Resin “Experts” Test Viral Resin Hacks #2

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Life hacks. Whether you love them, or you hate them, They're certainly fun to judge. And that's what we're gonna do today. As resin experts, we thought it'd be fun to check out some resin life hacks, and then test to see if they actually work. This video is brought to you by Squarespace. The all in one platform for all your website needs. (screen whooshing) (screen whooshing) Okay. So we have some wire. We, is she gonna make a fff- a flower? Is it a spoon? Oh God, no! Resin's not food safe! Wait. It's not a spoon. Oh, It's a leaf! (laughing) (crosstalk) They make a lot of spoons. (both talking) You never know what they're gonna try to pass off as a spoon. (laughing) Okay, it's a leaf. I feel better. Okay, wrapping it around a comb. Oh wow, this is, that's kind of elaborate. It looks kind of cool. Actually. I know, right. Also, the technique of using, like creating a bubble out of UV resin. I wonder if that will work. Will it work? I have doubts. Got all the supplies. (clapping) Yeah, but I do. I do enjoy this. Cool. I think the hardest part of this whole craft is gonna be bending the leaf. Yeah. I'm trying to understand exactly what's going on here. I have to admit, I tried when I was prepping it, I made some and they're.. Those are so sad. They're so bad. They're so bad. That's my best one. Why do you do them so tiny? I don't know. Okay. Well I'm gonna try doing a little bit bigger. Yeah. Hopefully you can do a little bit better than I did cause I wasn't doing well. Yeah. And I'm gonna make it more like a small spoon. You like your flowers to be massive and... It's not massive. It's just bigger than this. Okay. No, it'll work. It'll work. All right. Look at that. Beautiful. She definitely had thinner wire. Oh no, no, no. Why are you saying, Oh no? I feel like it's going okay. And then you're saying, oh no. Oh, I just feel bad that I got the wrong wire. Oh. I was in charge of preparing for today's video. You know, you did the best you could with the visuals at hand (groans) Oh, sorry. I think yours is very artistic. Thank you. Okay. It's beautiful. It looks like a light bulb. It's like light bulb filament. The curly Q's? (laughs) (static sound) (audio) Resin time. Resin time. Do, do, do, do, do. Resin time. (music) Don't wanna spatter that. That's the magic stuff. Ah, (both) Ooh, Yay.. MALE: That is fun. This is gonna be a very thin amount of resin. You know? We need it heavily pigmented. Yeah. That's the pearliness we want. Okay. This is gonna be a delicate operation cuz we need to cure this without curing the whole pot there. Yeah. All right. Ready? Moment of truth. Fully in there. Fully. Okay. Go. Oh. Oh, it popped. It popped. Okay. Well I'll keep. Get, get what you can get. I it's too bad. I can't do this any other way. Two. Two of 'em. Two of 'em are partially there. Oh man. Look, do you see that bubble pop open? Oh my gosh! As it cured. That didn't work as advertised. Not at all. We'll try again. We might have a better chance. I feel like they were using bubble material. Bubble material. What do you call it? Soap? (scream) Oh you see a pop! It popped again. It literally pops. Is it maybe because like, it's too big? Would my small ones be super good? I could try one of your small ones. Yeah. And there I was making fun of your tiny leaves. Do one. (screams) It's holding. It's holding. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah It's way better though. We might be able to get this in two dips. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. There's a lot of progress on that one. So, tiny leaves. I'm sorry. You made fun of my tiny leaves. You know, I wasn't making fun of them because they were tiny, I was making fun of them because they looked bad. Fair. Fair. Okay. Let's do one more dip. Let's see if we can complete it. Okay. Ready? Yeah. I got a lot on that one. Yeah, I used it like a spoon. Wow. This might be a successful leaf right here. It looks not as pretty as the. (laughs) Yeah. Although, having a bit of a hard time curing it all. You know, we have one. Wow. Looks veiny. It does kinda look like veins in there. Kinda fleshy. The great thing about life hacks is they're supposed to be nice, quick, and easy. That took 10 minutes. Yeah. How many of these do we need to make? 13! Let's do the quick hand wave that they do. (magic chimes) And then they'll be ready? Yeah. Why isn't it working? Why isn't it working? Wait, wait wait. You gotta go like this. Oh. (magic chimes) Wow!. It's almost like it didn't take two hours. (laughing) Well, look at these. I mean you can tell, as we kept on making them, we got a lot better. I mean, going from this to that. Well, Hey, this was following their design. With these, We just did a central vein in the leaf because that's how leaves look. That's how Leafs work!. Hopefully it should be pretty easy to add these in and hopefully we made enough. You just gotta go. Whoop. And kind of layer 'em. We did some different lengths of stems. There you go. And do the next, the other transition. Oh, we're gonna do another one. Okay. Okay. Gimme one second. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh, wait. I wanna be extra. Let's just do. Let's just. No. (magic chimes) Wow. Wow. I mean, honestly though. Wow? I know, like, Are you impressed? I am. I also, I'm like questioning everything I thought I knew about life hack videos? (laughs) Cause this actually like, this looks legit. It looks legit. This is why I chose this one in particular. Like if it worked, it said it'd be really cool. And it looks really cool! I'm so surprised. There you go. Let me, lemme do a little. That actually looks. Does it look cool? That looks cool. It's honestly like, it looks like something you would buy. Yeah. You can customize it with any color that you want. It takes a while. Y'all. It does. Yeah. It just was several hours. But it's a cool thing Yeah. (bell chime) (music) (swishing between images) So you know how you were disappointed that a spoon wasn't involved in the last craft. Oh, (laughs) okay. We have a spoon. What do you think it's gonna be used for? Not as a spoon. (laughs) Okay. She's bending the spoon. Pouring resin in the spoon. Why would you use the spoon to mix it? Why don't just use cups. So you're making art in the- spoon art? Spoon galaxy. I still don't understand why it's in a spoon. Why not just use like a resin mold? I mean the gold and the glitter. It's pretty. One thing that I had to point out, look at the gold between the cut. The gold flake gets like a big gold flake right in the center. Yeah. Right? Hello! Was that like the most macro lens ever used on that? Why is the gold so tiny now? I don't know. Okay, now what do you guess this is used for? It's gonna be a necklace. What? (laughs) It's a bookmark. That's a stupid bookmark. How heavy is it gonna be? It's gonna be so heavy! Are you gonna be able to close the book on it? No! It's gonna leave like a big open chunk. Am I off to bend a spoon? I don't wanna bend one of our nice spoons I went to HEB and I got the cheapest spoon I could find for 50 cents. Oh. Thank you. Okay. I even have books. Yes. Okay. I'm ready to. Be disappointed. Exhibit my strength. All right. You have to bend it pretty close to the head. I've been training for this my entire life. You actually have. Like, you've been training your entire life for everything. Everything you do has led up to any moment that you do. Technically. Yeah. We can say that about all the weird stuff we do on this channel. (laughs) Velvet toilet seat? Training my whole life for this You ready? Yeah. Do it with just your mind. Do it with your hands again. My hands are slightly more effective. (laughs) Okay. And this is the cheapest one I could get. Is this is this hard? Here's. Okay, sir. (laughs) Sorry. I was only using. 10% Of my strength. Ready for some resin. I am. You know, one thing I realized while we were getting this ready, in the video, she's just holding it with her hands. Bare hands, no gloves. Fingers, millimeters away from resin. Is that crazy? So crazy. Like UV resin isn't guaranteed to cure unless you put it in UV. Anyways. Okay. I'm ready. Now, it's a little hard to tell exactly which layers they cure between. Do you think the two blues they mixed together and then cured? Yeah, I think so. That's what I was thinking too. That's a lot. I think it's mostly these, right? Maybe. I don't know. It's not like they, they, they show much. Wow. It is pretty. I mean, that's some pretty resin. Pretty. Push it up to the sides like they do. Oh yeah. That's one thing they do. Oh yeah. That's part of what made me so nervous. Cause her hands are like right under the edge, like this. Maybe they have higher resin handling skills than we do, but I doubt it. Go. (Evan making zoom sounds) Hopefully I'm protecting these. This is getting so hot. Yeah. Cause like when resin cures, it gets hot. UV resin gets really hot. All right. That's probably good enough. Yeah. And then we'll do A little swirl of white in the glitter. And then the gold. Yep. I mean, honestly, it is pretty like I just how pretty it is. Yeah. Because I wanna hate every aspect of it. The prettiness is the only part kind of maybe saving it here. Okay. Gonna get the tiniest pieces of gold. Sorry. This is really quite small. I'm really trying to match their final look here. Maybe they put a massive one on there and then they chop it in place. They grind it. Maybe Let's see if I can break this one up into multiple. Nope. It just got sucked up into my Popsicle stick and we lost one. So basically, what you're saying is you just undid all the work I just did. Wait, that's a large one. Let me try to break that one up. Didn't we just establish. (video game sound) It's subtle. It's too subtle. It's hidden. Where'd it go. But I would just like to remind you, that I would be done now if you hadn't buried all of my gold. I love you, baby. I love you. I also celebrate you in all of your chaos and occasional impatience, which balances out my crippling perfectionism. Should I be worried? This don't no, please. No, This is just it's gonna look more like how it looked when they placed theirs originally. Yeah. Now we'll just cure it and then test it on some books. Again. I'm slightly upset that it looks very pretty. It does look very pretty. But this is supposed to be a bookmark. Yeah. Let's just say I got the page 71, in this fabulous book and I wanna mark my spot. (spoon fell) Well. It's a great a toe smasher. It's like, it's a great toe smasher. Like, like how thick would it need to be? You need to put the whole book in there. I mean, it still sucks. It still sucks. Is it too tight now? Like. You know, the thing is no matter what tightness the fold is, it's not a good bookmark. It's not a good bookmark. I wouldn't recommend it. I'll say this was. (fart sound) Would've been a better necklace. Would've been a better necklace! Honestly, we can just drill a hole, and... It's still a bad necklace. I was making a joke. Okay, so this one is a little bit different. AUDIO: Kate, has all resin treasures and doesn't know what to do with them. (music) (crunch sound) Uh, oh, that was a bad idea. She needs to pay for a dentist trip. What have I done? Maybe she should open an online store using today's sponsor, Squarespace. ANNOUNCER: Squarespace has everything you need to make an online store. She can start by buying her domain on Squarespace. Wow. So easy. You can easily offer on-site pickup, if you have a storefront or sell at craft fairs. Plus you can unlock new revenue streams with member gated content like exclusive newsletters or online courses. Whoa, you can even display finished pieces using their professional portfolio designs. For a free trial. Go to And when you're ready to launch, go to for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. (music) Okay. Paper. Oh no. Parchment paper. They're- no- For silicon? Into parchment paper? No. Wait. Lavender? Wait. They just poured the resin in the parchment of paper. That's worse than just silicone. Oh god. One, how does it seal at the bottom? Two,... It does not! That's way too deep for UV cure. It's way too deep. That would be smoking. I don't think that UV cure can like... Go through parchment paper. Go through parchment paper. No. Oh, this is gonna be a mess. This is gonna be a huge mess And supposedly it looks like it just pops right out. It looks great. Yep. And then you can just put rings. On it. Oh god. Okay. Things didn't even bother to say on the bottom of those look at 'em they're all crackly and crooked. And the top has like bubbles in it and it's.. Like a weapon. It's like, (mumbles) Well look, when they roll up the parchment paper, they don't even like properly seal the bottom. There's a giant hole. (crosstalk) There's a giant hole at the bottom. We'll give it a shot. But at this point... Let's just prepare for a mess. I'm very doubtful. I just take it. I roll it like this. This doesn't compute. This doesn't make sense. Oh geez. This is a horrible mold. This also I fear, is not gonna be a glossy finish, like they show. I feel like it's gonna be matte cuz resin picks up the texture of whatever mold it's in. All right. So the store was out a real lavender, so I just got some fake stuff. Honestly, this will probably be better. That looks, that looks perfect. Yeah. They also aren't holding it at all. All right. Do we wanna hold it? No. I'm just gonna do what they do. Okay. Oh my gosh. This is gonna be so disastrous. Pour a whole bunch of resin in here. Are you curing it a little bit in there? Yeah. Let's turn on this one too. Just in case. I have no idea how long this might take. (music) Okay. That's enough for that first layer. Let's finish it up. Oh my god! What a waste of resin. I know, it like it kind of pains me. These dumb crafts. (laughs) I know That's enough. Yeah. We'll cut off the bottom of the frond. Let's at least give it the recommended time, based on the bottle. It says cure time, two to 10 minutes? Let's give it five. Oh, should we give it 10? Let's give it 10. Okay. We'll give it 10. It's been like 20 minutes. And this is still so extremely hot. It's 154 Fahrenheit. Is it curing? I don't know if it's this hot, is it still curing? Should we poke it? I'm gonna poke it. Okay. Let's just see if this is squishy. Okay. Maybe, the thermal runaway helped it cure faster. Yeah, but that's not how UV resin cures, does it? I don't know. I don't know. Well, why don't you just turn it upside down and see if it just pops out ,just like theirs. Okay. One second It's... (laughs) Okay, obviously it's not coming out When they like, (gasps) What's that? I think it seeped between layers. I think the parchment paper's part of the resin now Oh no. I'm gonna try to untape it. Because they just like slide it right out. Like it's nothing. Well, it's cause they had already demolded it. Then they stuck it back in and they pulled it out. That's what I think so too. Yeah. I think so too. Do you need a knife? Not yet. Oh, oh, oh huh. It's unwrapping like a Shawarma. Okay. It's only, only the edge. Okay. Okay. Only the edge is embedded in there. Wow. One, it's not at all clear like theirs. No. Cuz like we said, it takes on the surface of whatever the mold is made of and parchment paper is matte. So... Yeah. So you got this. I'll say this, one thing I am surprised on, is like, you know what, it cured better than I thought. It cured better than I thought. I thought it was gonna be a big mess. Okay. Wow. Wow. We didn't hold it up straight. Wow. It's a statement piece, Katelyn. Okay. I mean it technically works. You know, I'll say this, it worked better than I thought, like it went.. Yeah. It kind of did work. I'm being salty but... It went to a really nice point. Ours, actually looks better than theirs if it wasn't for the frostiness. I don't even really mind the frostiness. Honestly, if we cleaned it up a little bit and we had poured it straight, it would be kind of cool. Gosh, darn it. I know. I wanna be saltier. Okay. Like, if that was level, man. Okay. I give it a Okay. It's okay. (curious music) Do you know how we made a case for my phone? Is it real beans. That is so wrong. Yeah. And then I made another case cuz it was fun. Yeah. I think it was about time, we make a high quality case custom made just for you. So first, you start with a case. Whoa. Thanks. Cut it. Cut it? I don't understand what they cut. They like, cut out the plastic part and then they put packing tape. Oh. On. Now, they're filling with resin instead. I don't really know why they can't just pour resin on top, I guess. Okay. Mix. Of course the gold leaf to make it fancy. (laughs) There you go It looks so bad! It looks so bad. You don't like the portable gold flakes? Or the clearly packing tape texture? Like, I think the packing tape still on there. That's how bad it looks. This is the best they could do with all the cooking show magic they do? I'm scared. I have better tape. This is a polypropylene stucco tape. Smooth surface. It removes not stickily, so this is a better tape. Do you have more than one of these cases? Yes, I do. Okay good. I have one more. Okay. Just in case, you know? Okay. Just in case because the case, it's not really that clever. (clapping) Thank you. Thank you. (cheering) Okay. I'll try to mimic their design. Yeah. It's gonna be beautiful, baby. You want scissors? I mean, it's cutting, but there's so much flex, I don't want it to slip. Yeah. That's why I think it'd be better upside down. Yeah. That way, you know? Yeah. Ooh. I'll trace one of these lines. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! You're so smart. Thank you. All they had to do was push it down on the table and it just pop was done. Yeah. It's like, you know how these mats are designed to absorb cuts and then reseal? Yeah This is doing that. This material. Like feel it, feel it. Well, you can feel the ridge, but.. Can I see? It's funny, the third try. Well, your cuts aren't on my line at all. Your cuts are not on my line. At all. (laughs) I was waiting for you to notice. I'm sorry. (laughs) So much for my very careful straight line! (laughing) You doing it. Am I doing it? No, not at all. The only part that's cut, is the part you just like stabbed through. I guess I could try your method and be more careful. Slow and steady. Slow and steady. Following the line. Yes. Yes. Oh no. I literally had a straight line until it.. Oh no I didn't. (laughing) I just have tinier waves. Look, look, No, maybe It's just getting worse. It's just like chewing it. (chewing sounds) Are you okay? Oh, I tried to laugh and pretend to eat at the same time. Oh my god. I thought you choked. This is probably gonna take like 20 minutes. All right. Have fun. I had a good nap. That looks. It's done question mark? It's honestly, it's as good as it's gonna get. Once, it's filled with resin, it's gonna be an amazing case. Yeah. (music) You know, unlike the spoon, the color choices on this one were not the prettiest. It's not my first choice. Yeah. It's need to be thicker than that, right? I would like to do more teal than gold. I just don't wanna overwhelm it with gold and then not be able to have as much teal as I want. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There'll be some hints of gold in there. I just wanna make sure that I could use all the teal. Yeah. Okay. Then, you know what's hilarious? What? You are kind of designing it for this side, but guess what color you put down first? Oh no. It's gonna be the yellow on the other side. How much money in gold are we wasting on this? Less than a dollar. We wasted less than a dollar on gold and all we got was this mediocre looking phone case That might be generous. It might be a bad looking phone case. I'm trying to be neutral. All right. Okay. Ready to fire the laser? Fire the laser! (explosion) So you know, how this red tape, is good for resin? Yeah. That info is about normal resin. One thing I didn't think about is how hot this UV resin can get. Look at how bent it is. I did notice it as bent. Yes. And look at half the, Geez. Look, look. I'm sorry. Yeah, it doesn't look great. All right. All right. All right. It is detaching. It's just textured. It's just textured. Just like the crap we were giving them for their texture. No, it feels, feels cured. Feels good. Hey, well you know, it's a case. Well, I gotta put it on. Yeah. How long has your phone been in that case. Enough for it to be destroyed? It's about time. You've got an upgrade. Wow. Look at that beautiful design. Look at that beautiful texture. Custom textured. Wow. Wow. Lets hope it actually fits, despite the warping. It fits (laughs) How's the aesthetic. You know, compared to my old, it's kind of an upgrade, actually. (laughter) But would I choose it? No, no, I would not. Is it worth the effort? Also, no. It would've just looked better as a clear case. Thank you. Wow. Let's review all of our crafts and see how they all come together. You know, both times we've done resin life hacks, I have actually found that it's pushed our knowledge of resin, further. Wow. I don't think that I would've guessed that this would've worked or this would've worked, but these, are dumb. (laughter) But you know what's not dumb? Supporting us on Patreon or as a YouTube member, because we have things like, Aftershows, Aftershows, Aftershows, where we talk about behind the scenes stuff and mini vlogs and behind the scenes post and a private discord that only you guys can join. Yeah. And there's a great group of people and maybe we'll see you there. And bye. (laughter) I just go with that. You know, it is an ending. It is an ending. Isn't that fun? That's great. These videos are so fun. They're like some of the most fun. (beep) This could be a while. I feel like there should be better design. Why not just like a sharp razor blade of them. I think that'd be a lot better. That'd be dangerous. Now from your favorite creators, Evan and Katelyn, comes, The Danger Blade, The Danger Tape Dispenser! (screams)
Channel: Evan and Katelyn
Views: 386,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, life hack, tiktok life hacks, testing life hacks, DIY hacks, testing 5 minute crafts, testing 5-minute crafts, DIY life hacks, viral life hacks, testing DIY hacks, testing resin hacks, testing viral resin hacks, testing viral hacks, 5 minute crafts, 5-minute crafts, viral hacks, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, E&K, evan katelyn, resin art, DIY resin, resin, epoxy, epoxy resin, uv resin, resin hacks, resin hack, 5 minute crafts resin
Id: -Qih2Y4d_zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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