Histamine, Anxiety & Methylation

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hi everybody so let me just get my computer set properly hi everyone so today's topic is about histamine anxiety and methylation and the links between those three things and clinically I find this really important because we can't forget that when someone has anxiety whether it's driven from histamine or life circumstance or blood sugar imbalance or low progesterone it will disturb gut function and what is going to happen is that this will cause a Perpetual issue with histamine anxiety malabsorption of nutrients that you need for methylation and a cycle goes around and around so by the end of this talk I really want to reinforce to you how and let you understand what are the key things we're looking for when trying to establish if anxiety is in fact a histamine driven as I know there are other causes Okay so you know histamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain and why we're not sort of why this is not honed in to us at college is is I just can't understand that I think I think was probably in the textbook we read it okay so as a neurotransmitter in the brain it has some really important roles it is important for controlling the sleep wake cycle so we need to sleep we need to wake up obviously okay it is really important for regulating appetite it helps us control our body temperature and it is important and assists in the release of Serotonin dopamine noradrenaline and adrenaline okay so this is the normal physiology of histamine in the brain and obviously it is important for mood regulation and important for the stress response but with like all things things need to be balanced and when histamine can get too high in the brain it causes problems so the mechanism of how this works is that histamine went too high is going to over stimulate the H1 and H2 receptors in the brain and these receptors work on the release of dopamine and noradrenaline now in extreme cases when this is very high it can cause panic attacks and paranoia and Mania okay manic behavior okay and we are we often we might be seeing this in clinic but more often than not we're going to see a more mild presentation of that which is anxiety and agitation and sleep disturbance okay so one of the key things I'm looking for when it's a histamine driven sleep disturbance amongst also understanding that they've got lots of other histamine symptoms is these people yeah potentially they might not be able to get to sleep but they're often waking during the night feeling tired but wired okay so I'll ask them it's like oh so I said to them so if you wake up during the middle of the night and you tight in your body but God you wish you could just get up and and just get going and do things because you just feel so anxious and wild like if you needed to go to the airport you'd be like right I'm up I'm gonna pack my bags and I'm off okay so at least that can actually give you a task to do to try and deal with all this anxiety okay so tight and wide is a really really big red flag for high histamine in the brain when people are waking during the night so if you've got high dopamine and high noradrenaline in the brain this is stimulating the sympathetic nervous system the fight and flight response and this is going to increase adrenaline from the adrenal glands a normal part of physiology but when it's too high and it's chronic it will cause a chronic release of adrenaline and this will cause heart palpitations high blood pressure feelings of anxiety and irritation and it is going to disturb gut function okay and part of why we're going to have high histamine in the brain in the first place is issues with gut okay so it's a chicken and egg cycle that goes around and around and around okay so histamine can build up in the brain from all the causes of high histamine so having gluten intolerance or simply just eating you know I think especially in Australia people are very reactive to gluten digestive enzyme insufficiency so hydrogenic acid insufficiency what's going to cause that stress being a major cause of that um sibo oxalates mold are going to all increase histamine in the body okay things like uh um helicobacter pylori Crohn's disease Celiac um and also colitis are all able to increase histamine in the gut and this can increase histamine in the brain okay now the other thing that will really increase histamine in the brain is estrogen and that is because the histaminergic neurons um contain estrogen receptors okay and I spoke about this in my Asian histamine live a few weeks ago so God is a man honestly I always sell it to my patients because women always suffer worse with this stuff okay and if your estrogen is too high if you're not detoxifying it properly or even in that perimenopause phase when our estrogen can be three to four times higher than our progesterone than it was when we were younger this increase in estrogen is is stimulating the release of histamine from these histaminergic neurons that in turn will stimulate the h1h2 receptor in the brain and increase the release of dopamine and noradrenaline and then that will increase the sympathetic nervous system response the fight and flight response increase our adrenaline from the adrenal glands so in in women I've just seen this clinically over time well I mean I first started recognizing it when I first started dealing with histamine is that women would feel so much karma when their hormones shifted at ovulation and premenstrually from just getting the histamines down in their gut and their diet they feel calmer they don't feel that agitation they sleep better and being 47 and I don't have big histamine issues but I know that at ovulation mid-cycle if I consume too many high histamine Foods so for me that would look like going out for Japanese and having wine and miso soup and Teriyaki and soy and just wait too much used to mean if I do that at ovulation or premenstrually I will definitely feel I'll wake during the night and have that feeling of tired but wild and I know it's histamine because I'll take talks to prevent and then I'll fall asleep I've tried to take magnesium glycinate and it doesn't work it's it's The Binding of the histamine will work okay so clinically um with women in that perimenopause phase where they've got pre-existing histamine issues or not calming then you can actually calm the nervous system down by reducing histamine so it's a really powerful clinical tool um guys if you have any questions just shoot them through into the comments box um so what else is going to increase histamine in the brain neuroinflammation okay so neurogenic degenerative disease like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's obviously or just brain inflammation okay brain inflammation inflammation from the gut can cause inflammation in the brain um it's chronic stress can cause brain inflammation alcohol unfortunately like this is a big problem because alcohol is going to cause inflammation in the brain it also is histamine like your drinking histamine and it will slow down the detoxification of estrogen so you know this is why so many women can't drink much alcohol during the perimenopause phase like I know I can't I can't only have I could have one wine if I have more than one wine I um I don't sleep properly and I definitely will it will impact my hormones and my mood definitely um so you know main causes of histamine in in the brain Okay so what we need to remember and understand that histamine in the brain needs to be broken down by the histamine in methyl transferase enzyme because the Dow enzyme research suggests it's kind of absent in the central nervous system so it's it's the histamine and methyl transferase enzyme that we need to break down histamine in the brain um Carolyn wants to know can could seat and increase estrogen although it supports um Carolyn no I've never heard of um quesita and increasing estrogen how how would I'm not sure how would that work I've never heard about that um you know clinically quercetin like it's not amazing like it's just not it's I think it can help symptomatically but it it's not um I've never seen it being super powerful for a really it's it's a Band-Aid so you we need to get to the to the issue of why the mast cells are degranulating estrogen um sorry degranulating histamine um sorry my computer just went off okay um so back to methylation okay so methylation is what breaks down histamine the central nervous system okay so we need to be producing Sammy to break histamine down the brain okay now the other thing that Sammy does is it breaks down estrogen by the compt enzyme and it also breaks down dopamine adrenaline and noradrenaline also via compt and by the um the pnmt enzyme these are all methyl transferase enzymes and will always need a methyl group or Sammy as the cofactor for that to work and when you have High histamine in the brain for most in the most part unless you have a neurodegenerative disease different it's coming from the gut mostly and it's inflammation the gut is causing malabsorption of the nutrients you need for methylation in particular B12 folate and also protein malabsorption which is your methionine and we can't forget that the matte enzyme that converts methionine into Sammy is very sensitive and highly prone to reducing its function due to inflammation oxidative stress LPS toxins as well okay so we need to think that if your patients are presenting with high histamine gut issues histamine high high estrogen estrogen dominance then why they the reasons why they have that are most likely causing a malabsorption of the nutrients they need for methylation okay now if the homocysteine is low then the homeless you don't we don't we don't have enough homocysteine to be regenerating around to create methane and to create Sammy Okay so thinking oh we think oh we're going to give some same age or just like fix this problem but unfortunately in most instances it doesn't work it can make people worse because we're not actually dealing with the root cause Okay so how this looks like clinically is that when I or how I will sort of assess patients if I think their anxiety is histamine driven is they will often put anxiety on their form so I've already got that in the back of my mind and then when I'm going through their case and asking them about gut issues if they do have the classic signs of high histamine in the gut such as reflux and heartburn or loose stools in particular and if they do have corresponding issues like even slight red skin itchy skin they might say I feel I feel a bit itchy after exercise they might not have full-blown Highs but any sort or I feel very hot after a shower any sort of issues with skin okay and then any other histamine issues where their anxiety is potentially worse after eating different foods if they're female worsted ovulation worse premenstrually if they have that waking tie but wired feeling if they say oh God you know I can't drink alcohol it definitely keeps me awake you obviously question the amount that they're having that some people will even say one one and I'll be awake all night um and then understanding all the causes of high histamine and linking that all together okay because I understand anxiety can be driven very much from blood sugar imbalances I see this in young women all the time you know they're they're not eating enough protein they're stressed at work they're eating on the Run they're not digesting their food properly uh they're not even enough fats they're more on the sort of vegan type diet they've got really really bad blood sugar regulation that is a major cause of anxiety um and they're not eating the nutrients they need to make neurotransmitters their protein amino acids and iron in particular okay so I know that there's other causes but when people are presenting with all of the other systemic histamine issues as well as anxiety Then you definitely need to be considering or really suspecting that it is a problem with histamine causing their anxiety okay so just you know it's the um it's it's the typical fart and flight reaction so I'll often ask patients like like is the histamine do you feel like anxious in your brain or or do you think it's coming from the body and I'll say yes I think I feel like I'm just sitting at work and like my heart starts going fast I feel Restless I feel agitated irritated in in my body and then my brain will start as well so it can often be that feeling agitated and irritated in the body okay um and obviously the other neurological histamine issues you can like really take note of those if they also get headaches and migraines if they also have issues regulating their body temperature if they have tinnitus okay it's a big neurological histamine symptom um and depression you know the thing with histamine obviously when histamine's high it's part of the inflammatory Cascade and inflammation neural inflammation major cause of depression okay so it's just about understanding that yes this patient is a high histamine anxiety case [Music] um okay so what do we do about correcting this okay firstly we need to get the histamine down usually in the body the thing the thing with just trying to get the histamine down in the brain is that it's in most cases guys in most cases it is coming from the body it's coming from estrogen okay most cases I know that there's neurodegenerative diseases and other issues but clinically mostly you'll see that it's coming from the body you've got to stop it getting into the brain from the body okay so we go back to all the reasons why we can have high histamine in the first place gluten intolerance digestive enzyme insufficiency LPS toxins sibo mold oxalates Etc okay and we're working on getting that down at the same time dealing with women's hormones with estrogen clearance and progesterone support can really really help in particular with progesterone you've got to get the nutrients in that they require for progesterone you know so it is zinc B6 iron iodine vitamin D vitamin D is really really important for progesterone so you make sure you get your patience levels up to over a hundred McCain calcium to glucorate to break down I just find it so efficacious for reducing estrogen like it's really really powerful it will really get the estrogen levels down and your progesterone up that should prevent too much estrogen stimulating too much histamine in the brain okay so when we're working on the body and our hormones usually the histamine will come down in the brain and the other thing that we can really really do at the same time is look at supporting the nutrients for methylation okay so B12 seems to be the thing that just is deficient in so many of our patients because of stress and hydrochloric acid insufficiency and it's really important to get the B12 levels in okay so I usually use like a sublingual or liposomal form of hydroxyclobalamin just to get their levels up first Ohana's got a question um do you see a lot of joint pain in your patients with histamine issues uh yes in particular with oxalates Ohana so um oxalates will definitely cause a lot of joint pain I mean people with sibo get a lot of joint pain and pain you you know the thing with that fibromyalgia diagnosis is but so often it is coming from sibo oxalates and mold causing widespread body pain including joint pain so I wanted the quest if someone's getting joint pain I always ask that the questions I ask for oxalates in particular will be joint pain and then it will be uh gut pain sharp pain and then the bladder issues urinary frequency bladder pain have they had chronic cystitis interstitial cystitis are they getting vaginal thrush Etc that are the Red Flags oxalates oxalates have there's every every symptom oxides cause every symptom um and they can be really tricky to pick up when people don't have the classic bladder issues and pain issues but if they've got histamine issues you you need to um and you're not convinced it's just sibo or gluten or something then you need to look down that Ox you need to really think about oxides um okay so going back to treatment we definitely need to definitely need to be getting the um the hydrochloric acid so the um the B12 in and then guys it's just hydrochloric acid this is the thing when these people have anxiety it disrupts gut function it disrupts the um the production of hydrochloric acid okay so as make I make sure that I get the histamines down so that's not creating hydrochloric acid because when you give a hydroclactor acid to someone when it's too high from histamine it can cause burning so once I know that's down definitely go in with hydrochloric acid I usually use um either the hydrazine from orthoplex or I'll use pure encapsulations digestive enzymes Ultra with hydrochloric acid because it's got brush water enzymes and pancreatic enzymes for sibo okay indefinitely you get the hydrochloric acid up it will start breaking down the food properly if it doesn't it just sits rots and ferments and I talk about a patient who's got this issue in a minute six rots and ferments in the gut okay that's going to increase your histamine okay it's going to keep sibo there or create sibo if it's not even there and it will start breaking down the food you need the B12 and the methionine to support methylation okay now if you're interested in meth in MTHFR and and you want to understand the methyl folate status of your patient you need to do a methylation profile which will test for tetrahydrofolate which is like the precursor folate to folenic acid in methylfolate and then you can actually see in real time what is going on with your patient's methylpholic status not just relying on an mthfire gene mutation okay so you start working on all the causes of high histamine get the digestive enzymes up detoxify um estrogen increase progesterone and then in most instances that person's neurological histamines and their anxiety have calmed down significantly okay and clinically it's essential that we do that because if you're not coming down the nervous system you cannot fix the gut okay which is you know a big part of why people have high histamine in the first place also you can't you know there's a massive interplay between anxiety and an issue with hormone imbalance you know if we're anxious we're not making adequate amounts of progesterone or in in severe cases the anxiety is going to stop the menstrual cycle altogether cause an ovulatory Cycles okay and then or long cycles and short cycles and this can cause massive issues with hormone imbalance in women and a massive increase in their histamine and this is for women that might not have any pre-existing histamine issues before but when their hormones go out of whack they can surely start getting massive issues with histamine um all right guys so I hope that was helpful I will um make sure I post this so that you can all listen to it again thanks guys
Channel: Joanne Kennedy - Naturopath
Views: 9,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Histamine, Anxiety, Methylation, Histamine and anxiety, Methylation and mental health, Histamine intolerance, Anxiety management, Methylation process, Histamine levels, Anxiety symptoms, Methylation and neurotransmitters, Histamine function, Anxiety disorders, Methylation pathway, Histamine and immune response, Anxiety treatment, Methylation and DNA regulation, Histamine and allergies, Anxiety relief, Methylation and health, histamine, methylation, histamine intolerance
Id: eeDE3DgeOCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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