Newt Gingrich questions if Biden even 'understands' what's going on

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i'm tammy bruce in for laura ingram and this is a special edition of the ingram angle a week in an hour from kabul to covid and the worst in media we have a big show for you tonight newt gingrich joins us in a moment but first this week will go down as one of the most shocking displays of government ineptitude in our nation's history it's a disgrace that the biden administration's incompetence and ineptitude has left thousands of americans stranded in afghanistan at the mercy of the murderous taliban it's beyond infuriating that biden and gensake began the week on vacation as the taliban took over the country we didn't even hear from joe until monday and at that point he was too scared to take questions biden's abc interview only raised more questions about his and his team's decision-making skills in fact it wasn't until late this morning that the president's team apparently realized that maybe he shouldn't head to his delaware beach house today he'll reportedly go tomorrow instead who wants to stay in the white house during a crisis anyway after hearing his disaster of a news conference today we can confidently conclude that the biden white house and cabinet are simply members of a gang that can't shoot or talk straight they are a basket case teeming with contradictions and incompetence after a week of mixed messages and fumbles biden's team still isn't even on the same page what interest do we have in afghanistan at this point with al qaeda gone we know that al-qaeda is a presence as well as isis in afghanistan well now it's now uh clear that biden is being kept either in the dark by his team he's completely lost touch with reality america's partners around the world criticized not the withdrawal but the conduct of that withdrawal and maybe may then question america's credibility on the world stage i have seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world the fact of the matter is i have not seen that matter of fact the exact opposite i've gotten the exact opposite thing is we're acting with dispatch we're acting committing to what we said we would do well what are they telling him now someone should at least tell our allies as the wall street journal editorial board notes the chaotic afghan withdrawal has shocked and angered u.s allies and yesterday the uk parliament held biden in contempt for his disastrous withdrawal so much for rebuilding nato another three years of biden and we're going to be lucky if we have a single ally left now joining me now is a man you know is newt gingrich former house speaker fox news contributor mr speaker you've been in government a long time uh you know the world you've experienced many things many of us have i i really it is a remarkable there's so many layers to this it is shocking it is disturbing it's dangerous it's frightening uh what are your thoughts about what has unfolded in this past week well i think first of all you need to see afghanistan as sort of a warning sign not just focus on afghanistan but we're drifting into what von neumann called a crisis of crises across our entire system things don't work uh and what you just saw let's focus narrowly on the pentagon and the intelligence community you have in the secretary of defense and the chairman's joint chiefs two people who are focused on creating a woke military well we just learned that the greatest 21st century woke military can't defeat a seventh century group of warriors who are willing to die for their cause now that should sober us and it should make us think about china russia and iran and other countries who are watching this whole process i mean by neither has been kept deliberately ignorant or has such deep cognitive difficulties he just doesn't get it but we have reports for example the 23 members of the embassy wrote a letter of dissent which is by the way in state department terms a very big deal i mean you're putting your career on the line to sign a letter like that they sent it to the secretary of state we don't know if the secretary of state lincoln took it to biden or not we don't know if biden understood it or not but that letter right by people who are in kabul said this is going to be a disaster uh the president's press conference today he just kept now i started to say he's kept lying but the truth is i don't know if he knows what the facts are so it's not it's not fair to challenge somebody who maybe uh has significant cognitive problems right with lying if in fact he just doesn't get it he doesn't understand what's going on around him mr speaker he doesn't understand what you and i see on television yeah let's uh there's another uh comment he made let's up let's play this next note here about the cables that have been uh going around trying to alert them to what's been happening in couple can you say why after that cable was issued the u.s didn't do more to get americans all kinds of cables all kinds of advice if you notice that range from this group saying that they didn't say it fall when it would fall when it did fall but saying that it would fall to others saying it wouldn't happen for a long time and they'd be able to sustain themselves through the end of the year so what's strange even there with with what you noted it appears as though he might be slightly aware of it but then someone has told him that it really doesn't matter because they always get a lot of cables it's as though mr speaker we don't know who the president is we don't know who the center of gravity is or maybe there isn't one sir maybe it is just group think and and gangs and no one's talking to anybody else i don't i don't think you have an administration right now first of all it was secretary blinken's job to make sure that the president understood how big a deal 23 professionals risking their career to sign a letter like that a descending cable in the state department is a big deal it's not it happens very seldom so either blinking didn't do his job or you know biden just didn't get it i mean i can imagine i'm sitting there and thinking why is blinking telling me all this weird stuff i've already made my mind up i don't need to learn anything you have the same thing happening though with millie and with austin how could they possibly as professionals allow bagram to be lost exactly and keep the embassy sir they can't possibly protect the embassy without bankruptcy you know just even strategically for the region in addition to the prison that was there that had isis and al qaeda and taliban jihadists was emptied it it seems sir and as you look at the ground here it's as though every decision that shouldn't have been made was made and these are people with experience why has this happened it is not just a bunch of mistakes and when we think about who's in charge we hear about people should resign about impeachment about a whole host of other things what do you think should happen what should the american people look for and what should we demand first of all we should remember ronald reagan's observation that it wasn't what liberals didn't know that scared him it was what they knew that wasn't true and so what you have is groupthink you have austin the secretary of defense you have millie the chairman of the joint chiefs you have the president united states you have the secretary of state and apparently none of the four of them have a clue about the real world now if that doesn't scare you then listen to the chinese communists talking about taiwan and that taiwan had better realize that joe biden can't possibly protect him or listen to the europeans i mean today either lied to the country or is so totally uninformed that it's scary but our nato allies are enraged uh for him to say oh nobody's really angry at us you have to wonder i mean how what is he processing you see this is going to allow him to think that he could just be that directly dishonest with everybody in the world yes sir i can't thank you enough for your insight even south korea is saying we'd like you to move things along faster getting out of our country this is a disaster of monumental proportion sir thank you very much for joining us tonight appreciate your insight hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: afghanistan, biden, diplomacy, foreign policy, joe biden, newt gingrich, taliban, withdrawal, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news ingraham angle, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, ingraham, ingraham angle, ingraham angle monologue, ingraham angle tonight, ingraham tonight, laura ingraham, laura ingraham angle, laura ingraham monologue, laura ingraham tonight, thats the angle, the angle, the ingraham angle
Id: jarJCKI0_oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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