Resin - ALCOHOL INKS + SINKERS. My TIPS and TRICKS. A Video by Daniel Cooper

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so in today's video we're going to be talking about different alcohol inks and different sinkers and basically some tips and tricks onto how to use them in resin let's go right we are back um we're gonna do an informative video today based upon alcohol inks in general in your resin so I'm going to run through safe colors uh risky colors to use I'm gonna run through the Sinker whites and what they do different brands different depths but we're going to start off with alcohol inks in general what are alcohol inks they are made of it really is that simple a Dye mixed with an alcohol solution they're not pigment based it is just a colored dye so there's no heavy pigments that are are going to sink in your work so the primary colors as we all know are red blue and yellow so these make up all of the secondary colors that we've got in our sets these colors can be used together they're really safe obviously if you mix those together you get a green mix those you get an orange mix those you get a purple and you can kind of mix them around but the tricky thing in resin is that when you mix two colors together and then introduce another color those two colors that you've introduced could merge and create a color which is going to clash with another color so we kind of have to keep our work separated unless you know that the colors that you're putting into one cavity and a mold for instance aren't going to clash now I did so I it's been a long time coming uh I did some research trying to find the best kind of way to show you how to mix colors without kind of wasting your inks and this may help some people it may not but the app that I've found this is on Android and this is also on the iPhone it's called real color mixer chill out my wallpaper I'm just plugging my membership so this was a recent macro that I took that is available to my members that is on the members only in the community tab so yeah if you haven't signed up for that go and sign up the link is in the description anyway I did my plug uh real color mixer if you open that up what you can do it will probably load with a couple of pallets already but we'll just delete them what you can do is Select up here let me get my pen out it would be easier for me because I have my gloves on what you can do is you can click this palette up here and then it will automatically load a black and white into that palette but if you hold your finger down or pen down and just remove those we've got a clear palette to work with so what we can then do is go through all of the colors that are available if you go onto basic it's got the basic colors there so say you want a load a red you click add so that adds it up there you can then add another color so you want to add a yellow add that and what that will do is you can then tap that color and that color and it will show you what it will make so if you're worried about mixing certain colors together you can load this into the app and just play around and kind of see what's going to work and what's not but like I said if you then use a blue which is one of the primary colors and you've merged those two colors and that blue touch is that orange is going to muddy so you do need to be careful about your placement but this app should hopefully help a lot of people I don't know who created the app um I'm not gaining any monetary value from this I just try to find something that you could all use that would work so then we move on to secondary colors and secondary colors can be the difficult ones especially purples greens um and in your sets there's there's lots of different brands you can have different levels of different tones of those colors and these are the kind of where it gets tricky and risky with purples they can be really tricky I mean I'd recommend using purples with Reds and blues not with greens or yellows or pinks pink sometimes for purple can even Clash of pink is one of the really tricky ones I have found in using in resin it really can muddy um so I haven't really found a an exact kind of combo that I can use the peach reading or pink apart from sometimes Blues magentas colors like that so back to purples I find work really well with Blues Reds and colors like magenta yeah like I said you you add a couple of colors they merge in the resin and then you you kind of have to play it as to what color you're going to add in alongside that but we're going to do a couple of a few safe color choices in this video today so moving on we're going to talk about our singers what are Sinker alcohol inks so these are pigmented based you can see the pigments are stuck on the side of the bottle so a lot of sets now come with a sinker wire this brand here is decorum I haven't yet used these apart from the Black this one comes with a similar array of colors as the luxurizing ones do but it comes with two different Sinker Watts I haven't tried these this one is a deeper wire and again you can see that pigment stuck to the side of the bottle and it also comes with a sink in white so these will also depend on your resin viscosity so resin viscosity is the thickness of your resin so all I would suggest is testing each sinker and just seeing how it reacts with the viscosity of the resin so with a lower viscosity resin which means the the resin is runnier once it's mixed the pigments are going to sink through a lot easier than what they would a higher or a medium viscosity causing this blobbing so if you get results like this it can be rectified Don't Panic you want to check out my video hashtag 22. if you if you're struggling with this blobbing regardless of which resin you're using or the sinker if you're getting this blob in hashtag 22 will help so then we move on to really heavy sinkers pinata is a very heavy Sinker it's very well known to cause blobs in resin but it also creates some crazy effects like this so this was using pinata in a deeper mold and you can just see those spores it really does create an amazing effect so I tend to use my pinata in deeper molds so I know it's not gonna It's Not Really Gonna blob apart from one or two areas but we can control that by reducing the amount of drops of the white Sinker that we use so what what I tend to get with mine is this effect which is more controlled you can see the texture that the Sinker white has given the alcohol inks it's not too deep it's not too heavy and it's a really nice subtle Sinker effect so you can adjust your sink away it's depending on your viscosity to this level I have done it in hashtag 22. and now we move on to the big question that everybody's asking and I don't think it's ever going to end is our alcohol inks like fast so I've done a lot of testing with alcohol inks especially the Lex resin brand and these are far more Superior than any other brand that I have tested Steve McDonald also did a recent video and go and check it out um the title of the video is Will these fade I think it's video five or six in his recent list so alcohol inks do fade in the Sun but not as quick as some people may think and again it will depend on the resin so with my testing I've used the collaboration resin which used to be the normal lecturers in but they changed the viscosity but agreed to keep this for us Petri artists this formula so this has three times UV protection so that really does make a big difference especially if you're using these alcohol inks in resin so they will slow down the fading and mine and Steve's testing we we found little to no fade in over a long period of time so don't be panicked if you read comments you know some Brands will fade a lot quicker Steve did a video quite some time ago and I was shocked even to watch that video to see how that brand of inks faded so so quickly but I will not stress these hold up really well and again with any resin art it doesn't matter what you're putting in the recommendations and the Aftercare advice is do not expose your resin to sunlight because resin over time will break down and turn yellow anyway regardless of what you're putting in so you want to prolong the life of resin as much as possible and that really strong Aftercare advice is keep out of direct sunlight another tip going back to single wax especially these ones that you get in the lecturers in box set you get two of these inside the 26 ink alcohol ink set you want to pop a ball bearing inside so you can carefully take off this nib section just make sure it's upright and just do it slowly so it doesn't spill or make a mess and you want to pop a small ball bearing inside now these are also available in a twin bottle set which I highly recommend because they do last a very long time and the good thing about this is you do get some funnels and I'm pretty sure you do get some needle tip bottles I think I've just taken mine out but just remember always with any Sinker white you want to shake for a good few minutes because you can see this is a brand new unopened set you can see all of that pigment stuck to the inside you can put ball bearings inside these larger ones as well but really make sure that you mix these up because even with a good Sinker alcohol ink you can still without mixing properly get results like this because the pigments are going to tip out of the bottle randomly in clumps and it's just going to cause absolute Havoc with your art as you can see this needle tip bottle I have been using for a good year or so it has a nice collection of wet dried alcohol ink around the top it's got a ball bearing inside that is stuck at the moment there it goes so this is just this but from the Twin Set you can use this it works absolutely fine but you really do need to mix it up so that aside let's get mixing our resin and let's have a little play around okay my resin is mixed I'm just letting that stand for a couple of minutes because I forgot a couple of things so you can also get opaque alcohol inks the difference with these compared to regular alcoholics is that they already contain the sink are wet and I'll show you this one as an example you can see the white pigment stuck at the bottom and this is the light pink these are a bit more pastel in color and again these really do need to shake up I would recommend again taking these nibs off and popping a ball bearing inside these I really wish they would Supply them with the bearings inside because they do need a good Shake one of my viewers did recommend shaking the whole box at the same time you could try that but as you can see mine have been sitting here for quite some time so they really do need a shake up but we're probably going to give these a little try as well just to see so you don't need a sink of white for those I don't need to use those it it already contains it so that will give you a similar effect to this just a bit more pasteling color the other thing I wanted to update you on as we were talking about Sun fade test so this piece has been in my garden all throughout the summer over six months possibly coming up to seven months and in this bag here I've kept the other ones and it's sealed envelope and my colors did merge and create a green so ignore that it's not quite the blue that you're seeing in the left one but you can see little to no fading at all really so yeah and that is as I say coming up to seven months now outside and as always silicon release spray for your mulch I keep forgetting mine this will just prolong the life and shine of your mold as always all the links to everything I'm using in the video are in the description box below if you just look under the the window for the video it will show a description and there'll be the word more just click on there everything is in there all my links right let's get pouring okay let's start with our opaques I might only do one and these will spread differently and they'll they will also react differently compared to regular alcohol inks they don't tend to muddy as much because they contain that white alcohol ink already but we're just going to go with a purple a light purple and then a light pink and that's all we need to do that's it as simple as just dropping the colors into the resin and then waiting so we're moving on to our regular alcoholics now and I'm gonna try and bring back a favorite one of my first ever videos on YouTube was the flame effect lots of people have done it now and shared the work their work and it really is a stunning easy combination of colors so all we need is a yellow an orange and a red it really doesn't matter if they touch because these are safe to use together and then I'm going in with a red at the top let's try and feel that negative space you can see something floating in my resin I think what happened is I left some black on the outside of my mold all we then do is take our white Sinker again this is the sea deeper from let's resin and then we just drop that over our colors that we've already put in I'm going to go two over the top kind of if we got negative Windows where there's no ink you can just move that around if you wish so that is ready for our detail work and another really safe combo let's do it in this one here and it gives a very earthy color is yellow blue and green doesn't matter if any of them touch each other they will work alongside each other as always massive shout out to my channel members thank you very much and to anyone who's bought me a coffee or a super thanks that list has now been updated on my community tab thank you very much for the support coming up to two years now on YouTube coming up to 100 videos as well so a couple of Milestones there thanking everyone for their support over the two years and again with any negative space you can if you wish just move them together like so the reason why I'm making sure I have no negative spaces most of my viewers know that I do like a black background and I haven't got any black lifts so I don't want negative space in these now yellow is a really really good color to bridge other colors together now let me put that into a piece so say I want a red and say I want a green but if I place that green next to that red it's going to go Brown it's going to go horrible so what we can do is Bridge the colors and what I mean by doing that is adding the yellow so the yellow will create an orange with the red but now I can put the Green in next to the yellow again green is a tricky color so I could either go yellow again but a blue will work next to a green so we can go in with a blue it's kind of working out there are color wheels as well it's Google color wheels and you'll kind of see where you can go so if I want to add an orange I can't do that next to the blue so again with a bridging color like a yellow I can just introduce a barrier which is going to be safe for me to then add my orange next to that yellow I hope this is all making sense and I hope this does help a lot of people so there's not really any safe colors that I can go in between that red and orange so again that the handy yellow really does help bridge that and then we're left with this space in the center again you can just add yellow because it's not going to cause an issue so let's do that again any small gaps that you've got around the outside you can just Bridge those as well and then again with our White that go around the outside first and then go in the center just like that and then again with my stick does anyone know the name of this tool I'm not sure if it's a d weeding it's got rounded ends so that it doesn't scratch my mold but Mrs Cooper gave it to me from one of our craft boxes and I don't know what it's actually called I'd like to put it in the description in the links because a lot of people have asked me and I've had to be honest and say I don't know what it's called I need to be careful here because I don't want these colors here to muddy now live kind of mixed a bit so we might have a little bit of negative space in there but we can tackle that with the stirrer as well not to panic let's go on to some darker colors let's try a purple so purples tend to work better with Blues oh Reds so this is just a normal purple and we're going to go with I think a blue and I might add a different tone of blue to this as well but again you can use this to kind of form a barrier to then introduce a riskier color but it really does take a little bit of getting used to so let's go with a sapphire blue if it wants to come out I have a terrible habit of Dipping my nibs into my resin and then it seals shut let's try that now that's better and always use the pins to pierce these nibs don't snip them off if you snip them off it's it's going to go everywhere now I want to try the pinata sink away just so you can kind of see most of you know but just so you can see the difference some of the blobbing turns out okay so we're going to go with the pinata in this round one here so we go with a green and look over the yellow again if you if you kind of in a rush stick the video in two times just click that Cog up in the top right corner and change the play speed to to three times you know two times because most of you have probably already seen me do this before as you can see different colors spread differently as well so that was just the red so pinata again this really does need a shake up and then we don't want to go too crazy with this because it is heavy so you can already see it as a big difference it's because it's very heavily pigmented now another thing is my resin is a medium viscosity and I have also shown this in another video and that was video 25. where it was at the time where Lex resin changed their viscosity of their resin and what I found was using their sea deeper in the new formula created more spores and blobbing so what you can do if if you instead of following video 22 where you can blend down your sink away you can also wait for your resin to thicken a little bit more to say it will depend on the temperature of where you are really in the world but you could you could do you know a test time test like 20 minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes and just compare the differences when you do mold the pieces so let's try out our Peach red which again I've said is a really pink is a really risky color because it does contain a small amount of yellow it can be a tricky color to work with so I'm gonna go with a magenta because it's it's close the gentle is just a little bit darker but it shouldn't muddy he says and he hopes but you can already see if you look the pink has a very light surrounding to it which also it almost looks like it's a muddy color up by itself and that is that is caused by the yellow that is in the ink so hopefully these colors will work together quite nicely so now we're going to go there with a combo that can never ever fail and that is white with another color so any color you want you can just drop your color and then just use a white just on its own you really cannot go wrong with this because there is nothing to muddy so I think that the video would only be fair if I actually show you some muddy pieces so I'm going to use a purple and a yellow and it really does create a horrible mess but some people do like brown but it it it's it's an acquired taste I think that you'll see at the end just how much Havoc it can cause when you introduce two colors which really don't like each other so this one we're going back in with a magenta and this time we're going to use a red should work I'm not sure if the magenta will clash with the red I don't think it will again a lot of this you're just gonna learn as you're using your alcohol inks okay that is all of the pieces done I have a bit of negative space in this opaque piece which I want to get rid of so I'm just going to introduce a bit more of the light pink and I can go in any of the gaps with that because they will be fine all right so now we wait for the resin to thicken to then come in and draw in our details so we'll be back in around about one hour okay so it's been just coming up to one hour let's do our dip test to see if the resin is ready you can see that strand so that is good to go you can always stir these in different ways but I'm just going to stick to the the normal way that I swell and just let that resin fall off let's start at the top and work our way down this was the yucky one let's move over to there a cakes um let's just go the normal way so there's a bit of a skin on this but it's not too much which feels a lot thicker and I have my heat mat underneath I haven't turned it on in case you're wondering but I am going to turn it on maybe in about another half an hour because the heat mat as I've mentioned in previous videos will lower the viscosity of the resin making that white a lot easier [Laughter] to sink through the resin I don't know why I did that really loving the colors in this we've got some windows I can see some blobs why have I got blobs oh yes this was the pinata one that's why I panicked for a moment I'd forgotten that I'd use the pinata I could see for the little Windows as I was staring the blogs are gonna be on the face of the pendants well that pendant anyway so the key to this effect is the sinker it's finding that balance between your viscosity of the resin and the heaviness of your white sinker and it's not a standard white alcohol ink don't get confused between the two lots of people have just added a white alcohol ink to their inks thinking it would give the effect but it won't it has to contain those pigments it has to be a sinker now for the flames I haven't tried this in a while but it really is a super easy visually stunning effect it wouldn't work with the pinata because the blobs will take away the detail I think I'll stick at that I don't want to draw in anymore this one very earthy colors okay I will see you all for the day mode right we are good to go let's see what we've got to see I might have to adjust my light that's better so you can see that detailing really nicely right let's go down here I accidentally I was working on another mold and I caught the blue sometimes accidents turn out okay and there we go really nice effect again quite Earthly colors with the green and the blue with the yellow it's good let's go with the flames did we get it again it's been a while as always give the video a thumbs up drop me a comment and if you haven't subject that button for me yeah we got it I love these molds kind of gives it a border just the way that it reflects moves the colors and there you go let's go with the Blobby pinata there you go that's your typical Petri so you've got some really deep spores it has blocked but still I don't hate them just not what I normally make but it really is still super cool let's go with just the I can't remember what color it was now oh I went a bit heavy with the white so it has gone down quite far never mind still a little bit soft you can always top these up as well very very bright I think this was the picture of the magenta I can't remember but they didn't Clash they worked quite nicely right the muddy one purple and yellow very transparent I'll be lucky if there's any effect in this at all there's not which is strange did I put a white on the back of this guys I don't think I did there's no way I could have done that but actually without the wire almost has an Amber look to it but you can see the yellow has kind of taken over there isn't really any purple which is odd I don't think I I must have missed the wire you probably screamed at the screen [Laughter] I didn't hear you right you can always top these up as well really nice colors in that one let's go with the opaques there you go no sink needed it's really still up this area not much detail are these opaques aren't as light fast as the regular alcohol inks through my testing anyway but this may be an easier option than to play around with your Sinker wax last one again it's quite transparent what's on the other side I've made very similar ones to this before really nice colors see how that yellow just breaks up the piece as well anyway hope the video has helped and I will see you for the next one bye for now
Channel: Daniel Cooper
Views: 66,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel cooper, resin, alcohol inks, petri, petri effect, resin artist, resin art, let's resin, epoxy, 1:1 resin, tutorial, alcohol ink tutorial, resin jewelry, hobby, art, epoxy resin, moulds, YouTube tutorial, vibrant, technique, jewelry, pendants, pouring, fun, resin pendant, feathering effect, resin feathering, petri dish, resin petri, resin art for beginners, diy crafts, diy jewelry, resin ideas, resin heat mat, pinata, blanco blanco, sinker white, resin sinker, sinker ink
Id: cq-l-0L5rrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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