Resolution of my Histamine Intolerance

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for quite a few years I was struggling with a skin issue that I diagnosed as histamine intolerance and I did that because I would I kept breaking out from certain foods for a long time I couldn't figure out what it was the only thing I pretty much had correlated with was drinking coffee so I was I thought it was the coffee's whenever I would drink too much coffee I would start to break out and then if I cut back on the coffee I would not break out so I figured it was the coffee over time I realized that the coffee was not the issue because I started breaking out to more and more stuff and it a couple and probably about two or three years ago I got ridiculous I was just breaking out to everything and I was they were big just big red blotches they might have been high and it's hard to know what they were but on when they were on my neck they were more like a hive when they were in my face they could be a lot of different textures although us a lot of different sizes but they could get pretty freakin big and you know who wants big red blotches on their face so doing a lot of research and I was down to two possibilities one was phone maps and phone max and I guess the phone map diet was was a popular for a while maybe it still is I don't know but so I was down to the phone map and then histamine intolerant so phone map is fermentable foods olace Oleg Oleg of saccharides which are fruit dens galactus they're in grains vegetables and beans I think these are also sort of all like medium chain carbohydrates or something along those lines but I can't remember anymore disaccharides which is in lactose as which is in dairy monosaccharides which is fructose it's inferred vegetables and polyols sorbitol mannitol I can't read my handwriting anymore which are all artificial sweeteners and then of course you got gluten and food maps often coexist in the same products so it's always hard to figure out what exactly I was reacting to because there was a lot of there was a lot of overlap and over time I pretty much narrowed it down to a histamine issue because if I start if I took a histamine after a food that I knew was gonna make me break out I would break out I would either not break out or break it out a lot less that didn't always work but it worked pretty well so something was that so then you have different categories of histamines you have food that are naturally high in histamines you have food that they call our histamine liberators meaning they cause yourselves to release to excess histamine and then there are foods that prevent you from breaking down the histamine so it's hard again again it's hard to know what's going on and then of course what do you do you just do an elimination diet so the fascinating thing was nothing was really working I was avoiding a lot of food and it was really limiting my food choices so and then I got tested for gluten I did like an oral test DNA test that you did a swab you send it in to the lab and they tell you and I had three out of the four gluten genes so technically I'm gluten sensitive I don't really get sick when I eat gluten I can have a bagel something like that I don't go overboard however I will if I eat too much if I kind of eat too much pizza or something like that or it's a bunch of bread which is rare I will feel the next day I digestion wise it doesn't feel great however the interesting thing was I was in Seattle about a year and a half ago and I was in I was there for a PRI seminar actually and I went hiking before that so I took a couple days off I went I think in Mount Olympia or no no no you don't look at national park or olympia national parks I'm like that and I brought an old pair of sneakers with me and when I was going about to go hiking for the first time I got my old pair of sneakers I put them on and I thought oh my good there's my arches and I just this sensation of sensing my arches really just you know took me by surprise I never felt that before and this was after I had gotten my first pair of glasses so Henry got my first pair of glasses so my visual system was at least functioning now even though I didn't know I still had an overactive right eye but my my visual system was functioning to a better degree but my feet I still didn't have orthotics at that point but I had put on my old pair of sneakers which had a higher arch and I felt my my my arches big time and it felt great so I just wore those and interestingly I was in Seattle later on and I always travel with antihistamines so because when you eat at when you're traveling it's very hard to make it you can't really make your own food so you're kind of at the mercy of being eating eating out at restaurants and of course they're always gonna be using cooking oils so the food that really makes me break out or used to wear these cooking oils and of course that's you soybean oil cottonseed oil any type of vegetable oil that's used for cooking I was good with olive oil I was good with butter avocado oil and coconut oil so I was good with those but anything else would make me break out and I didn't so I was out in Seattle I didn't have any history antihistamines with me I said screw it and I remember when I put those sneakers on I felt good I felt my arches I felt grounded I felt good and I didn't break out so I kept testing this depending on what I was wearing on my feet what my it would affect how my skin or how I reacted to different food and I remember I took it so from granted that if I was wearing good pair of sneakers I could eat something with some I could eat something with a food that would normally make me break out and I wouldn't break out and I remember I was at Thanksgiving I said that to my cousin who was in the skincare has a kind of a skincare company of her own and she was like wait what because you see asked if I was gonna break out to the food that we were having I said no I'm wearing I'm wearing sneakers with arches so no to her that was like what the hell are you talking about to me it was just yeah of course at any rate since I got my glasses that increased my awareness of the ground so now much better grounded because the visual system is taken care of my feet were taken care of by bringing the ground up to me my brain was sensing the ground my eye was not so and I'm no longer living in that state of tension because I couldn't sense the ground the tension my body has dropped and as a result I'm really not breaking out anymore I can pretty much eat whatever I want I still eat a pretty good diet so I'm not going overboard the stuff but I don't have to work I love Mexican food and I love chips and salsa but I can go out and eat and not break out and without taking any type of antihistamine so it's one of those fascinating corollaries of my story is that as I've gotten more and more grounded through you know unlocking my neck and my cranium through getting glasses that allow me a prescription that allowed me to sense the ground on the left and then also having to bring the floor up to me through orthotics because I couldn't sense it through non orthotic means all of that allowed my by to relax and my tension dropped so that I'm no longer I'm no I'm no longer reacting to these foods that I used to previously react to I would say the main thing that I still will break out too is if I have sugar on an empty stomach and I don't eat that much sugar but I do like coffee and I'll have coffee in the morning with some sugar and when I do that I don't always cook breakfast first but if I cook breakfast first and I have food in my stomach I'll be good to go so the only thing I'm really breaking out to these days is if I have coffee with sugar on an empty stomach if I do probably my drink soda on an empty stomach or soda at all maybe I'll be a little bit too much sugar so I'll just say sugar overall is more likely to make cause me to break out just a little bit not I mean I used to get gigantic things nowadays if I get something it's generally pretty small so that's just another interesting aspect of getting grounded and reducing tension in your body that I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person this is happening to as much as I think I'm you know a unique individual I can't be the only person who has food sensitivities that are being caused by excessive tension in their body I have a sneaking suspicion I would have to do with also with the vagus nerve because the vagus nerve not only comes out of your cranium and is dealing with all the information sensory information up here but it goes all into almost every if you ever seen it's a picture of the vagus nerve it branches into almost every major organ and then into your gut and it's constantly checking out the the environment for threat when it's when it's activated properly you stay calm when it's activated improperly and it has to be too vigorous and it's in a state of alarm you'll be in a state of alarm and so that is just a quick story about how PRI is and the process of getting grounded has affected me in a positive way that's just beyond purely physical
Channel: Neal Hallinan
Views: 63,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Uz22bw-dTL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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