some kind of refrain i wouldn't want karma by doing this i want i want some structure the only thing that i can think of and this is this is from the rick james version of the bible third samuel chapter five i think david says wait a minute i remember this old man coming from my father's house i'm way back telling the sheep but here comes this old man with a horn of all on it this old man walked straight to me took that horn of all pulled it all over my head i remember it like it was yesterday when i think about it i still get chills all up inside my smile and i remember that when that all was pouring on me i knew what that meant that was the anointing oh well well well well and every time i got in trouble that same power that i felt that first day when there was a bear the spirit of the lord came upon me when i was with a lion the spirit of the lord came upon me when i faced goliath the spirit of the lord came upon me and that same god and that same god i wish somebody helped me preach and that same god i said in that same god who is immortal [Applause] that same god that same god that brought the life down that same god if he can do it then he can do it now if he didn't want he can do it again if he brought me through he'll take me through i wish somebody said yeah say yeah oh [Music] that same god i said that same god that's how david encouraged himself so what are you saying before you try to get a new victory look at some past battles that didn't kill you [Music] tell the devil you tried to take me out before but [Music] [Applause] [Music] you tried to take me out before but i'm [Applause] some of y'all scared to say that you tried to take me out before but uh [Applause] why because that same god that touched me once that touched me twice that lifted me up that brought me through he's able somebody said [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have a mobile phone it's a i definitely say iphone 6 c or seven c [Music] when that when they bring out a new one all i think is about to see cause it's gonna cost me a c note so mine still works nevertheless there are times and seasons when my iphone won't not work right now series of crackheads [Music] and so she asked me one time what what may i call you i said you may call me pastor i'm hoping she'll start paying time rob the bank do something girl [Music] and when i open my iphone if something has gone wrong i go to settings general then settings and down at the bottom of the iphone [Music] under settings there are two functions restore or shut off you know which one i picked because i'm not shutting down and i'm not shutting up and you can't turn me off so i put reset what does reset does reset takes the phone back to the specifications of the one that created me [Applause] some of y'all need to some of y'all hitting the hitting the stop button when your alternator said restore me get me back to my purpose you didn't call me to die you called me to live you didn't call me to fail you calling me to be more than you didn't call on me to be down you stand up push the reset button get me back to where you wanted me before all this mess happened in my life i want you to raise your hands right now you need to understand something and i'm closing everybody wants the power of the resurrection but nobody wants to be crucified to get it you cannot have the power of the resurrection without the correspondent reactions you cannot have authority and power without being under authority you can't have church your way it ain't your church it's his church this is not burger king you cannot do it like you want to do it push the reset button just that old andre crouch take me back to where i first found take me back to that first day take me back to that first infill and take me back take me back to when i made all those promises that i didn't even know i was gonna have to keep take me back there reset my mind reset my spirit let me get back to where i was let me get back to my prayer life let me get back to where i was when i was hungry for you let me let me get back when i was thirsting for you let me get back where i couldn't wait to get to church i couldn't wait to get to the prayer room i i brought my i brought two sets of shoes i brought my pair of slippers and then i brought my dancing shoes cause i'm gonna pray first and dance later take me all the way back there when i loved you with all of my heart before trials before tribulation before all these seasons came restore me restore unto me the joy [Music] put those hands up come on take me back [Music] take me back to the lord [Music] to the place take me back [Music] take me back take me back oh take me back [Music] to the place where i [Music] take me back [Music] take me back everybody with hands lifted mouth open come on i want you to send something up to the lord right now god i strayed away but i'm coming back i got off track but i'm getting back on track i lost my direction but if you'll give me direction one more time come on somebody come on this is this is repentance time it's coming back to jesus time right now i got caught up with all the clouds and all of this and all of the hoopla and i lost where i was now i don't even know who i am i thought i was called now i don't know if i was called take me back god when it was simpler take me back with just you and me in that prayer room where i can hear your voice and you can speak to my heart and i can get up and do what you want me to do i don't care about the glitz i don't care about the fame i don't care about the fortune all that cares i just want to be what you want me to be i want to do what you want me to do can you lift your hands all over the building now singers
Channel: The Pentecostals Of Greater Hartford
Views: 2,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8jcMOElT9HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 35sec (3935 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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