Replies to Questions and Comments about Tree Work

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why are you cut so close to your rope oh i do that because i have a branch there that i need to cut off [Music] wow [Music] insanely good cutting what do you think yeah it'll hold you poison oak looks lovely this time of year i'm not saying you should do this or to do this but when i do i always make sure that my gate is on the offer see if there's any questions in the comment section i rarely answer i don't have time all right the most recent comment on big black oak threatens home part three pdc says when it's that enormous above the ground how big are roots uh underground um how big are roots underground also close to the house super huge big roots everywhere yeah and and that tree that the tree was damaged by the construction of all that new sidewalk and so everyone who hates on me for cutting the tree down because it was split in half doesn't even know that the roots were all hammered from them doing new construction and the tips were starting to die back and their roots were rotted from years of over watering the lawn so they'd judge us but they don't know the whole story they look through the little keyhole and they think they got it all figured out next uh dragon feels sorry for the chipper oh yeah i'm assuming we took big wood on that that chipper was just a demo so it was meant for some a little abuse just to see um why do people that do videos last junkie to me music over natural sounds they clicked off ron why'd you click off why do we why we put the junkie music on yeah why do people blast junkie music to him that covers the natural sounds we don't know what music you like so it's not on my list of things to do to make everybody happy are you happy yeah okay that's what i care about yeah and they should care that you're doing what you love too well you can always turn the volume down you know or just go watch another thing or hold your chainsaw in your living room while you're watching it turn the video down and then rev it every time there's a cop being made good old freedom i'm sure the wife would appreciate all the natural sounds too i saw a comment that said my wife thinks i'm watching motorcycle videos okay smiling stone hey august thank you for sharing your invaluable knowledge and experience my old supervisor used to say that there are two types of climbers one that thinks they're a god's gift to earth and those who are there to get the job done to get the job done safe and go home i surely know which kind you are i was green when i got the job and was lucky to work with a humble mentor wishing there was more folks like you and your crew in the industry stay safe but hope you inspire more and more folks to be properly educated attentive and most importantly careful florida man florida man thank you florida man i i got a question how come invaluable is a good thing when incompetent is a bad thing so when you put in on the front of a word like ingenious how come you take a good word like genius and make it even better but when you put in on competent which is also a good word you make it worse huh invaluable incompetent and genius ingenuity somebody way back when was sitting down in a little office with a group of people coming up with words or something and they decided to switch it up on us they were like no i don't know no one will ever know yeah who's gonna who's gonna ever ask that you'll never know yeah we wanna know who you are that made those words up beautiful job senior from thanks daniel that guy sent me some chickens one time in the mail um damien did good despite the mistake oh which mistake which video is this oh this it looks like a picture of you about to slip out the road yeah did we document that yeah good when you bombed that top with no rigging on it but no one was seriously hurt maybe some pride yeah there was a little bit of pride hurt on that one that was a painful i that was i still gotta i still got a bone chip that was probably one of one of our most interesting days yeah because i it was like one little thing happened and then mindset went from oh man what just happened there and then moved right into the next spot and and totally spaced some pretty important but it all worked out but i was gonna say things always work out the way probably not the way they're supposed to but i mean safe to say there was maybe i needed a learning lesson that day i guess we all did okay robert thomas says nothing like watching people who have things under control you know that last video that one that where we had the mistakes so many times i've thought about taking that video down just because i hate um the critics that that miss the point yeah you know if somebody shows you hey look i made a mistake and then you're all you're a stupid idiot you suck it's like your uh maturity level has to be so teensy weensy and then they go right into a back cut with no face cut on some big leaner with a farm boss and it happens to somehow go in the vicinity of where they want it but in their defense isn't it kind of hard to watch a video where somebody is not somebody that's hard to watch like somebody that's screwing up isn't it just like ah you just want to just say something or click away or you know i feel like somebody that's really going to say negative things about the comments which i don't really see anything any reason to really come around and say negative things because you know you literally put it out there and show look i sucked this day you know um kindest way you know but we do have look really we make mistakes you know um yeah but mostly we're showing the truth of it yeah the track record is pretty legit when you consider what we're doing mm-hmm i'm not trying to justify a mistake but i'm just saying what do you expect from a dude yeah um if there was never a mistake shown then you would know they were full of it yeah yeah you'd say i wonder what kind of footage they got on that on that one memory card that's literally nothing but fail videos i've even showed the worst mistakes remember that one with joe yeah phew he just got killed somebody named homeowner oh wait never mind that's not his name that's the here video i thought his his name on youtube was called homeowner fire sketchy contractor for damages no so on that video sherry wright says wow he has a big bar on that saw at least she called it a bar so many people call it a blade and they mark themselves a lot of the trolls no no they'll make a real critical comment and then they'll they'll say blade yeah which just totally brands them as brand new um fill in the blank i'm not gonna michael hall says on uh should i go forward uh left on the metal sport wheels born to be wild video um michael hall says i know it's an older video but it's still bad egg one of my favorites awesome editing yeah that that video i've put a lot of detail into the edit oh it was cool i like the one where adam's zipping around on the bottom and then he got like this little green flash that just shows out of like crown men rocket yeah so he was wearing a yellow or green shirt or something like that and i put like this effect on the color of it that made it like shimmery shimmer sparkle and then i speeded up the film and then everywhere he went and he looked like some kind of or some kind of laser light yeah yeah and i also okay you had some really good transitions in that video the music was good um it was pretty cinematic with like the chick yeah that that girl in that video was actually a professional like that was a pro video that he had made and she was like this model for yes you were using part of his i was using his work using his work to showcase him yeah and his little niche yeah which happened to be motorcycle rims yeah and you see him and tires seemed like he did a good job and did decent doing it he was selling rims for like ten thousand dollars a piece yeah chopper rims because they were like the size of a wagon wheel yeah they were the giant ones yeah and you couldn't get them anywhere else um and then i also liked uh how you overlapped the audio for your chainsaw and there's like some harley harley revs for the chainsaw noise yeah that was pretty cool i forgot about that oh yeah and i liked i liked the tree work part too because that was actually a really cool job you're not some pretty big pieces youtube i've shown you before how these ponderosa pine limbs you can peel them and they'll hang you can even get them swinging and then cut them off at the key time and have them swing out well these power lines here would mean that i shouldn't do that so the ones that go this way i wouldn't want to swing them and then cut them off and have them travel over there and get across those wires somebody thinks that you should have made the tree into a sculpture not my tree somebody thought it was so cool how they do that joel w says sometimes when things are repeatedly going wrong the best thing to do is stop work and reassess what is going on that's pretty much when we stopped assigning big big technical jobs on a monday yes interesting yeah i forgot about that and then we just we kind of just moved that over to like business day yeah and um so youtube check it out wrap up smaller jobs day that is i totally forgot about that but that video i have about morale bad morale leading to an injury leading to whatever i remember what it's called but it was a series of mistakes that made for kind of a good day turned bad we decided after that day to never do a a bigger job on a monday a job that required like too much brain power or a decent amount of like hustle and bustle i guess also you don't want to treat an easy job like nothing can go wrong i'm not saying you should be complacent but if it's kind of a hustle and bustle job with a lot of cutting and a lot of big moves like that was a big treat right over the guy's house anyway we don't do it on monday no more it's all in the timing get it going see i don't want to hit the gate or the flag i guess we could move the flag but the guy the guy says all i care about is the gate so i wouldn't want to follow it on the gate so get it moving a little bit and then cut it off don't want to move it too far when it comes off it might swing over onto those wires all about the timing this should actually be a decent job for the bucket truck probably but if you could sit there in the bucket and get both these trees but it's a super long drive today nobody wants to drive the bucket truck that far [Applause] well then it's like we have all these other jobs that either you know you got to wrap it up by bringing the stump grinder in or something because the way it was sectioned out or you have smaller jobs that you're thinking well we're not going to do these the same day we do a big job so we'll schedule two or three smaller jobs to fill out a day so it's a pretty good way to you know come back from the weekend feel good about you know what you're doing and the morale and you're not really overworking you know overworking yourself but you're like getting the blood pumping and you're still you're still thinking and kind of getting warmed up for the week and then yeah we're trying wednesdays tuesday or wednesday between tuesday wednesday and thursday we do our biggest jobs and then friday if we've got no cleanups or something like that we try to wrap up friday with like so we try to try to ease into the week and out of the week yeah monday's a little bit more chill friday's a little bit more chill yeah if possible black equinox says can't you just dump wood glue in the crack and call it good yeah concrete it was a tree that was splitting in half there's a lot wrong with that tree and that was just one detail that's all i'm gonna say about that here's a negative one that's not even worth mentioning um see if you want to get mentioned say some pop okay so you got johnny b who says nobody is perfect when mistakes happen the best thing to do is learn from it and i think that's pretty much exactly what we did yeah and we've even just discussed our whole method of trying to stay away from situations like that [Applause] [Music] thought the owner wanted firewood i'm assuming by that comment yeah it shipped a lot yeah and what was i thought was odd about that comment is two things again you're looking through the keyhole and you're trying to think you unders he's acting like he knows what happened that day there's no way he knows but the owner got tons and like literally probably like how many how many cords of wood on that tree six or eight there's it was a huge tree that big oak tree in rock river he got so much wood so we chipped a couple to demo this uh big chipper we were showing what the chipper could do so we shipped a couple big long ones and we videoed it real time because we were demoing a chipper and we were part of what we did for the company was to show on youtube what the chipper was capable of and the people wanted chips and the best wood chips come from wood so we gave them a bunch of wood chips and a bunch of uh wood like so much that it'll rot before they get to it yeah we left it in a big pile and then people get on youtube and they wanna like what's he say i thought they wanted wood they got one i mean they got so much wood we gave them a sticker that said what do you why do you say that or you've got wood what kind of comment is that it's kind of like saying boy it's a sunny day today and then then the guy is uh he gets argumentative i thought he wanted sunshine today you know it just didn't make sense yeah i just heard somebody comment why are you turning all those limbs into tips when they could be firewood there's no need for ax19 [Music] hey what are you doing you could weave baskets out of those needles okay keep going [Music] okay um this pertains a little bit to yesterday he's talking about the a team three video i know this is an older vid but wow splendid work on the editing august now speaking of the atm 3 video we were just talking about yesterday because finn stopped by and he gave us his new shirts oh yeah the new timbertech shirts yeah yeah thanks ben if you're watching yeah man i told you man i told you we'd be wearing your shirt they're comfy too those kind of shirts that you see on instagram that that say they'll fix your dad bod and make you look like a shredded stud yeah so thanks for that um oh and that was a good video that's probably the best video i ever made this next guy fifth uh oh i'm gonna hang around take a left left left i always turn on the uh windshield wipers when i'm making a left turn it's like an additional signal for the people for anybody coming in if i turn my wipers on they go to the left okay yes they also go back to the right you stop them so that you always make it swipe a certain way like if you want them to swipe yeah you got to keep them you keep them awkwardly over on their i don't think these do that i think you'd have to turn off the motors yeah this one a little bit close to the wires i'll swing it back okay kind of peel it that way if i had to fell it just flat peeled it out and dropped it flat it might get hung up in that oak tree timing again less hang-ups to deal with later stay to the non tree climbing people this looks like you know some thought goes into it or something but to the tree people who do this kind of stuff this is about as gravy as it gets wow [Applause] [Music] kind of rare for pine to pop off like that especially a little ranch [Applause] see the timing there my camera's under there so i don't want to hit it so i'm all zing get it going and then cut it off why do you cut so close to your rope oh i do that because i have a branch there that i need to cut off electric saw battery saw is pretty powerful to be able to do that too it's kind of like a slice when you get something going and then you have to finish the cut as it's moving i really like this husky saw i think the price is pretty high but maybe that'll come down with a little bit of time you know i don't know when you're coming to a place like this you know up in a tree you just want whatever you can get that's really good [Music] right in the hole [Music] okay we got one more good comment right before we pull into the driveway it's all talking about um the guy wanting wood i was thinking that from at the start why chip the wood waste cut it into logs or firewood firewood and halfway in we just started what is it uh no it's right here on the left it's those two pines this left yeah straight in yeah that guy and halfway in he noticed that he was commenting too soon so he's like a reasonable guy yeah that's pretty good is this a good spot yeah we want to be just in far enough for them to get the uh skid steer passed there's your soundtrack for the day youtube we'll go cut some trees planted [Music] the slice is like that gonna get going you don't want to cut it off right away or it'll beat you to death as it goes past but you get it tipping you get it right where you want without being parallel to the ground and then cut it off and it'll drop like a spear kind of handy for that spot insanely good cutting such a such a legit battery saw i mean come on why am i talking about it because it is did they pay me do i even know anybody at husky no they did not and i know nobody there nor do i i mean my license plate says s-t-i-h-l that's the fan i am but this is sweet [Music] i mean come on who wouldn't like that we wouldn't want to cut like that pick it up and use it husky you know come to think of it you should be paying me talking too much about your stuff here but then again you made a good thing you don't got to pay me your thing does its own work out there [Music] the thing you made talks for itself husky [Music] [Applause] so i just thought of a comment that somebody made in one of my videos they say let's say if your your climb rope is like that on the spar how do you uh what did they say they said what are you gonna do if you like cut your flip line or something so to answer your question if i cut my flip line which by the way has cable in it if i did cut it which is possible and all i had was this i would just call down and say give me another flip line or i'd make one out of the other end of my rope or something but what i think he was asking was how are you going to repel like let's say a better question would be if i was bleeding out and i had to repel quickly you wouldn't be able to repel like this and that's probably what he was wondering so i'd have to be set up srt to repel out right now if if i had to leave in a hurry if i got cut or something but i have this set up as a backup so that i'm not just climbing with one point of attachment with this running assault if i wanted it to be set up for quick escape then that would be an additional safety precaution that you could do if you wanted myself i'm very mindful of where the saw is and um and i'm not going to cut myself somebody will say well you can't plan everything you need to have a contingency plan well i have a few i just don't have all of them you know [Music] i like the idea shoot why not have yourself always a ready line to bail out of the tree in a moment's notice i mean i've been all of a sudden into a hornet's nest and had a swarm of bald-faced hornets just tearing me up and i don't know what i did i figured it out i've been cut in the tree in rain and blood i had to come down i don't remember what i did i came down but you know what would i have done if i was in this situation i would have to i would have to be tied in srt to immediately come down because there's no limb on the backside to go over for drt or well i'm not gonna even say the other thing that i would do but i would do it [Music] and the reason i'm not gonna say is i don't want somebody doing it that doesn't know how it's kind of a it's a way you carve a tie-in point in the top of your tree and i'm not going to show you so find another way i felt beside the wires right there use the brush piles to protect the asphalt and it bounced and then rolled over a little bit but that's it for that maybe it'll look flatter on youtube that'd be cool i'm counting on your editing skills we'll see how good you are do like we always do edit them flat there a little focus on flatness that time all right guys i kind of just choked my way up and uh ran drt over some limbs but you know if you're coming down real quick in a pinch you can set up like this i just got two carabiners so i've got enough distance i've got a monitor going through here [Applause] i'm not saying you should do this or to do this but when i do i always make sure that my gate is on the opposite side of the section that's rotating so that this isn't pushing up and twisting the gate so i've got it configured right where it's pretty full proof for me but it allows me to just come down srt with a zigzag and just a carabiner you wouldn't care you would not climb like this all day like you could with a wrench but just to come down it's pretty smooth now we'll follow this thing [Music] so youtube well the massive open face cut here with pine you keep it right on the stump we got asphalt here so the big open face cut makes it so that the log stays on the stump he'll have to actually cut that hinge off and then of course over here we got this log which protects the driveway all the way across bust the log don't care it's all chips [Music] what do you think yeah it'll hold you yeah playground equipment there we go it's leaving yeah tell him that we left him a free playground [Music] [Music] is there any way i can have august or damian autograph this i guess it's one or the other i guess you're gonna have to send it i guess you're gonna have to sign it he wouldn't want both of us signing it would he right let's write the ink brett mall okay i'll leave room for you okay i only need about like a quarter inch let's put a d here we go [Applause] wow cockstar that's what you get thanks brett thanks brad thanks brett monkey [Music]
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 7,232
Rating: 4.991632 out of 5
Id: -m-3MuNIVic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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