r/EntitledPeople - Smug Lady Demands the HOTTEST Sauce in My Store! Regrets It BIG TIME!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you come to hear stories about people who think they're better than others and deserve special treatment over everybody else guys i hope you're having just the best day today i know i am because of where i am it's sunny i've got my coffee i've got some good stories to share you beautiful people are here hey i might even let stevo out of his cage today to get some water who knows and in today's episode i've got a treat for you all of these stories today have one thing in common it's all about entitled people getting what they deserve the stories are super satisfying and i do hope you enjoy them so let's dive right in oh and if you're new here do hit that subscribe button for a future entitle people stories i work in a hot sauce store in a busy outlet mall we're a well-liked locally owned business and have many loyal return customers but at this particular location we also get a lot of tourists who are curious about our challenge items or hot ones products we have a large variety of samples available every day literally like a hundred hot sauces every so often we get people who come into the store to ask to try the hottest sauce so today while i was selling items to people who were actually paying for things a 10 year old boy enters the store now i always get wary when children come to the store alone because it's full of glass bottles they usually dart straight for the shelves and pick something up but this kid comes barreling towards me like a bullet so while i'm making change for the couple buying some hot sauce he calls out to me excuse me in a horrendous whiny pitch i ignore the rude interruption and continue my conversation with my customers he parrots it again 12 times back to back and i thank these people and get them out of the store finally i turn to him and say how can i help you at the same time thinking where the heck are this kid's parents he says hi i want to try the hottest sauce in the store ugh not this again i'm not dealing with this not with a 10 year old i explained to him that the hottest sauce on the table is hellboy right hand of doom it's spiked with a 6.66 million scoville extract and if you're not experienced with this kind of stuff more than just a tiny bit can mess up a good part of your day take my word for it now i explained to him that he has to be 19 years old to try it and he has to sign a waiver which is a lie but i'm off in 30 minutes so i don't care and instead just guide him to a tasty fermented habanero that he coughs his eyes out on before explaining to me that he could handle the right hand of doom because his dad eats spicy peppers with him all the time i say okay and he leaves thank god so 15 minutes later i'm interrupted by another customer this time it's a woman she's in a blue blouse and she's next to my sample table like a giant blueberry blocking 20 of my floor space she says excuse me the apple doesn't fall far the customers i'm with are polite and excuse me to speak to her she says you my son was here earlier you did not let my son try the sauce i want you to do it now i explained to her that it has an extract and it's several hundred times hotter than anything he's ever ever eaten and that it can cause him severe discomfort and i will not let him try it in my store i explain that she's free to purchase the sauce and have him try it at home if she wishes she explains to me that she married a mexican man and that i would not believe the things they ate in new mexico city when i asked what they'd eaten there she said things hotter than anything you have in the store at this point her daughter interrupts the conversation now i was annoyed from the second i saw the kid and now he's back 20 minutes later with three of them at this point i've pretty much had it with my day it's 5 50 and i'm off at six i've had enough i told her how about this you can try the sauce and if it's as mild as you think i will let him try it she agreed and grabbed her sample stick i reached for the right hand of doom and unscrew the cap its nuclear aroma sent memories of aches to my stomach as she goes to dip the stick in the sauce i warn her to only take a small amount she grins and sighs and dips the stick all the way into the saw saying did i ask for advice and smugly puts the toothpick in her mouth immediately she looks uneasy before throwing herself into pure agony she's coughing swinging her head back and forth trying desperately to speak but she can't muster any words she drops her sample stick in the chaos and after a few solid minutes of coughing and dry heaving she manages a single word she says water i explained to her that water will not help at this point my co-worker walks in the door just in time to witness the finish the lady tells me the only reason she's coughing is because it went down the wrong pipe she then immediately vomits into our garbage can she then apologizes for spitting up and leaves without saying anything else i tossed out the trash with a smile on my face and i clocked out hey man sometimes you gotta let people figure it out themselves i really do applaud op for letting the mom try it first instead of just giving in and letting her kids suffer because you know for sure he's getting that attitude from mama guys 6.66 million scoville sounds absolutely insane at that point food becomes just painful to eat not enjoyable i don't know why people do it so i'm a bartender at a very small place with a very regular and very loyal customer base i had last night off so i met up with another friend at another bar for a few drinks and some food after supper we decided to walk to the bar that i work at to cap off the evening we get there and there's some good energy going on the music's a bit louder than usual and there's maybe about 10 patrons in the bar we have this one customer who's extremely wealthy it's nothing for him to spend 200 to 400 per night multiple times a week buying everybody rounds and as such he's seen as royalty around here so i'm sitting there having a really good time enjoying a beer and decide that i want to add a song to the jukebox i grab a five dollar bill and walk over only to notice there's 63 credits showing on the screen no big deal i think i'll just put my five bucks in request a few songs and leave the 63 credits untouched but no our wealthy regular let's call him jack sees me perusing the jukebox and comes up and physically pushes me away from it i ask him what the heck he thinks he's doing and he says those are his credits and no one's allowed to touch the jukebox till he's used them all up at this point he scoffs and says do you even know who i am now i point out that i have my own five bucks and no intention of using any of his credits but nope that's not good enough no one is allowed to touch the machine until he's done with them now i know it's not worth arguing so i step back and he starts requesting songs till he's used up every single credit now each song costs 2-5 credits so he's put in a lot of songs each song also gives you the option to pay an extra two credits to have your song played next but i noticed that he wasn't using it this particular brand of jukebox has an accompanying phone app i didn't have it downloaded prior to last night but i do now i calmly sat down at my table with my friend and put my plan into motion i go to the app store find the app download install it create an account and purchase 10 bucks worth of credits i request two songs and pay the extra two credits to fast track them i'm sitting there in quiet anticipation and i can see that jack is starting to get into a groove with the music he'd requested his heart sinks when bomb bomb bomb by sam and the womp comes on but no big deal guys his song must be next nope it's wannabe by the spice girls he sits down dejected i quickly purchase another 20 bucks in credits and request baby by justin bieber live in la vida loca by ricky martin axle f by crazy frog and foil by weird al and i fast track every one of them part way through foil i noticed jack sulking in his chair so i purchased another 20 credits and proceed to request never going to give you up by rick astley who let the dogs out by baja men numa numa by ozone and star wars cantina march by john williams now they're starting to realize that something's up so jack and a few staff who were on last night gather at the jukebox to see what's going on at this point the cantina march is playing they turn the jukebox off then back on again and each time it's picking up where it left off so at this point i can't hold my laughter and let out a muted chuckle one of my co-workers catches on and comes over with her phone in hand with the app open and shoves it in my face with a how dare you now at this point i quietly get up down my last mouthful of beer put my jacket on and walk out without a word i go home and proceed to log back into the app i purchase another 10 bucks and fast track all i want for christmas by mariah carey and mickey by tony basil as one last bite me to jack i can only imagine the fallout i'm gonna face monday when i show up for work but whatever my forty dollars was no less valid than his and no one customer gets to commandeer the tunes for the entire night and physically block everybody else from touching it i absolutely love this story it reminds me of that one john mulaney joke where he and his friend john were sitting at a restaurant and they did the exact same thing except they played tom jones what's new pussycat over and over and over again driving the whole place absolutely bonkers so my stepdad's been the manager at the only bar in town for 15 years the owners are three brothers who also own several other businesses in the county as a teen i babysat the owner's kids i had my first job washing dishes at the bar and eventually ended up marrying one of the brothers stepsons it's safe to say that my family and the owner's family are pretty enmeshed so this story happened a few days before christmas i was covering behind the bar because it was a crazy busy holiday with travelers and they needed some help this entitled idiot shows up in all of his glory complaining about the highways getting closed down on account of the storm i'm pulling beers for the brothers and their wives and my bar back was running drinks so he had to wait a few minutes after dropping the beers off and grabbing limes from my mother-in-law i hurry back behind the bar to grab the guy's drink order before refilling drinks for the rest of the bar this is the conversation as follows the entitled idiot says where the hell have you been i'm a passing customer i should not have to wait half an hour before you take my order now at most it was five minutes i told him i'm sorry for the inconvenience sir i just had to run some drinks out real fast what can i get for you the idiot says rum and coke that's coke not pepsi and hurry up i told him absolutely i will just need your id and that'll be six bucks he says id i'm obviously not a kid just get me the damn drink i told him in the states we have to id every person every time regardless of age and i need to see some id or i can't serve you sir he says oh really how about i just call the owner and have him sorted out then you'll have to explain to your family why you lost your job before christmas over something this stupid you still want the id i told them yeah i still need the id and the owner will agree with that now at this point the idiot actually pulls out his phone and makes a phone call i don't know who he called but it wasn't one of the brothers who's at the table that i can see from the bar he hands me his phone and an unknown man tells me that i just need to serve his friend's drink or not even bother showing up for my next shift now i don't have a regular shift i'm just covering the regular bartender as a favorite of the brothers so at this point i laughed at the unknown person and hung up at this point my mother-in-law and the oldest of the brothers are watching what's happening the oldest brother comes to find out what's happening and he says what's going on here the guy says this girl refuses to serve me i called the owner and this little idiot still won't get my drink brother says oh you know the owner yeah now get me my drink and this can all go away the brother turns to me and asked why won't you get his drink i told him he refused to give his id she looks at him and says well then she can't serve you the idiot then says do you work here or are you just being nosy because i can have you fired too so the brother then says oh right you said you know the owners he then yells out to the other brothers hey you all know this guy now everybody in the bar is looking because the brothers are not people you don't notice yelling in a small space the other brothers are confused and say no brother looks at him and says i don't know who you are either either hand over your id or get the hell out of here so long story short he then throws a fit and is eventually physically removed from the bar by the two brothers oh my freaking goodness this man actually called somebody that pretended to be the owner oh no how freaking embarrassing is this guys knowingly call someone that you know isn't the owner and getting called out for it what the heck is going on some people just take i know the owner way too far way too far so the day after christmas about 10 years ago my brother called me up and asked me for some assistance setting up some of his home equipment he lived down the road from a store that specialized in discount china so naturally it was extremely busy busy as in cars were parked everywhere including on the grass that was in front of the store and it was impossible to see around the corner if somebody was to pull out of the furthest exit unfortunately the speed limit is 50 miles per hour so i decided to play it safe and was doing roughly half the speed limit perhaps 30 miles per hour while going around the corner of the store even at the speed of course some guy decides to pull out without checking and i couldn't stop in time to avoid hitting him now i was driving an older car that already had some damage and he had a small dent on his fender so i get out of the car take a look at the damage and turn around to see a furious older red-faced gentleman in front of me so right after i tell him that it doesn't look like much damage and there's no need to contact the police he proceeds to scream in my face he's screaming about how i just damaged his 100 000 mercedes how his car is worth more than anything i'll ever own and how i was speeding and this is all my fault he also said that i'm gonna have to pay for all of his damages and if i don't he's gonna sue me blah blah blah if you've ever been in an accident you may know the type he's messing with the wrong person though a young woman driving by herself may appear to be easily intimidated but i was just trying to be nice i kept telling him that there's no need to escalate the situation as we can exchange information and be on our merry way and let insurance deal with it he said no he wants the police to come to get me in trouble i'm thinking okay if you want to get the police involved let's do it buddy i call the non-emergency line explain that there's a very minor car accident and the other driver was harassing me insisting that it was my fault so i would feel better if police were involved after a 30-minute wait an officer shows up at the scene i not being a total sat quietly in my car and waited for the officer to come to me the other driver felt that it was necessary to leap out of his vehicle run over to me and say you're gonna get it now and runs over to the officer and starts screaming and gesturing wildly now i didn't catch what was said but i did see the look on the cops face and i was getting more and more amused after being clearly told to get back into his car the cop comes over to me and asked what happened i told him what was going on and that i had actually slowed down because of how busy the business was he nodded and went to go measure the skid marks on the road and confirmed that he believed that i was actually doing about 25 and complimented my thinking on safe driving in a specific situation he then proceeded to write the other driver a ticket and the other driver speeds off with his window down flipping me off at this point the cop comes over to me explains that he wrote it up as the other driver's fault for more than a thousand dollars due to the damage on his fender he also stated that darling i don't say this often but i believe you should take that man's insurance company for every dime you can get i love when people like this get what they deserve guys like yeah it was a car accident but that's no excuse to get out of your car and basically harass the crap out of the other person just because you can afford a nice car does not give you the right to treat others like crap good for you sir if you can afford a hundred thousand dollar car you can afford a thousand dollar ticket and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash and title people guys we survived another one i hope you enjoyed the stories as much as i did entitled people getting what they deserve just brings a smile to my face guys if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people i will link it right here a woman takes out her anger on op service dog and regrets it immediately check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 124,633
Rating: 4.963285 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, best revenge stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, instant karma, instant karma police, entitled people reddit, karma stories, i know the owner
Id: XEa-bH03IL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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