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hi everyone welcome back to the crafty author my name is Aneesa I am the crafty author and today what we're going to be making is we are going to make placemats and napkins to go along with our beautiful table runner that we made for Thanksgiving so you might be asking yourself how do we do this is it hard well the answer to that is no it is actually very easy it is actually very cost effective and the beautiful thing about it is is that you could do it for any holiday or you can just do it for everyday wear and tear if you'd like so if you are the type of person who likes to have place math on your table or maybe you have young children who are really into I don't know Spider Man or the little princess stuff this is a perfect way to dress up your table and make those little people very very happy so we're gonna go ahead and get started [Applause] so first things first we're gonna need to do a little bit of math so for the placemats now the placemats come in different sizes so there's no right or wrong way to cut a placemat it's it's however big you want it to make it fit on your table but for this project I am going to be cutting my placemat at 14 inches wide by 20 inches long okay if you have one yard of fabric that will make for placemats I'm gonna be making a set of eight and I'm gonna be mixing it up and I'm using leftover fabric that I have from when we made the Thanksgiving table runner also for my napkin I am making my napkins 15 by 15 the reason I'm doing that is because I have a 15 by 15 square which makes it very easy for me just to plop it down on top of my fabric and cut it out you can also do those at whatever you would like again they come in different sizes some napkins are 12 by 12 some are 20 by 20 some are 16 by 16 those are just some of the standard sizes so you're gonna want to do what works best for you okay that's always my motto - what works best for you but this is how I'm going to do this and if you are going to be making the same type of napkins and placemats then these are the measurements that you will want to use all right so I have already gone and gone ahead and cut out some the first batch of napkins that I'm going to do and those were I cut eight of those now I'm getting ready to cut the other I'm sorry four of those now I'm getting ready to cut the other four from here this is that really cute gobble-gobble till you wobble fabric and I've got my 15 inch by 15 inch square on here and I'm just cutting around it I want to make sure that I that I caught all of this before I start pulling fabric away and it looks like I did that's good now I have a whoops that's what I was afraid of not a big deal once cut cut that one small little piece there's always one that always gets caught right okay here you go so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take these over to my irony and I'm just gonna press them out okay I have all of the napkins cut now so we're ready to sew those together so now we need to finish cutting the placements so I've already cut like I said four of these and four of these so this is going to be my front and my back so I'm just going to make sure that I have this folded correctly so that when I go to cut everything is right so I'm going to cut off this selvage edge right here here's 14 moving me just a little bit okay I'm just counting using the lines on my board here cut this really okay that was through eight layers of fabric so I really wanted to be careful like that and I still have some left over so what I did here just so you know is three yards I bought three yards of each piece of fabric so three yards of this three yards of this three yards of this and then I had three yards of this and out of those three yards of each fabric I was able to make a table runner eight napkins and eight placemats I'm gonna go finish cutting this fabric and then we'll start putting this all together you're going to want to make sure that you have some leftover batting because that's what we're gonna be putting in our placemats and all I'm going to use is scrap batting that I've had from other projects just laying around so we're gonna start with the napkins so I've got my God will tell you wobble my first one and then I'm going to put my backing piece on top of it and so this is all me too I'm just gonna butt them up I'm gonna put the right sides facing each other just like we normally do and I'm gonna pop a pin in here up at the top just to hold the fabrics together okay I'm just because this is a little bit big and I don't want it moving all over the place so I'm just gonna pop some pins in here and put one in the center as well down here and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to leave an opening in here probably oh I don't know about two inches wide and you can mark this with pins if you want to I typically just try and eyeball it but for this purpose I will pin those and what I will do is I will start sewing right here quarter of an inch all the way around okay and when I get to this part right here I'm going to stop and I'm going to backstitch I'm actually going to backstitch on both of these because I want this to stay nice and sturdy so that when we turn this we don't tear anything so I'm going to go ahead and sew this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so we're finished sewing this all the way around and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go around and I'm just gonna clip these corners I'm not going to clip into my scene but I am going to clip the corners just to get the bulk this will make it easier or when we're turning it and then also what am I trying to say makes it easier for turning and it will help it to lay flatter we won't have so much seam in there so what I like to use to turn things out is my trusty chapstick you've all seen it on here I've used the chopstick many many times so all we're going to do is take our opening right here I'm going to stick my hand inside and I am going to go from this end here push in I'm gonna pull it out I'm gonna do the same thing the other end try it push it in and I'm gonna pull it out same here and all I'm trying to do while I'm doing that is I'm trying to push these corners out as much as I possibly can manually so that I don't have to do so much work with my chopstick okay so so far so good oh look at that we're gonna have a nice reversible napkin all right so now we've got it everything is done and in order to make your seams lay down purp or lay down nice and good here you want to take the back part and just kind of pull it to the front and just run your finger along it and then just let it lie straight now I learned that trick from Donna Jordan at Jordan fabrics which is let me tell you it is awesome because I used to really struggle with this part I could never get it so that when I would go to top stitch that this would lay down and it didn't matter what I did and then I was watching her one day and I saw that and I was like I'm gonna try that and you know what it worked she has some really really great tips so check her out if you don't already watch her she's amazing okay so here we have push this one down okay so now we have our opening and it's laying very flat so I am just going to fold these over and let them kind of come on fold over on their own now for this part you can take it over and you can press it and I have done that numerous times but what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna so very close to this edge here to close this up not a quarter inch it's it's way too it's way too small for that you won't catch it with the fabric if you did so I have finished our napkin so I went ahead and did a zig-zag stitch along here just to make it look really cute and it does look really really cute you can see that this is what it looks like on the back side and now we have our reversible napkin all right we're gonna move on to the placemats so the batting is gonna go facedown your backing fabric is going to be face-up towards you and it's gonna be the wrong side facing down and then you're going to put your right sides of your your top side of your top of your placemat wait I can't talk because I'm trying to think and talk at the same time so we're gonna put that on here now so that's gonna be so you're gonna have your back side and your front side and they're gonna be right sides facing each other that's how you do this okay and you will want to pin this into place because you do not want this to shift all over so I'm just gonna pin and I'm gonna come over here and I'm going to pin just I'm just straightening these out not trying to exclude you from seeing what I'm doing here but I do have to still be able to do this and work with work with the fabric here okay put it here and here yep in here so you want to make sure that you're catching because you can see how off that is I want to make sure that I am really pretty even here okay so make sure that you're getting everything here that you're pinning this is the one time that you're gonna wanna pin all right so we're gonna start what we're gonna do is like we did with the napkin we are going to start at I'm gonna start at this end and I'm going to mark it and I'm going to leave probably about a two or three inch opening probably three inch opening here up at the top I am going to start sewing all the way around you can do you're probably going to want to start with a little bigger seam allowance then the quarter inch because you want to make sure you're catching all of the layers alright so I have sewn all the way around and I'm just gonna check and make sure that I was able to catch everything as I went around I barely caught it right there but I did catch it so it's good enough for me I'm just gonna go with it I'm gonna clip the corners just like we did before on our napkins and if you have an embroidery machine or if you want to free motion quilt you can always do that on this and your embroidery machine I might quilt this I'm not sure yet but when it's time to turn it you're going to put your hand in between the two of fabrics okay you're gonna have the batting in there but you're gonna want to turn it with the two fabrics so I'm just gonna do like I did last time I'm gonna just start pulling them out okay just how long this is just how I like to do my corners I just like to kind of do it all at once just pull it out okay still be careful you don't want to tear anything done that numerous times we have snapped here's my chopstick my trusted chopstick you know I don't know if I am gonna quilt these I mean you can I kind of like it the way it is you know I don't think everything needs quilting on it all the time sometimes I like to quilt things to death and other times I look at it and I'm like you know it's kind of nice just on its own doesn't really need me to do anything else to it I mean if I did quilt it I would probably just do some lines on here that would be about it I'm going to do what I did before with the pressing of that same ticket this too late yeah see that looks great and that's already folding up on its own for me so I don't even need to to worry about doing anything with it but I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go press this out and then I will top stitch all the way around and I think I'll probably just use a straight stitch to do that [Music] all right let me give that a whirl okay so we're gonna go ahead and top stitch all the way around I'm just gonna do a straight stitch this time and all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put my needle down pull my needle up and then I'm gonna pull the thread and I'm gonna pull the bobbin up what this does is it keeps it from nest getting that nested mess on the backside that's it and we're done back stitched it it's done it looks fantastic and it was super fast took two minutes you see how fast and easy those are so if you wanted to quilt it you could you could actually quilt straight lines all the way down I'm not gonna do that I actually like it the way that it is so that is it there you can see how easy it is just to make your own placemats and your own napkins you know the hardest part I think are the most time-consuming part of this really honestly is just the prep work and even that wasn't that bad I do want to show you the placemat so that is the top stitching around the place now I know it's a little difficult to see on the sewing machine but this is what it looks like it's beautiful same with the back and it goes great with the table runner that we just made and then of course we have our gobble till you wobble reversible napkin and you know I mean they all go really really really well together they just do so I need to go ahead and I'm going to finish up we could put these now Cup we could put them in a cup but you can see how they go together I'm gonna go finish these up so that I can put them on my table and then I'm gonna take a picture and show you what it looks like because I think it's gonna look amazing so that is it for me today I hope you enjoyed this video if you would like to follow me on social media the links are down below in the description box don't forget to like this video don't forget to subscribe click that little bell each time I upload a new video you will get notified and hey if you love this video feel free to share it hate sharing is caring right so keep on crafting and until next time take it easy we'll see you bye bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Crafty Author
Views: 25,286
Rating: 4.8902855 out of 5
Keywords: jordan fabrics, sewing, pre cuts, table runner, quilting, quilt, quilts, fabrics, tutorial, placemats, placemat, vlog, sewing tutorial, quilt as you go, free pattern, lets make, do it yourself, thanksgiving placemats, qayg, the crafty author, thanksgiving ideas, patchwork, 4k, janome sewing machine, table runner tutorial, napkins, stitching, qayg thanksgiving placemats, quilt as you go thanksgiving placemats, easy qayg thanksgiving placements, easy quilt as you go thanksgiving placements
Id: y8y06FDM9c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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