REPLAY: Learn all about Straight Line Quilting with Misty Doan on Missouri Star LIVE!

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] hello everyone welcome to missouri star live i am misty doan i'm so happy to be with you on this beautiful tuesday liz is behind the camera hello uh here to help answer any of your questions let's see where we have people tuning in from we have suzette from pittsburgh laura from columbia debbie from ohio nancy from ontario canada thank you guys so much for watching liz who do you have on your end so we have half pint says hello from the buckeye state and then we have judy says hi from pella iowa and lavette says hi from wichita thank you guys so much for being here well i feel like we should just tell you that our little secret first thing we have a special visitor and if you have been following along in our all-stars group you know uh miss jenny doane had a bit of an eye injury but she's feeling better and decided to come and hang out with us for just a few minutes it's an exciting day it's a really exciting day yeah should we talk about this little elephant in the room absolutely uh so i actually had an accident it actually happened like the day before a couple of days before april fool's day so everybody thought it was april fool's and i'm like i wish it was not i actually um packed my bag i have dry eyes so i use sustain you know i use those eye drops and i pack my bag because we were going for a getaway for four days and i put my sustain in my bag yes and when i'm at home every time i'm putting them in ron's putting them it's my nightmare to do this so i always say ron look at the label read me the label and he does it every time but this time i had packed a bag and i knew that the only eye thing was in there was my eye drops so i picked up the bottle and i squirted a drop in and it was nail glue oh my word so we spent about 20 hours in the er natalie is a champion let me just say she took care of me and um literally my it just completely glued my eyes shut so we did all these deep dives on the internet and things like that and and uh it turns out that i'm not the only one it's more common than we thought way more common than we thought and nobody has sustained any a long-term injury so right now i'm to the point where i finally last night it's been about 12 days and i finally all the glue came off so we're open but we keep this patch on because there's still well there's still some swelling and things like that but there's also you know we put like uh an antibiotic ointment and if i had that often you know any particles would stick to my eye that would be awful we don't need to add anything extra and the doctor wisely said to me that um the other reason you have that on jenny is to remind yourself and everyone else that you have had a traumatic eye injury yes and you can't do all the things you know and so that was very wise to do but uh you know i mean it is what it is and and uh so yeah she's been such a trooper such a great sense of humor through the whole thing well the best thing was i you know i went we went to easter and ron and i have these easter costumes with these really big bunny feet and you know we just we just think we're hilarious you know so i love it so we put them on and then i got a little a note from a gal who said oh my gosh i can't believe her i guess it was her husband who said i can't believe with all jenny's creativity that she didn't show up as a pirate rabbit yes with a scavenger hunt for all the grandchildren and i was like opportunity i wish i'd thought of that it was totally a miss opportunity oh but i love it we have an opportunity for you guys so you don't miss out on anything yes how was that for a segment i liked it that was perfect perfect so i don't know if you've seen but our big announcement the box is up for pre-sales jenny's holiday box i heard your please laugh resale last year when we announced it on facebook live and it like sold out so very quickly we were completely under we were stuck yeah and so i said well can't we pre-sell it and we were like everybody was like yes we can pre-sell it and so um well most of the things are planned for the box i'm still working on a few projects and things like that it's it's such a great box you know it always is and um and honestly my one of my favorite parts is after it goes and you know we've had a little bit of a season i get the letters you know from people who it means so much to them to have had like you know maybe you've never bought had presents under your tree or maybe your husband is gone and this is your first present to yourself and you have something to open every day or actually my husband got really excited to see what was in the box every day and so i think our families and everything play along and we love it but those letters are so sweet but anyway we wanted to make sure that everybody who wanted a box this time could get a box so they're up for pre-sale now through april 20th yes yeah and um and they just go to the main website and they'll find them there there's a link in our description i'll take you right to it to check that out give you all the info and you pay half today and then you'll be billed for the second half the full price in october and that will happen automatically when you purchase today it will come out of your account um on that second date but like we said all that information is on the website so let me ask a couple of questions because i ran through some of the comments this morning early and um and it was are we shipping to canada yes yes but yes if you want shipping information that's detailed in on the page where you can order um so we are shipping to canada and internationally that shipping information is detailed in there okay so so right there on the page there that information is there so that was like i was internationally canada you know what are we doing yes so uh so it's available for you now in october there there could possibly be some more yes uh for sale but we can't we're not uh i don't think we're guaranteeing that even but we can't guarantee you get one you know because there's if there is some there won't be a ton there won't be as many this is really the opportunity to ensure that you get one um for when this sends out later in the year we just wanted to make sure that everybody who wanted it had ample opportunity so like we said we're gonna have this open through the 20th of this month so you have plenty of time to sign up and not miss out on all the fun because we want to make sure everybody gets to play along because it really is so fun to open something every day it is so fun to open something every day it's just the sweetest it's really sweet i really enjoyed it even though i had seen you working on it and knew what most of the gifts were it was still really fun to open oh absolutely i didn't know what was coming each year yeah yeah absolutely yeah i got one for each of the girls you know and yeah and even the ones who don't aren't real sewers they were just like oh this is so fun you know or they're kids they're like we gotta open the presents yes we gotta open the present you know and so it just made it really fun so there will be more available in october i got the head the head shake from liz yes there'll be a few more but you can guarantee your box now if you order during this pre-order period all right exactly so anyway you guys have a wonderful day i know misty has a great project planned for you today thank you so much for coming and i just wanted to let you know that you know what's going on with this and what's going on with that surprise out there that big announcement so you guys have a great day and we'll see you later thank you jenny bye-bye all right isn't that so great we're so so excited about jenny's box and all the wonderful things that are coming with our shops opening back up here in town on may 3rd it's just a soft opening but we have lots of great things coming as the year continues on and like jenny said we have a really great project to share with you today one of the questions we get asked all the time is about quilting on your domestic machine so finishing your quilts after you've pieced them on your domestic machine and if you remember last year we did a really cute flag panel and we learned some straight line quilting with a walking foot on our domestic machine and i told you i want to learn this along with you this is something that is new to me and i have really really enjoyed this journey and so we're taking step two on this journey last time we followed the lines that were on that panel they were right there for us and i want to really recommend these books walk and walk 2.0 by jackie gearing these are amazing resources they're all about quilting with your walking foot and i cannot even tell you i just kind of poured through it yesterday and could hardly stop because the ideas are awesome there is a ton of great information in here jackie is just truly an incredible teacher so i cannot recommend these enough and that is where i have learned this this first technique that i want to share with you today so you can see here we have a very simple domestic machine this is nothing fancy but on here we have placed our walking foot and then this is a guide bar so a lot of you if you have a walking foot this might be in the package with it and you might be like what in the world is that today we're going to dive right into that and i'll show you how it works but let me show you kind of what we're going to achieve we're going to do some cross hatch quilting so i made this little finished panel using these destination panels from riley blake and so you can see here we've just started corner to corner and then used our guide bar to quilt out in each direction and then gone the other way so this is a sample of the look we're going for but i want to show you on a bigger panel do we have any questions before i dive in yes so we're looking at this and one of the things is this doesn't take any marking so that's the other exciting pieces we do have um some folks have mentioned that there is um a video on the final stitch where we did use masking tape or painters tape yes to put lines down and be able to follow those but this guide takes the place of that and makes it even easier it does and so like list says this is very minimal marking and that's one of the things i love most about jackie's methods is she tells you how to achieve all these different amazing quilting patterns using your walking foot on your home machine with very minimal marking and and she just walks you right through all of those things you see more ideas than you could even imagine i'm so excited to keep playing with these but let me show you i wanted to start with something really really simple and so like i said this is what we're working towards but one of the questions we get asked a lot is how do you baste it how do you make sure it's all going to not rumple and everything's going to stay where you want so i have told you guys many times i am a huge fan of the quilter select free fuse it works great for me and this is what i used even on this larger panel that i'm going to show you but let me just walk you through how to do it one more time i've got this small sandwich started to start it together so i've got some backing my batting and my front and as you'll notice my backing and my batting is larger than the top part of my quilt and that's really important in the process and so when i do this i start from the top and i just fold a little bit back and i sprinkle this on and with this free fuse a little bit really goes a long way you you do not need to put a ton on there and you can use it on large you know i would say throw size quilts easily there's lots of other ways that you can baste if you like spray based or pin basting whatever your heart desires that's what you're going to want to do you just want to baste it really nicely so that all of your layers are flat and together so you can see that top side where i put that little bit of sprinkle is attached beautifully and so let's go ahead and sprinkle on the bottom here and misty while you're sprinkling we have a couple questions about the books so linda says does msqc have the books we do and you can find those available on our website we also were really happy to be able to interview jackie for our recent issue of block magazine which is about to come out very soon um so stay tuned for that there's an extra interview and article with her and talking about this and we all have just found such inspiration um from the way that she quilts exactly to tackle our own quilts it's really great stuff honestly um even though i i told you guys that i wanted to learn this with you i wanted to challenge myself i've been really nervous about this journey because it just doesn't come quite as naturally to me as piecing it's definitely a little bit more work um but i've really really had my mind opened as i've read these books and all of a sudden i'm like you know what this is really beautiful and really fun and as i was reading through there she said something along the lines of i had to remind myself that i'm not a machine you know and we are the ones were using these machines but we're actually the ones who are doing this quilting and so we have to give ourselves a little bit of slack if there's just a few mistakes because i think you'll see in the long run that finished really is better than perfect and it turns out so nice so i've i've flipped it over to the back i put some sprinkle on there i always start pressing in the middle and push my iron out and i do the same methods on larger projects and as we see here misty on this smaller project judith anthony's asking how much extra backing and batting should be extended out to make the quilting work best you know when we send to a long arm we need four inches but we're not using four inches here just enough to hold on to yes exactly so if you're doing it at home you just need to make sure that you have plenty of room to grip on the sides of your quilt because that's really what that extra is for when you send it to a long armor it's to make sure that they can baste it onto the machine get everything pulled tight and they have that extra fabric to hang onto and that's the same reason we need it on a domestic machine you just need enough room to put your hands so i just have a couple inches here on either side and for a small project like this that's more than enough so do we have any questions about the basting process or are we ready to jump in i think we're clear on the basin we have a couple questions about how you get started with marking okay but i think i'm gonna let you show us absolutely i think i'll answer those okay okay so let me show you first off this is the panel we used which i think is so fun it's this giant dinosaur panel and as you can see i love it i love it too and my sons are just gonna love this as you can see there are no guidelines there's really no way to know what to follow on here or anything like that which is a big step away from when we did that flag panel we need to create this pattern ourself and i think one of the fun things is here too like it's okay to quilt over a dinosaur's face exactly it does not hurt the dinosaur the dinosaur will let her remind me she's like the dinosaur will be fine it's going to be just fine and she's right so let's fold this out what i've done here is i've gone ahead and done this this quilting one direction for time but the method is exactly the same we're just going one direction and then the other so let me show you how we're going to start we do need some painters tape just for our first center line so i'm going to just take this corner to corner and run one strip of painters tape so let's go ahead and do that i'll start up here and this corner and i always make sure i'm hanging over a little bit and since i can't see the other end right now i just make sure this part is attached and isn't going to come off on me and then i'm going to slide this up it takes a little bit of maneuvering but i thought the best way is to show you that we're just going to move it around and make it work and so now you can see my opposite corner is down here and i'm just making sure that i've got a straight line running from that corner to this corner then i'm going to rip off this tape and then i'm going to make sure i don't have any bunches or anything going on and this is laying nice and smooth and i think that looks pretty good pretty good let me fix this edge up here i've got one little rumple and brian mitchell asked if you don't have the guide you could totally use this tape to continue marking exactly but the guide makes it even easier i'm super excited about this and i think you guys are really going to love this because i'll be honest i had seen uh the guide in the little uh i forgot what this is called this little container that attaches to your machine i had seen it in there but i had never used it until i decided to try jackie's method so let's go ahead i have made sure that the same side of the painters tape is going point to point so i'm going to be stitching all the way along on this side of the painters tape and so that's going to be my first line one thing you do want to do is kind of control the bulk of the quilt so i like to start on one corner that's going to be in the throat and just roll it up so it's out of the way and then this i'm going to rest in my lap because we just don't want anything pulling on the needle or making this too difficult so as a reminder we have the walking foot on the machine and here is our guide bar at first i'm just going to kind of flip this up because for this first stitch the guide bar doesn't matter you can actually even just pull it out of the way if you want and we'll just put this underneath the machine now i do like to always start out in the batting you don't want to start right in the quilt itself and so i have got my feed dogs up i have the walking foot ready to go and i have the tape lined up just on the inside of the foot but not where my needle will actually be going through it and so let's go ahead and get started and the beautiful thing about a walking foot is it helps guide those layers evenly top and bottom one of the things jackie said in her book when i was reading through it is remember it's made to walk not run so i have to like tell myself that repeatedly and so we're just i just like to keep my hands evenly spaced make sure i'm not having too much drag on the back side and just follow along with that tape for the first seam and the thing you have to remember is this first seam is your longest and as you go on each one of your seams is going to get shorter and faster which is really good so we have a few folks who've mentioned they've just bought this panel this is a great way to quilt this panel yes absolutely barbara bly says why no extension table so i think one of the things that we wanted to show is that you can do this even if you don't have all the extra goodies that's exactly right we want to make sure people understand that there are things that help with quilting and an extension table is absolutely one of those things but it doesn't need to be a barrier for you trying and so just make sure if you don't have an extension table if you don't have quilting gloves you can see i'm not working with gloves or anything like that you can still do this and especially if it's something you're just trying if you want to see if it's something you like or you enjoy i think the fewer barriers the better so you can just see i'm i'm constantly readjusting and making sure everything is going the way that i want it when you're walking not running do you have a stitch length that you're using that's a great question um you want to be between 2.5 and 3 for uh walking foot quilting and then we we use a 50 weight thread which most standard cotton is a 50 weight thread yeah all our missouri star cotton thread is 50 weight i'm just going to zoom down this end we're getting really close and then we can talk about the guide bar okay and i'm going to poke in here too so ingrid says my machine has a dual feed function built in do i need a walking foot too they're very similar they actually kind of do the same thing so and then we also have a question a couple questions you know what is the what is the reason for walking foot um and so the walking foot what it does is it okay what it does is it pulls the fabric um the same speed as the feed dogs underneath or pulling the fabric and so that's why it's sometimes called a dual feed it's feeding the fabric from both the top and the bottom at the same speed which helps you reduce rumples and wiggles and bumps and whiskers and all the fun phrases that mean lumpy and so walking foot is really great for straight lines and beginning because it does half the work for you you don't have to worry about it exactly it it really does help because then you don't have to worry about if you're pulling your the top or the bottom one way or the other it just makes it all lay so nicely and so you can see i stitched there i got a little off of my tape here in the middle i'm not worried about it in the end this is all going to work out and so i can actually remove this tape now i don't need it anymore so i'm just going to go ahead and take that out of the way so it's not a distraction to my eye and i can throw that away that's the only time we're going to need tape and so now we're going to get that guide bar ready to go again but i'm going to go ahead and get my quilt under the machine before i put it on and again i'm keeping that side rolled up out of the way and then i can slide the guide bar in and there's a hole in the back of the walking foot back here and it just slides right in there and has some tension to it and if you want to be very exact in your spacing you can use a ruler and you can measure the distance between your needle and the end of the guide bar but for me i'm just going to kind of eyeball it and set this in so now what we're going to do every time when we start a new row of stitching is we want our guide bar to be right on the last line of stitching so in this case we did that line of stitching corner to corner so my guide bar is right on that stitch line and i'm still starting out in the batting with my walking foot so i'm going to go ahead and put my presser foot down and we can just start stitching melinda's stitch length stitch length we're looking at a 2.5 to a 3 stitch length and a 50 weight thread yep and just take your time readjust your hands and the bulk of the quilt you can see it's just as simple as keeping that guide bar on that stitch line laura says hmm i think i put my guide bar in wrong haha it's easy to do that is why we're all learning together i love that the guide bar just kind of hovers over the fabric as you're sewing doesn't give any extra drag it's pretty genius gene cooper a good question so we're not using a locking stitch or a backstitch because we are um starting in the batting and then going into the quilt exactly if you were going to be starting your stitching right on the quilt you would absolutely want to back stitch so that's a good question because i'm starting out in the batting and i'm not going to trim until i'm ready to bind i don't have to worry about those stitches um coming out that's a good question misty what would you do if the thread breaks in the middle can you start right in the middle that's a good question to be honest um one of the other machines that i tried to stitch on the thread kept breaking i ran into that issue many many times and you can actually see here on this little panel there is a break nope that's not one right here and there is a break right here and i took an extra stitch to lock it in place when i started again but and trimmed my thread really close but i just kept going i just re-threaded and you know just kept right at it and honestly i don't think it looks bad at all by the time it's on the wall by the time it's all done and it's all quilted i was happy with it because like i said i'm not looking for perfection this really is a skill builder situation this is something i've i want to learn along with you and so i think we have to give ourselves some grace and just accept that like i think it's amazing that we've we can quilt this whole panel in really just a couple of hours with some great tools to make it a little bit easier for us and so we can just keep quilting away but as long as your tension is right and your machine has been serviced you've got a sharp needle and and good thread that's not too old you shouldn't have any issues with your thread breaking it really just soars along nicely alright so we've done that second line let's just show you guys here how great that looks isn't that awesome it creates this beautiful crosshatch diamond and because we're working from the center out it helps push any rumples that might have been out to the outside edge of the quilt which is really one of the secrets in quilting and so i worked from the center all the way across one direction and then we'll flip it and go the other direction but you can see we've done this stitch let's go ahead and do one more so you can see that we really are just repeating the exact same steps we're going to slide this underneath make sure our guide bar is lined up with that last row of stitches have our presser foot down and we can start stitching just remind yourself it's a walking foot not a running foot i try not to have it go too fast because that is when you're more likely to have problems with thread breaking or skip stitches but just find a nice steady rhythm that seems to be working for your machine and it'll cruise right along it's kind of then when you get in the groove it really is once you once you get going you can just you know listen to some fun music and just let it cruise along and you'll be surprised at how quickly it comes together do we have any more questions liz that are you going through sally sorensen's asking is there a certain needle size to use for quilting so for us as we were testing we found a little bit larger eye needle tends to be really helpful with this style of quilting so like a 90 or 100 just that larger eye and we used a top stitch needle which is nice and sharp and made to go through all of these layers so you know either a sharps or a top stitch something that's got a really nice sharp point and a little bit larger eye is what you're looking for the name of the sprinkle based is again called the quilter select free fuse powder yes and the name of the books we've been referencing are jackie gearings walk and walk 2.0 there's lots of inspiration of all those things the panels all the things we're seeing are absolutely available on our website for those who are asking where to find them and including this panel which is just an amazing dinosaur and i just i really do love how you can quilt right over them it doesn't hurt them exactly the gray thread you've chosen blends in beautifully it does it blends beautifully it doesn't take away from the design of the panel we're coming in to this triceratops down here and we're just going to keep following our that's right our guide bar and i actually found it really um freeing because i think so often um when we've worked on a quilt obviously we want it to end up beautiful and we worry about all these things but jenny has taught me so often you know at missouri star we do all over edge to edge quilting and so often that method just lets the piecing really shine so whether you're quilting a panel or quilting a project that you've pieced for yourself i think you can really rely on this technique to finish your project and you'll be really happy with it the end result so a couple more questions brian mitchell asked why did you choose white thread on such a dark looking quilt we actually did choose a gray but it's so that you could see this that's a great question yes and actually typically i probably would have either used a much darker charcoal um to bend blend excuse me with our border and our backing but honestly part of this panel is really really light and you have to be really careful and kind of lay your threads across when you're choosing your quilting thread to make sure that it's not going to look like lines all over the panel or the design and so we wanted to make sure that you guys could see it that it would stand out for you and that it also wouldn't take away from the panel and we felt like the gray really was kind of the best of the both both worlds you can see the the stitching clearly out on the border and on the back but it still lets the panel kind of shine in the middle so but again those things are always your preference so if you're if you are doing say a whole cloth quilt and you want to use some really cool variegated threads or bright colorful threads to practice your quilting because that's what you're working on then that's a great opportunity to do that and barbara says did she say feed dogs down nope feed dogs are up when you use a walking foot yep so both work together to get that evenly um get the fabric evenly put through your machine so you have nice even stitches one other question that we did have from michelle also insist you always stitch diagonally so that's a great question and no you don't have to you could start straight up and down down the center and use this exact same method and you would just have straight squares that would be on your quilt but like i said i think you would just be amazed at all of the patterns in jackie's book and they're all based on this same idea of using your walking foot doing some simple markings i mean she even teaches you how to do simple curves with your walking foot to create beautiful like orange peel style quilting which i want to try next um but i just think it's tuned i know hopefully soon but um i just think it's so freeing to know that we really can do this you can do it on your machine at home if you have the right tools and just a little bit of knowledge that people are willing to share with us and so i think that's really exciting to know that there doesn't need to be any limitations to us finishing our projects so any other questions so a couple questions i'm going to call ellie grace is how do you measure the distance a part of your line so a couple questions on how did you decide how big to make your grid basically that's a great question let me find a ruler here here we go here's a little one and so you can see um let me just go ahead and lift up my presser foot and so here is where my needle is i've got this side of the ruler lined up exactly with my needle and you can see i'm actually at like two and a quarter inches but honestly if you wanted to be right at two you would just then move your guide bar over and you would do this before you started stitching obviously because you want your spacing to be consistent you could put it just an inch apart if you want really tight quilting there's really no rules um to it it's just your preference like i said i just eyeballed it i you know put my guide bar in there i thought you know what that looks good i knew how far this side hung over from when i stitched it the other time and so i was just going off of gut because that's honestly how i like to sew i don't like too many rules and so whatever we can do to make sure we have success in the end but also give ourselves just a little bit of freedom and opportunity to play i think is really really great so anything else before we wrap up if we get to the end of the line or if you don't mind breaking there i a couple questions around like what does it mean feed dogs up and down i wonder if we could show the setup perfect okay let me go ahead and finish this line and then we'll oops press her foot down press her foot down and then we'll we'll talk about that okay there we go all right let's go ahead and move this out of the way so on most machines there is a switch for the feed dogs and so it might be there it might be somewhere else but it's always going to be a switch there's there should be a switch you might have to take the um the bottom case portion off to be able to access it my machine at home that's what you have to do but then you can see the way it is now my feed dogs are up and activated to actually you know grab the fabric as we're sewing along and if i were to push this over it would drop the feed dogs which that's what you do if you're doing free motion quilting you want to drop those feed dogs and have those out of your way so it's just a different technique depending on which style you prefer but because we're using the walking foot we need the feed dogs and the walking foot to work together to grab the fabric evenly so that's what you want to check for so i hope this answered your questions you guys i think this is a really fun way to finish our projects and i hope you will check out jackie's books like we said all of the all of the supplies that you've seen me use today as well as the books are available on our website and in the link below and i will see you guys next time have a fabulous week talk to you soon [Music] foreign
Channel: Missouri Star Quilt Company
Views: 78,270
Rating: 4.9231157 out of 5
Keywords: MSQC, Missouri Star Quilt Company, Missouri Star, Jenny Doan, Jennie Doan, Genny, Jenny, Ginny, Doan, quilting, quilt, quilt tutorial, quilting tutorial, free quilting tutorial, sewing, sewing tutorial, tutorial, quilting precuts, pre-cut fabric, sewing fabric, how to quilt, learn to quilt, quilting lessons, free quilting, free quilt class, free quilting classes, how to sew
Id: vYbzjvJkfcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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