Resident Evil 2 (2019) by Bawkbasoup in 54:29 SGDQ2019

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sgdq is benefiting Doctors Without Borders MSF and it's an international independent method medical humanitarian organization that delivered emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict epidemics malnutrition natural disasters and exclusion from health care in over 70 countries in 2018 on any given day thousands of individuals representing dozens of nationalities can be found providing assistance to people caught in crises around the world there are doctors nurses logistic asper experts administrators epidemiologists laboratory technicians mental health professionals and others who work together in accordance with MSF's guiding principles of humanitarian action and medical ethics the organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999 as we're still working our way towards 500k we have received $300 from anonymous no comment no problem $50 from Tom G that says shine get two hundred and fifty dollars from EV Amir that says that was an amazing race between two incredibly talented runners shine get two hundred and fifty dollars from this ID was available so great to see how gdq events have grown over the years amazing community and you guys in the background are fantastic not just the runners so let's give it up to everyone in the audience thank you [Applause] [Applause] all right and I have just received word that it is time for Resident Evil to buy boxes oops let go excellent so um it's gonna be Claire the classic soundtrack as well and to look at these fantastic costumes look all these beautiful Claire costumes and you guys chose this [Applause] all right were you ready for a reset gas station zombie oh yeah three two one I forgot to introduce my my couch waifu ah sister maxi amazing story distortion god gamers everyone knows a large semi Murr all right all right reset gas station nothing much to say what do you guys have to say about this gas station it's the best part of the game yeah favorite part of the run yeah more playtime in this gas station and the rest of the game combines I wonder what herb ice cream tastes like all right come on I think it's good for you I hope so let's not get [ __ ] here please play it extra safe just because getting bit by him oof the first boss menuing yeah [Music] do you guys want to explain the quick turn that I just did you know that the oil quick turn so if running in a straight line is the fastest way to move in this game and you want to consistently run in straight lines as much as possible so every chance you get to take a 90-degree turn that you're gonna aim stop running forward and start running left or right immediately it's just a better way to move all right and here we go I think I get this question a thousand times the stream why are you letting this zombie bite you well and this is why I didn't want to run Claire you run faster in caution health so throughout the entire run okay this is bad my my mouse is bugging out well let's hope that it's okay if not I do a vacuum is right here so if we do have a problem we can switch it out quickly and as you notice he's constantly aiming his gun when it goes upstairs that's kind of a different form of stair skating some of you may know that in Resident Evil remake the first one stair skating involves smashing while holding tank controls in this one you just keep pressing the aim button up and downstairs and it gives you a little bit of a little bit of a speed boost yeah you got to do it at a specific rhythm though it's not just for me right of course all right so this this next door a zombies gonna try and break through this door I'm gonna hold in the pause button and he's gonna break in very very quickly as opposed to it usually takes three seconds if you pause before I have just takes a second and that's because this particular zombie runs on a real-time timer for some reason everything else in the game runs off of the in-game timer but since you pause the real-time timer is continuing and you wait him out and then he instantly opens un-pause and waifu actually found this right yeah I had to close my window his construction workers were outside and I pause it exactly the right time for that to happen like this is insane alright let's hope come on Oh classic there we go a beautiful start to the run now so because he took those specific bites at the beginning if you were to get bit by other zombies it would do more damage than the armless zombie at the beginning so if you would have taken damage right there without taking damage from the armless zombie he would actually be in danger right now but because he was at the perfect amount of health to be in caution he can take one bite and still be in costume the next time he takes damage though dangerous for sure yeah yeah took us a long time to figure out exactly the best way to put yourself into caution and we came to that one because that sabi has no arms so it's bite animations are really fast and also because that it does less damage I think it's like the only zombie with no arms yeah only zombie in the whole game that has both of his arms gone ours look great Andy yeah head I'm just praying my mouth holds out here I think she's okay just had to get used to the new computer all right so staircase zombie hardest movement part of the game for sure mm-hmm yeah you combine a stair spinning and the quick turns while going up stairs and you have to hit headshots the Sun zombies to run past them taking my time with this guy is he's a jerk oh my god that's so loud jeez alright do you have an extra oh God in my interview I said I didn't really get scared from games or with this volume holy alright so this is where the route differs from Liana this is what makes Claire a little scarier you go through this way early on which triggers these three zombies perfect oh why yeah player ladies and gentlemen Claire yeah this is the joys of running Claire when you drop down there the zombie arrangement is completely random so and sometimes you can instantly get grabbed by that zombie we call Eleanor all right lion branch bird here we go fishbowl snake okay everyone every runners least favorite part of the round of the medallions all right well thankfully we have an herb right here this is a rough start but Claire just has a lot of luck based parts and unfortunately we're not getting to good luck right now and most of these heavy luck based parts are actually at the start of the run yeah nice we got this Tiger for were there all right now we're praying there's not a zombie in this door look this category it's a few guys brought this upon yourself here declare here we go mom rarity get him to do it's so rare the opening our apt is one of the most stressful parts of Claire's so it's like and as you seen why it's oh just give me a second here excuse me sir easy there fellas okay we're almost done of the RPD just a core to our parts and we should be good all right so we're hoping here there's a zombie that sometimes is in the middle of the hallway the worst case scenario he's at the very edge of the hallway and you can't even see him until you turn the corner mr. zombie okay just buy an extra save just because it's already a very rough start to the run I'm pretty sure if you were to the risk that he would have he would have bitten you he was he was looking right at you yeah all right another we don't want this zombie here and he is who this is quite the RPD man nothing you can do that's clear for you yeah Oh God all right one of the final obstacles here but not the final one the liquor so this strat usually works alright this works let's say 99.9% of the time we hope ok stay away from me oh alright should be good fish what is it guys fish scorpion jug I think really close again every time you enter the library it's completely random where all the zombies are they can even live directly behind the door and instantly bite you as soon as you open it it's nice thank you so much for Clara guys really appreciate the alright okay we're almost out of here and what's this one lady both eggs I think that was you guys were supposed to cue in and yeah oh my mouse is you did it I think I need to change my math roblem yeah maybe we can do it right after this section if that's okay is there a tech guy that could quickly plug in a new one that's the most rng have you fire the run done yep yeah pretty good for having some technician is all right there should be a mess sitting right there yeah and right now it actually be a really good time for a couple donations yeah sure thing I'm using the battle we have $40 from cosmic vagabond sorry Bach I know you wanted Leon a but Claire a is much more interesting one I know I know guys enjoy that painful zombie orangey $50 from Magic eight Ball says no make re two more difficult less they've sold okay thanks re nut alright alright new Mouse feels good man I hope and feels a weird man at the oh man it's okay you only got the first boss coming up yeah it's only it's aimed too well for him at least okay new Mouse strats here we go well thankfully so the knife does more damage the higher the FPS or you do more DPS I should say and we got the FPS usually it's capped at 120 we got it cranked alright safety ER because this run has been baloney for lack of a better word so to explain that a little bit more the knife registers more hits the higher your FPS is so it doesn't necessarily do more damage yeah you're you're gonna be doing about eight hits each swing if your frame rate is a framer we're at right now oh this is a decent time for donations all right we have two hundred and fifty dollars for Rob Kay relax mr. soup have a great run the soup troop is all pulling for you let's a freaking go $100 from deadly Resident Evil 2 remake is my favorite game of 2019 so far can't wait to see baccala soup crush this one over there alright so this is a bit of a tricky part so this room you know casually you'd walk through this area liquors can't hear you if you just walk and they'll be very unresponsive but speedrun we're gonna be running through the liqueurs so let's hope they don't straight-up kill me Oh feels loud man all right that was good good first part night points on you that looks scary if you know you can just walk right okay okay here we go god this skin is ugly the polygons though oh my god new mouth strats don't do it John Leguizamo okay so alright please please good boy [Applause] Oh God so you may have seen him turn back and look at the liquors while he was running away that's because the liquors have a weird AI thing going on where if you're looking at them they become way less aggressive and that helps a lot when you're running away from oh yes it does yeah right Claire consistent if only early on right now we've done with the broken Mouse okay all right there you go our PD - where we meet mr. X very friendly young man oh yeah didn't hear a word you guys said but that was off the chain all right any words got the couch are you guys feeling I'm feeling pretty good feels good man feels I'm still on the weird man stage but all right how about you just hmm I'm just hoping mr. X plays nice distortion - God gamer has nothing to say oh my god don't look many way is by far the hardest part of this game [Applause] I [Applause] I hate this part all right come on come on let me through this door gosh darn door okay okay good nice she cooperated okay so far so good all right place your bets well mr. X beat the credit of me or my yeah I mean he knows where he's at mm-hmm it's his time to shine oh that zombies doesn't seem too happy yeah this is this bomb you can go turbo right here oh you're good playing nice oh this run is immaculate all right here we go the man of the myth the legend of the tire so BOC is doing a very specific set up here so that mr. X can do a specific attack and you'll just run right by him so here he's gonna shoot at the ground and this is gonna cause mr. X to chase after him because when he runs to that area he gets kind of lost and it becomes random where mr. X goes but actually a Mongolian speedrunner who is world record for pulse in the main categories in this game found a manipulation here by shooting the ground and it makes it so that mr. X is always gonna come the same way before that it was wholly random and like 90% of the time he'd ended up at the door at the same time you do and there's literally nothing you could do you definitely get tossed this was a very sketchy part of the game okay I know now there's one huge factor John Leguizamo or that the zombie sorry I'm so used to calling him that he looks like you know let's just hope he's not here okay good one bullet right now and I need that bullet mm-hmm mr. X is close don't do it mr. X please okay God entertaining run so you're gonna shoot the ground right there in order to manipulate these zombies to walk towards that direction instead of walking towards him trying to move the bookshelves it's a little bit less consistent than the mr. X with it but it works exactly the same way this does not sound good I'm not gonna look don't look we're not gonna look you're good we're out crowding our alright we're not done of this section yet but that was very rude of mr. X on the stairs I told you he knows where he is time to shine can he be waiting outside this door that I'm Claire no I've seen where you're supposed to go outside the door we can't even really get there it's like locked but somehow he ends up there right I think that would probably be a good time for some donations - yeah sure thing well we have reached half a million yeah and thank you see dansgaming 110 where's the $1,200 a nation half million hi Gary thank you two hundred and fifty dollars from Alana Kate hello my friend good luck with the no-sleep percent Claire runs thank you a lot yes I've been up for like 30 hours to these tech issues and all this has been great donation goes to box choice let's let go don't do it I have zero bullet okay okay all right this new zombies usually a potato so let's hope he's still a potato all right you'll see what I'm talking about [Music] he always does that okay guys seriously what is the what is the code to the electrical puzzle was i right I just haven't memorized I don't know muscle memory come on guys don't you got this man it'll all come back to you oh god please no heckling I can't take it all right I seriously I'm like drawing blanks here I could read a few more divisions yeah this is a decent time for donations sure we have $100 from triple 10x wait what's wrong guys pause let's ago mister soup good luck on the run we all know you were rooting for Clarice to win nothing but love from the soup truth yeah rng puzzle Oh what else Claire ladies and gentlemen okay this is now you're not supposed to swear at gdq or well i don't know but this next part if you got kids in the room I'm looking out for you guys you might want to plug their ears as this can get a bit rocky [Music] oh man all right come on cherry let's do this perfect ten bookshelf blam right actually harder than it looks yeah I've lost runs to that bookshelf you ran this game at yesterday right mm-hmm hardcore though oh that's a low blow but you didn't have to mention that sin here's my standard run all right so if you break the rules here at gdq this is an accurate representation of what will happen not her not her not her she fired triangle dodge Hollen don't say I got you guys covered okay I'll cover it up Oh rats yeah yeah disrespect sure he's got moves go Jerry go Jerry okay here we go quiet on the set guys mmm hey irons damn the I thought point Oh God this is my mom when I skipped school to play Warcraft no God shoulder Moo's bah Oh God I'm too scared this run is a disaster I'm blaming the broken Mouse I'll be on PB peace probably seriously my PV blows of this category okay fine it's a decent PV all right look this guy needs glasses look at this [Music] I'm over here irons look at them oh my god irons I'm right here imagine he finds me am i think it's only like a five-minute time loss [Laughter] alright we're not gonna look at her anymore please don't do it oh let's get the heck out of here run cherry so this is why you guys want to clear a I see okay let's go [Music] we're just trucking along how many years are mandatory to thanks though yeah I think so we'll know in a sec I guess the quiet irons one okay I think you have one out of outside the chief irons office oh yeah we're grabbing that yeah we're grabbing you shouldn't need any dogs are free right dogs are free all right [ __ ] face what do you guys think of the run so far [Applause] damn remember a Silent Hill 3 run there was like one guy in the audience it was me Maxie lobes and the one guy by the silent show yeah all right oops his footsteps are super loud yeah I can't wait to see nemesis in our e3 remake confirmed by anonymous on 4chan [Applause] this is a good time for donations I think the dogs are free right sure thing we have two hundred and fifteen dollars by a movie by I really enjoy bakla soups horror game runs especially when I'm too nervous to play those games myself thanks for saving me from having a heart attack let's the go I'll go $15 from anonymous what a better time for a first donation than the Resident Evil 2 re hype girl power all the way dark power girl power go $25 from all in one mighty oh my god it's bak my favorite Resident Evil speedrunner is my first time catching you live at gdq and i'm hyped good luck on the run and i hope this game isn't cooking bad rng for you well yeah about that too late excuse me don't do it dogs are free we tried okay okay come on he's angry Cheri all right this is a very important Oh God I actually forgot about him he's not looking so hot all right this part is very important Claire has some good commentary in the next minute all right all right here we go you guys ready for this to make absolutely no sense yes this is my favorite part yeah this is one of the best parts in the clay run wait what'd she say I didn't hear oh well whatever it doesn't matter [Music] beautiful that's my favorite part Oh nurse I've never seen that one before too fast [ __ ] oh god well this next part I really these next two pairs of zombies are rough well this one this one's free if you have decent aim but don't crit him yeah and I'm on a new Mouse new Mouse stress my aim is a little wonky but let's uh let's uh pray here all right let's not get rekt in this room nicely done grabbing a little bit of safety ammo here just because I can just get rid of it later and if I have to use this herb then this place hardly any time cuz you can just get right back to this before it even lands alright the sewer the bane of well it's actually the sewer is not too bad here when this when this game first came out and everyone started running it the sewer was like this is where every run ended all right now only the runs they get this far end here yeah right all right this oh my god I hate these two last parts pretty tough I'm gonna grab this innate as well housing for my mr. waifu a fantastic runner that this is a little bit of a slower strat now but i'm not used today the old cafeteria does it leon that is faster oh ho well yahoo wall my god i need a hearing aid after this is it just as loud for you guys yeah it makes it spooky spooky thanks guys I forgot about that one thank you alright good no no trollerino here huzzah me can oh look he was there he was waiting all right so now we just hoped the two zombies in the puddle over here being very nice got a frog in my throat or not literally but you guys know what I mean yeah okay come on don't do it I swear if you do it okay is this Geralyn yeah they didn't bite your ankles either all righty well so mainly this next part is where a lot of runs used to die okay I need to equip my grenade here because you do run by this the adult but I've been grabbed by them like once have you it can have many times yeah so you do just run by in classic GDQ fashion he's going to probably grab me the hitboxes are a little wonky with the G adults especially with the G adults they're huge yeah yeah like you grabbed across the screen right you want to find them in low grab you yep all right so this is the one coming up since you run faster in caution with flair you can do that only on you can't do that you all right so the zombie here is a little bit of a jerk but we'll see see those a decent time for donations I think just buy one or two sure we have two hundred and fifty dollars from stale meme Bock I can't believe it's been three years since that Silent Hill 3 run slow from sale meme minke winks and the rest of the crew oh yeah thank you two hundred and fifty from mr. X hey box Allah thanks for not shooting my hat oh it's okay alright here we go the zombies Hey Oh God let me take Wow these speed strats professional streamer but our professional speedrunner by the way all right so this is really based this is actually one of the hardest parts to do movement in the game mm-hmm to do it like crazy optimal this run is not so it doesn't really matter yeah you notice we pick up the spark shot in Leon's run you don't pick up the flame thrower the spark shot is just absurd the more powerful than the flame thrower you can one cycle a g3 or the third form of birkin with it probably the worst the second worst part of the run is coming up here shortly mr. G - but the good thing is if you died with standard strats you just respond right away so we'll see what happens guys what's your runners here the couch what's your least favorite Boz to fight in the game and with which character G - I think GT was Leon yeah Jay twos definitely the biggest fruits that point clear and Leon built up different night the animations and éclairs is way better it hits a lot more hit boxes than the that's a nice cry they're so unpredictable about ents yeah some of the sometimes they could be on the stairs sometimes they can just be far for our way yeah just try to conserve ammo this is one of the better songs in the classic soundtrack I think it fits really well here for some songs like with the classic soundtrack on some songs feel very out of place this one I think I think is better here I agree I also think this too like the sewer and the original just has like a couple spiders in it and the crocodile fight this one it's a bit more fleshed out but for some people it's even though it's longer it's a little worse for some people just because the G adults are really annoying thank you for reminding me yep I'm gonna just do the triple mix I'm a scared little boy in triple mix yeah yeah show them back all right here we go monka ass this is this oh god the movement has been atrocious oh my god all right jeez oh my god I hope that worked the chat oh yeah yeah don't say the f-word come on okay here we go oh my god he threw that need at the perfect time to avoid frame perfect frame perfect indeed he was avoiding the first phase of that fight and now he's on to the real fight here we go don't get scared now thank you yeah man those knife slashes they're so juicy oh my goodness that I broke so fast very nicely done very important one cycle there so that box you can only kill by hitting him with the crane even if you deplete all of his HP he'll never die unless you hit him with the crane yeah he dies if his HP is below exactly 50% so if you get him down to 49.9 he'll die when you hit him with the crane yes thank you waifu follow mr. Wiseman he runs this game I started right I quit this game for like two months and then happy to get into GDQ wife has been grind in this game a lot and has very good times in every category so if you're looking for a really good runner he is also one of the best thank you mister distortion just just quit the game Sacro comes out Oh bye-bye re to still attacked chase capital D : yeah good lord indeed well you can read a few donations I think yeah actually now it's perfect I'm sure we have $50 from birdy this year's re to remake was my first ever Resident Evil game and I loved it well except for the nightmares I had about mr. X and the liquors good luck to buck don't let mr. X give it to ya oh just before I forget while we're on the topic the two best runners are seven or eight de right yeah seven rabies from Finland and Archelon who's from Mongolia two amazing runners follow them that they've helped me learn this game they have they push this game to its limits the category getting world record this category ever no is it's not an easy task yeah if you lose more than like five seconds he runs dead yeah and it can die to the medallions like it's as easy as that like back way long ago when we were doing lion branch bird that can kill the run but a tdq a good run does not matter oh yeah you guys just want to see the chief irons part I think what reason you were saying yeah so he just passed it but if you don't grab the grade launcher or the shotgun in the RPG it actually spawns right there where you drop off sherry not a lot of people know that that used to be the old route before we figured out this far shot was like super powerful yeah which I just picked up some extra special Emma there just because that solidifies well besides the liquor part that you'll get the lab or you'll complete the lab and not run out of ammo because you can have a runner if you're attempting record or you're attempting a really good PB you can get here and literally run out of ammo and it's just over yeah it's just our ng up how many ivz up to shoot and if you're doing the optimum or rounding forward record attempts you just have to get lucky otherwise your runs dead yeah he's picking up an upgrade for that smart shot to make it even more powerful than it already is oh my Kelly good well he actually got the nib that's pretty rare oh nice works exactly the same way as mr. x2 now every minute earlier listen to this part guys listen Cartwright the only other time I've ever heard the name cart rise in that Seinfeld episode chief Cartwright of course the lab is really really well done in this game I know there's a lot of complaints that it was too short but it was honestly just as short in the original but I think they did a really really good job like this is super cool aesthetically pleasing yeah the least and the classic soundtrack right here goes really well with this as well it does fit that ominous feel I really like it here some I don't really use the classic soundtrack just because I've ran the classic game into oblivion so I've already heard that music enough [Music] all right we're approaching the worst part in the run loud liquors yeah [Music] you remember this one oh yeah oh yeah beep just trying to kill the silence guys are you guys still hype for this runner is it just that we got time for a couple donations right here problem sure theme we have $50 from ace the place just think how differently things could have turned out in Raccoon City if they had had access to Doctors Without Borders oh that is so true thank you all so much for everything you do keep up the great work everybody it inspires so much joy and hope to the world yeah it was flying yeah and if you don't know you have to use a weapon if that enemy grabs you or you will instantly the eye and you need your sub weapons like you can spare a flash but like this this part is brutal and I'm gonna do you can do a safe throughout here but I'm choosing to do the speed stret oh they'll be back don't worry and they're usually not very nice liqueurs don't lick if you ever manage to get to the lab in your runs this is by far the most reset heavy point in them yeah like the amount of runs I've had get here and just die to the liquors is uncountable and it's not even that the run just dies because you lose too much time like you will literally die yeah you like if if the liqueurs do me bad luck here oh there there flashbang they ain't seen nothing alright so here it is this parts brutal this is why I made the triple mix herb just for this part in particular [Music] [Applause] so if a lighter is on a wall around a ceiling and you flash them they fall on their back and get stunned for like 10 seconds other than that there's flash for like one second yeah and they didn't fall on their back so one of them did I think yeah that one didn't that one did not the one you got to worry about though Oh Lord all just to use this he'll probably hit me anyway true running it on front you know it's a meme and the old games all run on caution this run sucks running on finest players like yeah but you know it saves like three minutes over the course of the whole run but running for like the little section at the end is not that but yeah I mean it's a lot worse to die here because this checkpoint in the lab right this is like one of the worst checkpoints in the whole [ __ ] is if you die here and so far back every minutes lost or something yeah and if we do die I did make a safety save before the run so but yeah or no I didn't Hey Lakers don't black I said you're a caution you just want to get back in conservation yeah yeah oh yeah all right I know Maxie said you can just run by the hive but I'm too scared right now don't listen to me we're on the homestretch and then it's the it's the true RIT run hunk talk about RNG we met the incentive for hunk yes oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah they want to speak that fourth survivor mm-hmm all right I'm cooking it spawned a very small chance that that wristband doesn't spawn really soft lock yeah Wow okay all right I did not know that all right scuse me sir doing the first few safe strats of the run here oh my god don't oh okay yes you can clap for that Oh [Music] oh my god happier you'll figure this runs great oh my god this is this is nice hey Elise it's been pretty funny oh yeah this has been nad fun what do you guys think huh that's right good to hear we actually have $25.00 from rock lobster that says thanks Bach and crowd for the funniest runs so far oh yeah I'm actually really curious to see how this fight is gonna go out because this game actually has a dynamic difficulty system built into it so the worst you play like the more you get hit the more you pick up healing items and stuff the part the harder easy the game gets and hit a lot but he also picked up a lot of healing items oh I have no idea what is da like and that effects stuff like how much damage you do or how much damage you take so it could either be like super fast or like really long this is gonna be epic okay there we go g3 really cool fight I like this much more than the original but no dog Birkin in this game the design for this boss is insane yeah if we do screw this up you can just reload a check for like the check points right here mm-hmm all right here we go super cool one cycle let's see if he gets it that's the hard part yep looking good [Music] as you can hear why some pretty hefty right now oh this is my last gonna break them yeah so that is the power of the spark shot makes that one cycle very much so possible that saves a lot of time enough time to compensate for picking it up it's the only reason we pick it up and it also works on hard core just glad that two like ours yeah a lot of routing went into this game Oh God oops no spare escape but we're approaching the end section of the game the final boss is a pretty cool quick kill and if you can get it it's one of the harder parts in the game I believe right it is like very challenging to get the actual like optimal fight is really challenging like this is some of the stuff in this game like it may look easy or whatever may look simple but trust me hours and hours of practice goes into just the smallest things in this game movement alone is this is one of the easier resident evils to complete but movement in this game is very hard to optimize yeah about the last minute at the top of the leaderboard you'll grind more than a lot of games you would yeah and this elevators pretty good time for some donations is a long elevator it is all right we have $100 from Elsa this is the most kid-friendly run at re 2 in the history of a hurry to speeder and oh my god shout out to the crowd for making it safe for all children out there that are awake still to watch Clare violently headshot zombies and run from Hell spawn a gdq but without any swearing kids [Applause] we have $200 from huh flicks good luck to baka from Vancouver oh it's about the clearing yes I forgot to mention shoutouts to Vancouver British Columbia Canada that is where I'm from so I always like to rap Canada three Canadian streamer three percent of my audience is Canadian right we have 250 dollars from post room thanks for the pixelated run sorry for the stairs chief you can you can read a little more okay $500 from JSP to help me get so this donation is for you buck let's do nice well thank you so much that goes through a great cause thank you glad I could help and thank you for helping the greater cause two hundred and fifty dollars from world's best pants it figures that such an awesome guy would play such an awesome game for such an awesome cause you've helped me make a beast at re2 auerbach deepest thanks to you and spq awesome message $30 from Tyson 2-1-1 this is for all the brave doctors out there fighting against the umbrella corporation $100 from Hayes blade Thank You mr. soup for showcasing such an amazing game and for inspiring me to get into speedrunning good luck in the couch or not in the couch is on the back now watch this at the quad Russes oh nice and stiff here we go let's see one more I think I'm the only one who finds this funny thing apparently not excellent alright we're almost done this parts actually like I love doing this last boss fight because if you do it well which well hopefully it goes the boss fights have went well actually but yes my name's it's a satisfying way to end the run oh oh yeah that's zero ammo you need always have one pistol bullet for that guy and of course it's a John Leguizamo zombie okay by the way there's an actor named John Leguizamo but he's in the movie land of the dead and he turns spoiler alerts for of like 30-year old movie he turns into a zombie and it looks identical to that guy so not just randomly saying it just to throw that out there cover my keister yay baki over knife with 0 HP equipped thank you thank you this is why I picked this out oh yeah alright let's see I'm trying to think of what to do here okay I think we think we got this very good so far yeah it's looking good very nice JJ watching this play and we are gonna do hunk as he met the incentive so let me just say this quickly hunk is very luck based but if you get a good run and you get good luck it's really hype it's like yo y'all hear the music you know the music screams hype but bad luck though oh it's just a nightmare but I never finished rounds I'm up I always just like I'm not I'm saving 40 seconds and then die so I never really finished rounds too much record for that by the way is a 49:33 so that was really close that was a good run yeah okay I'm back you guys donated for re twos audio listen trust me remake audio ten million times better for that for hunk it's got to be done oh yeah it's the best part about hunk it is all right can you be quiet already done okay fourth survivor gb0 654 I really want this to be awesome I hope it is but well turn up the music trust me seriously alright [Applause] he's right there in the back plenty all right all right let's try this I'm at point K 12 here we go oh crank the music relax mr. Reaper okay come on please these first few zombies are little tricksters nice this zombies the worst he loves white ankles nice just about almost every room in this run is super intense and requires some precise lines some precise grenade tosses precise shot this whole run is just very optimal dogs are freedom dogs are free though of course yeah these dogs are free but wait till the next room oh my god this room is brutal you really want good luck here come on please please please this is okay this is okay [Music] okay thank God think oh nice oh okay oh my gosh good the steam though Alyssa's music Peppe Jim very precise Magnum shot here you can actually pull out oh yes that if that first one walks too far for and he ought to collapse them yeah but he did what he was supposed yeah all right so this is really really hard liquor shot coming up cool [ __ ] on the game coolest on the game I really hope we get it but it is extremely precise just don't yeah don't miss forehead Hornet don't miss foreheads in the turn Oh in the Lenten entertainment so this is this liquor manipulations super specific Bock is going to specifically run to the left and look how he didn't do it I want if you didn't do the lick he's gonna catch up right around the corner that liquor I'm not playing nice funk does not run faster caution get some sour please in the chat here we go the liquor shots coming up so it's really precise I want to get it but the odds are low I believe [Music] all right here we go we go [Applause] [Music] so amount of time that you actually have to shoot is so small such a small frame but the Susilo jeez this is actually a really good runs this is a good run it is this mr. X part is there's there's a lot of parts in this run that are pretty tough yeah Bart is actually gonna go to the left corner here to manipulate the strikes to do that it's act there we go that was good this guy in the white jacket okay okay it's really important that you don't block if she's there she never does that whoa hey honk baby welcome to hug still decent to be honest it is still ok probably better than my hunk PB Stephanie same but this is full of luck unfortunately we still good so fast oh don't do it don't do it again okay you're good you're good he's leaving mr. X is gonna lose his hat here unfortunately sorry mr. X don't box gonna go for a collapse out here with the Magnum these IVs you all right so this next room has a ton of zombies in her but well based on some luck and doing the proper strat you can run by every single one this is the kind of category you reset 1 million times yeah nice and when one thing goes wrong usually everything does you're right this perfect run hold record pace nice and g-hold didn't get you that's good don't say it all right come on Oh [Music] first oh all right Mazal have some fun here oh my god if I am going down with a fight [Applause] oh my god oh my god well this be a perfect run I had in mind but I had a dream in the practice room mr. axe don't kill me listen bud what do you guys they were good hunk Ronnie yeah Oh okay don't look Oh God Oh God all right holy time awesome thank you everyone for watching this Ron did you guys enjoy re to thank you for watching guys I scream every single day on Twitch which thought TV slash bockfest soup I scream a ton of stuff amazing audience that ton of the horik Mays here for amazing streamers dodge gamer god camera god gamer god gamer hand me Murr oh by the way larks a distortion to max he loves waifu all streamers and myself bought the soup thank you for watching guys i hope you enjoyed and thank you for all the donations everyone and smooth operative thanks for doing an awesome job thank you so much for having me good job [Applause] all right while we are setting up for an interview for Sonic Adventure DX director's cut so I'm going to read a few donations that came in during the resin evil to run we have fifty dollars from anonymous since I donated for Clair money goes to runner's choice Cheers 50 dollars from brian f donates to sgdq because this resident evil 2 speed run is awesome every time I look away for a split seconds you guys are at an entirely different part of the game two hundred and fifty dollars from hazardous storm this one goes out to my bestie Alyssa back in Iowa she loves re 2 and the whole series and got me into it too huge thanks to everyone who put together this amazing event two hundred and fifty dollars from Fraggle X Resident Evil 2 is the best roommate ever and this announcer is the best frog ever ribbit thanks to everyone for making this event possible if it got a stop on Brella thank you Frank 20 dollars from Pope kill dragon back in 1998 bakru and my resident evil spoon screaming career by being a much better Resident Evil 2 player than me and more likeable too I can forgive him for the charity though so good stay mad at that face also nice to see someone rescued Larsa from the basement PS relax mr. Reaper all right everyone this is smooth operative signing out for the evening and we'll be handing it over to mr. and eternal enigma but before that we're going to play a quick twitch at play a quick twitch ads so stay tuned alright everybody an eternal enigma here taken over the hosts see for the next few runs coming up next we have punchy running Silent Hill 3 but real quick a word from one of our sponsors [Music] but the agency give me the American Conservative a table Varinia mala there will be police a detailed map area male on a coastal as a personally [Music] all right while punchy is getting the Silent Hill 3 set up we are actually to go to an interview with our two runners for the upcoming Sonic Adventure DX director's cut two players one controller run we're gonna send that over to kung fu fruit cup right now I am joined by Dirk row and Allegro now they are getting ready to do what you just heard is the sonic adventure DX two player one controller big the cat run it's still a lot to say it's good from the actual run it's a mouthful okay before we give in to the actual run details themselves I want to know a little bit more about your history just playing sonic games in general because I understand you both run other categories outside of just you know pick the cat I've always run statics it's kind of been like my mains be game for a while I think about five years I really just focused on bed which no one wants to believe but I also do like all stories and everything else I try to do essay - not very good but I try to yeah I've been running a song adventure for probably five years on off but my main focus has really been Sonic Heroes the Heroes community mostly team sonic sadly no team rose because well big the cat but yeah really fun just high octane can I game played there so you say that's one of the most appealing aspects for you with Sonic Heroes I would say so yes and so you know so I know you've done take the cat and a lot of sonic sonic Kyra story as well for sadx hmm so what's been what are the most appealing things with that in his life that I've spared like the whole game was really just I really liked the game growing up I mean it kind of frustrated me I can always like - si - more so speed runny really gave statics like a lot more of appeal to me and I don't know like for some reason I I got big world record one time like randomly when it was totally and I'm optimized and I was like a brand new speedrun it's like oh look I'm legit and then I just ran with it so it really has become something now so I'm really proud of its really come a long way but for you them specifically and I know you've had some experience with it - what would you say is like your favorite part or like them the best part about running big dekat just the silliness of it all I mean there's not much to say it beyond the silliness of it all yeah it's silly but I think one of my favorite things to do is like people just come in is like hi you're running a meme and I'm like yeah but like look at this and they're like oh wait there's like a lot to unpack here so it's always cool to be like hey we didn't like laugh and have fun with this silly character but also like man there's some real stuff here and I feel like there's a lot of like games like that yeah for sure yeah there's a lot more to it than what you think you would first see absolutely okay so getting into it a little bit more two players one controller how do that how did that happen all right that's this guy's idea first of all yeah that was just a spur-of-the-moment kind of idea I just kind of dragged him to do it at a sgdq 2017 just in the practice room and I don't know how I convinced this guy to do it I've been running big the cat for I don't know probably two years at that point I just I already knew Jericho from the previous year from just rooming with them so just I don't know why I needed to drag him into it we had somebody just recorded on their phone and real table real sorry that cell phone video actually ended up being our submission video to the whole thing's that's amazing it worked out I think it showed the run and I also think it was pretty sad and now you guys get to show this off for everybody else everyone gets to see our pain okay but when it comes to things that are actually really interesting in the run aside from being silly you said there's always something cooler underneath they look at I've heard about this catch glitch tell me about that so there's this instant catch it was found within the last year so I was kind of like out of the runs by that point so I wasn't really like doing it but essentially when you're doing the run there's this two shoulder buttons L&R or whatever you have set for like your camera buttons we hit them both at the same time or at least they're both activated at the same time you'll immediately retract the line and the onion chest again but if you hit those on the same frame that froggy bites onto the line you'll actually instantly catch them so we're gonna try to do it during the run I can't promise anything but if we hit it it'll probably be the most legendary moment all right is there anything else you'd like to share before we go to the next friend uh-huh maybe just for anyone who wants to learn bait the cab we've got a little guide book here Prima strategy guide for you know the camera well seeing them with their amazing guidebook I'm sure this is going to be amazing and extremely entertaining runs so everybody get excited for that but coming up first we have our Silent Hill 3 run that is about to happen ran by punchy so let's get excited for that and we will see you back soon with some sadx [Applause] all right thank you very much for that interview and just like that we are ready to go
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 981,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: K0CFIymKnZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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