Counterfeit gods | Idols | Pastor Tope Koleoso

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it is the prophet jonah who says those who pay regard to vain idols they forsake their hope for steadfast love but i with the voice of thanksgiving i will sacrifice to you for what i have vowed i will pay salvation belongs to the lord salvation belongs to those who pay regard to a vain idols they are forsaking their hope any possibility of hope of steadfast love when you focus on a vain idol you're forfeiting something else is what he says i said but i with a voice of thanksgiving for whatever it is my love that god has given me i am grateful with the voice of thanksgiving that's how i will sacrifice to god i will give back to god what i have vowed i will pay salvation belongs to god today we start a whole new series and it's a series we've entitled idols really it's about dethroning the idols in your life first john chapter 5 verse 21 the bible says ill children beware of idols have nothing to do with idols say why would they say that speaking to christians have nothing to do with idols and in my heart as we enter into this series all i'm going to do this morning really just to give you something of introduction to it but i'm so expecting and praying that because the intention here is that you not just get information but that you get deliverance in the name of the lord that you get freedom in jesus name that's what i that's what i'm praying for that's what you need because there are things in our lives that plague us you pastor long enough as i have done uh you know when i was a young person i never knew i would say statements like that because i was just so young didn't know anything but the years accumulate you're now going from 20 years to 25 years to i've been pastoring a long time and you learn a few things there are people who get deliverance like that that people people who get freedom gradually but they come through you can see almost child out the pace and then there are those who they're moving and then it's stuck at a point virtually every time that i have seen that there's some degree of disobedience either in their lives or there's something else that is there that they often may not be able to identify it but it's something that needs to move and shift to become a landing ground for the enemy the bible says you ought to have nothing to do with idols sometimes those things are some kind of idol it's just that we don't recognize it in that way as we go into this series it's not just a sunday sermon but this small group moments being crafted so that we can talk about it and then the prayers on friday so that we can pray about it and then even on sundays there will be moments for us to pray for people come to the fore and pray for people we're christians we just need to keep moving on with the lord those who pay regard to vain idols i hope that that is not you because those who do that they forsake their hope for steadfast love but i with a voice of thanksgiving i will sacrifice to god and god alone that which i have vowed that if i give my life to you i will pay i will do it lord salvation belongs to god when we think about idols for the most part most of what we're thinking about you know large erected statues uh man-made carvings and figurines that people objects people put in their pockets or in the corner of their home i grew up with these kinds of things i really did you know there's always something somewhere bound together and you're supposed to bow to it or do something too we never really understood it but they were really idols but when we think about idols that way we can get the totally wrong impressions those are not the only kinds of idols john calvin there are books about this that are really worthy i encourage you to read it but but but maybe not even enough john calvin is probably done some of his best some of the best work on this probably comes from him really i think in things he said the human heart is an idol factory in other words he's trying to say that people have a capacity human beings have such a capacity to make an idol of virtually anything and everything there are other books by people like paul tripp tim keller uh elsa future oh no no no no no no in different parts of the world there are idols you think of something like ganesh uh is the idol that um that people thousands of people follow such as this video shows you that this these are gods and uh people go to honor them and worship them they're man-made or you think of buddha that uh when you go to these parts of the world you realize how much these things are just adored and how much people go to them and reveal them and really give themselves you know to them and take it ever so seriously and the humongous statues and carvings erected and these are really religious things and uh sometimes you see them they look some somewhat unpleasant and someone stunning uh in my own just whatever the monkey god if you never heard about that you think oh my goodness gracious me people worship anything absolutely people people will but here's the thing here's the thing before you and i look at all this and say you know it's basically just primitive people ridiculous ancient uh practices maybe what we need first of all is the definition of what an idol is a biblical definition of what an idol is and if you've got your notes your abs all of these things are there to help you you might want to fill in as we go an idle is any object or desire or person or activity that seeks to play the role of god in your life either by the promises it makes or by the demand of worship that it seeks or the control that it exerts on a person's life that's not an idol it's any object any desire you know things that you just want and it's and it's any person is there any activity so it could be money it could be sex could be power it could be self could be relationship could be experiences of the past i've seen that where people have particular experiences in the past and uh those experiences from the past then become you know points where they just they it becomes a major reference point for them in their lives it becomes the reference point for them in their lives is that because of that is why this and they never let it go and it could be true sometimes idols are they start off as good things but in the end they begin to eat the idol worshiper up we'll think about the characteristics of idols you want to write some of these down first of all heido the home of the idol is the heart it's the human heart that's where it is it's from the heart the nature of an idol is a spirit you're actually in the end may have started off somewhere good in the end you're dealing with a spirit the promises that an idol makes are enticing you just can't see why not you see that you need it it's so enticing the idea is to draw you in he'll even be so personalized you just you just see yourself in it the plan of an idol though is ownership the intention and the plan of an idol is to own you to completely possess you and everything that has to do with you but the end of an idol is death the end of an idol is to frankly take your life from you if not just spiritually or emotionally eventually even in many cases physically when god brought the israelites out of egypt he spoke to them the kind of god he is and what he expected of them and so the bible talks a lot about idols one of the first things god said to them as it came out was this you shall have no other gods besides me it could not be more clear no other gods besides me in other words not in front of me not in place of me not around me not above me no you are to have no other in fact he says this uh the second commandment and you are to make no images in other words it doesn't even want you thinking about it or imagining it you are to make no images you're not supposed to think of anything and think i kind of feel that maybe not even an image of god not even an image of the almighty think okay maybe this is what he looks like let me try and make he's like no i won't have him in your heart i won't have him in your spirit i won't have him in your life i won't have me any part of you thou shall have no other gods besides me well i think there's probably no other uh rule from god more broken than that one and israel broke it in fact it became the cycle of their existence they just kept on breaking it and every time they moved away from god they didn't just move away from god into nothing they were always being rude by another god and usually it's the gods of other nations they were obsessed by with wanting to be like all the other nations and in the end that's how the idols got them in ezekiel chapter 14 god is speaking to the prophet and he says these people that come here these people these people have set their idols in their hearts look at that in their hearts so idols are not just uh large figurines in the corner of a room somewhere that you bow down to and pour a little bit of palm oil and something i think it's all oh no it's in the heart it's what we tolerate and carry it god says this let them know i won't tolerate it i won't tolerate that you cannot put and me here and an idol here god says it infuriates me right through the old testament in fact in the book of kings you really want to see about idols go to the book of kings where the israelites basically they they they would have the book of kings talks a lot about the high places the high places where those are places where people went to worship idols that's what the high places were and it probably even started out all good maybe they're like oh you know maybe we'll go higher try to get closer to god and so but before you know that things turn and then they have gods from other places so they will sneak out and go to the high places the temple of god is there they ignore the temple right people have forsaken me god says in the book of uh where is that i think it's uh is that ezekiel my people are forsaking me they have left me for other gods that's that was going on all the time and in fact in the book of kings one of the things that the book of kings does is this it it it it calibrates it it tells you what kind of king it is if it was a it was a king that removed all the high places the bible called him a good king it was a king that kept the high places he's a bad king doesn't matter what else he does god's heart was always first of all what did he do with the high places that's the point like gideon when gideon began to lead the first thing he did was remove all the idols people woke up in the morning thinking who stole our idols who saw isn't that a funny thing when your god has been stolen you're in trouble well your god can be stolen you're done it's what makes me laugh you know i grew up in nigeria people have their little goats in their pocket you know you know and when you get into a fight like you come here i will with my god the whole time you're thinking so your god is in your hands does that not strange to you that your god you have your god in your hands and still you trust it i think this got to be the definition of dumb right well people did it the good king like gideon they get rid of the high places they're bad kings they allowed it in fact kings like saul so saul actually would you believe it so actually not just did he allow it he actually participated soul actually went you know to the uh to those on the outside here he had a witch on the outside the witch of endo he was involved in all of this he actually started us saying there will be no witches in the land as long as i'm king then when he was stuck at night he wore his robe and snuck off to see the idol if you think that was bad think of manasseh manasseh as a king he brought the idols and the foreign worship into the temple of god and a lot of those idol worship involved the slaughter of children the bible has a lot to say about either one of the funniest stories maybe not funny because i don't think god found it funny and i don't think moses found it funny but it's got a funny part to it because the israelites have come out and god has given them ten commandments they all of that is all going on well when one of the things that happens all of a sudden is this now moses having gone now to be with god he's hearing god's voice god is speaking to him the people down are saying yeah but where is moses so these are the people initially they came out singing thank you god we've come out of egypt who is like unto thee no other god that's those are the songs the same who is like unto thee above the gods none like thee glorious in holiness fearful in praises always doing wonders they were saying about god moses is gone for 40 days and they change their tune and when they change their tune they look to aaron they say to aaron where's moses i mean five days is something 10 days this is 40 days for this guy moses we know not we don't know what's happened to him that's what they were saying we don't know what's happened to you they said therefore make us gods plural make us gods and so aaron did it aaron in the bible is a picture of a weak leader and what happens to people when they have weak leaders when they have weak the world basically i find even in churches people basically want weak leadership because they're fighting against bad leadership but bad leadership you should never let it move you into weak leadership no what we need is godly leadership that's what we should go for godly leadership and you need to know that godly leadership is not weak leadership weak leadership basically gives the people whatever they want whatever they want whatever they want until they get off the edge of a cliff and fall over and says ouch weak leadership they said to aaron make us guards so he did it moses came back and in verse 21 he's hearing the singing when he gets there this is what moses says in verse 21 exodus where are we exodus 30. he says this that right yeah exodus 30. he says this he says he says you aaron what did the people do to you that made you make them commit this great sin hear that aaron what did they do that made you make them commit this he called it a great sin now suddenly aaron is one in trouble not the people that's why leaders need to fear the lord before they fear anybody because when god comes he comes to us the leader he said what why have you made the people sin he's like no no and moses is so angry when this is going on that in verse 22 uh errol actually says to moses okay okay don't be don't let your anger be too hard don't let your anger be too hard he says this is what happened he says this he said you know the people they're evil people you see weak leadership he doesn't take responsibility he says they're evil people he said they they are evil they said make us guards he said so i kind of took all their gold this is what i said makes me laugh he said i took the gold and i threw it into the fire he said and out came a cough that's the yeah that's where i find fun i threw it in and out came across really is that how idols were made out came a cough yeah that's how weak leaders speak it's not my fault that's how idols come it just kind of happened people say no either don't just kind of happen they are they are molded and curated and fashioned and shaped into being and through the whole process it possesses you that's how i know it's things that you carry for long enough you can you know there's a big lesson here i don't want you to miss from this particular episode where did they get the idea of make us guards from they got it from egypt that's where even christians get their idols from you see in god's kingdom there are no idols god is very clear he is king of his kingdom so they imported they had seen it in egypt the egyptian had gods for everything you know all those ten plagues each of them were egyptian gods that god was dethroning that they may realize oh these gods are nothing that's what god was doing but it wasn't just random acts oh no it was completely strategic they got the idea from egypt that's where you get your idols from i tell you what's even worse where did they get the gold from you ever thought about that where'd it get these are slaves whoever gave gold slaves gold they got this gold coming out of egypt god basically gave it to them from the egyptians it's kind of like their inheritance listen it was their gift and they took their gift and they used it to make an idol it happens till today people use their gifts and make an idol of it their gifts their capacity their calling their ability supposed to be used for god they will use it for anything else but god especially for themselves especially for the making of money that generation did not make it the generation that came out of egypt is not the one that entered into canaan an idol is anything usually good anything any object any thought any desire any place any person that takes the role of god in your life and it demands worship and you will find that the worship and sacrifice that an idol once is far costlier than you imagine maybe the saddest story really in the bible with regard to idols has to do with a woman called rachel to really get rachel's story full i won't go through the whole thing but jacob who is a young guy running away from god ends up with god meeting god he ends up with a guy in the with labor and is working and serving and he sees laban's daughter rachel and he wants to marry her and rachel the bible's description of rachel she's young she's got her looks she's got her youth she's got now her guy you know so jacob is going to marry rachel they're like yeah absolutely of course you can just work for seven years he works for seven years at the end of which they say ever so sorry we changed our mind you're going to have to marry leah he's like no no no forget it you're going to now leah is the older one and the way the bible describes leah she can't see so well her eyes are dim she's kind of have eyes problem or virtually blind and people who are virtually blind are not exactly they're not too concerned about fashion and how they look and so on so so so the idea of lear in the bible is a person you might say just didn't seem to have much going for her and in other words maybe nobody was going to marry leah to really if dad say oh no jacob you will marry leah when are you my earlier then i'll give you rachel but he loved rachel so much so he worked another seven years and he married now he's got two wives you know the story some of it he's got two wives but here's the thing rachel is always painted are just a beautiful no there's more to rachel when they got married would you believe it leah has children she gets pregnant she has children when rachel saw it the bible says she saw and she envied leah that word that's a strong word used there there are other words that could have been used to convey the issue but this is more than just the normal righteous human instincts built by god into people is beyond that she saw it and didn't want she was she envied her and this is what she said to her husband give me children or i die give me it kind of sounds to me like you give me children all commit suicide i mean the husband says okay what am i supposed to am i god to kill or make a lie i mean i i'm not am i am i going to take god's place you see the role of an idol he's like i can't do that i'm not the one that makes children well rachel wants this thing so bad that she goes to a house up and says to jacob okay you're gonna have to have children for me through my house help so she gives the house a bill her to go sleep with my husband and notice that jacob did not say no but that's a whole different sermon maybe i'll preach in this series he did not say no kind of kind of allowed well she gets pregnant this girl and rachel has first boy and she was so happy so happy and that after a while that thing that gave all that joy the joy began to sink and dip it was not enough so she said she wants another child says to the house help you know the drill household goes in jacob sleeps with her she gets pregnant again another boy boy in this in this society a boy is it right now she's finally happy i mean she's like ecstatic with joy and everything for a while and then it's not enough it dips it dips it dips it dips and the whole time leah is have lee has had children leah sees what rachel has done schneider goes to her own household and says come come come come come come the house they'll probably say you're gonna sleep with jacob so now jacob has got all these women running around in his life so now he's sleeping with this other one what's her name zeopar i think he sleeps with her she has babies and this is all going on but here's the thing rachel is still not happy one day she sees ruben has mandrakes whatever those things are you know all commenters are like who really knows but kind of had to do with fertility rights or something you know i call it the modern day viagra or something like that you know she rachel sees it and says can i have some actually it goes to leah i said can i have some of your son's mandarins a bit like going to your enemy and say you know i've run out of bullets to kill you can you borrow me some leah is like i pick you is it not enough that you took my husband you did now you're coming to ask me for my this i mean go read the story okay don't read not all these funny novels you read for our shocking thing you want to be shocked our sis process go to the bible messed up people do crazy things there the whole time god is like i'm so sometimes why i meet you guys give me some mandate she's like no then rachel says if you give me some mandrakes i'll let you go sleep with him well of course leah is old by now so yeah i'll let you go sleep with him laura said yeah go on there give the mind breaks by the way let me just say this don't do this at home none of all these things i'm saying okay there's another point in the sermon to do because there's probably some husbands somewhere listening saying no you dance there are things not to do well it says go sleep with leah is old she goes into sleep with jacob she sleeps with jacob she gets pregnant unbelievable so now she's going to have another biological child don't forget for rachel all our children are through this through her help is rachel happy oh no she's mad she's inconsistent with rage and she's like i need a child goes to the husband i sleep with me sleep with me she has a son she actually gets pregnant she has a son his name is joseph the boy is born everybody's happy maybe this is the end of the chapter and is this the end i think not rachel named that son the first biological son in how old is she by now she named him joseph you know what joseph means it means god give me another one just imagine that give me another one i mean this this is the day was born not like after five years i kind of feel no no look give me another one rachel never got satisfied you know why because basically for rachel this whole deal with the children became an idol the whole thing became became an idol how do you know you have an idol in your life i'll tell you how you know you have an idol in your life because god is never enough for you you have an idol in your life because the blessings are never sufficient for you you have an idol in your life because you're never satisfied on the inside no matter what it is that you're given or you get the craziness never ever cease and if you don't figure it out and clean it up in the end the idea of the idol will happen you don't just have an idol the idol ends up having it ends up having you welcome to the life of an idol worshiper it's the it's the worst thing that you could possibly you could possibly want never ever satisfied that's why the prophet isaiah if i i want to read you what it says it's quite a long chapter but the prophet isaiah what he says from isaiah chapter 44 and verse 13 he says this the carpenter's straight so he's describing what happens right he's describing what happens with our idol worshiper he says the carpenter stretches the line he marks it out with a pencil he shapes it with planes and marks it with a compass he shapes it into the figure of a man with the beauty of a man to dwell in a house he cuts down cedars or he chooses a cypress tree or an oak and lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest and then he plants a cedar and the rain nourishes it then it becomes fuel for a man he takes part of it and he warms himself he kindles a fire and bakes bread also he makes a god of and worships it he makes it an idol and falls down before it half of it it burns on the fire over over the half uh he eats meat he roasts it and he's satisfied also he warms himself and says aha i am warm i have seen i have seen the fire and the rest of it he makes into a god his idol and he falls down to it and he worships it and he prays to it and he says deliver me for you are my god god says they know not nor do they discern for he has shut their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so that they cannot understand no one considers nor is their knowledge or discernment to say half of it i burned in fire i also baked bread on its coals i roasted meat and have eaten and shall i make the rest of it an abomination shall i fall down before a block of wood he feeds on ashes a deluded heart has led him astray and he cannot deliver himself or say is there not a lie in my right hand this is quite something isn't it what it's basically saying is this he's saying you know what that can you imagine that there is a guy he is a man i'll just go to the first one he plants a tree the tree grows as a cedar the cedar grows there it is all big and then all of a sudden he decides he cuts he cuts it down cuts it in half half of it he uses for fire he warms himself he says this is so good this idol is delivering for me he burns it and then he makes his food on it possession everything is happening he half of it he burns to eat the other half he bows down to worship and the bible is how ridiculously foolish is that you made it with your hands now you're bound down to worship it you're bowing down to worship it and he said and they never see because their eyes have now become blind their hearts they have no understanding and in the end they should be asking is this really working until over a long time they say is this working or am i just fooling myself is there a lie in my right hand is there a lie in my right hand no wonder psalm 115 says of idols they have hands it actually starts with the mouth they have mouths but they cannot speak they have eyes they cannot see they have ears they cannot hear they have noses but they do not smell they have hands but they cannot feel the feet they cannot walk and there is no sound in their throat and those who worship them become like them those who worship them become like them so i said the more you move into that habit the more you move into that thing it's forming you into itself until there are no more of you left and complete ownership has been enacted you want to write these things down the limitations of an idol from psalm 115 idols cannot speak idols cannot see idols cannot sense if they cannot speak then they cannot direct you if you cannot see it cannot look after you if you cannot sense it cannot hear you idols cannot save only god can save idols do not satisfy and whatever it starts if it's not dealt with it becomes a spiritual landing site for the enemy it turns it becomes spiritual idols become spiritual and then it begins to have an influence on the person and ultimately it is satanic ultimately it is satanic it wants to own you control you use you and then spew you and isaiah righteously rightly he contrasts the idols with the god of heaven he says i've told you well how foolish it is what they do and making idols he says now let me tell you about the god of heaven and in fact god is the one speaking thought says the lord that i am the king of israel i am the redeemers he is king he is redeemer he is the lord of hosts he actually said i am the first and the last there is none beside me he said who is there like me let them come out and let them proclaim it he says let them declare the future let them tell you what will happen to see if they know they do not know because only the god of heaven who knows the the end from the beginning and vice versa the bible calls him lord god king maker creator redeemer there is none holy as the lord neither is there any rock like our god can you shout amen to that there is none holy as the lord first samuel chapter two verse two and for you and i to really get it he actually comes down in the form of man that we can then see him and touch him that which we have seen which we have beheld of the glory of god which we have touched his name is jesus he walks amongst us so that he can show the love of the father the heart of the father the help of the father and the power of the father deliverance comes from him the healings and the deliverance that he did and then he was he gave up his life he wasn't assassinated he went on to the cross but on the third day he rose again and now in the book of revelation jesus will see is the one who is king of kings the one who is lord of lords the one who is alpha who is omega who has no equal who has no rival the one who is ever present all knowing he has no equal jesus christ the son of the living god can you shall remain to that that's who we serve and that's why i love what spurgeon says why would you leave him for an idol says if this god is not big enough for you go find another one but you need to know he already said god himself said there's no god like me there's no rock like our god that's why i've spoken to you today about the characteristic of an idol the limitations of an idol but that you may know jesus is king and everybody said amen jesus that's the that's the if ever there's a message on the sermon that needs to be preached is about jesus is king really he is king i say he's king because the bible tells us so his nature is unique of ever-present omniscience all his characteristic transcendence his kingdom is everlasting and his subjects those who follow the king who belong in his kingdom they are his subjects he has a name for them they are disciples and that's why jubilee everybody you need to know this and memorize it a disciple is one who lives for jesus he's one who loves like jesus his loves are not twisted the love is clean and pure and right and righteous he loves the writing in the right way for the right reasons a disciple is one who lives for jesus loves like jesus is growing into the likeness of jesus he obeys jesus as his master and his king and now he's on the mission of jesus as a witness a disciple cannot have another god this is a misnomer you serve the lord your god and him alone the reason the reason the story of rachel is so sad is because she has joseph a biological child in your older years you should be grateful should be enough and i'm not talking here like i said before about the normal human natural instincts of a woman to have a child that's a good beautiful thing put by god put there by god even if you already have a child and you want another one all good and righteous except if you want to make that child not your god or the process of having another one and that's not the case for most people but it was for rachel it was for rachel yes she had joseph and she said oh oh that god will just give me another one imagine how joseph would have felt but would you believe if she got pregnant again biologically she got pregnant again and they had to move and i in the in the in transition in moving she went into labor and when she it was a particularly difficult labor i mean the midwife in trying to encourage yourself it's all good it's a boy and so when she said it's a boy to rachel rachel knew she was dying and she decided to name the child she named the child bed omi which means child of my sorrow child of my sorrow and the saddest thing happened rachel died giving birth to that child she made an idol of the whole thing she died at childbirth what makes you so sad is the one who said give me children or i die died i chopped birth. an idol makes you to always be a people pleaser always be a position seeker always be a possession accumulator an idol will make you a substance abuser he will make you a sig you know the idea of being significant will be what all you crave all your life where well done is not enough you seek the applause of people everywhere until it's become an idol in your life whereas every time that happens you'll say god thank you for your applause but it's not enough i need the upload of men and they end up restless unhappy and ungrateful named him child of my sorrow ben omi he's going to go through his life that way his father changed the name from ben on me to benjamin son of my right hand and he buried his wife that he loved so much rachel he loved her he didn't need to go that way but she died an idol worshiper what's the spirit saying to you what is the holy spirit saying to you through this honestly i i want to pray first of all i want to pray for those you may not know the lord in a few moments i'll come back for some remarks for all of you that are christians but i want to say this if you're here today you don't know the lord you need to be careful because whether you realize it or not you actually have another god you may think no i'm not no oh you are you do but if today you're hearing all this and you like i need him in my life or you're so far from you don't even know if you ever had him i want jubilee everywhere all the churches would you close your eyes for a moment close your eyes right now and if that's you would you raise up your hand it's not to show me it's for you to be saying i'm serious lord to raise up your hand wherever wherever you are thank you lord for all the hands being raised wherever people are even if you're online you want to write there in the chat and say today i'm coming back to god and now i want us to pray you can put down your hands and i want the whole church to support you everywhere let's pray together lord jesus everyone to repeat it together lord jesus i come to you today i give my life to you i lay aside all the idols all my ideas today i come to you and i repent of my sins in the name of jesus by your grace this day by the free gift of salvation i am a child of god in jesus name come on let's upload the love for all those who rules of the hand would you stand up with me everyone i want us to close with a song of worship it won't take long but it's important you know the song the the the verses that were read at the outset from the book of ruth i got us to read that you may see the distinction between rachel and ruth ruth also had no children ruth also had a hard life in fact she she had she had to suffer the loss of her father-in-law then she suffered the loss of her son suffered all this loss and when has sorry loss of her husband lost her father a lot of us husband and naomi her mother-in-law said to her you know what i'm going to go back i'm going to go all the way back to where i started from so i'm going back to where i was called from and you know what naomi said you stay ruth said no i'm coming with you benina said well you know what i hear what you're saying i hear what you say i will go back and ne and penina having married into a jewish family begun to know god actually pulled back and went all the way back to her people and that's the end you hear of her ever in the bible she's gone right out ruth on the other hand says no no no where you go i will go where you dwell i will dwell says your people shall be my people and your god shall be my god that's how you and i ought to be that's exactly how you and i ought to be that we say lord it's you and you alone she gave her life to god and you know when you read the end of the story or she got married through incredible means she got relationship she had children by the grace of god she's name in the genealogy of jesus christ i want to say this to you the god you serve is a good god and the god yourself is sufficient for you so stop looking elsewhere he is sufficient and i wanted to come back today to just sing to the majesty of his kingdom and honor him for there is none like him let's worship majesty [Music] i don't deserve to serve your man [Music] my [Music] i don't deserve [Music] is [Music] [Music] gentle savior [Music] within me falls at your throne no majesty [Music] i don't deserve [Music] i don't deserve [Music] [Applause] earth in heaven [Music] faithful and true [Music] [Music] cries out in grace [Music] i don't deserve [Music] your majesty [Music] [Music] i don't deserve [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah lord we live to serve your majesty oh god we live to serve your god [Music] father i thank you for the word that we've heard today and i just pray by your spirit lord as we go into this new week lord that we would be able to identify the things that we place before you o god and that lord that we would magnify you to your rightful place which is over and above everything father give us the strength lord god to let go of things to let go of anything that is holding us back from serving you wholeheartedly from worshiping you wholeheartedly we thank you father for this time that we've had in your presence in jesus mighty name we have prayed and worshiped and heard your word amen amen jubilee have a wonderful week and we will see you at prayer meeting on friday see you there bye
Channel: Jubilee Church London
Views: 2,169
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: Q5yamYGWXEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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