r/EntitledPeople - Karen PRETENDS to Be the Owner's WIFE! Tries to Fire Me!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who believe that they deserve more than others just for being their cute little self and existing just existing guys before we dive into the stories today take a look at this went to walmart to get lunch meat and items for the week as i went to pay the lady in front of me did not have enough money to pay for groceries so i told the cashier that i would pay her balance the lady customer thanked me and asked if she could pick some other items up that she needed since i was paying for them i told her sorry i was in a hurry and that's why i paid for her things and mine she got mad at me and said i see how you people are oh my goodness guys you give somebody an inch and they take a mile right she totally should have just stopped after thanking op and should have just been grateful for the deed but nope she had to get mad and say oh i see how you people are who the heck are the you people she's talking about guys i'm so upset for op because he wanted to do a good deed and was instead given a super greedy response guys if you think that's entitled wait until you hear the stories in this episode get ready to shake your heads even more with that said let's dive into the stories and do hit that subscribe button guys for future stories my friends so a bit of backstory i work at a pretty big pretzel company but for privacy reasons i will call it uncle uns anyway i worked there for a year already and this happened to be pretty early in my second this particular pretzel place was inside a small amusement park so the story this story takes place five minutes after my shift ends so i'm tired and i just want to go home we were busy cleaning and not paying attention to the window because normally most families would have left by this point then we hear a knock on our window since i'm the cashier i walk up to the window and say the line that i always say hi how can i help you today the entitled woman said yeah are are you guys closed i told her we closed five minutes ago and she said great do you have any leftover pretzels i told her yeah we do and she asked if she could have them i asked her how many she would like and she told me five i then said all right that comes to 21.15 cents since it's 4.23 cents a pretzel and she says what aren't they discounted i told her if she has a season pass it's 15 off and she said no you're closed so the pretzels should be half off me wanting to go home and stop caring set and and why do you think that she said you're closed so that means the pretzels are a day old and should be discounted for the record we switch out our pretzels every 30 minutes and i told her those pretzels are only 30 minutes old and she replied fine so i can get 15 off right if you have a season pass yes the entitled woman responds no i should get 15 off because you're closed ma'am no as you stated we're closed so we are no longer selling pretzels i'm only offering them to you because my boss wants as many sold as possible and she says see you can't sell them they're probably gonna go bad the next day and you'll have to throw them out anyway they should be free i told her no they're not just a note here we don't throw out food i'll just usually take the leftovers home and eat them for my dinner she replied you're throwing them away anyways my kids are hungry then buy them some food she starts screaming something that nobody but dogs could understand and leaves i know this story is not as interesting as some of the others but i just had to post this guys i know for a fact this happened so so much in the fast food industry so if you guys have been listening to me for a while you'll know that i used to work at quizno sub years and years ago i can't tell you all the countless people that came in right at 9pm when we closed and literally said that we should give them leftover food for free because they know how much food is wasted in fast food stores i don't really know what these people were thinking that we were throwing out though because subs at quiznos were made as ordered and we rarely threw any food away after shift we never did give any food to anybody for free five years ago my husband and i bought a house we had been saving for years for the down payment and the stars must have aligned for us to get it everything worked out perfectly the house was a major fixer-upper but it had land and we were happy with that so it turns out my brother-in-law had looked at the house when it was listed as well they decided it was too much work to fix it up and not worth it they wanted major upgrades too whereas my husband and i were very simple people we don't need granite countertops or a soaking tub or hardwood floors etc we met up with a family recently and brother-in-law was talking about how cramped their condo has become with two kids now he decided that it was time to tell us that we should trade houses i kid you not my brother-in-law is very very entitled my brother-in-law proceeded to argue that we are only two people and their family is growing and could use the space he literally suggested that we give hours to him and buy out his condo i laughed i knew he was serious but i couldn't help but laugh i have never in my life imagined that someone could be so damn entitled that they demand someone give up their home for the sake of another family are you kidding me brother-in-law then got mad at me for not even considering it and began justifying all the reasons his family needed our house more oh you think this would be the worst part right no it gets even better so we have never finished the basement so there's only one bathroom in the house my brother-in-law informed me that if we were to trade houses that we would need to make some major upgrades first because he would not have the time to be able to make any major renovations he was somehow inexplicably certain that i would see the logic in his plan and just trade houses with them because they needed the extra space so much more and now my brother-in-law isn't even talking to me because i laughed through the whole thing and would not take him seriously it's a win-win go ahead punish me by not talking to me at least then you'll stop trying to make me the bad guy and tell everybody how horrible i am because i wouldn't buy out your condo at market value while giving you our house out of the goodness of our hearts last i know he was now trying to tell my father-in-law to retire and move to the city so that he could have the farm joke's on him though father-in-law has already talked about it and has left the farm to me and my husband in his will because we actually farm and brother-in-law thinks it's too much work i've always thought the internet exaggerated that people like this exist and i thought situations like this could never possibly be real what the hell are these people thinking hold on did op really say that the brother-in-law wanted to sell his place to her and in return she just gives him their house oh how about you just give me your house and in return you buy mine so i can make some money off of it that's some crazy entitlement guys so i've been reading a lot of entitled stories about family members wanting other family members houses there's just too many so let me know if you guys have ever been in this situation or know of somebody who has okay so i work at a large chain pizza place but in a smaller town that nobody really knows exists only carryout and delivery now for this story to make sense the store has a landlord but also my boss is considered the owner of the store even though it's a chain restaurant two different people though that own this building so this karen comes in one morning well i'm the manager on my shift and the only other person there is my delivery driver the driver is a 20 year old male and i'm a 24 year old female but honestly i look very young this was like last month so we aren't allowed to have customers come indoors we walk to their car so i very politely inform karen that she can't come indoors and i'll be more than happy to assist her at her car karen says that won't be necessary i'm allowed in here i said um no ma'am we're not allowed to have any customers indoors because of the restrictions we could get temporarily shut down if so karen then says my husband is the owner just take my order now the landlord is not married he comes around a lot and he's very young like my age and my boss is married to the absolute sweetest person i've ever known and they both live an hour away in a different state karen's like in her mid-40s and definitely not the sweet woman i've met and known for years i said ma'am i'm very sorry but you're not married to the owner i'm gonna need you to step outside of the store and i'll be more than happy to assist you outside karen says excuse me i can get you fired you know i told her i hope she does but i still need you to step outside of the store so i can take your order karen responds i will not take this treatment i'll call the owner and get you fired i told her okay while she does that i'm gonna call the actual owner so he can tell her to step outside of the store karen grabs her phone and starts calling someone i call my boss and explain the situation while i'm talking karen interrupts me to say yeah he says you're fired you're too young to be working here anyway so i don't know why he hired a child to work but you don't work here anymore my boss overhears this and starts laughing and asks to be put on speakerphone he says ma'am i'm the owner of the store and i would never allow my wife who's sitting next to me to come into the store during the pandemic it's a violation of current health laws and we have the right to call authorities if necessary please step outside the door karen is screeching that she's married to the building owner the landlord but calls him by the wrong name my boss starts laughing again because the landlord has no control over the actual store he just owns the building and we pay him rent the landlord is also currently right outside working on the roof so at this point i say oh i didn't know the landlord got married i'll go congratulate him come on let's go so i walk outside and karen is following me mumbling something i said hey landlord do you mind coming down here for a second karen looks absolutely mortified at this point she definitely messed up and she knows it but no i'm gonna keep rolling with this at this point the landlord comes down from the ladder confused as hell hey landlord your new wife here says you just fired me and that she's allowed indoors now i didn't know you got married i'm so happy for you so long story short karen is embarrassed and told to get off the property before police are called she mumbles something i still can't understand and then says i can't believe a dumb teenager is doing this to me and turns to go to her car now karen just calls to ask for delivery which i will happily do and i still laugh about it all the time oh my goodness to think this whole situation could have been avoided if she just stepped outside and had her order taken there guys why do karen's make things so hard for themselves sometimes i still don't understand what the heck she was thinking though if you're not married to the owner don't say that you are i'm a 24 year old female working in osaka japan naoko a work friend invited me to the universal studios japan i agreed because universal studios japan has owls live adorable real owls at their harry potter adventure which the united states does not have nayoko is nervous to go see them because she does not like big birds but i want to go so i'm asking her nicely to come with or to wait for me to see them while we were discussing this someone taps me on the shoulder i turn around and see a well-dressed mother and her 11 year old daughter they look pretty normal the mother karen is wearing a harry potter shirt and looking lost her daughter is begging to go on a ride karen pulls out a map and says hey do you speak english i can't figure out where this ride is i point in the general direction where we came from and i tell her i do we just came from that ride over there karen taps the map with a perfectly manicured talent instead but where specifically nayogo pops in because she's the most helpful person in the world that's not sarcastic she's wonderful she asked do you have a pen and she mimes drawing on the map she jerks the sacred map to her chest and she tells me do not touch our map just take us there now i can see how annoyed karen is getting i'm thankful that karen has made naoko more interested in seeing the majestic sky cats anything i think is better than being around karen so i tell karen that unfortunately they have left the building and will not return the season due to budget cuts in the account i tell her as politely as i can we're gonna go see the owls just ask one of the workers we found a couple of people who speak really good english naoko and i are off to see the wizard and karen says loudly just take us to the ride i told her no we have to go now and karen says my daughter is going to be really upset if we don't get to the ride before closing i told her to talk to an employee because i'm not a tour guide and karen says but you're american you should help me americans should help each other i told her no thanks and to have a nice day karen then turns to her daughter and tells her that i'm not going to show them where the ride is so they won't be able to do it before daddy finds them and that i ruined their day this 11 year old girl proceeds to fall onto the ground and start sobbing so this girl is throwing an absolute silent fit pounding on the ground with her hands all while not making any noise nayoko and i decide that we're gonna leave karen's just standing there while we leave telling her daughter that we ruined the day instead of you know asking the super bilingual employees oh silly karen op did not ruin the day you did and that my friends is another episode of our slash entitled people guys if you enjoyed the episode today and you aren't subscribed do hit that subscribe button if you want to hear more entitled people's stories check out the last one i did if you missed it a karen smacks open a store because she thought he was ignoring her and he's actually deaf oh my goodness gracious guys check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 873,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, entitled parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitledpeople, reddit funny stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled people reddit, entitled parents darkfluff, dark fluff, darkfluff, r//, rslash entitled parents, rslash entitled people, entitled people top posts, entitled parents top posts, karen stories, funny karen stories, karen compilation, karen calm down, entitled people owned, funny reddit stories, entitled karen
Id: dVWDnrflaZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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