GAPS Diet Histamine Intolerance: What to Do | Bumblebee Apothecary

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hi everyone it's marissa from and today i'm going to talk about histamine intolerance [Music] [Music] histamine reactions are something that can oftentimes come up on the gaps diet not for everybody but for a good number of people they do and so it can be kind of confusing there can be a lot of questions around it a lot of wondering how to manage this what to do and so i want to talk about dr natasha's recommendations and the things that i have learned about dealing with histamine intolerance so the first thing to be aware of is that histamines are in food they can be in certain foods and we'll talk about some of those in a little bit and it's also really good to be aware that our body makes histamines as well dr natasha recommends by far for most people to not focus on these different little elements that can come up but to instead focus on following the protocol and doing the things that are going to resolve this so that you won't be dealing with those anymore what can happen is people focus a little bit too much on oh i have a histamine reaction or oh i think i should avoid this certain type of a food group just because it might be a good idea i mean sometimes there are situations when we need to for really really tough situations where progress isn't happening after two years or something like that where we need to dig a little deeper but for most of us that's not the case we're just trying to get started with the diet we're trying to make our way first through those two years and kind of see where we're at and all that kind of stuff and so for the majority of people in that situation her recommendation is push through don't focus on these different little tangents that you could go off on rabbit trails with and things like that so that i know for me just makes it so much easier you can just take a deep breath and focus on making your food the right way and enjoying it and you know enjoying the benefits instead of overthinking things a little bit too much so then what happens if you do find yourself with some symptoms of histamine reaction so you want to first think about how severe are the reactions is it something that's kind of uncomfortable but you're pretty much okay and it's not like you're miserable and you know can't deal with it if you're pretty much okay it's kind of uncomfortable it's there then dr natasha recommends just pushing through keep doing what you're doing don't change anything if you are miserable you can't cope you can't live your daily life then she recommends taking out fermented foods for a while and taking a probiotic supplement instead a very clean high quality one without fillers and different things like that i will link a couple that i really like down in the description box below and then focusing on meat stock so whether the symptoms are severe or more mild this is going to be advice for everybody this next bit meat stock so meat stock is what seals the gut lining that's what dr natasha says and the histamine intolerance happens when you have leaky gut and so in order to stop the histamine reactions from happening you need to seal that leaky gut so meat stock meat stock meat stock is what you want to focus on and the good news is when you focus on these high recommended amounts of meat stock for a concentrated period of time then you are over it and you don't have to deal with it anymore so usually it takes people about a month 21 to 31 days usually of concentrated focusing on for adults four to six cups of meat stock a day for kids two to three cups and four infants about a cup so you focus on that for 21 days 31 days you should have it resolved take away the fermented foods if you're really uncomfortable do the probiotic supplement instead and then get in that meat stock at that amount for a full 21 to 31 days that in dr natasha's experience and my experience resolves it then at that point if you did need to take out the fermented foods you can start again with slowly starting with those you may have to start off with a really small amount some people have to start with a teaspoon of fermented food some people have to start with a drop for some people it's somewhere in between for some people it's even a drop diluted in a larger amount of soup or something wherever you need to start that's really good it's easy to kind of get discouraged if you have to start with what feels like a smaller amount but it's actually not a reason to get discouraged it's a really good thing it means that you've found strains that your body is weak in and that now you know which ones you need to work up and build up so you just start from whatever amount you need to and slowly gradually increase and it's also important to remember to start with just one fermented food at a time that way you can easily tell what's causing what symptoms and when to slow down or back up or when it's okay to increase another really important thing that i want to talk about is the meat stock that we use for sealing leaky gut and one of the main reasons that we use meat stock on the gaps diet and not bone broth is that meat stock when it's made properly is low in histamine or doesn't have histamines especially if it's freshly made so bone broth is high in histamines and so we want to make sure that we're making meat stock you want to make sure that you have meaty bones so raw cuts of meat with bones in them preferably joints and or connective tissue that will give you that nice gelatinous meat stock that has all those nutrients for sealing leaky gut those cooking times are one and a half to three hours for poultry and then four to six hours for beef lamb game bison pork some people who are really sensitive find that they do better with a certain type of meat than another and that's okay to go with what is working for right now but as healing happens as you're following those really important steps of sealing that leaky gut with meat stock then eventually you'll want to you know as you feel better and the symptoms are resolving you want to widen your variety of the meats that you're using but that's okay to kind of focus on whatever is feeling good and working well for you another thing when it comes to food is that sauerkraut and fermented vegetables like that can have higher or lower amounts of histamines in them and again if your symptoms are mild dr natasha recommends don't overthink this or focus on it a lot and just push through but if you're somebody who was really miserable and had to take out fermented foods and are starting to reintroduce them then it's really helpful to know that fermented vegetables like sauerkraut that have been fermenting for four to six months or longer a year is actually ideal are going to be much lower or not have any histamines in them and that's in contrast to more recently made sauerkraut maybe that's been fermenting on your counter for a few weeks or something that's going to have higher histamine levels so again not something to overthink or worry about a lot especially if you don't see symptoms or even if your symptoms are mild and you're okay you notice them they're there they're kind of uncomfortable but you're pretty much okay she recommends push through keep doing what you're doing follow the protocol and i always like to really recommend highly highly recommend that everybody has a copy of preferably both dr natasha's books the blue one and the yellow one but you can start with just one i have a video that i'll link down the description box where i compare her two books and talk about which one to start with depending on what you're dealing with but it's really crucial to actually read her books to be doing the gaps diet you really i mean how are you gonna do something if you haven't read the manual right yeah it's super super important they're really written for everybody they're written to be easy to understand she really explains things well i think i really enjoy reading these i think they're a fun read it's just so fascinating you learn so much and it's empowering and encouraging and i always feel just so inspired after i read her books i'll have a link down in the description box where you can grab one or both of her books as well if you're interested alright i hope that that answered a lot of questions for you and i hope that you found it helpful if you have further questions feel free to leave me a comment down below if you have longer questions feel free to reach out with a message on instagram or an email i have my contact information down in the description box also check out that description box for links to free ebooks i have a free gaps diet getting started guide down there i also have links to my other programs i have a 30 day meal plan for the gaps diet i also have a full program where i guide people through the entire gaps diet that can include one-on-one coaching so check out that description box for links to all those things if you did like this video and you found it helpful give it a thumbs up share it with anybody who you think might find it helpful and if you're new to my channel please hit that subscribe button i get out two new videos every week on nourishing recipes and natural living thanks so much for watching see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Bumblebee Apothecary
Views: 24,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M0KYiq5gyHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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