Replace! The simple Davinci Resolve shortcut that can save you hours!

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foreign trust me you'll love this check this out this clip here has been color graded and it has a dynamic Zoom whereas this clip here has neither of those things but I want to replace part of this clip with this one but keep all of the attributes ready for it Bing done that clip now has the dynamic zoom and if we jump over to the color page it's got the color grade applied as well magic huh huh not sold still not sold all right um how's about this so I've keyframed this song as you can see here to perfectly fit my video but now I've changed my mind and I want to replace it with a different song but keep all those keyframes ready for it ding done different song Same keyframes awesome no tough crowd alright one last example one more so I've got this image here it's a PNG I've animated it I've got to drop shadow on there I'm happy with it looks cool and I want to replicate it later on but with a different image so all I'm going to do will make a quick duplicate of it give it a click or hit my magic button now it's been replaced with a different image but it still has my animation my drop shadow and everything else already applied now hey and that ladies and gents drum roll it's called the replace tool which by default is assigned to the f11 keyboard shortcut now it's obvious really replace that's exactly what it does but as you can see it is crazy useful so welcome to five minute Fridays now before we get into it though please just let me take 20 seconds of your very valuable time to thank this video sponsor scan pro video scan pro video is one of the UK's leading providers of equipment for professional video productions needed DaVinci Resolve license they've got them need an Nvidia Studio laptop without the place what about a drone they've got them too whatever you need scan pro video has you covered so click on the link down below to go see for yourself way right let's open DaVinci Resolve and take a look so here we are on the edit page and the first example we're going to look at is replacing this audio track down here this song So as you can see it's been keyframed we want to keep those but just replacing it with a different song so all we need to do first of all grab your playhead and put it at the very beginning of the thing you wish to replace so I'm putting my playhead at the far left of my timeline like so then from my media pool let's select a different song so I'm just going to double click on this audio track here so that it's selected then the next step is key and it's the bit that people most often miss you need to set your destination track so on our timeline down here you can see audio one has got this little red box around it that's telling us the audio track number one is our destination track if we try to do the replace it would happen on this track we should overwrite my main audio rather than this song down here so we need to change our destination to do that really simple you just click on A2 or A3 whichever track it is to make that the destination track confusingly when you click it it will then say A1 we which is weird I don't know why but just look out for the red box once that's done you're ready to do your replace now there's three different ways that you can actually do the replace there's a keyboard shortcut of f11 and music is still selected a destination track is done a playhead is in the right place so if I hit f11 let's watch this music track down here ping it's changed jumped in we've still got our keyframes but we've replaced the music with something else let's select a different song and this time what we're going to do is use this icon Instead This is replace as well and she's going to do the same thing now let's do one more for this method what we're going to do grab a completely different track from the media pool and drag over to the preview window you get this little menu up here then we're going to go to replace and it's just going to do that replacement as well now let's do the same thing again on this so this is my animation but I want to replace this image with something else so this is currently just a PNG so it works in exactly the same way but we just have to make sure we set a destination video track rather than destination audio so I'll put my playhead in the right place I'm going to double click on my PNG my new one from within the media pool you can see my video one it's got the red box whereas my PNG is actually on video two so we're going to click on V2 and now we're ready to do the replacement and there we go replacement done if you're looking to replace audio and video it works in the same way you just need to make sure you select both destination tracks so I've got this video down here I want to replace this with something else so let's grab a different one from the media pool this one will do once you're selected video and audio from the media pool I hear you have a video which has audio already on it like my video does you get a red box on a video track and a red box on an audio track so then I say right I want my replace to be on V1 and A1 hit f11 and job done that video is a bit short but you get the idea it's popped in there and it should place what was already there if I only wanted to do the replacement to occur on the video not the audio what you can do just click on A1 once again and it will gray it out then if I hit f11 it's only going to bring in the video and not the audio now for that last example where you do it all directly on the timeline this clip down here this has got the dynamic zoom and the color grade applied whereas this one here has nothing at all so this is slightly odd what you need to do make sure that it's not selected so the new clip so my one here the one I want to drag down onto this other track is currently selected it's highlighted in red make sure it's not red by just clicking anywhere else on your timeline then hold Ctrl on your keyboard click and drag and that's it now that replacement has occurred on the timeline you can see this clip now has a dynamic zoom and if we hop onto the color page the grade has been applied so let me just show you that real quickly once more let's bring a new video in make sure it's not selected hold Ctrl click drag Down Easy Peasy done and that's the replace tool that's been five minute Fridays thank you ever so much for watching take it easy I'll catch you next week for more DaVinci Resolve goodness see ya
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 35,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: _4lesFGI8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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