Restoration of old and rusty 3 in 1 table saws | Restore and reuse old antique table saws
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: restoration it tool
Views: 797,963
Rating: 4.5338187 out of 5
Keywords: restoration, restore, reuse, old restoration, restore old, rusty restoration, reuse old, antique restoration, planers restoration, drills restoration, restore planers, reuse planers, old table saw, table saws, planers, old drill, old planer, restoration table saws, restore table saws, reuse table saws, Rusty table saws, Antique table saw, Multifunctional saws, old planers restoration, restore planers old, reuse planers old, antique planers, antique drills, reuse drills old
Id: 83qkqWbnLBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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