Repairing Rust At Home Without Power Tools Or Welding 💪

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thank you [Music] all right so welcome back to the channel and end up doing now my G35 um basically remove the rust I try to stand in a little bit uh but basically this is what it was looking like before [Music] it just comment on g35s I don't know why they all g35s do this after a while especially the ones in New England area so anyways to solve that problem because I did a little sanding just to see the metal the Metal's still good thank God it didn't go all the way through and then basically this is what you're gonna need for some cheap Bodywork if anybody could do this at home so basically this is my fiberglass you go to Arizona O'Reilly's um uh just like the the fiberglass mat um obviously any of the spread is sandpaper with sandpaper you're gonna need is basically where's my sandpaper right here the 50 grit the 80 grit the 150. the 320 and the 400. so this is what it looks like right now uh this is not a tutorial basically just showing that you anybody could do Bodywork at home it's not that hard it's not that difficult all right let me get to work and then basically go from there [Music] all right so this is basically what I've got done so far this is basically wait 50 grit and 80 grit luckily I got lucky the Metal's still good and basically this is easy to basically I can still get the sheet back like this and then I'm gonna remove this piece right here that's the way the Rust part is and then this part is still good and then I'm gonna patch it with fiberglass first and then go with the body filler after and they got the patch right there we're gonna do on the outside gonna do it on the inside and then I'll just keep on sanding but that's what I got it's done at this point all right so I sanded it with 50 grit 80 grit oh I gotta say a little bit more with the 150 grit but for now to cover that hole basically I'm going to cover it with this Patchwork wrap it around like this and then I also got to cut it to size and then that would basically cover that hole and basically I end up saving the quarter panel as far as metal wise I'm gonna keep on working and stay tuned the rest of the video to see the final results all right so here's the fiberglass to put that fiberglass mat on and then the hardener cream so basically I'm gonna mix it and then I'm gonna put that mesh mat the type thing fiberglass thing and then we're gonna put the fiberglass with the hardener and then basically that would be repaired and then after that gotta sand that down and I have to do the body filler and then basically just uh make sure everything mixes as well I obviously put the cap back on and then just do this for a little bit all right that should be good enough really all right then basically this you put enough you know side to side a bit a little bit like that should be good enough mix it and then we are able to apply it so I applied one uh layer of the fiberglass as you can see the mesh over here so we're about this curved part right here because I basically already got the shape I just want to make sure this dries good all the way and then I worry about this right here because I didn't remove the bumper didn't feel like removing it because car's gonna get painted anyways so I'll have them worry about that when actually I get the car painted so basically I'm gonna have this dry sand it and then when I do the second apply the second uh fiberglass then I worry about all this right here after that and then sand that down and then we actually do like the legit Bodywork what the the body filler so this is basically just to save the quarter panel and basically fixed owl hole right there that was right it's starting to form luckily I had that little piece because if not then you would have to shape it better you know but that piece right there kind of helped and that's right there I worry about that after all right this is applying it two times I'm gonna work on this a little more better but at least I saved the quarter panel and I might have to do it one more time three times just because there was a massive hole right there and then I'll do the body filler and I think I got the shape of the body line on this side foreign I think it's because I should have bent it back into place but from a distance this side no longer has rust well let this dry and then basically make a decision I gotta do one more time and then I'm gonna do the body filler [Music] all right so this is sanding down the fiberglass over here is only because I didn't end up using the resin um try cut Corners this is why you should never cut Corners uh but I still gotta apply the body filler well and then the day end up saving the quarter panel and then now I'm gonna probably apply the body filler apply two two layers of it you know I play one layer sand it down oh what oh we're seeing people that guy here um 320. after and then 400 after after that and then basically just prime it and then this card's eventually get painted um I don't know if I'm gonna do a crazy color because I have that option to do a crazy color or keep it silver because me I like cars that are white black and silver those are like my favorite colors on cars um but I also have an option to do a crazy color something that stands out or just keep it simple uh but yeah I'm gonna fix this next right here but solid and yeah as you seen before there was a big giant hole right here this right here is only because this metal on the inside should have been bent a little bit more this way but I realized that after I wasn't really focused on this part I was focusing on more on here we got it good yeah so I'll do the other side next weekend I'm just gonna finish this side today and then next weekend I'll do the other side all right so now I didn't record it because it's repetition stuff basically I went more down this way there was a dent right there I turn it down to bare metal so now with the body filler basically I went all the way this way with it so now it's a little more wider basically gonna dry turn it down lightly with the 80. just to knock most of that down then the 320 the 400 and apply another layer and then basically do the same repetition and then basically from there and out this rust is done this panel is done I'll go on to the other quarter panel the other one all right so basically I just knocked it down a little bit with 80 grit the body filler now I'm gonna send it with 320 and after that I'm gonna go over 400. and then um yeah I'm ready for Prime after that so basically I think the next time I record this basically when it's primed and painted but I'm gonna do like a a quick paint but now it might not match right away because I'm gonna have it painted professionally so but yeah so basically all this is just repetition now basically I'm gonna do it with a spot putty any pinholes basically there's one right here and basically like pretty much sets us here and there's a couple of pinholes right here actually yeah right here pull Pinos basically I'm gonna now do the spot uh putty same thing mix it and then put it where the panels are concentrate more on the pinholes now so I have it all mixed right now so now just concentrate where the pencils are probably shouldn't be recording because I need to concentrate but do that uh over here over here anyways I'm gonna concentrate before this dries on me and then I'm gonna start working on the other side while this dries all right sorry to dry I'm gonna mix a little bit more work on some other areas oh yeah it's running good movie is good just kind of way I really need it maybe up here more that's about it all right so basically this is what this side looked like a lot worse um I got it down kind of metal now I'm gonna concentrate on on the rust areas I had to grind that all that down um but basically it's repetition like I said so I already did the other side so I'm just gonna concentrate on this side but basically that was the damage and there's a big hole on this side too and there's that little piece and end up saving but huge hole didn't even realize it until he grinded it all down it was hit him with the paint but I want to save this car so I got more work to do over here but basically it's all now good metal just got to grind it all down okay that's all going metal grind that down yep I'm gonna do the same thing I do on the other side and that's it all right so this is what it looks like now that does side effects as well and then still got this side looking like this with the spot putty and then when I spot party the other side I'll come back to this side stand to both sides and then this car no longer has rust as of at this moment the rust is officially going just Bodywork now [Music]
Channel: Correia XL
Views: 14,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Rust #Repair #How #To #BodyWork #Welding #Bondo #Spot #Putty #Sanding, #G35 #Infiniti #Coupe
Id: D8Izzs0RbOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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