Portal 2 by Can't Even in 1:04:29 - SGDQ2019

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all right and now we will be going to a portal to with can't even [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gaming gaming I got a restart alright so uh we're just ready to start whenever right all right I'm gonna start this and then give you guys a countdown for the timer to start all testing candidates in the Aperture Science extended relaxation start device five minutes of cutscenes so much yeah this game starts with five minutes of cutscenes when you run the game like just at home nobody watching you can actually skip the cutscenes but I'm obviously not gonna do that here because it gives us time to explain all the confusing stuff about this game and then even when we get to it we got to explain it more I uh I'm just gonna give a brief explanation normally when you move a lot of games do this probably most the games that do this will be running probably Friday but you can just bunny hop and you obviously all obviously know what that is it's a lot faster than moving like two times fast with a moving or something so bunny hopping there are some other things when you can't bunnyhop for any reason there's a different way to move which is if you look against a wall you can move kind of towards that wall and you'll move pretty fast against the wall there's a part later in the game where we can't jump so it's really useful tape it just looks like this and there's other kind of minor movement things is there anything else about the movement I should say guys walls great thing but we'll get to them good speed on that right yeah right um I have a little modified content here you can modify textures in this game as long as it doesn't give you any theoretical advantage as most people just do their gun but um since this cutscene is really boring I put the portal 1 task on the TV you know we have something to watch oh yeah he made this path you can go as a legend yeah but in about a minute here that TV is gonna die that's unfortunate pour one out for the TV so sweetly he'll be with us throughout the game and then he won't be with us again you know so one of the best parts about speed earning this game is being able to listen to the dialogue the writing in this game is absolutely fantastic as everyone I'm sure knows yeah this game is um probably most known for its humour okay and it is generally a really funny game you just you just jumped um well that is gonna leave me into something important that I should say spend I'm gonna be doing throughout the running because the game's so funny and there's so many good lines you can when you're in an elevator to end a level the level won't end unless the dialogue is finished and it's sort of similar to Super Mario Bros ones with the frame rolls except it's a bit different because you can like control when the frame will start so as soon as the dialogue ends you're basically on a timer to finish the level going in the elevator earlier as long as you're within that timer won't help you you actually have to go into the elevator at a specific time in order to ensure that the elevator hits the level transition like right at the same time that the dialogue is finished because if you don't do that then usually what will happen is the dialogue will finish and then there's like a second or so of waiting before the elevator hits hits a trigger to end the level and so that'll lose like a second and they're in that level but there's it's like 40 or 50 elevators and it can be more you can lose like two and a half seconds that maximum with that so you can lose like a good minute in a bit if you just go in the elevators at random times that's something that confuses a lot of people because you can stand in front of an elevator for like 20 seconds confusing yeah basically you want to go and win there at certain parts of the dialogue so that is perfectly lines up with when you're gonna hit a change level trigger okay something about bunny hopping that I forgot to talk about and I really should talk about is I use the scroll wheel on the mouse to jump Rooskies I can't do that I do have space bound to jump but using the scroll wheel to jump ensures that I can do like 10 jump inputs right around the time I land and it really helps with getting jumps frame-perfect are almost very perfect if you tried to bunnyhop with spacebar it would be slower because you would lose speed a lot of the time when you hit the ground is there anything else really that should be mentioned right now I'm just gonna say we're gonna maybe use the terminology tick rate in this game normally games are frame based like ocarina time xx this game is 60 ticks per second the frame rates independent of a lot of the physics in the game so we use the tick rate which is basically frame rate but server side and not client side so after that five minutes of cutscene we're just gonna go into another 40 seconds of cutscene here you can see can't even hear going for the toilet swoosh which is one of the most essential parts of any portal to run if you get it you immediately get world record that's just guaranteed I've never gotten that we should restart button now the actual run is starting if you played portal 1 ya the first chapter the game is basically entirely portal 1 as I might be good at see other routes are totally different portal 1 is a much better game worst coded game yeah but these first two maps there's no real way to UM break the puzzles in any way although they're not really puzzles you can throw the cube over the wall but it's incredibly hard and you can softlock it's only done in the individual level runs if these parts of the games are really slow because you don't have the portal gun but they're really good design wise because they're teaching you how portals and now all the things work before giving them to you yeah but imagine not having the core mechanic of a game called portal yeah you see there I waited to go into the elevator for like a very long time I actually went in at the wrong time but I waited at the elevator a really long time because if I went in at a random time it would be just as fast or slow yeah just this morning I actually installed an updated version of the speedrun plugin it's not cheating where the low times are actually a lot better because the low times in this game are almost in infamously bad yeah they take like seven years and right here the reason I waited so long there was to get a dialog skip the announcer and we leave both have lines and if I can interrupt the announcers line with wheelies line I can get him straight to the ending line it saves in the ballpark of ten seconds like ten fifteen there's a lot of dialogue stuff in this game running the game without sound is impossible the dialogues all really funny but you also never want to listen to it yeah this is the first time real puzzle in the game one and they're forced the first time we really break a puzzle yeah we're gonna break up yourself that's something that's also in portal one is that if you get the cubes stuck in that room somehow the game will recognize that the map is now unbeatable and it will does it open the door for you mm-hmm yeah so you get the cube stuck through the room by pushing it straight through the door except the portal one it can also just happen randomly yeah yeah because again portal one is broken all right you can be portal one in under seven minutes this game is about an hour this guy did that okay yeah so you saw the way that this map was done he was gonna wave two seconds richer science personality constructs you saw the way that this map was done it's pretty fast right we're gonna go into this next map and it's the same stuff and you'll see him doing the same exact trick twice in a row the principles yeah the executrix in the same order right next to each other only time we do that in the run they're just right next to each other and then in this room normally there's a cube on the other side of the room but if you step on the button and then step off on the next frame or next tick it'll stay on only a few buttons in the game do that I also got it without the setup which is pretty cool start with you please return to your primitive China and send back someone this next map is normally when we meet Wheatley again and we would go over into his room he would talk at us for like a minute and then we'd pick him up we'd put him in a secret panel a few weeks about a month ago we found a new trick where you can shoot it's a really precise shot but you can shoot straight through this door this is what's called pancake skip because the shot is as thin as a pancake but if you've played this game before you will recognize we just skip that entire section it's like 45 seconds a minute minutes then I think that first I think that skip saved like 45 to a minute over the old weekly skip so we already could skip weekly but we just found a better way of doing it yeah it saved like 40 seconds over a trick that already saved like 30 seconds and this map is um it's a lot of just bunny hopping since I have Wheatley I can't actually drop him I'm like talking about GLaDOS like please don't enter the room but I'm already at the end of it and then once I put Wheatley in this elevator it marks the start of a bout of three minute cutscenes I'm gonna meet somebody up there to meet a good friend of mine but for now it's the great time for donations awesome we have a $20 donation from the portal to community I can't even get luck with the run although if you want us to donate a hundred and twenty more to charity which you should refer to the columns lockers skip with the name beginning with the letter D on you guys anybody anybody know about them yeah yeah yeah we have a $10,000 donation from [Applause] there's already been a tremendous amount of support with the purchase of tees with your orders we're donating our profits to support Doctors Without Borders in their amazing mission we're looking forward to all the amazing runs and good luck to all of the runners okay so right here I because I'm not supposed to be up here I can actually pick up this hoop object and there's um there's a pretty long story behind this hoop object at the end of portal one when you beat GLaDOS that's why she's dead because we killed her in the last game when you V GLaDOS at the end of the game there's a cutscene and the hoop falls down from the sky makes a big Clank right in front of you the good people over at valve software thought that that hoop would be the hottest and the best meme of 2007 and it is I don't know of any other meme that came out of portal one do you know there's anybody there's nothing in water beans what exactly does anyone know anything else that came out of portal one that we should know about now yeah so we just grabbed that mostly because it's on something but fun to play was during this cutscene but also if you don't pick it up your run will die his name's goofy by the way you have to reset if you don't get to it B it's the rules who peed the hoop is canonical name there yeah yeah can't discriminate oh yeah part we've probably have time for one or two more donations as a cutscene at the beginning of this next map awesome we have a $500 anonymous donation thank you so much for that [Applause] unexplored blue hey there first time donating to this wonderful event glad to see portal 2 being run considering how lovely this game is hope the week goes well and from PAC Sciences $50 I can't even good luck on the run pack hi PAC PAC nice to be done our Compaq ok so yeah we just finished that long cutscene and we're going to go over here to pick up the duel portal gun which will make the game a bit more interesting you'll notice there's a bit of a trigger skip right there we can just grab the portal gun you'll notice he's just gonna kind of go through all the walls like spider-man cuz it's more fun that way and we also skip these seven years of dialogue that happens during a fit writer and now we're at the elevator yeah I think something went a bit wrong there I'm not sure so for a lot of this game a lot of the movement now that we have the dual portable device is gonna end up being just shooting a portal on a wall going through that portal shooting another portal immediately going back through the portal because it moving instantly between two points is faster than moving on a line between those two points basic science there I'm not really sure I'm not gonna blame the controller but I am gonna blame the controller yeah you can just do that fling and it skipped some having to use the laser for the map called laser intro but now we're not gonna know how to use the lasers I've played the game before I think I can do it if you have yeah yeah I know this next map we're also not going to use the lasers we're just not gonna know how there's completely not what we needed most we're not gonna know the cube fell down that's unfortunate oh yeah the way to do that map is valve just made not a perfect game so you can do a portal stand and then shoot on the surface that you're supposed to have the laser shoot at you know well this next map is called do lasers and it's the first time we actually do use the laser does somebody on the couch want to explain the glitch that I'm gonna be using dibs okay this is you're really quick here what is gonna do here is what's called the laser switch glitch and it's exactly the name of tails we have two laser receptors hold up I'm gonna scan wait two seconds you good yeah okay we got two laser receptors both activating the door and one of them is gonna be activated by the laser and if we switch the laser on to the other laser receptacle then both of them will be activated for just six or seven ticks and if you're pressed against the door it's gonna open for you because it doesn't want to crush you in the door if you've played this game with a friend before in coop you'll remember the crushing people is a core mechanic of co-op and is employed a lot at the time but you just thought there was the wet maker he did a report about the wall and I got some extra speed off of that and then just jumped over all of the goo yeah it's one of the harder tricks in the game because you can't just get every portal you also have to have a good jump out of the portal and even then it's kind of close by the way yeah reporte Liz when when you're inside of a portal if you shoot another portal like while still in the middle of the portal the game to get you unstuck will give you a boost of speed in the direction of so you can and get farther you'll notice between any of this map he put the camera on top of this button it's because the buttons in this game check for just objects on top of buttons to trigger dialogue and whatnot and but sometimes not doors but there's never doors well yeah but about seven years of dialogue in this map and they just get skipped by putting the camera on that button so I mean it just loves to go fast yeah if we didn't get that dialogue we would have to wait at the elevator for about 20 minutes before would let us go through and actually end them out it's not as garbage on it this is the trash map yeah GLaDOS we're gonna talk about it well it's something interesting about the trash it actually triggers the buttons so we don't have to wait until the trash is gone to get the cube we can just use it finish the map hurtling towards you and you'll notice right there the button was actually only orange only activated for like a second but because I was pushing up against the door I went through and that's how laser switched which works because both the lasers are only active for like a few ticks something interesting about this elevator is that it moves a lot faster than normal so it's actually faster because the dialogue is so long it's faster to go in go all the way to the bottom because it finishes just before the dialogue ends can somebody explain this map while I focus you want to get to that so for this map what you basically do is that you do a bunch of reporters to get a bunch of height and when you do that you're able to get all the way to the top of the map without having to actually do the puzzle and then you can just fling to the end as if the puzzle wasn't there yeah I missed now the third report abut oh this is another just fun glitch because angle portals were coded while they give you a ton of speed I think this map is one of my favorite in the entire run there's some coming up later that are magnificent to watch but reporters are hard and they are really cool-looking that's a pretty good summary of just the game in general reportable are hard well they're not that hard one of them is really hard one of them is actually frame perfect but take perfect or frame perfect yes I mean I'm running on a sixty Hertz monitor so technically ticks are frames because I'm running on a twenty eighty it's not gonna get much below sixty well I think you're running a 300 fps really and 995 I have a cap nice all we had something interesting to note if you plan to run this game and you have a really powerful computer you will have to cap your FPS because if it goes above a thousand the game breaks and weird ways based written you want to explain well I'll explain it um when you get on that catapult normally you jump on the catechol three times to listen to GLaDOS when wheelies say three different things but if you crouch at a very precise time in the air and then later on crouch you can trigger all three all three dial all three dialogues that GLaDOS is supposed to stay in the same swing in the same cycle I guess and then because all three are triggered it only plays the last one and you go up about 40 seconds before you normally would I missed a little reporter there but it's really not a big deal yeah there's a lot of times in this game where like losing two seconds isn't really a huge deal because it's an hour-long game where a big attack yeah this is a not a bad run not a good one not terrible so far I've had better in the practice room but I've also had worse in the practice room you haven't stopped yet no yeah yet I didn't even know this game is off walked a while and then I saw two today yeah it usually doesn't stop walk a lot but I am at a marathon we might get to say the NIEM words I [Music] actually in the practice room I find a soft lock that I had never encountered don't never ever not say it I'm not gonna say it oh yeah that map could have gone really badly it's not a hard map but if you messed that map up it's some infamously hard to recover from even if you have quicksaves something about the psychology it just is really hard to recover from did you already talk about the category name change recently oh yeah about six months ago this category was called single segment because you couldn't make and load saves but you could still die which is really weird well yeah because if you um if you don't allow dying in your run you know you can die by accident usually you don't die on purpose you can tack on it but usually don't die on purpose so they had it was a compromise between speed demos archive and it's an urn ickis actually allowing you to die as far as I'm not actually a hundred percent sure on that but that's my understanding of it this is like before you were born so yeah it's um the game came out in 2011 but it is it's really all of its labors in like 2012 2013 but yeah we figured that the game was in 2019 so we should make the rules 2019 and now you can save and load and for people who don't play PC games it's quite common for games to have quick saves and quick loading so like instead of going through menus to have to save and load dude you can just like have a hot key on your keyboard for saving and loading that you can use whenever you want okay that chain for one kind of slow there's actually a chance there was a chance that Wheatley could have interrupted Gladys's dialogue which would have resulted in an awkward elevator which was in which is when the ending dialogue doesn't play so you have to ride the elevator all the way down with nobody talking it's like 20 seconds you're legally required to be as quiet as possible during awkward elevator will let you know hey I almost got one during incinerator um some really weird things happened that I usually don't encounter this is the one part of the game that gets music yeah the fun thing is we're not even gonna bother with the church because we go too fast for them to lock on to us because we're gamers yeah if you go too slow you will die but we're gamers okay I enjoy how the word gamers can now incite a cheering map is um one of the harder maps in the game that's a total lie it is literally the easiest map in the game is one of the easiest maps in the game because you can shoot the portals before you even enter the map something to note there it's uh I'm gonna try to make it a tradition to note this at every marathon if you drop the cube there it's actually a lot faster than placing the cube first because dropping it first and then placing dropping it first and then placing it allows you to activate the dial up just half a second earlier and that's the only thing I remember from when I watch the tutorial videos four years ago it's like the one damage boost in their run apparently yeah if you like when you get next shot from the uterus from behind it gives you velocity and the directions of their suiting you men get a big old boost and because um the portal is the portal the bridges in the portal normally you can't walk through the portal but for some reason the turret can push you through so we'll give you just the right amount speed to bunnyhop to basically the end this is one of the very few maps in the game that you well you can but you can't really do it different than the intended way to do it there's a way to go out of bounds but that saves minimal time and this is an inbounds run and there's also a way to just jump past the turrets but nine times out of ten you will die if you do that okay ten out of ten yeah normally when a turd is alive it shoots you but that one didn't for some reason that was nice that's the one time they're singing in the game of the credit even like twitch safe if we sing that's yes I know still alive isn't I'm pretty sure one you gone is not twitch safe okay I mean there's like a five minutes at least of credits before then we can watch him okay we can break it out into song right now yeah yeah we're good just gotta pull out your keyboard it's their jamming oh and look at the surprise oh yeah this map is um this is the map actually that and we got a donation from the portal to community earlier about at the end of this map there is there's a really hard for slice trick and random it's um all three it's really I don't like the trick very much because usually you have to UM retry with quick saves about four times to get it but um it's just me clipping through the elevator and it has many names but for $100 I will call it Dane skip and the reason it's called Dane skip was because however many months ago somebody found the trick and then everybody forgot about it because there was no way to do it consistently at all and actually I'm gonna have to focus on this because it's really hard there's one where I can't him two two three that kind of looked like it was gonna work maybe for yes it's a really long cutscene where wheelie is talking with Jerry the nanobot yep even missing it five times yes oh wait we missed the Jerry thing with that yeah oh man let's get sucks yeah it's on in my opinion one of the best cutscenes but you know time is time oh okay I was a bit um not what I was supposed to do I don't worth the dachshund yeah I was hoping you get the turret boost there know you can like ramble since the turrets are like rounded you could like ramp off of them to get horizontal speed that make you go faster it's really hard though yeah and it barely saves time but it does look really cool this is the next map where we will use laser switch butch I believe it's the last second and only time but the difference is there's three and if you shimmy the cube between the three in the right way then it'll activate them all at the same time this next map is going to mark the beginning of the mystic ape sequence where you start running from GLaDOS so after I get out of this map it'll be obvious there's gonna be a lot less portaling and a lot more bunny hopping and moving there still will be portaling but and then because I shot those portals I can get into this room early and then leave right when this door opens that jumps really easy wait I loaded the wrong state cowboy emojis in check I don't even know if that's supposed to be like cowboy accent I don't know what that is this is another stair boost it's just fun I didn't get the service there how much you getting you can go flying in that direction but you can just use those stairs to jump over the railing and skip having to go all the way around oh that load time was very fast I were not ready he's not used to these load tonnes yeah like yeah this is like the second run I've done with this plugin that makes the load time shorter yet without the without the plugin you could like finish your math go run to the bathroom maybe make dinner and it would still would be like halfway loaded yeah you could go bike a mile do whatever you want that's a little bit of an exaggeration but they were a little bit Oh me a little all right so here is um where I can do probably the most controversial thing of the part of the run up next is a map where it's going to be very very dark because of a cutscene table and some people's monitors are so dark that they can't actually see the matter I'm going to use a console command I know I'm sorry to turn the to turn the brightness on the game up a look it's not cheating okay something to notice I can actually see perfectly fine without the console command and most people can but if you have like a really bad monitor or something or if you're in twitch chat yeah it's something important because because of how video encoding works dark things like really dark things like this room turn out even darker and unwatchable in any stream yeah if I didn't have that command on the twitch chat you guys would not be able to see a thing basically you're welcome yeah when when my friend is good ago did runs of this I tried watching him and then his spring was just black and I thought he didn't have his game feed on that would be a good ago thing to do yeah I mean who hasn't done that yeah I screamed three hours without a game feed before Wow don't worry about it yeah this is normally about the time where it gets bright enough that you can turn the command off but I'm gonna wait till the end of the match so I have a free hand and there we go and this next map is one of the most interesting maps in the game up until about a month ago we found a lot of tricks them a month a few months ago this map was very heavy on RNG you could lose like 20 seconds about awful just due to pure rng and there was nothing you could do about it but we found a trick so that if you got bad rng you could do another route and it would actually be just as fast but the other route the rng route was really cool like really cool route hang on let's listen that sounds like I got good rng i did i had not ideal but I'm gonna get to defective turrets in a row here and I'm gonna use them to fly again it's not cheating okay this one literally isn't cheating at all it's what it's not cheating this was just a hot mean so I lined this turret up like this you don't have to line the turrets up but it makes it consistent enough to do in full runs and then fly I miss missed again knowing how awful these models are like this is kind of tricky that's 15 tire sequencer you would put in the defective turret in place of the regular turret so that when you confront colitis you don't get shot by many turrets yeah something to know cuz he leaves the map with the normal tur is still in place the pipeline is still producing normal turrets but when you get to GLaDOS they're all defective turrets so someone else must have done it yeah not me maybe the space before possibly maybe GLaDOS did in herself now she's too smart this next map is um the whole map is a cycle because at the end I'm going to have to shoot lasers or portals with lasers moving through them to cut some pipes cut the pipes that are leading the neurotoxin out and the platform's start moving from the moment the map starts so I believe I'm going fast enough to get the good cycle we think probably especially if a this button good this button is really weird if you hit it just right you go faster and I don't know exactly what makes you hit it right you can also shoot through that door because it doesn't have collisions because valve source is a finicky engine this is the only chair you can pick up in this game or one of you one of the few tears you can pick up in this game that's why I said it doesn't have collision but you can shoot through it you can't spit on the chair you cannot sit on the chair if I try it if I try it it just tips over I can do that as opposed to thing I can get that's awesome what I'm doing what oh right and this next map is um just a minute long cutscene so great time for donations donations hurry we've got a hundred and twenty dollar donation from the portal to community hashtag danstett [Applause] we have a five dollar donation from cirrhotic hey there I'm actually a first-time watcher and first-time donator I started watching speedruns of a lot of games and I'm really excited to see what tricks and glitches I can see in other games good luck to all of the runners and have fun your that have fun we have a twenty five dollar donation from Kyle Goodwin first time I've been able to donate great time watching and this is a great cause good luck yes Maps um about an enemy because the load times are so much shorter it's gonna go straight into a next mouth no elevator here just trading the gameplay which doesn't sound like a problem but I get caught off guard by that all the time and then I lose a second because my hands on the keyboard yeah once we open that door so it's another like two minute cutscenes yeah about that I bring the donations keep donating cuz we got a lot of cutscenes to run through and we've got more donations we've got a $25 donation from Jonathan Otto first-time donor long time watcher love portal and this entire event keep up the great work everyone and hope to donate more later on in this run and also we have a really awesome prize giveaway for a GLaDOS and portal prints with a $10 minimum donation so go ahead and get those in and be entered for a chance to win those goodbye and we have a $25 donation from Allen to town every summer I look forward to sgdq can't wait for the week Euler about timing we could just sit in this room for Ubik NZ how long do you think I could keep Wheatley on her head yeah that's a good point um is the tube the GLaDOS is bringing down is supposed to kill us but we fixed that so we Lee is gonna come down you can actually see him up there ooo look at the time or always keep time yeah well if you do it just right you can keep wheelie I did it very poorly ff9 as the restart yeah well yeah you can eat wheelie on your head for like 20 seconds and this whole map is basically a cutscene except you have to and then I can take another lap if I want 7th MCC I missed Matt bother my procedure oh yeah didn't miss elevators skip like 15 times there's something sushi is the best elevator skipper almost door skipper I wonder if he's already typing in beyond this towards obviously it's probably very angry I mean the time we pointed out that he had second place in every single portal category and portal to use typing pretty fast you want sir yeah I watched the clip like 10 times is the best thing nice so that's the Macau he doesn't have those time he is second place still into some portal categories but in in out-of-bounds and coach was he's been busy running more popular games which I understand we don't talk about those I do I'm running that game I'm just not good at it popular games like half-life he is running that he actually he will be here later later this week Friday morning he's doing a race with Alex how one of our commentators who I'm sushi 100 oh nice oh no he's is it with you Alex yeah okay is your instant Connor actually I've never ran the game before very interesting that's elevator skip yeah that's a really important tip it saves like two and a half minutes literally if you and that's really easy to do and it's really easy but it was really funny because I'm back in the day like a year ago if you missed this you couldn't just load a save to get back on so you had to get in the elevator and take the two-and-a-half minute I'm loss luckily it was very consistent ten is unless you're purple what is mcc color of Mackenzie do you know it off the top of your head hex code b200 FF nice then what's your color my color is hex code EE 362 e there you go go and use miner websites all right this is the best back in the game well just let it speak for itself [Applause] you can lose time by the way oh yeah it is actually possible to lose time with this map at the very end you can lose like five seconds through no fault of your own it's just complete luck RNG how often does it happen it's never happened to me so probably not that awful here's here's the time alright I we won't even notice actually if it's five seconds I'll notice okay I can't see a timer I can see the timer but since this is a PC game we use time without loads we remove the load times for all official rankings you know these cutscenes - well something interesting to note about what GLaDOS or potato says we will now refer to her as just dumb said there she asked us to put her in one of our the long haul boots but we don't do that as see we both just crash through the floor and somehow since Gladys has been following a terminal velocity for a minute at the bottom she's not a mashed potato also the terminal velocity for a potato and the human are the same really yeah fun fact you learned something today portal 2 well in the game yeah in physics yeah there's GLaDOS was standing perfectly straight and there's the bird just that terrorizes her right now this is an underground section of the game we're doing a lot of long horrible shouts here yeah there's like two portal shots that are very one of them is actually called long shot a very convenient mechanic is that you could do these zooming in portal shots because if you couldn't then this would be kind of miserable we're just gonna do the longer one here did I get it I did hey big gamer epic yeah and then once you hit those two buttons this um big door is gonna take ages to open so you can just wait for it up here because we can't actually skip those doors down there by landing on these things they have collision for players so you can skip the tiny doors once it opens enough I will jump down and now I'm here seems like you know five ten seconds but it's a fondue five ten seconds and then there's the other door yeah so now we get to say hello door a favorite dish yeah if you do this map correctly he doesn't say a word the map is called Cave Johnson yes who speaks nobody not a single word is spoken in this map that shot right there Skip's having to ride the elevator up which is which takes a while that must have been a scary shot back when this was single-segment oh yeah well I guess not really because he could die but Cooke tased yay yeah and also that that was a report will combine with like that is a hard map thank you that's a hard man that was a report 'l combined with the scripted momentum and what scripted momentum is is the game thinks you should have momentum so it gives it to you you deserve it yeah it just happens on yours game Johnson yeah one of the best characters in the game and this map is also part of this section of the game is honestly pretty hard this is the grunt village yeah that button glitch is doesn't have a setup yep and we're just gonna disregard the emancipation goes because we can just shoot right through them yeah I also think this is one of the most fun parts of the game to watch especially as someone who hasn't ran much portal to this section of the game is super dope just like clever things like that like being able to get extra height for that bounce to make it over to skip part of the puzzle is just like so good yeah and then after that is done because we skipped that whole cube over there having ticket it and then this is again this is actually a weird level because you can lose like 15 20 seconds and feel like you didn't do that bad this is the only level on the game where that happens and you can also feel like you didn't do that good and you can get a gold spoil it's just nobody has a good feel for it I don't think you ever gotten a gold and been like wow that I deserved that I was really no that's never nope well maybe every time you get a gold that was like okay alright in this map I'm gonna do a cool route that I don't know if anybody else does even though it is faster I timed it it's a bit harder but it's a game mister out yeah it is a gamer strap normally well there's something interesting that shot I did into the room to hit the button normally if you do a shot like that you would get a report allanne he wouldn't it would be hard to stay in the portal because they added reporters to actually stop what I did but when the game first came out you could do reporters by shooting a floor and that turned out to be way too easy like so easy that casual players could do it so they patched that up that's the only glitch they've ever patched out this map is kind of hard so or does somebody else want to explain yeah he's gonna do this ridiculously hard fling that no one else does and then he's gonna do what's called a stock launch here you notice he put some gel under that pipe there valve thought it was fun to have gel like actually in the gas that you present good job valve thought that it would be fun to have gel actually in the pipes so you can put it out there but a stock launch essentially you get stuck and then you launch it's a very very nice way of getting downward momentum really really really quickly and you know of course you can go really fun places because as soon as you find a mechanic it is you know completely used as an ex-player yeah here's the map where normally actually not normally we don't skip it where we activate the orange gel and so in the next two maps we'll be seeing a lot of the act we'll be seeing a lot of it wiggle but we won't be using any of it and then over in this room to my right is where GLaDOS is or potatoes but not luckily there's a pretty cool thing we can do that's because just not a combination of how high he already was with him strafing in the air the way he did allowed him to gain height going through the portal allowing them to make that good news the potatoes comes with us anyway whether we like it or not are we do do we like it alright do you like it that's another repo and you'll see there GLaDOS got a little bit too excited and uh passed out I guess cuz potato only gives one point one volts and Aperture Science personality constructs only run one point one place minimum did you google that no it was in the dated in chapter one okay keep momentum I haven't played this game in a while evidently this is the second map with the propulsion gel the proposin gel makes you go fast but interestingly we don't use it ever ironic yeah we do use the blue gel though which makes you jump and if you jump a ton times we can go really fast like the petroleum jelly if like if you jump a ton of times on the blue gel it essentially translates that into the speed and velocity of 70 billion blue gel jumps all at one time which is why we just launched over that entire gap and it's what I'm actually really easy to get too much speed and hit the top of the elevator oops which is a time loss but it's also kind of easy to well go the wrong direction like go off to the right a little and die which is unfortunate obviously but this is the this is more of a transition map it's near the end of the underground section we're getting close to back to Wheatley a lot of times they've here over like a normal run that jump like that one little jump there just saves like one one and a half minutes yeah I used to keep an entire room where you turn on the and Joe also shot at Susan tourniquets I believe for finding that he's probably found a lot of things yeah probably he was like one of the first runners of this game and he was the person I watched his videos and I thought I I want to do this Prabhas nirn the kiss for the 80 billionth time for making this tutorial yeah he made a tutorial like 5 years ago and nobody else has made a new one it's actually six years ago so should I do that yeah but is he gonna so this white gel lets you shoot portals on surfaces where you normally can't so we just set it up in a way that we could do a fling to get up there nicely yeah I was actually supposed to do something else I was supposed to get a report 'l but something we've had i wasn't paying too much attention i might have shot the wrong portal but I missed that report 'l so oh yeah this is a pretty good quote i forgot about that and now it's gone yeah yeah at this moment yeah unfortunately that is the last we'll hear of Cave Johnson now this map is thick yeah this map has two stuck launches this map is super sick and I mean if you missed my brief instruction about stock launches earlier you get stuck and then you launch it stuck and you're constantly building velocity ball there you're constantly building velocity when you're stuck in the corner there yeah that skips the room where I'm you have all three gels and you have to do a puzzle the maps called three gels we're only gonna use one yeah and we actually put some blue gel down there so that we can use another stuck launch to bounce off of it later also you do actually have to look at that you can't there's a look trigger if you don't look at it you lose like ten seconds we're gonna be using the little numbers in the corner for like the fourth time this run it's pretty precise also wrapped Redis tatang or two of it I guess yeah he made this set up the little numbers refers to the there's a command in source games called Co Co pause and it basically will show your position and angle and velocity oh that's what all those little numbers are it allows you to line up things very precisely theoretically you could of course do everything without the numbers but it would be less consistent it would be hard what would be harder but alright and that marks the end of the underground section you'll see the loading screen we're heading into Wheatley's territory and a bit of a noclip territory not actually no not actual no clear we're not about half-life 2 yet no oh yeah oh yeah that's later that's gonna be really funny to it but yeah after this map this is more of a slow map but after this map we're gonna see funnels and then those funnels there's a glitch with them was found the game the glitch was found the day the game came out and not patched and you can use them to fly anywhere can somebody explain cubes throw you throw a cube whoa so basically there's a wheelie isn't very smart and can't make good puzzles so as puzzle was to make turret cube hybrids walk on a button it's very sad I think looking at it but you just throw a cube onto a button and then go through a door normally he blocks that door with a big old panel that you can't walk through and then a 50-second unskipable cutscenesthat's enough sometimes you can break wheelies monitors we're just gonna do this test again yeah this is the rest of it just it doesn't work though unfortunately right here's another little tiny dialogue skips hi miss tit it seems like a second well yeah coming into the next map we are going to be flying oh yeah not coming into but I'll I'll start flying in the next map and then actually something cool about the flying glitch is it transitions between maps so if you leave one map and you have the flying glitch we'll keep it in the next map and here we are yes so now we can just fly not cheating and also something sort of unfortunate about the flying glitch is that you can't jump while flying because if you jumped normally when you jump you go up and then you go down but if you're flying you go up and then you do not go down so a lot of times especially in like rooms like these if you jumped at the beginning of the room you would just hit the top of the room and then softlock so you do have to be really careful about when you jump if you ever seen a zero-gravity around a portal this is what it's actually like and all these um most of the maps in this chamber are really broken because of the flying um they didn't foresee that when they're designing their levels and in a lot of the levels the door at the end is actually just open you don't have to like push a button or anything to open it so you can just fly to the end not on this one unfortunately but since we can't bunnyhop any more because of the zero gravity thing you just kind of have to do a lot of wall straight thing and stuff figured around or else you're gonna just run real slow yeah also something to note if you are holding w and then you mash a and d repeatedly i it is a bit faster than just walking forward and that's what i do a lot of the times when I have fly and there's not a wall nearby oh my god that was a nice - that was very nice normally I don't get that throw first try um the next map I believe is the map where you just fly straight to the end yeah yeah alright so the nice thing about it is cuz the doors just open it's just already there so we can just and touching the yeah touching the funnel removes the fly there's a few ways to get rid of it but once you've gone once you've gone through a load touching the funnel is the only way to get rid of it so now I don't know fly so I can bunnyhop bass-driven can you explain great shot um not very well but I can take go at it it's great yeah you can shoot a portal under this grate over here you can throw a cube onto that button and then the levels over you're done Skip's jumping around in a bunch of aerial faith plate and skip grabbing the cube in a funnel and then tossing it back out of the funnel is essentially it's not default route which makes it good enough yeah well the key thing about that route is you shoot a portal in a place where you are very clearly not supposed to and that's used a lot more in coop yeah for the reason you can shoot it there is because the way the game checks the surface is portable it only checks in like an X around where you shot the portal so and that great there's actually portable surfaces on the very edge but they're normally way too tiny to shoot anything on but if you shoot it right at the right angle it'll works this test is pretty straightforward it's just you know don't die yeah I really like it it's kind of easy also the general story at this point is that Wheatley ain't smart and he doesn't know how to maintain a giant Stein's facilities - everything's falling apart yeah literally going to explode my own day and likely if this were to continue this would cause catastrophic probably world-changing disaster please Thank You Chernobyl yeah well to be fair this is in the year like 30,000 or something 30 million or something it's so everyone's probably already dead yeah and then right there I got fly and used that pipe to give myself some downward speed after the jump to end up in here and we've just now kept fly which is pretty nice for the next chamber yeah having flying the next chamber saves a lot of time if this is the one I remember then yeah this one probably saves like more than a minute not more than a minute I don't think I really it's like it might be for close to a minute I'd know it no it can't be because then we would've been there was like no I'm thinking of the one where you're just flying for like a minute those those are at the end of the game that's a p.m. yeah you can just fly faster than this funnel that happens a lot towards the end of the game it's used here you can fly 10 to 20 times faster than not only bounder it's only like maybe 4 or 5 times faster but it still saves like at least 15 seconds in that area very well I mean if you're good I mean if you're tasked maybe you can get to 25 seconds is anyone gonna test this game yeah eventually yes actually people are working on our TAS at the co-op version of the game and that is actually almost done I believe oh wow yeah testing source games is not the easiest so it's always surprising when people get those projects going yeah and then I've watched like one level of the coop test and it is ridiculous because in coop coop is programmed less well than single-player and in some ways that's a that's an understatement the netcode is fine I'm sure but there's a lot more you can do in coop especially with each other partners and the physics were like holding cubes is entirely different from the physics from holding cubes in single-player and also also the map design is worse like the Maps I'm sure are fun to play but the map design and the ways you can break them is so much worse than in single-player and most importantly you have hats yeah the hats at the important place then right here I'm gonna achieve funnel fly and then I will not lose this final fly until right before the boss fight so this final fly is gonna take me basically to the end of the game and the next three maps are going to be incredibly broken the funnel fly like way broken tell anyone that I was I was explaining to Jim he's going to kill us well not if I go through they can't kill me yet normally you're supposed to step on the faith plate and then that wall will open up and because it's supposed to open up it just doesn't have collision it is just more Wall Street thing just to quickly say the definition of in bounds in the source games so outside of the main map area there's basically infinite black void and that's what's considered out of bounds so even if there's a lot of sections of the game that seem like they're not in bounds they still are yeah and that happens a bit okay that was a mistake that's right No okay that was quicker than I thought okay I got out really prepared there we go hey yeah that's yeah just little mistakes and you'll notice a lot of this back section is just using level geometry like that bridge there to manipulate our vertical speed and report horizontal speed and whatnot because the only other way to go up and down when you have crouch fly on is by jumping and it like we said earlier that's sometimes not the best solution because you know you go up and then you don't come down yeah that's actually the easiest way to softlock in this part of the game and then because of that this part of the game is probably the part of the game where most people softlock if they are going to softball oh yeah we're just using level geometry to push ourselves down mostly and then because we're gamers we can go right past that pipe and right past these turrets they start to shoot at us but they do not kill us it did not get to not and then using portals to move there because oh yeah this is kind of the this isn't like the middle of the map right before the really boss by it so off coming here is the funnel which we were going to fly next to because it's about three times faster so anybody have anything to say this is the map I was thinking of earlier where you just fly yeah and then I have to lose the crouch fly by touching the funnel because if you have crouch fly I don't believe there's an easy way to do this the part of the game I just did I don't think you can like fall or something the good news is that we don't need it anymore because this is the boss fight yeah last map in the game time will be in like three minutes there so you know you only look out yeah this is also we Lee's gonna talk at us for like a minute so it is is a good time for some donations very cool we've got a sixty dollar donation from Cave Johnson one one one Cave Johnson here on behalf of Aperture Science here is your $60 rewards for agreeing to be taken apart and put back together we would like to apologize for getting a couple of vertebrae but we trust we'll be fine in a few months we hope thanks for your contribution to science Thank You mr. Johnson we have a 250 dollar donation from Ricky Jay [Applause] they say haven't been able to donate more a few years now so here is five marathons worth at once we have a hundred dollar donation coming in from Toby TBD I loved Portal 2 and had played it a lot slowly really slowly so it's really fun to watch this be done thank you so much Toby alright so uh in a few moments he really is gonna start shooting bombs at us which interesting enough the bombs actually take a really long time to kill you longer than you might expect for bombs but we use the bombs okay there we use the bombs to break that pipe to put conversion jelly where cuz you can't do anything until you've done that and now Wheatley's gonna shoot three bombs at us we're gonna shoot one of them back at him and we're gonna keep the other two let me get on this catwalk in check yep there's another two bombs just hanging out so this boss fight is pretty similar to the portal 1 boss fight where you have to attach cores to the main enemy in order to corrupt them and in this case we also want to switch potato GLaDOS back into their herd normal body I shut that wrong a the bomb got destroyed I can't do double it's fine it's okay yeah leading on what Alex was saying it's actually the reverse of the boss fight cousin the portal one one boss fight you're taking cores office lattice but here you're putting course on fight is very scripted there's other than the bomb thing that I did where you shoot the bombs that we leave before he shoots them there's not a whole lot you can do to speed it up we can do a except at the end yes where I will talk about that you know we can do a couple cool visual tricks pretty soon - oh yeah rique wine yeah this is a kind of a long custom where Wheatley's being mad at us if we shoot a portal just right we can get effect because we're so close to that portal our view model comes over to this portal and we can actually see see the character and the earth weight words okay so right here is a shot I'm gonna do a trick that could end the game early but I'm really bad at it even though it's easy I might call time soon time wait for it wait for it wait for it still one thing left one thing [Applause] and because we shot it early we glitched and we still have control over our character can I guess this can't even beat rate in the chat I mean I don't have too many subscribers I know how it's gonna work boom well yeah this is the cutscene after the game so we still have control I mean yeah that's it I guess that's portal to portal 2 in a 1 out of 4 minutes bill time hang on the 101 17 which is a pretty good run isn't that like second place yeah that's like wow and third nice yes that's all BAM sushi well that'll be mad about that thanks that's utq and we've got a couple donations real quick before we go to an ad I've got a five hundred and fifty dollar donation from anonymous thank you for the great work and awesome event and for all of the runners good luck and Godspeed we have a hundred dollar donation from dr. Lyons already donated 250 last time I forgot to leave a message we love portal 1 & 2 and I even named one of my businesses aperture labs as a fellow doctor I'm happy to be here and support such a great organization thanks for bringing me here Rebecca and with that we are going to go to an ad from twitch [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello all you wonderful people I am llk and you're watching Summer Games done quick 2019 what how does that make you feel everybody that is not nearly loud enough definitely Spore people on stage plays more cheering there you go coming up we have a very awesome donation insentive donkey kong country to all stages we need $15,000 for that we're currently sitting at nine thousand and thirty seven dollars and 56 cents you want to see Donkey Kong Country to all stages this is one of my favorite Super Nintendo games one of the great Super Nintendo games of all times you got Dave wisest great music that you don't get to hear enough of because they're going so dang fast but please get those donations in we really really need to push that incentive so let's go everyone
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,391,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Games Done Quick 2019, SGDQ2019, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: Q2y0j3Ex6lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 33sec (4533 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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