The Callisto Protocol (PC) - No Damage (Maximum Security, 100%)

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a no commentary version of this run can be found in the pinned comment in the comments section below as a professional content creator taking care of myself is important I work many hours a day and trying to strike that balance between performance and health can be absolute hell sometimes fortunately since myself and Beast Coast partnered up with athletic greens I've started drinking ag-1 and it's been a fantastic way to simplify the nutritional part of my wake-up routine ag1 is a nutritional drink that combines 75 different ingredients including vitamins minerals and Whole Foods Source nutrients manufactured to the strictest standards I normally take vitamin C and magnesium every morning but ag-1 has become an effortless way to get those supplements into my system as well as a great many others I didn't even know I needed it's easy to prepare has a light sweet taste Goes Down Smooth and after a bit of time for it to work its way into my system I feel ready to go since I started drinking it a few weeks ago it has become the healthiest thing that I can do with one minute of my time every day all you need is one scoop of ag1 8 ounces of cold water in a bottle Shake It Up oh my go to car seat and also get a one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin d3k2 as well as five travel packs of ag-1 free with your first purchase you can't put a price tag on your own health pregnant or nursing women should consult with their physician before taking ag-1 or any other dietary supplement this video is intended as a game walkthrough it is not a speedrun all strategies in this video were made for efficiency and success rate please watch the entire video and listen carefully to the commentary before trying any of these strategies for yourself thank you hello everyone this is a no damage 100 playthrough of the Callisto protocol on maximum security difficulty [Music] thank you [Music] a little bit of lag on boot does this every time foreign [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] shocking footage from Europa a Brazen attack by the outerweight terrorist group led by the notorious Danny Nakamura that's enough Roger hanger control laying in course for Europa station you got something to say You're Gonna Keep flicking that thing all day I was watching that it's our last run Max I'm done talking about it then what do you want me to say well thank you because after this shot we're never gonna have to work another day in our lives well I guess you got it all figured out I guess so and what is this huh back and forth Callisto to Europa all this additional security it's a prison Moon Max they take the security pretty serious and what about the attacks oh how do you explain that by the outer way they've been hitting targets all over the sector for the past six months I got a yellow light in the cargo hold and it's probably nothing well it's still worth checking out shouldn't worry so much you know you live longer important starboard sensors are both showing errors go check them out I'm going you going to find the corners Max has been on my own like we've done jobs like this before I don't know why he cares so much now I mean it's just a job come on shut up this better be worth the trouble I should check out the rest of the ship in case you were wondering how to walk and talk and play audio logs you have to press the Tab Key while the audio key is playing or while the audio log is playing excuse me I guess I'll check the other side all right I don't know what the binding is on controller but it would be the inventory button on controller we've been boarded yeah I'm guessing It's gotta be here somewhere all right dampening Field's still in effect not for long should I know [Music] almost out of time there he is next we're heading to the bridge open up what are you gonna do whenever I have to go vending atmosphere get up here 's gravity we're being pulled in traffic emergency clearance negative Eugene sorry but I got no choice coming in high boost the anti-grabs already at maximum We're not gonna make it yes we are watch out hold on ah God made it good I told you not I told you not to hurry Max hang on buddy I'm coming come on hey hey whoa there you go I mean you listen listen hey hey come on come on thank you one by sign detected continuing black iron security you the pilot and him let's go up just need the one okay uh get you out of here manifest says you were running cargo out of the hangar don't get many of you Freelancers out here don't I know it for ship I ever lost we're fortified you do your job you let me do mine all right sir sir yes sir whatever you say grab him too hi what are you doing hey I didn't do anything thank you [ __ ] why way too quick [ __ ] okay uh inmates do not speak unless they are spoken there's been a mistake my name is Jacob Lee I'm not an enemy you were inmate two DISH five two one you could dress me is Captain Ferris what no no I'm just a cargo pilot I was attacked by the outer Way by her she crashed my ship and she killed my first officer oh speak devil Choice every choice in your life has led you here to this moment to this place the only place where you truly belong to find the one thing that has always been missing you a purpose for your meaning 's life this is what water and together we will find that purpose welcome to Black Iron prison I just love that last part chills every time yeah end of the line get up and mates I gave you a direct sword this is not right I don't belong here you know they call Callisto the Dead Moon dead just like he would have been fighting fished you out of that wreck I mean [ __ ] as far as anyone else is concerned you are dead time so whatever it is you're holding on to right there that's your old life you gotta let that go because your new life is entirely in my hands okay Grabber let's go a division of adjacent amazing and processing oh hey stop it hey wait wait no no you got it inmate 5-3-2-521 Dr Caitlin merler and as for article 412 of the ujc penal code you will now be fitted with a core device it's a doctor he's not in the system we don't know just prep the device what the [ __ ] that device no no you're a goddamn doctor yes my intent to Faithfully execute my responsibilities try not to move and let me make things worse [ __ ] you doctor he's flatlining foreign foreign please remain calm there is nothing to fear what the hell something's all right oh my God hey man oh Maria what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know what the hell's going on my ship crashed I got thrown in here and then I woke up to this you're that pilot I just put in yeah okay look I've been in it half my life I know this place I've got a plan to get out if you help me out of this cell I'll help you yeah you can use this to get inside of control across that bridge you can open myself from there Jacob don't use it Jacob might just save your life come on foreign [Music] so after doing this set of qtes here it should be noted that I'm actually playing with the uh Auto Dodge accessibility option turned on all it does is it replaces your block key which is what happens whenever you hold back on the control stick or the S key ah all it does is replace it with an extra Dodge button and if you hold a or D then the same thing happens anyway basically you just keep holding a Dodge button until the enemy is done attacking and this guy only combos up to two times so after he does two swings you just counter [Applause] but sometimes he'll just swing once and then just like kind of Center himself you really only want to counter that if you know the timing for it what you doing by turning on the auto Dodge it actually does remove blocking from the game honestly blocking is useless anyhow because it just makes you take chip damage I actually can't find a use for it this guy's no good console's not respond back there I just saw something human what do you want about I know what I saw look this place can mess with your head but this is our chance whatever it was you saw it's all the more reason to get out of it see that washed out yeah that's our first stop meet me there ow elevators that way take it up to the next level I'll be in touch got it [Music] so let's get over here we're going to once again Dodge and uh counter swing whenever he squares himself up which is either going to be after one swing or two but if you don't want to guess when it's safe to hit wait until after two swings on these on these guys pretty much on every uh enemy at the start of the game wow it's not until chapter three which is habitat that they can start attacking up to three times so just bear that in mind all right this guy's back swings two times counter he squared up after that first swing so we can counter he squared up on that swing as well also whenever they have one arm they are only going to swing once if you remove both of their arms you kill them just like in Dead Space but it's not until they spawn tentacles that uh that rule no longer applies so throughout the chapters outbreak and aftermath if you remove their arms they die Elias something's wrong with the elevator I'm heading down not up one energy converter here this is worth 100 Callisto credits awesome foreign there's some items in these cells but really there's nothing worth getting just a few credits thing man you hurt the [ __ ] is going on foreign elevator heading up down [Music] here oh God no let's move no no we're not infected lethal Force has been authorized foreign so we are going to do the exact opposite of what Elias said and we are going to run behind this guy so that he got aggroes onto us he is going to chase us over here and then we just zag through here we're not going to bother cutting that wire we're just going to run down this way and we lost them but if you're going to do that trick you have to make sure that he is following you into that hallway on the side first because if you go too fast then he will track you and he will shoot you back it might be easy but I trust in my team they and I understand the promise here I also picked up a med kit I picked up two Med kits so far Yep this guy swung once and squared up so I countered also these grabs whenever they grab you they actually do not do any damage and whenever you shake them off uh you can shake them off by completing a qte they do not do any damage to you and it leaves them vulnerable to an attack my recommendation is just turn on the auto qte complete because qtes are bad design in 2022 shame on you Glenn showfield those Med kits I picked up are for selling [Music] all right yeah unless I'm playing shinmu I don't want to see a [ __ ] qte C where are you made it through the Infirmary still looking for that weapons lock up so for here uh what we're gonna do is we are going to spawn these guys and then go back into the vent and you have to go all the way back to the surgical theater where we were listening to the Dr Mahler log doing so will mess up these guys AI and uh several outcomes that I have that I have found seem to happen uh either they deaggrow entirely either only one is there and it is diagroid or both of them just despawn completely so you have to do this twice [Music] if you do it only once then you're gonna have one aggregate onto you and if one aggroes on to you then you have to fight both of them and you really really really do not want to fight two enemies melee only in this game because the melee in this game is terrible basically the melee in this game is like the bastard child of Super Punch Out it's like you hold your a key to dodge left your D key to dodge right and all of the actions of every enemy in this game seem to serve to try and force you into the awkward melee combat system [Music] so one of my uh one of my very very good ways of avoiding damage throughout the Callisto protocol is to simply just avoid melee as much as possible and if you have to do melee make sure it's only with one enemy and uh make sure it's uh in such a way that you can just get rid of the enemy as quickly as possible and generally you can only get away with that in chapters one and two in chapter three if you don't kill an enemy fast enough it'll Sprout tentacles and have like double the HP and have like attack extensions this that and the other but fortunately I have a lot of instant kill options that are available to me by the time I hit chapter three and we will cover those once we get there but as you saw uh one enemy popped in so now we have to go all the way back to the surgical theater again you can't just go straight for the vent the first time I mean you can try sometimes it works but uh the more reliable thing that I found is to just cheese the enemy's Ai and shut it off and go back [Music] but if done correctly then both of them will just completely de-aggro and either they will not spawn or you can backstab them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe like super punch out maybe also like Silent Hill homecoming once we get back in here let's see where they are so the outcome that I got in this particular run is that one of them did not spawn in I'm kind of expecting him to come out of the vent there but being that he did not come out of the vent it means that only this guy is left so we can just Crouch down and stealth kill him and once we do that you'll hear that the combat music stops playing meaning that you're completely safe if there was another enemy there and we backstabbed one guy then the other enemy would have just left like literally just left he would have gone right back into the vent [Music] the lockup had already been made all the [ __ ] is just baton [Music] yeah see you there if you exit make sure you turn and then uh Dodge this guy's hits and then he's gonna jump backwards and if you exit through the door quickly enough then the door will close on him and he actually will not follow you in through any air vents the biofages similarly to the Necromorphs in Dead Space they don't use doors they just go through the vents because they're trying to Spook you but really it's not scary it's just really annoying picking up another Med kit here then we're gonna Crouch down and uh these guys move in a uh moving a clockwise pattern and here's the caveat is if you kill one then another will spawn in so we don't want to do that instead we want to sneak over and we want to Vault over and then we want to hold d in order to proc the auto Dodge and then we're just going to keep dodging and then we're going to slip into Elias's cell and then we're going to hold Auto Dodge again while the guy attacks and hopefully we will get pulled out of the cell by the Dodge animation and once we do that we're just going to backstep our way onto these stairs here and these guys should generally not run I mean if they do you're probably not going to make it to the switch but once you hit the switch uh enemies do stop for a moment precisely long enough for you to leave how the [ __ ] did you get in here you think I got time for this [ __ ] okay let me see if I got this straight uh you crash here and then this whole place goes to [ __ ] oh five two one look at me when I'm talking to you what'd you do huh you can tell me are you Brett are you special why the warden I told you and it's all yours [Music] so there's a rather obnoxious bug in this current version of the game [Music] us back on CE [Music] you have to go into the menu and turn the subtitles off and on CE and you have to do this just about every checkpoint reset so it was Ferris what do you mean who's there necessity to do what is required to make the hard choices as your new Warden I will do what is necessary for you for this storage Institution for the good of all mankind so get ready to hold Dodge once you open this door because an enemy will swing and attack you immediately after that we can counter you know the deal Max two swipes one swipe if he's got one arm very very rarely they might block Jacob you gotta hold on [ __ ] hope so it doesn't matter let's go get out of here you said something about a plan yeah this way before we follow Elias through we can get some extra Callisto credits here come on [Music] Jacob this will come in handy though take that over to the reflection you can use it to print a new weapon give me a minute tap into the system we opened the chest to the right we get some uh get some credits we get 800 credits which is exactly the number of credits that you need to be able to forge your gun and you have to forge your gun in order to continue the game the highest quality okay got it if we're gonna get out man we need to ship one of you can fly now I found an inmate with the skills to hack the network and call one down for morbid and uses her in the shoe maximum security you're [ __ ] tough getting in here cool bothering you yeah ever since I got it yeah they can scramble your brains a little bit don't worry you get used to it I sure know a lot about this place yeah I've had nothing at the time okay so what's next the shoe and we just watch our way in there I wish we could it's not gonna be that easy bro I've been here a long time I've got privileges that you've done it so I'm gonna have to take you a different way but I'll be your eyes and ears and I'll guide you along don't you leave me hanging I've got you you know what I'm part of I'm afraid not I'll get that door for you before we continue we're gonna sell everything that we picked up we are maxed out on items in our inventory so we got to dump them all the very first thing that we're going to upgrade to Max is the pistol now you might be thinking why not the Baton why not anything else why the pistol don't worry by chapter three it'll all make sense thank you stand by cycle complete we don't have enough money for any other upgrades once we have uh upgraded our clip size now we can reload the gun and we can sell the rest of the ammo sell the ammo what are you doing car seat we need that money for upgrades also get a load of the blood textures on the mirror they tell if I look down and I move the mouse left and right tihi you're gonna hold back as the door opens he tried to grab me but I guess the grab animation interrupted and the camera did something weird again be holding back we got to be shooting whenever we see that prompt throughout chapter two throughout all of chapter two you can just uh you can extend your uh melee combos by using the gun I don't generally take advantage of the melee combo extension because I don't want some weird thing to happen where the enemy can suddenly get a hidden on me so I just immediately shoot and then I go back into defensive stance and let him counter and then I dodge and then I do it all again uh so yeah I snuck up on that guy and I backstabbed him here's our first encounter with a spitter and what I'm going to do is I'm going to climb down this ladder and we are going to listen very closely to the music the music's gone spit or despond the car seat why not fight the spitter for credits it's risky if I can despawn an enemy I'm going to do it I could shoot out his legs and maybe stomp him but there's a bit of a 50 50 split whether I'm going to get uh bullets or whether I'm going to get some Callisto credits but if you get Callisto credits it's a lot somewhere between like 70 to 90 Callisto credits I think I just didn't feel like going through the effort don't worry I'll show you how to deal with them later it's just early game we might as well just go ahead and despawn them now we're gonna Crouch and we're gonna just take us as straight a line as we can because we're moving extra slow the fastest way from point A to point B is in a straight line always so then we're gonna backstab this guy and you can check the door now if you like while we're waiting for this other guy if this other guy shambles around way too fast then we can't backstab him so we have to wait for him to come around otherwise he sees us backstabbing is always going to be safer if an enemy is on aggroed it's always going to be quicker and safer to backstop these guys than it is to like Melee them shoot them in the middle of meleeing he almost turned around and saw me so I had to uh hold a to kind of circle around him just had to hold left [Music] wait what you don't have a choice all right what a mess I didn't have a choice block is anyone copy where are you watching what why what's happening this guy is going to jump up and surprise us so we gotta hold back and get ready for him he blocked us if he blocks hold Dodge again until he's done attacking and uh the nice thing about uh shooting mid combo like what happens whenever we see the uh the little Crosshair pop up that's when you can raise your gun and just shoot and then he'll automatically lock on what that does is there is an increased chance of being able to get rid of his arm there's a bunch of stuff in here including a file so it's a good idea to come through here my entire Squad [Applause] thank you so it should be noted uh this was actually a uh this was actually a failed no save no damage attempt and that is how I recorded this entire run so I took maybe five hits in this entire playthrough and whenever I did take a hit I would reset a checkpoint and then just start another recording so that way I would have a full segmented no damage playthrough that I could commentate and upload I needed one because no save no damage runs obviously take a longer time and I wanted to be able to share the strats with you guys sooner I need to satisfy the YouTube algorithm I'm sorry once we get in here we're going to uh we're going to run over to this console we're just going to run around we're just going to make as much noise as we can because we want to aggro both of these guys and what's going to happen is these guys are not going to come into this room and they're going to be aggroed they're going to be pissed off and then they'll just decide that the player is not worth their time so they're gonna run into the vent and once they run into the vent we are safe to proceed if we try to leave the room any sooner then those enemies are still going to be outside but once they time out they'll run into that vent and they will never return so that makes this whole area completely safe now yeah I'm hoping to perhaps complete no save no damage before the end of 2022 but if not I will work on it throughout uh throughout January because I really want this no save no damage generally a lot of the runs on my YouTuber segmented meaning I do them with saves people are always asking hey carsy why do you always load after saving and I'm not loading after saving what you were looking at is a jump cut where I have stitched two clips together because the single because the playthrough is not one continuous playthrough this isn't meant to deceive anyone or anything like that if the run is done without saving I will very clearly put no save in the title results after Decades of misguided research research scene yeah so you can't go into the inventory while a uh well on audio log is playing unless you want the audio log to stop I wanted to drop this med kit so that I could pick a stack of bullets the tower renovations foreign like I said they're not coming back an enemy is about to bash out of the window here so get ready to hold back Gotta Wait For Those swings be guarded hippie guards hold back again got rid of an arm and as I say you get rid of an arm he only swings once then you can attack foreign [Music] oh this is what we have to buy more the hell is she once we slide through here this is a point of no return you can't go back [Music] found one of those gloves that Captain pharah's had we'll do pull her down right so once this guy comes out it's gonna go slow-mo because it wants us to read the tutorial instead I'm just going to hold back and what we're going to do is we're going to go all the way over to this Gurney over here and we're just going to wait for him to come this way thank you and then we're gonna grab them and then we're going to drop him on this bed and now he's dead go to sleep this next guy over here we should have exactly enough grip gauge to be able to put him to bed too and because we're out of grip gauge now we have to fight this guy manually I took advantage of that combo extend there so ladies and gentlemen welcome to the grip glove the grip glove is the single most broken thing in the Callisto protocol and I am going to show you how to get the most out of it the grip glove is pretty much the exact reason why I don't even bother upgrading the Baton until very late in the game when it is actually forced for you to use the Baton before we continue we'll go ahead and open these lockers in previous patches they might occasionally put like a floor skin in there an enemy I like to call Floor skins they don't appear until you actually have a gun so floor skins they basically just crawl around and they and they like you know they bite you they're like the primary disease vectors so right about now we should have about 1600 credits or something like that and now we can start upgrading the grip glove and the very first thing that I go for for the grip glove is capacity because we want to use this thing as much as humanly possible we don't really need velocity all that much we just need to stuff enemies into hazard zones and the grip glove whenever we use it once it uses up a tremendous amount of energy so consequently we got to make sure that we have as much energy as possible I did decide to get velocity though because it's very useful for impaling enemies on spikes it's a grp battery pack we're going to save those as much as we can by the way because grp battery packs are quite precious I'm going to go back this way to pick up any items off of any of the bodies of the enemies we killed Ithaca is I'm pretty sure one of them dropped a battery pack it did one or two of these guys might drop grp battery packs the catch is if you drop them on the bed you can't uh you can't hit them once and get an item off of them these these enemies are a little weird we're not going to use the grp battery pack to recharge our battery though just going back in this menu to uh sell this health injector that we obviously don't need but uh you can reset checkpoints and your grp gauge will be replenished to full completely so I'm going to be taking advantage of that a lot I have no idea if you can do this strategy for the hardcore difficulty whenever that comes out but you can bet your asthma to take advantage of this now while I can thank you California from you resetting the checkpoint here so that we get our Max grip gauge obviously this is the reason why we recharged the battery is so that we can use the grip gauge as much as possible on these checkpoint resets brakes don't look too good Elias stop the cab stop it you've got to do it what wow [ __ ] Jacob you still with me yeah barely another elevator wait so this is our first encounter with a blood worm if you grab an object and throw it at the blood worm like if it's of a specific size then you'll destroy it so keep that in mind you don't actually have to shoot like you don't have to do the qtes you don't have to shoot blood worms they're always in a place where you can destroy them before they can hit you so if you know where the blood worms are they are not even an issue they're really annoying if you don't know what you're doing but they're really not that big of a deal you just have to have forward knowledge which is kind of unfortunate so we just went ahead and impaled that guy that's what I got the velocity upgrade for is because it makes it easier to uh toss these guys in and then there's another blood worm over there we're going to yep just throw so we can hit hit corpses that are impaled on the wall we hit them with the Baton any corpses on the floor we just stomp on them and they will drop items Treasure Chest I believe there is always a pristine energy converter we'll come back and get that Health injector later what we're going to do is we're going to kind of sneak over here unfortunately uh it seems to prioritize enemies whenever you uh try to grab things I wanted to grab the um I wanted to grab that explosive Barrel but no such luck I already wasted a grip battery because of that little flub up right there the reason why I went to save my grip batteries is for there's some sections where there's an absolute crap ton of enemies but otherwise yeah we want to we want to just grab them and throw them so uh a question you might have is what consumes grp energy charges and I believe it is the act of pulling any object uh in order to hold enemies the grp gradually drains uh the further you are the further an object is away from you or rather the further an enemy is away from you the more grp it will take and uh I believe throwing always consumes a fixed amount of grp but objects take like a very very minuscule amount so if you have like an explosive Barrel or something like that that's going to be the ideal foreign just going through doors here no items to look for size of that thing guys I'm in the elevator I see the shoe Elias you there Appliance can you hear me sorry for not responding the way inside here really tearing up the place can we still get to the shield yeah but it's on emergency power so I'll need to stay here and run a manual override don't worry I can get you over there the choice is yours now that we're here we're going to clear out our inventory and we have 900 points so we're gonna put that on the damage upgrade here yeah even though we're really not going to be using this gun all too much until the next chapter so here's a uh here's a funny trick once the store opens all you have to do is just do a tiny drag on these guys and they die don't ask me why that works I tried to make it work on this guy too but the ideal is that you just pull that guy and he falls to his death generally regular enemies won't give you any more than like you know 20 Callisto credits worth of items so they're not even it's not even generally like worth it to uh fight them the long way around just to be able to get their items so it's like don't even don't even don't even sweat the small stuff prioritize killing them got our grp battery pack here got another Health injector we're gonna take these fuses and there's going to be two grp battery packs in here total uh this is one such example of where we want to save grp battery packs for and abuse checkpoint restarts is for this room right here this room right here uh basically just gives you the grp energy packs because you are meant to use grp in this room for an absurd amount of enemies that are in here and there's also a lot of places where you can throw set enemies and kill them so we're gonna reset here get our grp back up gotta turn the subtitles off and on because stupid bug I'm gonna throw this guy over here and sometimes dude due to frame rate these guys might jump around a lot I'm gonna drag this guy over here [Applause] and then a spitter should be popping out on the left hand side is down and then another two enemies are going to spawn I believe it might be upstairs that guy actually it looks like he hit me there just now but uh I I genuinely don't know what happened but because I have the med packs I can actually show you that he didn't do any damage to me he just he just went directly into the grinder somehow I have no idea how that happened that was a uh that was a that was a very very rare bug whatever that was never seen it before this game is still new but the reason why I like to stand over here is because you're more likely to pull the enemy into the grinder as opposed to having to shove them into the grinder as well it consumes it consumes very little grp energy to do it this way just you know pull and uh and drop them into the grinder just let go of the uh let go of the button let's see I was trying to use a health item there but it's grayed out now that we're all done with these guys we're just going to Stomp Them and get our just Rewards [Music] foreign a lot of credits off of this pretty good haul one might say so once we uh open this door we gotta watch out for this guy we'll just hold back and Dodge when they're on the ground like this it only takes one hit to kill them you just have to dodge them and then uh we'll just do like an overhead slam with the uh stun baton excuse me we're gonna go in here we're gonna sell these free up some inventory space and we got one more Health injector to pick up at the top over here foreign we had to wait until now because we had to get grp batteries out of our inventory by using them basically we just try to get everything sold except for the grp batteries they're done on my way so we see a spitter over here but there's three enemies here total uh you could kill the spitter and get some money out of it but trust me you don't actually need it [Music] did a checkpoint reset here refill my grip gauge basically these kills are all free so we're just gonna drag him over here drop him over the edge same with this guy and uh also dude number three that velocity upgrade comes in handy see you later found it it works you just get to throw these enemies away like trash and it's beautiful foreign go down a show and he can fly out that we can do this we just gotta stick together all right thanks I'll take my chances a word of advice though he's not what he seems I thought you knew everything about this place so what now what the hell is that [Music] [Applause] laughs all right so once this guy comes out here we're just going to pick him up and uh just uh gently place them out of the way like a naughty kitten sneak out the way once we come through here obviously he came out of the vent in front of us We're Not Gonna crawl through there and fight him instead we're just going to take out his legs and he tries to crawl towards us and he walks into a kill plane foreign so we we're not going to Vault over this pipe there's a bloodworm over there there's two blood worms in this area that was one of two sneak through here now we gotta walk past a trigger right here in order to start spawning these floor skins and we can just grab them with the grip and throw them it's like very very minimal grip gauge to do that with just grab and throw immediately and it will just kill them immediately because your grip is going to recharge so it's better to use the grip against these guys than it is to use bullets more efficient that way oh also when this happens if you qte out of it correctly then uh it counts it basically functions as a grab and it doesn't do any damage to you it actually does like zero damage so just like don't even worry about that [Music] foreign that guy pops out we just throw him over the edge I'm gonna Crouch down here so while we're fighting this guy there's uh we gotta watch out for uh security robot security robot is on the other side of this uh this checkpoint over here you can see by that subtitle there so we have to make sure that we kill this guy while he's over here on this side so No Holds Barred just be uh just be using those bolt just be using those hand Cannon combos pick up the hand Cannon ammo here he heard me so he's turned around his uh when his light's yellow that's that's when he's that's when he's aggroad and we gotta hide you can't see us here though okay now we can grab the hand Cannon and uh basically the uh security droids once we have the hand Cannon like it says in the tutorial here shoot him in the head protect it have a United on the hardest difficulty these guys only take like four shots to kill just four headshots to kill and uh you can stomp him and you can get a decoder so these guys are quite literally walking money bags and once we're over here we're going to like this guy we're gonna shoot him into like three times uh if he's still alive then we'll do the thing where we Dodge and then finish him off with the stun baton to kill him I think the stun baton is better used as a sort of physical tool it's not so good for fighting enemies one-on-one and especially two on one should be using the uh should be using the pistol and the grip glove for that [Music] say what now my recommendation is to reset this checkpoint here actually that just procked so that we get full grip gauge because having full grip gauge in this section will make it a lot easier [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a vent over here we can uh pull it off and stomp these boxes and get items from it there's quite a few like this so as you can see this guy pops out that's what the grip is for we just uh hold him in place and he's dead then another guy we're gonna toss them over here and we're going to wander into the track in order to get the trap to start moving again basically the Trap does all the heavy lifting for us here do not try to physically attack them do not try to dodge because if you do then you're going to dodge into the Trap and you're going to die we're gonna wait for this to come back because I actually don't know if you can just climb into the vent before it uh before it gets back all right so once we do that traps sent all the way to the end and we are clear and that is the end of chapter two Elias I made it on the checkpoint [Music] Ah that's one hell of a view yeah see you I got eyes in the hanger too I ran plenty of jobs out of that place it feels like a lifetime ago how the hell am I supposed to get there I know I said this would be easy but trust all back what is that supposed to mean and then what I'll pick you up at the trail station easy peasy all right I'll be in touch all that figures is there anything else you haven't told me yeah me too foreign please make a selection [Music] so from this point we can uh we can install the alt fire on the handgun pretty soon you're about to see you're about to see the hand Cannon get a lot more action basically the hand Cannon and the riot gun are the only two guns that we want to use throughout the duration of the game any other gun is just going to spawn in a bunch of useless ammo that we are not going to actively be using even though said ammo might give you like you know an extra 20 credits here and there it is very much not worth it expressly because it jams up your inventory so I am going to tell you right now none of the other guns are worth it maybe if you're getting achievements or something like that then perhaps they might be but even then I wouldn't recommend upgrading them until you get the uh the power suit and you have 12 inventory slots instead of six [Music] foreign once we've got all these items I'm going to turn around and uh head back upstairs because inventory is full and it is completely useless to carry these energy converters in our inventory I kind of wish they would have put the reforge machine down here but now we gotta climb this ladder all the way back up unit online foreign all right what was that [Music] okay once you crawl out of this vent here please don't demonetize me YouTube this is butter it is really green stinky butter and those things are churning it once this guy comes out uh there are no hazards to throw this guy onto so I use the alt fire on the pistol for the first time the alt-fire on the pistol if you shoot an enemy Center Mass with the alt fire on the pistol then what it'll do is it'll blow off the enemy's head and arms sometimes an enemy might still have an arm so you have to be extra careful and hold the Dodge button after you fire off your shot because there is a chance that the enemy might still be alive but I would say in roughly 95 percent of cases it will instantly kill the enemy at which point you just run up and stomp it so it doesn't spawn any tentacles enemies do not spawn tentacles until later in this chapter foreign so you can see I didn't go right I only went left it's our proximity three hours secretion adapting adapting the environment usually itself done so yeah as I said only go left once you get out of that pipe earlier and just like pick up those items next to the Hologram of Elias because there's an enemy and there's like two other items to pick up but I would say it's really not worth the time to even bother doing any of that I guarantee it so once we come over here uh this was an area that I didn't know you could avoid damage in here but you just look up and then you grab and then you drop basically he just literally spawns in at the top and it's so dumb basically the developers intended for that to be forced damage there unless this guy comes out here we're going to just drop him down bye bye that was one of the instances that I originally thought was force damage whenever I was talking about uploading a no damage video of this game before and then I totally scrapped that video because I ended up taking damage in another place that was not this so I just decided to scrap that whole project and uh just start all over and do no save no damage in addition to that cross-wired draws extra power foreign before we proceed down to following the red pipe we can go up this way we'll use grp to take this uh vent off and we'll have a little area with a few bonus items which you know you might find you might find worth your while but it's uh it can be it's it's it's it's it's worth quite a bit of quite a quite a few Callisto credits I think to go this way so that's the reason why I went this way remember also you can see I haven't used a health item up to this point we'll just go to the right here and we can just uh open here there were Health gels in there and because my health was full I couldn't use them nice so from here just to escape for a moment here not everything that you pick up in a chest is worth it I decided to go ahead and use one grp battery since I was up one because of pristine energy converter is worth uh two this was 200. and uh we could also pick up the hand Cannon ammo and just like automatically reload the gun there's a there's no there's no need to pick up that uh Health injector because it really isn't worth much at the end of the day got a pretty good haul and we're about to go to a we're about to go to a reforge machine in a second which if you really wanted to you can go back and pick that up if you want but I opted not to because it was just a waste of time for me [Music] foreign man I swear half of this game is just like going in between is just going in between crevices going through events and just like crawl spaces there's so much of this animation and it's like one might think that they are masking loading times please make a selection but there is literally no need for that to happen even on console it's just they're just doing it we don't need the level three grip yet but the grip glove is going to be the next thing that we upgrade we're not going to upgrade recharge because again that's what checkpoint resets are for the [ __ ] a little strip over this way and be using the grip glove just pull and toss pull and toss and it gets rid of all these guys no more floor skins we'll head over here get our grip glove ready again because that last pustule on the top right there that we're aiming at also has a floor skin foreign shout outs to my friend uh Jade skinned teen for coming up with the name floor skin for those guys I don't actually know what they're called but it doesn't matter floor skin is a better name floor skin is a name that is just you know you're just not going to come up with a better name for those guys than floor skin right so once we come in here this is uh supposedly one of the tougher rooms in the game but it really isn't that bad and I'm going to show you why we're gonna grab this here we're gonna grab that grab maybe another item but we have to make it to this ladder before any enemies can follow us here and then we're gonna pull this fuse and then we're gonna reset checkpoint and by resetting checkpoint we despawn any enemies that have already spawned in thank you also as per usual due to the subtitle bug off on climb down here and enemy will pop out of the vents drop them another one over here drop them and then we'll move to the right over here and what I usually like to do is I like to grab this explosive Barrel because it eats up very little energy and it allows us to kill this guy in one shot if we have an opportunity to kill spitters in one shot with a barrel I'm going to do it because that's 77 free credits and I need as many credits as I can in the early portion of this game grab hand Cannon ammo grabbing the hand Cannon ammo here [Music] yes sir just wrapping up what first we're gonna need the console code fill up our inventory here and we can actually drop our batteries here for a little bit we're not going to be resetting any checkpoints for a while just uh keep in mind that if you drop your items here and you reset a checkpoint they will disappear or at least that is a thing that I have had happen to me and I wouldn't wish it on you so gonna grab everything here and our handgun is full so we're gonna go ahead and go this way and I'm going to show you exactly the reason why upgrading the hand Cannon is necessary all right poor bastard so here's the thing when you see tentacles coming out of their stomachs they're going to spawn into these guys all tentacles right however if you use alt-fire on them they die basically these guys you'll just end up like fighting them twice otherwise like basically every enemy every regular enemy will just start to spawn tentacles all right got it so it's safe to say you just want to deal with them as quickly as possible especially if you get a fight like two at once or something like that [Music] anyway [Music] yeah we ain't dealing with these guys not now not ever just drop these guys across the uh just drop these guys over the balcony they fall down and die everything falls down and dies the basic gameplay design of this game just uh simply Hedges on the player getting locked into melee as much as possible and we all know that the melee in this game is terrible so as I have mentioned the key to avoiding damage in this game is to just simply avoid melee [Music] what was going on here God had to leave her behind [ __ ] with iconic find this just get the hell out of here nice there's usually a pristine energy converter as well as a grp battery pack in that chest so you usually get a good haul from that chest foreign [Music] fuse now and then what we're going to do is we're going to go to the corner of this banister right here and then we're going to aim at the door and whenever someone comes through we're gonna pick them up and drop them and then they die ladies and gentlemen the grip glove yeah you just like drop these guys in weird places and sometimes they just die and it's pretty fantastic bro inventory is full so we're gonna just drop off some of these items now want to drop off these batteries ugc printing At Your Service so to free up space in our inventory for us to be able to pick up more items and fewer passes as before coming here and there is going to be an energy converter Med kit [Music] and some Callisto credits typically less than 10. then once we come out here pick up this uh last Health injector I really wish Health injectors and uh grp batteries would stack I mean they wanted to get rid of hoarding but the choice is yours I just feel like they kind of made the game tedious in return now we've sold everything let's get our grp battery packs and get ready to go hurt cycle initiating here we go [Music] Purge cycle in progress [Music] [Music] warning anomaly detected so are fighting these corrupters over here well we're not really we're not even gonna fight them we're just gonna pick them up and drop them if you want to save some uh if you want to save some grip then you can grab this uh explosive Barrel over here also Stomp get a few hand Cannon ammo if you're lucky keep in mind the alt-fire on the hand Cannon uses five bullets each so relish the opportunity to be able to top it off whenever you can here's number two basically you can see uh if you look to right above Jacob's head you can see a gauge that is just like lowering and whenever it reaches a certain point another enemy will spawn in and then the gauge will halt until that enemy is dealt with and that's basically how this room works so you can just you can just drop these guys one at a time and they're done uh third cycle comes in access hatch open ladder [Music] oh [ __ ] patch sealed beginning pressure check [Music] quit foreign foreign [Music] so I did end up dying in this slip and slide here and resetting a checkpoint because the thing that I theorized worked here actually did not work we're gonna slide over here slide over here and then we're going to hold left to get around these two more things to go in between go right here foreign [Music] so as I learned with this playthrough the idea is to reload the checkpoint whenever you get to the propellers and then you hold left and then you will pass through them 100 of the time every time we get a bob and weave between all these you can hold left here oh God man Jacob got some insane upper body strength all right [Music] I hate this [ __ ] place damn skippy Jacob this is like the worst water park this site of Flint Michigan of course there's a health pack in there but we gotta expend our inventory a little bit to be able to get it so for this room we just spawned them in one at a time and we take them out I had less than 20 bullets here so gotta play a little conservatively we gotta wait for them to dash at us if we can because they can sidestep us when we're aiming at them that is the thing that they do and then we're going to spawn in the second guy because I'm uh running along bullets here still I decided to shoot out this guy's leg Dodge and uh slam it with the Baton because control Y is still super easy this guy comes in same dealio alt fire destroy him and we're maxed out on bullets and number four is going to come out of the vent in front of us [Music] and he's done and we'll just reload again in order to get the bullets out of our inventory foreign so another 100 uh another 100 credits if we can afford the space [Music] [Music] by the way it's worth noting if you have if you have maxed out uh your inventory and your gun is not full then it'll automatically reload any bullets that you pick up into your gun [Music] like that see of course that's the last bullets that we got it was there was no reason for me to like throw anything away [Music] so we don't proceed any further into that area that we just went into because there will be a point of no return and at the end of said point of no return is a blood worm and it's an unavoidable blood worm wow isn't that something so obviously we don't want to go that way otherwise we are forced to take damage right I made it through a copy okay I got I was in the tram station I'll meet you there so now we're gonna wait just wait it out we're gonna wait for that robot over there the kill bot over there to go around the corner we're gonna strafe around here no signal so we gotta fight these guys If they raise their arm that's when they're about to shoot so if you see them raising their arm get behind cover immediately because if you do not you will die like I'm not even kidding if they shoot at you you're just dead like getting shot at functions as a grab like a hit scan grab from like a million miles away and you just die bastard ujc printing have a United day now we're gonna sell all these we got an extra 700 credits but we're still a little short to be able to buy the maxed out battery pack we're going to drop all these battery packs here and then we're going to head over this way a little earlier during the aftermath chapter you might have noticed that I didn't pick up the skunk gun schematic reason being I don't use the skunk gun nice I probably mentioned before it jams up your inventory with like bullets that you're just not going to use and just like spending the money to upgrade it is just not worth it but uh if you didn't pick up the skunk gun schematic then it'll spawn in over here and I just go ahead and pick it up so I never have to pick it up again like I said if we throw enemies into the rose bushes over here we gotta swipe them with this with the Baton in order to get bullets I'll go over here this guy's going to come out of the vent grab him throw them sometimes if they're low enough you can stop their leg off and get Whatever item they're holding right generally swipe your baton that's about when you can that's what uh when you can expect them to actually drop items now we got exactly enough have a United day for that level 3 capacity upgrade pick up another grip battery here Health injector and then we're going to go back by the rose bush there's a spitter in this mob over here we're just going to use grip glove to just grab all these guys and Chuck them yeah because uh I ran out of grip glove it dropped the spitter that I was holding and that's why I ended up shooting is because I was no longer holding him and uh instead the game thought that I wanted to shoot my gun once we come up here we'll spawn another enemy so we'll just run back to the rose bush over here grip that guy too and once we uh go to the right over here there's another Health injector then we're going to crouch in and that guy is going to spawn an event in front of us another corrupter it'll turn around uncrouch and the corrupter is going to come through this vent now we're just going to Chuck him into the rose bush [Music] grab them shuck them all right at the end there's a path to the right where you can get some items I do not recommend going through that route because there are a million floor skins that hatch out of the pustules in that area just don't even bother trust me it's not worth it you'll already have more money and upgrades than you know what to do with I suppose it's probably worth going if you choose to upgrade other items but I find that it is a colossal waste of time by the way once we grab this uh this this core unit over here off of this guard do not reset this checkpoint because if you do then you'll lose your copy the thing in your inventory and you won't be able to get the achievement for getting all of the all of the logs can't reach it the walkway collapsed it's really dumb they don't just like track the logs throughout like multiple playthroughs like tracking up one tracking One log over multiple playthroughs it's like picking up all the logs in one single play through so as you can see these uh corrupters just like spawn in the trees over here and uh there's eight of them total in this area I decided to just pull them all off so now we have to deal with four of them and now I'm just kind of going nice and slow taking it nice and easy [Music] trying to find these guys as they pop in we don't want to go too far ahead because they actually will uh grab us and do damage to us oh I messed up there I wanted to grab both of these guys and Chuck them because they spawned in I'm just gonna go back here this way but this is one of the reasons why I wanted so many batteries is for these guys so that I wouldn't mess up on these guys because it is very very easy to do so you can see some of these uh some of these lights on the railings over here like these light poles over here that have like the slanted tops to them uh those will actually block you from throwing I dodged here really quick because I was too close to throw that explosive Barrel if you throw the explosive Barrel Too Close obviously you take damage [Music] so I just dropped it and dodged and over here I'll grab it Chuck it foreign there should be one more now was it seven enemies or eight I wasn't even counting while I was doing the commentary foreign there's only one audio log left to collect in this area I'm going here go to the left pull this panel off once we go in here there's going to be three enemies at the far end that will spawn in and like once we hear them spawn in we're going to exit immediately [Music] once we're out here wait for them to pop out of the vents and then we're just going to pick them up and we're going to toss them over the edge bye bye so yeah they're all dead by the way don't let the don't let the music fool you there's only three enemies here [Music] the music takes a while to stop by the way when an audio log doesn't play uh there's a couple of audio logs that are notorious for not playing just keep stopping and restarting it until it plays turn it off and on again all right [Music] doing one more checkpoint reset here to refill our grip gauge because it's pretty low now I still want to save batteries because we got to save as many batteries as we can for the uh Colony chapter once we're over here we're going to grab them and Chuck them Celia Celia Celia sometimes their arms are spilling over a little bit you can Stomp Them and get some extra items and uh now we're going to water these logs thank you Jacob boy over here it's not as bad as it looks come on you want me to climb that well it depends do you want to get off this rock yeah that's a good point gotta say you look like [ __ ] yeah I look like [ __ ] I smell like it too because somebody forgot to mention that I'd be swimming in it I told you it wouldn't be easy matters is that you made it yeah not quite yet I'll be nearly there give us your run quick get to the train station [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I've seen those things are changing they're revolving yeah I think we need to get the hell out of here what's with the suit the station got damage during evacuation you've got outside to access the track yeah okay suited up we still gotta beat that storm when you're ready I'll start call the airlock [Music] and I never asked you what are you in for foreign it's a long time ago yeah I was defending myself wrong place wrong time made a lot of bad decisions back then now you've probably just dealt the shitty hand no no it was used to blame everyone else but then I realized this was on me can't keep running from what you've done [Music] [Music] foreign foreign Elias where are you I gotta find it so Callisto the Moon is partially terraformed there is breathable oxygen it is just very very very thin like being at an extreme high altitude so these suits basically just uh pressurize the air so that they can breathe up here her breathe on Callisto I think is probably the best way to describe why it is that people can just breathe on Callisto [Music] also it's a wee bit chilly foreign [Music] you could also Chuck the sky over the edge but it probably doesn't even make a difference it's it's worth just blowing this guy up and stopping him if you can hear me activate your emergency Beacon [Music] Elias [Music] foreign yes you can it's not that far it's not that far come on no no [Applause] gotta keep going we gotta keep going come on it's because of you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] told him not to trust you how did you find us emergency Beacon you're lucky I'm the one who picked it up you're too late not for what I need like iron like the back of his hand what are you doing hey hey wait wait where do you think you're going I'm a pilot you need me fingers that way better start walking oh come on gotta get to that hanger I should get out of this storm foreign please make a selection just cleaning house but right about now we can kind of start upgrading our uh arbiton United maybe get some of these uh lower level upgrades for other things that we have like the grp recharge actually right about now is a good time to actually get slightly more grp recharge but I would put a priority on uh saving a little bit of money for the riot gun or I should say the riot gun upgrades there's some Callisto credits sometimes bullets here a couple of enemies in here I would say that it's absolutely worth it to kill these guys even though you only need to kill one in order to proceed the one closest to the door it's worth it to kill both of these guys because sometimes they might drop bullets and of course grab them and Chuck them foreign [Music] bridge is barely holding up okay nice and easy thank you this guy comes in over here and you just have to grab him before he tackles you foreign kill trained up there and you're good to go now we gotta run to the other side of here those access tunnels lead to the snow cap garage I can get us inside so we're just gonna jog around here a little bit until we hear the uh corruptors come out then we're gonna grab that Barrel right there and get rid of one it should be noted that uh if a barrel explodes next to another Barrel it doesn't cause a chain reaction it just throws the other Barrel around so we're free to just go ahead and pick it back up again there's uh four corruptors around here total foreign pop out of the ground here you could either just drop a barrel and run back and shoot it to explode it or you could just use the alt-fire on the hand Cannon my recommendation is just use the hand the alt fire on the hand Cannon just to be 100 safe because fewer actions allows you to kill the enemy quicker and they can close the distance really really quickly so they will uh so like if you try to throw a barrel at them it will you'll you'll just end up getting hit just trust me on this one all right on the regular biofages that come out of the snow just use the alt fire on the hand Cannon it's just it's just safer that way trust me let's go over here this guy's gonna pop out of the door and then we're gonna wait for him to start walking because if we try to Chuck that any earlier he has iframes so he won't be hit by the barrel if you try to Chuck it directly at him you have to wait for him to start moving towards you once again dude that alt-fire any place where you can't instantly kill an enemy with grip that's what the alt-fire on the hand Cannon is for once again we gotta wait for this guy to start moving and Chuck that Barrel we already got the key to open this door [Music] foreign contact us added with the Mark 1 implant perhaps something that made its way up from Ox y's up to something [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this line here we're going to have our first encounter with combusters combusters are kind of annoying but they're not really that annoying either I mean they're easy to kill just they just kind of pop up in Annoying places once we come down the stairs here we gotta check this guy against the wall uh he doesn't have any items he's like one of the only enemies in the game that just doesn't have an item whenever you stomp on his corpse so just like don't bother we had left towards this dead end over here and there might be credits there might be bullets we got bullets there's another two are left combustor so we gotta watch out for that go down here and another one's going to come out the corner and we also got to watch out for a floor skin here rolling around there's another floor skin down here somewheres let's grab them Chuck them oh there were some lockers that you can open but it wasn't worth it once we come up the stairs here we gotta get ready to shoot the combustor because there's a bunch of floor skins around it and the combustor will just kill all the all the floor skins no need to worry about it we'll grab that barrel and Chuck it at this guy over here I've got some bullets too once we come up the stairs there's gonna be another combustor we can just go ahead and shoot them and then another combustor right behind him along with some floor skins rolling around we'll just blow him up too foreign over here we're gonna grab Chuck and then grab Chuck again these enemies over here are completely harmless because you can just Chuck them into the rose bushes so I say that it's worth it to come this way just to get these extra items here nice Christine decoder is worth 750 credits so absolutely come this way another enemy is going to bust out of the vent here but we're just going to use altfire I said we're going to use all fire so yeah alt fire on computer or on PC is bound to your uh clicking your scroll wheel but so is uh so is dragging an enemy with a grp you just you just scroll wheel down to grab an enemy with grp foreign a little spatial gesture which I thought was kind of cool but kind of dumb and over here another thing right here we're gonna grab that oh [ __ ] okay now we're going to come over this way and turn around and this guy's gonna come over here and we're gonna just gonna Chuck him into the rose bush foreign I'm sure you guys know what we're gonna do we're gonna Chuck him into the rose bush another enemy is about to pop out of one of these vents in front of us can you guess what's going to happen here [Music] that's right he goes in the rose bush and another enemy is about to pop out of the vent over here and what about him where's he gonna go that's right he goes in the rose bush [Music] foreign is going to pop out of one of these vents over here and that's right he goes in the well okay not that time I accidentally clicked the metal Mouse button while I was trying to grab him but incidentally it uh it hit him and he blew up so either way it worked for me that's right it goes in the square hole foreign we don't stand a chance alone but together we might just make it out of here alive fine if I can get that snow cap fixed it'll get us to the hang of The Hanger you need to open the main gate Patrol should be that way how do I know I can trust you 'll need it those things are everywhere it's Jacob by the way I Know Who You Are foreign track them all on the other side damn it looks like there's another control room across the way we'll need to activate both to open the gate please now that we finally got the riot gun we are going to get all the upgrades for it that we can especially that final upgrade because that final upgrade is going to be what puts in the work against the final boss [Music] executing happy United day stand by cycle complete foreign foreign foreign so similarly to a couple of spitters at the beginning of the game during the aftermath chapter remember the gondola all you have to do is drag this guy once and he should die but uh if he doesn't then just shoot him in the leg a few times is the best thing to do against spitters like this so I'm going to show you guys the backup Strat I had to like stop for a minute because it's like oh crap the thing didn't work what do I do again and then I was like oh yeah I shoot him in the leg that's how you take this guy out [Music] foreign foreign so over here it runs a pretty high chance of dying in one shot if you're not careful there's a couple of spitters in this room but usually what I like to do is I like to uh I like to uh grab this core device here and then I like to Camp a corner of the room foreign and then this guy over here I'm just gonna drag him over here so you can run into this turbine and die be very very careful this room goes by really quick though it's after you kill the corrupter that like two more enemies spawn in so just go ahead and get rid of the corrupter as quickly as possible made it to the second control on three two one foreign in progress United day because we got the money to burn and I don't need the maxed out upgrade for the riot gun quite so soon you can go ahead and expend some of these points these Callisto credits my bad stand by cycle complete get that combo extension as well basically upgrading the melee helps for uh fighting Ferris later which is the reason why I do it s true freedom is found within or only by knowing yourself become what you were always meant to be nice where the hell is she once we get out here we're just going to take this interior line here and this guy is going to bust out of the ice he grabbed me but uh didn't really do much of anything for that matter and we're just going to back walk into the snow cat as soon as Jacob over here grab him and Chuck him and get in the snow cat you don't need to fight any of these guys thank you I can't see anything out there so don't [ __ ] talk to me what's your problem just stop we're almost there okay the hangers the other way I know woman where are you going all right I'll be back what wait hey hey hey hey get back here Danny what are we doing here just gotta see it with my own eyes Danny where the hell are you going daddy daddy where are you thank you it's Max but I need your advice with Jacob it's like he won't listen [Music] hey what are you doing what's in here uh medical supplies [ __ ] open it why because I said though until you do okay fine yep just like I told you but records show you made multiple drops right before the incidents don't try to talk your way out of this I know you were I have nothing to do with what happened on Europe [Applause] wrong with you I just messing with my head this doesn't make any sense but I'm gonna figure it out in the meantime you better pull it together someone's gonna blast out of here come on let's go this way so what were you expecting to find ujc bio weapon traced it from Europa to here to my ship I thought so control room's just up ahead get ready I'm not sure arrived at an exciting time beginning of a new and brighter future foreign why did you do that to Elias I was in a hurry didn't have time to transfer the data I need to know everything I can about what's Happening Here get out like you haven't done the same as you really know him or were you just using him to escape ship's parked in orbit will activate the room call them we can take the elevator in the Next Room up to The Landing deck that's where we took off from yeah I know I'll get the elevator all these bodies I guess someone's trying to cover up what's happening here oh no signal s mobilized foreign no I'm almost there yeah we are I couldn't have made it without your help I know you don't seem too surprised about what about any of this whatever the hell is going on around here I saw something like it before back on Europa Europa of the news report said that was all on you ujc propaganda kind of like me and that cargo you thought it was only Maybe not you're going to think so there it is two minutes out it's out it's right on time a hell of a lot bigger than Miles [ __ ] I think you can fly it yeah I'll fly anything that gets us off this rock but what we doing to accept troll still impressed that you made it this way perhaps you both have potential after all he's not the [ __ ] your journey was especially all the way you say but I'm afraid there's just too much at stake here cannot be broken so though your story ends go go go go go go what's up man this whole section over here is like no [ __ ] way dude so we're just going to what go to the right here and whenever we see the red we're gonna go to the left and we don't see red on this one so we're gonna go to the right and we're about to see red so we're gonna go to the left again carefully go to the left again and somehow Jacob didn't have his arms ripped off all right [Music] you ready dang [Music] [Music] jacob jacob Jacob come on we gotta move hurry it's still coming down where the hell are we I don't know wait hang on still active oh God this is Marcus the original colony the one the prison was built on top of back into black Iron back into black Iron no no [ __ ] way we almost got killed just trying to get out of black lines not anymore what's it about answers [ __ ] I don't know how is it supposed to be just a [ __ ] job crazy is not safe so what happened to the original colony abandoned along with the rest of them tell them about the prison here you JC's got to make money somehow right you guys are still power those old Fusion generators were built to last foreign [Music] elevator's just up ahead on the map there was a service route a few levels down might be a faster way to reach the colony I hope this plan of yours doesn't get us both killed oh this is the place right yeah but I don't see the elevator it's busted I was hoping we'd get lucky this whole place is falling apart there's got to be another way down and let's find it come on thank you [Music] look out I'm okay thanks I can see another way I'll meet up with you just be careful it's worse than I thought in here just try not to think about it oh [ __ ] you okay yeah I told you to be careful yeah right foreign ER I'm heading down [Music] okay over here come on it's not that far a few more steps [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] grab them Chuck them so here's a fun fact for you if you pull out your gun while you're Crouch walking you actually do move very slightly faster reporting we've just arrived at the old transport like a tomb for the past 75 years preliminary readings but there's no immediate evidence of a breach so here's a mechanic I bet a lot of you didn't know about these uh these guys in the walls here if you stand away just a little bit then you can actually use the lunge from Jacob's like initial forward swing of like his melee attack to hit these guys while they're in the wall and uh if you hit them while they're in the wall then they just fall over dead and you can stop them to prevent them from spawning tentacles so basically as long as you don't see any arms or legs or anything coming out of the walls or anything like that that means that there's no more enemies in the wall we're not going back that way we're not going to go the other direction because there's way too many enemies that direction for like what one chest and uh no audio logs so I find it to be completely pointless to go that direction try to max out on hand Cannon ammo here but you know we're already we're already like more than Max so let's see if we can't get rid of something I opted to get rid of a med kit so that I could pick up more hand Cannon ammo foreign but uh if they come out before you can actually swing at them then that's when you have to do a stealth kill some of these guys are highly likely to do that I'm gonna go ahead and get this uh this tack pistol schematic actually I did not not this time the tech pistol by the way is one of the worst weapons in the game don't ever use it our inventory is full but there's a reforge machine down the slider climb down turn around and we're going to use all fire on this guy because getting behind him is really tough and there's also a rokarokobi right over there uh that can there was actually not heavy enough to kill him so I decided to just go ahead and shoot a bullet at him and for this guy we're just going to go ahead and use altfire on him and get rid of him foreign we're gonna go ahead and sell everything here including these uh these bullets but this is the last chapter where we will be selling bullets I decided to backtrack just a little bit so that I could try to get some more uh so I could try to get some more ammo well actually you could and then that way you know but actually I thought I thought I was going to I forgot hey man I only completed this run yesterday and this is post commentary I'm gonna wait for this guy to come out of the wall and then we're gonna use alt-fire on him to kill him I found that that's the best way to deal with this guy oh my God [Music] foreign sitting in the uh sitting in the egg pile over there he's dead just going to Chuck all these guys into the wall over here because that's what we do I'm just in our way and you know really it's just better to just go ahead and get rid of them so that we can run around with impunity reporting they came out nowhere they must have escaped from Arkansas look left and if you look to the right there's a health injector right here foreign let's come around the corner over here we're just going to grip this guy and throw him into that rose bush over there and same with this guy and once we come over here we're going to aggro this guy he's not going to come down the ladder instead we're just going to wait for him to go into that vent and never come back out foreign he won't even come out of the vent to the right here as you can hear the music is gone [Music] I would recommend doing a checkpoint restart here to get your grip glove maxed out but uh I decided to go full stealth here this guy was annoyingly close so I just decided to subtract him from the equation and uh usually enemies are gonna come from the right over here so we see two enemies to the right there we're going to take the path of least resistance which is this way and if any enemies touch us like this [ __ ] over here actually he didn't it's like enemies can touch us sometimes but uh yeah so these guys got accurate onto us and I had to do my backup strap which is just impale all of them on these on these rose bushes over here and they're dead so just gotta go back into stealth mode that guy heard us for sure but as long as you impale these guys and go back to crouching you should be pretty safe foreign foreign once we pass through this crevice here enemies cannot follow us as long as they're not aggroed and now we're in here and we can go ahead and uh go ahead and subtract these things from our inventory here now we got 3 500 and gonna go ahead and uh what should we upgrade next velocity upgrade thought about it but I would say now is a very good time to upgrade velocity to Max appreciate your productivity then we can start getting the uh getting a couple of the grp recharge upgrades to sort of help us through when we're gonna have uh kind of low grp ish makes it so we don't have to do checkpoint resets as much here's our key card foreign let's come out of here we're gonna Crouch these guys are still alive obviously the easiest thing to do is to just impale these guys foreign [Music] I tried to connect once we come down here we're going to take this uh I'm gonna take this explosive Barrel over here and try to catch both of these guys in one blast I was only able to get one though so gotta go with the backup Strat which is just stealth kill this guy just get him out of the way because we got some items to pick up here ah once we're over here our objective is to make it around here and there's like five of these guys over here let's say that killing these guys here is absolutely worth it just simply because The Passage through here is very narrow and there's a roughly 50 chance of aggroing all of these guys I've certainly done it uh I've certainly done it enough times to know that uh killing these guys is more worth it than anything oh he almost got me then I had to spin around and grab this guy and Chuck him as well thank you these guys spawn in really fast and it's kind of funny to watch all right those guys are moving in opposite directions and as soon as I saw the F prompt it's like okay just go ahead and get rid of them because I might even get some grip battery out of it if you're very very lucky you'll get a grip battery whenever you kill enemies so if an enemy is like zero risk to kill then it's absolutely worth telling them and when you're in full on stealth Action mode like this they are very low risk all right next we're gonna strafe around this way and then another guy is going to come out from over here and we'll grab him uh hey hey [ __ ] these guys are AG roads so or at least those two were aggroed and now they're done we're not even gonna bother stomping them or anything like that they're too high up and this guy over here you know same deal take this Callisto credits foreign these guys are not paying attention at all oh my gosh did you see the mascara on that combustor what a [ __ ] laws oh for sure grab this over here and once we round this corner over here we gotta Chuck this at this Roku Roku be here and it's dead the ujc is here for you of course we're not selling any of our uh Riot gun ammo because we need that foreign we're going to run past this rose bush and go directly into this uh this crevice here there was a spitter that spawned behind me that is going to spawn out of another hole in a second gonna run over here to this ledge we're gonna go up and then we're gonna drop down which will trigger the spawn of this guy over here I'm just gonna walk over this way and because we have a railing in between us he actually cannot hit us with a spit so what we can do there's this there's the spitter from the previous room came through the vent right there hopefully yeah we just we just like these guys and then when they try to crawl on I don't know what they just die which is uh kind of strange but they die they die it's whatever I'm gonna grab this Barrel over here and these guys are gonna come out and we're gonna blow them both up and then this guy is gonna crawl towards us we're gonna hold back to dodge after the Dodge follow up with a melee kill Stomp Them take that it's got a grip battery pack hand Cannon ammo thank you next we're gonna climb up this ladder and uh there's one of the big old there's one of the big old holes we still have plenty of inventory space to be able to pick things up we're just gonna slide right through here there's a couple of uh there's a couple of awkwardly placed enemies so we just got to be careful and we gotta stay stealthy because we don't want to trigger any uh any enemies to come after us but we got an audio log to pick up in this area which is the whole reason why I'm going through here don't worry there's a lot of these egg sacks but nothing is going to come out of them but we gotta watch out for directly to our after these guys we gotta watch out directly to the front and the right or is that the next room oh that's the Next Room never mind my bad oh no no it's right there okay so this guy comes out because we were walking it turns around and then we can just stab him in the back there's another one in the wall there we're going to just crawl right past not do anything don't worry whenever he comes out of the wall he can't follow us oh yeah so here's a trick if you grab this and same thing as with the stumboton if you Chuck it at the wall then they fall over dead like if you Chuck it at them while they're in the wall then they fall over dead but you have to follow up with a stop otherwise they'll turn into tentacle [ __ ] and we can't have any tentacle [ __ ] all right now we'll grab this uh other thing here and we're gonna Chuck it at this Roku Roku bee over there we're safe Rock a centuries [Music] thank you [Applause] to flip those Breakers to turn on the generator choose an item we got a CPU printer out of one of the chests CPU printers are worth a lot I decided to go for upgrading the explosive rounds here simple item from print assembly next gonna grab this get whatever's in there for me it was hand Cannon ammo I will pull this lever here my recommendation is to do a checkpoint restart to max out your grip gauge but I like to run around and aggro these guys so that I can Chuck them on these rose bushes here there's about five enemies total down here got that aggro he's always going to come out of the vent over here so this allows us to just funnel the enemies and we just Chuck him in the wall easy peasy grab him and Chuck them thank you gotta be careful on that ladder they can actually hit you on the ladder if they aggro even if you're like really high up they will still hit you on the ladder and that was the reason why I had to scrap my last segmented run is because I noticed that they actually hit me on the ladder I somehow didn't notice it while I was playing the game but it seems they can only hear you running when you're a specific distance away so just leverage that when you can grab them and Chuck them another aggro grab him and Chuck them there's one more enemy down there and there's really nothing to do but just backstab because their movements are random pretty much I can see a lot of people like generally having trouble with the stealth in this game just simply because the movements on these guys are so Random foreign gonna do a checkpoint restart to refill our grip gauge although I don't actually need to do that all right one of you because we don't even really need to kill any enemies here I kept turning the subtitles off and on because I thought that I thought that uh Jacob had subtitles there but then I remember that there is some dialogue in this game that just simply does not have subtitles I feel bad for all the uh hard of hearing people who are going to play this game and just like not catch these little subtle bits of dialogue hopefully Striking Distance fixes that once we get up here you can actually start running and you're okay all you have to do is run and pull the switch I actually learned that this uh very attempt right here because you can see I just realized oh crap I just aggregate all of them well what am I going to do and so I just decided to go ahead and hold the switch and see what happens because I was hoping that I could pull a checkpoint and reset it but then I noticed that the aggro music was gone and then I was like oh well damn here to hear you I'm heading The Colony now I'll contact you once I'm there gotta stay quiet for now once we come over here we can actually take a little shortcut here we can go over here and uh wait for these guys to move out of the way and then we'll drop down but we have to lower our gun before we can actually drop down similarly move this way too thank you sorry I got the hiccups and then we just move at regular speed while taking this explosive Barrel and then once we get out here I'm just gonna keep following the power cable sort of don't literally follow follow the power cable just go the general direction the power cable is going but I like to go this way because enemies like to come out of the bottom here sometimes and then once we go through here we are set too close I am not sure what is up with that bug there that just happened but uh it's kind of obnoxious that's like the second time that's happened this segment the ujc is here for you we could probably stop selling hand Cannon ammo right about now but I just wanted to keep my inventory empty so that I could grab all the things in these chests over here there's like I don't know seven or eight grp batteries here this whole section here can be cleared entirely using the grp entirely using the grp you say car seat that is correct and I will show you how but what about the twin head shut up watch Vegas selection this poll though I got like five batteries which is more than enough okay here we go Focus station so I think it's what start with like three four enemies that spawn out back there but whatever just Chuck them into the fan they're all just gonna spawn into tentacle [ __ ] so we're going to just uh Chuck them we don't got time to waste with no tentacle [ __ ] foreign just got to be listening for wherever they spawn in if one spawns in on the front side check it out Chuck it off the front one spawns in on one of the side Chuck it off the side one spawns in on the back Chuck it off the back it's pretty simple really just uh stay in the center kind of you know knowing when each of these enemies spawns because it's all scripted does help like it is scripted like which ones spawn in where we're just gonna send all these goofy [ __ ] flying because we got that maxed out grip glove so a couple more enemies and once we proc a checkpoint here which should be in a few more enemies for some reason it takes like a full 30 seconds to spawn in the Twin head so just hit just hit restart checkpoint here hold on I've got something so this is two head from the Callisto protocol I'm sure that the first time you see him you will be very scared we went through a lot of iterations to get to this he's morphed into two heads and you can actually blow off either side and one hand will fall off and they'll still be coming at you with half his body so he's pretty scary and uh he's really hard to kill approachable destination now arriving Marcus stations one do not approach shout outs to my friend the speedrunner X fiery for showing me that foreign [Music] all right no they told us we had a new life awaits all right I miss you okay as you can see there was a there was a there was a pretty good item to pick up there and it's going to give us a lot of credits I'm at the colony where are you got it I told him it was a complete waste of time but ujc wasn't having it now they got my whole crew works oh they find whatever it is they're looking for foreign so we can just stealth right through this section over here just uh you know be nice and quiet We're Not Gonna bother killing any of these guys it's a waste of time this guy comes out of here and uh might bump into us a little bit and kind of look in our general direction we can ignore him for the most part as you can see so I did miss an audio log here but there is an opportunity to come back through this area later in the chapter which I did [Music] Crouch walk here and then we're going to go directly for this key card reason being it will despawn all of the enemies that we just walked past so far we've got it I should head back to the elevator I accidentally uh accidentally used grip on this guy did not mean to do that it's because uh the stab key the F key is the same as you know if you if you hold if you raise your gun and you press F then that functions as grp as well but I usually use the scroll wheel for it because I'm a total Peach uh go backwards and yeah he saw us so yeah goes on to us we're just going to uh hit the [ __ ] it button and kill him because none of his friends can actually hear it your hearing range is actually not that great but we still got a Crouch walk through here because uh another one is going to come around the corner uh the reason why I'm actually killing all of these is because there is a place where enemies can actually where it's like every single enemy in this room will get aggroed so going ahead and getting rid of them is going to be the safest thing to do is the safest way to control all of them just a checking position over here so I could find the place where I was going to throw this guy uh basically once we walk past here and that thing right there happens if that enemy is there then every single enemy will Converge on your position thank you like that that piece of railing falling away for some reason it just like aggroes every enemy it's just an event that just like forces you into combat that you don't want to be forced into now we're gonna climb down here and we are safe for now we still gotta pull this lever here and then we're going to use the grip glove to pull this guy if you do not and you try to go for the floor kill then you will spawn two more enemies so I go back this way I drag this guy and then I Chuck him onto the rose bush and that will prevent the two enemies from spawning in I was checking for grip batteries this is the second to last chapter and in the Final Chapter I actually need as much hand Cannon ammo as I can get so I will not be selling hand Cannon ammo this chapter once we uh pull the sliver and the elevator door opens just go ahead and rush to the elevator door these other enemies are just gonna aggro Danny I'm heading up to the tower now Danny where'd she go all right once we open this door here we can grab this guy and just drop him over the rail to the right as we are on a different level of the colony we were able to just drop enemies over the railing and not worry about them like going through events to come after us that is a detail that I forgot to mention in the previous section is that enemies can just follow you through events if you try to drop them over the edge which is something that I'd normally been doing but this is a pretty safe place to drop them off dropping off the kids at the pool there's another little crack right there I can drop this guy in which I did go to sleep there's nothing in here by the way daddy you there why isn't she responding foreign no you don't you're not getting away from me actually I'm pretty sure that if you left that guy alone then he would have just he would have just disappeared and we never would have seen him again so there was kind of no point in doing what I did just there [Music] foreign come over here there's going to be a chest back here we go back this way we are going to grab this uh grab this fuse over here which is by proxy powering this dmca machine over here I need to keep talking okay there there it's off foreign [Music] by God what is that it's it's a dmca generating device it'll demonetize you if you don't destroy it after we Chuck that guy over the railing there's going to be let's see here [Music] there's going to be a spitter in the upper right and there's going to be a spitter over that way we just got to spawn them both in I like to uh Chuck this guy into Oblivion and then I tried to grab this but for some reason it just it just chucked it under the uh just chucked it under the stairs and and now it's stuck forever which is really unfortunate so now I have to uh take care of the other spitter the old-fashioned way because now I can't get this how utterly lame it's gone over the edge it's gone but I usually like to use the explosive barrel for that one up there by this point we should have enough money to be able to buy the final upgrade for the stumboton but we need to do that before we fight Captain Ferris at the end of this chapter I need you to calm down I need to calm down and answer the question now when was your first exposure choose an item [Music] I was correct damage upgrade level two that's the last upgrade we're getting for the stumb Baton everything else is useless even the guard break because we're not even using melee verified don't do it car seat don't do it past car seat [Music] getting closer all right Danny Daddy I won't go you can't make it you killed him oh no no what happened I'm sorry I tried to protect you you didn't deserve this hey okay okay I'm sorry you sure you don't seem okay I was in their mind reliving their memories there was an outbreak 75 years ago [Music] just like what's happening in the prison they killed everyone [Music] these aren't accidents there's a pattern spark is black Iron Europa they're all connected so the twin head fight here is actually not difficult it seems kind of scary because of how close proximity he is but the trick is just kind of stay on the long side and just like only shoot them when you're on like the long side of the stack of crates here and you can just like distribute your firing between like both heads the HP will preserve don't worry at least last I checked anyway but once he drops to an E that's when you do a melee combo and then he'll rip off one of his heads but we gotta watch out for these other enemies here be very careful because another enemy will spawn in fortunately they go down with one shotgun blast I couldn't get far enough away so I had to uh hold down the a key or the D key be very very careful by the way because if you hold W while dodging then you'll die didn't know you can transfer memories like that these implants are wired into the brain copying the file ujc requires the miners to get a version of what became the core it's weird huh [Music] foreign foreign [Music] walkway collapsed the weight of the surface is on the other side of the colony I'll meet you there [Music] all systems operating within normal parameters foreign this is the final upgrade that I'm going to be picking up just a little uh grip recharge your productivity just because you know it'll come in handy other than that there's really nothing else that you want to upgrade you want to save the rest of your money for buying bullets once we're back in here we have to uh run over here because all the enemies in this area can actually see you so we gotta impale them all doing a quick spot check because I thought that I got them all to climb up here we got to watch out for these guys over here we're just going to Chuck them off the side they spawn tentacles as you could hear gotta go this way because this is the this is the audio log that I forgot earlier head to the left head down the store not before getting this tack pistol schematic just to get rid of it that was close [Music] the whole site's on lockdown ujc's got a response team on hurry hurry something's happening can't believe people live down here yeah well didn't have much of a choice it wasn't there before no no don't be the mine shaft up to the surface why would they cover it I don't know but we have to cut through there to get back to the prison and it is my pleasure to welcome you to Arcus station we're excited to share with you our findings culmination of Decades of research not us I'm going to download what I can from here meet you inside the door the mysterious etymology was intriguing a form of accelerated Evolution similar to what was discovered in piranha could understand the disease we could re-engineer it to unlock the secret of the paramo industry after securing the site a lab was constructed surrounding it a research base with a readily available book of test subjects that's why black Iron was built these obviously couldn't experience after Decades of searching the prize is finally within our grasp The Source Where it All Began a bold new chapter for our project they're solid eyes oh my God what is that it's by the miners when they broke through to callisto's subsurface ocean it was dead by the time we arrived killed by Security Forces but inside the caucus primary disease factors we collected specimens and translated them to our Central lab with the pathogen acted as an evolutionary Excel itating the colonists into little more than mindless groups the one the so-called subject scene some are able to reap the benefits of the contagional greater strike endurance longevity while Preserve killed by Security Forces during the outbreak the body was transported to the Black Island forming the basis of the original research program [Music] s [Music] we're gonna duck to the right here to grab a couple of items sometimes it's bullets and then we gotta Dodge immediately we gotta hold the Dodge button [Music] basically we just gotta wait for him to square up and basically do like a little thing he's gonna have his have a dialogue box which is one thing that subtitles are good for but yeah he's gonna score up and he's gonna say come at me basically you know he's got like a little come at me pose foreign at the end of every combo like whenever you see the uh reticule pop up on him don't use it to shoot use it to raise your gun and lower it because it'll allow you to recover quicker and go back into dodging immediately if you do not then sometimes uh Ferris will just attack you in the middle of your recovery animation so as you can see I aim and then I go back also that grab doesn't do any damage to you at all [Music] looks like Jimmy's just trying to help you but soon shall be one of us you okay let's keep moving platform let's take us up to the surface oh we made it ready oh [ __ ] okay come on you're gonna be okay I promised I would stop the [ __ ] I will turn into one of those things no no no no no no no okay that's not gonna happen hey we are gonna fix this ow we're gonna stick to the plan we're gonna get to the wardens Tower there's gotta be a way to reverse this you don't know that no I don't We're not gonna kill him now let's finish this thing together okay foreign [Music] blurry let's find out my patience to understand let's go ahead and sell those things for now systems are all shot to hell almost got it infected with spaghetti good idea hitting the door now [Music] what's happening wait wait wait wait stop Daddy can you hear me ready back where I started what the hell am I supposed to do now where is she measuring everything but we can't get you to know when I can cure wants help you you put this thing in my neck and now you want to help find me Jacob how far minutes to both inmate and God find it and I'll see it away from you I'm opening the way ahead we're not going to bother opening any treasure chests in this chapter because they all have floor skins in them ujc printing have a United day [Music] got the assault rifle schematic just to get it out of our inventory so that it doesn't like spawn in in the future the highest quality now we're going to spawn in a bunch of packs of uh Riot ammo I'm just gonna fast forward through this in post all liability for use of this print progress yeah it's my own complete that is precisely enough ammo we're gonna go in here and we're gonna fight this twin head now we're just going to play it nice and safe and just shoot this guy from pretty far away so that way we're not caught in uh the Dodge animation don't accidentally don't accidentally get hit by anything just stay far away until he goes down to a knee wait for Tweedledee to get done ripping Tweedle dumbout [Music] and after enough shots both sides are decapitated and we take the CPU printer and this fuse foreign take the CPU printer rejoice in your life and we're gonna shoot that guy and uh make him come through a vent funny Choice once he comes out we're going to use alt fire to kill him that alt-fire didn't kill him so like I mentioned at one point earlier in the Run be careful when you're using alt fire because if you destroy like because sometimes the uh the hitbox just like doesn't work correctly and it just only destroys like maybe one limb instead of both of his arms so just uh just stay away and make sure that uh he falls over Ted before you got rushed in for that stop same with this guy just watch out ujc printing for all your needs we're gonna sell these and we are going to max out on handgun ammo foreign I really really wish that they would just like make it so that you could I don't know buy like 10 packs of bullets at once or something like that or maybe have like an option to let you buy as many as you want instead of having to like keep pressing that button over and over again it would be super nice once we get over here going to pop this guy to wake him up have him come towards us and when he starts running towards us that's when we want to uh use that alt fire because it guarantees that we're going to hit a shot Center Mass this guy over here we're gonna all fire on him too prison this guy's gonna pop out here same dealio foreign [Music] we're maxed out on health here we'll throw this Barrel to take out that spitter double zap this guy zap that guy we want them Callisto credits we gotta make sure that we stomp these guys so they don't spawn any more tentacles bad stuff happen here another pristine energy converter there more bullets and so is this thing this thing is also more bullets when we get over here there's going to be a spitter popping out of the ceiling we're going to throw them on the rose bush and that guy also wakes up we're going to toss him on the rose bush too and then we'll grab that and Chuck it immediately to take out that spitter and sometimes we can get that combustor as well but I wasn't able to so I had to follow it up with a shot um there's going to be one more enemy coming up the ladder over here [Music] [Music] gotta watch out for this floor skin here fortunately when he lunged at me he didn't hit me he just like grabbed me I'm gonna grab like I said does not result in any damage we're gonna stop this guy right here just did that to show you that if a floor skin grabs you like that it doesn't do any damage and this guy pops down It's gotta hit him stomp him hit this guy also with an ALT fire this spot is kind of risky just gotta be careful foreign once we get out of this vent we gotta look to the left there's a corrupter Chuck them into the rose bush and I'll take the fuse over here and another guy's gonna pop out of here also going to Chuck him into the rose bush then we gotta go up the stairs here for another audio log s characteristics notably an enhanced will recommend extraction and induction into the program after two weeks in the program subject 324-9808 so his mental state is deteriorating rapidly help get coal off ER back so now we don't need any more hand Cannon ammo and we're going to just uh reload our hand Cannon and JC printing have a United day sell everything else except for these two grp batteries and then max out on Riot gun ammo foreign we'll start by chucking the spitter into the fan over here we'll pop this guy he's gonna come out of the vent over here and we're also going to Chuck him into Oblivion thank you so once we walk over here we're going to spawn in this guy I'm trying to go back here because there's a combustor in the room as well [Music] so then we're going to try to round them around get them to go over to this fan and what we're going to do is we're just going to move forward after dodging every time because his recovery is a bit long and you can see one head went into the fan there we're just going to do the same thing again just keep moving forward and eventually he will back into the fan and kill himself once again shout outs to the speedrunner X fiery for showing me that one too super super useful now what is going on with that combustor there it is and there we go last regular enemies in the game once we come through here we're going to get one more audio log and if you have collected all the audio logs up to this point then you will get the Grim Reaper achievement defensive systems powering down near me second stop thank you at the heart of the prison what were they doing here looks like they were trying to see how long it takes to turn into those things experimenting on the prisoners figures [Music] hey what are you doing I said what are you doing it's only an inhibitor to slow the rate of infection you said you could cure I can with your help you have to trust me you're wasting time and she doesn't have much assume everything will become clear and why don't you start by telling me about this all the recordings you know what happened on Europa I have no idea what happened on Europa I wasn't there when the attack happened no but she was are you sure you really wanted yes give you what you wanted a curse of knowledge your core is linked with hers now or at least it will be once the sink is complete the data won't transfer immediately but her memories will fill in the gaps give you the answers you seek you can use this to synthesize an antidote but you'll need to extract a sample from the warden's elf this is what a goal this Badness his ridiculous protocol during the original outbreak colonists known as subject zero demonstrated a unique ability to synthesize the biofage to control it yeah I heard in the recording something about bigger stronger the next phase of human evolution unfortunately he was killed during the Arca sterilization now the warden seeks to replicate the conditions of the original outbreak hoping to recreate subject zero by releasing the virus into the prison he would say Evolution doesn't happen in a bad it happens in the wild how can you do this there's no way you can cover this up he's not acting like dating back centuries they seek to control the progress of human she's she's waking be careful Jacob once synthesized the antidote will contain the only pure Essence from his Alpha you'll want it more than anything it's the key to all he seeks what about you I played my part in all of this as well There's No Escape for me black Iron is where I belong to you yeah yeah what happened it doesn't matter we got what we need now let's go finish this come on how are you feeling like something inside my head just hold on I'll be there soon see what elevators ahead should get us up to the top foreign back there last thing I remember is those robots jumping us helping us get and you trust her choice yeah what is all this sleeps that will take matters into my own hands I will release mahler's experiments Into the Wild the time has come for action and I know that I am right computer and now you're inside Chinese memories let me go look at it what are you talking about you say [Music] Jacob what do you got there what we got here is none of our business oh come on good job to do [Music] goodness was our fault really no no no no no no no no I tried to protect you your album wasn't a terrorist attack the doctor the footage to cover up what they were planning to test the black Iron in the cargo that we transported played a part in both I'm gonna stop this again you made the wrong choice now how are you gonna make it right Jake what's wrong come on I can't yes you can we're almost there no I can feel it hear it in my head you stay here I'm gonna come back when I get the Cure they can pay for what he's done all right foreign ugc printing have a United day especially when the commonality is finally within our grasp and a long time he approaches the Survivor ous [Music] where's the alpha just give me the goddamn antidote I'm not gonna let her die your friend I've been watching you you and your so-called friend you're not the innocent you claim to be proven that you'll do just about anything to ensure your own Survival and what about you huh watching people die for fauna is that your protocol you are mistaken Mr V protocol isn't about death it's about life our future lies out there our destiny we were not built for life in space this fragile shell holds us back we have to evolve we are to survive and now you'll all see why proof that my methods are worth the risk final contest to determine the true survivor Humanity or my house you're really up thank you the first and thought is and I realized open my eyes it's not gonna hold the guard wait for him to square up and uh make us come at him once again once we see that Crosshair we gotta raise and lower the gun I believe he can do a Max of seven combos swings one two three four five that time was five razor gun go back just always remember at the end of every uh combo when you see that Crosshair you gotta raise that gun because he can hit you while you're recovering no tricks and those characters oh yeah oh my God there's always so here's what the out fire on the shotgun is for it causes hit stun with every shot just like the grenade launcher does to G3 and Resident Evil 2 remake so whenever he starts walking that's when you want to pop off a grenade and we're going to keep doing that until he Roars and then he spawns in all of the uh all of the combustors there he goes he's spawning combusters so now we gotta watch for those on the uh current patch there's only two combustors that spawn so we just got to watch out for those and uh while we were dealing with the combustors we also got to make sure that uh there is a column between Ferris and us because if we do not then he is going to spit acid and it is going to land everywhere and it goes at a really really far range so yeah you see throw the barrel be tossing those grenades over here in a second we can't take cover so we're just going to watch out for these guys tossing the uh tossing the combustors at Ferris also inflicts hit stuns so very useful you got a little too close that time so stunned him lost another combustor at him reload gotta get behind that column although using the grenades from the shotgun actually will interrupt his acid spit but of course while you're reloading you're still vulnerable so you got to stay behind a column all right [Music] hold on Danny you think you've beaten us Ferris was weak and imperfect vessel but in that sample is the key to unlocking a centuries-old dream that's not failure Mr Lee it's progress it belongs to me now no no I don't think so this is no time for false heroics leave the sample and walk away there's an escape pod up there so take you back to the life you've once had we can both have everything we want so tell me Mr Lee what do you want I'll tell you what I want I want my sister back [ __ ] foreign surely you know by now I never lose no this time you do such a waste all this to save one life don't think you've stopped us the data gathered here will carry the protocol to the next phase you see why must not and Mr Lee I do hope you've enjoyed your stay at black Iron and that is how you beat the Callisto protocol on maximum difficulty without getting any damage hurry without taking any damage excuse me just keep going we gotta get to the Escape pods there's just one no you don't know what you're doing I didn't but I do now thank you right after what I've done sorry [Music] for everything thank you belong here don't do that Jacob data transfer complete that transfer worked both ways he learned more about me in the chaos of the moment I didn't realize he had also given me the evidence I was looking for all along sacrificed his life so that I could explain was he trying to make up for the pain he caused Precious Jesus some kind of redemption their way I hope he found some peace Jacob it might be a way out after all but I'm going to need your help [Music] [Music] hey everyone thanks for watching this no damage playthrough of the Callisto protocol once again thank you to athletic greens and Beast Coast for sponsoring this video that link one more time is carsy if you enjoyed this video please be sure to like comment and subscribe and check out my other no damage and challenge runs on my YouTube channel I'm trying to Branch out into other runs of other genres of games besides survival horror and actually have a pretty decent variety of them so please be sure to check out those other runs as well in my playlists also please check out my twitch Channel at carcinogenstda I record and commentate all of these live over there so come chill sometime I'm trying to stream on YouTube a little more every so often but twitch will continue to be my main platform for streams so please follow me over there too to see other updates please follow me on Twitter at carcinogenstda also please join the community on my Discord server at carcinogenstda also if you want to support my bad challenge run habit you can do so on my patreon at carcinogenstda alternatively you may also consider dropping a super thinks or purchasing a channel membership for access to emotes that you can use in the comments section across all my videos all links to my pages outside of YouTube are all in the pinned comments in the comments section below now as I mentioned before this recording was from a no save no damage attempt at this game that I was recording on my twitch my current PB as of this recording is down to five hits and over the next month leading up to Dead Space remake I'll be working on that as well as a couple of odds and ends so please stay tuned once again thank you all very much for watching and I will see you all next video bye for now
Channel: CarcinogenSDA
Views: 247,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carcinogensda, carci survival horror, callisto protocol, callisto protocol commentary, callisto protocol review, callisto protocol walkthrough, callisto protocol guide, callisto protocol gameplay, speedrun, callisto protocol routing, callisto protocol no damage, maximum security, callisto protocol no damage run, carcinogen, Callisto Protocol full playthrough, Dead Space, Is Callisto Protocol good, criticism, callisto protocol combat, josh duhamel, karen fukuhara, jacob lee
Id: aI30iVavBsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 290min 31sec (17431 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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