REPLAY: Stitch up a ZigZag Placemat and Napkin Kit with Misty!

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[Music] you hey welcome to Missouri star live I am misty dawn and Jake is back there behind behind the computer helping call out questions as we go thank you guys so much for spending your Tuesday with us where do we have people tuning in from Oh Germany was the first one yeah very cool we got Maryland going on what's going on YouTube catch up with me here or again well thank you guys thank you for being here we have a really chicken really fun South Jersey now you're just it's just now they're caught up there with us we appreciate you guys so much being here we have a super fun project to share for you to share with you today we're gonna be making these zig zag placemats um one of our very first tutorials a long long time ago was a zigzag table runner using five inch squares and we recently turned that pattern into these really cute placemats using two and a half inch squares Minnie's minis absolutely and you know I love minis and this also comes in a really great kit that includes the pattern and what you're going to need is one pack of five inch squares and we are using love letters by Lindsey Wilkers of the cottage mama for Riley Blake it's super cute kind of vintage II Valentine's prints they're just adorable and then you will need two and three quarter yards of backing fabric as well as some batting to go in between the batting is not included in your kit that's the one thing you're gonna have to grab if you pick up the kit and that amount of backing fabric also will make some matching napkins to go with your placemats so super super fun the the first thing you're going to want to do though is you're gonna take your 42 5 inch squares and then you're also going to cut a five inch strip off of your backing fabric and sub cut that into five inch squares because you're going to need six additional five inch squares to be able to complete the four placemats so just keep that in mind and then let's go ahead and break one of these open and the way that I do this is just slightly different than the pattern because I think it saves time so I want to point this out to you because if you notice on the pattern it has you cut two and a half inch strips I like to have small pieces but not do all the work so we're gonna keep them in five and I'll show you how I made a bunch of two patches out of my five inch squares so let's just also misty is talking pretty quick right now so if you have questions calling out shoot a min we just have lots of good stuff to get through so I want to make sure we get to it all so I'm just gonna pick some with some contrast just got these two prints and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put them right sides together just like so and then we're gonna sew a quarter inch seam on two sides opposite sides so is this a kit it is a kit but you can also just find the pattern and the supplies yourself so if you don't love this because the kit includes this fabric right does it come with batting the kit the kit doesn't include batting but it includes everything else all the backing the five inch squares and the backing is enough to make the napkins that go with it okay yes batting is all you need yeah or and it's really just a scrap but if you have to buy it you'd have enough frame your whole family 30,000 take it make all the places okay so now we've got our five inch squares we're going to sew on opposite sides a quarter inch seam I'm going to take this to the machine I'm just gonna flip this around oops started kind of in a little bit so I back stitched there you don't really have to just make sure you get all the way to the end of your fabric there we go so now I've stitched on opposite sides and I'm gonna take my little two and a half by eight inch ruler and because these are five inch squares I can lay it right along the edge here and I'm going to cut this in half both directions once this way I'll turn my ruler wait here oops and once this way and by doing that instead of working with a bunch of little two and a half inch squares we have these two patches and if you mix up your pack and those five inch squares that you have then what's really awesome is you will know that each of these two patches one goes to every single place map question sure how many placements does a kit make the kit makes for placemats you get four yes yep exactly so now I've got four of these little two patches like I said I can set these into four separate piles and that's what I did as I was working and then I knew that each one of these is for a different place mat so we're just gonna go ahead and press these though press to the darker side and honestly you don't even have to press in this step it just makes it a little bit easier on the layout but it's I actually found it to be really important that once I got my rows assembled I could press them in opposite directions to help nest those seams and I'll show you what I mean by that so for layout I've got a whole stack here of you know using the exact same method a bunch of two patches ready to go and so what we're gonna do is you're gonna start with one two patch in the top corner and then you're going to have somebody was wondering real quick on the cutting this question is came in is are you going to the outside of the points are you going to the pink edge or are you going on the inside so on these particular charm packs I'm going to the inside of the pinked but you're gonna want to check that because different brands measure from different places on the charm pack so I because I had already made a bunch of these I knew for me to cut it exactly in half I wanted to lay my ruler right on the inside edge of the pinked edge but like I said just double-check that when you are working with your pre cuts yes okie is just that it gets right now right in half that's the trick all right so we're just going to take all of our fun two patches and we're just going to mix these up here let's put like up that they're kind of like these stripes and we're just going to start laying it out and so it's two four six six little squares in our row and the two patches just make it so so quick and then after that we have three rows of eight see and I just kind of mix it up because I don't want them to have the exact same thing right next to each other but because we have so many options makes it pretty easy and then once you get to your rows of eight you're actually instead of staggering this way you're then gonna take it and start staggering then back up this direction because this is the shape we're looking for just keep going here and the whole point is for it to be super scrappy so it doesn't really matter if they're similar we just want some variety in there and one more row of eight do we have any questions so far [Music] it's an off topic wondering if there's gonna be another Jenny iron another Jenny iron oh we hope so yeah I hope so there was a lot of work getting that one ready but we certainly hope so and we're definitely selling these Goods how do you find these kids there is a link to these kids either in the description or right below in our profile right know in the description that's where it is or in the post thanks Mary I couldn't think of the words today and so then you're just gonna keep once you get your three rows of eight then you're gonna go back down and you'll have six in your next row they want to know the name of this project the kids project drill click it is called zigzag placemats and napkins so it's based on a ring to that you know the mean yeah it's based on our zigzag table runner which is one of our most popular table runners and we really love this project because it's so great that you can finish it completely at home on your own machine it doesn't require anything same and see and I think that's so fun especially for a beginner sewing project and they're just really cute there we go we're almost done here we need one more and there our layout is complete so I'm going to sew a few of these rows together so you can see here got that one and I need to sew these two together so I'm just gonna place those right sides together somebody was saying to be fun if you had the fabric to like design a little heart in the middle oh that'd be so cute you could even applique it on the top after you at you know at the end so many options okay so there when I did this I just laid it out like this close to my machine and then I would just full you know sit that back where it came from pull the next row over and I would just sew as quick as I could I found that these really came together quick and because I didn't cut them all into the little two-and-a-half inch squares and made it even faster because you're not dealing with quite so tiny but it makes like makes it look like you you did that hard work they said the website says more Jenny irons coming in April oh good glad to hear that okay we'll do one more here but I would say like if they are coming their exclusive limited you see them and you want one make sure you snag it because we can only get so many all right just finish up this row and then I will show you how we sew our rows together there's also another great tip Linda was saying if you fold your square in half an iron it you could really tell exactly where to set your ruler and then you'd know for the record that's a great tip all right so now you can see I have got these all sewn together and I've got a few other ones ready so I'm just gonna set the rest of these little two patches aside for now and I'll show you what I did with the pressing so on since my first little two patch my seam is going this direction I want especially this Center seam where it's gonna nest on this first row these outer ones don't really matter but later on every seam is gonna matter I really want these to be going opposite directions so I'm going to press this entire row with the seams going this way so I'm gonna hold this side up and luckily that first one was already going where I want it but this next one I pressed it the wrong way so I'm gonna make it go the direction that I want it to go and then I'll set that back in there and then I know when I take this to the machine later if they're gonna be nesting and then this one I'm gonna go opposite I'm gonna press upwards again all right they want to know how many charm packs this is so to make for placemats you need chart I mean one charm pack which is 42 squares plus six additional five inch squares which we got out of our backing fabric and so if you get the kit that's all there's enough yardage in there to do that but you are going to need 6 additional squares you need 48 5 inch squares to make this project let's be honest guys you got 6 squares laying around if you're gonna get you're gonna freestyle this and it would be fun I mean you could just add a solid in there whatever you want to do alright so I have these pressed opposite directions and like I said I have a few rows ready here so let's just bring these in and we can finish this out our whole layout with the rows sewn together someone asks if you could press the seams open you could press the seams open for me because I have all these little junctures that are meeting up I find that nesting it makes it so much easier to just get that see right where I want it and have all those squares looking neat and tidy so that is what I opted to do so we can just lay these all in one more little to patch think I'm gonna swap that out for that one now as far as assembling this since we've pressed our seams in opposite directions that makes it really easy the other thing I want to point out is when you lay these together I can you I want to make sure you guys can see this the end of this piece is not gonna line up with your seam and so really what you want to focus on is starting in the middle and nesting those seams and then just lining up your edge because this edge just kind of doesn't match up with anything so if you line this up with your seam then every little square is gonna be off so you want to focus on where those little squares intersect and if it helps you can put a pin in especially to get started and then we're just going to take this to the Machine and sew a quarter interesting I'm gonna say hi to faith I'm Delaware hello also there was like a moto so girl wait did anybody see that Chiefs game on Sunday go to you just one little comment you know all right fans out there but we still love you Houston but we're really glad our team came out on top okay so now I've got that my my little juncture is meeting up so nice since I nested those seams up and I'm just gonna roll this one back and give it a good press and then we can do the same thing with the next row again I always just kind of start there in the middle that seems to be the easiest for me even though I have you know another scene here I always start with my middle one I kind of line that up and like I said if you want to pin absolutely do that but because I can line up at each little juncture I didn't really feel like I needed to and so I just gonna carry this over to the Machine weight care Miller's on oh we love Karen what did she say Mary okay so we've lined up that first team it's right where I want it I'm just gonna double-check before I go any further and again Kathleen was saying we should do a daily live show oh that would be so fun a lot of work but that might be fun it would be fun but it would be all right so there's one more row and again we're just gonna roll that back and press it you really don't have to press til the very end you can sit and so all of your rows together especially since you have them ironed opposite directions and then that will come together just like this once you have all of your rows sewn so now let's move this out of the way and the measurements for your backing piece that are given in the pattern is large enough that if you wanted to put it on a like long arm machine you could do that but for this project I think the best way to finish it is just on your home machine and so I have a piece of batting here and my backing fabric face up and I'm going to place my table mat or table what is this called placemat thank you just lost that for a second face down so we've got right sides together here and I like to make sure that my placemat is up so I can see it it's the most important thing and I'm gonna go ahead and pin through all my layers just to hold everything in place and we are just going to follow the edge of this with a quarter inch seam once we get this all pins down and I do kind of leave my my edges loose so that I don't have to worry about taking pins out as I go but I put quite a few pins in here just because I want it to stay nice and smooth I don't want to run into any trouble we've got these little heart pins which are so perfect for this Valentine's project didn't even plan it alright just a few more they say take care of yourself misty don't get sick don't get sick I'm finally better yeah we yeah got hit around Christmas and it was pretty rough but I'm feeling great now so no worries okay so we are gonna start I like to start on one end over here I don't really like to start on the corner piece so I start over here and I am going to back stitch and I'll go all the way around and then I will leave an opening so that we can turn this well first we'll trim it and then we can turn it right side out so I'll show you what I do and back stitch and if you wanted to use a walking foot this would be a great place to do that and then I just keep my needle down oops I almost lost my pin in there and just pivot I know if you do anything special when you're sewing around the corners to keep them pointy I just really try to make my quarter inch seam accurate all the way around and right now you don't really need to do anything special when we get done we will trim those corners so that it's easier when we turn it to make them still look nice and sharp but you don't need to do anything special really when you're sewing just make sure your seams are consistent pivot this part here does kind of take the most time but it's easy sewing you've got a good guide that you're following we're just gonna yeah somebody was asking what foot what that foot called you're using although this is just the standard foot today we were doing a lot of sewing and jenny was filming earlier and so this is the baby lock accomplished that is on set today and this is the foot that comes with it I usually sew on a baby lock jubilant and it has a different quarter inch foot um so that probably looks a little bit different but this is just the standard foot that comes with this machine all right and turn I just think this is such a great project oops I got a little far so I'm gonna back up justice oops hold on one more stitch there we go they were asking if the background is bigger than a fat quarter this measures that's a good question are you really quick I think it might just be a little bit longer yeah I think so too so this is about sixteen by this is not very accurate sorry guys since it's on the machine by 20 till 18 by 22 is it that quarter no it would be fat quarter size yeah so great that's a great call out so yeah I mean this is pretty much it just a lot of back and forth around our little zigzag edge but the trick is to keep us Jewish just do us in this might be a great place to practice free motion quilting absolutely it would be wonderful to practice free motion quilting because of the method that we do you still stitch around the edge and flip it otherwise unless you want to bind all these little Peaks I mean you're welcome to try that would not be my my choice but I still think even once you have it flipped as long as you didn't get too extravagant you could probably still try some free motion you can see on this one here we just did the echo stitching along the seam and it turned out really cute and we did that after it was turned and it turned out great so do we have any other question was asking if that machine is considered a domestic machine or an industrial oh that's a good question I mean it's still a domestic machine it's in baby locs um collection of domestic machines but it is probably their most industrial machine it's just a single straight stitch machine if you're not familiar with it and it's very very fast and so if you get too much pressure on the pedal it'll just run off with you but it's it's a great machine you have any other questions about about this construction should I keep going around so I can show you how to trim it and turn it it's just kind of time-consuming whatever you guys want to see or I can go over the napkins yeah I guess we go over the napkins I think we've pretty close to being out of time we've got about four minutes okay well then let's talk about it I'm like I mentioned if you read this pattern it calls for two and three-quarter yards of backing fabric and that is enough to back your four placemats and also there is a bonus little napkin instruction and so you're gonna cut okay one sec how many squares is in the project they're wondering if a mini charm could handle it so you would need a little bit extra so there's 42 in a mini charm just like there's 42 in a charm pack and there's 40 eight squares 48 two and a half inch squares in each placemat so that's why if you remember we started out with our 42 5 inch squares from the pack and then we cut 6 more from our backing fat so we had a total of 48 5 inch squares so so you need just a little bit extra but but a mini term would be great but then you would be sewing those individual two and a half inch squares instead of getting to start with your your two patches a little bit faster but that's a great option what's the finish size of the placement yeah measure it so the finish size is 18 by just under 13 this you gave you gave options and now they want to see them both they want the napkin but they do want to see it finished see like we might go a little overtime the napkin is really quick so all we did on these napkins is they are 18 inch squares so we just cut that out of our backing fabric and then you can see we just turned them under a quarter inch and then folded them one more turn and then just top stitched all the way around super quickly so so quick but it's so fun because then you have this you know festive fabric napkin to go with your placemats or your table runner or whatever you're working on it's just such a quick little way to dress up your table so that's really fun and let up and let's just do some trimming on the parts that you've already sewn well I can't turn the whole thing you can trim some of it I'm just gonna trim this end right here we can just talk and answer questions all right hey just get what you want whoops careful though I had my presser foot up that was almost disastrous all right so yes if you have any questions I guess Jake you can call those out and I'll just all right the way you turn it how you turn it inside out okay I figured they'd want to see that so let's just zoom around this really quick what's the size of the opening here leaving I want to leave at least like a three or four inch opening I just don't want to run I kind of use the squares as a guide and I just leave about two of those squares you know one and a half open so that I can turn it oh is it in my microphone sorry guys I always mean to pull my hair back before I start filming then just forget Vicky all right all right I'll listen to her somebody giving you a hard time just like just listen to your life we want to see the whole process I know [Music] the kid is Valentine's Day themed right like this yes this is the kit right here yeah so definitely some hearts and love notes what other prints sometimes some stripes old-fashioned Valentine is kind of a vintage II Valentine's Collection it's so cute Oh stitch alright we're coming up to the last side here just a few more zigzags again make sure you're keeping your needle down that is really the trick to this getting ahead of myself here last about using a jelly roll you absolutely could you'd be able to make a lot more placemats if you used a jelly roll and you have a few more squares to sew together oh you know what I was so excited I what I'm not on the last side you guys I'll be quicker I'm delay there's one more after this all those little pivots take a bit of time but it's not hard right now we're coming in towards the last side take a couple more stitches there once I pivoted I wasn't happy with how that looked you really do want to be a little particular oh I am using scrap padding that I have laying around I am not sure which one this is to be totally honest Mary yeah the question was what kind of batting are using and we don't know we just grabbed it from the bottom shelf next to the it's probably 80/20 that's most of what we use yeah but I'll be honest I I can't confirm that I didn't pay attention all right and so this is where I'm gonna leave that opening I just left a little bit here basically two corners lengths here and I think I'll be able to turn it there you might want to leave one more just to make it really easy on you but I just like as little this little that I have to worry about as possible I guess is what I'm trying to say they were asking if this is in any of the block magazines you know I am Not sure I think it probably is but I'm not positive all right so then now that we have that done you're going to trim along those edges just like we sewed along them all so to start with I'm just gonna let see how to try to decide if I want to trim off it's probably not worth it I'm just gonna use my little ruler and I'm just gonna come in here and start trimming this off somebody that's what the backing was on the napkins there there wasn't a backing it was just folded over and sewn up it's just a single layer they're super super cute still just tell your guests not to flip them over you know hey listen guys don't flip the napkins well yeah and this is one of those things it might be I'm undecided on if this would be faster with scissors or a rotary cutter I just like to use my rotary cutter so that's what I opted for but you can do whatever you like and really I just focus on trimming these first and then I will go back and I will cut off these little tips here like so because that'll make it much easier when I go to to turn it I'm like I nicked a little bit there it doesn't even matter that's in my seam allowance you don't have to worry about any of that cut that tip off just make sure you leave you know you don't want to cut into your seams that would be bad so that's really all that I that I do just keep going there we go and then I'm just gonna rough cut with my rotary cutter if you're brave you can try this just don't cut yourself somebody saying it's faster with scissors but cleaner with the rotary exactly so see you kind of have to decide which one is your most important thing and the good news is or I mean I'm keeping my fingers back you say these things but definitely be safe we'll keep that ruler just so we have a guide but the rotary cutter is tricky on your little inside you could turn the motion uh-huh what you just turn that chunk and turn that corner out no no it's over here but I can I can I tried I tried you know she's a determined woman [Laughter] real good don't want it in the way I will work on this side it's all good would you just like turn on some music and just like have hidden cameras we should set up a hidden camera like in mom's studio so fun she's just like calming sewing cutting yeah I can see that being very enjoyable Lee's asking how often these tutorials are we have every Tuesday and then we have a pre-recorded tutorial with Jenny every Friday so we have tutorials twice a week for you guys so fun we are almost there you guys in the home stretch any other questions or is it mostly just about they're saying that's finishing see Kenneth was saying using a 28 millimeter rotary cutter yeah easier to get in the middle of those corners that makes sense I'll be honest that is not a tool that I really have in my arsenal like I don't use it regularly when I am sewing at home so I don't worry even think to grab it when I'm sewing for work but I definitely should try a smaller rotary blade because it would be perfect for things like this yeah that's smart there we go all right so that's all trimmed up and then again like I said we're just gonna trim off those Peaks Helen I'm not trying to interrupt her I'm trying to ask your guys's questions for ya I can't see your questions so I count on him so I can make sure you guys get all the info that you need she says you're doing fine on your own just so you know thank you alright yeah yeah Mary come on yeah everybody hit the like button come on I'll be quiet for the next few minutes if you guys all hit the like button right now please you know that's a trap right all right so we've cut off all of our little peaks to help with our turning and now I literally you do want to make sure that you're not turning both your backing and your piece to the front and leaving just the batting so you want to keep the batting on one side and the pieced part on another and this is I just left those two little straight sides open and it's turning great I was afraid it would be a little too tight but it's not not still big enough I can get my hand there you asking what about the 60 millimeter rotary cutter what are your thoughts you guys I'll be honest I pretty much just stick to the old tried integral I don't have a lot of a lot of rotary cutter thoughts I think of you're cutting through a lot of like big thick layers it would make a lot of sense that's 60 like as Natalie uses my sister uses the big rotary cutter all the time that makes sense but and if you're getting into like pinkies or furs and stuff like that in my oh I I do prefer it for if I'm using cuddle I find it to be a little bit easier with it the big thick but for the most part I just stick to my regular rotary cutter and so then now this is really all you're gonna want to do is take some time you might need to get like a purple thing or a pencil to press out all your corners um we do have this little single section where you have one left and you actually want to make sure that you get that turned because it's kind of easy to miss so make sure you press that little guy out which is what I'm working on now so rocks yes this will definitely be on YouTube after yep and Facebook so we just keep I just kind of get a rough flip of each of these points and then we can go back with something more precise to make sure people bet in one spot we're gonna try to get a close-up okay I'll do it right here for a second it's all good here we go Teresa thank you means a lot to me she said it wouldn't be the same without me okay we love Jake he's super helpful and it wouldn't be I couldn't answer any questions and I know this looks super crazy right now but you're just gonna come back in and you're gonna you know push all those out you're gonna give this a press and then when you get ya chopsticks for the corner exactly chopsticks would be great you're just gonna come over here you're gonna press this all out I mean our time limit on this one is just we just blew it we're sorry guys you're at lunch lunch is gone you better be eating those pizza rolls well you're watching sometimes you just can't fit it all in 30 minutes and that's okay and I did forget to mention you do want to just do a little snip on those inside points - that makes that lai-lay nicer so I'm getting kind of a little tuck here cuz I was trying to hurry and I forgot but that's okay but you get the idea you'll just turn it all out and it will lay nice and flat once you you know trim off your top points and give a little snip on your inside points to let those open up and relax and then what we did on ours is we just fold it under the opening at the end and we top stitched right around the edge of our entire placemat and then we did some echo stitching along our seam lines to finish it off and it just turned out so cute and like I said you get four of those from the pattern or the kit and it's really really fun so I hope you guys enjoyed that enjoy your pizza on your new placemat yeah exactly and thanks for tuning in guys it's longer but everybody was great yeah thank you guys so much and we will see you next week see you guys bye
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 118,319
Rating: 4.8664284 out of 5
Keywords: missouri star quilt co, missouri star live, diy sewing, quilting, missouri star quilt company tutorial, missouri star quilt company, missouri star quilt, quilt kit, quilt kits, quilt patterns, quilt fabric, missouri star, handmade quilt, msqc, patchwork, diy quilts, handmade, how to quilt, star quilt, precut quilting fabrics, diy home decor, sewing placemats, table placemats, valentines day sewing project, sewing kits, easy sewing project, easy quilting project
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 12sec (2592 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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