Resident Evil 4 Remake - Part 2 - DEL LAGO BOSS

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so we're up bright and early and I have to say there is nothing absolutely nothing better than waking up and being able to play a brand new exciting video game ladies and gentlemen welcome to part two of Resident Evil 4. remake used to be a researcher for umbrella umbrella I should have left him in that bag to rot I'm sending you the details take a look copy that making my way to the church Condor one out all right so we're going back to the church and I'm kind of glad we're starting off here uh if you file hold on I think we've got a file all nine could it be about Luis yes so it says Sarah's name uh first appears publicly in a new in a university student registry no prior records have been discovered including his birth certificate after graduating from University he was employed by umbrella's research division where he became a rising star who won favor amongst his peers he was involved in the development of several common over-the-counter drugs all of which were discounted or discontinued before ever reaching the market see the attached list for details a few years later Sarah resigned from the umbrella and could not be located after the Raccoon City incident efforts were made by law enforcement and the government to track down anyone with links to umbrella but despite conducting an extensive research they were unable to find him considering how well he evaded them we are almost certain that Cerro went to a great length to disappear in Hurricane's handwriting comment over the columnar drugs do you seriously think that umbrella will let one of their best work on some antacid or beauty cream and antacid and so it's kind of crazy Holly all these like notes and and little details within the universe of Resident Evil um it's just interesting how much detail there is and how many characters were part of the Raccoon City incident so much so that they can literally just make extra games about what happened with these characters during during that time you know and I feel like also Resident Evil Five since we uh recently played it it also showcased a lot of that as well super super interesting anyways um I wanted to come here and and actually go over there I was really excited to to start the episode here because I thought I was gonna be able to get the chest or the loot upstairs but it seems like we're gonna need a buddy whether it's Ashley or Lewis or whoever it may be I want to say oh what's those back you too huh oh my God he's back [Music] take care of yourself buddy guys please save the wolf not only is it good for for your heart but uh it's gonna be good for you down the down the road eventually anyways now we've got this key which is going to allow us to um access some very uh necessary areas within this game just tell me you've got a flashlight it's kind of dark here so I've been thinking I think what I'm going to be doing for this series I mean obviously it just depends how the views are and stuff like that but um I'm probably gonna be doing like a video a chapter there's I think a total of 16 chapters the first episode was two chapters so that leaves us with uh 14 more chapters so a total of 15 videos If we continue uh on that path but we'll see maybe some videos will make them longer or I don't know there's the wolves might not be our wolf but that's a wolf yeah so we do come back to the Village man and there's still a guy over there interesting enough um I think now we have areas that we can actually search for example killer Crow there's nobody here they've taken the body of the cop or maybe it's just uh whoa give me a break already oh my God these things are disgusting what's up with their face next okay [Music] call me whatever you want to call me but I don't remember yeah this man this gun is much more potent huh that little handgun packs a punch oh no oh they've put more bear traps all right so I was talking about these things here if we take a look at the map we've got this now we can access down below um I don't know if we'll be able to get the TMP here I think that's only like a thing you do in the beginning if you sacrifice your loot for for the weapon but eventually I'm pretty sure we'll be able to buy it anyways in the meantime we'll get some necessary ammo okay just in case I wasn't sure if the rats were going to be a part of an objective hi Grandma hi Grandma you like that Grandma and these people are getting worse Okay so let me see if I can see let's go for the lens Leon more for the limbs on this episode just kind of gauge and see how that works out for us you know okay so this right here is gonna be the church I have to go back and check these other areas out I think I can open those doors now um unfortunately there is no way back there it seems like unless I go through here Grandma out go in here damn it it's kind of funny I I've literally oh I've come into their place you know I'm the one who's been trespassing into this Village they were just minding their own business as you know Village folk and killing people and injecting them it's locked being cruel okay what what do we do here it won't open [Music] okay that's unlocked now so that's a shortcut right yeah that's exactly where we were just at um I'm gonna be looking at the map here and there because it is important like it's the only way we can rule everything out so we can use this key for this drawer here and we've got a vintage Compass we also have the treasure map if you guys remember we do have a treasure map um where is the treasure map didn't we buy one so this is what I wanted to do initially it's fun [Music] oh one hell of a trade there Gramps hell of a trade oh my God oh my God anything of importance oh what the [ __ ] really wow I forgot about the snakes give me a snake egg or whatever it is you give oh wiper what can we do with the Viper I don't remember if we got a Viper in the original we got eggs I don't recall oh wow yo this area looks awesome look at the fog on the ground very very nice it's funny how we've been injected with the plague right and we're seeing images of this guy and we don't even know who he is illuminatos four nine sleep well and flourish dear child as your body grows your mother's cha soon you small clothes at seven Quinto of Wheat and a half a bowl a day you have outgrown your pen flourish to your child for the sake of your brothers and sisters who cannot totally not [ __ ] weird foreign It's gotta be right I mean I don't see anything else being that big if you guys don't know who oliganta is um you'll find out soon enough don't worry all right there's something else here treasure this is why you use the map and now we're clear good or not oh welcome how you doing pal but I've missed you I'm telling you it's been rough out here so the merchant tip The Prudent Choice sick of uh constantly running out of ammo well have I got a treat for you the bolt thrower or something else mate It Bolts um can be retrieved and reused so you can keep shooting forever also don't forget to buy the boat recipe to turn your extra knives into well bolts never worry about Ammo again and that's not all you're gonna fix the bolts with attachable mines proxy proximity explosives to quickly turn the weapon into a powerful mind thrower shoot an enemy to see them explode instantly or at a surface to set them as a proximity mine you'll lose the bolts but it'll be worth it got some new ways stranger you're in free okay hold on the Viper Hunter a dear friend of mine is Gravely ill and I'd very much like to treat uh treat them with some delicious vipers before they pass is there a snake charmer willing to land a hand requests sell three vipers area none specified okay so that's something we could do along the way perhaps some gun rhymes with fun for a reason stranger I love this guy man I got something new for you okay so uh discounted items discounts are only available during the chapter of your life the appearance all right so I'm running into a problem right now I've tried it twice the game has frozen twice whenever I go into the merchant and it just freezes on me so I'm kind of scared to interact with welcome so I'm just gonna do that trigger that do it yourself stranger for some reason it's freezing on me I don't know why as you can see I've got to break all these things again um let's see if we could just sell something something new for you mate so everything right hopefully this doesn't freeze on me here a deal well struck it's damn maybe I should have freaking I'll buy almost anything okay I can do this that's one out of the three vipers he needs I don't know if I should keep the rubies and the emeralds just in case um simply because remember we can combine them with different things and then sell it for more I'm Gonna Keep Those for now I don't think I need it anytime [ __ ] I'm buying it I'm buying TMP yep I'm gonna put this into the storage I'm kind of rushing this area because I don't want it to freeze again but realistically shouldn't be rushing this I should really be looking into this as best as possible we got the TMP we can repair the knife anything else I can help you with should we get the bolt action rifle we've got a scope for it that cash in your pocket or your life we've got the bolt thrower which could be handy um it's limited offer as well your inventory is full man I feel like we're getting a little bit too stacked here I'll go ahead and do that you should notice the difference right away recipe we've got the green at the bolts are in Tip-Top shape I assume anything else I can help you with I can repair this dotting your eyes that's the way to be that's right baby this ain't a charity don't get yourself killed now we're gonna need all the help we can get I'm a little bit bummed because we did have a nice special on the rifle and then the game froze and then I didn't have that special anymore unless it was for the bolt thrower and I didn't realize it at first a church I made it we have made it to the church it's crazy how similar this Gap I mentioned the last time similarities in this game with the original are awesome sorry Gramps you know I know you're just minding your own business digging your grave your time is up the linger hold on let me see if there's another one over here was that the only guy here no I hear I hear somebody vomiting over there where is he there's a little cabin right here submachine gun ammo you know that team TMP is locked and loaded prank yourself Grandpa wait bad right cramps take the kitchen knife and then the resources I really need to start getting rid of the resources just to get ammo let's go here um hold on if we go here craft there we go shock and ammo I feel like that's harder to get Craft um some machine gun ammo damn we probably should have probably also got in the [ __ ] rifle oh my God this is incredible finally damn it Condor want to roost the church is sealed up and baby eagle negative nothing yet but they sure do have this place locked up tight and think of one reason they'd want to do so oh she's here that's for sure I'll find a way in Condor one out there's something about this game you know like you're you're basically in an abandoned island of sorts and it's so different than than just Resident Evil or the Resident Evil games prior to this there's just a certain vibe to this game even on the original this one obviously emphasized on emphasizes on that Vibe a lot more but it's just an unmatched sort of experience it's it's beautiful I freaking love it all right we've got another treasure map here yellow diamond no Don't Mind If I Do oh a photo of Ashley keep her locked in the church until the appointed time so she is in the church let me go ahead and save again I don't mean to make this game about saving but we gotta save and this is the map a pest fro or a pest from the outside has come for the girl lock her in the church and something orders under the Lord until then keep the church door shut the key will be held in the cave on the right side of the lake the monster will deal with the foolish Intruder okay so that's like a little riddle puzzle across the lake let's hope for no more surprises okay so before we do that we have let me go back here remember there was something here or maybe later on in the game those trade uh traitorous traitors I don't know how to pronounce that word twins I should not be allowed to rest in peace for joining the evil cult won't someone anyone destroy the emblems engraved upon their Tombstone request destroy the tombstone emblems area the church oh okay so that looks pretty significant maybe like something we can attach multiple diamonds to I've got to go ahead and probably find the tombstones let's go back real quick again I'm trying to take my time obviously if the videos start tanking then you know I'll kind of be a little bit more uh I don't want to say rush but we'll get more to the point right now it's the first couple of episodes and I'm just really trying to take my time foreign okay little challenges man that's awesome nice little incentives this is probably locked okay good I was hoping it'd be locked I'm gonna go upstairs here because I'm assuming this is gonna be a dead end and probably acquire some loot and then we can go back down a flash grenade perfect I really climb an entire set of ladder just for a flash grenade ridiculous all right perfect here we go what the [ __ ] was that is that me huh I swear man I'm hearing things oh hold on hello there's a door I'm gonna go ahead and unlock it from the inside Lake Lago oh my God man this is so crazy I'm going crazy crazy just thinking about you baby on this style I'm right here dork I mean don't you see me come on get down raps all right seriously I should have just waited for this guy to drop don't you dare throw that [ __ ] I'm gonna hold them back here real quick and hit him with the big finale you know what I'm saying foreign how does this dude just took a bullet to the forehead he's like 65. I just stayed dead must have slipped I think I got that with the explosion matter of fact perfect that's two out of three vipers [Music] and it just doesn't get better than this [ __ ] all right let's go up top see if we find anything I'm not trying to use a TMP just yet oh a nice little hand grenade huh somebody's behind me foreign out of the way yeah you really have to kind of stop to shoot oh man if you're bilingual or you speak Spanish You're Gonna appreciate the dialogue it's [ __ ] great I didn't get that later all right so the question here is do I want to go maybe I can go around perfect I wasn't sure oh you've seen when there's Loot on the other side oh no there's not come on boys don't be all sorts of crazy now messing around with the cops sorry must have slipped yo what the [ __ ] where do these guys come from that's not funny because it's like do you want to damage your knife um just deflect an attack versus possibly take the risk and not damage it but then you yeah I don't know it's just one of those um I'm gonna go ahead and take this first aid now we do have here I think it's down below so we can continue going I think this area is clear another tripwire how great is that still haven't used the TMP let me see I wanted to check something out examine okay I thought I could though stones on that thing never mind perfect it's here those around so this is a dead end so it's got to be this way for sure it's got to be this way there's the note good luck finding someone big enough to use this thing oh my God is isn't heanti already destroy the blue medallions is there anyone who can destroy those blue medallions the area is polluted by the presence and I cannot bear it destroy all the medallions Quarry fish farm there's five of them sheesh [Applause] thank you oh my God all right it's here yep this place was so iconic oh shoot oh I can hear him breathe so menacing creepy let's see how they changed this though don't give a crap dude see he's back there he's just waiting he's hiding oh boy oh boy I'm a little scared can't use that here shoot resources we're gonna need all the resources we can get look at this they are stacking us up right now for good reason too a good reason got some barrels I'm gonna go ahead and grab that um we have gunpowder we haven't really mixed anything with gunpowder hmm perfect there we go I mean our TMP is looking loaded bro 130 plus bullets that's freaking crazy yeah here's the guy exactly like the original man this is nuts hexagon piece a let me let me save the game we got the merchant over here moaning and stuff well done so get cash back instead of letting your unused guns collect dust why not Solomon spend the extra cash to upgrade your weapons you do use when you sell a weapon you've tuned up you'll get almost all the expenses you put back into it almost keyword there's no catch mate we're just rooting for you okay I appreciate that hold on I just gotta see here so that's a request done in Dusty today the hell which way do we go there's so many options good stuff well whatever what can I do you for all right I might as well um let me see should I buy let me go ahead and sell some stuff first uh so this thank you saw the Velvet blue I can certainly do something I knew you were a go-getter so I don't think I'm gonna use this to be honest thank you it might be a bad idea but I don't think I'm gonna be using using more um tune-up we can tune this up your weapons are in good hands we could probably buy the rifle we should buy the rifle oh my where's are in Tip-Top shape ice I'll end this over when you've got the space [ __ ] canceled approaches never mind we don't have space for that thank goodness um can we buy a bigger case no cases available right now what you see is what I've got tune up reload speed [Music] a well-tuned weapon can make up for a I don't want to go I don't want to keep upgrading the shotgun because I feel like we're going to come across a new shotgun eventually we're starting to get an idea of your tastes friends there you are as you wish probably sell some of these yeah I'll buy a deal well struck a deal well struck eh right I think we should probably just care every once in a while difference between life and death durability power come back when you can you know what actually hey I'm gonna sell this and tune up the knife durability dazzled oh yeah oh cross blizzard travels okay I can do I can do that I can definitely do that all right so now we've got options first and foremost can I go down below yes I can second of all what's over here all right [Applause] is this where the boss is hold on oh that's the lake foreign that's a freaking cop [Music] yeah [ __ ] off see there's multiple areas to go through now let's go down here I guess what the heck's going on the boat few was stored with a generator few inside the processing building at the fish farm pick only what you need all right we're dropping down we need two more two more pieces two more pieces and we've got a yellow arm I got a kitchen knife that's just lovely more barrels more loot more shenanigans [Music] God damn it [ __ ] not good oh my God nobody got time for your guns what the [ __ ] oh my gosh we are in trouble ladies and gentlemen come on dude [ __ ] off thank you we're gonna freaking die here oh God it's so nice [Music] it's so [ __ ] nice thing out before it completely starts mutating on us we've got a green herb and we've got really really bad Health um perfect no no all right good all right a little bit of a sloppy start here but you know what what's important is we got through it we did it together now we're back in business gotta kind of gather ourselves here it's one out of five should be able to gather more stuff as we keep looting all right let's see let's take this way out you know what we have up here got another Barrel here you can go back down or what happens if I go here same thing right beginning reload all my guns sure we are Ready for War as they say [ __ ] you can't tell me that antenna bro what foreign am I gonna need like a red dot or something I know there's a red dot upgrade last and final Viper but at this point I'm kind of concerned do I really need to get the Red Dot for better Precision because it's not the first time we do those shots and we just completely Miss and it's making me look back herb there oh they've got dynamites guys they've got dynamites on Deck shut up take a knife to the head that's right whoa whoa whoa perfect I don't even know where they're coming from at this point I hear them from every single possible angle and it's like they just keep spawning on me trying to hit the torch until we can burn himself maybe it's best if I play it safe go for the limbs Little Treasure right here get faded pumpkin there's another Viper there we go yeah this TMP rocks bro terrible recoil or man or rocks where's that Viper sweet I'm going down through here I grab the loot I shot down can I grab it oh an antique pipe wow that's pretty nice a black bass down and under it seems there it is and another hexagon piece I mean we need the pieces in order to move forward we need one more piece so we have to be here this is the right place sorry little bird today's not your lucky day we've got another small key let's go ahead and open this up I think there's a Viper right yep right there I know the Merchant's only looking for three but a couple more don't hurt we've got another egg there's so much looting man I freaking love this all right we've got the bow fuel I'm talking about perfect now we can put this on the boat and go over to the lake and you know face the Beast all right nothing else here right there's something if I go hold on if I go this way there's something on this side I'm gonna go upstairs I don't want to miss that that medallion maybe if I go over here hold on I keep looking this way if you guys see me ever look this way because I'm looking at the camera I'm making sure it doesn't like you know freeze on me like it always does I'm not checking myself out just making sure we don't lose our [ __ ] here all right so this could actually be this Medallion could be hidden in plain sight I have no idea yeah it's not here oh my God wow that did nothing to her well they're all gonna come over I guess we dropped here no where's that blue medallion thank you it's here and this oh man There It Is three out of five I know there's another one back where we came from foreign we don't technically did I just do like a collateral hit or something you don't technically got to finish these guys but to be honest three four bullets for the loot might just be worth it seems like they always drop something and look at the knife going now that we've been upgrading it how many more times we can stab these guys right what's down here let me go down here real quick you haven't really checked this area out here a breast [ __ ] pocket watch anyone oh I hear something where is it I can't see anything I'm [ __ ] blind there we go here we go [Music] this guy's hair bro [Music] everybody [Music] okay ready Leon it's coming I'm Dynasty uh I won an R2 hold on okay I think it was like this right yeah I it's been a while oh well now you gotta move it's been a while that's all I'm gonna say so incredible oh god oh [ __ ] here it goes I think you can swallow me whole huh I think you're gonna come here mess up my plans I don't think so I've got to save the president's daughter like literally like my life depends on me right now okay oh come on I shoved that [ __ ] right in his throat that's another one and then another one going to wait it out I thought I could actually hold it okay is it coming where'd you go oh God oh [ __ ] thank you it's the Loch Ness Monster all right my face cam is still going this is incredible no increase I don't think people can take another hit like that no it cannot come on come on dude nice we got it wow [Music] [Music] And So It Begins dude what a freaking chapter this game was what really made Leon the badass that that we know and love you know Resident Evil 2. was his introductory phase but this is like this was just so different than anything else and being able to just relive this is phenomenal I'm I'm loving this right now like I can play this for for days and days non-stop hours on hours like I'm just gonna keep going this this is awesome thank you guys for watching if you are enjoying the Resident Evil 4 remake series feel free to drop it a like if that's something you guys are into stay tuned we will be back
Channel: Hollow
Views: 206,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4 Remake, resident evil 4 remake gameplay, resident evil 4 remake walkthrough, resident evil 4 remake part 1, resident evil 4 remake ending, resident evil 4 remake full game, resident evil 4 remake impressions, resident evil 4 remake ps5, residetn evil 4 remake xbox, re 4 remake, re 4 remake gameplay, re 4 remake walktrhrough, re 4 remake part 1, re 4 remake ending, re 4 remake full game, resident evil 4, re 4, new resident evil 4 remake, resident, evil, remake
Id: IXUVwHukKz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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