Easiest Method for Straight Line Quilting | Machine Quilting Tutorial with Jacquie Gering

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if I was going to start quilting with just simple straight line quilting across this quilt I want those lines to be straight and I want them to remain straight across the entire quilt so what I've learned over time in the six years that I've been quilting I know it's not that long but what I've learned over time is that everybody has a tendency and some people when they sew a line they veer to the right some people veer to the left and then there are those lucky few that actually can stay straight I'm not one of those I'm a veer to the right person so in order to prevent us from you know that tendency appearing on our quilts I like to establish first and I need to be able to see to tear this tape off so we need those glasses alrighty now we've got it started I'm going to establish a baseline okay and that's going to be the first straight line on my quilt and I'm going to use a ruler on this small piece to establish that baseline and I'm going to tear a piece of tape just a little bit longer than my quilt glasses again and I'm going to establish that first base line right along my ruler and painters tape is great because it's low stick and it's not going to leave any gooey residue on your quilt which is really nice I'm going to tear off these little ends now I've established that first base line that I can put my first quilting line on but you know what one line is not enough because with one line I'm going to as I move across my quilt guess what happens I'm going to veer and I don't want that to happen so I'm going to establish the second line which I call a registration line so I'm going to line up and for this little piece about three inches out I'm going to line up my ruler on the tape so I'm going to keep it low that's too short isness let's make there we go okay and now I'm going to establish the second line and that's going to be my registration line there we go that out of the way and so here's where I'm going to start quilting this is going to be my first line and I'm going to start right in the center of my piece and I'm going to move from the center to the outside but I have this registration line here so I'm going to quilt towards it and I'm going to be able to watch myself approach this line and you know it's amazing over so I'll tell you a little story so I quilted a quilt it was about 60 by 80 started in the center and I just quilted my lines merrily all the way to the edge well that was before I really understood that I veered and I probably veered no more than 1/32 of an inch each time well 1/32 of an inch over 35 inches that's a whole inch and I got to the edge of the quilt and there was no quill left when I quilted that last line and that's not well how we want our quilts to look so this is about four inches and so as I approach that line if I can see that I'm a little bit off I can adjust just a tiny little bit and stay straight and then this line is going to come off and I'm going to establish another registration line over four to six to eight inches I can make little adjustments that when you look at your quilt visually you're not going to be able to tell that I'm moving over a little bit but if I wait till the very end I'm in trouble okay so this is my base line this is my registration line and now we're going to move to the sewing machine and start quilting so we have two lines remember our base line and our registration line so now it's time to start walking foot quilting so I'm going to put my presser foot down and I want you to notice that I have my edge of my presser foot lined up exactly against the side of my first line my baseline and I'm going to run that presser foot right along there to keep a nice straight line that's going to be my first line I don't have to pull up my thread because I'm out on the bobbin so I'm just going to quilt and watch my hands so they're starting to get away from me here aren't they so I just stop and I bring my hands back and let's continue quilting we don't want to let those hands get away from us and if you feel confident you can let your needle keep on going as you move your hands but when I start a quilting I just stopped let that needle drop just stop relax take a breath and continue to quote I'm keeping that edge of my presser foot right along that line and I'm making beautiful nice straight line here we go cut that thread wait for my sheet alright let's look at that quilting that's nice right it looks like a beautiful straight line and I'm going to look down at the edge a little bit I'm wondering did I beer did I not I don't really know at this point so I'm going to quilt another line so right up and I'm going to run the edge of my walking foot this time right along my stitching line this tape is done it's been used to establish that first line and so it's done and now I'm running that right along that stitching line right along that line and I'm gonna keep on going and notice that I'm not going you know twenty thousand miles an hour I'm letting my walking foot do its work and I'm going to keep on going to see me moving my hands as I go and we're going to cut that thread there we go presser foot up so now I've got two lines and I'm starting to move now towards my registration line moving towards my registration line and you know I have this little tool in my sewing room it's a ham gauge use it for garment sewing mostly but I love when tools have multiple uses so I I can watch myself in a couple of ways come towards this registration line I can visually watch myself approach and I can look at how far the quilting line is from the registration line at the top at the middle and at the bottom but I can also measure so if you want to be really accurate I can take that ham gauge and line it up right there against my stitching up to the registration line and I am 1 and 3/4 right here so let's see where we are in the middle oh my gosh look at that look at that I'm a little bit off aren't I then 1 and 3/4 here and I'm a tiny bit off yikes let's look here I'm about the same in the middle and the time the in the middle in the bottom but I'm a little different at the top so I'm going to stitch one more line and I'm going to keep watching myself and here I can adjust a little bit I can adjust a little bit so I'm going to keep on going I'm a little farther away here so I'm gonna just go a little tiny bit away from that line and I'm going to stitch that next line remember I have the tendency to veer I do it's kind of a natural tendency that we all have some go to the left some go to the right but that's what that registration line is going to allow me to do is stay nice and straight and the closer I get to the registration line that's where I'm going to make my adjustments there we go cut there we go I have to wait for that sewing machine all the time so now I have three lines and I'm going to kind of hold this up a little bit so I can look at the whole thing I can look at the whole thing and I can kind of see you know I just kind of visually watch myself approach that line or I measure and I make adjustments as I go let's see where I am here one I would call that one and a quarter plus one one and a quarter plus one and when I say plus one is just a little tiny bit more and there I am one and a quarter and a little bit more so I'm I'm skinnier at the top and I'm the same in the middle so I need to kind of veer back to the left I need to veer back to the left veering is so my tendency veering to the right so I really need to watch myself and this registration line really helps me and I think it's going to help you too you
Channel: Craftsy
Views: 261,250
Rating: 4.8414254 out of 5
Keywords: straight line quilting, walking foot quilting, machine quilting, straight line quilting tips, straight line quilting with walking foot, quilting for beginners, walking foot quilting guide, beginner machine quilting, stitch in the ditch, how to quilt stripes, how to quilt straight lines evenly, even quilting, parallel line quilting, quilt lines, how to sew straight, guide line, masking tape quilting, quilt hacks, quilting ideas, fast quilting ideas, jacquie gering, craftsy
Id: SVIjP5tn_5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2017
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