Yell-Controlled Motivational Poster

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Thanks for giving my wife an item to add to my pandemic honey-do list...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/piquitoqueso 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

"You are a chaotic flower!"

Me and my ADHD brain have never felt more understood. ♥

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KhaLausi 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

Do they ever release their CNC files, so we can recreate their projects?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/stitter 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hey, Katelyn. Hey, Evan. Are you tired of buying a poster and it just sitting there, static, displaying the same message day after day? You mean like posters do? Wouldn't you want a poster with 64 randomized motivational sayings to inspire you to have a wonderful day? I would like that. Hi guys, we're Evan and Katelyn, and today we're making a wholesome, randomized motivational pors-- (laughing) Poster! which should look something like this. (sparkling noise) And it should work kind of like this. (clapping) (clapping) I wanna do it again. (laughing) KATELYN: This video is brought to you by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform for all your website needs. Okay, but how exactly are we going to create this magical piece of technology? Well, we're still trying to figure that out, too. Yeah, it's been three days of brainstorming. Ordering various supplies. Messing with electronics. So, in order to make this work, we need some words to be always on, some words to show up when we clap, and the rest of the words to be hidden, so we're making this with a series of layers. At the back are gonna be LEDs. Strips of LEDs going back and forth and those are gonna shine through-- Layer two, which is gonna have all of our words. At the top, it will say, "You are a", then it'll be a series of eight positive, wholesome adjectives, eight positive, wholesome nouns. Some of them we came up with, some of them our patrons came up with. One of the nouns is potato, so. That one's not really, like, a compliment, but we thought it was funny. It's funny. And then at the very front, we need to have some way to diffuse the light, and to hide the words that aren't active at the moment. The words that aren't lit from behind. And that's the very first thing that we're gonna experiment with. Are we gonna use plastic? Where is the other plastic? Are we gonna use some sort of plastic? Are we gonna use thin wood veneer? Or are we gonna use resin? So first off, we are gonna do a few test carves of our letters so that we can test these various diffusing materials and, you know, we just have to take this one step at a time. Yeah, I think once we have that down... Exactly. (laughing) (upbeat music) Go for it. So we're carving our letters out of MDF but you'll notice that we're carving some little boxes too. These are gonna go behind our letters because we realized we actually need two layers of diffusion. We'll show you why. We have these cutouts right here of the shortest word, cat. Now if we just put this cutout against the LEDs-- KATELYN: It doesn't look that great. EVAN: It's not that great. Even with the diffusion on the front, it looks pretty bad. 'Cause we can't rely on the LEDs to line up perfectly with the letters. EVAN: So we can make a little box, and add a little distance between the letters and the LEDs, and you get something like this. Better. KATELYN: Better. EVAN: Still not great. Depending on where the LEDs line up. Shadows, shifts, and it's just not great. Now, if you also add diffusion behind the letters, now you're starting to get somewhere. That evens out all of the LEDs, and when you add it with a diffusion layer in front, you get some pretty good results. So we have our list of potential inside materials, potential outside materials. The inner diffusion is mostly to diffuse the light. The outer diffusion material is for that, but also obscuring the letters that are gonna be unlit. So let's get to prepping all of those, and then we can see what our results are. EVAN: Montage time! (spray paint cans rattling) So just a layer on, more testing while we're at it. We are also painting our boxes black and white, to see how that affects how much the off letters are obscured. We also need to pre-prep one of our inner diffusion materials, which is resin. And we've got a fancy syringe to do it. Mad scientist time. It's working, it's working! KATELYN: It's our first time using these fancy syringes. EVAN: Oh yes. KATELYN: It dripped immediately. That's great. EVAN: Oh my gosh, yes. All right we have everything prepared, and now it is time to test them all. But first... (gurgling noise) (laughing) What if that noise was picked up on the mic? Everything is prepared. Let us show you what we've got going on here. Okay, I'm going to run through all of these materials as quickly as I can, so you have context for what we're doing. So for the inside, polypropylene, mystery plastic, and resin. Now for the polypropylene in mystery plastic, we're going to try the same outside diffusions. Polypropylene with white MDF, polypropylene with black MDF, and wood. The third inside material, the resin, is going to be a little different. We're only going to try it with white MDF, and polypropylene. We're going to try it with the wood and then we are also gonna try doing a full resin pour over the whole thing. Now we can't do that pour with the other materials, because there are too many points for leakage, but we're going to give this a shot. Do you have any thoughts on what you think is going to do best? Katelyn had a really good idea of painting the face black. Because I think that's gonna make the unlit letters show up the least. And I 100% agree. I think that's super smart. My prediction for the best interior diffusion material is actually going to be this really thin plastic. Mystery plastic. Yeah, it lets a lot of light through, but it also really breaks it up well, which is just what we're looking for. And I think for the outside, I'm thinking the polypropylene, because it looks nice. I don't know. I feel like that is a very practical prediction. Yes. The thing that I would like to work the most... Wood? No. All resin? How dare you? (laughing) All resin. I want resin on the inside because I really want to do a resin over pour and the only way we can do it, really, is on the one with the resin and the letters. Otherwise, it's just too many potential places for leakage. Yeah, it could leak out of every single letter. Let's start with the polypropylene inside on the testing bench. Can you do it one more time? Wait, wait, wait. I'll tell you, now. On the testing bench. All right, first stop, wood. I have very large concerns about this because the type of veneer that we got has this adhesive backing on the back-- KATELYN: It's kind of thick. EVAN: And it's kind of thick and it's very opaque. No! EVAN: All right, I made this test bench to be variable brightness. KATELYN: Turn it up all the way. You can barely see it. Oh no. (laughing) So this was our original... Our very original first idea was that we were gonna use wood veneer. Because we saw somebody do it online once, and it looked really cool. EVAN: And I think we're going to have to knock this out of the running for every single one. It just doesn't let enough through. It doesn't, it doesn't do anything. Sorry, wood. A lot of our patrons were very much excited for that. (Evan laughing) All right, next up on the list is the black and the polypropylene on top. That looks good. KATELYN: That looks good. Can you turn the lights off, so I can see like... Oh and it's not, it's not really visible. EVAN: It's not really visible. So that would be good. EVAN: All right, let's try it with white, though. KATELYN: Also nice. EVAN: That one looks good. But, wow. KATELYN: Like, just as visible. You know, we could decide that that's an aesthetic choice. If we think it will look cool. We could try mocking it up now that we know what it looks like. But, yeah. Oh yeah. (Evan laughing) One is very visible, one is not. All right, what's up next on the list? Mystery plastic. So I cut out a little sheet of this. What is next? Yeah, what is next? Actually, try the wood, because this is thinner. EVAN: All right. Okay, it still looks terrible. EVAN: Let's try it with the black. Black and polypropylene looks great. KATELYN: That looks nice. EVAN: Now we'll do the white polypropylene. KATELYN: Okay, that is nice. It's very comparable to with the polypropylene as the base. And now Katelyn's main contender. Da, da, da! (Evan laughing) Resin! Oh, it's a little bit dull. EVAN: I think because it's uneven. This is a uniform piece of plastic. This has a lot of interesting flow going on the resin, which leads to cool art. But if you're looking for something even. I am not sure if resin's it. Dang it. Put something on top of it, I'm just curious. (Evan laughing) Okay, crush my dreams. EVAN: Okay, okay, I'll do polypropylene. KATELYN: Yeah, that looks bad. Okay, so let's go through the results. Resin, I think we can cross all of it off, sadly. (laughing) Wood, cross all of them off. KATELYN: So that leaves us mystery plastic or polypropylene for the inside, and white or black could work. EVAN: Yeah. I think we might want to do a... should we do a mock up? Like a Photoshop mock up inside? If we want the letters to subtly show through as like a feature. Yeah, so we can use Photoshop, or white or black surface. But I think in terms of the inside, it's a pretty easy test. We want as much light as possible, as even as possible. So let's just lay these two right here. KATELYN: Yeah, it's gonna be, you know, a little different because they're different colors. EVAN: So here is mystery plastic. Here's polypropylene. Now let's lay this top on. I am looking through the screen and I can't tell. Can you tell? In real life, the mystery disperses it better. KATELYN: Here, let me turn on the ISO in here, so you guys can see it too. There seems to be more shadowy pockets. EVAN: Hot spots, yeah. More splotchy. KATELYN: It's a little hard to see on camera, but I think the mystery plastic for our underside. Yes, I agree. Okay, so we have our final materials. It's going to be polypropylene on top. It's going to be mystery plastic underneath. Let's take some pictures of it with the white painted MDF, and the black painted MDF. And I will Photoshop how it could look like. Yes. Every word will be cat. (laughing) But it should give us an idea. (laughing) You are a cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat cat. KATELYN: Hi. SUPURRVISOR: Food time. KATELYN: Do you approve of our word choice? SUPURRVISOR: Yes. KATELYN: Cat, cat, cat... I gotta go Photoshop, you wanna come with me? Okay, so we have a couple of mock ups. EVAN: Oh, Joobie has been hard at work. You did all of this all by yourself, Joobie? KATELYN: Yes, well, she has to approve the final concept. EVAN: Okay, okay. Okay, so here it is on white. EVAN: Can you make it bigger? No. (Evan laughing) EVAN: You are a cat cat cat cat... KATELYN: So you can see the background, but your eye, still I think, goes to cat. Okay, and here it is on black. EVAN: Oh, I think that, I think black. KATELYN: I think it has to be black. I think that will look really cool. EVAN: Joobie, what do you think? Do you approve? SUPURRVISOR: Yes. KATELYN: Do you care? SUPURRVISOR: No. EVAN: But it's super exciting. Yeah. EVAN: Is she gonna let you up? (phone ringing) Hey there all you cool cats and kittens. This is Big Cat Cat Treats. How may I serve your cat treat needs today? SUPURRVISOR: Do you has treats? Well, all of our orders are placed online because our website is actually built with Squarespace. We can host an unlimited number of cat treat varieties. Hey Katelyn, have you seen my phone? SUPURRVISOR: Oh no, they are onto me. If you need to call back later, we actually have appointment scheduling because of Squarespace and we can coordinate our calendars. SUPURRVISOR: I see Squarespace works on mobile. Yup, and if you're in the need for a website, go to for a free trial. And when you're ready to pull the trigger, go to for 10% off your first purchase. SUPURRVISOR: I am in need of treats. Meow. Hi, so it's the next day, and we have a lot of work to do. We have five different CNC cuts. We got the diffusion, nine minutes, not bad. Letters, two and half hours. Diffusion box, 1.25 hours. LEDs, 2.25 hours, and then enclosure, an hour, so we're looking at about seven to eight hours if everything goes well. And it's 1:30 in the afternoon right now. So wish us luck, 'cause this is one of the longest CNC marathons we have ever embarked upon. (upbeat music) So, we didn't finish the carves in one day. We're on day two. And while Evan continues to keep an eye on the CNC, (machine noise) KATELYN: How's it going? Very serious... CNCing. I am gonna start painting the layers that are complete. Do you want to help? [Supurrvisor] - No. KATELYN: Well, hello, excuse me. (upbeat music) Yay! I was just checking to see if I was sweaty. (both laughing) All right guys, all of the layers are done. I think more than any other project, this has taken significant brain power. A lot of designing and iteration has gone into something that is gonna end up being pretty simple, yet hopefully gloriously beautiful and fun. Anyways, all of the CNCing is done. I think let's just do a little quick example of how the electronics works on a small scale before we scale it up to the full size and assemble everything. Now... I'm gonna have to come around, everyone's gonna see that I'm in PJ pants. (Evan laughing) No, no, they can't see. Ha ha! Ha ha! All right, so when we put together the final sign, there's going to be LEDs running back and forth along these channels and each is gonna have an individual location, like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And those are going to line up with these boxes right here. Now for the sake of this example, I went ahead and simplified each of these boxes to a single LED right here, so you can see how these are gonna work. Now, "You are a" will always be lit. And when I trigger an event, like a clap... (clapping) KATELYN: Work. (Evan laughing) EVAN: Or a touch of the sensor as the backup because the clap sensor isn't the most reliable, it's going to trigger a little math event inside of its brain, where it'll choose a number between one and eight for the adjective, and one through eight for the noun, and that is the box or LEDs that will line up. So basically all we have to do is assemble all of the LEDs into here, count which numbers line up with which box, reprogram this little brain right here, and then this is gonna be done. Oh ho! It's been a journey. It's been a journey, I'm excited. (whimsical music) There is something so satisfying about a well-thought out plan going to plan. Everything is fitting. I'm ready for the test, but I just have to note, and just have a moment of enjoyment and satisfaction for detailed CNC work and 3D modeling coming together as planned. Oh Katelyn, look at the underside too. Oh, I haven't seen the underside yet. EVAN: Isn't that beautiful? Wow, the way you looped the wires around I mean I know we talked about it, but like, oh my god. I wasn't done! (Evan laughing) My god, look at that though. That's awesome. It makes me so happy. It's coming together wonderfully. It really is. This has been, like, I know we've said it, but this has not been a simple project. I feel like we've grown a lot through this project. This is one of those projects that you take it on because it's a challenge and you grow through it. Yes. Speaking of growth, are you ready to test this? Yeah, well, which part are we testing? Like, if the claps work? Just everything. Does it light up? KATELYN: Does it light up? I programmed it, but I... you know. Ready? Yes. (clapping) EVAN: Hey, hey, hey! That's awesome! We might want to rely on the touch sensor. Yeah, let's try this. Yes! Yay! Oh that's so great. Oh my god. I can't wait for those to be words. We have everything we need right here. We need, we need to trim down this. Our inner diffusion, our mystery plastic? Yeah. Mystery plastic we don't know who you are, but thank you. But I think that it's just assembly, and that's it. KATELYN: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Oh man. It's nice, really, you can't see the letters too well when it's off. That's perfect. So the black paint worked as planned. What you are looking for? Ahahaha! I need to clean up. KATELYN: Those are sharp looking, that brass. EVAN: Can you run some electrical tape? I had to realign it so it was precise. The little curves baby, look at that. It's the little details. I know no one's gonna see this, except for all of you guys, but... It's a lot of people. It is so smart, nice looking. EVAN: Beautiful. Yes, yes! KATELYN: Behind the poster complexity. (laughing) All right. This is the final thing, if we did everything right. KATELYN: Then it should work. Fingers crossed, ready? Yeah. EVAN: All right. KATELYN: It's stuck. EVAN: This is the moment of truth. KATELYN: We have the "You are a". (clapping) We are a stunning eagle! You are a stunning eagle. Oh my gosh. What are you going to be Katelyn? Oh, it's in the back. The touch doesn't work. Okay, well... Where is the little piece we had earlier? I think we threw it away. Maybe it's too many pieces folded over? What if I just do this side? Yeah, okay. EVAN: This was going to be our victory moment. Okay, fine, I'll just clap three times. (Evan laughing) (clapping) EVAN: You are a wholesome potato, Katelyn! Yeah! I am a wholesome potato! That's a winning combo, right there. Oh my gosh, wait, wait, wait. One thing we gotta do, we had a clap for our audience. Oh yeah, okay. This is for you guys. This is for you guys. Ready? What is the audience? Wait. We're going to count to three and you clap at home. You might have to clap a few times. Okay, what is, what are you? Just feel it inside of you. Ready? Three, two, one. (clapping) You are a majestic eagle. Y'all are majestic eagles. Don't forget it. We love you guys. You are a chaotic flower. Don't forget it. I was yelling so much, it changed. (clapping) Okay, we wanna get the touch working so that we can bring in the Supurrvisor. without scaring her with our claps. The claps are the most fun. EVAN: Maybe this is too long? I don't know. I can figure this out though. You know, it was one of those-- Oh, wait. Wait, what happened? What'd you do? I just turned it off and on again. Of course, 'cause it's a computer and even though it's a tiny little computer brain it still is a little computer brain that needs rest every now and then, so. Okay, I am gonna get the Joob. Okay Joobie. Let's see what you are. First off, what do you think? Do you approve? No, not the tape, baby. The sign, the sign. SUPURRVISOR: Want tape. Look at this, wow. You are a... You are a fancy mountain, baby. (Evan laughing) Oh my gosh, we did build her into a mountain in Minecraft! She is the fancy mountain, literally. This predicts the f-... the past. What does Joobie think that I am? Joobie thinks that you are a... Majestic flower. Oh, what does she think I am? A fancy mountain. Also a fancy mountain. We are the same, we are one. (whimsical music) Thank you guys so much for watching, I hope you had fun with us in this video. If you haven't heard, we have a gaming channel over at I am majestic tree. (laughing) We hope to see you guys over there. And we'll see you next time. Bye! (clapping) Ready? Yeah. Bye! You're a chaotic human. (laughing) That's like... I know, I know. It's very similar. It's kind of like how I imagined it. It's really nice, baby. Thank you. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you. I am proud of our poster. Like, relax a little bit. Shake your booty. Oh no, you're gonna put that in as a blooper. No I'm not. Oh no. Are you ready? Oh no, no, no. Shake your booty! Serious face. Serious. Gingerbread men live in gingerbread houses. Humans build their houses out of human flesh. I mean, logically speaking, yes. I guess if you made, like, a human, you could make human leather. What? Wait, wait, how did the conversation get here? You could make human leather and build a teepee. Oh, that's so creepy. That would be a human house. Or you could make it out of bones. I wonder if you could crush bones, and then mix them with clay, to strengthen them? Mmm. Or if it's cold enough you could build an igloo out of frozen blocks of blood. Many ways.
Channel: EvanAndKatelyn
Views: 784,646
Rating: 4.9743786 out of 5
Keywords: Motivational poster, wholesome, poster, LED poster, LED, randomized motivational poster, randomized poster, interactive poster, LED sign, CNC, DIY sign, sign, CNC sign, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn, DIY art, DIY art projects, diy home decor, diy room decor, home decor, decorating, crafting, diy projects, diy ideas, DIY home projects
Id: LuoW-qV5oPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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