Repeat Stuff. (full show on YouTube and Netflix)

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[Applause] um if I could break I want to thank you all for being here because I mean it I'm so grateful that you'd all come here and spend an hour of your time with me and if you're watching at home or whatever on a computer or something if you've made it this far thank you very much for watching genuinely I there's my favorite thing to do and I'm so grateful for people watching it and enjoying it okay I will now receive back into my stage persona just blacked out for 20 seconds thank you for coming love songs used to be so beautiful you know let us go then you and I when the evening is spread out against the sky like a patient etherized upon a table to your cellie it beautiful love songs nowadays just as beautiful guys uh sure justin bieber 1d you know them but these new artists they've done something very strange to the format of the love song they've changed it a bit i tried to capture how they've changed the format at the love song with this love song i hope you enjoy it and mark the differences [Music] Jason Derulo [Music] I love your hair I love your name I love the way you say it I love your heart and you're so smart cuz you gave away and I love your sis I love your dad I love your mum but more than all of that I love the fact that you are dumb enough to not realize the everything I've said it's been said before in a thousand ways and a thousand songs some with the same four chords but you'll still love and let me finger you oh girl I hope you don't think that I'm rude when I tell you that I love you boo I also hope that you don't see through this cleverly constructed ruse to sign by a marketing team cashing in on puberty and low self-esteem and girls desperate need to feel loved America says we love a chorus but don't get complicated for us though meaning might be missing we need to know the words after just one listen so repeat stuff it repeats that repeat that repeat that repeat that repeat that repeat that repeat that repeat that yeah oh you know it I love my baby and you know I couldn't live without her but now I need to make every girl think the songs about her just to make sure that they spread it like the plague so I described my dream girl is really really vague like I love your hands cuz your fingerprints are like no other I love your eyes and their bluish brownish greenish color I love it when you smile that you smile wide and I love how your torso as an arm on either side now if you're my agent you might be thinking oh no sound the alarms you're not appealing to little girls who don't have arms but they can use iTunes so [ __ ] em who needs ah oh girl oh hello Satan [Music] you taste again repeater repeater repeater repeater repeats to everybody come on louder I can't hear you [Applause] [Music] young ones listen up I'm in magazines full of model teens so far above you so read them and hate yourself then pay me to tell you I [Music] and your parents will always come along because their little girl is in love and how could love be [Music] how could love be and when you repeat that repeats that repeats to repeat that [Music] we know it's not funny but we'll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out but in sale man and we will repeat stuff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: boburnham
Views: 11,312,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bo burnham, stand up, comedy, special, what
Id: QCVGpvzcHko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2013
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