Primavera P6: Reporting and Preparing KPI Charts

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welcome to primary six tutorials today we will learn about reporting reporting from Brahma Vera to excel now see for example someone asks you how many number of slab we planned an agreement or how many slabs have actually casted in every month what we would have to do is that good individual slab caseinate and count every slab coming in every month maybe every one slab June you have to do live we have to jovis we have three and so on and actuals would have to do the same so we would have to make a simple format everyone understand easily as a result would prepare this chart this chart represents the number of slabs planned every month the Kimber is planned numbers and also a choose and the cumulative actuals what you need do is copy all of this into Excel now let's scroll down at the bottom till the slab ok copy and then paste here so now let's expand the rules you see we have many columns that we do not need and you can just delete these columns and also we don't really need this start date next thing we do is select the red area let's apply a filter now let's uncheck this only keep the blanks take click okay now if you see everything is filled out now let's come down to the bottom and then just delete this so now let's clear the filter now if you see the only thing left is a query ID slab concrete date and the finish concrete these are the custom dates we don't need this we need to delete this so then it's clear copy copy editor let's come on the side and let's be special - and Excel we have option called transpose what the does is that it will transport a horizontal data into vertical form or a vertical data into horizontal form since it is a vertical data that we need to paste it in the horizontal we can just click on transport and then click on ok let's expand the columns ok now we no longer need this let's just delete this let's come leave the extra rows and come on the top ok you see you have the casting date aspirate 7 May 6th June July August and so on and complete chart only represents the month and the numbers for that month so we need to convert these dates into a month if you go internet search for how to count between dates nude file minute assaults we can not find many formulas and mini method to count but one I'm going to show is the best one that I know that works better for me let's come back to you first thing you do is lead into month format Plus next this value comma month here let's close the bracket now let's stretch this now we not only meet the activity so you can just needed this now if you see carefully you can wear the date has converted into month format for June is now 6 16 20 June is 6 section again July 1 7 16 and 24 July is 7 16 and so on let's bring this down let's write deep voice put on 16 that's kind of added change its format let's come down month and year click on ok now let's stage this now how far do we have to stretch it our last slab casting it is inception of 2017 so let's stretch it till 2017 I'm sorry to 117 now now let's convert the months and a month text format text select the value month and yeah close the bracket now let's stretch countif in this range come on what is it criteria that we count oh yeah you need to count this value let's close the bracket me sixteen that it need to come now what you see that X is counting 0 16 into this value ranges let's track this now you can just drag the formula is drag it the range formula moves with the form itself so if you keep dragging it will keep dragging along with it what you do is give a horizontal log to the first formula and now stretch the formula now as you see the rain is still where it should be it has not moved now let's just hide this let's move them down these are the months cumulative plan actual and convert of actual now let's make a table of this let's add borders let's add the commemorative plan formula what is prefer graphs we have now selected our graph data range let's create our chart let's click this one okay now next thing we need to do is go to page break view let's view page wait let's just crop it to our graph area let's bring a graph in the middle I will change all this let's select this one let's explore it Rinku field now if you look closer this shirt does not look like this chart over here extra graph we have a cumulative line showing but over here we have all histogram shrine what do you need to do is click right click change start type now the series will show up let's go to cumulative and change line type and put it on second raise access compared of actual line and put in second directions click on OK and if you using older version of Excel what you would have to click on individual data series and right click and change chart type for individual data series now now let's right-click oh here change format axis let's change the orientation okay that looks better now and now this actually represents the numbers in the number of slabs for a histogram and this axis represents the cumulative number for our slabs for cumulative line graphs what we can do is that right-click format axis now say you will increase with a step of one now if we see over here the graph increase with the step of point five well that doesn't please you step on one see the height of histogram does not match to the height of accumulative graph so if you click on reset you see that the height of histogram no matches with the height of the cumulative browse now Excel does this automatically now we keep it and step of one okay line change sees of cumulative travel so let's in given increment of three now now let's start off with this see you've caused it one slab to slab okay now we have we have a plan and we have actual let's separate them a little bit better viewing now we also add a cumulative graph so let's give a commemorative formula for Kimbrel actual let's drag this okay now before moving further let's change the axis name let's cut this and that as plan numbers the secondary to the secondary let's change it to cumulative plan numbers okay now change that Idol to slab cracking plan versus actually no you can see the difference in a commemorative you go to pan which is the cumulative actual you can clearly see the difference in the cumulative graph for the pin is that right click on little labels and available similarly and developers and you see we have plan number of years of plan actuals now right-click on the graph add little levels let's just change location I've been get above the line but let's make it bold similarly for the covers actual practic added a levels and make it bold make sure you can keep either of them either you can keep the histogram numbers or again keep the cumulative number value which are better for you if you want to get change the line color text color now let's come back to the beginning in the beginning we had copied the data we still in Excel let's expand the columns again let's delete the unwanted columns now if you remove we had filtered some data from the data area now if knowledge is convert this date barrel in text text month here okay close the bracket okay not what happens we is that what is happening is that the date at this level is being reflected of the activity dates sayo activity date is being reflected at this w base level so when you copy it in Excel and the active date is being reflected and the wb11 June let's copy now let's copy the text formula let's counter let's select a range let's give a criteria now you see that it's change in slabs for time we're doing is it also converting the slab activity date also the W where somebody reads and that is why reshoring program that is how you have to filter out the W base date only keep the activity so now what I did was I loaded the program with concrete material with this default units you can just go to filter filter to resource ID name concrete and this copy and then you can and then paste it in Excel let's just expand the columns and now we can just put a paragraph I'm just gonna skip to it and let's just write concrete meter cube you can use this graph to show the plan concrete every month for your project it's concrete meter cube and over here you can just give the actual the actual concrete poured every month and let's make cumulative over here okay plus okay none of this expanded now you can use this graph to show the cumulative plan or the plan concrete every month to the histogram on the camera graphs you can use a similar keep a procedure for block cluster or any the material this is loading you've done your program thank you for watching until next time
Channel: Zero Float
Views: 30,742
Rating: 4.6101084 out of 5
Keywords: primavera, p6, primavera p6, primavera p6 tutorials, planning, project planning, primavera tracking, project tracking, construction, primavera advaced tutorials, primavera beginner tutorials, TUTOMAASH.COM, TUTOMAASH.COM - Online Training Platform, planning engineer, civi engineer, kpi
Id: jJpdbS9EmDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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