Why You Have to Breathe with Your Left Diaphragm (and why sensory confusion prevents it).

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over the past couple weeks i've had a very difficult time with my vision which was leading to an increase in the ringing in my ears which made my life somewhat miserable uh very hard to concentrate how to take a break from videos how to take a break from even answering correspondence and texts and emails because the more i used my visual system the worse i would feel so i was trying to not do anything with my eyes because i knew my prescription had changed after i got my invisalign i mentioned that maybe a couple weeks ago i just didn't know how it changed so i took a guess a couple weeks ago and ordered a new pair of glasses and i increased the power 0.25 for each eye so i increased it to 3.0 for the left and 2.75 for the right and that worked for about a week and then on a friday night i was watching tv and the ringing in my ears just out of nowhere started to increase my anxiety levels went sky high i became quite perturbed because if you have tinnitus or tinnitus however you want to say it i say tinnitus which i've had since i was 13 years old so i'm going on 30 years and it's only been the past three years that i've gotten it to decrease to a livable well it was all livable but this is the first time the past three years it's been something that i've has not impacted my quality of life for the most part that changed last friday and like friday and like a week and a half ago so the ringing increase my anxiety level skyrocketed i couldn't sleep it was just when the with a high pitched um sound it was rough my body didn't feel terrible i did get some aches and pains in my left s.i joint my right calf which is my typical pattern discomfort whenever i know there's something wrong it's never a muscle issue necessarily i don't have to do more techniques to strengthen anything it's a sensory input issue that my brain is deeming a threat and i for some reason i think that my brain 30 years ago responded to the threat of me not have a functioning visual system and you know putting probably putting orthodontia braces on at too young of an age which locked my cranium into a tightened restricted position and i think the the tinnitus was probably a alarm a mal adaptation or an ad not even an adaptation i just think of it as a warning alarm that something was seriously wrong and there was something seriously wrong however no one knew and i didn't know what the hell it was because we always thought it was just from exposure to loud music but i'd only been to a couple school dances and maybe some bar mitzvahs i really wasn't exposed to any concerts or prolonged periods of time of loud music at any rate 30 years of tinnitus came back now i again it didn't go away it was just at a very acceptable level livable level and so i kind of shut down for about two weeks i really have done almost next to nothing i'm staying off the phone i'm staying off the videos i'm staying off my laptop not responding to messages and emails so if you've emailed me i'm sorry but just the more i use my visual system without the proper glasses the worse my body feels and my neck tightens up and it's just it's uncomfortable so i finally got to see an optometrist who was not my normal optometrist because my normal optometrist could not be seen until the end of september so i went and i went to lens crafters and really all i needed to know was what is my refraction what are my measurements and he measured it out to be i need 2.75 in both eyes now great uh i had some contact lenses i could use put 275 in both eyes felt like well the ringing decreased but my back was killing me my mid thoracic back on the right side when i would go for a walk so i always test everything off by okay what am i sensing with the tinnitus and it started to calm down after not too long so i knew that the tinnitus was not due to shifting my teeth around necessarily directly now the teeth contact probably changed my vision and it's complicated but teeth and eyes are intimately connected and that's what i need everybody to know from now on in your life teeth and eyes are intimately connected my optometrist that i the lens crafter guy he's like well i don't know if there's any connection between that like i do don't worry about it but i know anyway teeth and eyes are intimately connected so uh my the ringing decreased which was great back pain i went for a walk in my right mid thoracic spine was killing me so i backtracked to a 2.75 i know i'm sorry 2.50 and 2.75 in my left and 2.5 on my right so i was giving my i was trying to keep my right eye blurry because i still have this issue this is not something that most people would be aware of even optometrists this is a pattern issue this is due to the patterns inside our body left aic right bc right tmcc you may overuse one eye also doesn't mean you can't see and it's not going to necessarily show up on a on a visual exam because they're just checking to see how clearly you can see and that's what they're supposed to correct that says nothing about how you're using those eyes and so there was a my because of my visual history my 40-year history of not having glasses which i needed my brain over overly relied on my right eye to help stabilize my very unstable body it also used a cross bite joining the roy teeth teeth and eyes that's what created the right torsion to help stabilize a body over on that right side for fear of what's over on that left side which my brain could not figure out because i couldn't see things properly now what does this have to do with why am i even talking about this well first of all it just sucks i'm just kind of reporting that these types of things can happen that teeth and eyes are intimately connected but what you'll also notice now you're not going to notice but what i noticed was every time because i had the wrong prescription for most of the time my pelvis was tilted all right lateral pelvic tilt if i went if i didn't know any better and i was like geez what the hell why is my pelvis like this tilted uh go to a physical therapist doctor you have a lateral pelvic tilt i did not have a lateral pelvic tilt i had a pattern due to the fact that i was over using one eye or no because my vision had changed i'm not going to get into the overusing of the right eye thing my vision had changed my brain couldn't figure things out pattern protection that's what a lateral pelvic tilt is it is not a lateral tilt it is a pattern at any rate this all goes back to what's going to happen what is at the core of all pri exercises is the ability to use your left diaphragm to breathe the reason we care that you can ground yourself through your left side sense your left heel sense the right arch of your right foot pull that pelvis back on that left side to get that pelvis neutral establish left stance stabilize that left leg with the hamstring the adductor the glute medius do you really think it's because i want you to have strong hamstrings negative you have to be able to stabilize that walking and breathing that's all we're doing how strong does it have to be you have to learn a new position your brain has to learn a new position that's lost which is called left stance because you've been a pattern for so long over to that right side this left side has to you gotta then get these left ribs down the moment that pelvis comes forward on the left you're gonna arch your back into extension of your lower back and then what happens you disengage your left diaphragm when you cannot use your left diaphragm to breathe by definition you will be over on that right side because you don't extend and rotate to the left you extend and rotate to the right so you're shifting to the right you're going to lose your left diaphragm you're going to then have to figure out a way to make up for the loss of that left diaphragm now your rib cage on that left side is already expanded it's already full of air because you're in extension the right side's down this is the typical left aic right bc pattern it's fine and that's normal if you're over on your right leg but if you go to your left leg and you're still like this oriented to the right or into the just leave it that with the left rib flare on your left leg you're in a pattern now we know that your diaphragm your left diaphragm what this is all about is dependent on proper position of the left rib cage in internal rotation and proper position of the pelvis oriented to the left for its function if you can't use if you can't position your left ribcage and your pelvis on the left side well really your rib cage and your pelvis overall and your neck to the left if you can't get all that to happen an internal rotation of the left femur sensing the left heel which is pronation it is technically heal supination but we're going to pronate the state sensing the left heel when you cannot do that you cannot use your left diaphragm because your diaphragm is dependent upon the pelvis the position of the pelvis and the position of the rib cage for its function so once you go into extension and you're over on that right side you lose the left diaphragm and what are you going to use to breathe because remember you can eat you can go without food you can go out without water for quite some time what you cannot do is go without air so you're going to breathe one way or another because your brain is not going to let you die respiration must continue and what's it going to do if you don't have your left diaphragm to pump air and you've got to get air into your upper right chest because it's the left diaphragm that puts air into the upper right chest and vice versa crosses diagonals what are you going to do to get air into this right lung that is being compressed by a rib cage that's compressed on the right side you're going to use your freaking neck and your lower back let's just talk about the neck this right scm and these right scalenes are going to get used and this is in the literature it's not a pri this is not a pri concept although it's obviously a huge part of pri it's in the literature those are accessory breathing muscles and when your ribcage is tight where it can't expand these muscles will try to pull it straight up so this type of movement we need expansion this when you're trying to use these neck muscles not consciously but your brain is trying to pull these ribs up to get more air in because you can't expand it because you're over on the right leg you can't expand a ribcage on the right side that wouldn't make sense you'd lose stability you've got to get to the left side to expand the right ribcage but you can't get to the left side you're unstable your brain doesn't trust it you're stuck the patterns tell you you're stuck over on that right side so what again what are you going to do to get air in because you don't have the left diaphragm and also you can't stabilize your left side you're going to use your neck people always say well what about this system why don't you try doing this you should do this you should stretch this you should use these patterned movements or whatever i don't care about any of those things unless the objective is to learn how to use your left diaphragm to breathe because until you can do that this neck will not turn off i don't care what you do at any other level of your body those muscles and how do i know this because people get full range of motion the moment they learn how to use the left diaphragm to breathe which require not that they're teaching themselves to do that they're putting themselves all these techniques or putting themselves in a position that positions the pelvis correctly the ribcage correctly that left diaphragm is now back in position to pump if you can stabilize with enough strength it really shouldn't take that much strength but remember it does take time if you can stabilize in that position without anything going on that will hold you over to the right if you can do that this ribcage will expand the neck will relax you've got your left diaphragm back in the game so are other systems and again i never said pure eye as a system pri is just the best explanation of how humans move stabilize and breathe in space and time that's what it to me that's what it is it's not a system it's a description of how humans actually exist if that other system if their goal is not to do what i just said then your apples and oranges apples and oranges just because someone else doesn't understand it doesn't mean that you know pri doesn't work you just don't understand it it works it works the best out of anything and once you see the patterns if you're not thinking patterns that originates in our main biological function which is respiration if that's not your mindset then you really can't even have that discussion with people now this just brings up the point of breathing with the left diaphragm i was working with someone online and i had her in this left stance position and i saw that she was not breathing she felt very stable on her left leg but she didn't even realize that she was not breathing she was literally holding her breath that is a compensation for being unable to stabilize on the left side however i had her put her glasses on which have a prism in it because she had a history of um i don't know i can't remember what the the visual issue was but she had a right she had a prism which is a special lens to re probably refocus light appropriately and i had her go back into that left stance position and i said do you feel different and she said i'm breathing now i did not tell her that i saw that i was pretty sure on video that she was not breathing but she she knew that herself because she was breathing so what does that tell you that tells me that when she was on her left side without her glasses her brain could not sense the environment properly so when she went to the inherently weaker side she froze up hold your breath because she couldn't stabilize the inherently weaker side without doing that okay so what other system is going to be looking at that i don't know and i guarantee she can't dorsiflex her right ankle it's okay you want to work on dorsiflexion go freaking ahead it's not going to do anything because that wasn't her issue her issue was she couldn't go to the left because her brain could not sense the environment properly and so it was scared so it was just keeping her over on that right side and if she does go to the left it's like oh and it wouldn't let go so she couldn't breathe that's the neck that's the lower back tightening her up that's what's going to be tight and she wasn't breathing i had her lay down on the ground into a 90 90 position with the without the glasses she couldn't really feel her back on the floor like well she felt it but her back was staying tight put the glasses on the back relaxed so there you go sensory input to produce proper muscular output is issue number one now i was also working with someone live and noticed when we were in he was in a 90 90 position he would hold his breath also so he was in a 90 90 trying to do a left hamstring he could get into the right position but i saw immediately that his air his breath he would start to hold his breath his his breathing completely got shut down for some reason we're still not sure what is the body what you know we're not sure what is causing that whether it's just lack of connection lack of practice we'll see but another again same compensation the moment that he had to shift his pelvis in that 90 90 position to the left to engage that left hamstring and breathe which is being on the left leg so in a 90 90 that's left stance you're turning your pelvis to the left and you're sent and you're feeling your left hamstring and you're exhaling that is that 90 90 is left stance just you're lying down when you do it he couldn't breathe anymore he couldn't breathe naturally and i know he's lacking the ability to recruit his abs so is it simply just again something he has to train perhaps is it something something sensory more sensory we don't know yet but the point being i want to know whether someone can breathe with their left diaphragm that's all i really care about why you're saying ankle pain foot pain knee pain shoulder pain neck pain is because someone can't breathe with their left diaphragm yes that's the whole point that's why pri exists and because if you can't do it by extension that means by extension if you cannot breathe with your left diaphragm when you're on your left leg in left side lying position left supine position whatever if you're on your left side and you cannot breathe properly what are you going to do you're going to use your neck and your lower back which are all extension muscles and they're going to get pulled back to the right side and you're back into the pattern so there's so many different ways to look at it but that is the underlying issue can they get to the left can they stabilize on the left leg enough that they can then engage their left diaphragm to breathe so they don't have to go back to their neck over on this right side which is going to happen very very quickly and i just wanted to use these little stories to illustrate that fact that no matter what you do in pri it is testing your ability the vast majority of techniques are going to be testing your ability to use your left diaphragm to breathe and that requires a right side that lets go that requires properly positioned pelvis properly positioned rib cage properly positioned neck and a visual system that allows it and a dental system that allows it and feet that allow it if any of those those if any of those criteria are not being met you're not going to be able to disengage the compensatory musculature
Channel: Neal Hallinan
Views: 45,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Diaphragm, breathing, respiration, postural restoration
Id: 3ZCGNbw0OYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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