r/EntitledPeople - Karen PEPPER SPRAYS Paramedics For Trying to Save a Life!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear ridiculous stories about people who believe the world revolves around them and that nobody else matters guys i hope you're having a great day today and you know what's up you're about to hear some super entitled stories so buckle up because this one is a wild one i hope you enjoy the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future tales so we're headed out for a family vacation flying first class for the first time our group has seven of the eight seats adjacent to the cockpit with one random seat amongst us and boy did we find a karen right from the get-go karen made her presence known now we board with my father-in-law who's in a wheelchair to find that for some reason this lady boards the plane along with us now i want to note that at this time boarding is for passengers who need the extra time to board now it seems like her motivation to do so was to pack not only her overhead compartment with her multitude of carry-on items but she also needs to use all of mine and half of someone else's too okay fine whatever we can deal with it now the flight then gets delayed for being short crew and karen immediately starts demanding wine before we even leave the ground as soon as the stewardess tells her no and walks off she starts complaining to us about how crappy first class is with his airline now at this point i'm thinking can you just shut the hell up already then comes the inevitable we can just leave without the crew member right we don't need them now apparently she wasn't paying attention because the missing crew was the freaking pilot we were then released back out to the terminal for a bit to stretch since the delay was so long and we returned to our seats to find my daughter's seat occupied by karen's friend who was flying economy class after standing around and clearing our throats several times to get their attention it's obvious that they have no awareness of anyone outside their bubble finally after both myself my daughter and my mother-in-law all ask them to clear out they finally acknowledge that they're in someone else's seat when we eventually get up in the air cue karen slamming glasses of wine after the third glass she's drunk as hell because she then dumped the entire fourth glass of wine on my teenage daughter and did not even acknowledge that she'd done it there's no sorry no here's a napkin she just immediately starts demanding another drink all the while her face mask is down while she's drinking but the second i take mine off to drink some water this grabs my arm and starts demanding that i put my mask back on because i'm spreading germs so at this point i finally tell the stewardess everything and they stop serving her but she spends the rest of the trip complaining about how crappy the airline is and trying to talk to my daughter the entire time who's legitimately worried that this is gonna puke on her now i've been fortunate enough to never have encountered anything like this while on a plane this karen should be thrown off the plane immediately while it's in the air with a parachute of course we're not heartless guys we're not heartless now i live in a three unit townhome we're all good friends and share keys with one another one of them is my best friend who with my approval is allowed to enter my house while i'm gone to grab whatever she needs in return she cooks me food and shares her alcohol with me on weekends the only thing is that she has the code to my house alarm this becomes relevant later so one day the entitled neighbor who lives in a different building sees her leaving my house and asks what's up now we're all friendly with one another so she's familiar with my friend so my friend tells her that i gave her permission to go into my house anytime she needs now the entitled neighbor thinks that we're friends just because i'm friendly to her and she texts me to rat out my friend i tell her it's fine now the entitled neighbor is very obnoxious but we're all nice to her because you don't want crazy people living across the street so a week later the entitled neighbor comes by and asks why i won't give her a key to my house i make up an excuse that it's a safety thing because i'm the only one with a fire extinguisher which is also a fact the only excuse i can think of now is my landlord won't let me and that seemed to shut her up i really don't want her in my house i can only imagine what she'll do in there and her bringing her kids over to trash my stuff i have really expensive computer equipment i don't need kids around so fast forward a month later she sees me unload a bucket of fireball shots and quickly makes a beeline across the street and asks for some and trying to make friendly conversation i roll my eyes and struggle with a seal and hand her too she then says thanks babe i love you now whatever it's not a big deal meanwhile she still messages me like friends and i watch her house from time to time while she's gone so last week i'm at my mom's house when i get a phone call from my home security system company asking if i need police now my roommates and my queue holder neighbors have my code and it gives you 60 seconds to punch in the code so something's up i rush home and my front door is wide open with two cops inside i rush inside and see the entitled neighbor standing at the counter and she casually says oh here she is she lets me in her house all the time we're best friends tell the officer we're friends now at this point my jaw drops apparently she has the garage door code to my friend's house where she found my house keys in my friend's house and she has the audacity to take my stuff when i'm gone like she's entitled to it she didn't message me that the alarm was screaming to let me know she wanted something and didn't even leave when the cops show up it took the cops 8 minutes to get there so i have no idea what she was doing with a screaming alarm going off she broke into two houses like it was no big deal i demand she leaves not pressing charges because i don't want a crazy angry neighbor my city charges you a hundred bucks if you have an unregistered alarm system so i get a fine from the city i paid the fee and stuck the bill in her doorway i haven't seen a dime of that yet she also hasn't asked for my alcohol either since then guys opie is way too kind to not press charges on that woman she literally broke into two houses and tells police it's okay because we're friends no not at that point we aren't listen opie seemed like she didn't even like the woman so that was the perfect time to be like um officer i've never seen this woman in my life you need to arrest her right now but let me know what you guys think what would you do if you were in op shoes this happened a few weekends ago there's this restaurant that my husband and i want to try and figure the holiday weekend was the perfect time to go it's the kind of place you find 28 to 35 year olds sipping craft beer and dropping the f-bomb a lot a place that serves fancy food and doesn't have a kids menu it's not a very kid-friendly environment and yet on sunday nights 8 30 p.m we were seated next to a group of four adults and two boys who were five and six and a baby five minutes after being seated one of the kids had a tantrum the kid got bored so his mom gave him her iphone he dropped it she yelled and then she and dad starts to fight about how he never disciplines the kid fun times now this went on for a while until all four adults at the table gave up parenting and let their kids run loose literally for 30 minutes these people watch their kids run past other people's tables crawl under them knock into patrons bump chairs spill drinks and trip the waitresses then one of them knocked into a chair and woke up the sleeping baby and of course it starts crying at no point did they tell their kids to behave to stop it to sit down or to calm down no one took the crying baby outside no one did a single thing to keep any of the kids quiet for 30 minutes at this point i lost it the next time the waitress comes around i quietly told her that the table next to us was essentially ruining our meal and by the stairs they were getting from the other patrons it wasn't just us who'd had it she gave me a knowing look and said she completely understood and that she'd try to move us to another table a few minutes later the manager appears at the hell table he quietly said something that made them all do that innocent stunned who me they were gathering their things when one of the moms starts to mutter under her breath her husband told her to leave it and of course she couldn't she said no i will not leave it i can't believe they would do this to us we're paying customers just like the rest of you people i'm trying to enjoy a nice meal with my friends i bet none of you have kids you don't know what it's like the nerve of some people would you like me to pay for your meals would that make up for the inconvenience of my son being a child so then this one hero stands up and says it was me i complained you know why because i too am a parent and if my kids behaved like yours did tonight i would be ashamed of myself i know better than and have the decency to control my kids and not have them interrupt others during a meal so before she could say anything someone at the other table said we complained and we too are parents i watched your son run into our waitress four times while you did nothing that's not called being a child that's called being a crappy parent of course at that point i piped up and said your son knocked into my chair about a dozen times tonight and tried to crawl under our table you did nothing while the two of them ran around screaming like banshees for half an hour i absolutely complained so about four other tables start to express how they felt with the group before the mom got indignant and walked out we all applauded and it was brilliant trying to play the victim did not work this time karen i'm terribly sorry like trying to tell others how they don't know because they don't have kids only to find out that a lot of people do have kids and they parent better than you oof oh how embarrassing [Music] so about 10 months ago a guy goes down outside of a strip mall store he has a medical alert bracelet on about a heart condition paramedics get called which arrived quickly thanks to first responders they showed up jumped out and start getting to work karen rolls up behind the paramedics truck and starts screaming that the truck cut her off at the intersection with lights and sirens she then demands the paramedic look at her as she melts down while he's starting cpr on the victim the paramedic is ignoring her entirely telling her to step back and steps to get something from the truck she then blocks his way and gets moved aside as he goes to the truck now this is where karen pulls out pepper spray she hoses the standing paramedic directly in the face but she's not done there she sprays the second paramedic on the ground and just for trifecta she hoses down the heart attack victim screaming that he's too young to have a heart attack now at this point i quickly dart in and took it as my cue to remove her pepper spray and hold on to her with others until police arrive the others are trying to help with cpr while some try to wash out the eyes of the paramedics the police arrives and karen immediately goes into handcuffs and then attempts to bite and kick the police which results her getting hog-tied and her shirt pulled up over her face at which time she starts screaming assault but here's the kicker when police arrest her she starts with do you know who i am so the results are two counts of aggravated assault with a weapon on paramedics two counts of assault on police one count of aggravated assault with a weapon on the heart attack victim which survived and resisting arrest with violence she's also being sued by the heart attack victim for 10 million dollars which she apparently has her trial is coming up and i bought a new suit for it and my old ass will be there with bells on since the entire event is on video from two cameras it'll be interesting to see what her high powered legal team is going to cook up but ultimately i hope she'll be convicted she's facing a possible 65 years but practically will only get about 10 maximum if any prison time as a side note her husband is a bank vice president and refused to make her bail it took 13 days for her family to bail her out there must be a good reason that her husband refused her bail she seems like a great lady now guys i don't know whether or not this story is true because i did try to do a quick google search and something like this would definitely be on the news right but i did find a news article of a woman pepper spraying paramedics so it does happen guys it does happen paramedics do get peppers right when i was a baby my parents rescued a dog from the animal shelter and we named him buddy buddy was half german shepherd half golden retriever we called him our golden shepherd and he was the perfect family dog as the years passed our family grew larger and buddy saw each of us as his own puppies he would let us snuggle with him use him as a pillow and i think he thought he was human since he would only walk on the sidewalk only lay on blankets and chasing a ball or a stick was absolutely beneath him what a quirky boy now this story takes place when i was 12 years old so by her best guess buddy was at least 13 years old he was old and all the kids in our family knew to give him space and to treat him nicely just like how you would treat an old man now we had some new neighbors who didn't like us very much they only had a three-year-old daughter and one indoor cat so our family of kids and a dog were a bit too loud and dirty for them they avoided us as much as possible but occasionally their daughter would be outside playing at the same time we were and we would invite her to play with us on one day like this my sister had buddy on a leash in the front yard drawing with sidewalk chalk with her friend but he was just lying in the sunshine next to them the little girl comes out and asked if she could draw with chalk too and of course my sister let her and didn't think anything bad could happen the girl being three years old draws for a bit and then runs off and comes back to draw some more then runs off again and my sister doesn't worry about her because she's just being a toddler after a bit she tried climbing on buddy's back like a horse my sister stopped her and explained that buddy's an old man and that hurts his back the little girl nods and runs off so after a little while of everything going fine the girl runs up again and tries to climb on his back again my sister again corrected her explaining that that hurts buddy and we don't want to hurt him so please don't climb on his back the little girl says okay and runs off so the girl comes back again this time she comes back and climbed on buddy's back a third time just as my sister noticed her and starts to say something but he growls the growl spooked the girl and she lost her balance and fell off and hit her face on the sidewalk when my sister took her to her parents house they were convinced that buddy bitter they wouldn't listen to my sister's story and instead insisted the scrape on the daughter's cheek was a dog bite even though it was clearly a wide sidewalk scrape not teeth marks now buddy had no history of biting i ran outside to see buddy just sitting there with his head down like he thought he was in trouble poor dog wouldn't hurt a fly in the dramatic to-do they rushed their daughter to the hospital and got her cheek vanished up and sought out a military police officer with experience working with attack dogs who told them that once a german shepherd takes blood they will never stop trying to kill that person so the parents came to us that night and demand that we put our dog down because he would try to kill their daughter my dad was very reasonable and understood their fear so he said he would talk to the family and get back to them when he told us they wanted us to put down our dog we all start crying and hugging buddy and begging dad not to do it my dad was a big softy but he could be fiercely protective of his family if someone made us cry it was all over the next day he told the neighbors that he believed my sister and that the dog did not bite their daughter and that he was old and trying to protect himself from being hurt they didn't take this well and from then on they would call their daughter inside whenever they saw us with or without the dog they even tried spreading gossip about us with the other neighbors everybody else liked us though so that didn't go anywhere so long story short the mean neighbors moved out and buddy lived to the ripe old age of 17. he died after a long battle with cancer on my 16th birthday so op does have a picture of the dog right here the dog looks like such a sweetheart doesn't he is that thing with german shepherds true though that when they taste blood they're immediately out to kill or do the parents lie about that to get the family to put down their sweet dog and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today and thank you so much for coming to hang out with me and listening to these wacky stories if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people i will link it right here a mother disowns her daughter for the most ridiculous reason ever i promise you it's a crazy story so check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 228,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, fail, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, karen freakout, entitled karen, instant karma, entitled people reddit, karma stories, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled in laws, worst mom ever
Id: 9burPgiBNjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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