Machining CAT 777 Suspension Strut | Bluetooth Dial Indicator

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how you going guys Kurtis from cutting edge engineering  today's job i have a 777 rear strut   that's got a bit of a problem the problem we have  at the moment the customers rung me and said they   tried to reassemble the cylinder after it had  been repaired and they were having issues with   this face apparently the face is not concentric  with the inside of the barrel so we've thrown it   up in the machine i've got the four jaw on the eye  end of the barrel i have a steady set up here i've   already set the steady up i've got a nice true  area there so we do know there is about a 20 to   30 thou gap underneath the gland and the face  of the barrel and once you tighten up the gland   you cannot rotate the the rod in the barrel  everything just locks up and when you release   all the tension off the bolts the rod can then  spin there is a concentric issue somewhere i have   eliminated the rod and the gland they aren't the  problem so we know it's the barrel but the issue   i have at the moment is the outside's running  pretty good considering it is a painted surface   there is a bit of damage on it but i'm saying  the inside's probably out by a mile being the   insides out when they tighten the gland and the  rod into the barrel everything locks up so that   tells me the thickness of the tube all the way  around it might be different from one end to the   other so what we got to do now we're going  to dial in the other end of the barrel using the   four jaw we'll get that running nice and true and  then we'll see how much run out we have here on   the face and then we'll machine the face true and that should eliminate the problems they've got now that that's set up in the machine we need  to dial in the inside the problem i have working   alone i can't put a dial down in here and get  someone to read the dial while i'm adjusting the   four jaw to make sure i get this barrel running  true other than setting up some mirrors or   have two phones on facetime i don't know whatever  works because i work alone i have to do this myself i was chatting to my tooling supplier  i told him what i was up to and he said i've   got something i'd like to send you i want you  to give it a go what it is this is a bluetooth   Motionics dial indicator made in the usa nice  and easy to read nice big numbers there very   repeatable very handy when you're on your own you  can attach these to boring bars and put them right   down the inside of the job connect it up to your  phone or your smart watch you just got to download   an app for that and then you can work alone this  end while everything's happening on the inside you   don't need to be back and forward i'm going to set  this one up and i'm going to show you how it works so new measurement searching for it there it is connect and it is connected so now i put the phone down here so you can see both dials 1.53 1.53 very cool so now we've got the dial down  on the inside of the barrel we've touched off   on the inside here it's about 90 degrees which is  going to be pretty good it's reading to the phone   perfectly so i'll just spin the barrel now to  show you how far the id is out compared to the od righto guys so we've got that dialled in now  it's running pretty true in there definitely a   tool to have if you work alone it makes it  a lot easier to dial something in when you   can't see it or you don't have someone to help you  definitely worth having a tool like that in the aresenal now we've got that done i'll throw a dial  on the face and show you how far the face is out you just saw then the face has got a lot  of run out it's amazing the strut even   cycled what we need to do now we're  going to face that off get everything   running true again we'll give it back to the  customer and they can put it back together there's half a mil pretty happy with that don't want to take too much of it i had to take a total of 1.1 mil off the  face to get it to clean up that just shows   it wasn't 90 degrees with the barrel now that  we've done that there shouldn't be any trouble   with the gland and the rod going in and out  of the barrel once everything's tightened up   you can see there is a spot here i didn't  actually clean up but that's not super critical   being that there is an o-ring that seals on  the inside as long as that surface is flat   and the gland can be bolted hard up against  it there shouldn't be any dramas with that   all in all i was pretty surprised  i've never seen one this bad before drop it okay am i saying like righto guys or just just talk what am i saying uh going onto oh [ __ ] so nearly vomit then brrr uh [Laughter] it's it's motionics yup or matonics just say both right i don't know how to pronounce this so this is a motion motionics this motion x motion ics um bluetooth dial uh [ __ ] i lost that so this is a bluetooth  motionics dial indicator made uh mmmm should i say like so it's a right you ready yep i'm gonna start that again okay he's gonna wrap you up look at that tail go
Channel: Cutting Edge Engineering Australia
Views: 202,156
Rating: 4.9795771 out of 5
Keywords: cutting edge engineering australia, machinist in australia, machininst, abom79, cee australia, machining, Machining & Indicating CAT 777 Suspension Strut, Bluetooth Dial Indicator, motionics llc, dial indicator, caterpillar dump truck, cat 777, dialling in part on a lathe, using a bluetooth indicator, facing on a lathe, bluedial, dial indicator how to use, motionics bluedial, wireless dial indicator, caterpillar 777, mining dump truck, machining suspension strut, measure bore, cee
Id: bEjnCvoqGZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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