Rescuing a NASTY Warhammer Ork Warboss from eBay

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what's up Hobby friends my name is Casey and welcome to another miniature rescue the other day I found a fantastic orc mini that desperately needs help [Music] [Music] there are so many good orc models in the Warhammer lineup and I've painted a few they've always been one of my favorite factions in some of the most fun minis to paint in the hobby the real secret is that Orcs are never perfect so minor imperfections with conversions or paint jobs that aren't the absolute cleanest in the world still fit into The Narrative of The Minis and can look really good of course sometimes as hobbyists we can get a little ahead of ourselves and things don't necessarily go according to plan and that's okay sometimes things don't work out but there's always a solution in the case of this mini there are a few things that I assume may have happened during the process the paint is pretty thick which makes me think that the person who tackled this orc might have been a newer painter and that is backed up by some of the construction issues that I'm seeing as well the pauldron is falling off of the shoulder and my guess is that was due to plastic glue not setting after the part was attached so the piece kind of just slid down the shoulder and finally settled into this position all in all these are pretty common mistakes when someone starts painting and after building and painting a few more models these are things that are quickly overcome if you are having these types of issues don't worry about it just keep building and painting and try to be as clean as you can during that process you will get better with each mini and of course don't forget to thin your paints [Music] I picked up this orc War Boss off of eBay for 14 bucks which is a pretty good deal even with some of the missing parts specifically the little Goblin that sits on top of his back is gone but I think I have a few extras laying around that will take care of that the first thing to do will be to replace that Goblin and luckily I already know that I have some of those little guys with guns laying around from the old green stomper project from last October the other major missing piece is the metal icon that also sits on his back now I rummaged through some of the bits and happened to come across a nice orchy metal Banner that will do the job perfectly it's got two poles instead of one and will need to be cut down in order to work but that's really no big deal there are other issues as well but we need to remove the paint to really get a good look at what's going on I'll be stripping the model using an ultrasonic cleaner filled with LA's totally awesome which is a concentrated Degreaser that does a really good job even without the Sonic cleaner help I let the Sonic Cleaner run for a solid 20 minutes before using the toothbrush to scrub away the paint [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and there really was a ton of paint on this model it looks like it was fully painted several times maybe in an attempt to try and figure out different colors I see Reds blues and after taking off a few layers quite a bit of yellow there also looks to be quite a bit of teal on the model so I'm wondering if this model may have been used as an attempt to get someone's kid into miniature painting I almost always have a few models ready to go lying around in my space just in case my son wants to try painting hi my name is box we're gonna do something really special paint this model when he comes into my office he can look through a few and decide what colors he wants to use I load up a palette for him give him a cup of water and off he goes he's actually painted a fair amount of models at this point and I can tell it even with a little bit of experience he's actually improving with each model this is a plague monk I want to play I want to paint this model with brown I can let him paint a model however he wants of course I'm there to help him along show him how to thin paints and hold the brush but he's gonna make the decisions for the model when the paint's dry he might decide to change colors which is great so he paints over what's already there or just moves on to another model why I painted The Sword bro because it looks Rusty okay it looks icky I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case with this orc just because of how many layers and colors there were but whatever it was we're gonna scrub this guy clean and start the repairs [Music] [Music] [Music] there are three things that need to be done to get this War Boss back onto the tabletop not including the paint the broken standard poles need to be snipped off shaved down and replaced with the new one the little Goblin we have is a replacement for the original needs to be put on top of the model and there are some gaps in the armor panels where the parts of the model didn't quite get pushed together all the way I wanted to try and take it apart but there was definitely plastic glue used to weld these pieces together and I'd rather not cut into it just to put it back together so some Gap filling will need to be done using milliputt I like milliputt for its versatility it's water soluble when wet so it can be smoothed into cracks and crevices very easily by hand and it dries in about four hours so it's quick compared to other Solutions in hard to reach places I used an old brush dipped in some water to go over the top of that milliput and make it as smooth as I can this fills the gaps nicely and we can move on to adding the other parts I cut down the new standard for the back of the armor the bottom of the piece was cut flat and I just glued it into the same position as the original would have been in it doesn't fit perfectly because this one has the two icons on top so you know instead of one pole there's two but that's all right I used some of the leftover middle putt to wrap around the bottom and make it look like it was a little more integrated into the armor there was a small Gap in one of the corners and that won't be an issue anymore finally the goblin needs to be placed on top of the model the way that this model is standing made it pretty easy to set on top of that flat piece of armor although where the gun that the original model has connected to that panel needed to be cut off completely to make room for the new ones flipped since this model is holding it again already it definitely looks very similar to the other one though I do find it pretty funny that he might be holding some kind of repair gun and not an actual gun but it totally works for me and definitely plays into the goblin orc Dynamic the last thing to do before getting this model primed is to add a quick bit of basing material I load the bass up with PVA and dip the entire thing into a bucket of beach sand the variety in sand and rocks is great for doing bases really quickly it takes a minute to dry but since the middle put still has a little while left on it we'll just set this guy aside for a few more hours and then start priming before we get to the painting let me tell you about today's excellent sponsor CMO games CMO games is an epic hobby store that has been selling online for more than 20 years they focus on Games Workshop products almost always selling at 15 off and they carry a wide variety of paints and supplies to get those moves painted on top of a ton of tabletop games board games and tcgs they carry hobby supplies Pro crew Vallejo and scale 75 just give you a few so you can always find the supplies and paints that you need and get them shipped quickly and at a good price CMO games also takes care of your pre-orders so if you need to get in on the newest Games Workshop release they go live at 1201 am on the absolute earliest day possible so you don't miss out head on over to using the affiliate Link in the description below and check out this fantastic store using MyLink won't cost you anything extra but greatly helps out the channel so thank you thank you CMO games for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the Epic War Boss there are a couple of things I want to do with this paint job the last colors put onto the model were red and blue so I want to give this guy a nice red armor and bring in blue as an accent I'll start with a blue gray undercoat only because I ran out of black but this does help with keeping the armor a bit brighter and will make it easier to paint in the skin later on so no big deal dark red will go on over all of the armor working it up slowly and thin to make sure that we don't clog any details foreign [Applause] after that I'll use a mid-tone red to fill in most of the armor again just leaving the bottom of things that darker red the blue and the primer gives the red a nice purple in the shadows and I want to preserve that as much as I can later on I will push those Shadows a bit more but it's already starting off in a good place [Music] finally some orange to finish off the sharpest edges of the armor I tried to place this color pretty sparingly too much and the armor quickly shifts into looking completely orange so just the edges of the armor and right at the Highlight points of the shoulder pads the armor is pretty much done for now so I want to start filling in those details I'm going to start with a bright silver for all the mechanical stuff on the model there is quite a lot of it and some of it has armor separating little pistons and gears I really like models like this because when you paint that initial layer for armor you get these really nicely painted panels that you just paint around it just saves time and you get a very cohesive color for all the panels because they were done at the same time with the same colors not that you can't just use a paintbrush and do the exact same thing it's just one of those little satisfactions of owning an airbrush one of the reasons why I think people should be using them even if it's just base coat and model [Music] now that I can see all of the parts and pieces of the arm are much better with that metallic separation I'll come back in with some of that orange and Edge highlight each panel now that really brings the armor out and gives it that final punch of color orcskin can go a lot of different directions but for maximum contrast I'll be sticking with the traditional green workup starting off with a dark green base and working my way up to a yellow green after the dark green dries I'll bring in some Army paint or speed paint and use that as a wash for the skin using speed pan or contrast is great for adding more saturation and giving you that clear separation of the muscles I like to use this for Orcs and goblins because they generally have very defined muscles and take contrast and speed paints really well the green is much more saturated too and I can take a little bit of brighter green and mix it into that speed paint for a highlight it's nice because you can be kind of blazy about it if you will and mix your paints brighter and brighter while keeping that thin consistency and stick of a contrast type paint you can pull and push that pigment around like a glaze and let the brightest part settle exactly where it needs to be so on this guy's face I thinned down that initial speed paint with a brighter green yellow and you can see how it just slides into place while layering up pretty nicely after getting a nice layer on top of the skin I take the pure yellow green and bring out the details this orc has a really nice face extremely painable with easier than normal lines to follow the actual sculpting here is very nice and I love the way that it kind of shows you exactly what needs to be painted and how thank you [Music] I want to start bringing in more blue to the model and continuing on the face I'll use some contrast aethermatic blue to glaze into the Shadows this will separate everything even more and give that face a nice cold blue look that takes the contrast even further from the armor cold shadows and green skin play nicely off of the warm red armor and make the face really stand out [Music] for the rest of the model I'm going to airbrush in even more blue I want the metallics especially to have that blue tint to them and when shooting this on the armor it pushes those slightly purple Shadows even more and makes them look pretty nice using the blue on the skin also brings in a lot more color variety and brings out the blue glazing a lot more [Music] at this point I do like the way that this model is looking and it's time to start adding in the final details any kind of weathering and panel lining will help sell the sky even more Tammy and panel liner is my go-to for bright metallics I like to lay it on pretty thick and really get the metallics covered then come back in with a brush load of mineral spirits to move that black around and even it out a bit the panel liner gets into all the little details and brings out all more detail in the model and it kind of gives it an overall filtered look with the black color I also like a little bit more weathering my Orcs are usually pretty Rusty usually and I want to add a bit more color to the metallics because they're really bright right now especially the motor on its back I watered down some dirty down rust and put that down onto metallics I don't want to take this color down too far because I like the blue and that metal but we can kind of play around with a mix of orange rust and blue and come up with something pretty neat after all of that dries I can come back in with bright silver and dry brush over the rust to polish that metal and make it look a little bit cleaner just leaving the rust and grime in a lot of the recesses [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for the base I decided to go a small step above simple I covered the rocks with some pigment powder and used a wet brush to push that into the cracks the pigments will stay there more permanently and cover up any of the rock we can bring in some dry pigments onto the armor to tie it all in then I'll take a few grass Tufts and stick them down on the base to give it a little more variety finally dusting the whole thing with a little bit of static grass to tie it all together pretty straightforward and nothing too over the top I'm still not sure if I'm going to actually end up using this model in my personal orc army or not I already have a nice War Boss and even another one of these exact Ones Still on sprue so I don't want to fully commit on a base just yet for now though this project is done and I feel like it turned out pretty well whether it was the intention of the original owner to paint up a sweet War Boss in red armor with blue accents I really can't say but we took what was there and turned it into something really fun when you start out in miniature painting it can be difficult to begin to grasp some of the concepts of the hobby thinning paints to the proper consistency applying thin layers keeping your brush where you want it all of these things are just learned over the course of trying don't let those early paint jobs discourage you it just takes time to figure some of this stuff out and that's part of the fun this model is a great example of just having too much paint on it thick layers were put on and the paint started to smooth out the details to the point that even if it were thinned painting over it wasn't going to help what I think is a really good sign though is that the person who painted this orc before kept at it there's plenty of evidence that the colors we got were definitely not the first to go down so paint went down that they didn't like but they kept going trying new things and seeing what would work and what didn't work what colors they like even if things don't go the way you wanted or expected just be like that person just keep trying thank you again for joining me on another miniature rescue if you like something about this video please consider liking sharing and subscribing as it really helps out the channel once again I'm Casey and I will see you in the next video and of course here is the completed War Boss in mega armor thanks again foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: eBay Miniature Rescues
Views: 73,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer40k, AOS, WHFB, Painting Miniatures, Ebay Rescue, ebay miniature rescue, emr, mini painting, airbrushing, 40k painting, Beginner mini painting, beginner warhammer, start painting, cheap airbrush, rescue mini, miniature, model, figure painting, restoration, miniature restoration, scale modeling, painting models, fixing models, ork, greenskin, ork warboss
Id: 57sgPfVC-kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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